And this is not poisonous fish, which inject their toxins into the body of the victim, but mainly those that attack and infect living beings physical strength and powerful bite. So what are the most dangerous fish in the world?


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Candiru penetrates a person and extends the short spikes on the gills to gain a foothold inside the organs and suck up blood. This leads to inflammation, hemorrhage and even death of the victim. Fish is difficult to remove from the body, even with surgery.

tiger fish

The tiger fish is the most dangerous fish in Africa; it is a predator with large sharp 5 cm teeth and dark vertical stripes on the body. They hunt in packs for large animals, destroy prey in a couple of seconds. The two largest species of this fish are the common tiger fish, which reaches a mass of up to 15 kg and lives in the rivers of Africa: Lualaba and Zambezi; Tiger goliath fish, which reaches up to 2 meters in length, more than 50 kg in weight and lives in Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River;

Tiger goliath fish - extremely fast in pursuit of prey, her speed is 100 km/h. She has good long-range vision and excellent hearing, which makes it easy to find prey from several kilometers.

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The largest predatory fish in the world

The Great White Shark is the largest predatory fish in the world, which lives in cool coastal ocean waters. Adults grow up to 4.5-6.4 m in length and weigh 700-1100 kg. They have massive jaws, gray bodies and a white underbelly (hence the name), powerful tails that help them reach speeds in excess of 40 km/h. White shark has an extremely precise sense of smell and special body to discover electromagnetic radiation from animals. They are even able to detect minimum quantities blood from a distance of up to 5 km.

Incredible Facts

Dangers lie in wait for us in the most unexpected places, in addition to the seas and oceans, it is worth being afraid of less at first glance harmless accumulations of water, namely: lakes, rivers and coastlines.

It is unlikely that you will want to enter the water again after you see a 7-meter sawfish, characins - vampires, snakeheads and a terrible red pack.

The most dangerous fish

10. Paku

We all know horror stories and real stories associated with shark attacks on humans, however, there are more scary and bizarre ways to be killed by fish.

Pacu is a fish, about 1 meter long, weighing almost 25 kg with a terrifying "set" of teeth, very similar to human ones, and they use them by no means for good purposes.

Pacu originally roamed the waters of the Amazon, but now it is found in North America, and in Asia, after sport fishing was allowed on it.

In 1994, two fishermen from New Guinea were killed after being attacked mysterious creature in a lake that practically riddled their bodies. The men died from blood loss.

As it turned out later, the responsibility for this "crime" lay precisely on the pack. This attack prompted world famous extreme angler Jeremy Wade to go to the lake to catch the "criminal". In fact, this is the most terrible kind of fish.

The biggest and scariest fish

9. Giant sawn stingray

When we think of an attack lethal dangerous killer fish, in our imagination a picture appears, in the foreground of which are bites, and then complete swallowing.

However, the giant sawfish is able to deal with you and turn the human body into mincemeat in a completely different way.

With a length of 7 meters, a giant sawfish ray is armed with a 3-meter nose - a "weapon" studded with huge cutting blades.

The stingray does not intentionally prey on humans, however, the combination of very poor eyesight and strong territorial defenses is a deadly combination for humans.

The stingray has the same reaction to "encroachers" as to prey: it immediately uses its saw. What's more, sawfish can go unnoticed until it's too late.

Most large view fish - saws can often be found in rivers and lakes, which adds horror to an already unimaginable spectacle.

Unfortunately, human intervention has resulted in this marine dinosaur becomes an endangered monster.

Dangerous fish of the world

8. Olive catfish

With a length of 1.5 meters and 120 kg of live weight, the olive catfish is one of the largest fish North America. This formidable predator feeds on other fish, mammals and waterfowl.

Catfish lurk in the dark "crevices" of the Missouri River and other major waterways across the continent.

He moves towards the prey with lightning speed and immediately tears it apart. If one of these giant fish suddenly attacks a person, and she has a human leg in her mouth, then it will be extremely difficult to convince her to let go of what she has caught.

The aggressive olive catfish may well be responsible for some of the unexplained deaths of swimmers and fishermen in North American waters.

Even more disturbing is the fact that fish continue to grow throughout their lives, meaning there is a possibility that somewhere there are fish that are much larger than humans.

Fish dangerous to humans

7. Vampires are characins

There are creatures on Earth that push the limits of human imagination. About this fish, we can say that it is none other than Count Dracula in the form of a fish or a water saber-toothed tiger.

Growing up to one and a half meters long and weighing up to 14 kg, a little-known vampire - characin has fangs up to 16 cm long, which he immerses in its victim, and accurately feeling the location of the internal organs.

People bathing in the Amazon could potentially be stabbed in the heart or collapsing in the lung. This fish is becoming a popular "sport" fish in part because of the danger it carries.

Because of the unimaginable fangs, she received the nickname "piranha - cannibal".

6. "Shark" catfish (Wallago Attu Catfish)

This catfish came straight out of a nightmare. Found in the inland waterways of South Asia, India and Afghanistan, this "shark" catfish grows up to 2.5 meters, and its huge mouth is filled with massive, recurved teeth.

Thanks to a very smooth body and powerful fins, the catfish moves very imperceptibly along the banks of rivers and lakes, and suddenly attacks its prey, eating anyone who gets in his way.

This catfish has become very feared by the locals, because it has gained a reputation as a fish that eats children that come close to the water.

It is because of his ferocious, predatory nature and speed of movement that he received his nickname "lake shark".

5 Atlantic Goosefish

With a truly terrible appearance, the monstrous Atlantic bighead fish grows up to 2 meters in length and weighs over 30 kg.

Disguised among the sea rocks, the big-headed fish at the sight of prey sharply pounces on it, biting into its cavernous teeth lined up in a huge jaw that can easily swallow a soccer ball.

The swimmer will have serious difficulty escaping from a predator, because the real danger is that he may simply be swallowed whole. In this fish, the size of the stomach is almost equal to the size of its body.

More than once in the stomach of these fish were human prey, swallowed almost completely.

scary fish

4. Atlantic giant grouper

While many of the fish on this list are just weird in their own way, the giant grouper is terrifying for its sheer size and gluttony alone, as it has the ability to swallow just about anything it wants.

Weighing 450 kg, this fish has a mouth almost 5 meters long (!). This aggressive giant often likes to feast on people.

Along with the great white shark and giant catfish, the Atlantic grouper is the only specimen of its kind that can eat a person in a few "sips".

3 Giant Snakehead

This fish attracted the attention of the whole world after it appeared in temperate waters, carrying the danger of spreading the plague.

The fish is a ferocious predator, one and a half meters long and weighing about 23 kg. She is capable of destroying almost any medium-sized animal she encounters.

Armed with razor-sharp teeth and incredibly strong muscles, she attacks anyone who invades her territory. Maximum aggressive fish becomes during the protection of their cubs.

Often the attempts of fishermen to grab the fish end in failure, and often people remain badly bitten. It is known that several children died at the "hands" of this demonic creature.

Pisces are killers

2 Greenland Shark

We usually imagine sharks living in tropical waters, so we allow ourselves to enjoy a sense of relative safety while in northern temperate waters.

However, even when diving in temperate northern waters, you have no guarantee that you will be able to avoid a shark attack.

The Greenland shark grows up to 6 meters in length and feeds like the most severe predator. Once, in the stomach of this shark, a young polar bear, otherwise it was a deer.

Despite the fact that in Lately no cases were recorded fatal due to remoteness of habitats and icy water, the legends date back to the time when kayakers hunted ice predators directly from kayaks, piercing them with their sharp arrows.

Although this is not a confirmed fact, it is said that in 1859 in Canada, a human leg was found in the stomach of one of the sharks.

However, as many believe, the mere existence of such creatures is enough to destroy to some extent the feeling of security when being where there is water.

1. Fish is a surgeon

About 100 species of surgeon fish live in small coral reefs around the world, some of them are among the most beautiful tropical fish. However, divers still better stay away from these half-meter tropical beauties.

Their rear fin is nothing more than a knife, which they do not hesitate to use when intruders invade their territory.

A person who foolishly reaches for a beautiful fish may suddenly be struck by a sharp blow, which is most likely lead to rupture of the tendon or artery, or worse, to amputation.

The loss of blood can also be fatal, but it is much worse if the wounds attract an even more terrible and deadly reef shark to the victim.

Stop being afraid of sharks or killer whales. There are more small predators which can cause serious injury or even death. Introducing the most dangerous fish in the world. They need to be "know by sight".


Its weight can reach 450 kg. Naturally, a fish of such a large size eats a lot and is quite capable of swallowing a person. Its mouth reaches 5 meters in length.

The pacu is 1 meter long. She will not swallow a large prey at a time, but she will shake it from the heart. The teeth of this fish resemble human teeth. In 1994, two fishermen tormented by pacu died from blood loss.

The length of such a far from the most attractive creature reaches one and a half meters. He does not actively hunt and is unlikely to be able to eat a person, but he can inflict bodily injuries.

This cute, at first glance, fish grows up to a meter in length and 20 kilograms of weight. Especially dangerous when protecting eggs. Several children are known to have died because of it.

These 120 kg of weight and one and a half meters of length are quite capable of killing a person. With great speed and force, he attacks the victim and tears to pieces.

Very rare view but also very dangerous. Protecting the territory, it is able to shred the human body into pieces. But he does not do this intentionally, because inattentive vacationers become his victims.

If you were afraid of piranhas, then this creature feeds on them. Its length is about 1.2 m, and its weight is about 17 kg. She does not pose a direct danger to a person, but it is better not to mess with her.

Lives in lakes and rivers, grows up to 2.5 meters, eats everything that it can swallow on its way. Even small children.

This predatory fish reaches 1.80 m in length and 50 kg in weight. Dangerous because of its 32 fangs, which can cause many injuries.

This charm has sharp fins and a tail, which can easily cut veins or tendons. If you're lucky enough to get out of the water before the sharks arrive, consider yourself lucky.

Fish are aquatic vertebrates and are one of the most beautiful representatives of the fauna. At the same time, many of them can be called the most terrible creations of nature, although the threat comes from only some varieties. We present you the top 10 most dangerous fish, certain types which are able to tear apart their prey in a few seconds, others can be fatally poisoned, and still others can even settle inside a person, slowly eating his organs. Each of the killer fish is quite well studied by biologists and therefore it is completely justified to be included in this list.

10 Zebra Lionfish

A ray-finned predatory fish that has several names - zebra fish and striped lionfish. It lives in the Pacific and Indian basins, not far from the Chinese, Australian and Japanese coasts and near the Caribbean. It is considered one of the most unusual and attractive fish: the body of the lionfish shimmers with bright stripes, and the length from head to tail is 30 cm, weight - within a kilogram. An unpleasant feature of the fish are the fins located in the form of a ribbon on the chest and back. It is in them that she is hidden secret weapon- poisonous needles, one touch of which is enough to cause paralysis of the respiratory and skeletal muscles. If help is not provided in time, a person will sink due to the inability to move and breathe.

9 Electric Eel

Not to be confused with the common eel - the electric eel is a complete fish and the only representative of its kind. Habitat - rivers and reservoirs Latin America, tributaries of the Amazon, as well as waterways in Peru, Guyana, Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname. Adults grow up to one and a half meters, and the officially registered record holder reached 3 meters. The body weight of the fish is 20 kg, but some can grow up to 45 kg. The danger of eel lies in the ability to produce a discharge of current up to 650 V, which can not only cause acute pain, but also become fatal to humans.

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8. Big tiger fish

A predatory fish that lives on the African continent, in the Lualaba and Congo rivers, as well as in some other bodies of water. The maximum length of individuals can be up to one and a half meters, and weight up to half a centner. Cases of attacks by this fish on humans have been recorded, while the predator itself is the only fish known to biologists that is not afraid of alligators.

7. Bagarius Huarelli

The variety is very big fish, related to mountain catfish, lives in South Asian rivers flowing through China, Bangladesh, India and Nepal. Maximum length - 2 meters, weight - 90 kg. Over the course of a dozen years, starting from the beginning of this century, there have been many cases when huge catfish attacked people, with most aggressive behavior ended in death for the person.

6. Brown snakehead

It belongs to the perch-like order, to the family of snakeheads and is a large fish that lives in the fresh waters of rivers flowing through India, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Malaysia. The length of the predator is 1.3 meters, weight - 20 kg. Incredibly gluttonous, cunning and aggressive, tolerant of lack of oxygen. They can track down their potential prey for a long time and always ambush.

5. Wart

The second name - stone fish, belongs to the warty family and is one of the most dangerous fish in the world, despite its short length - only about half a meter. It lives in the coral reef zone in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Extremely poisonous, while injecting poison instantly, after which a state of shock, pain and paralysis occurs, after which tissues begin to die. A large dose of wart poison can lead to death.

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4. Plain vandellia

Ray-finned predatory fish belongs to the piranha subfamily and lives in South American reservoirs and rivers. Length - up to 30 cm, weight - about a kilogram. Of the 50 species, only 30 are predatory, while the rest feed on fruits. They are distinguished by powerful jaws and a number of sharp wedge-shaped teeth. They hunt in packs, attack any living object, be it a fish, a pet or a person. It tears out huge pieces of meat from the flesh, and in a few minutes a small flock of piranhas can gnaw a cow weighing 50-70 kg to the bone.

2. Brown puffer

Another name is brown puffer, northern or eyed fish dog, brown puffer. Sea fish belongs to the pufferfish family, lives in the Pacific Northwest, loves slightly brackish water. The maximum length of individuals can reach 80 cm, although the average fish has a body of about 40 cm. The liver and ovaries contain tetrodotoxin, the strongest poison that kills in seconds. Despite this, it is the most famous dish Japanese cuisine. regularly in the country rising sun many deaths are recorded due to eating fugu, while the popularity of this dish does not decrease.

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1. Mackerel hydrolic

The second name is Payara or "vampire fish", the most dangerous fish on the planet. This fiend lives in the Amazon and in the waters of the Orinoco (Venezuela). It grows in length up to 1 m 29 cm and weighs up to 18 kg. Its terrifying feature is its immense aggressiveness, which is reinforced by two 15-centimeter fangs located in the lower jaw. It feeds on any fish, especially loves piranhas and can eat any creature that is half the size of its body. It has very tasty meat, is valued as an excellent catch and is considered one of the most desirable objects of sport fishing.

Our planet is inhabited by many living creatures that can be dangerous to humans. There are not so many such inhabitants in the underwater kingdom. The risk of meeting with them for a person is minimal, but nevertheless it is necessary to know about them. That is why we would like to bring to your attention the top 10 most dangerous fish in the world.

1. Goonch fish

This fish is also called bagarii catfish. She lives in the Kali River, which carries its waters between Nepal and India. Why did the catfish suddenly get into the top of the most dangerous fish in the world? The thing is that this underwater inhabitant is extremely fond of taste. human meat. Locals blame goonch fish for the disappearance of people in the Kali River area.

He makes daring attacks on a person even with a crowd of people. It is generally accepted that fish began to experience cravings for cannibalism due to the customs of the local population. The Kali River has long been a place where the half-burned bodies of the dead are sent. The weight of these predatory catfish can reach one hundred and forty kilograms.

2. Vandellia, or candiru

Most dangerous fish in the world are not always gigantic. This small fish (about three centimeters in length) is shrouded in myths and legends. It feeds on blood, which it sucks from the gills of larger fish. Vandellia penetrates inside, clinging to the gills with sharp spikes, and bursts the blood vessels.

According to some sources, the fish finds its prey by the smell of ammonia, according to others, the candiru finds victims with the help of vision. The locals tell horror stories that vandellia freely penetrates the penis, vagina and even the anus of a person and feeds on blood and tissues. The person experiences excruciating pain.

However, to date, the opinion that this fish penetrates the inside of a person who is in the water is controversial. Most scientists are skeptical of him, although they do not refute such statements. But this does not mean at all that in the waters of the Amazon you can feel completely calm and not take precautions. In the waters of this river there are many other inhabitants who can cause serious trouble. Be that as it may, this small fish is in the top 10 most dangerous fish in the world.

3. Piranha

We are sure that if you ask passers-by on the street: “What is the most dangerous fish in the world?”, Most will answer without hesitation: “Piranha”. And we must admit that they will be right, but only in part. This is the most dangerous freshwater fish in the world. Despite their kinship with carps and their modest size, piranhas are real monsters for all the inhabitants of the Amazon.

This river predator is also called the toothy devil. An adult does not exceed thirty centimeters in length and one kilogram in weight. They have very sharp teeth and well-developed jaws, thanks to which they easily deal with any flesh. For humans, the danger lies in the fact that, as a rule, these predators attack their prey in huge flocks, and it is very difficult to fight them off alone.

These most dangerous fish in the world, photos of which you can see below, are able to eat even a huge crocodile. Interestingly, the most experienced of them prudently avoid meeting this fish. And if it has already taken place, then the crocodiles turn over and expose them to the most protected part of their body - the back.

Piranhas settle in reservoirs with a rich content of living creatures, since these creatures are extremely voracious. A drop of blood that has fallen into the water attracts them from several kilometers away. According to official figures, there are not very many deaths from piranha teeth, but the number of people who, after meeting with a flock of piranhas, became disabled is enormous. But even these most dangerous river fish in the world have enemies: the locals catch them with fishing rods, and in the river they are often hunted by caimans.

4. Big barracuda

The most dangerous fish in the world vary in size and weight, but they are all predators. For example, our next heroine attacks any Living being, which is smaller than it. And if you consider that the length of this fish reaches two meters, and its weight is fifty kilograms, you can easily guess that the diet of barracuda is very diverse.

The body of the fish is torpedo-shaped. On the large jaws are powerful teeth that grow up to seven centimeters. With their help, the predator easily tears off pieces of flesh from prey. This fish can also attack a person, although this happens infrequently. Predators are attracted to shiny metal objects. Therefore, there is a risk of attacking a person if the fish notices a sparkling decoration on the body.

Barracuda does not disdain and its smaller relatives. This fish prefers a solitary way of life, only the young go astray in flocks. The barracuda lives in warm waters Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the East Pacific. There are twenty types of this dangerous predator: individuals of fifteen of them are found in the waters surrounding Southern California and Mexico, as well as in pacific ocean. Another five species live in the waters of the Red Sea. Prefers only areas with impeccable clean water, because it relies on sight to hunt. These fish do not attack people first, but quite often divers provoke them themselves.

5. Stingray-pintail

The most dangerous fish in the world differ not only in size and weight, but also in body shape. The pintail stingray has a diamond shape. Adult individuals reach a length of one hundred and eighty centimeters with a weight of thirty kilograms. This fish lives at a fairly great depth, so only scuba divers and researchers of underwater beauty can meet them.

Pintail stingrays are peaceful creatures, but if by negligence you stumble upon this fish, it will certainly scream with a poisonous sting located on its tail. At the same time, the person experiences pain shock. This usually happens when someone steps on a fish that is bottom-dwelling and well camouflaged. If the sting of a stingray hurts an arm or leg, then it can be survived, but when it hits the torso or head, the person may die.

6. Brown puffer

These are the most dangerous and poisonous fish in the world. Brown puffer, or puffer fish, is used in national cuisine Japan. It belongs to the pufferfish family. It is not a meeting with this fish that is dangerous for a person, but eating it.

Danger of poisoning

Fugu has tender and tasty meat. But organs such as the liver, skin or caviar are poisonous: they contain great amount toxins that cause paralysis and death. In Japan, there was an ancient custom: the cook had to eat a piece of fish he cooked or make hara-kiri if one of the guests was poisoned by his dish.

Antidotes for the toxins of this fish have not yet been found, help is only in maintaining respiratory and cardiac activity. Fish get the poison with their food, and recently the Japanese have learned to grow harmless fugu. Interestingly, she did not become popular. According to restaurant owners, gourmets prefer to tickle their nerves, so today a dangerous dish is sold at a higher price.

7. Stone fish

The most dangerous fish in the world are often perfectly camouflaged. This fully applies to stone fish, which is considered one of the most poisonous in the world. It is named so because of the similarity with the stone. The wart prefers a sedentary lifestyle and you can accidentally step on it on land, where the fish is thrown out during high tides. It is almost impossible to notice among the coral reefs and pitfalls.

On her back are twelve sharp spikes, which she raises at the slightest danger. With them, she pierces the most durable shoes. A person experiences such unbearable pain that some victims ask to cut off a stung limb.

First aid to the victim

If a meeting with this fish occurred in the water, then the pain shock often leads to the fact that a person chokes under water. If he manages to get out on land, the applied tourniquet and heating of the bite site will slightly weaken his torment, since this destroys the poison. But without qualified medical care a person dies, and recovery after meeting with this fish takes months.

8 Electric Eel

The most dangerous fish in the world, the photos of which we posted in this article, have practically no enemies. For example, only young caimans can attack an electric eel due to inexperience. Such an attack ends with disastrous consequences for them.

The organs of this creature, which produce electricity, occupy two-thirds of the length of its body. At the right time, they allow you to hit the victim with a discharge from 300 to 1300 volts. An adult can stun a horse with its blow. For a person, such a blow can be fatal.

Electric eels reach a length of three meters and weigh up to forty kilograms. The Indians learned to catch them by first launching a herd of large cattle to their habitats. This fish is very unpretentious and feels quite comfortable in swamps with stagnant water, from time to time swallowing air from the surface.

9 Great White Shark

Perhaps the most famous and large predator in our ranking. The size of an adult varies from four to five meters. The largest officially recorded shark was 6.1 meters long. In terms of bite strength, this fish loses to a crocodile, but the sharpness of its teeth and the special structure of the jaw allow it to tear off pieces even from a prey that has big sizes than herself.

The hunting tactics of this predator is an unexpected attack and bite. After that, the shark waits until its prey weakens. These fish also attack people, although there is a theory that they do it rather out of habit of biting everything that they do not understand. Cases have been recorded when this shark attacked small vessels.

I must say that a person more than paid off with these predators for all one hundred and thirty-nine attacks that were recorded in twenty-one years. Nowadays, the number of white sharks has declined, and in some countries they are protected by the state.

10 Bull Shark

Before you - the most dangerous fish. A photo of this monster is unlikely to give a complete picture of how terrifying the bull shark looks, or, as it is often called, the blunt shark. The habitat of these sharks is very wide. They can be found in all oceans, with the exception of the Arctic, as these predators prefer warm tropical and subtropical waters. In addition, they are found in the mouths of the rivers - Mississippi, Zambezi, Ganges and even in very small rivers in Africa, Asia, America and Australia. A bull shark has even been recorded in Lake Michigan (North America).

The body length of this fish reaches four meters, weight - four hundred kilograms. Her body is painted steel gray, sometimes with a brownish tint. The back is a little darker, and the belly is light. There are no pronounced spots or inclusions on the body of the shark, but there is one amazing feature. She is able to slightly change the color of the body from light to darker, depending on the habitat. This allows the bloodthirsty predator to be less noticeable on the hunt.

The small eyes of the fish have a nictitating membrane. The main weapon is powerful jaws and very sharp teeth. On the upper jaw, they are triangular in shape with a lateral bend; the lower jaw is equipped with teeth curved inwards. The blunt shark has massive pectoral and dorsal fins.

Since the predator feels quite comfortable in fresh water, it often inhabits water bodies located near densely populated areas, which makes such a neighborhood extremely dangerous. A person is sometimes deceived by her slowness, and sometimes by seeming clumsiness. But this is a delusion - if necessary, the bull shark develops tremendous speed.

The force of her bite is the greatest among sharks, but before using her jaws, she also stuns her prey with a blow from her powerful head. If we add unpredictable behavior and aggressiveness to this, we can understand what danger this fish poses to humans.