Poetry reading is an essential tradition of any opening ceremony. school year in schools. Poems are read, as a rule, but very often this honorable role falls on future graduates - children studying in the 11th grade. Naturally, those poems that kids tell, and those that should be in the arsenal of adult children, are significantly different. However, these are still short poems, and every eleventh grader performs with his short benefit performance.

At the same time, no one wants to tell everyone known and literally hackneyed poems. Everyone wants to stand out, be more original, so that his words will be remembered by the guests of the celebration, and not just fly past their ears. For this purpose, people come to us, because on the Vlio.ru website you can find far more than one poem that is suitable for the event and semantic content. Hurry up to take poems from us on September 1 for grade 11, and it will be unforgettable for all her guests.

We sorted poems from the Internet and placed them within a single section. Thus, we have provided you with maximum convenience and the widest scope for choice. Spend just a few minutes on the search question, and you can make the upcoming lineup much brighter and more interesting.

Our doors are wide open
This school welcomes us.
And we climbed the stairs
Let's go to a cozy quiet classroom.

We enjoy the moment
We should be at school Last year.
This is a little sad
Time has its turn.

Let them fly carefree
Three summer months like a moment
We are happy to meet today
Their native teachers.

Elegant, restrained, and again
Already calling us to the lesson
Such a familiar chime
Last Our first call.

Congratulations on mobile

Ah, how it rings in all ends of the Earth.
Let the sleeper wake up soon!
Do you think that guests have come to us?
But no - the lessons begin!

Grab your bag and have fun!
Some lazy people wake up for a long time.
Do you think the tram is ringing with might and main?
But no - the lessons begin!

The bell is ringing and oars, and loudmouth,
And the soul is filled with joy.
And every time for each of us
Great lessons are about to begin.

The bell rings for ten years in a row.
Hearing it, people smile.
And the faces of the guys bloom.
It's time for the lessons to begin!

And the bell will ring again
Already for us for the umpteenth time.
September 1 lesson
The class will hear for the last time.

May this year be graduation
But we have a lot to look forward to:
We must choose our own path
Find out your way.

We all will surely pass
Exams and selection.
We will find our peak -
The school gave us strength!

And armed with knowledge
She lets us go
Inspiring everyone with talents,
Raises to success!

In a year we will finish studying,
And today we have a line.
And you can’t sit at the desk,
But September is just around the corner.

We are ready to sit down
To gain knowledge for life.
Do not forget the geography of the map,
And we can't forget history.

We will remember all the things
And we won't give up on anything.
We don't believe in bad omens
And we'll do well in our exams.

We have a year left to go to school,
We should be students for a year
But do not forget us happy days,
We can't forget teachers

Replaced by new guys
They will come with great hope,
And the first day of school will be
The happiest dear

We learned a lot
We grew up within these walls
More recently, school
We also walked with a dream in our eyes,

The teachers accepted us
They gave us their warmth
Little by little they taught life
They crushed all evil,

All that we have learned here
We will never forget
We remember our teachers
They are always in our hearts!

Every year in the country's schools there is a holiday on September 1. For first-graders and their parents, it is very exciting and unforgettable. And for those children who are lucky, the first teacher will already give the first homework- learn a poem on a ruler.

For grade 11, this is the last first call no less exciting. On this day, verses of congratulations from 11th graders for first-graders sound. We offer a selection of poems for children in grade 11 on the line on September 1.

Not marked with red
This day on the calendar
And flags are not colored
Near the house in the yard.

According to one simple sign
We recognize this day:
For children going to school
Cities and villages

With cheerful excitement
On the faces of the students
Out of embarrassment
Seven year old newbies...

And let a lot of glorious
Different days on the calendar
But one of the most important
The very first in September!

Today is the first call for you
He will invite you to your first lesson
Learn, dare, gnaw science
May you never be bored at school.

Now, at the school desk
You will learn a lot
You go swimming
Or maybe in flight.
So many interesting, useful and new
It's waiting for you ahead.

On this glorious sunny day
You came to class 1
The school opened the door with joy to you,
And we all believe in you!
We have left school life only a year
You have a decade ahead of you.
We want to take an oath of allegiance from you,
What you will do is not one, but many discoveries.

Every year the call is cheerful
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello our favorite class.
Let us feel sorry for the summer a little -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, road to knowledge!
Hello September holiday!

In a year we will finish studying,
And today we have a line.
And you can’t sit at the desk,
But September is just around the corner.

We are ready to sit down
To gain knowledge for life.
Do not forget the geography of the map,
And we can't forget history.

We will remember all the things
And we won't give up on anything.
We don't believe in bad omens
And we'll do well in our exams.

Hello school!

Summer flew by quickly
The school year has come
But we also have a lot of autumn
Will bring good days.

Hello golden autumn!
A school full of sunshine!
Our spacious, bright classroom,
You meet us again.

Our glorious first graders!
School today for the first time
You will be guided by the path of knowledge.
Accept congratulations from us
And many good wishes.

Here you will learn a lot of tricks:
Solve problems, write correctly,
And everyone will learn to take care of themselves,
Collect a portfolio, braid pigtails.

We want to study well
And be friends with everyone in the class,
Learn to rest and work
Surround loved ones with love,
Always have fun
And never get sick again
Become smart and strong, try
Always be very diligent!

First class and new friends.
Books and homework -
The school door is open for you.
Kindergarten Goodbye guys!
On the "five" you study diligently.
Let everything be just wonderful!

Bouquet, briefcase and many books
You took with you on the road.
You are a first grade student
Do not turn back!
You worry and you wait
And now you think
That soon you will enter
In your first class!

Study hard and always
Be different by example.
And remember the school years.
How to grow big!

Topic of the selection: Congratulations to the eleventh graders on September 1. The Day of Knowledge! We would like to wish you great aspirations and interesting discoveries.

I want to wish you good studies. Let this day mark the beginning of a series of interesting and bright learning days. Believe that scores don't play like that important role in life, but it's so nice to get well-deserved fives after long hours of cramming the material.

I wish you inexhaustible strength and creative inspiration. Let the baggage of your knowledge be replenished confidently and boldly.

So this day has come. September 1. I congratulate you, my beloved student. I can't believe you grew up so fast. Today the New Academic Year begins and let today's red day of the Knowledge Day calendar be a good start for the entire academic year! Try to get from each lesson maximum amount useful and relevant information.

I want you to try to make the most of every lesson, every day at school. Let this holiday pass cheerfully and carefree, so that the upcoming academic year passes in the same rhythm.

Congratulations to everyone who wants to study on the holiday, and we wish you not to lose precious inspiration! Let school days will not turn into a daily routine, but will become exciting and informative lessons! And remember that how strong your efforts will be will determine how successful person you will grow up.

With the start of the new school year! We want to wish you a great desire to learn and learn.

Happy new school year! I wish this academic year to combine fruitful and successful everyday life.

I wish you to take a lot of knowledge and a considerable backpack of joyful events from this year. Let good teachers and faithful comrades help overcome difficult barriers.

Happy first of September! We would like to wish you to always be swift and active.

I wish you success and great achievements that your whole family would be proud of! Good luck and be positive. May there be many interesting things ahead, and each lesson gives you discoveries.

Hooray today is Knowledge Day! We want to wish that there is always enough time for training and a wonderful rest.

I wish you every day to give new knowledge and high marks. And clear mind, light mood and open heart.

I wish you exciting leisure and interesting adventures, brave knowledge and personal achievements. May good mood, good luck and desire for success accompany you every day!

I wish you every day to learn something unusual and truly interesting. May this year please you good mood, constant inspiration, as well as the presence of wonderful ideas and opportunities.

On this day of knowledge, we wish you to constantly strive for new successes and achievements, and that the granite of science gnaw with ease.

Happy new school year! I wish you solid knowledge and great success, good comrades and endless enthusiasm.

The Day of Knowledge! We wish from the bottom of our hearts to always strive for something high and good.

I wish you to constantly be on a high wave of enthusiasm and aspirations. Let the acquired knowledge and skills open new doors for you to dreams and records.

The first of September is the beginning of the new school year! Be tireless in your studies, and life will become more beautiful and better! And also never stop there and boldly conquer more and more peaks.

I wish you a successful stratum and undoubted victories in the new battle. Let true knowledge and science help to live wisely.

We wish that knowledge and wisdom always occupy a dominant place in your life. Good luck in all endeavors, courage for all ideas, brilliant results in studies and, of course, high creative flights.

Happy first of September! We want to wish you never stop halfway to victory.

I wish you success and luck faithful comrades, prosperity, luck and optimism. Let the muse of learning visit at the desk, and in search of my own hobbies, I wish the muse of inspiration.

I wish you the most important thing in your studies: patience, aspiration, diligence, perseverance, diligence, diligence and diligence. May your new school year be great and with honors!

So this day has come. September 1. I want you to study for your own pleasure, to enjoy every day. Let your thoughts be united, desires are similar, and opportunities and hopes come true!

Congratulations, my beloved schoolgirl. Take your beautiful flowers and go to school. Remember that bad grades are an integral part of the learning process, so it's okay if you come home with a D or C.

I want to wish you the easiest and most enjoyable study, as little homework and incomprehensible material as possible, but let there be a lot of fives and days off so that you have time to relax during your studies. May all teachers be kind to you and to all your classmates. And now go to your favorite guys, spend this day fun.

Today, September 1st, we wish you diligent students so that your efforts do not go to waste, but always bring generous fruits! Study, do your homework, because all this will be useful to you in later life. Learn, grow spiritually, develop your ideas, improve! Strive, strive, don't give up!

The Day of Knowledge! From September 1! We wish you to implement your plans, update your goals and achieve excellent results in your endeavors! Believe that later you will remember these school years and be nostalgic.

Congratulations to the eleventh graders on September 1 - Today, September 1, we wish you diligent students so that your efforts are not in vain, but always bring generous fruits! Study, do your homework, because all this will be useful to you in later life. Learn, grow spiritually, develop your ideas, improve! Strive, strive, don't give up!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! I would like to wish you many interesting and useful lessons that will give you pleasure. Easy and pleasant study to you. Remember that you are not forced to study because adults are so bad. It's just that your knowledge will be very useful to you in later life.

Scenario of the holiday of the First Bell for 1st and 11th grade

teacher of Russian language and literature,


GBOU School No. 2117, Shcherbinka, Moscow

1. High school students in turn:

Beginning of the school year

Children with flowers in their hands

And little first graders

They are just taking a step towards science.

And mothers and grandmothers cry -

Then tears of joy flow:

My daughter has grown up

And the grandson went to school.

And those who graduated from high school

We are all indebted to her.

Who remembers his childhood

And someone studied in the war.

First call

AND last call

Points of reference in fate.

it's over warm summer,

Autumn is already in the yard.

The teacher stands in front of the school

He believes, he hopes, he waits.

And there are conversations in the classroom

About the summer gone ahead!

2. Ved.- Hello! Today is such a wonderful day, everyone is in a festive mood. Our school meets its students, teachers, parents again and says to everyone: “Hello! Welcome!" Today is the holiday of the First Bell in our school. But today is also a public holiday - the All-Russian Day of Knowledge. Therefore, we open it with the Anthem of Russia. School, calm down!

3. Anthem of the Russian Federation.

4. High school students in turn:

The solemn asters are burning,

And gladioli are full of.

Today is such a beautiful day

For moms and dads, for all the kids.

With lush bows, all the girls,

And the guys have no longing for summer.

They go in a crowd with ringing laughter

Everyone to school, like a parade.

With a sad kind smile

Grandmothers look after them.

And the cranes in the unsteady fog

They send their autumn greetings.

5 Song. A. Ermolova (1 verse and chorus)

The school looks with kind eyes,
And the look shines from purity,
Fills the sky with voices
Decorates canvases with paints.
She told us from the start
That the soul is more precious than silver
Our favorite school
The cradle of art and kindness.

You give sounds
You give colors
And children's fairy tales come to life.
From classical to rock and roll:
Everything is given by the beloved school.
From classical to rock and roll:
Everything is given by the beloved school.

6.Ved. – The word for greetings and congratulations is given to the principal of the school _____________________________

Speech by the director and guests.

8. High school students take turns.

School year starts

In September, the days countdown.

On school holidays and weekdays

The life of the kids will flow.

Opens school doors

We are greeted with a call,

This first day of autumn

Known to everyone since childhood.

First graders are a little shy

start school way,

Learning from year to year

All sciences great essence.

high school students today

Slightly with sadness stand -

Parting and goodbye

They are coming with the school.

And kind motherly

The faces of all the teachers

Because it's nice to see

After the summer of all children!

1. Golden leaves lie under your feet,
The first day of autumn swirled in a waltz.
We had to leave the school for a while,
And September brought us together again.

Here we are missed, welcomed with joy,
Warm autumn days are eagerly awaited.
Our native school opens the door to us,
And the summer rushed by, like five minutes.

10. High school students take turns.

Today is my first time

I'm going to eleventh grade!

Flowers again for teachers

Hello to all my friends.

Again that song - "They teach at school, they teach at school" -

And sadness overcomes me involuntarily.

I grew up here

All my enthusiasm

And the daring of childhood

They left their white mark.

I have the last year to study

And I try to hide my anxiety.

Just a year

Good luck, adversity -

And with our youth then

We will part forever.

We went straight to the finish line.

Eh, school, school, we already miss you.

11. Ved. – Today the first bell for our graduates will ring for the last time. And I want to wish them:

Eleventh grade! Hooray!

Last time you are on the line.

It has begun, your final stage!

Pass it with dignity!

Succeed on the last bend

Strive for knowledge even more.

Understand that you are already adults.

And get older every day.

And every day that brings the hour closer,

When, having passed the exam barrier,

You will leave us all in the graduation waltz,

And take away the certificate - the reward of your work.

May your last school year be bright -

No fuss, truancy or problems!

May he lead you to a new life!

In short - good luck! Good luck everyone!

12. Song.

Summer holidays have flown by
Ruthlessly leaving us.
On the pavement in autumn
I'm going to the last class.
Smiling at your classmates
I caught a mysterious look.
How have our boys grown?
We can't get our childhood back.

13. High school students in turn:

All the good we have

They call it "first class".

Passengers are safe

Taking flight

If the pilot is first class,

First class aircraft.

Here is a builder - first class!

He built the first class!

In first class homes

Winter will not settle.

First-class teacher

Strict with first graders:

"Put away your toys,

The lesson is about to begin!"

From Kamchatka to Arbat

On this day in our country.

first class guys

Entering first grade!

Barbariki (slightly tweaked words)
1. You came here as kids,
Holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands.
And dads, moms were worried,
They gave you wise advice.
But time will pass quickly
You grow up a little
And want a childish look
Take another look at the school
School, school, open the doors
School, school, lessons-changes,
School, school - teacher at the blackboard
And we are warmed by your love. (2 times)

15.Ved. -

The first time you came to school

For the first time in first class.

Everything is new to you today

Everyone is worried about you!

Introducing more heroes today our first graders!

1st class performance.

16. High school students take turns.

They meet September at school,

In a good year, believing in mercy.

Again, the kids will receive primers.

Welcome! - And open the doors.

Fantastic years are flying by

And with each class they get younger again

Those who taught us the skills of labor

And the beauty of Yesenin's words.

Other classes and dozens of eyes

As yet unknown fate...

But their experience will support us

Teachers are healers and judges.

So the years have flown by

Under the light rustle of re-read books ...

The teachers haven't aged a bit

We just started growing up with them.

The kids come to school

They still know so little.

A piece of their soul

Each teacher leaves.

17.Ved. - We present to you one more heroes of today's celebration - those who took under their wing our replenishment - first-graders. This _______________________________________________________________! We congratulate you!

18. High school students in turn:

Now in the classrooms flooded with light,

With a light breeze

A cheerful response of summer will fly in,

Calling questions and answers

school bell again

We are called to a lesson.

So the busy summer is over.

On this September day

Giving joy to children

This is repeated every time.

19.Ved. – The right to give the first bell is granted to a student of the 11th grade ___________________________________ and a student of the 1st grade ___________________________________

Voiced, cheerful First call

You are all hurried to the first lesson.

We congratulate you on the holiday of knowledge!

We invite you to school for the first lesson!

I declare the solemn line dedicated to the First Bell holiday closed!

Soon bright and carefree will fly by summer months and start Golden autumn. The streets of cities, district centers and villages will be filled with smart, cheerful pupils and students. Official congratulations from September 1, 2017 in prose to children and teachers will be dedicated by the first persons of the state, rectors of universities and school directors. In their own words, with the Day of Knowledge, first-graders, students in grades 2-11 and teachers will greet moms and dads. Friends and close relatives will delight schoolchildren and students with cool festive couplets in verse, original SMS and bright postcards with themed pictures. The iridescent trill of the first bell will call everyone to their desks, announcing the solemn beginning of the new academic year in the country.

Official congratulations on September 1, 2017 in prose from the director and teachers to schoolchildren

At the solemn line in honor of September 1, 2017, all students will gather together in the school yard. After the solemn rise state flag children will be contacted official congratulations in prose director, head teacher, teachers and guests of the event from among representatives of local authorities, deputies and public figures. They will announce the start of the new school year and first greet the first-graders who crossed the school threshold for the first time. They wish the kids to quickly get used to the team, find true friends and show diligence in their studies. Children in grades 2-4 and 5-10 who returned to their desks after the longest summer holidays, will offer to be more attentive in the classroom, not to be distracted, not to hooligan and please teachers and parents with exemplary behavior and excellent, high marks. Future 11th grade graduates will be reminded that their last year of schooling is coming and in order to choose the right profession later, you need to think now what you want to do in the future and pour on the study of specialized disciplines. At the end of the official part, all children will be wished self-confidence, perseverance in comprehending the sciences and diligence in their studies. After all, it is these qualities that help to quickly master the school curriculum, and then successfully pass the EG and enter a university.

Examples of official congratulatory texts in prose for September 1, 2017 from the director and teaching staff of the school

So this day has come. September 1 - Day of knowledge and the start of a new academic year. I would like to wish you guys that this day will not be a cause of sadness, but will be remembered by long-awaited cheerful meetings, fervent and ringing laughter, new interesting acquaintances and awakening of a thirst for knowledge. So that there is enough strength and patience for the whole coming year! High grades, easy control, interesting lessons and true friends, with whom everything that has already been said can easily come true!

Dear students! There is nothing more beautiful in the world than learning new things, learning, reading and remembering wise lines for life! I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge, on the day of wisdom and diligence! Let there be an opportunity in your life to learn and gain knowledge not only in your school years, but also in the future, throughout your life! Knowledge makes a person stronger, wiser, kinder, helps to discover new truths, make scientific discoveries and discover the mysteries of nature. Let your mind never refuse new knowledge, but always strive for knowledge and wisdom!

Dear boys and girls! There is no such thing as too much knowledge! Today I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! I wish you successful studies and excellent grades! Let educational process will bring not only great benefits, but also the joy of comprehending wisdom, communicating with teachers and friends! I wish that in your life study never ends, because teaching is light, and ignorance is darkness! So let the light of wisdom and knowledge shine brightly in your life!

First day of September. For some, the first bell rings today, for some - the next or last, and for many, the bells have already rung out. But we certainly remember this quiet, but persistent sound. It encourages children to knowledge, and allows adults to remember the meaning of this holiday - the Day of Knowledge. We wish everyone interesting and informative study and work, success and various discoveries!

Optimistic and funny congratulations on September 1 to teachers in prose from parents and students

On September 1, congratulations will be accepted not only by schoolchildren, but also by teachers. Festive greetings to teachers will be dedicated by students and their parents. Fathers and mothers will say sincere and many thanks to their mentors for the daily hard work, for angelic patience and endurance, for a kind heart in which there is a place for every child and for good attitude to the kids, even when the guys don't deserve it too much. Teachers are encouraged to maintain their goodwill in any situation, to be indulgent to children's jokes and practical jokes, to always believe in the best and to awaken in schoolchildren a craving for new knowledge.

In turn, the students will congratulate the teachers on the start of the next academic year, promise to be more attentive in the classroom, show diligence in comprehending the sciences and more often listen to the advice given by teachers. Boys and girls jokingly suggest that teachers treat their students a little more condescendingly, forgive them for petty hooligan tricks, like a button on a chair or a chalkboard rubbed with soap, and not scold them for cheat sheets on tests and using a mobile phone during class. Indeed, without these funny pranks, school life will lose its brightness and will no longer be so fun, cool and memorable.

Texts of cool congratulations for September 1 in prose for teachers from parents and students

Dear our teachers! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! Let the kindness and purity of the holiday break in with cheerful enthusiasm, impatient students give smiles, flowers, and the day is replete with poems, congratulations and music. We wish the first day of autumn to set the rhythm and mood for the coming year, which will be rich in bright heads, talents and brilliant minds.

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the day of knowledge! An exciting day, the start of a new school year. We will solemnly meet first-graders, we wish easy study to students. Let every teacher be proud of his work. Joy to you, knowledge, Have a good mood, great achievements and smart students! Happy holiday!

Dear teachers, today I would like to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish you diligent students, moral stability and strength, health and optimism. You are faithful keepers of knowledge passed down from generation to generation. May your work be valued and respected. Blessings to each of you. Good luck to the new school year!

Our dear and respected teachers, here you are again at the start of the annual race in school curriculum. Let this year be fruitful, productive, informative and interesting. We wish you steel patience, granite health and radiant happiness. And we, your students, promise to delight you with attention, obedience and good grades.

Original, joyful congratulations on September 1 to a first grader in verse

The kindest, warmest, cheerful and joyful congratulations from September 1 on Knowledge Day are received by first graders. On the threshold of the school they are greeted with a smile by the director, the head teacher and the future class teacher. Then the kids are escorted to the formation and given the opportunity to look around a bit and get used to the new, unusual and solemn atmosphere. Embarrassed seven-year-olds still do not know how to behave and are a little embarrassed under the glances of other schoolchildren, but when congratulatory verses dedicated to first-graders begin to sound from the podium, the boys and girls relax and understand that from that moment they have become full members of the friendly school fraternity, in which each student is ready to help a friend and suggest what to do in a given difficult situation.

With rhymed works in honor of first-graders on September 1, almost all those present at the solemn line perform. Optimistic, parting lines are pronounced by the director and members of the teaching staff, mothers and fathers of newly minted schoolchildren wish their offspring to excel in the classroom and demonstrate their diligence in comprehending knowledge, perseverance and attention. Guys from elementary school V poetic form they advise first-graders not to be afraid and actively participate in school life, and high school students promise not to offend inexperienced kids and help them with their lessons. Such a warm and comfortable environment makes the most pleasant impression on seven-year-olds. They stop being nervous and are imbued with love for the school, and for the teachers, and for other students.

Short and funny poems for September 1 for first graders

Dear first grader,
On the very first school holiday
We wish you
Many joys in fate.

Knowledge is power, that's clear.
To make life beautiful
Know, read, learn
Be bold, don't be lazy!

Be smart and cheerful.
Let the school teach you
Think, argue and make friends,
Bright, interesting to live!

Dear first grader,
You have a holiday today:
The first bell rang
The first lesson is waiting for you.
Long school life way.
Remember, don't forget
That he will be successful
Who lives his dream.
Boldly go to the goal,
And luck is ahead!

In the first class you walk boldly
And a smile from ear to ear
We wish you inspiration
The most colorful ideas.

Let everything be interesting
School, your class will surprise
Let the teacher be honest
Let him teach and have fun.

School, satchel, first class -
This new step for you.
A new home, in a way.
In it you will be in business!

Today you, first-graders,
Wonder kids and cuties!
Let everything be easy for you
Happiness let you smile.

Letters, numbers and notebooks
May they always be well.
Strive more for knowledge
On the "five" just learn!

Funny congratulations from September 1 in prose and poetry to the parents of a first grader

On the eve of September 1, first-graders are most worried. For them, the school looks something interesting, attractive and even a little magical. They feel that their life will change and they try very hard to prepare for this with honor. important event. Perhaps only their parents worry more than children. Moms and dads are worried about how their offspring will get used to the new team, whether he will cope with the busy curriculum and whether he will be able to quickly adapt in an unfamiliar environment. Cool, funny and optimistic congratulations on September 1 in verse and prose will help to slightly reduce the degree of excitement and calm the intensity of passions. They can be recited to parents aloud in a personal meeting, sent by mail, written on a colorful postcard, sent in the form of SMS or said on the phone. Cheerful, joyful phrases or playful, funny rhymes heard or read on a holiday will make moms and dads of first graders smile and feel less stressed. But this is so important - at a solemn moment to defuse the situation and create a pleasant, light and relaxed atmosphere around.

Texts with cool congratulations in verse and prose for moms and dads of first graders on September 1

No wonder they say that parents are all
They go to first grade for the second time.
They are just their children by the hand
They go to school together to learn.
Congratulations on your first grader
Let science be easy for them at school,
We wish you happiness, success,
And the call to the lesson sounds are heard.

Moms and dads whose kids go to school for the first time! We want to congratulate you on this event, and wish that your kids succeed, and the school becomes a second home, where they will always understand, listen and help! Patience to you and wisdom on this thorny path to knowledge and success! Help your kids learn and gnaw at the granite of science!

Your little one is going to school for the first time!
This is great happiness, we know!
Let's say off the record:
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
From September, childhood will begin again:
Lessons, crafts and portfolio fees.
Though the mess touches you,
Congratulations, life is more fun!

Moms and dads, congratulations on September 1, on your child's first step in new life where knowledge and literacy reign! We wish your children to achieve high marks, to live every day with interest, and of course to make their dreams come true! Remember that along the way, you are their most faithful mentors and greatest support!

Warm congratulations on September 1 to school graduates from parents in prose - texts in your own words

Parents congratulate children going to grade 11 especially tenderly, with inspiration and reverence since September 1. Looking proudly at their beloved boys and girls, mothers and fathers clearly understand that their children have grown up and will soon leave the hospitable and welcoming walls of the school to enter universities, search for well-paid, prestigious work and start a family. These thoughts make adults feel a little sad that time flies so quickly and the recent timid first graders have already turned into beautiful, self-confident young men and women, celebrating their final school year.

But sadness is replaced by joy, and parents guide future graduates to new achievements with simple, but sincere and warm congratulations. At such a moment, it can be difficult for mothers and fathers to remember previously memorized texts and, looking into the shining eyes of children, in their own words they wish the children to listen to teachers, show special zeal for science, be especially attentive in the classroom, show diligence, diligence and diligence. Indeed, their further life, career and personal well-being will depend on how eleventh-graders finish school and pass the EG.

Options for congratulations in your own words from September 1 from parents to 11th graders

On behalf of the parents, we congratulate you guys on the day of knowledge! We wish you a good mood, desire to learn and learn. Let all the desired knowledge be given with ease. May there always be an unquenchable interest in learning and achieving new things. Good luck to you, success, positive results and achievements high altitudes! Let the last year at school be the best, brightest and most memorable event in your life. Good luck and luck always and in everything.

With awe and excitement, we hasten to congratulate you on the solemn holiday, the Day of Knowledge! School time - best time in the life of any person, and the last year at school is the most important and special. We wish you to study well and be the best among the best. Let the mind be open to the new, all competitions, olympiads and tests have been successfully passed, and the heart overflows with pride for merits, peaks, victories, achievements. Good luck, dear 11th graders!

The school always welcomes students with open arms! But today's eleventh-graders come to it with a special feeling. Ahead of the new school year, which will be your last school year. You are waiting for new discoveries, assessments, control and homework. But, every time you complete them, you will know that very soon you will have to leave your class, your beloved friends and teachers who have become relatives over the years. Appreciate these beautiful days of your youth and live them so that the memories always warm your hearts. Happy new school year, dear children. We are always by your side and ready to help in everything. Learn guys, master and comprehend science! You are our future! From September 1!

Dear our children! Congratulations on the day of knowledge! Don’t think, we were also children, and sometimes we were bored, sometimes we didn’t want to study and it seemed that we didn’t need many things. But in fact, knowledge is the power that moves the world. And we, your parents, really hope that you will become those people thanks to whom our world is moving forward. Happy holiday, our loved ones!

SMS congratulations and pictures from September 1 to students and parents from friends and acquaintances

If there are many schoolchildren among relatives, friends and acquaintances different ages and to congratulate all of them, as well as the parents of the students, is simply not physically possible, there is an excellent and quite modern way out. Both children and adults have at hand Cell phones and other modern gadgets, to which it is very convenient to send a congratulatory SMS message or a colorful thematic picture, supplemented by 1-2 optimistic verse couplets. This kind of holiday greeting will help to give attention to all students and their families, but, at the same time, it will not become too burdensome and does not require a lot of attention. a large number time. But everyone for whom the Day of Knowledge has special meaning and symbolizes the beginning of the school year, school bustle and full immersion in science, they will feel sincere care, cordiality and attention on your part. The students, as well as their mothers and fathers, will be very pleased to know that you remember what September 1 means to them and they will appreciate your kind, warm and joyful holiday words.

New days and new knowledge,
New meetings and new faces,
New searches, daring,
Unread pages!

Congratulations on the start of the school year!
Let granite lend itself easily to knowledge!
There is a big road ahead of you.
It promises you prospects and discoveries!

Happy Knowledge Day to all - from young to old,
Happy Knowledge Day to everyone - from villages to cities!
Let the light of learning be many-sided:
In the minds of descendants, in the wisdom of the ages!

The bell rings for all schoolchildren,
So let success come with the ringing
Let school days will be beautiful
I wish you knowledge, harmony, happiness.

Postcards with pictures in honor of September 1 for schoolchildren and parents

Best congratulations on September 1 to a freshman student - cool short texts in verse and prose

On September 1, a first-year student at the university feels almost the same as a first-grader at school. Everything is interesting and curious to him, but at the same time, he is a beginner who still does not know the local rules and laws at all. Of course, this inspires some nervousness, which will help to smooth out. cool congratulations with the beginning of the school year, recited by relatives, friends or acquaintances aloud, sent to the phone or posted on a personal page in social network. Reading or listening to funny phrases, a new student will quickly get used to an unusual environment and can easily tune in to positive.

How original and cool to congratulate a freshman on September 1 - cool poems and prose for students

Yesterday's schoolboy, here is a step of knowledge,
Today is a new holiday - you are a student!
A wonderful time of discovery and dreams,
And to the bright future is your passing ticket!

On Knowledge Day, we sincerely wish you
Learn, learn, don't give up
Student, we promise to help you
We will teach you how to overcome difficulties.

Knowledge Day is not only a holiday for schoolchildren. For first-year students, this is also a special day. This is the beginning of a new life path, an entrance to the fascinating world of new knowledge and curious discoveries. Let the busy student time be remembered not only by long lectures and strict professors, but also by conquering unfamiliar peaks, making new friends and girlfriends. May all tests, sessions and exams be easy for you. Successful studies!

Student years are coming,
You are entering a new life.
We wish you success and happiness
In everything, just be the first.

Let every item bring interest to you,
Find true friends.
We wish you health and happiness,
Only light and joyful days.

Dear first-year students, I congratulate you on the day of knowledge! I wish you to comprehend the new and conquer the unknown. Let the learning process bring joy and satisfaction, usefulness and quality. I wish you great prospects and easy knowledge. Develop, strive, practice, experiment! Knowledge is your strength!