Any holiday coming up? Is your child into sports? Maybe you are doing it yourself? So, it's time to prepare congratulations to the coach! What should it be?

First of all, congratulations to the coach should indicate the complexity of his work, vocation and honor. This person brings a wealth of knowledge, hope for the future and success in further achievements. Wish you health, victories, strength, good luck and happiness!

Congratulations to the coach - maximum gratitude

Be sure to say thank you to your mentor, because it is thanks to his work and titanic efforts on his pupils that confidence, cheerfulness, health and joy become faithful companions of the latter. Congratulations to the coach must necessarily express a lot of emotions, because this person does so much for you!

It could be something like this poem:

“Our coach, you look into the distance,

Believe me, not one medal

We'll bring more for you

Thank you, dear, for everything!”

As a rule, they choose both long congratulations and small rhymes. You can find them in a variety of literature or come up with your own. Congratulations to the coach in prose - too good option if you don't know the art of rhyming. The main thing is to try!

Do not leave unattended!

So, a coach is one of the most respected professions, complex and responsible. This person is both a practitioner and a theorist at the same time. He is preparing a new generation of real champions, revealing all the abilities of his students. Therefore, congratulations on Coach's Day (or any other holiday, for example, New Year, birthday, February 23, etc.) should reflect all your love and respect.

Today, many people find their passion in any sport. And each of them has a mentor who helps in considerable achievements. Together they spend quite a lot of time. Of course, the coach will be very pleased to hear congratulations from his students. It is not even so important whether it will be a simple postcard or wishes will be made in verbal form. Just emphasize the importance of his profession, his personal qualities. Such words will not leave the coach indifferent.

Well, if you didn’t manage to see it with your own eyes on the holiday, don’t forget about SMS congratulations, phone calls, mail and other means of communication. In this way, you can still express your respect for the mentor.

Collective congratulations

By the way, in addition to individual wishes, you can turn your attention to another option. Collective congratulations to the coach from his wards will please your teacher even more. It can again be warm words spoken aloud by a group of athletes, or a beautiful poster designed by joint efforts. Such a gift will be kept by the coach for many years, evoking pleasant memories. Paste general photographs there with captions indicating how much this person does for you, what he teaches, how much time and effort he spends.

In general, any holiday is able to unite athletes in the desire to bring pleasure to their teacher and mentor. And it doesn't matter if they are athletes, football players, hockey players or representatives of other sports. A friendly team is essential. After all, this is also the merit of your coach. In a word, his work is difficult and honorable, it brings for you a wealth of knowledge, a desire to win, a thirst for success. Do not forget to note that training under the guidance of your teacher brings you great pleasure, develops strength, agility and courage, team spirit, faith in yourself and your comrades. And all this is due to the fact that there is a coach nearby who helps everyone achieve noticeable results, teaching everything that he himself can do. Wish him well and promise to never let him down.

Indicate all the advantages as part of the congratulations

They strive to congratulate at various festive events. The whole team is looking forward to every joyful event. After all, congratulations are pleasant not only to receive, but also to give. A real professional in his field and simply good man I always want to say kind words.

It is definitely worth mentioning that many of the coach's pupils have become one of the most successful athletes to date. And this is largely the merit of the teacher. Of course, this person will continue to do so. And good health, happiness, success in work and the achievements of athletes, of course, will help in this.

The main thing is sincerity

In a word, congratulate the coach on the holiday, thank you again for the wonderful pupils that the country can be proud of, wish new promising guys, constant success, great luck, as well as prosperity, love, sparkle in the eyes, rainbows and sun overhead and only good , good people on life path. sincere words coming from a pure heart, from the soul, will surely touch your mentor, who is an excellent example of self-sacrifice and dedication.

Happy birthday to a great coach, professional and wonderful person! We wish you constant development and striving to improve yourself and those around you. Success, joy and pride in the results of your work. Let everything in your life be as you plan!

Our coach, you look into the distance,
More than one medal ahead
We'll bring more for you
Only gold, no silver.

Coach, I wish you the best birthday vivid feelings: love, happiness and joy! May all the heights you achieve be multiplied thousands of times and give the world new champions, masters and simply worthy people. I wish you great vital energy, warmth and peaceful well-being.

Happy birthday to the brave and magnificent coach. I wish you strong strength and a lot of ideas, lofty goals and achievement of your goals, honest victories and respect for students, good luck and optimism of the soul, bright happiness in life and great honor in any circle of society.

Happy birthday dear coach. I wish you from the bottom of my heart brave success in your work and life, significant achievements and great victories, good stories and good luck, good health and true honor, great ideas and unquenchable optimism.

Coach, I wish you the brightest feelings on your birthday: love, happiness and joy! May all the heights you achieve be multiplied thousands of times and give the world new champions, masters and simply worthy people. I wish you great vitality, warmth and peaceful well-being.

Happy birthday to a brave coach and a wonderful person. I sincerely wish you unshakable success and true victories, good health and excellent shape, great honor and respect, capable students and well-being in your personal life.

Dear coach, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you the most durable and strong health, perseverance and steel character, hardiness and confidence, respect and happiness in life. Be always full of strength and enthusiasm, Have a good mood and optimism. I wish you many victories and great luck.

Dear coach, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Let all your “I want” with the help of your “I can” and “I believe” turn into a victorious “Hurrah”. I wish that in your life you have faithful comrades and loving loved ones, and in activities - unlimited opportunities and great success.

Happy birthday to a great coach and a wonderful person. I sincerely wish you good health and confident strength, good health and unquenchable enthusiasm, undoubted victories and great achievements, talented students and sincere respect.

Happy birthday, great coach. I want to wish you strong strength and excellent health, high aspirations and grandiose victories. Let your pupils be pride, let the activity give the opportunity for complete self-realization, let life flow long river happiness and love.

Happy birthday to you! I wish the pupils to make your common dreams come true and reach victorious heights in all competitions. I wish that the spark of the soul that you tried to ignite in their hearts flares up with a huge flame that burns all the obstacles on the way to victory!

Happy birthday dear coach. I wish with all my heart not to lose skill and always be in great shape, strive for high success and achieve all my goals, be in reverence and sincere respect, believe in my luck and just live happily.

Dear coach, I want to sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, wish you talented and grateful students, professional success, health, good luck in achieving your goals, family happiness and well-being.

Your work is not easy
We understand it!
But you are responsible
We trust you children!
Let me congratulate you
Happy holiday!
And we hasten to wish you joy!
Success in raising children,
And in life it was always great!
More good, warm days,
Salaries only to you decent!

Happy Birthday! My wishes for good, health and good luck in all matters. Many thanks for your work, for your attention. Good mood and more grateful customers to you. May the quality of the day be always on top!

All our achievements are your merit,
Only thanks to you our awards!
Thank you coach, you are the best
And with a coach like that, success will always await us!
We wish you great patience
And in life only good luck and luck,
Congratulations on Coach's Day dear,
And know that we do not need another!

Dear ..., happy birthday! May your day be filled useful deeds. Let the team kindly envy your energy, your optimism and efficiency. Steep climbs, warmth, joy and good luck, and prosperity to the business.

Thank you dear coach for teaching us
You run, jump, circle, and hold the ball,
We have not forgotten about your holiday,
And now we want, of course, to wish you
Much success in your business,
Good health and many victories!
We will always live together in harmony,
Do not know, dear, you are evil and troubles!
On this holiday, I would like to wish you that happiness is always a welcome guest in your home, that all hardships and problems pass by, and that only good luck and good mood accompany you in life!

It's hard to study - it's easy in battle!
I want to congratulate my
Beloved, dear, dear.
Whom? Yes coach! She's coaching
I don't tire of their hands!
I want to give her this verse,
And wish you patience and good luck,
And all goals and objectives will come true!

Let the moments of joy and rest give the heart serenity and joy, color life in bright colors, and happiness, like music, sounds in the soul!

All we can be proud of
Coach, you gave us!
But we have something to strive for -
Cups and medals!
And for the good work
Let's say thank you!
Congratulations on your day
Live beautifully!

Our beloved man, happy birthday! Today you are 14 years old and your whole life with millions of opportunities is on your doorstep! Let your dreams come true, joy to you and a lot of impressions. Do not rush to grow up, enjoy carelessness and ease, explore the unknown. Happiness to you!

Coach, my dear,
I congratulate you
Happy day, which is in October,
Coming in the yard!
What's the day? Coach's Day!
Congratulations everyone. Hooray!
Be well, dear
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

Excellent health to you and your loved ones, prosperity and material well-being, good mood and eternal spring in the soul!

You worry heartily about each ward, trainings are not put on stream, but on the development of talents ... Congratulations on the holiday, our beloved, permanent coach! Know that we, with the whole friendly gang, will not let you go for a very long time and sincerely wish you to always remain the same wonderful, kind and cheerful person!

The task of a trainer, as you know, is not to train, but to improve what is laid down by nature, how to cut stones into treasures ... You cope with this perfectly, for which we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best!

Trainer! Happy Holiday!
You look into the distance
Let with e
her arrival
Not one medal
Will bring you in sports
Miracle strong!
We wish - you do not argue -
Happiness to you from the bottom of my heart!!!

Are you strong and healthy, do you catch the admiring glances of girls and not only, does your work bring you not only profit, but also pleasure? So today is your holiday.

Coach's Day! On this day, they are in a hurry and want to congratulate you a large number of the people closest to you. But there's a problem on your way? What is the best way to do this, do not know what words to choose? Congratulations to the man on the day of the coach will help you.

It is here that you will find such words and lines that will perfectly express everything that you feel in relation to your most dear and beloved person. Do not forget to congratulate the person dear to you on this important occasion in his life. professional activity day and words of gratitude will not keep you waiting. Date, we celebrate the day of the coach - October 30.

All our achievements are your merit,
Only thanks to you our awards!
Thank you coach, you are the best
And with a coach like that, success will always await us!
We wish you great patience
And in life only good luck and luck,
Congratulations on Coach's Day dear,
And know that we do not need another!

Thank you dear coach for teaching us
You run, jump, circle, and hold the ball,
We have not forgotten about your holiday,
And now we want, of course, to wish you
Much success in your business,
Good health and many victories!
We will always live together in harmony,
Do not know, dear, you are evil and troubles!

Don't back down and don't give up
You always taught us as a coach.
And always fight to the end
Until the very end of strength!
We thank you
And congratulations on your day
We wish you to be happy
And know that we love you!

Many glorious achievements and victories
We wish you a coach dear!
And you know that a lot for long years
We will be there, our coach, always with you!
May all your dreams come true
We wish you well on this day
The best coach, we know it's you!
Happy Holidays, cheers!

For you we go forward
You lead us to victory
And we know that victory awaits
Our coach! We love you very much!
We wish you to be happy
And always be with us
Happy Coach's Day to you, dear,
And never be sad!

Trainer! Happy Holiday!
You look into the distance
Let with his arrival
Not one medal
Will bring you in sports
Miracle strong!
We wish - you do not argue -
Happiness to you from the bottom of my heart!!!

My good coach
Favorite coach
You have done a lot for us
We are learning from you.
And gaining experience
And a clatter is heard
Horses on the sidelines.
My good coach
Favorite coach
You have done a lot for us
We are learning from you.
And again we hear your voice
Like a but - it would be a mirage
And again in the diary the pencil writes:
Today is our holiday
Because our coach
Works with us
But it's bad that after an hour it says goodbye.

Unites holiday
Athletes of various
Jogging barely running
Along the park path
And chest tearing tape
At the finish line.
Those who kick balls
In the company of guys
And those in whose honor it burns
Fire of the Olympics.
Any athlete will decorate
Our sports day.

Honorable and difficult coaching work,
Calling, the heart is called on the road,
You bring wealth of knowledge to everyone,
And with them hope, goodness and success!
We wish you health and creative years,
In the fate of constant and high-profile victories!
May happiness and comfort accompany you in life!
And in honor of your sky will be decorated with fireworks!

I enjoy going to training.
I become strong, bold and dexterous!
And I won't let the team down
Only after all I aspire to victory!
This is because the coach is nearby,
With him, my result is noticeable,
He teaches everything he knows
He is rooting for me!
I wish you success too
Achievements, joy and laughter!
Always be sure
I will never let you down!

Quite often among the coaching profession there are also women. They oversee mainly women's or mixed sports, such as figure skating, synchronized swimming, fitness, rhythmic gymnastics and many, many others. Traditionally, on the day of the coach, these people wish high sports achievements to their wards, as well as health and everything else to the heroes of the occasion.

It does not matter how old a woman-coach is and how many sports awards, work experience she has, any, even the smallest congratulation for her will be special and unique. If you have chosen a small congratulation, then it can be easily and simply sent via SMS. If you want to congratulate her personally, then it is advisable to prepare a more significant congratulation in terms of volume. Date, we celebrate the day of the coach - October 30.

Be happy, our coach,
Let your house be a full bowl,
It will always be full of guests,
After all, you bring good to people!
You train us all
That's what we're talking about now
We all thank you, dear,
And we wish happiness to the soul!

It's hard to study - it's easy in battle!
I want to congratulate my
Beloved, dear, dear.
Whom? Yes coach! She's coaching
I don't tire of their hands!
I want to give her this verse,
And wish you patience and good luck,
And all goals and objectives will come true!

All we can be proud of
Coach, you gave us!
But we have something to strive for -
Cups and medals!
And for the good work
Let's say thank you!
Congratulations on your day
Live beautifully!

Once upon a time, my dear, you obeyed the sport.
Now here you are trying to have a record!
We really appreciate all your efforts,
And we believe that, of course, the hour of recognition will come!
We will work very hard, believe me, our coach,
After all, you give us our sporting courage!
Today we want to congratulate you on the holiday.
With all my heart, believe me, we say it!

Trainer! You forge our character
Help me find myself.
You are like a starter to our career,
Run it day by day!
We all want to thank you
And wish you success in life
Happy holiday! And be happy!
May there be grace in the heart!

When you yourself achieved success,
Our coach, now teach us
So that we, like you once, become dexterous,
To win knew how, were class!
Thank you, our coach dear,
For everything you do!
And know that you are the dearest to us,
We love you very much!

Coach, my dear,
I congratulate you
Happy day, which is in October,
Coming in the yard!
What's the day? Coach's Day!
Congratulations everyone. Hooray!
Be well, dear
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

Our coach, a woman, we congratulate you!
And with their results
We want to make you all happy!
Wish they were golden
All the medals we can
We take, thanks to your labors,
All the victories we have
We dedicate only to you!

Without you we couldn't reach
Such great results.
Our coach, let me wish
So that from your, dear, penates
The chicks flew up - the students!
And it was so that you have health,
Records were so easy for them,
And we congratulate you with love!

Thank you coach for everything
For our victories!
For patience and hard work
For your learning.
We congratulate you all
Our dear
And on Coach's Day, we will
We only wish you happiness!

Sometimes we complain about how strict the coach is, doesn't give us a moment's rest! But when success comes, we take its strictness for granted... And if the coach not only knows his business, but also a sincere, good person, we ourselves want to set a world record in excitement! Today we congratulate the person with whom we are ready for a lot and wish him all the best! Happy Coach's Day! ©

You know many proverbs about labor and, confirming them in practice, tirelessly chase us ... for which we are very grateful! Happy Coach's Day! Believe me, we do not forget your science when leaving classes, and we learn not only exercises, but also patience, temper our nerves! And we wish you long years and unfading health in order to raise more than a dozen students! ©

You are well aware that hard work and perseverance bring victory closer and sweeter... Congratulations on Coach's Day! The fact that they came to this profession is probably a sign of Fate ... We are very glad that we fell into your reliable hands and sincerely wish you to always smile, never get sick, but live happily ever after! ©

Happy Coach's Day! With you, we are ready to set new records, but, of course, we will not be overloaded and will follow your recommendations ... With you, we understand that sports are not only good for the body, but also strengthening the spirit! Thank you for being helpful in our difficult life science! Let me wish you the fulfillment of all desires, inspiration for new training methods and good mood! ©

You worry heartily about each ward, trainings are not put on stream, but on the development of talents ... Congratulations on the holiday, our beloved, permanent coach! Know that we, with the whole friendly gang, will not let you go for a very long time and sincerely wish you to always remain the same wonderful, kind and cheerful person! ©

The importance of sports was confirmed by ancient philosophers, the greatest minds, so why should we be stubborn? Let's skip the kitchen gatherings and go to the gym! And we will certainly grab the attention of our coach today to congratulate him on his professional holiday and express good wishes! ©

Sport not only developed our body, but helped to strengthen the inner core, taught us patience and self-confidence ... For this reincarnation, we must also thank you, our coach! Moreover, today there is an occasion - Coach's Day! So let me congratulate you and wish you not to change! After all, you are so beautiful with a smile, cheerfulness and an amazing, warm warehouse of character! ©

The task of a trainer, as you know, is not to train, but to improve what is laid down by nature, how to cut stones into treasures ... You cope with this perfectly, for which we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best! ©

Jump high or from a tower, run or throw something light hand... with a good coach - everything is possible! On a special, festive day, we sincerely congratulate the person who opened up a new, sports world for us, and wish him longevity, happiness in life and a sea of ​​love, understanding from the most dear people, friends and students! ©

In our modern fast-paced life, at least without a bit exercise it is hardly possible to achieve harmonious development... On Coach's Day, we must not forget those who help us become better! We want to thank you and wish you to be stronger than flint, not get tired of drilling students and just live happily! ©

Sometimes we complain about how strict the coach is, doesn't give us a moment's rest! But when success comes, we take its strictness for granted... And if the coach not only knows his business, but also a sincere, good person, we ourselves want to set a world record in excitement! Today we congratulate the person with whom we are ready for a lot and wish him all the best! Happy Coach's Day!

You know many proverbs about labor and, confirming them in practice, tirelessly chase us ... for which we are very grateful! Happy Coach's Day! Believe me, we do not forget your science when leaving classes, and we learn not only exercises, but also patience, temper our nerves! And we wish you long years and unfading health in order to raise more than a dozen students!

You are well aware that hard work and perseverance bring victory closer and sweeter... Congratulations on Coach's Day! The fact that they came to this profession is probably a sign of Fate ... We are very glad that we fell into your reliable hands and sincerely wish you to always smile, never get sick, but live happily ever after!

Happy Coach's Day! With you, we are ready to set new records, but, of course, we will not be overloaded and will follow your recommendations ... With you, we understand that sports are not only good for the body, but also strengthening the spirit! Thank you for the useful science in our difficult life! Let me wish you the fulfillment of all desires, inspiration for new training methods and good mood!

You worry heartily about each ward, trainings are not put on stream, but on the development of talents ... Congratulations on the holiday, our beloved, permanent coach! Know that we, with the whole friendly gang, will not let you go for a very long time and sincerely wish you to always remain the same wonderful, kind and cheerful person!

The importance of sports was confirmed by ancient philosophers, the greatest minds, so why should we be stubborn? Let's skip the kitchen gatherings and go to the gym! And we will certainly grab the attention of our coach today to congratulate him on his professional holiday and express good wishes!

Sport not only developed our body, but helped to strengthen the inner core, taught us patience and self-confidence ... For this reincarnation, we must also thank you, our coach! Moreover, today there is an occasion - Coach's Day! So let me congratulate you and wish you not to change! After all, you are so beautiful with a smile, cheerfulness and an amazing, warm warehouse of character!

The task of a trainer, as you know, is not to train, but to improve what is laid down by nature, how to cut stones into treasures ... You cope with this perfectly, for which we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best!

Jump high or from a tower, run or throw something with a light hand ... with a good coach - everything is within your power! On a special, festive day, we sincerely congratulate the person who opened up a new sports world for us, and wish him longevity, happiness in life and a sea of ​​love, understanding from the dearest people, friends and students!

In our modern fast-paced life, even without a bit of physical exercise, it is hardly possible to achieve harmonious development ... On Coach's Day, we must not forget about those who help us become better! We want to thank you and wish you to be stronger than flint, not get tired of drilling students and just live happily!

Congratulations to the coach official in prose

Dear coach!
Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the holiday! You are not just a coach; You are a mentor experienced teacher and a good psychologist!
That's why your team consistently shows great results and has great potential!
We wish you good luck in the sports field, great personal achievements and success to your team!
Good health, happiness and all the best!

Poem congratulations to the coach from the team

Our favorite coach, congratulations,
We wish you many achievements!
Many labor successes to you,
We promise to get you
There are many different glory and medals,
With you, after all, we have one road -
Only we all go to victory,
And we will take ours from life!

Congratulations to the coach from the student in verse

I enjoy going to training.
I become strong, bold and dexterous!
And I won't let the team down
Only after all I aspire to victory!
This is because the coach is nearby,
With him, my result is noticeable,
He teaches everything he knows
He is rooting for me!
I wish you success too
Achievements, joy and laughter!
Always be sure
I will never let you down!

Happy birthday coach

Dear coach! Thanks to you and your titanic efforts over me and my mortal body, health, vigor, confidence and joy have become my faithful companions of life! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to be always, everywhere and in everything faster and better! Good health and a healthy appetite!