How to Influence a Man with Anchors

This method is, according to the generally accepted opinion of specialists, the most powerful technique for introducing a person into a trance. Let's take a look at what it really is, how to do it correctly, and why this method, when done correctly, is one of the most effective and powerful methods of influence.

For most people, this thing doesn't work. Many people know that there is such a thing, it can be done this way and that way, they do it, they try to establish an anchor, but it does not work. Why? Because it's done wrong.

What is an anchor

An anchor is some kind of sign. It can be a touch, a movement, a sound, or even a smell that reinforces a person's reaction to some of your words.

Has it ever happened to you: you are walking down the street and you hear that a melody is playing somewhere in a music store. At its sounds, some kind of surge of emotions begins in your soul, your heart is pounding or aching, or you experience something similar.

This is connected with some of your memories, and you don’t remember exactly what, but you are very clearly aware of what feeling it is connected with. With a feeling of some kind of nostalgia, sadness, love, joy or pain, disappointment, and so on. Sometimes even smells cause a similar reaction.

Alexey Chernozem:

I am a very sensitive person to smells. It happens that I go somewhere, I smell some kind of smell, and it causes some feelings in me. I don’t even realize what exactly it was connected with, with what particular situation in my life, but I understand very clearly what feelings it causes inside me.

This thing is called an anchor. That is, some kind of toggle switch is installed in your subconscious, which, with a certain repetition of this sign, turns on and causes certain feelings.

It is on this effect that manipulation works. You set an anchor, and when you repeat it at a convenient time, it subconsciously reminds the person of your first conversation and evokes the same feelings in him. It's a little tricky, but by setting an anchor, you can evoke just about any feeling in a person. This is a very powerful and powerful way to influence and manipulate a person, so this technique is one of the most powerful.

How does this happen

You communicate with a person and want to evoke a certain feeling in him. You evoke this feeling, set an anchor, and then, after some time, when you want to evoke the same feeling, repeat, copy this anchor, this sign. And in a person it arises, but already associated with you.

How the anchor is set

You determine what you need to call from the interlocutor. For example, you are a woman and want to evoke a feeling of joy, love, and so on in the man you like. Let's take, say, the feeling of joy.

The next step is to evoke memories from the person's past life when he experienced these feelings. You simply ask him some leading questions when a person remembers those moments when his life was filled with joy.

It is clear that almost all of us experienced a feeling of joy, but there are situations when a person has never experienced something. For example, he never loved. Then you ask him other questions, model this situation. That is, you say: “This is how you think you would experience if you loved?”. And you formulate the question in such a way that a person will now experience it. Not sometime later, when he comes home.

You need to evoke this feeling of joy and love at the very moment when he communicates with you. And by formulating questions, in this way, you invoke this very feeling from him. At the peak of your feelings, you set the anchor.

That is, let's say you turn on some music, make some kind of gesture, a sign, light a romantic candle, it doesn't matter, all this can be an anchor. But one of the most powerful anchors and the most effective is the kinesthetic anchor, which is touch. It is one of the strongest anchors because it is very difficult to resist.
How to set a kinesthetic anchor

At the height of the experience and memory you evoke, touch the person. It is clear that this should be done in some socially acceptable places.

Experts say that a place just above the elbow works very well. Firstly, this place is socially acceptable, and secondly, after some time it is very easy to repeat. It does not matter how the person sits towards you, sideways, back and so on. You, in principle, very easy to reach out and get to his elbow.

Let's sum everything up:

Decide what feeling you want to evoke.
Call him in the form of some memories of a past life, when he experienced this feeling.
At the peak of the experience, you touch it in some way and thereby establish an anchor.

The next time you communicate with this person and touch in the same place where you set the anchor, he will subconsciously have the same feeling. Moreover, this feeling will already be associated with you, because he will not remember from what angle you considered it for the first time.

Remember, we said - sometimes you smell, but you don’t remember how life situation is it specifically related? You are clearly aware that this feeling causes either joy or sadness, and so on.

The same thing will happen in this situation. A person will not understand specifically what situation this is connected with, but he will very clearly feel inside himself what it is. If in the first conversation you managed to arouse a feeling of love in him, then when you repeat this manipulation in the next conversation, your interlocutor will experience the same feelings.

How to Get the Key to a Man's Heart with a Simple Conversation

In a conversation, in general in any conversation, try and try to make it so that it is built according to the scheme, 40x60. That is, 40% you speak, 60% your interlocutor should speak.

In order to pull out the key to his soul, you need to ask a person leading questions. Moreover, it is better to do this, bringing it to memories of childhood, youth, and so on.

Take away his attention at a time when emotions were very strong, when this person may have experienced some unfulfilled desires, and so on.

Regression to childhood is a very powerful tool for managing a person.

An example from Alexey Chernozem: I have a women's project where I advise women. So I always recommend making certain gifts for men. What do women or men do when they want to impress?

They go and buy some very expensive thing and bring it to their partner. That is, they make some attempt to buy location. In fact, this does not work and causes only surprise and gratitude, and not at all what you expected. She/he will probably wear this thing, but it will not evoke certain emotions in her/him.

Your task is to touch on exactly those emotions that are aimed at calling sympathy for you. So we always recommend, it may not be very good to do expensive gifts, but precisely those that will hit right in the heart.

Another example from Alexey Chernozem: I had a consultation with one woman who told me: “Here’s what to do, I give him such pleasant surprises, bought a gift, put it in the supermarket in the slot for bags, gave the key to the security guard, agreed with him, wrote a note at home, that go there, you will find something there. He went, under some porch found another sign, then the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and finally came to this store. The guard was supposed to solemnly hand over the key, the donee was supposed to look into this cell, find a surprise and just go nuts ... ". And what was her surprise when the person did not even go there. She came and all in tears and bewilderment, why did this happen?

We often do those things that we want, and not those that are interesting, profitable, bring joy to that person.. Therefore, gifts should be focused primarily on the one to whom they are presented. What am I doing all this for?

When you give a gift, you need to find out some unfulfilled desires of a person, something that comes from childhood.

What emotions a person experienced in childhood or adolescence, what he dreamed and fantasized about, what he passionately desired, but, perhaps, never received. Embodi these memories and unrealized ideas in your gift.

I advised the woman who was at my consultation to talk to her man. As a result of their conversation, it turned out that he really dreamed of learning to skate. His father promised to teach him, but could not do it because sudden death. The man never learned to do it. She bought him skates and it was like a bombshell.

When you do such things, a person thinks that you have looked into his soul, where he does not let anyone in, you will immediately receive the status of a "wizard" in his eyes, and, most likely, a sharp change in his attitude towards you. That's the power of a person's memories."

Decide what feelings you want to evoke in the person. By asking leading questions and bringing him back to memories, you can evoke both negative emotions, plunging into the moments of the past that caused pain to a person, and positive feelings, if you bring to the surface those moments from the past that were joyful and happy for a person.

Of course, childhood memories are much stronger and sharper in this respect. But you can work with any other moments of human history.

When a person returns to the uplifted feelings of those days, his emotional upsurge will be fixed with your image. Therefore, he will associate you with something kind and good, the echoes of which have risen from the depths of his memory.

Nowadays, every person is exposed to stress every day, which can spoil the mood and even lead to depression. How to resist the negative influence from the outside?

One of the methods of dealing with stress can be considered the so-called anchoring technique. It consists in creating for yourself some kind of fixers of emotions (anchors), which, at the right time, will help to cheer you up, gain confidence, and feel happy again.

Each of us has psychological anchors that have established themselves over the course of life.Most often they have a negative connotation. For example, a long time ago you were insulted, humiliated, offended by some person, and this insult left a deep wound in your soul. And although you already forgot to think about this case, but having met a person who looks something like an offender, hearing a similar voice, or noticing the same gesture, manner of dressing, etc., you can again feel the pain of resentment or unpleasant emotions towards a stranger.

Therefore, it is better to set up an anchor yourself or even several - those that will remind you of the state of love, joy, lightness of being - those states of the soul that you yourself desire.

How to apply the anchoring technique?

The main thing is to wait for a happy moment and fix the feelings that you experience in this moment. For example, you have achieved success in some business. This victory was given to you by incredible efforts, and at the moment of recognition of your achievements, you feel at the pinnacle of happiness. Why not set an anchor for success? Mark your emotions with some kind of gesture (clicking your fingers, rubbing your palms, touching your earlobe, etc.). Perhaps you were impressed by the music, or the scent of the flowers, or some visual image of the event. This will be your anchor for success. The next time you want to re-experience those emotions, all you have to do is snap your fingers or turn on the very tune that anchored your success.

The anchoring technique is especially helpful in difficult moments of life, when melancholy and depression sets in. This is the time to use the anchor of joy, good mood, fun. True, it must be remembered that the fixers of your emotions have their own expiration date: the more times you use one or another anchor, the weaker it becomes. There is only one way out: to make new, fresh anchor installations.

There are 4 main types of anchors:

1. Visual. These are the visual impressions that left the strongest imprint in your memory at the moments of pleasant (or, conversely, unpleasant) events for you: color, shape, size, brightness of lighting, etc.

2. Auditory. The sounds that you most remember during significant events for you: birdsong, the timbre of a person’s voice, a melody or a song, the sound of the surf, the crackling of firewood in a fireplace, etc.

3. Kinesthetic. Captures those emotions that you felt with your skin: touches, stroking, pinching, rubbing, tingling; cold or heat, softness or hardness, viscosity or fluidity, etc.

4. Olfactory. Anchor of smells: aromas of perfume, flowers, spices, coffee, fruits or the smell of gasoline, fire smoke, birch broom, air after a thunderstorm ...

And one more little secret: determine which type of anchor is the most impressive, memorable for you and try to anchor your emotions based on your strong feelings. Perhaps it will be not one, but several types of perception, for example, the scent of mint + sunset coloring the clouds in pink color(sometime on the same evening, over a cup of tea with mint, contemplating the sunset sky, you experienced incredible happiness and felt spiritual harmony).

Emotional anchor is a concept from the field of psychology. In common language, this is a kind of stimulus that can cause certain emotional or physical sensations. Very well the effectiveness of this method is shown in the movie "Sex and the City". With simple touches on the arm of a loved one in the elbow area, the main character could achieve everything. It is clear that such ease of application of an emotional anchor in relation to a man is greatly exaggerated. But, nevertheless, there are many ways, using which you can change the emotional mood of a person.

One such method is the use of aromatherapy. For example, your favorite perfume that you use only on holidays will easily cheer you up and create a festive atmosphere in any situation. The beloved man will feel the same, inhaling the aroma that always accompanies you on holidays and joyful days. Similarly affect the emotional state and sound, taste sensations. Also, a well-created image that evokes certain associations will help draw attention to something or interest.

Remember that emotional anchors can produce both positive and negative effect. Therefore, you must first select a positive emotional state, and then apply one of the selected stimuli, so that in the future, if desired, you can repeat it. Be careful don't fix it, any stimulus Bad mood, a period of bad luck and failures of a loved one. For example, by showing a certain tenderness to your husband at the moment when he is upset or dissatisfied, you put a mark, and in the future, such an action of yours can lead to subconscious irritation or discontent, even when he is in a wonderful mood.

Most of the incentives that Everyday life there is a whole set that is used involuntarily, securing a certain state and perception of the situation by a person. According to psychologists, any little thing can serve as an emotional anchor. After all, many of us have come across a situation where the usual memories of a pleasant pastime with a loved one helped to adequately survive a difficult period of life. The smell of buns associated with happy childhood, photos of loved ones, music from your favorite movie - all these are psychological stimuli that can serve as emotional anchors in certain situations.

It has been proven that with the help of emotional impact it is possible to influence the behavior and thinking of a person as a whole. And the fact is that no one in everyday life, communicating with other people, can avoid the fate of being "anchored". Therefore, this should not be resisted, it is better to use it wisely psychological ways to build a harmonious relationship with your loved one.

Experts divide emotional anchors into:

Visual is an emotional impact with the help of an image. For example, putting on a beautiful outfit that your loved one likes, you need to hug and kiss him every time. So you can eventually work out from him positive emotions associated with the outfit and the desire to fulfill all your desires.

Auditory - this emotional anchor associated with a particular melody is often used to evoke memories of a loved one. To do this, more often, arrange romantic evenings for two with original musical accompaniment.

Kinestatic - any touch can be attributed to the stimuli of this emotional impact. Show originality and come up with something unusual, associating it with a certain state of your loved one.

Olfactory - one of the most powerful emotional anchors operating on a subconscious level. Be sure to use the same fragrance in bed, causing positive emotions for your loved one.

Psychology is a science that requires a lot of patience; when using its methods, you always need to know when to stop. You should never expect an instant result, because a loved one is not a puppet and will not follow commands like a trained dog. Be patient and try another action and stimulus if this one does not seem to appeal to your husband. And most importantly, be careful, do not aim to manipulate your loved one in any situation. After all, if he notices this, then this will only spoil the relationship, since it is unlikely that anyone will like to be controlled.

Everyone knows what an anchor is. This is such a huge iron contraption that is thrown from the ship to keep it in place. And, mind you, two anchors are usually thrown. For what? And so that the ship does not chatter on the waves and currents, the tides, so that it is stable in the place where it should be. Remember this fact, we will really need it in our game called "seduction".

A sailor runs up to the ship's bridge and frightenedly reports to the captain:

- Mr. Captain, the anchor has surfaced!

“Yes? Ah,” the captain says drawlingly and unhurriedly. - Bad sign.

There are also anchors in communication. When a tornado happens inside a person - a kind of emotional outburst, a storm, and at the same time some completely insignificant event occurs outside a person - these two things inexplicably connect, merge. And then one, like a genie from a bottle, calls another.

* When you are hungry and you pass by a bakery smelling freshly baked buns, what will you do? Yes, yes, slow down and imagine a vivid picture of lunch, and gastric juice will begin to stand out intensively.

* When you breathe in a perfume that is very familiar to you (for example, your first love used this perfume), what do you experience? Gently aches the heart, waves of pleasant memories roll in.

Pavlov also conducted experiments with dogs and brought out the concept conditioned reflex. While feeding the dog turned on the light or sound. After some time, the animal began to secrete gastric juice in the presence of light or sound, although there was no food.

Man is such a dog that one repetition is often enough for some external stimulus to evoke a response. Moreover, unlike animals, the external anchor in humans causes not just a physiological reaction, but whole complex memories and emotions associated with that anchor. Thus, having anchored some noticeable reaction, we can always call it, restoring the previously anchored one.

There are anchors


Appearance, color, facial expression, objects, various postures and gestures…

* Let's say you had a bald and mustachioed father, while he constantly punished and shouted. And so you grew up, came to get a job, get acquainted with the boss and understand that it is simply impossible to work with this person: too angry. Why did it happen? Right! The boss is bald and mustachioed.

* A hand extended to you automatically causes a response.

* When a girl begins to undress, men have a huge complex of various physiological reactions.

* Remember, you met your husband at a disco, he invited you to a slow dance and kissed you with the words: "I will definitely marry you." Many years have passed, and suddenly you hear the same music. What will happen? Your husband's voice will sound in your memory: "I will definitely marry you," and you will smile.

* If your lover in bed says all the time: "Let's try ... Let's try from behind ... Let's try on the side ... Let's try 69", then when in a cafe he smiles, flipping through the menu: "Let's try dessert", you will suddenly feel aroused, because completely the non-sexual in its sound writing the word “let's try” is colored for you with erotic emotions.


Any sensations, in principle, can be an anchor. Taste, smell, touch.

* For the older generation, the smell of tangerines and pine needles at the same time immediately evokes memories of the New Year! Just then, people ate tangerines once a year - that's anchored.

* If during the partner's orgasm you squeeze his palms, and then repeat this movement in the darkness of the cinema, you will feel how your loved one's breathing will change.


Let's try to figure out how it all works with seduction.

Let's start with visual anchors.

First of all, of course, people are anchored by appearance. But since you don't know what visual anchors are about appearance the object of seduction has - the choice is small. You need to dress neatly and in accordance with your own style.

Posture, gait, body movements cause certain reactions in another person at an unconscious level. Uninhibited gait, relaxed movements, calm energy will show that you are a confident person, healthy, free. By the way, to develop a free, uninhibited gait, ballroom dancing is ideal.

So, gait, movement. Walk with your normal gait. Feel where there are clamps in the body - stiff muscles, unfree movements, stoop, restrained gestures. Strengthen these clamps to the maximum and walk for a couple of minutes as clamped as possible. Feel, look in the mirror, what you really are, more precisely, how others perceive you. Then abruptly release the clamps and move as relaxed and free as possible. Stop slouching, hunching over. Tell yourself

- I am taller, younger, lighter than yesterday ...

After all, when you approach to get acquainted with a free, relaxed, calm gait, take a confident pose, your chances of seduction will increase significantly.

What other visual anchors matter?

Stand in front of a mirror and evaluate your gestures. What exactly do you show with your gestures: “I am closed and afraid of communication”, “I accept you as you are”, “I am shy” ... Ask your close friends how they perceive you from the outside and what kind of postures and gestures determine this perception. Read books on gestures non-verbal communication... Start in front of the mirror to train those gestures that would tell the other person what you want to convey. You need to train until the new gestures become yours, become completely natural. Check it out with your friends now. And if they say you've changed, it's all right.

With the help of facial expressions, we can convey a lot of information to another person. Are we transferring? Have you noticed how rich facial expressions children have? You can read everything by their faces. Then we grow up, try not to show our emotions to others: what if they figure us out and understand what we feel now? Here is the horror! Is it true?

Gradually our faces become masks. And then we wonder: why did we become uninteresting to the opposite sex? Friends? close? Yes, because we are almost dead!

But sometimes you can seduce without words, with only facial expressions and gestures. How? Do a simple exercise. To begin with, make it a rule when you look in the mirror, at least for a minute, make faces, make faces for yourself. Stretch your facial muscles so that they become alive again.

Next exercise. Take a simple, neutral phrase, such as "What a beautiful weather today, isn't it?" Looking in the mirror, start saying this phrase with different intonations. Let it sound there:

* tenderness and care;

* delight;

* the beginning of a detective novel;

* the doom of a person tired of life;

* greed;

* depression;

* Genuine childish joy.

Most importantly, try to match the facial expressions with the intonation pattern of your statement.

Auditory anchors

What can we use as auditory anchors?

The first thing that comes to mind is music.

Everyone uses a banal seduction technique: they invite a potential partner to romantic dinner and play relaxing, soothing music.

However, few people think that all people have not only different tastes, but also memories. And the music that we really like can cause pain in the soul of the interlocutor: perhaps his beloved girl left him to this music, left with another. And here is a classic of the genre: you turned on the music in anticipation of a good evening and suddenly notice that your counterpart has plunged into a gloomy mood and frantically gets ready to go home. Rest assured, nothing can be corrected at the moment. You can only take them home, preferably silently and respectfully.

Of course, before you put on music, you simply have to find out the preferences, tastes of your partner, but still they are unlikely to tell you about the reaction to a particular melody (after all, our psyche tries to block negative memories, and careless anchors turn them on).

What to do?

1. If you are a music lover, you probably have very rare beautiful music in your collection that your partner has most likely never heard. Ideally, if it is ethnic music. Try!

2. But it's best to invite the person to choose a disc from your music library. Firstly, you will show respect for his tastes, and secondly, you will hedge against a negative anchor.

No matter how varied your speech is (and for a real enelpeer it should be masterfully witty, light, elegant), try to make a dictionary of romantic communication with your subject of seduction. All affectionate nicknames and names come up with yourself. Be creative. Do not use the banal "baby", "bunny", "fish", "kitten" ... Perhaps ex-husband, coming with traces of someone else's lipstick on his cheek, he said to your today's passion:

“Baby, you are so smart, think of something.” I just want to sleep, kitty!

Now imagine what associations she has with these tender words.

So if you want to be the best, be the first! Compose neologisms and paint them in rainbow colors with your smiles and gentle intonations. These seemingly meaningless words will be filled with the romantic meaning of your loving voice.

What is the new name of a loved one? Yes, whatever:

- Tyapochka!

- Equilukyupyashechka!

- Gorozulechka!

- Lulepus!

- Wow!

Just use soft consonants, vowels, and diminutive suffixes.

It goes without saying that you can only compile such a dictionary of neologisms when your relationship has entered a trusting phase. And at the very beginning of the novel, just call the person by NAME. There is nothing more pleasing to our ears than to hear the sound of our name pronounced with trepidation, delight and tenderness...

A wonderful anchor is to frantically pronounce the name of the one who delivers this orgasm to you during an orgasm.

Let's talk a little about "hypnotic speech". This is a peculiar form of speaking, which quickly plunges into a trance. And trance, as you know, is an altered state of consciousness in which there is no criticism. Exactly what we need for a quick seduction. In addition, in this state, with the help of only voice, we can cause various states in the interlocutor.

Let's try…

1. Speak without negatives. That is, when you offer your partner to plunge into any experience, you will talk about what he should experience, and not what he should not. Everything inside of us is only positive. But how often people, without knowing it, do bad things to each other. There is nothing more effective to force loved one nervous than to tell him the phrase: "Just don't worry." And how often do we say to another person: "Just don't forget." And what's going on? Of course one forgets.

2. Undefined language. When describing the experiences or actions that you want your subject to have, you need to use non-specific language. That is, you can not say: "You feel relaxed." Usually such specific statements cause resistance. In order for your instruction to pass without resistance, you need to say vaguely: “And now you can feel ... some unusual sensations in the lower abdomen ... something reminiscent of languor ...” Something like this.

3. Change the pace and volume of your speech (compared to normal). Usually we speak in approximately the same rhythm and the same timbre. And any deviation from the usual stereotype will immediately attract the attention of a partner. Usually, when we want to say something important, we speak louder. But we can achieve the same effect if we say something important quieter, or slower, or change the timbre. It works very well when our speech changes in waves - now louder, now quieter, now in a minor, then in a major. The most important messages can be spoken in a whisper. This draws attention to the message as much as possible and gives it a trusting character. It works the same way when your speech undulates from treble to bass. This kind of speech is absolutely amazing. It's the same with tempo. And if, against the background of a normal pace, you gradually begin to speak faster and faster without losing contact, you simply “load” the interlocutor, he simply becomes unable to evaluate all the information, and therefore most of it passes without resistance.

4. Intimate voice. Intimate voice is very easy to do. Imagine that your voice is born in the lower abdomen, from the first chakra, that is, from the sexual center. Most people, especially women, perceive such a voice very approvingly, no matter what you say.

5. They often ask: “What words to say to make a person do this and that ...” Believe me, magic spells do not exist. No "fuck-tibidoh" in the matter of hypnosis will help you. Everything is much easier. You need to listen carefully to a person, remember the words that he uses in speech, and insert them into your statements. That's all!

And further. "Sour lemon!" As soon as you read this phrase, what happened? That's right, increased salivation. So how to cause sexual experiences in the object of seduction? That's right, with the help of speech. They just need to be described. Your ability to naturally and easily describe in words pleasant erotic experiences (for example, the sensations of gentle touches, shortness of breath when excited, an iridescent sensation of warmth in the body, etc.) will very quickly lead to the fact that your interlocutor will begin to feel these states.

Kinesthetic anchors

These are touches. Gentle and strong, light and fast, long and persistent…

Want to test how kinesthetic anchors work?

Try at the moment when everyone in a noisy company is laughing, touch the elbow, knee, shoulder, whatever you can reach, your neighbor or neighbor. Do this at least twice (for example, at the moment of telling a joke, a good joke). Then it will be enough to touch the same place of this person with the same force for the person to smile or laugh.

In order for kinesthetic anchors to work effectively, you need to know a few secrets:

1. Anchors are placed on protruding bones (where there is little soft tissue and fat deposits in order to get to the same place during reinforcement). Choose for anchoring knuckles, wrist, elbow, shoulder, shoulder blade, collarbone, knees, pubic bone.

2. The touch should be quite tangible, intense, but not painful or aggressive. It is better that the person does not notice that he is being anchored.

3. The anchor is placed when the emotion is just beginning, growing. When a person is at the peak of experience, let go of the hand.

4. Anchors work with constant reinforcement.

Recall some happy experience, some specific event. Once you are in this event, squeeze in a special way thumb hands. Hold for a few seconds, release and return to reality. This sequence is very important. Then, after a while, squeeze your finger in the same way. What will happen?

In the same way, you can work and anchor on yourself the states of creativity, inspiration, energy, lightness, joy, and so on.

Kinesthetic anchors are extremely important in seduction and relationship building. As soon as you notice your partner good mood, touch him, take his elbow, smile and anchor the positive. Do this several times. You already have one anchor.

Now, when your partner is in a bad mood, you can easily improve his mood by simply touching his elbow with the same strength and intensity. It's good to add kinesthetic anchors to auditory anchors. For example, you describe some kind of sexual experience and see that the partner also began to experience it - immediately anchor it. Preferably in another place, for example on the shoulder. And when you're finally alone, just turn on the anchor - and don't hesitate!

Anchors of the situation

The most effective anchors are situations in which all channels of perception are involved.

For example, an erotic massage with aromatic oils to pleasant music activates the auditory and kinesthetic channels at the same time.

On your partner’s birthday, in the morning, you can stick stickers with love notes of Enelpeer content all over the apartment: “You are worthy!”, “You are the best!”, “The universe is friendly”, “Every day is new chance”,“ Be the first! ”,“ Be yourself ”,“ Love! ”,“ You are my fairy tale ”,“ Hero-lover ”,“ God of sex ”,“ I am proud of you ”,“ I need you ”... Do not be afraid overdo it: what we believe in becomes our reality. Your partner will definitely want to match. And while he walks around the apartment, removing stickers, you hold his hand in a special way. And let positive music play at the same time: “I know for sure: the impossible is possible ...”

Try to seat your tired after labor day partner on the sofa, take off his shoes and socks, dip his feet in a basin of warm water, wash them, saying gentle words, dry with a towel, massage your feet with an invigorating menthol cream, kiss each finger ... This anchor - aerobatics! After all, all channels of perception are involved here: firstly, a beautiful visual picture when you sit on your knees in front of your partner, confessing (at least for five minutes) to him that he is your master and master, and secondly, your tenderness, spoken under the splash of water - auditory anchor, thirdly, warm water, foot massage, terry towel - what a fucking kinesthetic person needs.

8 NLP: Seduction Anchoring Technique

Another way to use anchoring is to sleep with the object of desire on the first date.

Ask a potential partner to remember the most interesting, exciting and joyful experience for Lately. When you say the word "interesting", lower your voice and give it an erotic coloring. Nine times out of ten, the subject will hit the auditory anchor and recall erotic experiences. If your partner asks why you need this, say you want to offer one exciting game, which will require a good imagination and a specific memory for feelings.

When he remembers, ask him to close his eyes for a moment. Then ask him to remember what he saw, heard, felt in his body. As the object of the hunt remembers, observe the changes in his face, breathing, posture. The face is likely to turn slightly pink; breathing may become more frequent and shallow, or, conversely, more rare and deep, the lower lip will slightly increase in size and fall; the body will relax. At this moment, your victim will re-experience in himself all those pleasant erotic feelings that she had when she was in reality in that erotic situation. While she is doing this, ask her to raise her finger the moment her memories and sensations or feelings reach the top. When the victim raises his finger, reach out your hand, lightly squeeze her wrist, and at the same time say, "Okay." Try to do this twice.

Then ask the subject not to think about anything, just relax and sit with eyes closed. Reach out, lightly squeeze your wrist (just like you did the first time - touch in the same place and with the same intensity) and say: "Okay." If you did everything right, then the partner will have the same erotic experiences (and you can observe the same external manifestations of these experiences) that he experienced at the moment when you squeezed your wrist for the first time.

Now tease the victim with this. Return to normal conversation, and then, after a couple of minutes, squeeze her wrist, turning the anchor back on. Look straight into your eyes, smile while doing this, but do not let go of your wrists. Hold your hand for as long as you see fit.

You now have a weapon that you can use at any time for the rest of the evening.

After a while, when you are alone, tease the object of the hunt a little again. Without long introductions, look into the eyes and smile knowingly. If the victim asks for an explanation of your behavior, simply squeeze her wrist lightly and say, "Okay." And when she begins to experience an erotic state again, hold her wrist with one hand, and your other hand and lips will find themselves what to touch and what to squeeze.

Practice anchoring. It takes practice - don't fool yourself. But this thing works great!

Prayer that can be seen

One master was sitting with his students in a concert audience. He told them:

You have heard many prayers, you have said many prayers. Today I would like you to see a prayer.

At that moment the curtain rose and the ballet began.

Homework: "Bifurcation points"

1. Now the main thing. All this sounds and looks very good in the imagination. But until you go outside and try these techniques, of course, nothing will work. Be prepared for the fact that at first the efficiency will be about 50/50. Rejoice! Notice every time you succeed and store it in your skill memory as a precious pearl of experience!

2. When practicing anchoring on other people, remember that the best object to study is yourself. How long do you think it will take you to hang positive anchors around yourself?

3. Map own body and his feelings. If you don’t like being held by the elbow, when the coccyx is touched, taken by the arm, urgently anchor positive to these places - puppy delight, quiet joy, unbridled fun, touching tenderness, the strength of youth, patience in achieving the goal, brutal performance! Let your whole body become a magnet for happy touches. So it is, so it is, so it will be!

Every day Neuro Linguistic Programming is becoming more and more popular. NLP techniques are used in various areas of life and help people achieve results, deal with negative emotions and get to know yourself better. One of the methods of NLP is the setting of psychological anchors. Few people know that this technique is used not only by psychologists. Anyone can learn how to apply it in those moments when you want to get the necessary state: confidence, love, happiness, and more. Let's take a closer look at this technique below.

What is NLP

In the 60s of the last century, a group of scientists from America became interested in the methods of work of psychotherapists with patients. It was not clear to them why some psychoanalysts are more successful in helping people than others. Having researched a large number of works of psychologists, scientists grouped methods and techniques according to their effectiveness. Thus, the first NLP models appeared. interpersonal relationships and the influence of people on each other.

The works of famous specialists were chosen as the basis of neurolinguistic programming: Virginia Satir - family psychology, Fritz Perls - Gestalt therapy and - hypnosis.

NLP tries to teach a person to interact effectively with himself and with other people, just as experienced psychiatrists do. With these techniques, you can:

  • improve communication skills;
  • learn to understand your emotions;
  • diversify the world;
  • make your behavior more flexible;
  • get rid of phobias and psychological trauma.

What is anchoring in NLP

A psychological anchor in NLP is any action that a person associates with certain emotions. It can be a sound, an image, a touch, a taste, or something else that is identified with some state or event and causes a certain reaction.

An example of a psychological anchor would be the music that was played on the first date; hearing it, you can mentally go back to that day and experience the same emotions. The melody in this case is an anchor that starts a chain of reactions.

We can say that an anchor is a signal that causes the brain to reproduce the emotions associated with it.

Unconscious Anchors

Each thought of a person is always accompanied by which, in turn, causes physiological changes. This may increase or, conversely, slow down the metabolism, heartbeat, breathing. There may be a release of hormones into the body, involuntary tension or relaxation of muscles, and other reactions. This suggests that any event causes not only a psychological response, but also a physical one.

Therefore, when a person thinks about something or experiences certain emotions, changes in the physical state occur in his body. If the thoughts are positive, you can observe a surge of energy, increased muscle tone and increased activity. At negative thoughts there is a sense of weakness and apathy.

It has happened to everyone that at some point the mood suddenly worsened without apparent reason. Most likely, at this moment the negative psychological anchor of the person worked. It was associated with some event in the past. Seeing, hearing or feeling something that was connected with that time, the brain responded to the signal. Although at the time of the event, the person did not realize that he had anchored an unpleasant state. And now, at the moment of receiving the signal, unconsciously reacts to it.

In order to place a psychological anchor, it is not necessary to consciously want it. For example, the situation with the melody from the first date indicates an involuntary transfer of the feelings experienced at that moment to the music. Unconscious anchoring occurs in two cases:

  • Frequent repetition. This is similar to what Pavlov called a reflex.
  • Strong emotional experience. The stronger it is, the faster the reaction is fixed. For example, in school time, information that was interesting was remembered faster. It is the same with emotions: the stronger they are, the faster the anchor appears.

Conscious anchors

Understanding how it works, you can consciously consolidate and induce the necessary emotional states in yourself. The question arises: why is this necessary? The fact is that psychological anchors serve as triggers for the internal resources of the human body. For example, in difficult situation, when you feel a decline in strength and energy and bad thoughts overcome, launching a positive anchor can help change emotions and get out of this state. After all, many people know how difficult it is to get away from bad thoughts and switch to something good.

Anchor can give strength, improve mood, restore waning interest, increase self-confidence and cope with a phobia.

What are anchors

Psychologists distinguish several types of anchors:

  1. Visual. Here the signal is the image. For example, every time you put on a spectacular outfit, you need to hug and kiss a man. After a while, he will develop positive emotions associated with this clothing, and at the sight of it, a desire will appear to fulfill the woman's request. This example can be classified as psychological anchors for men, which are successfully used by females.
  2. Auditory. Such an anchor is associated with sound, mainly with a melody. It can be used during a romantic date by putting the original musical accompaniment. In this case, the pleasant state of falling in love will anchor on the music and will be constantly remembered when listening to it.
  3. Kinestatic. Here, any touch serves as a stimulus. At the moment of a strong emotional experience, it is necessary to touch any part of the body, for example, pinch your earlobe or grab your wrist, the place itself does not matter. The next time, when repeating this action, the experienced emotion will arise again.
  4. Olfactory. These are very powerful emotional signals. Such a psychological anchor for a man can be made if, for example, the same fragrance is used in bed. This smell will set you in the right mood.

Method of psychological anchor - the first stage

  1. It is necessary to determine the situation for which additional resources are needed.
  2. Understand exactly what kind of emotion you need. For example, when taking an exam, you want to feel more confident.
  3. In order to make sure that this particular resource is needed, you need to ask yourself the question: "If I had this emotion, would I definitely use it?". If the answer is yes, you can move on to the next item.
  4. Try to remember a situation in which this feeling was vividly experienced.


  1. Decide what kind of psychological anchors will be used to induce this state in the future. It can be one view or several at once: an image, a melody and a touch. The kinestatic anchor is the most commonly used, because it can be easily repeated in any situation, and without being noticed. But the strongest anchors, as a rule, involve several types at once: sound, supported by visual imagery and movement.
  2. The selected signal must be repeated several times in order to develop a skill. The thing is that the anchor will work if it is repeated exactly as it was the first time.


  1. After the anchor rehearsal, you need to enter the very state that you need to get. To do this, you need to go to another place and remember the situation in which the desired emotion manifested itself most clearly. For example, in the case of confidence, you need to remember an event in which you felt complete self-confidence, and feel it as strongly as possible. Remember all the details of the event, what were the sounds at that moment, who was nearby and how it manifested itself in the body. Emotions must completely fill consciousness.
  2. At that moment, when the memories will be at their peak, you need to put a rehearsed anchor. It is necessary to stay in this state for a certain amount of time, and then smoothly exit it.
  3. After that, you need to check if the emotion has anchored. To do this, the signal is replayed, and if it is not felt desired state, you need to return to the previous point.
  4. After successful installation, you can conduct a final check. To do this, you need to imagine the moment when the situation is approaching in which you want to apply the anchor. For example, before the exam, anxiety begins to increase, the heart beats more strongly, perspiration appears. It is necessary to feel this standing, immerse yourself in it, and then use the established anchor.

How to get rid of psychological anchors

It happens that you need to get rid of the anchor. After all, it may not always be positive. Unconsciously, you can set inappropriate, harmful and unnecessary signals. For such situations, there is a method by which you can erase unnecessary anchors. You can use it in situations like the following:

  • when I see the boss, there is irritation;
  • this place makes me sad because of the negative memories associated with it;
  • I hear this song and immediately tears well up.

This method copes well with such reactions: longing, anger, irritation or apathy.

Anchor Collapse Technique

  1. It is necessary to determine the anchor that you want to get rid of. This may be some kind of situation during which an unwanted reaction is repeated.
  2. A situation with a negative reaction is remembered and anchored.
  3. The situation with the resource state is remembered and also anchors, but in a different place. Alternatively, you can clench your fist with one hand for the first state, and clench your fist with the other hand for the second.
  4. Two anchors are launched simultaneously and held for at least one minute. For example, both fists are clenched.
  5. After a while, imagine a situation to which you don’t like the reaction, and test how it feels now.
  6. If emotions also arise, repeat the second and third steps.
  7. Then you can check the anchor for environmental friendliness. To do this, you need to ask yourself the question: "Can these changes harm me?".
  8. If the answer is yes, you need to return to the third paragraph and add the necessary emotions.

Relationship Help

Many women are interested in the question of how to anchor a man psychologically. by the most in a simple way is a kinestatic signal, or touch at the right moment. The speed of setting such an anchor depends on how strong emotional experiences the partner will experience at that moment. Therefore, you need to be patient and not worry about the fact that the technique did not work the first time.

  • First step. It is necessary to choose the moment when a man good mood or he is in the right emotion.
  • Second step. You need to accidentally touch a pre-selected place, for example, cover his palm with your own or grab his wrist. To enhance the effect, you can whisper something pleasant to your partner in your ear.
  • Third step. Now you need to repeat this process several times, but always at the moment when the man is in the right emotional state.
  • Fourth step. After some time, the state will anchor, and you can successfully return the partner to the desired state when required.

Knowing how to put psychological anchors can easily and simply improve the quality of your life. After all, now you can successfully deal with negative conditions. The main rule is to observe always and in all measure, and not to use these techniques to harm another person.