Where you can relax almost all year round. Weather And temperature in Vietnam V different parts countries are different, since Vietnam is very strongly elongated from north to south (almost 2.5 thousand km).

Conventionally, Vietnam can be divided into three climatic zones s: North, Central and South. Due to the difference in weather and temperature rest in Vietnam in each of the climatic zones of the country will be comfortable in different time of the year.

Weather and temperature in the southern part of Vietnam

In the south of Vietnam (from Mui Ne to Ho Chi Minh City), two seasons can be distinguished - dry and wet. Temperature air And water on South Vietnam at different times of the year fluctuate slightly - within a few degrees.

Average annual temperature air southern Vietnam is 26-28 degrees. The dry season in this part of the country starts in December and ends in April. From February to early May in the south Vietnam stands hot weather practically no rain. The wet season starts in southern Vietnam in May and ends in November. The largest number precipitation falls here from June to August. However, the rains summer months short and it can be said that cloudy days give a pleasant respite from the heat.

The best weather and temperature in southern Vietnam starts in October and continues through April. This period is considered the high season in this part of the country.

The main resorts of the south of Vietnam are Mui Ne, Vung Tau and Phu Quoc Island.

Mui Ne is located about 200 km north of Ho Chi Minh City near the town of Phan Thiet. The former fishing village over the past decades has become one of Vietnam, and indeed the whole of Southeast Asia.

We can say that Mui Ne is a year-round resort. Wind and strong waves winter time years is a feature weather this place in Vietnam. It is thanks to the constantly blowing winds that Mui Ne attracts so many amateurs and professional kiters.

Along the entire coast there is a large number of kite schools with experienced instructors.

The best weather for kiting in Vietnam- from November to March. Sometimes, with a strong wind on the sea in Mui Ne, the waves reach 4 meters in height.

But lovers of a calm sea should come to Mui Ne from April to September. At that time weather in Vietnamese Mui Ne changes to calm and the sea becomes calm and transparent.

Vung Tau is a resort located just 128 km from Ho Chi Minh City, which has a very developed tourist infrastructure. This is one of the oldest resorts in the country. All along the coast are the former villas of the Vietnamese nobility, now converted into restaurants and guesthouses. There are several beaches in Vung Tau: front, back and mulberry. There is also a small, picturesque beach with the French name Roche Noir. On the mountain above the city stands a huge statue of Jesus, 32 m high, very similar to the one in Rio de Janeiro. The disadvantages of the resort include close proximity to oil platforms, which is why the sea in Vung Tau cannot be called clean.

Phu Quoc Island is located in the Gulf of Thailand, 45 km from the coast and is the largest island in Vietnam. The island is 48 km long and 25 km wide. For a long time the island was considered a disputed territory between Vietnam and Cambodia. The island currently belongs to Vietnam. This is perhaps the quietest and most beachy of all Vietnamese resorts. The beaches of Phu Quoc stretch from the town of Duong Dong to the south and are built up with hotels almost along their entire length. In 2008, they were recognized as the cleanest and most beautiful in the world. The island is best suited for a relaxing family vacation and recreation with children. The best weather and water temperature in Vietnam on Phu Quoc Island from October to March.

rainy weather gradually begins on this Vietnamese island from April. wet season lasts in Fukuoka until October. in Fukuoka are practically absent, but the nature of the island is beautiful and in some places almost untouched. It is noteworthy that, unlike other areas of Vietnam, rice is not grown here. Instead of rice, the island has huge plantations of black pepper. Phu Quoc is the world's number one exporter of peppers. You can get to the island by plane from Ho Chi Minh City, or by bus and ferry from Ha Tien.

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is also located in the south of Vietnam. The best and most comfortable weather in this city Vietnam from October to April.

Ho Chi Minh is the most Big city Vietnam (population about 8 million people). During the French rule and later (from 1955 to 1975) Saigon was the capital of the country. At the end of the war with the communist North Vietnam, Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City.

Weather and temperature in Central Vietnam

The main resorts of the central part of Vietnam are Nha Trang and Da Nang.

Nha Trang is located 450 km north of Ho Chi Minh City. You can get to it - either by bus (about 9-10 hours on the way), or by plane. There is an airport 25 km from Nha Trang.

Best time and most comfortable weather in Vietnam in Nha Trang from February to June. During this dry season in Nha Trang, almost every day will be sunny and fine.

Temperature air And water on this Vietnamese resort will also be the most comfortable in the months from February to June. The sea on the beaches of Nha Trang at this time will be calm and transparent.

Weather in Vietnam in Nha Trang V summer months it will be rainy and temperature air high, so Nha Trang is not the most the best place for summer holidays.

The rainiest and windiest weather in Vietnamese city Nha Trang is the months of November and December. At this time, it rains almost every day, and the sea is very stormy.

Nha Trang is the most popular resort in Vietnam among Russian tourists. Russian speech is heard everywhere here, most of the signs are in Russian, and it is often easier to communicate with local Vietnamese in Russian than in English. Unlike Mui Ne, also popular with Russians, which looks more like a village, Nha Trang is a city with a well-developed infrastructure. Along the seven-kilometer sandy beach stretches a number of luxury hotels, including well-known international chains. And the rest of the city is built up with hotels very densely.

The beach in Nha Trang is very clean and well maintained, like the whole city. The mountains here approach the coast itself, so there is less rainfall than in other regions of the country and the likelihood of typhoons is minimal. Nha Trang is suitable for calm beach holiday and for lovers nightlife. The city has many bars, nightclubs and discos.

In addition, here is a paradise for diving enthusiasts. Dive clubs in the city at every turn. At the same time, diving in Vietnam is considered the cheapest in the world. Known for Nha Trang and how medical resort. There is a clinic of mud therapy and treatment in the city mineral water. People come here to be treated for diseases of the joints, broncho-pulmonary and skin diseases.

Da Nang is located 500 km north of Nha Trang. Most comfortable weather V this city Vietnam from February to August. It is one of the largest port and industrial cities in Vietnam. In terms of population, it ranks fourth in the country. Despite the developed tourist infrastructure, a large number of hotels and good beaches(China Beach is recognized as one of the best in the country), the number of tourists coming here is much less than in the same Nha Trang.

Most travelers consider Da Nang as a transit point when moving from north to south or vice versa.

In Da Nang, there is almost no hectic traffic on the roads. Getting around the city on foot and on a rented motorbike is much more comfortable than in most other cities in Vietnam.

Weather and temperature in Northern Vietnam

Weather and temperature in Vietnam in its northern part are characterized by well-marked seasonal differences. Winters in this part of the country are quite cold. Temperature in Vietnam in the north in December and January it can fall below 10 gr. And here weather And temperature northern Vietnam V summer time sometimes even hotter than in the south of Vietnam.

The landscape of the north of the country is predominantly mountainous. In these places, snow is not uncommon, especially in the vicinity of the city of Sapa.

In the north of Vietnam is the capital and main administrative center of the country - Hanoi. If you are going to visit Hanoi, then remember that weather in the Vietnamese capital very often rainy and very cool. Especially uncomfortable and often frankly cold in Hanoi in winter.

The main resort of northern Vietnam is Halong.

Halong Bay is a real pearl of Vietnam. He is listed world heritage UNESCO. There are buses and a train from Hanoi to Ha Long, so getting there is not difficult. More than 1,600 rocky islands are scattered throughout the area of ​​the bay. The view of the bay is stunning at first sight and leaves no one indifferent.

And here weather in vietnam in Halong Bay is not always friendly. beach season, by virtue of climatic features, rather short. in winter temperature water in Vietnamese bay halong drops to 15 gr. Summer is very rainy. Therefore, the most favorable weather in vietnam

Monthly weather in Vietnam

To paraphrase famous song, we can say: there is no bad weather in Vietnam, every weather is a blessing. Vacation in Vietnam all year round You just need to know where and at what time. And, of course, consider what type of vacation you are most interested in.

The territory of the country stretches from north to south along the coast South China Sea almost 2 thousand kilometers, so it is open for a beach holiday at any time of the year. When it's cold in the north, and it's winter, in the south - the Velvet season. When it is rainy and typhoon season in the south, and this is summer and autumn, it is hot in the north.

North Vietnam

In the north of Vietnam, the winter is quite cool, the temperature drops to + 8-10 C, in the mountains it can drop to +5 C. This weather in Vietnam lasts from November to April. But from May to October it is hot here, although it can be rainy, the average summer temperature is +30 C. The rains are torrential, tropical, and not lingering, so the mood will not be spoiled. It's time to come to Ha Long to swim in one of the most beautiful bays in the world, sunbathe and go diving. At this time, it is good to visit the Sapa resort, admire the flowering rice terraces.

Nha Trang

Nha Trang is located in the middle between the central and southern Vietnam, so let's talk about the weather here separately. The temperature never drops as low as in the central part of the country and never rises as high as in the south.

As elsewhere, there are two seasons - dry and wet. The dry season lasts from December to March, with light rains beginning in April, and a full-fledged wet season from June. Velvet season falls on February - April. The temperature is kept within +30 C, the refreshing sea, a light breeze and no stuffiness. In June, the rainy season begins and it gets hotter. This is the weather when the sea calms down, the water temperature reaches +30 C, it rains at night or short-term - during the day. Therefore, the rainy season in Nha Trang is absolutely no reason to refuse a trip.

In October and November, winds and typhoons come, however, in Nha Trang, these are only high waves and wind. Typhoons, as a rule, bypass it. At this time, the temperature drops to +26 ─ 28 C, and becomes less sunny days.

South Vietnam

This is the hottest area of ​​the country, especially the island of Phu Quoc. This also includes tourist cities Mui Ne, Vung Tau, Phan Thiet and South Capital Vietnam ─ Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Here is the most hot weather in Vietnam and you can relax all year round. The temperature is stable from +27 to +35 C. The rainy season starts from the end of April and lasts until October. Just like everywhere else - these are not prolonged rains and do not interfere with rest, they go mostly at night. The peak of the wet season is June-August.

April is the least comfortable in the south for those who do not like or do not tolerate intense heat. Then it is better to go here in January-February.

Separately - about the rainy season

The rainy season continues from April to October. At this time, the weather is the hottest, especially in the south. And the rain is perceived as a relief, because it does not come often. Most often, these are night showers, when cities and nature wake up washed and refreshed in the morning. The rain starts suddenly ─ real, tropical, but it does not last long. It may not be there for a week, and then for two days it is cloudy and it rains again. That, in fact, is the entire rainy season in Vietnam. The sea is calm at this time and it is very pleasant to swim in it.


The north is still at the mercy of the cold. Daytime temperatures do not rise above + 14-16 C. In Nha Trang, the winds gradually subside, a stable temperature is established - about +28 C. The velvet season begins here. In the south of the country it gets hotter - up to +31 C.


It is getting much warmer in the capital of Vietnam, the thermometer is already showing stably + 20-22 C, but it’s not worth swimming yet. March in Nha Trang differs little from February in temperature, but the sea becomes calmer. In the south - in Ho Chi Minh City, Mui Ne and Fukuoka, the heat becomes more noticeable - up to +32 C.


April brings the first rains, opening the wet season. And at the same time, this is the month when a beach holiday is possible throughout the country. It is already quite warm in Hanoi + 22─27 C. True, there are often fogs in Halong Bay, but this does not interfere with a beach holiday.

Nha Trang pleases more calm sea and water temperature + 25─26 C. Daytime air temperature is about +31 C. At southern resorts– heat, small rare rains and warm sea. Temperature from +25 to +33 C.


In the north, a full-fledged beach season begins, despite the fact that it may rain. The temperature no longer drops below +23 C at night, and during the day it confidently stays at 31 C. It rains in Nha Trang, but at night. During the day they are rare and because of them they do not even cancel excursions. Daytime temperature is about +32 C, at night - +23─24 C. It is still hot in the south - in Mui Ne about +32 C, in Fukuoka - +33─34 C, the water is very warm.


Starts low tourist season due to the abundance of rain, although the heat is on the territory of the whole country - from +31 C in the north to +35 C in the south and in Nha Trang. Because of heavy rains Central Vietnam is considered a particularly dangerous region, where devastating floods most often occur. In the north and in the south you can rest without fear. Showers do not go continuously, so there are still many sunny days.


July weather across the country practically does not differ from June.


In the north, the heat continues - up to +32 C. In Nha Trang, the average temperature is + 29-30 C, although it can rise up to +34 C. At this time, the sea becomes very calm, so this month is quite suitable for a beach holiday in Nha Trang. The south of Vietnam pleases with hot weather and warm sea like all summer. In Fukuoka, it's time for storms.

A country to which you can travel at any time of the year. If you want to spend time on the beach or on trips around the country, choose north or south depending on the season - and you will get the vacation you are counting on.

Climate features in the regions of the country

Conditionally climate map countries can be divided into three zones: southern, northern and eastern.

North characterizes subtropical climate under the control of the monsoons. The rainy season starts at the end of April and ends at the beginning of October.

Summer here is extremely rainy, but hot, and in winter it is damp and also cool. In the mountains at this time frosts are noted, sometimes snow falls.

central District also influenced by the monsoons. January is considered quite cool here, but the temperature plus twenty degrees is unlikely to scare tourists from Russia, who know the price very well real winter. October and November in the center of the country is the peak of the rainy season, and its time frame is from late July to January.

The climate of the south Vietnam - tropical, soft. North winds do not penetrate here, the temperature is very even throughout all seasons. In the Mekong Delta average is 26 degrees.

The best time to relax

Vietnam - hospitable state with exotic nature and numerous man-made.

The beginning of the best time visits for tourists fall in the winter: you can swim, sunbathe. The peak season is between December and early April.

May - end of October due to high rainfall not so popular, but they are attracted by lower prices for services, and this "plus" can seriously change the picture of popularity.

You can visit the country as a tourist at any time of the year, it is only important to choose the right route so that the weather conditions of a particular region do not violate your plans.

Rain season

rainy season in vietnam lasts up to six months, but never passes simultaneously throughout the country. This allows tourists to choose those resorts where neither an umbrella nor a raincoat is needed.

Incidentally, even the rain is not that bad, as it seems. For example, at the most popular resorts in the south, they do not overshadow the rest: they go mainly at night, and during the day they are very short - half an hour - forty minutes. This time can be spent in a cafe or in a hotel. And you won't have to stay too long - the heat and the sun will replace the refreshing downpour.

The only "but": in the center and in the north of Vietnam, the weather is dominated by monsoons. They raise high waves, and sea holidays can become unsafe.

That is why beach lovers are better off opting for a southerly direction.

Rainy season in Nha Trang in the following video:

Air and water temperature in winter

Winter holidays in Vietnamese resorts comfortable and not very expensive. The weather at the most popular Vietnamese resorts is largely determined by the activity of the monsoon. He comes from the northeast, and thanks to him, when it rains in the north of the country, it is dry in the south, the sun shines brightly.

If guests of the country, in addition to the beach and the sea, need some experience, they can take part in the Fragrant Pagoda Festival. The festival lasts for two months, so there is always the opportunity to choose the most interesting event taking place within its framework.

Photo and description of spring on the coast

Southern resorts are the most popular not only in winter, but also in spring. Air and water temperatures are almost the same. You can sunbathe, swim, exercise beach views sports.

The tourism industry of Vietnam offers many interesting excursions that are organized in the central and northern regions of the country - where the beach season has not yet fully come into its own.

Summer vacation

main feature summer Vietnamese weather: it rains all over the country and only in the center it is dry, even a little rain is a very rare occurrence. Typhoons are not uncommon in the central part of Vietnam, and it is cool in the evenings.

  1. IN June tourists feel most comfortable in the center and south-east of the country. Precipitation here is less than in other regions. Warm, although there is already a significant difference between the heat of the day and the coolness of the night. Judge for yourself: during the day - 33, at night - 24. The water temperature is from 28 to 29 degrees.
  2. The southwest and south are captured by the rains, combined with the heat, this creates not the most favorable conditions for recreation: stuffy.

  3. IN July the thermometer indicates 33 degrees in the daytime, at night it drops to 27. The water in the sea is 28 degrees. It's hot almost everywhere. For recreation, they choose places where there is less rain - for example, the central part of the country. And on the northern coast - damp and hot. In the south, on the island of Phu Quoc - tropical downpours.
  4. IN august rains are also approaching the central regions of the country. But these rains, fortunately, are very short, and it is not in their power to interfere with the rest of tourists. Still hot. The water temperature is 28 - 29 degrees, air - 33 (day) and 24 (at night).

The vagaries of autumn

Autumn brings with it strong wind, typhoons. But the rains are starting to recede a little, however, so far only in the north. In all regions it is hot, up to plus thirty degrees. The most favorable conditions for recreation at this time of the year are on the island of Phu Quoc.

  1. IN September warm in the center and in the south. During the day it is 32, and at night - 23 degrees. There is a lot of rain, especially in the north, but the central region is quite calm in terms of rain, and potential tourists are looking at it. And experts recommend visiting the southeast of Vietnam, where it is especially comfortable in September.
  2. Tourists are waiting for an unforgettable experience from the Mid-Autumn Festival. In the center of the holiday is a beautiful legend about a hero who flew to the moon.

  3. October considered the least suitable for travel to Vietnam. Incessant rains, strong winds, typhoons. Water temperature from 27 to 28, atmospheric air 30 - 33 (day) and 23 - 24 (night).

    The north takes the first place in popularity of resorts: there is little rain, bathing season in full swing, the sea warmed up to 25 degrees. No exhausting heat.

  4. weather in november: the south becomes the most popular again: sea ​​water warmed up to 27 degrees. Air temperature 32 (day) and 23 (night). The rainy season is ending. The beaches are full of sunshine.
  5. But in the central regions of rainfall is still very much. In addition, typhoons are possible here, so a beach holiday is a big question.

tropical fruits

One of the main "chips" of the holiday in Vietnam - the opportunity to taste tropical fruits. Some of them appear on the tables all year round(bananas, coconuts, pineapples, papaya, guava), but there are also seasonal fruits, so if your goal is to eat lychee or mangosteen, carefully study the "fruit calendar":

  • winter treats: pitahaya (called dragon fruit), grapes, longan, oranges, durian, koimito (star apple), sapodilla, lime;
  • spring fruits: pitahaya, longan, durian, pomelo, tropical plum, mango, jackfruit, lychee, rambutan, avocado, mangosteen, herring;
  • in summer it: pitahaya, pomelo, sapodilla, longan, avocado, durian, herring, citron, rambutan, cherimoya, persimmon;
  • autumn: pitahaya, longan, persimmon, durian, melon, pomelo, sapodilla, rambutan, citron, cherimoya.

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IN last years Russians are increasingly choosing Asian countries for their holidays. Vietnam can be an ideal vacation destination, but when planning a trip, you also need to take into account the weather at the time of your stay. Temperature, humidity and rainfall may vary by season and province.

Resorts in Vietnam are stretched from its northern part to its southern part, so the weather can be very different at the same time. If you are going on a trip to Vietnam, it is better to look at the air and water temperature, as well as the amount of precipitation in Vietnam by months in advance.

Climate of Vietnam

The country can be divided into - South, North, Central Coast and Central Coast of Vietnam. Each has its own characteristics in terms of climate.

Northern part

In the North - subtropics, which promises a high level of humidity and significant precipitation in summer and relatively cool weather due to wind in winter. The first two months of the year in the northern provinces usually have light rains, but from mid-summer to the end of September there are real tropical downpours - strong and prolonged.

Note! During the period from mid-summer to early September, 4/5 of the annual rainfall falls.

If you are not ready for cool weather during your winter vacation, then it is better not to visit the northern provinces. At the very beginning of the year, on the plains, the temperature still reaches 20 °, and in the mountains it can be even below 0 °.

Interesting fact! All news feeds at the beginning of 2016 were bypassed by the message that snowfall had passed in the north of the country - about 10 centimeters of precipitation in the provinces of Ha Giang, Lao Cai, Laichau, Lang Son.

Hanoi and its surroundings are worth visiting either in spring or autumn.

Central Vietnam

The center is located in the tropical climate zone. The greatest amount of rain is in October and November, which is more typical for the foothills. In winter, the temperature is kept at around 20 °. Here is the resort of Dalat, called by its admirers "Vietnamese Switzerland" for comfortable climate and fresh air, saturated with the smell of flowers and pine needles. In the summer months, it is also not particularly hot here, the thermometer confidently stays at around 20-24 °.


The weather in the south pleases all 12 months, which is explained by the influence of the subequatorial climate. The difference between winter and summer lies in the slight difference in temperature. It rains in the summer, capturing the off-season, but not constantly, but only a couple of hours a day. Due warm climate moisture immediately evaporates. October marks the beginning of the dry season in the south. In winter, this part of the country is an ideal place to relax.

Seasons in Vietnam

Nature and attractions can delight tourists all year round, but it is necessary to carefully consider the places and times for recreation in order to avoid unpleasant embarrassments with the weather.

Hot season in Vietnam

The beginning of the period is December, the end is spring. This time is also called the "high" season, it is ideal for beach holidays and swimming. That is why in new year holidays many Russians and Europeans prefer to leave their native snowy expanses and go towards sea waves and white sand. Usually tourists flock to the resorts of the south, where the temperature reaches 30 °.

Rain season

The amount of precipitation, as already mentioned, is directly related to zonality. If in the north and south it rains mainly from April to November, then in the center - from December to April. The rainy season is characterized by the following features:

  • high humidity;
  • short daily rainfall;
  • gusty wind.

The south at this time adheres to a temperature maximum of 27 °, cloudy and cool days more.

On a note! The shortest rainy season on the island of Phu Quoc, tourists rest there almost all year round.

The center is characterized by more cold weather–15-20°, due to high level humidity things do not dry. Swimming during this period is not recommended, as it is very big waves; red flags are hung on the beaches, warning of the dangers of being in the water.

Note! The wet season in the central part is the time of typhoons. Usually they are in November-December. The beaches are a little dirty, as the sea brings garbage during high tides, it constantly storms, the waves grow in height. There are no excursions to the islands and fishing during these months.

The north experiences a wet season, as already mentioned, from April to November. The thermometer fluctuates from +10° to +20°.

cool season

In the southeast, the so-called "cool" season is the period from December to March. At this time, you can see a lot of surfers on the coast. They flock here to conquer the waves east coast. It is also convenient to learn to stand on the board here (there are no obstacles in the form of reefs and stones).

Rainfall in Vietnam by month and region

Nha Trang

Phu Quoc

Weather in Vietnam by months - weather table

Monthly weather in Vietnam
Month Hanoi (North) Da Nang (Center) Saigon (South)
Tempo (C) Precipitation (mm) Temp(C) Precipitation (mm) Tempo (C) Precipitation (mm)
January 17 18 22 101 27 15
February 18 28 22 31 28 4
March 20 38 24 12 29 13
April 24 81 27 18 30 42
May 28 197 29 47 29 221
June 30 238 30 42 29 331
July 30 322 30 99 28 314
August 29 343 28 117 28 268
September 28 252 26 447 27 334
October 26 98 24 530 27 268
November 22 42 22 221 27 114
December 19 21 21 208 27 56

Weather in Vietnam from November to March

Now let's talk in more detail about the features of the climate in winter in different regions of the country.

November weather

In the last month of autumn in the north, there are light rains, but they are sometimes replaced by clear weather. average temperature in this area - 20°, the water warms up to 22-23°. In some northern provinces, tourists even swim (this mostly applies to Ha Tinh and Nghe An), but sightseeing tourism is most comfortable during this period - vacationers can fully enjoy the beauties of Ha Long Bay.

In the south of the country comes high season, however, it can sometimes be overshadowed by typhoons coming from the coast of the Philippines. The average amount of precipitation in November is 50 mm, the humidity can reach 74%. Light rain falls 3-5 days a month. The air temperature is about 20-25°, the temperature maximum is -35°.

And the center is dominated by typhoons. Up to 600 mm of precipitation falls, in highlands- even more. The temperature of water and air is 24-25°. The water is quite turbid, there are often waves.

December weather

In the north of the country, the temperature is fixed at around 15-20 °, in mountainous areas- a little lower. There is little rain here in December.

The wet season continues in the central part. The average rainfall here in December is 300 mm. Most of the rain falls at the beginning of the month. The thermometer stays at around 21-26°, the water is also warm - about 24°.

The southern part of the country is an ideal place for a vacation in December. The dry season is coming into its own. The maximum value of t ° air - 27 °, water - 25 °.

January weather

For the northern provinces, the month is considered the coldest. The sea is quite cold, frosts are observed in the mountains. The temperature can reach 15°, in the mountains it drops by another 5-10 degrees. November is the high season here.

It is quite warm in the south, during the day the temperature rises to 30 °, water - up to 26 °. Humidity can reach 73%. January is considered one of the sunniest months of the year. The south is great for celebrating the New Year.

In the central provinces, November is the so-called off-season period. The average rainfall is 200 mm. The degree of water is kept at around 24, air - 25.

Weather in February

The north comes to life a little, the temperature begins to rise noticeably. The amount of precipitation is reduced to 60 mm. At the end of the month, the temperature can already reach 27 °, sometimes it can come cold front and lower it by 7-10 degrees.

The central part is subject to the influence of the dry season, as a result, minimal amount precipitation and warm weather. Temperature values ​​- 20-25 °, water - 24 °.

In the south in February it is very warm, with little rain. On the coast, the temperature maximum is 32 °, in the foothills - 10-12 degrees lower. The water warms up to 26°.

March weather

By the end of the month, warming sets in in the north, there is little rain (no more than 60 mm), there are only 2 or 3 cloudy days in March. The average temperature is 20 °. During this period, tourists usually engage in trekking in suitable areas.

It is warm in the center, precipitation is within 100 mm, short rains are typical for the period. The thermometer stays at around 27 °, the temperature of the water is slightly lower.

The south of Vietnam is still experiencing high season. The sea is even warmer than on land, by 2-3 degrees (30° and 27° respectively). The time is perfect for sunbathing.

Weather in Vietnam from April to October

What is the weather like in the country during the off-season and summer months?

April weather

In the north of the country, the amount of precipitation is minimized, the temperature is from 24 to 30 °. Rains begin in provinces bordering China.

The central region is also dry and warm. The amount of precipitation is 30-50 mm. The temperature indicators of water and air are about 25-28 °. April is a great time to visit national parks as there is no risk of getting wet.

The southern provinces are also quite dry. The water is very warm - up to 28 °, air temperature - up to 23 °. All in all, a great time to stay in the south.

May weather

The wet season is coming north. Throughout May, the amount of rain gradually increases, it is equal to 200 mm. Sunny and rainy days divide power in half. The temperature reaches 31°, quite hot. In the first half of May, the weather is quite comfortable for rest.

Last spring month- this is the highest point of the dry season in the center. It is hot and very sunny here, it rarely rains. The temperature is in the range of 26-31°, the water temperature is 27°.

The southern provinces have a wet season. The amount of precipitation increases sharply and humidity rises to 80%. The thermometer shows 25-35°, the water warms up to 27 degrees.

June weather

The northern part of the country has been experiencing a low season for the second month. There are more rainy and cloudy days than sunny ones. The amount of precipitation reaches 250 mm, compared to the other two months, this is not so much, but a beach holiday is already uncomfortable. The temperature takes values ​​up to 32°.

The central provinces are still dry season, hot and sunny. There is little rain, no more than 100 mm. The beach season is in full swing.

June in the south is considered the rainiest month, the amount of precipitation reaches 340 mm. Air and water temperature - 27-30 °.

July weather

In the northern part there is a large amount of rain, about 350 mm. However, the number of sunny and cloudy days are equal. The air temperature is maximum in comparison with the average values ​​of other months and reaches 33°. There is high humidity.

IN central regions it is also hot, the air temperature is kept at maximum levels. The water warms up to 27-28°. There is little precipitation - only 110 mm, usually it is short-term rains.

In the southern provinces, July is the middle of the rainy season with a rainfall of 300 mm. The temperature is several degrees lower than in the center and in the north.

August weather

The dry season is already coming to some northern regions, but at the end of summer there is still heavy rains. The level of precipitation is kept at around 400 mm. There are more cloudy days than clear and sunny days. The air temperature can reach 30°.

In the center of the country, there is also a transitional period between high and low season. It rains infrequently, air and water warm up to 28-29 °.

For the southern regions, August is the peak of the wet season. The amount of precipitation per month is 250 mm. The water temperature is 28°.

September weather

Throughout the country, the thermometer shows approximately same values- 31-33 °, in mountainous areas it is 5-7 degrees less. The sea warms up to 30 degrees.

The amount of rainfall varies by region, with the wet season coming to an end in the northern provinces, and at its peak in the southern provinces, and just beginning in the central part. The central part may be affected by typhoons.

October weather

The weather in the north is quite conducive to relaxation, compared with September, the amount of precipitation is halved. The temperature is fixed at around 24-27 degrees.

Cloudy and rainy in the central provinces. Humidity is about 80%, rainfall is 600 mm. Air and water warm up to 28-28 degrees. The surf is very strong in October.

The south is still under the power of the cyclone, it is hot and rainy here. The average temperature is 29-30°. Storms are rare enough southern regions October may be great option for vacation.

Weather in Vietnam now

In different parts of Vietnam, the weather can be very different, and thanks to online informers, you can quickly find out what the weather will be like in a particular region at the moment.

Well, have you decided?

Vietnam today is a very attractive holiday destination. However, before ordering plane tickets and booking hotels, do not forget to look at the calendar and choose the right place to travel. Then the vacation will not be spoiled cloudy days and tropical rains, but will be most fruitful.

Weather in Vietnam in January

Many tourists think that in Vietnam it is summer all year round and only the rainy seasons can spoil the holiday. However, it is not. Winter in northern Vietnam is not hot at all. This is due to the fact that there are many mountains in Vietnam. The mountains are located from north to south, which does not prevent the invasion of cold air masses from the center of the vast Eurasian continent. Therefore, in the north of Vietnam, the temperature can drop to 5-10 degrees in winter, which is not very consistent with our ideas about a tropical winter.

The farther south, the warmer the sea and the air. If in summer the temperature difference is smoothed out, then in January the difference in average air temperatures reaches 5-6 degrees between the temperature in Halong Bay and Phu Quoc Island.

In January, the weather in Halong Bay is dry and cool. At this time of the year, you will not be able to comfortably sunbathe in the north, but in the south and on the island of Phu Quoc there will be great weather

In central Vietnam in Da Nang in January it is quite rainy and cool.

Weather in Vietnam in February

Over all of Vietnam in February, dry weather sets in without rain. In the north, Halong Bay is still cool and overcast. On the popular beaches of Nha Trang (), Phan Thiet, Fukuoka, you will find a comfortable beach holiday. One of the best months to visit Vietnam. You just need to remember that there can be strong waves in Phan Thiet in winter.

Weather in Vietnam in March

In the north of Vietnam, the weather is getting warmer, but still not enough for a comfortable beach holiday. At all other resorts in the central and southern parts of Vietnam, you will find warm water and air. In the central part in Da Nang in March, there may be intermittent non-disturbing rains.

Weather in Vietnam in April

Good month to visit almost all resorts in Vietnam. It is already possible to swim in Halong Bay, although it can be chilly. The rest of the resorts have excellent weather with almost no rain, only in Fukuoka April is considered a transitional month for the rainy season and the high season in Fukuoka ends in April.

April is the last dry month in Vietnam. The air temperature becomes hot in places.

Weather in Vietnam in May

May is considered the first month of the rainy season in most of Vietnam, but the rains at this time are not long. During that time low prices to hotels in the resorts of Vietnam. The least rainy in May in Da Nang, although it starts to rain in the north, May is still quite a suitable month for a beach holiday in Halong Bay. In Fukoka the most hot month and may be disturbed by rain.

Weather in Vietnam in June

The rains are intensifying, in Phan Thiet it rains most often in the evening and does not spoil the rest, but during this period there are few sunny days in the south, and it is rather cloudy. But in Fukuoka, you can encounter not only cloudy skies, but also prolonged rains. In June, Vietnam is hot and humid, except for resorts in the Da Nang area, where June is the dry season. June in Vietnam is hot and humid.

Weather in Vietnam in July

In July, it is worth relaxing in Nha Trang and Da Nang. At the rest of the resorts it will not only be hot and humid, but it will rain, in some places quite intense.

Weather in Vietnam in August

In August, it is hot and humid in Vietnam, there is little rain in Nha Trang, a little in Phan Thiet - but there are strong waves at this time, the rainy season in Phu Quoc. Generally acceptable, but not best month to visit Vietnam. In the middle part in Da Nang, rains can be disturbing towards the end of the month, as the dry season ends in this part of Vietnam

Weather in Vietnam in September

September is the rainiest month in Vietnam. It is not recommended to go on vacation at this time, after all, we have enough rain in Russia. Strong waves in central Vietnam, storms, typhoons are possible. Acceptable for visiting Halong Bay, where the rainy season is waning.

Weather in Vietnam in October

In October, the rainy season continues in Vietnam, October is a less rainy month than September, but there may be typhoons. A good month to visit Halong Bay, where the dry season has arrived. The water temperature is suitable for swimming

In Phu Quoc, the rains can still be very disturbing, but it is especially unpleasant in October in the central part of Vietnam, where heavy rains and typhoons can flood settlements and the water in the sea is muddy.

Weather in Vietnam in November

In November, the rainy season in Vietnam is coming to an end in almost all resorts. There are very few rainy days 3-5 per month, and the number of sunny days increases dramatically. Typhoons and storms are ending. In Fukuoka, although it is still quite rainy, diving stations closed for the rainy season open in November. Good weather on Phan Thiet.
However, Danang, Nha Trang in November are inhospitable rains, typhoons, muddy and dirty water

In Halong, you most likely won’t be able to swim in comfort - it will be cool.

Weather in Vietnam in December

In December, in the north of Vietnam, winter is felt, as the air is cool and the water is invigorating. Little sun, mostly cloudy.

In the south at this time it is sunny and warm - in Phan Thiet it is sunny, there is no rain in the park. Great weather in Fukuoka.

In Da Nang, the rainy season continues, it can be very stormy, it is difficult to swim, in Nha Trang, especially in the first half of the month, it rains.

The best time to travel to Vietnam resorts is marked

Suitable but not best time for a trip to the resorts of Vietnam marked

Weather by months in the resorts of Vietnam Halong Bay, Phan Thiet, Phu Quoc

Halong bay

Day Night


in mm/
rainy days


Day Night


in mm/
rainy days


Day Night


in mm/
rainy days

January 7 30/20 25 8/0 24 30/26 28 24/2 23
February 4 31/22 25 7/1 25 30/26 28 23/2 22
March 3 32/23 27 19/1 25 31/28 29 56/5 22
April 9 33/24 28 30/1 26 32/29 30 120/11 25
May 17 34/25 29 61/4 25 33/30 31 125/12 22
June 17 33/25 28 70/6 15 32/29 30 255/15 11
July 20 32/24 27 90/7 11 31/29 29 248/14 11
August 19 33/24 27 88/7 18 31/28 29 247/14 12
September 18 32/24 28 169/12 11 31/28 28 336/18 7
October 19 32/23 28 94/8 20 31/28 29 191/13 21
November 10 31/23 28 55/3 21 31/28 29 161/12 19
December 12 31/22 26 12/1 19 30/27 29 23/2 23

Weather by months in the resorts of Vietnam Da Nang, Nha Trang

Day Night


in mm/
rainy days


Day Night


in mm/
rainy days

January 23/19 23 198/14 1 28/21 25 41/11 11
February 25/20 22 78/5 9 29/21 26 15/5 17
March 27/20 23 112/8 15 30/22 27 24/5 20
April 30/22 25 90/8 18 32/24 28 42/8 27
May 32/23 27 110/12 23 33/24 29 55/15 27
June 32/23 29 148/17 20 33/25 29 44/18 19
July 32/23 29 158/17 17 33/25 29 38/19 19
August 32/23 30 144/16 16 33/25 28 49/21 23
September 31/23 29 325/16 12 32/24 29 137/20 14
October 29/22 27 298/17 7 30/23 28 288/18 13
November 27/22 26 413/17 5 29/23 27 217/12 13
December 23/20 24 232/14 2 28/22 26 159/9 9
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