One of the most interesting inhabitants of Russian reservoirs is the smelt fish, which belongs to the family of the same name and is an important part of commercial fishing. In most cases, representatives of the species lead a migratory lifestyle, although there are also completely isolated flocks. Smelt can inhabit vast areas of water and travel long distances in search of food.

Fish varieties

Before you find out where smelt is found in Russia, you need to pay attention to the existing varieties of this fish. Currently, ichthyologists distinguish such types:

  1. Asian smelt.
  2. European(the shallow lake form is called "smelt").
  3. Maritime.

In addition to external differences, these species different lifespan and weight category. For example, for representatives of the European group, life expectancy does not exceed 3 years, while during this time they gain about 8 grams. The length of such individuals is 9-10 centimeters.

The fish living in Siberian reservoirs live quietly and exist for 12 years, growing up to 35 centimeters in length. For several years they gain up to 350 grams of live weight. Speaking of age, you need to take into account the time of maturation, because the longer the fish is formed, the longer it will live.

External characteristics

As already mentioned, the described species may differ from each other in their appearance. To understand these features, you need to consider each variety in more detail:

  1. Asian smelt has an elongated body, which is covered with large scales. By the way, when processing fish, the scaly layer is very quickly separated. In the lateral part of the body is painted in silvery tones, and the back is brown-green. An interesting feature of fresh prey is its smell. After catching smelt, anglers often smell fresh green cucumbers.
  2. Representatives of the European group are not much different from previous individuals, while some external differences are still present. Basically, there are very few of them: the “Europeans” have an underdeveloped jaw and teeth, and the lateral line is much shorter. At the same time, the size of the mouth is quite large.
  3. Marine varieties have a large reserve of strength and can show agility and ferocity. However, unlike the two previous species, the sea smelt has a relatively small mouth opening, and the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward. The dorsal fin is much shorter than that of other members of the family. It is located in the same place as the ventral fins - in the middle part of the body. The fish is distinguished by its compact size and the presence of 9 to 13 scales on the lateral line.

The main habitats of smelt

Every angler knows where smelt lives in Russia, because this fish is found everywhere in different latitudes and water bodies. But before you go in search of prey, you need to narrow the search for promising points for fishing by carefully studying the biological preferences of the fish.

So if we are talking about the European species, then most often it can be found in the North and Baltic Seas, as well as in the basins of these water bodies. Smelt is also caught in Onega and Ladoga lakes. Inhabitants European countries looking for fish in the northern regions Western Europe. Due to its good adaptability to new climatic conditions, this inhabitant of the depths often manifests itself where it is supposedly impossible. For this reason, in Lately smelt is caught in the rivers of the Volga basin and southern reservoirs, such as Saratov and Gorky.

Representatives of the Asian variety are widely distributed in northern parts Atlantic Ocean, in the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. In search of a promising habitat, fish often move to coastal areas of cool seas, without giving up the opportunity to find food in freshwater rivers. By the way, spawning of smelt does not always occur in salt water, because it can roll down to the mouth areas big rivers. In the northern regions of the Russian Federation, smelt is caught both in the White Sea and in the Bering Strait. In the United States, they are looking for it in the waters of Cape Barrow - the Mackenzie River.

Trying to understand where the smelt lives marine type, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the range of this species is strictly limited. Most often, marine life is caught in the northwestern part Pacific Ocean, although it can be found both in Kamchatka and in coastal areas.

Diet and spawning

Like other representatives of the ichthyofauna, existing species smelt feed on all kinds of zooplankton. Among these foodstuffs are a variety of "dishes". It can be:

  • Branched crayfish.
  • Mysis.
  • Cube crayfish and other aquatic animals.

Older specimens do not refuse to eat the fry of other fish, while their favorite delicacy is caviar. Special Activity observed in summer and autumn, when large flocks of smelt move to coastal areas in search of nutritious food.

All types of smelt have different life spans. For this reason, the timing of development and the nature of reproduction also differ. For example, if European inhabitants leave for the first spawning at the age of 1–2 years, since they do not live longer than three years, then their Siberian relatives begin their physiological needs only after 7 years - their maximum age does not exceed 12 years.

In most cases, the start of spawning occurs after the end of the course of the ice. If the water temperature rises to four degrees, then it is quite possible that the smelt will try to make the first attempts at spawning. An increase in the rate will be noticed when the water warms up from six to nine degrees. Upon reaching these indicators, the fish will begin to travel long distances and look for a promising place.

For example, the smelt living in the Elbe swims freely for about a hundred kilometers until it determines a suitable water area with the most favorable conditions. If we are talking about prey living in the White Sea, then the distance is significantly reduced. In this case, the duration of spawning is several days.

Marine smallmouth species reach sexual maturity at the age of 1-2 years. Over the years of life, they can go to spawn 2-3 times, starting to spawn in April and ending in May. Inhabitants of the most northern reservoirs spawn at the beginning of summer. Reproductive material is deposited on surf sand or algae. For one spawning, the female smelt gives about 35 thousand eggs.

Selection and preparation of gear

It is no secret that both river and sea smelt are considered very popular fishing prey, which can be caught almost the whole year. Here you need to take into account the regional features where fishing takes place.

For example, St. Petersburg smelt bites well in December, however, during this period only medium-sized representatives of the species are caught on the hook. To catch six kilograms of fish, you need to get at least five hundred units from the hole. If the priority is on the search for trophy prey, then it is better to wait until the end of January or the beginning of February. The main advantage of such an activity is its excitement and extremeness. In order not to leave the reservoir without a catch, it is important to show skill and endurance. Otherwise, instead of a good bite, the fisherman may be in for a complete disappointment.

As for suitable gear for catching such a fish, unlike capelin, there is no need to use too expensive or inventive fishing tools here, because the weight of the prey is relatively small, so even the lightest rod can easily cope with the load.

The next selection criterion is the convenience of the tackle. The devices used should not take a lot of energy from the angler in the process of playing. In addition, fishing in the winter season requires the introduction of some skill and diligence, so the comfort of operation becomes a paramount factor. When fishing with comfortable gear, there is no risk of fatigue and lack of pleasure from the process.

Catching Black Sea or freshwater smelt is so easy that you can make your own fishing tackle. The main thing is to take into account the main subtleties of creation and follow the recommendations of experienced craftsmen. Good way manufacturing is as follows:

  1. The first step is to carve a cylindrical handle with increased density from the foam.
  2. Then it should be equipped with two support legs.
  3. A coiled spring can be used as the nodding material, and the free end of this spring must be equipped with a red foam ball.

When choosing a fishing line, it is not necessary to take the widest models, because the bite does not depend on this. It is better to completely refuse rigid products, because they prevent the free movement of equipment.

Catching Tactics

To make the upcoming fishing productive, you do not need to go to the reservoir at the beginning of the season and at the end, because during this time period the intensity of biting is significantly reduced. The search for areas remote from civilization and other anglers, where trophy representatives of the species accumulate, helps to improve the results of fishing. Also, smelt is attracted to places with a relatively flat bottom without sudden changes in depth.

After determining the location of the school of smelt, it is necessary to equip 6-8 high-quality gear, placing them in a checkerboard pattern. Transverse and diagonal options work well. In the first case, the fishing rods are set across the stream. If there is no activity after a few minutes of fishing, it is better to reinstall the tackle in a new place. It is also important not to forget about cleaning the holes from snow or sludge.

In the absence of a bite in a weak current, it can be played simple method: you need to lower the line four turns, which will significantly improve the game of artificial bait and increase the activity of lazy smelt. But you can not lower the snap below the allowable threshold.

Despite their small size and weight, reaching 350 g, the fish is caught on a large scale and has nutritious meat. In the process of fishing, the angler has to use various techniques and tricks, as well as show skill.

The beginning of the winter fishing season can begin in December and end in February. The peak of activity is noticed in the middle of winter, for example, in January, but here the role is played by climatic features region. Indeed, on the Neva, the best biting is noticed from February to March, until the fish leave for spawning.

At the same time, St. Petersburg anglers recommend going out to the reservoir in February, because this month the smelt shows phenomenal activity, greedily pouncing on any offered food. However, the individuals caught are not encouraging. large sizes, although this is justified by the size of the catch. For one fishing it is quite possible to get about 500 units of the species with a total weight of 5 kg.

According to experienced anglers, the efficiency of fishing at the beginning and end of the season is minimal, because the bite during this period is quite insignificant, and the wear of fishing line and equipment as a whole is much faster. And in general, it is better to change the fishing line at least once a season, because under the influence of sub-zero temperatures and due to frequent contact with ice, it is deformed and loses its operational suitability.

When looking for a promising place to fish, it is better to avoid crowded areas and large drops in depth. It is desirable that there is a current at the selected point, since it will be more convenient to set gear along it.

By implementing these tips into reality, you can increase the chances of a good bite and avoid bad fish activity.

Attention, only TODAY!

Smelt is a small-sized fish of the Salmon family, which, when eaten, brings a lot of useful microelements, vitamins and minerals to the human body. This fish, like, for example, capelin, is today considered one of the most popular that are used in the fishery. You can cook many delicious dishes from it at home, as well as eat in restaurants or cafes.

Appearance and habitat of smelt

Appearance and habitat of smelt. What does a fish look like? Its body is elongated, silvery in color and covered with soft scales. The size fluctuates: a small smelt is considered, the length of which does not reach 20 cm, the average is the one whose size is from 20 to 30 cm, and a fish from 30 cm is considered a large waterfowl. The maximum length is 40 cm. The color of the eyes of the smelt is black, the back most often has a gray, and occasionally - a greenish tint. The fins have no color, they are transparent. The mouth of the fish is small, however, there are large teeth, for which the smelt is often called "catfish" or "toothed". The weight is often 15-30 grams, but it may vary depending on which smelt is lake, river or sea, that is, on its habitat. The life expectancy of such a fish of the Salmon family is 1-10 years.

Habitual habitat for smelt are bays, rivers, lakes and seas of the Baltic States, Russia, Scandinavia. Sandy places in the seas and lakes seem to her the most attractive for life, while for spawning, that is, for spawning fish, they choose calm, secluded places in river mouths, where there is a weak current. How long spawning will be depends on climatic conditions. The most acceptable temperature is 4-9 degrees.

There are three varieties of this small fish:

  • European;
  • Asian;
  • smallmouth.

In the western part of Europe, fish rarely live, because the habitat for it is not suitable there due to inappropriate environmental conditions.

How and what to catch?

How and what to catch? Everyone who prefers to go fishing, rather than buying ready-made fresh or frozen fish in stores, needs an answer to the question, so that after drying, smoking, frying, baking, drying, salting, stewing at home. The goals of all fishermen are different: for some, this is a hobby and a favorite hobby, a great way to take a break from the bustle of the city by going fishing in nature; for others, it is a way of earning money, because after catching they are engaged in trade, sending fish for sale in bulk. However, no matter why people go fishing, you need to know the rules and secrets of fishing: how, where and at what depth to catch, what it bites, what it eats. Fishing will be very successful if the following facts are taken into account.

  • A great place for fishing will be the coast - piers, piers, bridges, located within the city. You can do without a swimming facility, because this will not change the quality of the catch.
  • Fishing should be in places with a weak current, if we are talking about rivers and bays.
  • It is recommended to change the depth: first, where it is less, then more, and so alternate.
  • The best time for smelt fishing is in the morning (until 11 o'clock in the afternoon) and late at night, because these water bodies are as calm as possible during these hours.
  • A lot depends on gear. In order for fishing to be as comfortable as possible, and fishing to be successful, buy a fishing rod of 4-6 meters. Focus on the quality and lightness of the fishing tool so that your hands do not get tired of it quickly. Tackle can be of several types: for example, a fishing rod with a fishing line tied to its tip or a fishing rod with a reel and rings. The best fishing line will be a thread with a cross section of 0.2-0.25 mm. 3-4 leashes must be mounted, stepping back from the base of the fishing line by 8-10 cm. The hook should have a long forearm, and the number recommended for catching smelt is 4. In order not to bother because the smelt constantly gnaws with its sharp teeth fishing line, you can use spinning tackle during fishing, for which hooks are suitable under numbers 5, 6 and 7.
  • In terms of bait, bait and bait, there are no difficulties. Smelt - predatory fish, which feeds on larvae, some crustaceans and juveniles. Smelt bites excellently on worms, bloodworms, maggots, flies, pieces of fish and strings of different colors. Smelt can be called unpretentious to bait, bait and bait fish. She is very voracious and eats almost everything with which the fishermen go on a "hunt", and therefore most often fishing ends successfully - the catch is large.

You can fish in spring, summer and even in winter, specifically in December, when the fish bite the most. Each season has its own nuances, which in without fail worth remembering. Referring to the season, you need to choose a fishing tool for yourself - it can be tackle, a net (used during spawning), a net, a spider or a net. In summer, for fishing from the shore, it is better to opt for thin gear.

In order for smelt to peck well, it is necessary to fish in places:

  • with sufficient depth;
  • where the depth fluctuates from large to shallow and vice versa, since fry and other small fish, which are food for smelt, most often live there;
  • overgrown with reeds and other aquatic plants;
  • water areas with changing currents.

Consider the facts listed above, and you will not return home empty-handed from fishing.

Interesting fact! Every year in St. Petersburg there is a holiday called "Smelt Day". This fair is considered the most popular among all festivals in the Russian Federation. The action takes place in the spring, in the numbers from May 11 to 19. In St. Petersburg, at the place of celebration, an ear is prepared in a huge vat (1000 liters), and salmon fry are released into the Gulf of Finland.

Smelt in cooking

Smelt in cooking is a wonderful product used by professional and amateur chefs quite often. One of the great advantages of this fish is the fact that it can be fried or stewed at home in a pan, on a grill, in oil, deep-fried, on a baking sheet in the oven, using foil, boil. That is, heat treatment is applied to smelt constantly. You just need to do everything right. Also, fish can be dried, smoked, salted, frozen, marinated for barbecue, canned in jars like sprats for the winter in vinegar, sauce, tomato or other marinade. It is also allowed to stew in a slow cooker, and steaming smelt is easy and simple.

Frying, salting, smoking, stewing, boiling, drying are very common ways to use smelt in cooking. It is an excellent ingredient and basis for cooking soup, fish soup, fish aspic. A strong half of the population prefer to add dry salted smelt to beer.

Fish is prepared on the grill, on the coals on the grill, on the fire. In some cafes and restaurants, even smelt prepared according to a dietary recipe is served.

Store Selection Rules

The rules of choice in the store should be followed in order to buy not spoiled, fresh fish, smoked, salted, frozen or even live in packages, from which later it will be possible to cook a lot of delicious dishes at home in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker, on a fire, on the grill, on the grill, using a variety of recipes. Smelt is not so cheap, but its price is very acceptable.

You can buy a good smelt by reading the following facts:

  1. The eyes of the fish should be clean and bulging. You can refer to this rule when choosing absolutely all fish.
  2. The body is elastic. While in the store, you can lightly press on the fish. If the hole immediately recovered, then the fish is fresh.
  3. watermelon scent or fresh cucumbers. It is the cucumber or watermelon aroma that is a 100% sign that the smelt in the store is fresh.
  4. Cleanliness, moisture and smoothness. If the listed signs are present on the body of the fish, then everything is in order. In case of dryness, spots or bends on the carcass, it is not recommended to buy such smelt.

With these tips, you will right choice and you can start cooking delicious dishes from purchased fish with peace of mind. At the best price, it can be easily purchased at any supermarket. Fresh fish can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a few days, while frozen fish will last longer - weeks and months before cooking.

What to cook from fish?

What to cook from fish? And there are many answers to the question, because smelt is a fairly popular fish in the fishery.

Hot or cold smoked smelt, spicy fried or stewed, boiled, dried, baked, dried, salted, is found in its pure form, as an addition to main dishes, as an ingredient in salads and other things on the menu of many cafes and restaurants. But there are a lot of simple step-by-step recipes that will help you cook fish at home.

You can clean and salt, deliciously fry smelt in batter using milk, flour, semolina, eggs, crackers, or stew in cream or navy sour cream, in tomato sauce with potatoes, onions and other vegetables in a frying pan, slow cooker or bake crispy fish in the oven.

Incredibly wonderful meatballs, pies, fish soup are obtained from minced smelt fish. Do-it-yourself dishes prepared at home the right recipe seem even more delicious..

Useful and harmful properties

Useful and harmful properties smelt, of course, has it. It brings the body more benefit than harm, and this is a huge plus. The composition of this fish includes many vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other useful substances.

Smelt is rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, nickel, phosphorus, chromium. Sodium normalizes work of cardio-vascular system and supplies the body with glucose. Calcium and phosphorus are an important component bone tissue. Vitamins of groups A and B are contained in significant quantities. The former have a positive effect on vision, while the latter improve metabolism, and also lead to work nervous system back to normal.

Smelt is partly a dietary product if it is properly prepared for this purpose, and therefore they eat it when they want to get rid of it. excess weight. It is also recommended for use as a preventive measure against various diseases.

The calorie content of smelt is not so high - only 102 kilocalories per 100 grams of weight. The composition of the BJU is as follows: the fish contains a protein that has a beneficial effect on the body - 15.4 grams, fats, which are also necessary for a person for normal activity - 4.5 grams, there are no carbohydrates in the fish. That is, the nutritional value of the product is high.

Pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as children, need to be careful in eating fish and introduce it into the diet only with the permission of the doctor and if there are no contraindications.

Advice! In the diet of dogs, especially puppies that are growing, there must be meat and fish food, but in this regard you need to be very careful. Fish contains vitamins A, D and B12, which make the pet's coat softer and fluffier. It is not recommended to feed your four-legged pets with raw smelt, since it contains thiaminase, which reacts with vitamin B and prevents the spread of nutrients. Only boiled (29 minutes on moderate heat) fish of this type can be given to dogs.

Smelt is very tasty and useful product, which has its own cardinal differences from other fish. Smelt fishing is a very exciting and enjoyable process, because it is very easy to catch this fish. After it, you can sell it in bulk or cook something tasty at home.

We also offer you a video with an interesting recipe.

What kind of fish is this smelt and why does it smell like a freshly cut fresh cucumber or watermelon - in general, freshness.

Sometimes the smell of smelt for me is like a fish just caught in the cold - it also exudes a little at first with the same aroma.

After you take the smelt, your hands smell strongly of cucumber. And the kitchen is filled with this fresh aroma of either cucumber or watermelon.

Why does smelt smell like cucumber - what's the matter?

Opinions are divided:

Some ichthyologists say that the smell of smelt under a fresh cucumber means that when fish enters cold fresh waters (for example, the Neva River), they are washed by them after sea salt. And this gives the fish a cucumber smell.

Other scientists are of the opinion that fish gives off a cucumber flavor due to a substance referred to as cucumber aldehyde. Aldehydes themselves are often used in perfumery, precisely because they strongly exude one or another aroma.

Not only smelt, but also grayling and whitefish smell of fresh cucumbers. Only this cucumber aldehyde in the last fish disappears much faster.

It is freshly caught smelt that smells like cucumber or watermelon. This fragrance lasts for 2-3 days. Therefore, it is not difficult to distinguish between stale or fresh smelt by smell.

After freezing or any processing, the cucumber smell disappears.

Petersburgers believe that their smelt is real and only it smells so strongly of cucumbers. But it's not. And in Anadyr, and in Vladivostok, and on Sakhalin, this fish has a cucumber flavor, maybe not as strong as in St. Petersburg.

What kind of fish-cucumber - what is a smelt, what does it eat, spawn and what is it caught on?

Smelt is a large-mouthed fish of the smelt family. She is not whimsical at all, as she can live both in fresh water and in sea salt.

Smelt is caught in Russia European and Asian. European smelt is found in Lake Ladoga and Onega, in the Baltic Sea, in the Volga basin and in the Arctic Ocean. Asian smelt lives from the Bering Strait to the White Sea - in the Far East, in the waters of Kamchatka and major rivers Siberia.

Root, smelt, smelt are all the same fish (there are no strong differences). This fish is often not large in size from 8 to 38 cm in length, oblong and elongated.

Weighing no more than 350 grams - the maximum weight.

Smelt scales are very small (or absent), transparent and shimmer like mother-of-pearl.

What does it eat

The smelt lives 3-8 years, unless of course other predators get to lunch earlier. By the way, she herself is considered a predator. It feeds on very small fish, caviar, plankton, shrimps, sea worms and what it finds from the bottom.


Smelt spawning begins when the water warms up to 5-7 degrees (April - in middle lane and June - in the north). During spawning, she can overcome hundreds or even thousands of kilometers (especially on the Yenisei).

What to catch

The best way to catch smelt last ice, with the onset of spring, when it gathers closer to the mouth of the rivers. For catching smelt, anglers often use mormyshka and spinners.

Since the fish is at decent depths, then the tackle should be equipped with a lot of weight - it reaches the right place faster. Above the main heavy mormyshka, another 3, 4, 5 or even 7 small mormyshkas are knitted.

They are used both as reelless fishing and with bait in the form of a worm, the meat of the smelt itself or other fish, lard. In summer - on a float or on a bottom with a worm or maggot.

At night, like bream, smelt is better caught! For one cast, you can immediately catch 3-4 fish.

Catch rates

For the catch of smelt since 2017, as a particularly important species of fish, daily rate- no more than 5 kilos per person per day (for Gulf of Finland and Ladoga Lake) and 10 kilos - for other regions, in the Far East - 200 pieces.

It's not a secret for anyone that smelt or king fish, so nicknamed her Tsar Peter I, since he himself loved to feast on it (since the founding of St. Petersburg, fish that smells like cucumber) - smelt is considered one of the favorite dishes of Petersburgers.

Every year, in honor of the cucumber fish, a smelt festival is held in St. Petersburg, which takes place in mid-May - on the second weekend of May (May 11-12 for 2019).

The Smelt Festival is a general city picnic where you can have a delicious and fun time together with friends and the whole family.

Taste "General's fish soup" old recipe Alexandra Menshikov, participate in the competition of fishermen, take part in the stocking campaign - release salmon fry into the waters of the Gulf of Finland.

Well, enjoy fried smelt!

How much does a kilogram of fresh cucumber smelt cost

Since April, fresh smelt is everywhere in St. Petersburg. All the streets smell of cucumber.

Since Soviet times, the place at Oktyabrskaya embankment, 70, near the Volodarsky bridge, has been especially popular with the townspeople. And the prices here are not small - from 700 rubles per kg!

Sellers say that this price is due to the freshness of smelt - straight out of the water and into your hands.

In the markets of the city you can buy 100-150 rubles cheaper. And the most low price for smelt in St. Petersburg - from the "longboat", that is, from the fishermen directly - 200-250 rubles.

In other regions where smelt fishing is also carried out, the price is much lower. Here the shopping basket and financial opportunity come into play.

Smelt has healthy meat containing a lot of healthy omega-3 fat. In addition, it is also very tasty (especially with caviar) - it is eaten like seeds.

Gourmets advise frying the whole smelt - do not bother to clean it.

Recipe for fried smelt:

  1. Take 1 kg of fresh smelt, wash under the tap.
  2. Separately, pour flour, salt and pepper into a bowl (you can indulge in seasonings), mix.
  3. Put the pan on the fire, pour in the oil.
  4. When the oil sizzles, we begin to put the smelt into the pan, previously rolled in the flour mixture.
  5. Fry on both sides for 2-3 minutes.
  6. We recline on paper napkins.
  7. When the paper has absorbed the excess oil from the fish, put it on a plate.

Fried smelt is ready!

Bon appetit!

Smelt is a small predatory fish that leads a schooling lifestyle. This fish has excellent taste qualities, therefore it serves as an object of not only amateur, but also industrial fishing. To catch smelt, the angler must have an idea about the main habitats, know the habits of this fish, and also be able to properly prepare the tackle.

Species and habitats

Many novice anglers do not know where smelt is found and what type of waters they should be looking for. The habitat of this fish directly depends on its species. Some species live only in salt sea ​​water. Other representatives of smelts constantly live in fresh water. In addition, most species of this family are characterized by long migrations, as a result of which they can enter both freshwater rivers and lakes, and seas. In this regard, smelt cannot be definitely attributed to marine, lake or river fish species. This fish is widespread in Russia, where 3 genera of the smelt family live:

  • common smelt;
  • smallmouth;
  • capelin.

In total, this family has 6 genera and more than a dozen species. Smelts are found in reservoirs with moderately cold water, so most of their population is concentrated in the northern hemisphere.

Common smelt

Individuals of this genus are among the most numerous representatives of the smelt family and inhabit the mouths of rivers and the coastal zone of the seas of the North Atlantic. In addition, a large population of this genus is found in the northern waters of the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Common smelt can live in deep freshwater lakes, where it enters along the rivers flowing into them.

The impressive row of teeth of smelt speaks of its belonging to predatory fish species.

This genus is divided into Asian and European species. The Asian variety is found in the White Sea, as well as in large Siberian rivers and in the Far East. A huge population of this fish lives off the coast of Sakhalin and in the coastal waters of Kamchatka. Sakhalin and Kamchatka smelt are especially large in size and are one of the most desired trophies of Far Eastern fishermen. Smelt fishing in the Far East is the most successful on the last ice. Representatives of smelt living in these waters have a pronounced cucumber smell.

Only fresh fish smells of cucumber; after freezing or other heat treatment, the characteristic smell disappears.

European smelt is found in the Baltic and Barents Seas. She also has a cucumber smell, but it is not as pronounced as her Far Eastern relatives. Compared to the European Asian look has a larger size and a massive jaw apparatus, which gives it an aggressive predator that feeds on juvenile fish. Representatives of the European species are distinguished by their more modest size and relatively small mouth.

The lake and river form is called "smelt" and in in large numbers inhabits numerous reservoirs of Russia and Western Europe. Lake smelts are sedentary and rarely reach a size of more than 10 cm, so they are not of particular interest to an amateur fisherman. River representatives actively move along the water area of ​​the river and sometimes enter slightly salty sea estuaries. They can grow up to 15 cm in length and serve as a close object of attention for many anglers.

In the seventies of the last century, many large lakes and reservoirs, in which this fish is well acclimatized and has become one of the main objects of commercial fishing. Today, large populations of smelt can be found in the Ladoga and Onega lakes, as well as in some reservoirs of the Urals and Karelia. This fish comes across fishermen in the waters of Rybinsk and. Cases have been recorded when individual flocks of smelt met in the Moscow River.


In addition to the Asian smelt, a small-mouthed form of this fish lives in the Far Eastern reservoirs, which differs from other representatives of the smelt family in a small mouth and very small teeth. The Far Eastern smelt is divided into river and marine small-mouth forms.

The river small-mouthed form has a size of about 10 cm and a mass of not more than 15 g. It is found in almost all rivers. Far East flowing into the seas of the Pacific Ocean. This species is also found on the American ocean coast.

You can catch smelt from the ice not only during the day, but also at night.

The range of the marine small-mouth smelt extends from the shores of Kamchatka to Korea. The marine small-mouthed form is also found on the American coast of the ocean, in the region of Alaska and California. This species lives and spawns in salt water and only occasionally enters the Far Eastern rivers.

These species of smelt have a very large population and are of great commercial value.

smallmouth smelt Far Eastern seas often caught on sports fishing gear as by-catch, but few people are engaged in targeted catching of this small fish.


Capelin is one of the most valuable and largest representatives of the smelt family. By the age of five, capelin reaches a length of 20 cm. This fish belongs to marine life and is never found in bodies of water. fresh water. Capelin leads a pelagic way of life and lives far from the coast. It comes to the coastal zone only in the spring, when the spawning time is approaching.

Capelin lives in the following seas:

  • Barents;
  • Karskom;
  • Okhotsk;
  • Chukotka;
  • In the Laptev Sea;
  • In the White Sea.

The main part of capelin is caught during the spawning period, when large shoals of fish come close to the shore. This type of smelt is especially good when smoked. Also made from capelin fish meal and are used for bait when fishing for large marine fish.

The remaining 3 genera of the smelt family are found off the coast of America. These species of smelt live along the American Pacific coast and enter freshwater rivers only to spawn. These members of the smelt family include:

  • Spirinh;
  • Allosmer;
  • Taleicht.

If spirinch and allosmere do not differ much from those species that live on the territory of Russia, then taleicht has a very impressive size and can reach a length of more than 40 centimeters.


The spawning behavior of smelt also depends on its species and the characteristics of the region in which it lives. In search of suitable places for spawning, this fish can overcome hundreds of kilometers of water. The longest migration path is covered by the Yenisei smelt, which rises up the river for more than 1000 km. The time spent on the ascent to the spawning grounds can be calculated in several months.

Smelt spawning begins when the water warms up to 5-7 degrees. In the middle lane, this period falls on the end of March - the beginning of April. In the northern latitudes and water bodies of Siberia, spawning occurs in May - June. The fish starts spawning immediately after the ice melts; in some, eggs can be laid when the reservoir is still bound by an ice shell.

During the spring smelt bite, hundreds of anglers gather on the ice of the reservoir.

Like many other fish, before spawning, smelt acquires a bright outfit, in which blue tones are most pronounced. In early spring the lower jaw of the fish is pointed, and the body is covered with small tubercles, which disappear shortly after spawning. The main part of the livestock has time to spawn in a few days.

During the mating season, the fish loses its caution and becomes easy prey for fish-eating birds and animals. The spawning process usually takes place at night, at a depth of no more than half a meter, but often spawning flocks can be observed during the daytime. Smelt females spawn on various underwater objects:

  • aquatic vegetation;
  • large boulders;
  • driftwood;
  • pebbles.

The eggs, which have a sticky surface, are securely attached to the surface of water bodies and hold well even in strong currents. A significant part of the eggs are destroyed by underwater habitats or die as a result of fluctuations in the water level, however, high fecundity allows the smelt to maintain the size of its population. After 15–20 days, fry hatch from the eggs, the further development of which depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the availability of a suitable forage base.

The nature of nutrition

In order to successfully catch smelt, the angler needs to know what this fish eats in natural environment a habitat. In the first months of a fish's life, the basis of its diet is:

  • aquatic plankton;
  • small invertebrates;
  • water bugs.

Small lake forms feed on bloodworms and small crustacean plankton throughout their lives. Marine representatives of the smelt family, having reached the age of six months, switch to feeding on juveniles of other fish species, while not disdaining their own relatives. Shrimp, sea worms and leeches are also preyed upon by this predator. With the establishment of the ice cover, the feeding activity of the predator decreases and remains at a low level until the first spring months when melt water begins to flow under the ice.

Features of fishing

Among many anglers, smelt fishing from the ice is especially popular. This fish is best caught on the last ice. With the onset of spring, fish gather in large flocks and rush to the mouths of spawning rivers, so finding it becomes much easier than in the middle of winter, when it is evenly dispersed throughout the reservoir. Under-ice smelt fishing is carried out at a depth of 5 to 8 meters, not far from the confluence of the spawning river into the sea.

The most impressive catches occur during the last ice period.

Tackle for catching smelt in winter is not distinguished by elegance and complexity of manufacture. Fish going to spawn are caught both on jigsaw tackle and on baubles. Fishing tackle for smelt fishing includes:

  • winter fishing rod, equipped with a hard, elastic nod;
  • monofilament or fluorocarbon fishing line with a diameter of 0.16–0.18 mm;
  • several weighted mormyshki.

A heavy metal mormyshka is tied to the end of the main line. Above it, at a distance of 15–20 cm from each other, 3–4 light winter mormyshkas are tied, made of phosphorescent material and well attracting fish at great depths. The length of the leashes on which light mormyshkas are tied should not exceed 5 cm, which will avoid entanglement of the equipment. Lure hooks are baited:

  • worm;
  • smelt or eelpout meat;
  • pieces of carp skin;
  • pork fat.

On Sakhalin, smelt is caught on "wavers", which are a wooden reel with a fishing line 0.25–0.3 mm thick wound around it. A sinker weighing 20-30 grams is attached to the end of the fishing line, and several artificial flies are installed above it, imitating a drill or other fish food. In the process of fishing, the angler constantly raises and lowers the equipment, giving the baits the necessary animation.

On the last ice, the smelt actively bites on the lure. Smelt lure should be made of heavy metal, which will ensure its rapid immersion to a given depth. The surface of the spinner is polished to a shine, since the shiny element better attracts the attention of an aggressive predator. Since we are talking about catching medium-sized fish, the size of the bait should not exceed 5 cm. A red wool thread serving as an additional stimulus.

Fishing for smelt in the summer is most effective on rivers, where it is much easier to find it than in a vast sea area. IN summer period on the rivers you can successfully catch freshwater smelt. By open water this fish is caught on float and bottom gear, using a worm and maggot as a nozzle. Look for this fish in summer time follows at a depth of 3 to 5 m.

The smelt is one of business cards Petersburg and is perfectly caught both within the city and its environs.

In the city on the Neva there is a chain of restaurants "Ginza", in the menu of which this delicious fish is constantly present.

Despite the fact that smelt is not impressive in size, catching it is always reckless and exciting. Thanks to the simple construction of gear and the high activity of this fish, smelt fishing becomes affordable even for beginner anglers.

Smelt and smelt belong to a special genus (Osmerus) of the salmon family, which is distinguished by a rather large mouth, a longer lower jaw, numerous and large teeth and very delicate scales; the dorsal fin does not begin in front of the ventral fins, as in whitefish and grayling, but behind; lateral line incomplete. Both fish differ from each other almost only in size, and belong to the same species.

Live smelt is very beautiful. Her back is brownish-green, somewhat translucent, since the dorsal scales are not lined inside with a silvery pigment; the sides are silvery with a blue tint above and below. Males differ from females in a more prominent lower jaw, and during spawning - big amount warts on head and lower paired fins.

Smelt is found in the northern seas of the Old World: Arctic, White, Baltic and German. This is its main habitat, but, in addition, it is found in many large and deep lakes in Northwestern Russia and Sweden.

Smelt always walks in very large herds. Usually she lives in deep sandy places of the sea or lake, but for throwing eggs she enters rivers, although she rarely climbs them very high and avoids rapid flow. Its food consists of various small animals, exceptionally small crustaceans: daphnia, cyprises, cyclops, but large smelt almost feeds exclusively on the juveniles of other fish or even its own; the rapacity of this fish is also indicated by its sharp teeth. According to Kessler, this tendency of large fish to devour small fish of their own tribe is especially noticeable in lakes where there is no other, more suitable food, for example, in Lake Valdai. Smelt is very voracious, and it happens to find a three-inch fish in the stomach of a seven-inch fish.

These fish differ from all species of the salmon family in their vitality: being taken out of the water, they remain alive for hours, probably because there are two small cavities in the form of sacs above the gills, in which water can be stored.

Of all salmon fish smelt is the most unpretentious and can easily be bred in any significant lake that has sufficient depth and rather cold water. In England, according to Borne, this fish is kept even in ponds (probably key ponds), and there it breeds very well and strongly. It would be most profitable to breed smelt in the lakes of Central Russia, where it has a relatively fairly significant value.

Smelt calories

It is 102 kcal per 100 g of product. It has good nutritional properties due to the high content of proteins. In 100 g of baked smelt - 99 kcal. Moderate consumption of this fish will saturate the body with useful substances without harm to the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of smelt

Smelt meat contains useful minerals and trace elements, such as iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, molybdenum, fluorine. It should be included in your diet for everyone, especially the elderly. Frozen, chilled, salted and smoked smelt are on sale. The fish is very easy to clean, it has fatty meat, it is perfectly fried. Very tasty smelt, rolled in flour and deep-fried.