There are many recipes for making sourdough bread at home on the Internet, but they all look overly complicated. From the outside, it may seem that growing your own sourdough is akin to nursing an injured hamster, although in fact, making sourdough is no more difficult than buying yeast in a store. But the bread that you make with your own sourdough will surely change your ideas about this familiar product: it is tastier, more aromatic and lasts longer.

In addition to the process of making sourdough for bread (simple and straight as a stick), we will also talk about how you can use sourdough, because you don’t have to look for special recipes for this: you can bake not only bread, but also pizza with sourdough. , pies and other pastries. So start growing your sourdough starter today, because in exactly one week I will give you the recipe for my favorite rye bread, which anyone can make.

Sourdough bread at home


7 days


100 g sourdough



How to make sourdough for bread

You can make sourdough with any flour, and although it is believed that it will ripen faster on rye, I prefer wheat. The point here is that rye sourdough has a rather specific taste, which is not suitable for some types of baking made from wheat flour, but wheat sourdough can be used to bake both wheat and rye bread. If possible, use regular flour mixed with whole wheat flour, but this is not necessary.

So, take a glass or ceramic jar, combine 50 grams of flour and 50 grams of warm water in it, and mix until smooth. Cover loosely (a pair of foil folded in a couple of layers, pierced in several places to provide airflow will do) and leave in a warm place for 2 days. After this time, the starter should acquire a smell (so far not very pleasant) and bubble slightly: this is a sign that lactic acid bacteria have settled in it.

Starting on the third day, feed the starter by mixing 20 grams of starter (discard the rest), 40 grams of warm water and 40 grams of flour. The sourdough should be fed every 12-24 hours - the more often, the faster it will gain the strength we need. The sourdough is ready for bread when it has doubled in volume within 6 hours of being fed.

How to store sourdough

If you plan to bake bread at least once every two days, the sourdough can be stored in a cool place, used as needed and fed in the proportion of 1 part sourdough - 2 parts water - 2 parts flour every two days. Otherwise, it is better to store the starter in the refrigerator, transferring it to a jar with a lid, in which you need to make holes. If storing the starter in the refrigerator, move it to room temperature and feed 12 hours before baking the bread, and/or feed every 7 days as described above.

The consistency of the sourdough different stages life will be different: thick after feeding and more liquid after the yeast has worked properly. In the photo - a starter from the refrigerator, which I just fed, but after spending some time in the warmth, it will become more loose and fluid.

How to use sourdough

It is not difficult to guess that the sourdough prepared by us has a moisture content of 100%, that is, it contains equal parts of flour and water. This saves us from having to calculate proportions with a calculator every time we are going to bake something new. Take 2 parts sourdough to 9 parts flour for the dough, adjusting for the amount of water, and otherwise cook according to the usual recipe.

I explain with an example. Let's say you are going to cook, which requires:

  • 250 g flour
  • 160 g of water
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 bag of yeast

Divide 250 grams by 10 to find out how much flour to add to the sourdough, and multiply by two to get the total weight of the sourdough (since flour and water are in a 1:1 ratio in sourdough), and measure out 50 grams of sourdough. Add 250-25=225 grams of flour and 160-25=135 grams of water, and half a teaspoon of salt. Of course, we cross out the yeast, and we continue to work with the dough in accordance with the recipe.

How to overfeed sourdough

If the recipe only uses rye flour, you can also take wheat sourdough and add it to the dough according to the proportions above. But if you wish, you can overfeed the sourdough, making rye out of wheat in order to bake bread with a more sour rye taste. To do this, take 20 grams of sourdough, add 40 grams of warm water and 40 grams of rye flour, then keep the sourdough warm and feed it every 12-24 hours in the same proportions. After a few days, you will have a completely rye sourdough that can be used to make rye bread.

If you cook it at home. IN Lately The quality and taste of purchased bread is getting worse and worse, and there are a number of objective reasons for this. Firstly, there is no proper quality control, secondly, the manufacturer tries to save money on everything, and thirdly, the ingredients that are put into the bread make it completely different from what it should be. Therefore, many are beginning to think about how to make natural, tasty, healthy bread without yeast at home. And the first thing with which preparations begin is sourdough.

Sourdough for bread has dozens of different cooking options. You can prepare sourdough using honey, kefir, hops, malt, various types of flour, etc. In this article, I will show you how to cook sourdough for unleavened bread, relying on personal experience and knowledge.

I took the basic cooking tips on the Internet, but in practice it turned out that not everything is so simple, and if you don’t know some of the features, then leaven for bread it may not work out and baking will also not please you with its taste and aroma.

Eternal sourdough for yeast-free bread

Already from the name of this starter it becomes clear that it can be used more than once. And with the right approach, it will really become "eternal" and will be able to please you until the desire to bake bread disappears.

There are many variations of this sourdough bread on the web. Someone takes rye flour as a basis, someone wheat, someone mixes different kinds flour, thus trying to improve the quality of the sourdough at the exit. But, as personal experience, and the experience of other bakers, shows, it makes no difference what you choose as a basis, and there is no difference from which sourdough bread is baked. If it is cooked correctly, then the bread will turn out great.

The ideal temperature for making sourdough is over 25 degrees. This means that it should not be cold in an apartment or house, because otherwise it will not be achieved optimum temperature for the development and reproduction of bacteria, the sourdough will not grow, and the dough kneaded on it will not rise.

  • During the preparation process, the sourdough must be stirred regularly.

Flour is heavier than water, therefore, even after kneading the sourdough, the flour will settle to the bottom of the dish. I advise you to mix your starter 2-3 times a day to speed up the process of fermentation and growth.

  • Preparation time 3-5 days.

There are recipes that say that the sourdough will be ready in 3 days, someone cooks 4. After the first unsuccessful experience, I decided to play it safe and cooked the sourdough for almost 5 days. But he clearly saw the process of growth and development, which indicated that the dough would rise and the bread would turn out excellent.

How to restore sourdough

As you already understood, we send part of the sourdough to the dough, and pour the other part into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. The next time you want to bake bread, take out the starter, add some flour to it (I do it by eye) and give it time to "feed". It is best to get the sourdough in the evening and leave it to "eat" overnight. In the morning, part is again sent to the dough, and part is in the refrigerator until the next baking. Thus, it is not necessary to wait 5 days each time to prepare a new starter for yeast-free dough, but 8-12 hours are enough to make a finished product from a starter.

Thus, we get an eternal sourdough for bread, which can be used as long as there is a desire to cook.

P.S - on the Internet there are more complex sourdough recipes, more sophisticated with a large number of ingredients. But I consider this option to be optimal, because the bread turns out delicious, fluffy, soft, fragrant, and the process of preparing the sourdough does not take much time.

Baking bread in any folk cuisine is always a sacred, mysterious act, almost witchcraft. The secret of making bread was carefully kept in every family and passed down from generation to generation. The sourdough bread baked in the Russian oven was tasty and fragrant, it can be said that there is no such bread and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. ancient science baking is not forgotten today.

Russian bread sourdoughs were made from rye flour, straw, barley, wheat, hops... In remote villages, far from "enlightened" civilization, you can still find recipes for making bread without purchased yeast. Yeast-free sourdoughs and bread prepared on them enrich the body with organic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, pectins, biostimulants - in general, all those useful substances that are present in whole grains. In favor of sourdough bread, one experiment conducted by journalists from one of our television channels speaks. They bought an ordinary loaf of bread and compared it to bread baked at home. The camera recorded the changes that occur with the bread during the week. Store-bought bread became moldy on the second day. Three days later he was covered in black and green fluff. And the homemade bread just got stale. It's just that sourdough bread, in principle, cannot get moldy - the acidic environment kills all harmful bacteria and does not touch the beneficial ones.

So, if you are ripe for baking homemade bread, the first thing to do is to prepare the sourdough. There is nothing terrible and difficult in this. You do not need to tremble over it, like over a crystal vase, just mix the right products and wait, and the result will definitely be. To begin with, we will decide what kind of starter we will prepare. Starter cultures are different: rye, wheat, malt, hop, potato, raisin, even rice - they are all good (each in its own way) for baking bread. I must say that rye flour the best way suitable for the preparation of sourdough, as it retains all the useful substances that are not found in refined wheat. That is why sourdough on wheat flour often strays towards pathogenic flora, turns sour and becomes unusable. It is better to prepare wheat sourdough for one or two times, but rye sourdough can be successfully used for more than one year, the main thing is to store and “feed” it correctly.

1 day: 100 g rye flour mixed with clean water to the consistency of thick sour cream, cover with a damp cloth and put in warm place without drafts.
2 day: bubbles should appear on the starter. If there are few of them, no big deal. Now the starter needs to be fed. We add 100 g of flour and add water to get the consistency of thick sour cream again. Leave again in warm place.
3 day: the sourdough has grown in size and has a foamy texture. Again, add 100 g of flour and water and leave in a warm place.
A day later, the sourdough is ready for use. Divide it in half, put one part in a jar and cover with a cloth or a lid with holes to breathe, and put in the refrigerator. The other part is used for baking bread.

1 day: crush a handful of raisins with a crush, mix with ½ cup of water and ½ cup of rye flour, add 1 tsp. sugar or honey, put everything in a jar, cover with a cloth or a leaky lid and put in a warm place.
2 day: strain the starter, add 4 tbsp. flour and warm water until the density of sour cream and again put in a warm place.
3 day: leaven is ready. Divide it in half, as in the previous recipe, add 4 tablespoons to one part. flour, water (until the density of sour cream) and refrigerate. Use the other part for baking bread.

1 day: Soak 1 cup of grain (wheat for wheat bread or rye for “black bread”) for sprouting, wrap the dishes with a towel, put in a warm place.
2 day: if not all of the grain has sprouted, then rinse it, wrap it up and leave it in a warm place until the evening. In the evening, grind the grain in a blender or combine (be careful not to burn the motor!), mix with 2 tbsp. rye flour, 1 tsp sugar or honey, put in a warm place under a lid or towel.
3 day: the sourdough can be divided (as in previous recipes), one part can be left in the refrigerator, and the other part can be used to make sourdough.
As an option, grain sourdough can be cooked boiled. Mix the ground grain with flour, sugar and water (if it is dry) and put in a saucepan over a small fire. Cook for 20 minutes, remove from heat, wrap and put in a warm place. Then proceed as usual - feed, divide, etc.

1 day: Pour 100 g of rice with 150 ml of warm water, add 1 tsp. sugar and leave in a cool place for three days.
3 day: add 3 tbsp. with a hill of wheat flour and 1 tsp. Sahara.
4th day: mix the starter and add 100 ml of warm water and 1 tbsp with a slide of flour.
Day 5: strain the starter, add 1 tsp. sugar and 4 tbsp. with a heap of flour.
After a few hours, you can cook the dough. Set aside part of the starter to prepare the dough, put the rest of the starter in the refrigerator. This starter is ideal for pies, buns and pancakes.

1 day: in the evening, pour 1 tbsp in a thermos. dry hop cones 1 cup boiling water, close the thermos and leave until the morning.
2 day: strain the resulting infusion into a two-liter jar, add 1 tbsp. sugar or honey, stir well, add rye flour to the consistency of thick sour cream. Put in a warm place, covering the jar with a cloth.
3 day: the starter will become liquid and frothy, the smell is still unpleasant. Add flour until thick sour cream, cover and put in a warm place.
Day 4: mix the sourdough, add warm water (1/2 or 1/3 of the sourdough volume), mix and add the flour until the sour cream thickens.
Day 5: add water and flour again.
Day 6: use part of the starter to make dough, put the remaining starter in the refrigerator, adding water and flour until sour cream is thick.

As you can see, nothing incredible, the sourdough grows with minimal intervention from us. But for the preparation of dough and for baking bread, some skill is needed. But most importantly, sourdough bread must be cooked in good mood otherwise nothing will work. Checked.


Homebaked bread cooked on a dough - this allows the live yeast in the sourdough to gain strength. One glass of sourdough is approximately equal to 40 g of pressed yeast (or 1.5 tablespoons of dry yeast). Pour a glass of sourdough into a wide bowl, add 350-500 ml of warm water, stir and add so much sifted flour to make a batter with the consistency of thick sour cream. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place overnight.


Knead the dough in the morning. Opara should “walk” well during the night, rise 2 times and have time to go down. In ½ cup of warm water, stir 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. salt (the proportions are approximate, they can be changed), add to the dough, mix well. Then add all kinds of fillers and spices to taste: bran (about half a glass or more), ½ tsp. ground cloves, ground coriander on the tip of a knife, 1 tsp each. ground ginger and nutmeg, 2-3 tbsp unrefined sunflower oil. You can add raisins, seeds, nuts, flax seeds, cereals, boiled potatoes, quinoa seeds, pumpkin seeds - in general, for every taste. Mix everything thoroughly and pour in the sifted rye flour - so much so that there is a spoon in the dough, that is, a fairly thick dough should turn out. Then we pour wheat flour on the table, dump out the dough, sprinkle flour on top and begin to knead and fold it. Do not knead, but knead, sprinkling with flour so that your hands do not stick, and fold it into an envelope. Then knead again and fold again. Sprinkle with flour so that the dough does not stick to your hands, but do not add too much flour, otherwise the bread will turn out to be dense, unbaked.

Ideally, the dough should be dry on top and sticky on the inside. Rye dough will always be sticky, so you need to focus on its outer side. As soon as the dough can be held in your hands, knead it, fold the corners, forming a ball. Then we take the dough in our hands and smooth the ball of dough, shaking off excess flour and turning the dough inside the ball. We spread the prepared dough in a frying pan or cast iron pan, greased with oil, seam down, and leave in a warm place. The surface of the loaf can be sprinkled with water and sprinkled with sesame or flax seeds. And you can make cuts or decorate with thin strips of dough. The dough rises 1-3 hours.

bread baking

We bake bread in the oven at a temperature of 220-230ºС, "with steam" - that is, you need to put a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven. Do not open the door for the first 20 minutes! Bread is baked for 40-60 minutes, depending on the size. Wrap the finished bread in a towel and leave for a day - this is a must. Properly baked bread, when tapped on the crust, emits ringing sound, and the crumb, when squeezed, completely straightens out.

There are many options for homemade bread recipes: you can bake pure rye bread, similar to Borodinsky, you can add pea flour or boiled potatoes, grind pre-soaked grain or add sprouts, increase the amount of wheat flour or even bake white bread - it all depends on your imagination. In any case, home-made sourdough bread with love will only benefit your household. Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Yeast-free baking, according to doctors, is more beneficial for the body in many respects than those mixed with yeast. However, not every recipe can exclude the fermentation component - a magnificent loaf of bread will definitely not work without it. As an alternative, experts suggest figuring out how to make sourdough. Is it really very difficult?

How to make sourdough bread

This method giving baking a porous air structure was used long before the appearance of yeast as a culinary product. Making sourdough for bread is something that every housewife knew how to do at home several decades ago. Such a natural baking base can be made either by combining flour and water (equal ratio by volume - not by weight!), Or using lactic acid bacteria.

The process has several important features:

  • It takes several days to prepare sourdough for delicious bread, the approximate time ranges from 3-7 days.
  • Every day the mixture needs to be “fed” and be sure to monitor its growth.
  • Unpleasant sour smell on the first day - this is normal, after it will pass, so do not rush to throw away the wound mass.
  • For baking bread, only part of the sourdough is used - the rest needs to be covered, fed and grown.

Sourdough Bread Recipe

The classic version of such a base for homemade lush pastries is usually made on rye flour, but this is not the only method. Homemade sourdough bread can be made using beer, barley malt, potatoes. The recipe is chosen mainly according to the type of baking planned, however, it is possible to knead oatmeal-based wheat dough, from a sweet loaf, etc. However, experts advise figuring out how to prepare a sourdough with a classic rye mixture.

Yeast free

  • Preparation time: 6 days.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 709 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

This yeast-free sourdough for bread and buns is ideal, although some housewives even use it for pancakes. The rice base makes its smell softer, and the crumb finished product very light. The only drawback of this method is the waiting time for the result. The working mass is stored in the cold, and infused - in the heat. If a crust appears on the surface during storage, it must be removed before feeding.


  • rice - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak rice (warm 150 ml of water). Add a spoonful of sugar, forget for 3 days. Storage is refrigerated.
  2. On the 3rd day, add flour (3 tablespoons).
  3. On the 4th day, pour in the rest of the water.
  4. On the 5th day, decant this mass, feed the rest of the flour with sugar.
  5. After a day, the bread base is ready, you can start the dough.


  • Cooking time: 1 day.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 721 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Due to the simplicity of the algorithm of actions and a short list of components, this recipe is popular with housewives. Such a sourdough for rye bread is prepared on kefir, which must first be left in the heat of the kitchen until it is stratified into fractions. If you use a fresh product, proper fermentation will not occur and the bread will not rise. The resulting kefir mass can be used for any baking, including pancakes and pancakes.


  • sour kefir - a glass;
  • rye flour - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Gently mix the components of the starter - it is better to combine them in small portions, so there is less likelihood of heterogeneity.
  2. Throw gauze folded three times onto the container, leave for a day. It is not necessary to mix the mass.
  3. After the specified period, add a couple more tablespoons of flour, wait 2-3 hours. Use as directed.


  • Cooking time: 6 hours.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 692 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The waiting time for the bread base to be ready can be reduced to a day, although some professionals consider such a starter to be weak, incapable of a good rise. For most housewives, this quick sourdough for yeast-free bread is a lifesaver that saves them time. If you don't plan on making baked goods that involve large "pores" (like ciabatta), this is perfect. If you have a bread maker, the mass will rise after 4 hours.


  • wholemeal flour - a glass;
  • water - a glass;
  • granulated sugar - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine all components and actively knead - this can be done for 2-3 minutes to separate the gluten.
  2. Cover with a cloth, leave overnight or 6 hours (if you work during the day). When the mass bubbles, you can do the main bread dough.

Eternal without yeast

  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 765 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Experts call this recipe one of the simplest for beginner housewives, especially because there is no need to feed the live weight daily. This timeless sourdough can last a very long time if refreshed once a week and kept in right conditions. The resulting amount of working mass is enough for 5-6 times, since it takes about 5 tbsp to make a loaf of bread. l.


  • flour - 210 g;
  • water - 210 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine 70 g of both components. The mass should have the density of fatty sour cream or pancake dough.
  2. Cover with a towel moistened with water, put in heat.
  3. The next day, check - if a lot of bubbles appear, feed by introducing again 70 g of the main components.
  4. Stir a couple of times throughout the day. The container is also kept warm under a towel.
  5. A day later, the sourdough should add in volume and bubble well. She needs to be fed again, again let stand for a day.

from hops

  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 437 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Most modern housewives do not know how to make sourdough starter for bread, but earlier this method of creating a starter for home baking was used more actively than others. In urban conditions, it is difficult to find the main component, however, if you succeed, you will forget about yeast forever - bread on this basis turns out to be incredibly lush, tender and soft.


  • hop cones - 225 g;
  • flour - half a cup;
  • distilled water - 450 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the hop cones with water, let it boil. After cooking at medium power until the volume of liquid is halved.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave for 8-10 hours.
  3. Strain the hop broth, mix about 200 ml with flour and sugar. Mix.
  4. Cover with a dense natural cloth, leave warm for 3 days.

For black bread

  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 626 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

For those who are looking for a scheme on how to make sourdough for brown bread, professionals advise trying to work with whole grains. The method is not the easiest, but very effective: on this basis, the bread rises especially well. You can do the same with wheat. The general algorithm does not change, only the stage of grain germination has been added. If this is too difficult, you can simply grind them and boil them with the rest of the components, and then work according to standard technology.


  • rye - a glass;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the washed grains, wrap the container with wool, leave warm for a day.
  2. If after a day they did not germinate, repeat the procedure, extending this process for another day.
  3. In the morning, grind rye grains with a food processor, add liquid honey. You can add a little water if the mass looks dry. Cover again and leave in a warm place overnight.
  4. If the sourdough has grown, you can cook the dough.


  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 793 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Sourdough on malt is prepared in almost the same way as for yeast-free bread based on rye, only wheat is taken here. It must first be germinated in a couple of days. The mass itself needs to be cooked, constantly monitoring its condition. If such a bread base has to continue to grow and feed, you can use ground grains, always in tandem with sugar and water.


  • wheat grain - a glass;
  • rye-peeled flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - how many grains will take;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Twist the sprouted grains through a meat grinder. Add the rest of the ingredients, pour in the liquid until a thick porridge.
  2. Boil this mass, cook for 50-60 minutes. Burner power is minimal.
  3. When the future sourdough darkens, it is left warm for 2 days. The finished product will have a leavened flavor and a lot of bubbles on the surface.

From wheat flour

  • Cooking time: 2 days.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 792 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you are wondering how to make a sweet loaf without using yeast, you should check out this raisin sourdough recipe for a fluffy and very delicious bread. The crumb will be devoid of the sourness characteristic of such a dough, but it will turn out to be just as airy and will remain soft for a long time. Wheat sourdough for yeast-free bread is fed every 2-3 days.


  • black raisins - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour - 180 g;
  • warm water - 180 ml;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Steam raisins, chop. Well, if he keeps the bones in the meantime.
  2. Pour in honey and warm water.
  3. Pour the remaining dry component in portions, knead a thick dough in a jar.
  4. Cover, keep warm for a day.
  5. Mix, send back. In another day, the mass will be ready for the dough plant for delicious bread.


  • Cooking time: 7 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1196 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A feature of this recipe is the basis in which brine is used. Experts advise taking cucumber or cabbage; it is important that it does not have vinegar in the composition. Monastic sourdough for bread without yeast is considered very slow, it is not fed daily, therefore it is stored for a long time. Often housewives make it to bake bread 1-2 times a week and in small loaves.


  • brine - 220 ml;
  • peeled rye flour - 330 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Let the brine stand to warm (to room temperature), or hold in a warm, turned off oven to speed up the process.
  2. Mix with rye flour, be sure to get rid of the lumps that appear.
  3. Add sugar - it will shorten the fermentation time.
  4. Cover, keep warm. Keep track for 6-7 hours, periodically "upsetting". The finished mass will add a lot in volume and will have a bubbling surface.


  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 549 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The recipe for potato sourdough is very simple, but has salient feature, which distinguishes it from other methods, how to make dough for bread without yeast. Such a base will not have a sour smell even on the first day, which makes it very attractive in the eyes of most housewives. The amount of flour cannot be indicated up to a gram, since it depends on the amount of broth received.


  • potatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - how much sourdough will take.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil peeled potatoes without adding salt, pepper and other seasonings. When they become soft, strain the liquid into a jar.
  2. Pour flour into it until the mass is similar in consistency to sour cream.
  3. Cover the jar with gauze, keep it at rest for 3 days. If after this period foam appears on top, you can start the dough.

The process of creating such a basis for home baking raises many questions even among experienced housewives, so professionals give several recommendations:

  • Cook in glass - do not use metal cups. Stir only with wooden spatulas.
  • If you decide to bake sourdough bread, let the dough rise for 4-5 hours, otherwise the rise will not be enough. Some professionals advise to increase this time to 8 hours, or add heating of baking sheets from below (you can put them on a pot of boiling water).
  • For wheat baking, it is advisable to start a whole grain-based sourdough, and then feed it with classic white flour of the highest grade.
  • The strength that this mass acquires depends on its age, therefore, for baking, housewives mainly use half of the leaven, and continue to grow the rest.
  • If you're afraid the bread won't rise as it does with yeast, reduce the amount of yeast gradually.
  • Storage is best done in the refrigerator (door) - so the mass will be “frozen”. Before starting work, she is allowed to warm up for several hours in order to start the activity again.
  • Need to grow bread base faster? Add a spoonful of sugar / honey - it will speed up the fermentation.
  • It is advisable to combine the components by eye, and not blindly following the recipe - you need to get a thick, but moving mass, in which there is no spoon.
  • To raise the starter in the room, it should be at least 22-23 degrees, otherwise you will have to wait 1.5-2 days until the first bubbles appear, and the total ripening period will increase.


Now on the Internet they write a lot about how harmful purchased yeast is. That they used to bake bread on the famous peasant sourdough. They were prepared from rye flour, straw, oats, barley, wheat, curdled milk, curd whey. Until now, in remote villages, recipes for making bread without artificial yeast have been preserved. It was these starter cultures that enriched the body with organic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, pectin, and biostimulants. But for several decades now, bread has been baked differently, they use not natural sourdough for this, but man-made thermophilic yeast - Saccharomycetes The technology for their preparation is anti-natural. They write that molasses is diluted with water, treated with bleach, acidified with sulfuric acid, etc. Strange methods, to put it mildly!*
In general, that this is the case, with the use of sulfuric acid and lime, I can’t argue - I didn’t work in the production of purchased yeast. But in general, it is logical for me to refuse purchased yeast. Why use some obscure substances at all, it is not known how they were grown, if you can cook homemade, healthy sourdough. The dough on such a sourdough rises well, it smells nice. Baking is not covered with mold and is stored for a long time. And most importantly - it's really useful!

*Here is one of the detailed articles about the dangers of purchased yeast, there are a lot of them on the net

I make my healthy starter cultures on different berries, fruits, dried fruits.

I tell you how to do it:

  • If these are fresh berries / fruits, then it is necessary to fill them with water slightly sour, not the first freshness. If these are dried fruits, then any washed ones will do. Fill with water (for 500 ml of water 100 g of berries). And put a tablespoon of sugar (or honey). Cover with a rag to let the tincture breathe. If the apartment is warm, the tincture begins to ferment well after 3-5 days. You will understand by the foam with bulbs, the slight smell of alcohol or the smell of yeast. IMPORTANT: if suddenly after a few days you notice mold on your fruits / berries, you can not use them. Start over.
  • When our tincture is ready, we take out the fruits / berries (or you can grind with a blender). Pour flour into this compote - to the consistency of LIQUID SOUR CREAM. And put a tablespoon of sugar in it. So we got the sourdough, now we are waiting for it to start “playing”. The first days it should be regularly fed: at least once every two or three days, add FLOUR and add a little water WITH SUGAR, maintaining the consistency of liquid sour cream. So that the sourdough becomes more concentrated, stronger and satiated!
  • That's all! Over time, your sourdough will become more and more saturated with useful substances and acids. If, after standing, the starter separates into sediment and concentrate from above, do not be alarmed - just mix, and your starter will take its former form.
  • Now you can safely use the starter for baking your favorite buns, pies, bread. Let it stand in a jar, feed it periodically. If you cook rarely, put it in the refrigerator (not close to the wall, so as not to freeze), the process of reproduction of beneficial bacteria will slow down. And that's it, no difficulties - take the pitches, and get saturated with useful substances!

How to cook sourdough bread:
  • Example of sponge*: 150 ml. water or milk, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 150 ml. sourdough and 200-250 gr. flour. We've got steam. Let's put it in a warm place.
  • WITH we create conditions for steam. I do not put a bowl of dough (or dough) in warm water or on a radiator, as my grandmother did. I put the bowl in the oven, turn it on for a couple of minutes, until the air is hot: enough to warm the dough, but so that it does not begin to bake. And I'm waiting for it to rise. Or I turn on a minute of warming up in the multicooker so that the air warms up inside and put the dough there.
  • When the dough has increased in size at least one and a half times, mix it thoroughly. Add more flour to bring to the desired consistency. Well, then, according to the recipes, we put the necessary ingredients: milk, eggs, butter, etc. - depending on what you cook.
  • The more times you settle the dough / dough (knead after it rises), the more actively it will rise each time. As for the time: basically I just make a dough (I mix the sourdough with flour / water / sugar) and set it to rise overnight (sometimes for a couple of days), and bake later. It’s more convenient, natural yeast in the dough is already working in full on the following days.
  • Before you put it in the oven, leave your work in a molded form (pies 20-30 minutes, bread 40-60 minutes), so the dough will rise even more and the pastries will be more magnificent.
  • If the crust is too thick, you can cover the pastry with a damp towel to soften it. And I often do this - I sprinkle with water from a spray bottle, cover with baking paper and on top with a towel (the water evaporates and softens the crust), this option is great for any baking.

I bake pies, Easter cakes, bread, etc. on such starter cultures. I want to note that sometimes the dough on such starter cultures behaves differently, you need to feel it. Get used to it and everything will work out!

* Opara is the basis for making dough, which is obtained by standing mixed: water, flour, sourdough, sugar.