Among herbs savannah. In the savannah there are periods of drought, when there is a lack of food. Then numerous herds of animals are sent to search for more favorable conditions. These migrations can continue weeks, and only the most endless animals manage to achieve the goal. Weaker are doomed to death.

The savanna climate favors the growth of high and lush grass. Trees, on the contrary, are rare here.

Baobab is not very tall treeHowever, the diameter of its barrel can reach 8 meters.

An African buffalo on a row with a hypopotam is considered one of the most dangerous animals of Africa. And truth, if the buffalo is injured or feels danger to himself or a young, he does not hesitate to attack the aggressor and kills him with powerful horns. Even the lion tries to avoid meeting him, because it is not confident in the outcome of the battle. Therefore, only buffalorates who bathed from herd, or old and sick animals that are not able to defend themselves are attacked predators.

Zebra skins are original and easy to recognizable. At first glance, all zebras seem the same, but in fact the drawing of the bands for each animal is yours, like fingerprints in humans. Countless attempts were made to tame Zebras (domesticated like a horse), but they always ended unsuccessfully. Zebra does not tolerate saddles or other loads on the cereal. It is very buggy, and it is difficult to approach even the reserves.

Zebras are devoid of horns and other means of protection, they save from predators by flight. Once in the environment, they are protected by teeth and hooves.

How to notice predators? Vision at ZEBR is not very sharp, so they often graze next to other animals, such as giraphs or ostrichs that are able to notice the approach of predators.

The pursued zebra can at 80 kilometers per hour, but not a long time.

On the strips on the skins of the zebra can be poured different kinds zebras. Especially significant in this sense, the strip on the cereal.

The lion prefers open spaces where it finds a coolness in the shadow of rare trees. For hunting, it is better to have a wide review, so that it has been published to notice the herds of grazing herbivores and develop a strategy, as it is better to approach them unnoticed. Externally, this is a lazy beast, which is dull and idle. Only when the lion is hungry and is forced to pursue her herbivores or when it should protect its territory, he comes out of a stupor.

Lions do not hunt alone, unlike hepdads and tigers. As a result, all members of the Lviv family will live together and the grown lion will not be expelled from it, unless the conditions for hunting territory are not critical.

Usually a female group is sent to the hunt, the males are rarely joined. The hunters surround the sacrifice, rushing in high grass. When the animal notices the danger, it covers panic, and it is trying to escape by a gallop, but most often it falls into the paws of others, unnoticed by him of the hidden lioness.

The characteristic feature of the lion is a thick mane of males, which is not in other representatives of the Feline family.

The lioness usually give birth to two lining. To become adults, they need about two years - all this time they adopt the experience of parents.

Lion claws can reach 7 cm.

In an effort to survive, all animals evolved so as to ensure their own kind of sufficient food. The giraffe can feed on the leaves of trees, which are not reached by other herbivores: thanks to six-meter growth, it is above all other animals. The giraffe can take food and from the ground, as well as drinking water, but for this he must spread the front legs to lean. In this position, it is very vulnerable for predators, because it can not even rush to flight.

The giraffe has a very long, thin and soft tongue, adapted to tear acacia leaves. Lips, especially the top, also serve this goal. The giraffe breaks the leaves growing at a height from two to six meters.

The most beloved food of giraffes - the leaves of trees, especially acacia; Her tricks apparently do not cause an animal anxious.

Giraffes live with herds divided into two groups: in one female with a young, in another - males. To win the right to become the leaders of herd, males are struggling, causing shocks with her head.

On the run, the giraff is not very fast and deft. Running from the enemy, he can count on the speed of only 50 kilometers per hour.

The "secret weapon" of Chepada serves its flexible body with a durable spine, curved, like an arch of the bridge, and powerful clawed paws, allowing to fully rely on the ground. This is the fastest beast of African savanna. No one can imagine an animal running faster Chepard. In short moments, he develops speed over 100 kilometers per hour, and if he had not been tired quickly, he would be the most terrible predator of Africa.

Cheetah prefers to live in small groups from two to eight - nine individuals. Usually such a group consists of one family.

Unlike other representatives of the Feline family, the cheetah claws are never drawn, just like dogs. This feature allows the beast not to slip on the ground when running; It does not concern the land at the same time only the claw thumb.

The cheetah climbs on the trees and overlooks the savanna from the height to discover the herds of grazing herbivores that could become its prey.

Not always hippard skin is covered with stains, sometimes they merge, forming a strip, like a royal cheetah.

A long tail serves as a steering wheel - they can quickly change the direction of the run, which is necessary during the persecution of the victim.

The African Elephant threatened the extinction and because of the hunt, the victim of which he became at the beginning of the 20th century, as the demand for products from ivory (from the beer), and because of the important changes carried out by man in his habitat. Now elephants live mainly in gigantic national Parkswhere zoologists are being studied and guarded guards. Unfortunately, this is not enough to prevent the destruction of elephants poachers. Otherwise the situation is indian elephantwhich was never in danger, as a man of centuries used him in various works.

An African elephant is different from Indian. He is larger, he has more ears, and the beer is much longer. IN South-East Asia Elephants are domesticated and used in various works. African elephants are not amenable to teaching due to its more independent nature.

Like a giraffe, the elephant prefers to eat with the leaves of trees, which breaks the trunk from the branches. It happens that he pours a whole tree to the ground to get food.

Talnia and trunk are two miraculous tools for the survival of elephants. Elephant's legs are protected from predators and uses them during the drought period to accoverate the land in search of water. A very movable trunk he breaks down the leaves and dials water, which then sends into the mouth. The elephant loves water very much and at the first opportunity climbs in a reservoir to refresh. It swims perfectly.

The elephant willingly hide in the shadow, because his huge body is hardly cooled. For this purpose, the huge ears are served, which he rhythmically foams to cool.

As the children hold the hand of the mother, so walked, keeping the trull for the tail of the elephants.

The natural environment in which ostrich lives, determined the final adaptability of this bird, the largest of all: the mass of ostrich exceeds 130 kilograms. Long neck Increases the growth of ostrich to two meters. Flexible neck and excellent vision allow him from this height from afar to notice the danger. Long legs Give an ostrich opportunity to run at a speed of up to 70 kilometers per hour, as a rule, sufficient to escape from predators.

Ostress prefers open spaces where he is all seen from afar and there are no obstacles to running.

Frams live not alone, but groups of different numbers. While the birds are looking for food, at least one stands on guard and looks around the neighborhood, in order to notice enemies, primarily hepardians and lions.

Ostrich's eyes are surrounded by long eyelashes that protect them both from the African Sun and from dust raised by the wind.

Ostrich build a nest in a small depression, pulling it out in sandy soil and sticking with something soft. The female rands eggs in the afternoon, because her gray color is well merged with environmental; The male with predominantly black feathers is engaged in reaching at night.

The females are postponed in a common nest from three, up to eight eggs, and each of them take turns rapid eggs in turn. One egg weighs more than one and a half kilograms and has a very durable shell. To break the shell and hatch from the egg, an ostrich is sometimes required for a whole day.

The beak at the ostrich is short, flat and very durable. It is not specialized for any special food, but serves to draw the grass and other vegetation and grab insects, small mammals and snakes.

This huge fat animal lives in both Africa and South and Southeast Asia. In Africa, there are two types of rhinos other than Asian. African rhinos are two horns, and adapted these animals to the habitat characterized by large spaces where very few trees. Asian rhino has only one horn and prefers to live in the forest chains. These animals are on the verge of extinction, because poachers ruthlessly hunt them to get the horns who are in great demand in some countries.

Despite its mass, African rhino is very moving and can do cool turns on run.

The rhino female brings, as a rule, one young every two to four years. The kid remains long with his mother, even when grows and becomes independent. A newborn young one after an hour can follow his mother on his feet, and, besides, it usually goes or ahead of it, or on the side. He feeds the mother's milk, and during this time its mass increases from 50 to 300 kilograms.

Males of rhinos, like many other animals, are struggling for the right to become a leader. At the same time, they use a horn as a stick, that is, they sound sideways, not the edge. It may happen that during the martial arts the rog will break, but then he will grow again, although very slowly.

Vision at rhino is bad, he sees only near, like a short man. But it is the finest sense of smelling and rumor, he can from afar to feel the smell of food or enemy.

Rhino horn can reach 1.5 meters long.

What animals inhabit the savannah, you will learn from this article.

What animals live in savannah?

Savannes are open wide spaces, strongly cropped herbs, with trees occurring occasionally. They are geographically located in Australia, Africa and South America. There is no summer or winter, but there are 2 seasons - the season of drought and rain. Data climatic conditions The full measure is determined by the animal world that inhabits savannah.

Herbal animals Savanne

The largest representative of herbivores is african elephant. The weight of the animal sometimes raises the mark of 7.5 tons, and the elephant reaches 4m into height. The highest animal Savannan is the giraffe - the growth of the animal reaches 5.8 m.

List of Savanne herbivores:

* Antelope such breeds - Sable, GNU, Big Kudo, Bushbock and Impala

* Zebras of such breeds - Burcherlov, mountain and desert zebras

* Rhino - White and Black

* Wild pigs

* Wild horses

Predatory animals Savanne

Predators Savannes inhabit not only the land, but also water expanses. The most massive predatory animal is a hippopotamus, which reaches 3.2 tons, and the body length is about 420 cm. The leather hippos does not have hair cover, only on the tail and muzzle there is a small hair cover.

In the savanna, you can still meet such predatory animals:

  • Chepdo
  • Spotted hyenas
  • Lviv
  • Leopards
  • Shakalov

The largest representative of the family of predators - spotted hyena. The mass of her body is 82 kg, the length of the body is 128 cm, the length of the tail 33 cm. Hyien wool coarse, yellow-gray shade with scattered round black spots.

There are ten different natural zones on Earth and one of them is a savanna zone. The most famous African Savannah is the most famous. Here you will find a photo, and interesting video About those who live in savannah. See: "Famous animals and plants Savannan Africa", as well as, about such features of the climate of this natural zone, like the rainy season and dry season.

Well, now about everything in order. The land has 10 different biomes - biological systems with specific species of plants and animals that live in their climatic region. One of these biomes is a tropical savanna. This climatic community extends throughout the southern hemisphere, in particular, in East Africa, in the south of Brazil and Northern Australia. Tropical savannahs often go in the desert or dry rainforestsAnd also, can meet in tropical meadows.

Temperature and climate Savannan. Tropical savannah biomes have two clearly defined season. As a rule, they are called "winter" season and "summer" season. These seasons are not accompanied by an extreme take-off and temperature drop and seasonal differences. In fact, all tropical savannah are located in warm or hot climatic zones, mostly in latitudes from 5 to 10 and from 15 to 20. The annual temperature is in the range of 18 degrees up to 32 degrees. The temperature increases, as a rule, occurs very gradually.

Diorama "Africa" \u200b\u200b(photo S. V. Leonov). Most people have the word "Africa" \u200b\u200bis associated, first of all, with African savanna.

Winter is a dry season. Winter is a dry season in a biome of tropical savanna. This season usually continues from November to April. In this season, the savanna usually get on average only four inches. For the most part of this time, usually from December to February, the rain can absolutely absent in Savannas. This is usually the most cool time of the year. average temperature - About 21 degrees. Dry season usually foreshadow strong thunderstorms in October and subsequent strong windswhich are drying the air and bring dry aerial masses. For January, in the midst of the dry season, fires often happen in Savannes.

Dry season - the period of great migrations.

Summer - rainy season. Hot humidity of rainy seasons in Savannah influenced the fact that this natural zone began to classify as tropical. Strong rains Start in May or June. From May to October, the savannah receive most precipitation (from 10 to 30 inches). Wet air, getting up from the ground, faces a cold atmosphere and rain occurs. In the summer, after dinner, abundant and numerous precipitation fall in savanna. Plants and animals savannah adapted to life in semi-water conditions at this time, and the porous soil savanna helps rain quickly.

The rainy season is undoubtedly best time years in savannah.

Where do not look - everywhere solid idiily!

Here, I think comments are superfluous! Ilonenka, definitely, happy childhood.

Seasonal effects. During summer rainy seasons, thick and lush meadows grow in the savanna. Many of the inhabitants of Bioma are glowing at this time, because Mother's milk depends on the variety of herbs. During the dry season, many animals migrate, while others continue to eat herbs in Savannah, and, in turn, carnivorous animals eaten. Savannah plants, with deep roots, fire-resistant bark and water systems during long dry periods, are specifically adapted to survive during the arid season.

Giant baobabs on Madagascar island.

Soil savanne Highly depend on how long the rainy season is. Typical for savannah are red-brown soils. They are formed where the rainy season lasts less than 6 months. Closer to equatorial forests Rain pour for 7-9 months, and red ferallic soils dominate. On lands close to deserts and semi-deserts, the rainy season can last only 2-3 months, and there are low-product soils with a thin layer of humus.

Video movie: " Animal world African savanna. A series of films about nature.

Those who live in savannah are bold people. Just look as hard here Beaar Grills.

A few more photos: animals savannah.

African elephant.

This handsome name is Marabu. They live only in Africa and thank God.

Animals of Africa in photos (17 photos)
Animal Report of Africa for Children.

AFRICA - Extensive continent, located on both sides of the equator. There is a wide variety of natural landscapes: deserts, savanna, tropical forests, where animals live, many of which are not on other continents. In Africa proceed large rivers, there are a lot of topping swamps and large lakes. In the reservoirs, thirst for animals and birds quench; Here they feed and hunt prey.

Part of the African continent occupy savannaisprouted by grass often burning out of the sun, and a small shrub. There are almost no trees here, only thick baobabs and acacias with branches in the form of umbrellas are growing. At the end of the spring comes the rainy season; It is at this time that vegetation is rapidly developing. In places even formed reservoirs, where, soda, or whole groups come on bathing various animals.

Pink flamingo
Colonies of pink flamingo populate the shores of the Great african lakes. These large birds, representatives of the detachment of the galley, draw the water with the beak and filter the edible algae. Pigment contained in these algae and gives the boils to the birds such a bright color.
Before tosing, Flamingo is pulled out the neck and run out; They take away from the ground, they all together, rushing in the same direction.

Zebras striped not only torso, but even mane, tail and leather. Only the tips of the muzzle and the tail of black. However, there are no identical zebras - each of them has its own black and white pattern. Such painting helps zebram hide, because their worst enemies - lions and panthers - always alert!

Giraffe with his long neck for growth is no less than two-storey house. With such an increase, it is not difficult to detect the approaching lion from afar. The long neck helps the animal to pinch a juicy foliage of high acacias. But to get drunk, Giraf has to be not easy: he needs to push the front legs and bend the neck strongly - only then he will be able to reach the water.

African crocodile
Crocodile is a major freshwater reptile, or reptile. And in addition, very dangerous. I look at the sleepy crocodile zipper rushing. The female lays eggs on the shore, and hatched cubs tolerates in the mouth.
Too frisky crocodile cubs - mother soothes, throwing them up.

Lion and lioness
Lion is the largest representative of feline in Africa. This king beasts is not afraid of anyone. His roar is heard on a lot of kilometers around. Surprisingly, but no lions hunt, but a lioness. Sitause the lion eats over 10 kg of meat.

The Eagle Fisherman has a big hooked beak and severe claws. This predator has great eyesight: it needs to be easily noticing the fish floating under water. Then he rushes down and grabs prey, sometimes even no froze. And small eagles, which can not yet fish independently, are patiently waiting for her father in the nest located on the top of acacia.

Rhinos are not too friendly. These animals are easy to find out for two horns - a big and small. After eating a rhino, resting somewhere in the shadow, accumulating from the scorching sun. He also likes to be sought in the mud - so the animal is protected from the bites of annoying insects.

Cheetah Large antelope fan. He is not as strong as a panther, but the magnificent runner. This is the fastest mammal on the planet: the cheetah develops speed up to 100 km / h.

African elephant
Elephant is the biggest animal of all living on land. It can weigh 6 tons. The tissue of the elephant grows all his life. The ears in the African elephant is much more than the Asian, and also serve to fool. However, the most important thing is a trunk: the trunk of the elephant is gaining water for drinking, draws out his body from the soul, pinch the grass, breaks down a foliage with high trees.

Antelope Kuda
Kudo is one of the antelopes living on the expanses of the savanna. Always before run away from the enemy, these antelopes make impressive jumping.

Hippopotamus (or hippopotamus) means a "river horse". And this is true: almost all the time hippopotamus spends in the lake or in the river. Often the animal is completely immersed, and only nostrils and eyes are visible on the surface. Sometimes the hippopotamus sees the mouth and exposes the terrible fangs. This is a huge mammal weight over three tons can move the river along the bottom and detain their breath for more than 3 minutes.

Buffaloes are strong African bulls that live in the tropics, not far from the reservoirs. They were called "Wiking Helmet" - for large curved horns.
The buffaloes are clocking in water or even bathe in the mud - so they get rid of annoying mosquitoes and other body insects.

Panther (leopard)
Panther, or leopard, - a lonely predator, beautifully climbing in trees. It is sitting on a tree, Panther likes to wait to prey. Often, after a successful hunting, a predator lines prey on a tree, away from numerous voracious vorays.

Pavians live families and constantly roam from place to place in search of food: plants, insects, birds and even young gazelles. At night, on the time of sleep, the baboons are closed high to the tree so that they could not find a panther. Feeling danger, bavians are hissing and exposed their big fangs.

Madagascar IslandLocated east of Africa, the habitat of amazing animals, very similar to monkeys. These animals are called lemuras.

Lemur Indri
Indri is the most noisy and large of all lemurs. He rarely gets from the trees, where he jumps from the branch to the branch. Sometimes Lemur performs 10 meters jumping to get flower, fruit or juicy escape. And his tail is one of the smallest.

Cat Lemur
Feline Lemur is easy to learn on a long striped tail. Noticing the danger, Lemur waves his tail, exacerbating an unpleasant smell, and often scares the enemy.

Lemur Rokozka Aue-au

Lemur Roworozka Aue-au. The tail is like protein, and the eyes are round, like beads. The animal is powered by insects and their larvae, as well as fruits.

Pavians by Rich Lewis 🙂
Buffalo by Beechcraftmuc
Zebras by Vixs Pixs
Giraffe by Fran Caley
Hippos by Fran Caley
Chameleon by cowyeow.
Elephant by ruejj123.
Lion by ruejj123.
Rhino by ruejj123
Pink Flamingo by Athena113
Eagle by Martha de Jong-Lantink
Feline Lemur by Grant and Caroline's Pix

A variety of animals are diverse in Savannah, both predatory and herbivores, they live with groups such as prides, flocks or herds, and sometimes they are trying to survive in this harsh world.


The largest representative of the herbivore animals is the African elephant, its weight sometimes exceeds 7.5 tons, and in height this animal reaches four meters. Despite such dimensions, this is a strikingly moving animal. If the elephant is the most massive, then the highest is the giraffe, its growth can reach 5.8 meters, and weigh adult male of about 750 kilograms.

The most numerous herbivore animals Savannne is antelope:

    Antilope Sable


    Big Kudu

    Antilope Bushbock

Along with numerous antilopes, zebra was distributed, also grazing by large herds:

    Savanted zebras - Burcherlov or plain

    Desert zebry

    Mountain zebras

Predatory animals

To date, the habitat of these animals is limited by Savannes east Africa, as well as the southern territories of Ethiopia and Sudan. At the same time, there are hippos, both dwarf and ordinary, on the expanses of savannah in reservoirs in a variety.

The mass of these animals can reach 3.2 tons, and the length of their body reaches 420 centimeters, with a height in the shoulders of 165 centimeters. The skin of this animal without hair cover and only on the tail and face there is hard hair.

Here are what animals inhabit the savannah belonging to predators:

    Spotted hyenas

  • Leopards

Spotted Hyena is the largest representative of this family, its mass reaches 82 kilograms, a body in length at least 128 centimeters, with a length of the tail 33 centimeters. Its coarse wool of yellow gray color, it is scattered in a variety of round black spots.

All animals living in Savannah Africa are units of one the food chain, on top of which are large predators.