According to their characteristics, Pisces is the most emotional sign of the zodiac with a developed intuition and a rich inner world. Such people choose a partner among dynamic signs in order to feel safe. Pisces prefer strong Aries, gentle Taurus, extraordinary Scorpio or tough Capricorn. Such unions sometimes harm the sensual nature. With patience and understanding, Pisces is able to interact with Aquarius, Libra and Gemini, and can also learn a lot from other zodiac signs and build strong friendships, partnerships or families.

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      Compatibility Pisces with other signs: Aries

      The communication of these signs is not easy, and some call such a union mysterious and unpredictable. A couple's love relationship can end quickly or last a lifetime. It all depends on a sincere desire to be together and patience.

      • This union has mutual attraction, but the inconsistency of characters makes it difficult to build harmonious relationships. Aries takes the lead, as Pisces is quite passive and lazy. They are able to support each other, but the slightest quarrel can destroy this idyll. Pisces tend to dramatize the situation and shift the blame to someone else. Aries will stubbornly stand their ground and protect personal interests. Lovers are prone to violent quarrels over trifles and all-consuming passion after reconciliation.

        Active Aries and sensual Pisces will become good friends. The representative of the fiery element is ready to move towards the goal, overcoming physical and mental fatigue. Such determination attracts calm Pisces, who listen to the instructions of Aries. The fiery sign finds a pleasant interlocutor in the water who can listen and console.

        Different temperaments allow such partners to enjoy each other in bed. A passive water sign allows Aries to dominate, which is why they are so comfortable together. Prolonged abstinence from intimacy will negatively affect relationships. Lack of new sensations and loss of interest in a partner will ruin this union.

        In business, these signs of the horoscope do not converge at all. What attracts one, repels another. They have not only opposite characters, but also different interests. In fact, Pisces show passivity and aloofness, which makes it difficult to do business on their own. Paired with Aries, a water sign can obey and perform various tasks. From the fiery one, maximum dedication will be required, since he is the leader.


        Taurus and Pisces are an interesting and extraordinary couple. Taurus is down to earth and practical, while Pisces is calm and assiduous. In a love union, reliability, constancy and stability are combined. They prefer to spend time in home environment for watching a movie. Their marriage is strong and harmonious. The reliable shoulders of Taurus hold the union, and Pisces support it. A tender and strong relationship connects this couple with high compatibility in love. The only problem may be the variability and inconstancy of the watermark.

        Sensual partners will prefer to experiment and surprise in bed. Passionate and uninhibited Taurus will give satisfaction to a sensitive partner. The couple will be able to translate their wild fantasies into reality at any opportunity. In their proximity there is an extraordinary tenderness and warmth. Partners know how to listen to the desires of the other and fulfill them in the best possible way.

        Friendship between the signs of the zodiac is fastened slowly but surely. They can spend a lot of time together, visit cozy places and talk about everything. With Taurus, the beloved feels confident and relaxed. And Taurus feels calm and relaxed. Often the friendship between a man and a woman of these signs develops into a closer relationship. Representatives of the same sex become good friends.

        The union in business will be successful if the roles are correctly distributed. The representative of the earth element is distinguished by business acumen and the ability to properly manage money. Pisces is a creative and emotional person who is characterized by diligence and punctuality. Their Team work will become prosperous if Taurus takes up the material side of the project, and the water sign takes care of creative activity. Favorable in business is considered a pair of Taurus-leader and Pisces-subordinate.


        This is a difficult combination of two signs of the zodiac. They are completely different, but can learn qualities such as:

        • looseness;
        • romance;
        • compliance;
        • sensitivity.

        Pisces become more liberated, and Gemini - more diligent. Their relationship develops rapidly. The water sign surprises with its ingenuity, and Gemini attracts with its earthiness and logic. Disagreements begin at the moment when love passes.

        The water sign of the zodiac prefers calmness and measuredness, while Gemini needs violent emotions and new sensations. In marriage, partners experience misunderstanding. The twins do things relying on their mind, and the partner lives in dreams. The inability of Pisces to maintain the interest of the chosen one leads both to disappointment. If there are sincere feelings in a marriage, partners should listen to the needs of the other.

        In sex, a couple is united by ingenuity and emotionality. The manifestation of sentimentality in bed will alienate Gemini. A water sign needs to feel a spiritual connection, while an air sign needs bodily sensations. Partners do not understand each other's needs and for this reason often diverge.

        Friendship between such people is rare. The representative of the water sign looks boring and naive for Gemini. A water sign sees a partner as critical and sarcastic. Acquaintance during the trip will bring them valuable experience. Gemini will help you have a fun and unforgettable evening. His true friend listen and lend a helping hand. Friendship rarely develops into long-term communication.

        The signs of the zodiac behave differently in business area. Pisces are too lazy, vulnerable and slow. These qualities are unacceptable for hardworking and fast Gemini. They take their work seriously and responsibly. The water sign in working moments relies on intuition and their own emotions. Gemini and Pisces can become partners subject to temporary cooperation.


        In their relationship there is understanding, care and responsiveness. Creative natures are endowed with variability of character and sentimentality. Cancer gets the missing romance, and Pisces gets security and financial stability. Romantic relationship this couple are full of emotions, shared dreams and warmth. Partners understand each other's desires and try to satisfy them. It is easy for a loving couple to get along together. Their home is always cozy and warm. The only problem is the attitude towards money. The water sign spends a lot of money, which does not suit the economical Cancers. Their love and respect for each other's feelings will help overcome quarrels and conflicts.

        In bed, the signs of the zodiac are ideally combined. They have similar temperaments. Making love brings partners unusual sensations. Cancers know how to properly handle gentle Pisces. The representative of the water sign behind the detachment of the chosen one is able to reveal sensuality.

        The friendship of Cancer and Pisces combines the whole spectrum of emotions and feelings. In these relations there is drama, sentimentality and heated debate. They often reach mutual understanding from the first minutes of communication. Water signs are connected by a good sense of humor, responsiveness and kindness.

        Business relations develop successfully and bring many positive moments. Creative personalities form a strong and well-coordinated team. The union is able to reveal the potential of each of the signs of the zodiac. Cancer will be able to control the situation, and inspired Pisces will find ways to achieve their goals. Partners are able to develop their business in social sphere.

        a lion

        Zodiac signs represent different elements. They have different goals, aspirations and temperaments. The difficult relationship of the couple will bring a positive result if Leo takes the lead. Then Pisces needs to smooth out conflicts and treat the partner with understanding. Only wisdom and the manifestation of the best qualities can keep the couple together. Relationships in marriage will develop harmoniously if lovers show care and tenderness. Energetic Lions need independence, from which Pisces will become indignant. In family life, a couple needs to adapt to each other.

        In intimate relationships, the union will experience pleasure and bliss. Sensual and gentle Pisces will love the extravagance and ingenuity of Leo. Representatives of the water element will admire strong predator. In bed, Pisces feels an unusual attraction to a fiery sign. The chosen one will appreciate their rich world if he can find an approach to subtle nature.

        A friendly union will turn out to be strong if the partners show the best qualities. Soulful and wise Pisces will enjoy communicating with a smart and reasonable Leo. It contains qualities of character that the watermark lacks. It is Leo who is able to become a faithful and reliable friend for the mysterious Pisces. The friendship of these signs is strong and long-lasting.

        In the workplace, such people will have a hard time. Especially if one of them plays the role of a subordinate, and the other - the boss. Successful interaction will develop with temporary cooperation. The development of a common business will bring a positive result if Leo and Pisces become equal partners. They will be able to manage a common business, commercial affairs and creative projects.


        Such a union is considered ideal. A couple in love will announce their love to the whole world. They will open up to each other and show the best qualities of character. Their combination will bring creativity, inspiration and new emotions. The novel quickly develops into a long-term relationship. Marriage will be the best segment in the life of both signs. The problem may arise due to the inconstancy of Pisces. Virgos need to diversify their leisure time and devote more time to their partner.

        In bed, the couple has a mystery. Their intimate relationship develop interestingly and rapidly. In addition to passion, there is warmth and tenderness. In this union, harmony is always present and in everything.

        Friendship between the signs of the zodiac will work out well. In their relationship, everyone will give practical advice, help and help out in any situation. The couple talks on different topics, visits interesting places and shares his impressions. Dev conquers the sensitivity of Pisces, who look at what is happening in a childish way. Partnerships will grow into strong friendships over time. They will always be interesting and fun together.

        Partners expect success in business. Pisces have good intuition and the ability to give brilliant ideas. A responsible Virgo will help you realize your plans and develop in this direction. Different elements show interest in working with creative initiative and attention to detail. If partners adopt the best qualities from each other, then we can expect high-quality and long-term cooperation.


        The couple will have a conflicting relationship. First, Pisces will captivate with their love of art, and Libra with responsiveness and friendliness. A gullible water sign runs the risk of falling into a trap and being deceived. After all, Libra will be able to deftly manipulate the representative of the water element. They are not prone to empathy, and Pisces is too mysterious. The signs of the zodiac are similar in the sophistication of the soul, but they do not understand each other at all.

        In intimate relationships, the connection between the two signs is multifaceted. They have the same preferences, which form a strong desire to know and conquer the other. Libra seeks to dominate, avoiding responsibility. The water sign of the zodiac likes to obey and please a partner in order to bring real pleasure. If there is affection in the relationship, then the connection will become stronger. There will be tenderness, romance and passion in bed.

        In friendship, partners are perfect for each other. Zodiac signs are incapable of meanness and betrayal. They will always support and help in difficult times. Libra is calm and down to earth, while Pisces is dreamy and emotional. Everyone acquires the necessary qualities in this union.

        It is pleasant and comfortable for representatives of different elements to work together. Innate delicacy allows them to do without quarrels. The Libra will take the lead position to manage and do the most difficult job. From the water sign in this union, you can expect support and help in business. They are ready to carry out the assigned tasks in good faith. To achieve the pinnacle of success, partners will have to make an effort and learn to take risks. Libra and Pisces prefer to engage in projects that are related to forecasting and the introduction of new technologies.


        Representatives of the water elements have harmony in the union. These people are united by similar principles and aspirations in life. The couple is an example of a strong, reliable and permanent relationship. If they meet, then parting is unlikely. Partners have a mutual attraction that will allow you to build strong family. The main thing is that they do not limit each other in personal space.

        In marriage, Scorpio tries to provide for the family. And Pisces - to create a cozy atmosphere at home.

        Communication on an intuitive level allows partners to feel each other in bed. They are gentle, attentive and charming. Pisces and Scorpio are attentive and caring in sex. Scorpio dominates, and Pisces does not resist the desires of a partner. In family life sexual activity persists into old age.

        Friendship between representatives of the same element does not arise immediately. The female zodiac signs will find many things to talk about in common. Water people are able to fully open up and offer their help to their neighbor. The men will become best friends. In such a pair, Scorpio can look assertive and arrogant.

        Compatibility at work depends on the position held. Zodiac signs can be colleagues or partners. Leadership will be shown by Scorpio, and Pisces will be satisfied with this situation. In this tandem, everyone takes a comfortable position. The Scorpio-boss feels confident in a leadership position, and the Pisces-subordinate is happy to perform the assigned tasks. A quarrel can occur if Scorpio starts putting pressure on an employee.


        Among couples who fall in love at first sight, sensual Pisces and Sagittarius are distinguished. These lovers are attracted by the desire to be needed and loved. The rest of the pair will have a lot of tests. In a relationship, they are not able to understand each other, because they have different aspirations. Open and friendly Sagittarius is prone to constant change. Hidden Pisces are cautious in communication and prefer a quiet life. The compatibility of a pair is called positive when it occurs real love. Then Sagittarius becomes tactful, and Pisces opens up to a partner.

        In the relationship of these signs there is a misunderstanding. Everyone strives to prove their case, so it’s hard for them to be around for a long time. Sexually, partners have many contradictions. Pisces is gentle, sensitive and devoted, while Sagittarius is fickle and passionate. The latter prefers variety, therefore, in the arms of the emotional water sign of the zodiac, he feels limited. The couple has a hard time in bed.

        Friendship between Sagittarius and Pisces does not add up. They rarely find a common language, because nothing unites them. Pisces with Sagittarius can become comrades if they find common topics for conversation. In a friendly union there is tension in communication. Energetic Sagittarius prefers to attract the attention of others, and closed Pisces stay away. If Sagittarius ceases to repel the partner with selfish behavior, then communication will develop into friendship.

        Pisces and Sagittarius have good compatibility at work. It is important to allocate responsibilities correctly. Sagittarius will be the main one in the creation of the project, because of the innate ability to generate ideas. The water sign of the zodiac will timely correct, direct and fulfill various orders. If Sagittarius is subordinate to Pisces, then things are more complicated. Sagittarius may not understand the instructions of the boss and quit in a fit of anger. Only by postponing personal ambitions, partners will succeed.


        The harmonious combination of the two elements allows you to build strong relationships. Capricorn will provide the second half with stability and security, and Pisces will surround the chosen one with care and tenderness. In a love union, the water sign feels protected, so it trusts the partner. And Capricorn manages to correctly show his feelings towards the chosen one. Opposite personalities complement each other and show their best qualities. They will build a strong family that will cope with any trouble.

        Such people have a good intimate compatibility. If real feelings are present, then partners will experience real pleasure in bed. The couple is able to experience bliss physically and spiritually. Capricorn always takes the leading role, and the partner follows the instructions of the beloved. In the union there is a passionate desire and tenderness. Such people perfectly complement each other, charging with energy and positive emotions.

        If personal relationships do not add up, then representatives of these signs can become good friends. Their best qualities are manifested, partners do not require much from each other. Capricorn is reliable and faithful, therefore, in difficult times, he will always help out. A watermark will help good advice and listen. Water signs will be able to build strong friendships based on trust, understanding and respect.

        In the professional sphere, the compatibility of the couple manifests itself favorably. Capricorn and Pisces manage to plan, organize events, prepare new projects. They work as one mechanism and listen to each other's advice and wishes. Capricorn can take leadership position, and the partner will gladly help to realize the plan. They are able to work in a large company, but independent cooperation is more suitable for partners.


        Partners have different ideas about life and opposite temperaments. Such marriages are held together by the emotionality of a water sign and the intellect of Aquarius. Relationships always share responsibilities. The leader is a representative of the element of air. His rationality attracts gentle Pisces. A caring and devoted companion will appreciate the independence of the chosen one, to whom she is ready to devote her life.

        Similar views on art bring partners together. The unity of souls occurs on an intellectual and spiritual level. In most cases, relationships begin with a strong friendship and develop into love. Partners are emotional and intellectually developed, so they are not bored together. The secrecy of the watermark negatively affects relationships. Pisces needs to trust their partner and learn to open up.

        Intimate relationships develop successfully. Pisces behave gently and affectionately, although they often prefer to experiment. Aquarius pleases the chosen one with care and sensuality. In the early stages of a relationship, Aquarians show fiery passion.

        Close emotional contacts are not recommended in the business sphere. Representatives of the water element in the showdown will have a bad effect on the activities of the team. Partners can cooperate on equal terms when everyone feels their importance. This union is built on the technical rationalism and intuitiveness of Pisces. Their compatibility implies long-term and fruitful cooperation.


        The state of being in love will give two dreamers incredible sensuality. In the relationship of two Pisces there are unexpected surprises, romance and stability. They know how to empathize, support in difficult times and help. The couple has a passion for art and painting, so they have a lot in common.

        Representatives of the water element are not able to make decisions instantly. In marriage, a man should become the leader in order to avoid quarrels and disagreements.

        Pisces feel a partner instinctively. In bed between water signs, not only physical attraction arises, but also a spiritual connection. Two Pisces are ideally combined, so they feel confident and relaxed in bed. They dissolve in an atmosphere of tenderness and affection.

        Between signs there is a complete mutual understanding. They form a good creative union with a further development perspective. Only relationships based on equality will bring positive results. Partners can engage in art, sales and world improvement. Each of them is realized as a person and allows the other to develop.

        In friendship, Pisces are loyal and reliable. The connection between representatives of the water element is strong and long-lasting. They enjoy spending time together visiting cultural events. Pisces can talk for a long time, communicating on various topics. They like to consult with each other and share secrets. Friendships often develop into romantic relationships. Representatives of the same sex become best friends.

Pisces zodiac sign compatibility horoscope. What union for Pisces is considered ideal and successful? With which zodiac sign Pisces find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a couple?

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility

Two "fish" people naturally swim towards each other. They seem to be able to read each other's minds. Both have remarkable intuition and an extremely rich imagination. They can simply get lost in some imaginary country - completely abyss without a map and a clue how to get out of there. They may actually forget where they were heading at the moment.

Thanks to their intuition, "fish" people are able to feel the approach difficult situation can feel each other's sorrows and misfortunes. They will respond with gentleness and compassion, help with a good joke.

So far, everything is fine, but if there are obstacles on the way, if the weather deteriorates sharply, these two will simply retreat - either they will sail away, or they will pretend that the problem does not exist, they will go into their imaginary world. The relationship of these people is characterized by great mutual understanding, but it is possible that they may be in the area of ​​stormy waters in stormy weather.

Pisces and Aries Compatibility

The timid and quiet "fish" is not at all a match for the violent, frantic "ram". "Aries" are sociable and like to compete, they have energy and reserve vitality to move forward. Everywhere and above all, these are fighters. "Pisces" like to hide from the world - under water, under a stone at the bottom, preferring to disappear from the stage and do their own thing. "Fish" is a skilled fugitive, and "Aries" likes to get into a fight - without hesitation, with noise and roar. Can you imagine a place where they could meet? This is a highly unbalanced relationship. "Aries" is the ego of the Zodiac and will constantly hurt the extremely sensitive, easily changing mood, soft and kind "fish", who are prone to sometimes mistake pity for love. "Aries" hates weakness and loves strength, fearlessly fighting for a place in the forefront; he is "at ease" both surrounded by rivals and obstacles, and in an atmosphere of admiration of the crowd. For "fish" the height of happiness in solitude is deep in the sea, where quiet waters, lulling them, take them to the world of fantasy.

Pisces and Taurus Compatibility

It's a good combination that works.

The dreamy and idealistic "Pisces" could benefit greatly from a relationship with a calm and practical "Taurus". Without a doubt - there will be no explosions and no sparks will fly: in relations with the "calf", the "fish" is guaranteed safety. "Pisces" can be a great friend to "Taurus" and - since representatives of these two signs love to indulge in the same activities - they can become a wonderful couple. However, before the "fish" and "calf" understand each other and become friends, the "calf" may mistakenly consider the "fish" a reckless and empty creature. "Fish" is also able to consider the "bull" too mundane and rude - so persistently and stubbornly he strives for the possession of money. This is a combination of signs in which both people can teach each other a lot and learn a lot themselves. If both of them are involved in discussions, the dispute will not lead them to a decision and neither of them to victory; however, thanks to their sense of humor, this situation will never lead to clashes.

Pisces and Gemini Compatibility

"Pisces" will inevitably find the "Twins" overly restless for their "aquatic" lifestyle, while the "Twins" may find the "Pisces" completely insensitive. It cannot be said that this was the greatest union of two souls. Of course, the "twin" is a sociable creature, and the "fish" gravitate towards the solitude of cool, deep and serene waters. Both of them are capable of getting on each other's nerves. Both tend to go with the flow and both consummate masters avoiding tough questions. Perhaps they will establish this relationship on the same wavelength, but in the future, a collapse is almost inevitable. "Gemini" are able to quickly and completely disappoint the "fish" by trying to analyze and understand their motives, which may be completely impossible. Both owners of these signs, however, share a sense of beauty and appreciate the beautiful things of the world, and this often attracts them to each other. It is important for Pisces to feel the need for themselves, and for Twins they need someone to shift their burden onto him - and who could be better suited for this than compassionate Pisces, who are always ready to offer their vest and ear to the Twins? In general, however, this is not a very reliable ground for building a castle on - it is better to try to find the best one.

Pisces and Cancer Compatibility

"Pisces" and "Cancer" have an instinctive and intuitive understanding of each other. Representatives of these signs are dreamy and sentimental. The combination of their forces can certainly become a great alliance. Both of them are exceptionally subject to mood swings, and in this competition, "fish", perhaps, could win the prize of "chief changer". "Pisces" are not at all interested in money, and "Cancer" are fascinated by the very sound, smell and touch of coins and banknotes. But no prayers and arguments will force the "fish" to turn their eyes to the accumulations that the "cancer" has managed to create; the nature of the "fish" is completely different - they will never save. You could, however, reproach the "fish" for wastefulness. Although both of these "aquatic" creatures love home and have a hard time enduring long departures, both "fish" and "crayfish" sometimes experience a craving for wandering. At the same time, in the competition "who loves the house more", "cancer" takes first place.

Pisces and Leo Compatibility

"Leo" is inclined to leadership, to royal dominion and desires respectful obedience. "Pisces" need to hold on tight to a reliable partner, they need a mentor and patron (so far everything is pretty smooth, and life seems like a happy road to paradise). But such is the ideal relationship between "pisces" and "lion."

In practice, the "fish", of course, may soon get fed up with the constant desire of the "lion" for self-aggrandizement and, moreover, frightened by the growl and ferocity of their partner, may wish to swim away somewhere far away. "Leo" may find "Pisces" petty, overly attached to money and completely disorderly - you might say, "not particularly neat." As you can see, these relationships are at best unpredictable - they are supported by two beings of too different natures, attitudes towards life and habits of action; they need a lot of effort to understand each other. If they succeed in this, their relationship can become quite enjoyable for both.

Pisces and Virgo Compatibility

Virgos are neat, punctual and careful. "Pisces" are imaginative, poetic and completely disorderly from a business point of view, although they themselves are calm and peaceful in the midst of external chaos and disorder. "Virgo" is the embodiment of neatness and organization. Everything is neatly arranged on the shelves and has its place in the house, office or in the head. "Virgo" is a cautious dreamer in comparison with "Pisces", who dream with passion and ardor. All this leads to the idea that the "virgin" and "pisces" are not at all created for joint harmony and fun. "Pisces" can be desperately frightened and made even more withdrawn by the harsh criticism of the "virgin". Also, "pisces" are a great spender of money, which makes the "virgin" frown menacingly, because if money is spent, then it does not accumulate, and if money does not accumulate, then it is squandered. Pisces is a highly emotional, dreamy and compassionate sign.

Pisces and Libra Compatibility

In all likelihood, these relationships can be extremely peaceful, happy and harmonious. Like the "fish", the hook and "scales" have an exceptional sense of refinement and outstanding artistic inclinations. Speaking of funny, Libra's indecisiveness, combined with Pisces' lack of practicality, can create a lot of very funny moments. So far, everything is great. Both "scales" and "fishes" consider each other a great riddle; both will need considerable time to fully comprehend their partner. "Pisces" are really confused and feel thrown out of the water, trying to understand the motives of the "scales" and realize - what drives this incomprehensible creature? On the other hand, the representative of Libra is perplexed by the nature and personality of their "fish". Both can give many unforgettable moments unraveling the secrets in each other - at least it will proceed in mutual satisfaction and in harmony, with pleasant music, flowers and candlelit dinners.

Pisces and Scorpio Compatibility

Between these two "water" signs there is a great attraction. They instantly and equal force attract each other - without a doubt, this is a wonderful couple. Fully understanding each other, they intuitively guess the thoughts and feelings of a partner - one cannot help but be surprised at the telepathy that exists between them.

"Scorpio" can inspire "fish" to act, and "fish" finds its ideal in "scorpio". Both of them can discuss their dreams with each other, although without special need - after all, they already intuitively know about the partner's thoughts.

In clashes of points of view or any other disputes, it is for the "fish" that the final victory remains. Surprise? Yes, this is quite unexpected! Another reason for disagreement may be money. "Pisces" love to spend, and "scorpio" often regards this as wastefulness - after all, "scorpio" can be stingy, and "fish" just have a huge heart - they distribute money without counting, to everyone and everyone. "Pisces" care little about tomorrow- the subject of constant thoughts "scorpion". So, in this union, there is excellent compatibility and a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other.

Pisces and Sagittarius Compatibility

Sensitive, shy and calm "fish" may not get along with a strange, outspoken and sociable "sagittarius". Their relationship can become very tense - these two people are too different from each other. Firstly, the "sagittarius" will have to learn to control the explosions of their temperament - otherwise the "fish" can simply swim away in search of calm cool waters. Also, "fish" are overly sensitive to the frankness of the "archer" and his famous tactless directness; they may find "Archer" too scandalous and bigoted. Still "fish" crave attention and, perhaps, consider the "archer" inattentive, incapable of giving what good-mannered "fish" needs in their neglect of "little things".

The success of their relationship will require the mutual efforts of representatives of these signs. A common feature of the union of such people is their fascination with religion. Pisces also like the strong idealistic vein of the archer. "Archers" march through life widely and naturally, often forgetting about their responsibility, and this can be very annoying for "fish" who never forget about their duty.

Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility

This combination can be fantastic. The reliability and constancy of the "Capricorn" is very to the liking of the "Pisces". In fact, "fish" who feel the care and attention of a calm "Capricorn" can simply blossom next to him. Oddly enough, this also works in the opposite direction - the "Capricorn" feels safe next to the "Pisces", and can even become cheerful and carefree; yes, that's what warmth and a little understanding can do to Capricorn. The "fish" have what it takes to liberate the timid "Capricorn", making him jump and run for joy. It is the patient and gentle nature of the "Pisces" that makes the "Capricorn" succumb to their charm. This union can give rise to strong and lasting friendships - thanks to the extraordinary compatibility of their completely different natures, most of the time vibrating in harmony with each other; however, "Capricorn" should remember that "fish" do not like to feel in anyone's power; mindful of the beautiful heritage of both of them, they should be enjoyed, like lovers conversing pleasantly at a solitary dinner.

Pisces and Aquarius Compatibility

"Pisces" can be difficult to cope with the unpredictable playful "Aquarius". The character of good "fish" is marked by a trait of the owner and extreme touchiness. "Aquarius" is a creature that loves freedom and is often able to show aloofness - and "pisces" will not survive such indifference. The situation is reminiscent of one person floating and the other soaring into space - to put it mildly, a rather unusual couple. Of course, if everything goes well - and with some effort it is possible - then they can both swim furiously fast, or else hover quietly and peacefully above the ground. This will happen if the "Pisces" become a little more tolerant of the whims of the "Aquarius", to his passion for traveling, and the "Aquarius" will try to adopt the patience and gentleness of the "Pisces".

When it comes to money, they are both very similar in their inability to take special care of it.

"Pisces" are somewhat secretive and this can annoy the "Aquarius". "Aquarius" always needs to know everything, and he is unable to restrain his curiosity. This is another hurdle.

People born under the sign of Pisces are very changeable, their element is water. They have compassion and flexibility, and at the same time they can show real courage, throwing everything they have into saving the world. The most important thing for Pisces in marriage is sincerity and understanding. But unfortunately, these feelings are becoming less and less common in modern people, therefore, Pisces often encounter problems while searching for a soul mate.

Characteristics of people born under the sign of Pisces: the first decade

(February 19-28) People whose birthday fell in the first decade are of the type thoughtful and not inclined to hover in the sky. It is important for them that their soulmate shows love and tenderness, the relationship must be orderly and reliable. For them, people whose element is earth are more suitable.

Characteristics of people born under the sign of Pisces: the second decade

(March 01-10) People born in the second decade are very flexible, extremely changeable and emotional. They are characterized by sharp mood swings, they are very impressionable. The main thing for these people is love and care, so they will perfectly build relationships with people whose elements are water and earth.

Characteristics of people born under the sign of Pisces: the third decade

(March 11-20) People born in the third decade show unprecedented rigidity, self-confidence, and stability. They are able to accept the thinking of anyone, so they will perfectly converge with any sign. But it should be borne in mind that not everyone is able to understand their character.

Pisces in relationships

Compared to other signs, Pisces are the most extraordinary people. Pisces thinking is more intuitive than rational, and they are extremely impressionable. These are people who listen well, but at the same time they themselves do not really like to enter into a conversation. They are often dominated by indecision and susceptibility. They very carefully select the circle of close people. Sometimes, while communicating with Pisces, a person may get the impression that the interlocutor knows much more about the topic and considers the narrator to be naive. But despite this, they are very kind and always ready to help their neighbor. At the same time, they often involve themselves in other people's problems and put them on their shoulders.

The combination of tolerance, calmness, understanding and creative thinking attracts everyone without exception to the representatives of this sign. At the same time, they are always ready to go on feats, but at the same time, their indecision often slows down the process and reduces all enthusiasm to zero. Therefore, after inspiring someone, Pisces often retreat, falling into melancholy and suffering from unfinished tasks.

What Pisces Needs About Relationships

Regardless of whether a man or a woman, all people born under this sign want support and attention, they need them very much. If they feel that their partner is reliable and always ready to support them, then it will not be difficult for them to realize their abilities in any field, they can safely reach the highest heights. But more often than not, having not found such support, they are increasingly moving away from reality, living life in the world of their own fantasies. A very complex sign of Pisces, compatibility with other signs in love is therefore unpredictable.

In order for a marriage with Pisces to succeed, you need to seriously try. After all, not only common interests are important here, but daily support and understanding. You will constantly need to dispel doubts, strengthen your partner’s self-esteem, rationally solve all problems and deal with all emotional difficulties. This will show them how committed the partner is to marriage and loves the representative of the extraordinary zodiac sign. In addition, you need to constantly maintain romance in a relationship, because this is the only way to save Pisces from depression. The worst thing is if the girl is Pisces. Compatibility with other signs is very difficult for her, but you can find the best option.

Disadvantages of people born under the sign of Pisces

  • It is very important to constantly support morally a person who can fall into melancholy, regardless of the presence of a reason.
  • It must be clearly understood that emotional needs have thousands of directions, and all of them, without exception, will have to be satisfied, most of all this is required by the Pisces woman, compatibility with other signs is therefore very complicated.
  • You need to constantly adjust to the temperament of your partner.
  • Pisces will very often be silent, while being discouraged and not explaining what happened.
  • They are very suspicious and will require constant evidence of the selflessness of the partner's love and his fidelity.
  • Control in relationships is very important for Pisces, so you will have to constantly report where, what and how is happening.
  • If real problems are coming ahead, representatives of this zodiac sign can step aside and entrust their solution to a partner without thinking about anything.
  • In addition to the fact that they tend to go into a fantasy world and live in self-deception, they can also simply lie to the people around them.

Pisces compatibility within their own element

The water element, in addition to the Pisces themselves, also includes Cancers and Scorpios. The union between the water signs is sealed by almost fraternal understanding, maximum spiritual intimacy and a thirst for action, which multiply in a pair. Living together such couples are filled with sensitivity between partners and mutual assistance, they are able to overcome absolutely all difficulties and hardships together. But it is worth considering that there is a price for such an idyll - one of the partners must make self-sacrifice.

Well-being of the union of water signs

Thanks to Pisces' inexhaustible reserves of prudence, calmness and confidence, real family closeness arises in marriage between partners. And if the spouses adjust to each other emotionally, then they will be able to fulfill themselves and give life to any joint ideas.

There can be no lie in such a relationship, since the partners see through each other, feel intuitively all the emotions emanating from the second half. A stumbling block in this marriage can arise on the basis of quarrels due to everyday life or emotional incompatibility, which, by the way, is extremely rare. Therefore, for Pisces, compatibility with other signs in marriage is extremely important.

Pisces compatibility with earth element

Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are extremely auspicious signs zodiac in marriage with Pisces. Such relationships will become productive and multifaceted. If we compare Pisces with the signs of the earth, then against their background, representatives of the water element are very active. The adaptation of earth signs to Pisces is very fast, they satisfy the emotional needs of partners by playing drama. But Taurus and Capricorn have the limits of their patience, so you need to play very carefully here. If a man is Pisces, compatibility with other signs of the zodiac of the earth element can be very positive for him.

Combination of water and earth

If we take into account excellent compatibility, competent separation of partners' interests, respect for personal internal space, then the union can be safely considered indestructible. Properly selected points of contact will bring wonderful results that you can be proud of.

Also, marriage can be pleasant and strong due to the physical proximity of the spouses. Thanks to the developed intuition and wisdom of the representatives of the water element, they are able to see the potential risks of relationships. And the rationalism of the earth element will make it possible to realize the partner’s crazy ideas or convince him of their unreality. Therefore, the compatibility of the Pisces woman with other signs of the zodiac of the elements of the earth is very acceptable.

Compatibility Pisces with representatives of the elements of air and fire

It is difficult to imagine a strong marriage of the water element with Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, it is even more difficult to meet them next to a purposeful Sagittarius or a mobile Leo. Such unions are extremely unfavorable due to differences in the perception of the world and the universe. Representatives of the air and fire elements always act impulsively, according to circumstances.

And for Pisces, the main indicator is emotions, so any decision depends on doubts and long reflections. Therefore, fire is not at all suitable for Pisces. Compatibility with other signs - water and earth - will bring much more joy and understanding.

Unfavorable relationship of Pisces with fire and air

They will get along peacefully only if the tasks are distributed and unnecessary questions regarding dominance in relationships disappear even in thoughts. Representatives of the fiery elements will undoubtedly pull the blanket over themselves, but Pisces will not tolerate this, compatibility with other signs will be much more pleasant for them. Air signs, on the other hand, speak with Pisces in different languages, because their emotions are in the background, and most importantly, they are intellect.

Detailed Pisces compatibility with all zodiac signs

  • Aries. Aries' love for Pisces may be sincere, but people born under this sign lack the depth that Pisces needs. Therefore, no matter how fasten the union, something will always be missing in it, because Aries do not see even half of what is open to Pisces.
  • Calf. A wonderful choice for Pisces, because he can become the strongest support and even a real hero. And for Pisces, this is almost the most decisive factor in choosing a partner. Both Taurus and Pisces appreciate care, reliability and understanding. Such a couple will create a very strong family, because both value both feelings and intimate relationships equally. But conflicts can still be, because Pisces needs emotions, proof of love, and Taurus is conservative.
  • Twins. Such a couple will be brought together by constant emotional changeability and understanding. From the side of Pisces, sensitivity and understanding will come, from the side of Gemini - the logical side of the inner "I" of impulsive persons. Such a pair can merge perfectly harmoniously, combining logic and intuition.

  • Cancer. For Cancers, family values ​​​​and true feelings are most important, and because of the dreaminess and mystery of Pisces, he can constantly suspect something, doubt: are they deceiving him in the authenticity and sincerity of feelings? Cancers are the real owners, and Pisces, as you know, do not know how to give themselves completely to be torn to pieces. Therefore, everything here will depend on common agreements, because they both need support and logic. Who will win - Cancer or Pisces? Compatibility with other signs is filled with Pisces with much less struggle.
  • A lion. This fire sign often demands worship. Pisces, on the other hand, do not tolerate such an attitude, because support and love are important for them, and not an authoritarian regime in relationships. But if a Pisces woman is in a pair, compatibility with other signs becomes much easier, and even with Leo she can find a common language, finding in it the masculine features necessary for herself. She will be able to provoke Leo to slow down, because he will be fascinated by her cunning and gentle attitude. Such couples often create family rules in which the husband is in charge, but the wife indicates the direction in which to move.
  • Virgo. The marriage between the representatives of these two signs is very supportive, because despite their differences and the complete opposite of the worldview, they are able to understand each other perfectly. The differences between them do not irritate the couple, and from the points of contact they build a strong foundation for marriage. Converging with Virgo, he will receive a reliable assistant and girlfriend, which is why Dev appreciates the Pisces man so much. Compatibility with other signs will not give him such a high-quality result. And for representatives of the sign of Pisces married to Virgo, his love for the family will be clearly visible, such a husband will become a reliable protector.
  • Scales. The marriage of Pisces with Libra will give representatives of the water sign a sense of similarity and kinship. Pisces will get all the attention they need, from romantic surprises to beautiful courtship. But here conflicts can arise due to the softness of the signs and their weak resistance to everyday and life problems. If the marriage has already taken place between two people firmly standing on their feet, it will be good, but in youth, rather, it will not last long.
  • Scorpion. Such a marriage is very attractive. It's more like the plot of a TV series than it is. real life, therefore, it often attracts envy and admiration from the outside. Even quarrels in such a family will be bright and intense, taking place according to all the rules. Such couples are formed against the backdrop of a desire to find sincere and strong feelings. But at the same time, marriage will be stable only in adulthood. Scorpios are very jealous, but they see their ideal in Pisces, so they protect and protect him from all adversity. This is how Pisces shows the zodiac sign. Compatibility with other signs opens up a variety of features in them.
  • Sagittarius. Pisces likes wisdom and justice in Sagittarius. But looking more closely at Sagittarius, Pisces will be able to discover other qualities that will bring problems to marriage. These are independence, interest in society, and not in the individual, the desire for success and the inability to settle down. This prevents Pisces from building the kind of deep relationship they need. In addition, Pisces will be able to understand what Sagittarius means, but the opposite is very rare in a partnership where there are Sagittarius and Pisces. Compatibility with other signs may look much more positive.

  • Capricorn. By their nature, Capricorns look very reserved and dry, but any Pisces can stir them up, awaken the most hidden feelings in them. In addition, this search for qualities and emotions gives Pisces confidence. Capricorns can give Pisces a sense of reliability, stability, the expression “like behind a stone wall” applies here.
  • Fish. This marriage is similar to marriage with themselves, because they see themselves in a partner. Understanding, reliability, trust and awareness of what is needed for the happiness of another makes this union ideal. It all depends on personal preference. In such a marriage, a real safe haven and a storm of feelings and emotions can arise, which Pisces (zodiac sign) value most in marriage. Compatibility with other signs in this case is not important, because the connection between partners in such a marriage is the strongest.
  • Aquarius. This is a very strange and unusual union, but if they understand each other, they will never part. These two types of representatives of different zodiac signs and elements are very similar, they both help people and their character is built on the same principle.

Here is the whole Pisces horoscope. Compatibility with other signs in relationships and love, as well as the main character traits were considered. With it, you can seriously evaluate all the pros and cons of relationships with a particular person.

To some, gentle, but strong-willed Pisces may seem too powerful to associate life with them, while other signs of the Zodiac see them as an ideal companion. When the compatibility of the Pisces Woman with other signs is considered ideal, and when the union is less successful, we will find out right now.

What is a Pisces Woman?

General characteristics of the sign

From February 20 to March 20, people are born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces, whose element is Water, and the guardian planet is Neptune. The water element makes such people very sensitive and emotional, and Neptune gives them creative inspiration and some uncertainty in life.

Pisces people are well aware that real happiness is not in money, but they strive to live like a king. At the same time, the near future rarely worries them, they trust the flow of life, but do not realize where it can take them.

Fish often do not see the boundaries of what is permitted, no matter what it concerns - the feelings of people around them, relationships, etc. They are usually not interested in the opinions or experiences of others, especially if they have some important goal in front of them. They can sting, sometimes even with pleasure. However, this does not mean that they are soulless or evil. On the contrary, most likely, in this way they close themselves off from the world, which is not always filled with kind and decent people, and Rybka would so like the opposite.

They do not need to be criticized, but it is worth listening to the recommendations they give. Sometimes they will forget about themselves, but will help others - this is inherent in their nature.

They have good immunity, which is especially noticeable when Pisces monitor their lifestyle. But still, they can often catch colds, get the flu, suffer from some problems with their legs and arms.

Pisces Women

All girls born under the sign of Pisces know how to charm or, more correctly, to bewitch. These are women in their modern sense - strong, independent, able to stand up for themselves, developed beyond their years. Although at the same time, every man will feel courageous and unsurpassed next to them, primarily because Pisces women sincerely think so.

By the way, these are strong rivals, they are not used to putting pressure on men, they know how to create a relaxed atmosphere around them with just one conversation. Of course, she can be demanding, and soft, and scandalous, and gentle - after all, this is a sign of Water, and no one knows where she will swim. This is how a cute appearance can be a hiding place for an iron character.

Pisces girls are wonderful housewives, skilled both in the kitchen and in housekeeping and in caring for their entire family. In love, these are sentimental natures, they are easy to deceive, despite the fact that they themselves deceive well. Over time, sentiment and timidity give rise to fears in her, because of which she will close herself from the whole world and will be completely alone, which may suit her.

Pisces are well aware of small children, their inner worlds are similar. Therefore, they are not inclined to punish their children, they patronize and pamper them.

How does the year of birth affect Pisces women?

The characteristics of a Pisces woman can vary depending on many factors: the position of the Moon at the time of birth, the exact time of birth, the year of birth, and much more. Let's focus on influence Chinese horoscope to Rybok, i.e. on the relationship between the sign of the zodiac and the year of birth.

The most mysterious Pisces will be those born in the year of the Rat, they are not easy to communicate, others simply cannot understand them. But such people do not worry because of their quarrelsomeness, although you cannot call them thick-skinned either. They are romantic and very brave. Bright personalities Pisces are also born from the year of the Dragon, sometimes with oddities and a head in the clouds, which is characteristic of people of art. They make decisions easily, they like to be surrounded by love and attention.

Pisces from the year of the Snake are strong and intellectually developed; such people will have no problems in sex.

The Bull gives the Pisces an explosive mixture of stubbornness, audacity, power and inflexibility. These are very energetic people with fortitude and true to their convictions. Rybuli from the year of the Tiger and the Horse become just as decisive and desperate, they rely only on themselves.

If Pisces is born in the year of the Cat, they are excellent organizers and decisive leaders, you can always follow them and have no doubt that the goal will be achieved.

The Year of the Pig and the Pisces zodiac sign are real realists with super intuition. Their views may seem too strict, but their appearance and charisma make them listen. Rooster-Fish is not an open book for you, it is active person with a complex character and unstable emotional background. Pisces-Dogs are just as restless and emotional, they love to help friends, even if it causes inconvenience to themselves.

The goat conveys to Rybka not only stubbornness, but also a passion for life, emotionality bordering on irascibility, and also makes them ideal mothers and wives.

The cunning Monkey transfers its quality to Pisces, they rarely show their fears and feelings, smart, talented and strong-willed.

What signs are Pisces compatible with?

Being the twelfth symbol of the signs of the Zodiac, Pisces actually mixed the characteristics of other horoscopes in themselves, which affected the compatibility of the Pisces woman with other zodiac constellations.

Water Signs

Naturally, of all the signs, Rybka will be most compatible with the same water signs:

  • Fish;
  • Scorpion.

They are sensual, fickle, “swim up” from any troubles in life, although they belong to people of mood. These three understand each other perfectly, together they do a lot.

Still, the best compatibility in a Pisces woman can be traced with a Scorpio man - both will become faithful spouses, a real support to their partner. Scorpio happily becomes a husband who fusses around his wife, and when necessary, he will protect, because he also does not hold belligerence, after all, he is under the tutelage of the planet Mars.

Rybka plus Rybka equals happy married couple, from the side resembling two unearthly creatures - they constantly dream and set unusual goals for themselves. But in this family there is support and warmth of relations. Even if the feelings fade away, they will be able not to hurt the partner and leave with minimal losses.

Love with Cancer arises, as a rule, from the first minute of acquaintance and lasts a lifetime. The sensitivity and optimism of Cancer perfectly merge with the responsibility and tenderness of Pisces.

Auspicious Signs for Pisces

It is not surprising that the signs of the Earth also refer to those with whom the Fish-woman, the representative of Water, is compatible - these two elements are always friends.

Capricorn feels good with the Pisces girl, because he provides her with everything that she needs for happiness - comfort, material well-being, love and care. And in return he gets a lot - clean house, delicious dinners, personal attention, etc. Problems arise only when Capricorns need to step over themselves for the sake of a partner, because he is unlikely to decide on this.

With Taurus, they will learn what real passion is, but they will not forget about loyalty and respect, these traits in a pair come from both partners. Love to peace of mind, comfort and luxury unites them even stronger. Taurus will provide a well-fed existence, and Pisces will thank them with their cordiality and atmosphere of comfort. But if the latter suddenly want to quarrel with money, their half will never approve of this.

Virgo men give exactly the same stability in life, this makes the union stable: an economic wife and a hardworking husband. Sometimes a spouse is able to adopt the best qualities from such a spouse, become their equal, but if not, someone can fly away from the family nest.

By the way, friendship with Virgos is even more real and strong, because in such relationships they have more points of contact.

Who is Pisces incompatible with?

For signs of Fire and Air, compatibility with Pisces is not so favorable, it is:

  • Aries;
  • Twins;
  • Scales;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Aquarius.

Fire Signs

Love with Aries will not work out due to strong differences in character, attitudes, behavior, etc., the restless Aries is not for meek Pisces. Usually in life, such a couple is rarely sincerely happy, someone alone is definitely suffering.

The situation is the same with Leo - for them, Pisces are attractive only in the physical plane. The difference in morals soon makes itself felt.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, fall “like snow on their heads”, bewitch the Pisces woman and understand that they cannot live with one who unconditionally disagrees with him in everything.

Air Signs

In support of the relationship that has already taken place, it can be noted that no matter how contradictory the signs of the Zodiac are, Pisces are almost the only ones who can find a common language with representatives of the elements of Air.

With Libra, for example, they can make good friends or conduct successful business. Perhaps the patronizing Venus of Libra helps to establish contact with emotional Rybuls. Their marriages, however, are less stable.

With Gemini, too, one cannot find a quiet family life, and they do not strive for it. The light may flare up, but bitter tears will extinguish it. These are completely different people.

A real Italian family turns out with Aquarius - there is both passion and scandals, but the percentage of the latter, unfortunately, is greater. It would be better for them to just be friends, and start a family with others.

Pisces Compatibility Horoscope characterizes their relationship as a romantic and faithful union. For representatives of this sign, love is an inseparable part of happiness.

These fragile and emotional natures are looking for spiritual intimacy rather than physical harmony in the novel. In marriage, they are not always passionate, but usually extremely devoted and faithful to their partner, from whom they expect the same.

Pisces are able to revel in love, sincerely admire their partner and express feelings. But it's foolish to think that it will last forever. The representative of this sign never falls in love to the point of blindness, he does not forgive betrayal and betrayal, which can lead to a break in relations.

Pisces compatibility with other zodiac signs

perfect couple fragile Pisces can be Cancer or Capricorn. Representatives of these signs are able to bring stability and faith in the future into his life. Pisces will be sincerely fascinated and delighted by the noble and kind heart of Cancer.

Passionate and energetic Sagittarius will not be to the taste of Pisces, which will be repelled by the pressure of this fiery sign from the first meeting. Also, the union will not be very strong. dreamy Pisces with the rest of the representatives of the elements of fire - Leo and Aries, who are more selfish and aggressive in nature.

With a representative of his sign, it is unsuccessful, since both partners will be deprived of the desire to lead in relationships, and will be subject to constant influence from others.

Great union can take place between representatives of the signs Pisces and Taurus. This marriage promises to be romantic and tender on the one hand, strong and stable on the other.

The Pisces man never forgets anniversaries, birthdays or important events in the life of your partner. He will prepare a gift in advance and make a real holiday for his beloved. A representative of this sign can easily tell all the details of their first meeting.

Very often there are Dreamer Pisces who invent an ideal romance for themselves and blindly believe in the reality of this illusion until disappointment opens their eyes, and then the gap will not be avoided.

Representatives of this sign are constantly deceived in love, they suffer from lies and betrayal. On Pisces compatibility in a relationship with a partner, their coldness and restraint, which instills in them after many failures on the personal front, affects them.

Is it possible to call such a man sociable?

It's hard to communicate with him

The Pisces woman loves beautiful surroundings and comfort in the house, which, in their opinion, their partner will have to create. For this, they are ready to admire and praise their beloved. As partners, they usually choose a person with a strong-willed character, as they avoid the role of a leader in a pair.