Our students have a great opportunity to study in University College Dublin, the world famous top university in Ireland. It is the second-ranked and the first university in terms of the number of students in the country. Among its graduates are leading politicians, prominent scientists, artists, writers, including James Joyce, Gerard Hopkins, the first director of the WTO Peter Sutherland, four of the eight presidents and six of the twelve prime ministers of Ireland.

UCD is one of top universities in the European part of the world and is included in the top 100 educational institutions peace.

According to magazine The Economist MBA program University College Dublin is the best in the country, and the UCD business school itself is the only business school in Ireland and one of the few elite schools in the world that are accredited by all three authorized accrediting organizations - the American AACSB and the European EQUIS and AMBA.

The strongest areas of study and research at the university are exact and natural sciences, business, law, and art. The university makes a great contribution to the development of the scientific potential of Ireland, especially in such areas as chemical biology, ecology, energy, geology and earth sciences. There is also a wide range of programs for students. humanitarian specialties especially for linguists.

One of strengths University College Dublin - an innovative approach to education. Used in teaching and research the latest technology and state of the art methodology. The university provides students with the opportunity to take modules not only in their specialty, but also in other areas of study, which allows students to broaden their horizons and gain skills and a theoretical base in several areas at once.

For foreign students training programs are provided Foundation Year(for future bachelors) and Pre-Masters (for masters). However, if a student speaks English at a high level, he can start studying immediately after graduation.

The university campus deserves special attention. It is located in the southern suburbs of Dublin and covers an area of ​​1.4 square meters. km. Research complex, library. J. Joyce, student center, art house cinema center, exhibition center, student residences, sports complex and much more gives students the opportunity to maximum benefit and comfort to spend time learning.

Also at the university there is an employment center that provides advice to students. UCD. Many master's and bachelor's programs involve scientific or work practice.

According to Irish immigration laws, students have the right to stay in the country for 6-12 months after graduation to look for work.

Reasons to choose University College Dublin:
- one of the best universities in the world,
- a wide range of faculties and specialties,
- professional teaching staff,
- excellent campus infrastructure,
- modern laboratory and technical equipment of the university,
- affordable tuition fees compared to other top universities,
- the opportunity to stay in the country for 6 months after training to look for work.

The university consists of 7 colleges:
Business and Law
Agriculture, food industry and veterinary
Engineering and architecture
Natural Sciences
Exact sciences
Humanities and Celtic Studies

Each of the colleges, in turn, is divided into faculties that offer various specialties. In total, the university offers more than 200 training programs, the choice is the widest.

Basic entry requirements:
Undergraduate: IELTS from 6.5 (at least 6.0 in each section), high GPA
Pre-Masters: IELTS from 5.5 (at least 5.0 in each section), high average score of the first higher education diploma
Master's degree: IELTS from 6.5 (at least 6.0 in each section), high average score of the first higher education diploma

Cost of education:
Undergraduate from 17,400 - 22,400 euros per year
Master's degree 17,900 - 22,900 euros per year

Duration of training:
Foundation Year: 1 year
Undergraduate 3 or 4 years depending on the program
Master's degree 1 or 2 years depending on the program
Pre-Masters: 1 year or 6 months (depending on the level of English language)

University College Dublin (UCD) was founded over 150 years ago and today is one of the leading research universities in Europe.

University position on international arena strengthened noticeably last years, today the university is included in 1% of the best universities in the world. In addition, the international activity of University College Dublin is considered the most active among educational institutions in Ireland. In total, more than 30 thousand students from 120 countries study at the university, more than 5,500 university students study abroad.

The university was founded in the mid-19th century by John Henry Newman, the religious and political leader of Britain during the Victorian period. Since its founding in 1854, the university has never ceased its work and has made a unique and invaluable contribution to the development of modern Ireland, thanks to the active participation in the life of various sectors of society.

The university boasts five Nobel Prize winners from alumni and staff. Among famous alumni and university staff there are also three former presidents Ireland: Douglas Hyde (Associate), Patrick Hillery and Carroll O'Daly (Associate). Varahagiri Venkata Giri, the fourth President of India, studied law at University College Dublin.

In 2015, the university ranked 154th in the list of the best universities in the world and 66th place in the list of the best universities in Europe, according to the prestigious QS World University Rankings. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings placed the university 176th in the world in the list for academic year 2015-2016.

    Year of foundation

    Number of students

Academic Specialization

The university is active in various academic fields, including teaching undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, scientific activity, innovation and collaboration with the local community.

The university's veterinary programs were ranked 40th in the world, 16th in Europe and 1st in Ireland by QS Subject Ranking in 2015.

The Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business, part of UCD, is regularly ranked among the top 100 business and economics departments in the world. Rating of business programs Financial Times Global MBA Ranking" in 2015 placed this business school in 73rd place in the world.

Foundation preparatory program

Dublin International Training Center is located in the historical center of the city, near the St. Stephen's and busy shopping streets. The center is a 15-minute walk from Trinity College Dublin and a 15-minute bus ride from University College Dublin.

The International Study Center guarantees reliable preparation for admission and further studies at University College Dublin and offers its students:

comprehensive support

Effective English classes

Small groups of students and university teaching methods

Training with teachers from UCD and TCD

  • Age of participants: from 17 years old
  • Program duration: 3 semesters
  • Beginning of classes: September, January
  • Number of destinations: 2
  • Level of English for participation in the programs: IELTS 5.0
  • Level of education: high school diploma with good grades.

The program is designed for foreign school graduates who want to enter the University College Dublin for undergraduate programs. Applicants who have reached the age of 17 with a certain level knowledge of English. All programs last 3 semesters and have two annual schedules starting in January or September. Programs are divided into two broad areas: Business, Economics and Social sciencies and Engineering and Science, each with different specializations.

During the training, students master general and thematic modules. great attention is given to the development of academic skills, English and thematic subjects in the chosen field of knowledge. The success of the material covered is checked with the help of examination papers, term papers, presentations and extended essays.

Training also includes a special CareerAhead program, which is designed to develop skills for future career success. Students develop skills in self-presentation, resume writing, interviewing and other skills. During the training, participants get acquainted with the education system and the routine of the college, and successfully adapt to life in Ireland. After successfully completing the training programs, graduates enter the undergraduate college in the chosen specialty.

Direction: Business, Economics and Social Sciences (Business, Economics and Social Sciences).

1. Main modules:

  • Academic English
  • The course provides comprehensive language training and the development of related academic skills. These skills include academic writing processes, effective reading strategies, seminar participation and presentation skills, and listening to and recording information from lectures. Improves accuracy and clarity of writing colloquial speech, necessary for correct use language in an academic context
  • Project study
  • research project performs each student, choosing a topic related to the chosen specialty. Work is carried out under the guidance of a teacher
  • Principles of Economics
  • are being studied economic systems, product types, resource allocation, price controls, market types, costs and benefits, and market inefficiencies
  • General Mathematics (Level 1)
  • Basic knowledge of mathematics and an introduction to more complex mathematical concepts that will be needed for further development and work in the field of business and which have a strong statistical element
  • Computer skills
  • Students learn the main characteristics computer equipment and software and become familiar with the principles and role of programming. Students also look at how computers are used in different contexts.

2. Thematic modules:

  • General Mathematics (Level 2)
  • Practical use common mathematical methods used in many business environments to make management decisions. Thorough knowledge of Excel and related functions
  • Principles of Economics (Level 2)
  • Topics covered: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, economic policy, inflation, unemployment, international trade and development economics
  • Accounting and finance
  • Basic concepts underlying accounting and finance, with an emphasis on the practical aspects of maintaining financial reporting and management of accounting systems
  • Introduction to Business Information Systems
  • A practical introduction to IT skills and how they are used in a business and learning context
  • Computing
  • HTML and website design training
  • History and cityscape of Dublin
  • Influence of historical and geographical facts on the growth and development of modern Dublin.
  • business statistics
  • Development of analytical and data presentation skills with using Excel. Mastering the mathematical tools used in solving a number of economic and financial problems.
  • Introduction to Business Studies (Principles of Management)
  • Understanding operational and strategic issues facing business in today's market economy.

Available Bachelor's programs (3-year):

1. Bachelor of Business / Commerce (BComm (Hons) Business / Bachelor of Commerce) with specializations:

  • Accounting
  • Human resources management
  • Management and innovation
  • Marketing
  • Information Systems management
  • Banking and finance

2. Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSc (Hons) Social Science) with specializations:

  • Economy
  • Geography
  • Information Research
  • Politics
  • Sociology
  • Social politics
  • Archeology

3. Economics (BA (Hons) Economics)

4. Economics and Finance (BSc (Hons) Economics and Finance).

Available Bachelor's programs (4-year):

1. Actuarial and financial studies (BSc (Hons) Actuarial & Financial Studies)

2. Business and Law (BBL (Hons) Business & Law)

3. Law (BCL (Hons) Law).

The cost of studying in the direction of Business, Economics and Social Sciences = 16480 € / course (3 semesters).

Direction: Engineering and Science (Engineering and Sciences).

1. Main modules

  • Academic English
  • Intensive study of English in the context of its applicability to the development of academic skills. Systems of effective reading, writing, listening, presentation skills and public speaking. Develops oral and written speech, explains how best and correctly to express their thoughts.
  • research project
  • The research project is carried out on a topic that is chosen by the student together with the teacher and relates to the chosen direction of future education
  • Mathematics (Level 1)
  • Studying algebra, trigonometric functions, sequences and series, rules of differentiation, integration and probability.
  • Chemistry (Level 1)
  • Research formulas, equations, atomic structure, redox potential, thermodynamics and communication
  • Computer skills
  • Computer skills in relation to scientific and technical branches and engineering.

2. Thematic modules

  • Introduction to Business Information Systems
  • IT skills and their use in the context of business and education.
  • environmental science
  • Topics: ecology and chemistry environment, the fundamental chemical processes that shape the terrestrial, atmospheric and aquatic environment. Impact of pollutants and built environments; biodiversity, ecology and environmental conservation.
  • Mathematics (Level 2)
  • Topics: algebra, sequences and series, integration and probability, trigonometry, polar coordinates, vectors, complex numbers and expanding the ranks
  • Physics (level 1 and level 2)
  • Level 1: liquids, gases, thermodynamics, temperature and heat transfer, nuclear physics and atomic physics. Level 2: electric forces and fields, gravitational field, electric potential, magnetic forces and fields.
  • Biology (level 1 and level 2)
  • Level 1: biological molecules, cellular structure, cell division, movement through cell membranes, enzymes and metabolic pathways. Level 2: cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, control and coordination, reproduction
  • Chemistry (level 2)
  • Topics: equilibrium, acid-base balance, kinetics and organic chemistry
  • Mechanics (level 1 and level 2)
  • Level 1: Exploration of vectors, motion in one dimension, motion in two dimensions, force and Newton's laws, work and energy. Level 2: centers of gravity and centers of mass, linear momentum, uniform circular motion, rotational dynamics and simple harmonic motion.

Available undergraduate programs:

  • Computer Science (BSc (Hons) Computer Science)
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BSc (Hons) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
  • Chemistry (BSc (Hons) Chemistry)
  • Chemistry and Biophysical Chemistry (BSc (Hons) Chemistry with Biophysical Chemistry)
  • Chemistry with environmental chemistry and sustainable chemistry (BSc (Hons) Chemistry with Environmental & Sustainable Chemistry)
  • Biology of the environment (BSc (Hons) Environmental Biology)
  • Genetics (BSc (Hons) Genetics)
  • Geology (BSc (Hons) Geology)
  • Mathematical science (BSc (Hons) Mathematical Science)
  • Mathematics (BSc (Hons) Mathematics)
  • Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology (BSc (Hons) Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology)
  • Microbiology (BSc (Hons) Microbiology)
  • Neuroscience (BSc (Hons) Neuroscience)
  • Pharmacology (BSc (Hons) Pharmacology)
  • Physics (BSc (Hons) Physics)
  • Physics with astronomy and space science (BSc (Hons) Physics with Astronomy & Space Science)
  • Physiology (BSc (Hons) Physiology)
  • Plant Biology (BSc (Hons) Plant Biology)
  • Statistics (BSc (Hons) Statistics)
  • Theoretical physics(BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics)
  • Zoology (BSc (Hons) Zoology)
  • Biomedical sciences, health and life sciences (BSc (Hons) Biomedical, Health & Life Sciences)
  • Food (BSc (Hons) Food Science)
  • Health Science (BSc (Hons) Health and Performance Science)
  • Radiography (BSc (Hons) Radiography)
  • Sports and exercise management (BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Management)
  • Agriculture (BAgriSc (Hons) Agricultural Science)
  • Food Science (BSc (Hons) Food Science)
  • Architecture (BSc (Hons) Architectural Science)
  • Biomedical Engineering (BSc (Hons) Biomedical Engineering)
  • Chemical Engineering and Bioprocess Engineering (BSc (Hons) Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering)
  • Civil Engineering (BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering)
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BSc (Hons) Electrical or Electronic Engineering)
  • Engineering Systems Engineering (BSc (Hons) Energy Systems Engineering)
  • Mechanical Engineering (BSc (Hons) Mechanical Engineering)
  • Structural engineering with architecture (BSc Structural Engineering with Architecture).

The cost of studying in the direction of Engineering and Science = 17980 € / course (3 semesters).

Many of our readers have studied at universities and institutes, some even at prestigious ones. Now, this category of readers will have the opportunity to compare a prestigious Western university with the one they studied at. For other readers, we think this information will also be useful.

Our comparison will take place on the basis of one of the best universities in Ireland - University College Dublin, which is on a par with the pride of the Irish educational system.

To begin with, USD is located just five kilometers from the very center of Dublin and spread over an area of ​​​​141.6 hectares, which is only thirty hectares less than the largest fenced park in Europe -. This is the best indicator of the size of student campuses among the countries of Western Europe.

University College Dublin has partnerships with universities around the world that allow students to spend part of their studies at universities in other countries. Students, after graduating from University College Dublin, as well as other universities in Ireland, have the right to stay in Ireland for one year to look for work, while having the right to work.

University College Dublin is in the top 1% of universities in the world. It has 25,000 students, 20% of whom are international students. Teaching at the university is conducted in subjects in more than two hundred areas of study.

For those students who do not live on campuses, there are several great ways to get to UCD. This is facilitated by twenty-five bus routes passing near the university, the LUAS tram line and the DART city train line.

Each former student knows that “a student lives not only by teaching alone”. And although student life is remembered by any university graduate, at the University College Dublin there are much more opportunities for this than at a regular university. Judge for yourself. UCD has about a hundred active student societies that allow everyone to find something to their liking.

Let's name some of the student societies. This is a musical, chess, photo of skill, computer science, theatrical, literature and history, Muslim, English literature, game lovers (from video and board games to maps), film lovers, international, which, by the way, organizes trips around Ireland, and others.

There are no less sports clubs and societies. This is athletics, and basketball with football, canoeing and golf, rugby and sailing, swimming and tennis, martial arts and others. There is also a climbing wall, sports hall, handball and badminton halls.

There are also outdoor sports facilities: artificial and natural fields for playing bandy, rugby fields and tennis. Moreover, there is the National Hockey Stadium. Note that the level of university sports teams is so high that it allows some of them to participate in general Irish competitions and even become winners.

Also, University College Dublin has a sports and fitness center, which includes an Olympic-sized swimming pool, sauna and jacuzzi, and an athletics hall.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the living conditions of students on a student campus. The housing of the student campus is built according to the type of apartments, where each apartment has a dining room and a kitchen. For foreign students, accommodation is guaranteed and depends only on the wishes of the student. Students who wish to live on campus can choose not only the number of roommates, but also various forms service during stay.

Especially, I want to emphasize the opportunity to buy at the university a full-fledged, relatively cheap and prepared food for every taste in the educational buildings of the university. We think that not many universities can boast of the opportunity to feed all students who want to eat full-fledged food during the student day.

And in conclusion, a little about the student environment, not only at University College Dublin, but in all universities. Simplicity in dress, lack of desire to stand out, democracy in communication and some kind of good emancipation, this is what distinguishes the local students. Perhaps this is what allows graduates of this university to have good contacts with his former classmates and after graduation. We think that this is one of the main components of a prestigious foreign education.

University College Dublin (UCD) was founded in 1854 and today is one of the leading research universities in Europe. It was founded by Cardinal John Henry Newman in the middle of the 19th century as one of the first Catholic universities in Ireland. Today it is a well-equipped, modern university located on a vast territory. UCD offers highest quality teaching and unique conditions for scientific research. Students have a choice of a huge number of courses and disciplines - in total, the university has more than 80 departments. The university is unique not only for offering such a wide range of subjects to study, but also for being one of the few educational institutions in Europe offering as many as 4 scientific faculties: agriculture, medicine, veterinary medicine and natural sciences.

Along with Trinity College Dublin, UCD is a pair of the largest and most prestigious universities in Ireland, which every student wants to be in. More than 26,000 students study here in Ireland than any other university.

UCD is located in the heart of Dublin and covers an area of ​​133 hectares. Students can participate in over 60 sports clubs as well as 50 student communities. Dublin is one of the best university cities in the world.

UCD is among the top 150 universities in the World University Rankings 2013. In 2006, the university won The Sunday Times University of the Year Award.

UCD Business School (Smurfit Business school) is one of the few schools with three international program accreditations. Only 1% of all business schools in the world can boast of this fact.

Recently, UCD adopted a new strategic plan, "Forming Global Minds", aimed at internationalization and increased student mobility. In total, almost 6,000 international students study on the main UCD campus.

The university is famous for its programs higher education in the humanitarian, natural science and agricultural fields. In addition, there are very strong professional programs in medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering, law and business. Students have great opportunities to do science - there are more than 2000 PhD students studying here alone.

UCD graduates are representatives of the political, cultural, sports and business elite of Ireland. The most famous UCD alumnus is writer James Joyce.


  • The World University Ranking 2018: 201 in the world
  • The QS University Ranking 2018: 193 in the world
  • The Financial Times: 35th MBA in Europe and 73rd in the world
  • Eduniversal Business School Ranking: 2nd in Ireland