The family of a pharmacist, an agent of a trading company. To give the child the opportunity to enter the gymnasium, the parents baptized him. In the gymnasium, Alexander did not study for long. The boy ran away from home, became a beggar. His sad fate was written in the newspaper, and the Zhytomyr official K. K. Roche, moved by this story, took the boy to him. Roche, who did a lot of charity work and loved poetry, had a great influence on Alexander.

The tomb of the poet was lost after the fighting that affected the department of Var during the Second World War.

Chronicle of the life of Sasha Cherny

  • Compiled by: A. S. Ivanov.
  • Source: "Sasha Cherny. Collected works in five volumes. Volume 5". Moscow, publishing house "Ellis Luck", 1996.

Received baptism. Entered the gymnasium.

He fled from home to St. Petersburg, where he continued his studies at the 2nd progymnasium.

He was expelled from the gymnasium for poor performance. Parents abandon their son.

September 8/20. The St. Petersburg newspaper "Son of the Fatherland" published an article by a novice journalist A. A. Yablonovsky about the plight in which a boy, abandoned by his family, found himself. Adopted by K. K. Roche - Chairman of the Provincial Presence for Peasant Affairs in Zhytomyr. On October 2/14, he was admitted to the 5th grade of the 2nd Zhytomyr gymnasium.

During summer holidays takes part in a charitable expedition to help the starving in the Belebeevsky district of the Ufa province.

Due to a conflict with the director of the gymnasium, he was expelled from the 6th grade - "without the right to enter."

September 1/14. Accepted for urgent military service as volunteers in the 18th Vologda Infantry Regiment (Zhytomyr).

October 25/November 7 transferred to the reserve. Start labor activity: at the customs in the town of Novoselitsy, Bessarabian province.

June 3/16. He makes his debut as a feuilletonist for the Zhytomyr newspaper "Volynsky Vestnik". After the closing of the newspaper (July 19), he moves to St. Petersburg. He is accepted as a clerk at the Collection Service of the Warsaw Railway.

enters into civil marriage with M. I. Vasilyeva. Honeymoon to Italy. In the satirical magazine "Spectator" on November 27, under the poem "Nonsense", the signature "Sasha Cherny" appears for the first time.

Published in satirical magazines and almanacs. Publishes a collection of poems "Different Motives". In April-May, he leaves for Germany, where during the summer and winter semesters he attends lectures at the University of Heidelberg as a volunteer.

Returns to Petersburg.

Renews cooperation in the magazine "Spectator". Becomes an employee of the Dragonfly magazine, which was transformed into Satyricon in April. Summer spends in the resort town of Gungerburg (Shmetsk) in Estonia.

During summer vacation goes for treatment to Bashkiria (the village of Chebeni). Koumiss verses

In March, the book of poems "Satires" was published. In April, he goes on vacation to the village of Zaozerye, Pskov province. In the summer he tours Germany and Italy. He declares himself as a prose writer (“People in the Summer”, magazine “ Modern world", No. 9).

He celebrates the New Year in a Finnish boarding house near Vyborg. In April, ceases cooperation in the Satyricon. Sent to Kyiv, then to the Crimea. In summer, he rests in the village of Krivtsovo, Oryol province, visits the county town of Volkhov. Collaborates in the newspapers "Kyiv thought" and "Odessa news". In November, a book of poems "Satires and Lyrics" is published.

The almanac "Earth" contains the poet's prose "The First Acquaintance". Works on translations of G. Heine. In August, he rests in Italy, on the island of Capri, where he meets and becomes close to A. M. Gorky and the artist V. D. Falileev.

In January, he visits the village of Krivtsovo, Oryol province. The children's almanac “The Blue Book” prepared by him and the collection of his own poems for children “Knock-knock!” prepared by him are published. Summer spends in Ukraine, near the city of Romny.

Publishes a children's book "Live ABC". In the almanac "Rosehip" the poem "Noah" is printed. He spends spring and summer on the Baltic coast (Ust-Narva). July 26/August 8. In connection with the declaration of war with Germany, he was drafted into the army; enrolled in the 13th field reserve hospital. As part of the Warsaw consolidated field hospital No. 2, he was sent to the front.

In March, at the request of Lieutenant General K.P. Huber, he was transferred to the Sanitary Department of the 5th Army Headquarters. Takes part in the fighting in the district of the Polish cities of Lomza and Zambrovo.

He was transferred as a caretaker of a hospital in Gatchina, and then as an assistant caretaker in the 18th field reserve hospital in Pskov. Returns to literary creativity. At the end of the year, his poems appear in the Petrograd magazine For Children.

Transferred to the Office of Military Communications in Pskov. After February Revolution was elected head of the department of the administration of the commissar of the Northern Front. At the end of spring he visits revolutionary Petrograd.

At the end of the summer, before the entry of the Red Army into Pskov, he leaves the city with other refugees. Lives on a farm near Dvinsk. In the last days of December, he moves to Vilna.

He lives in Vilna, in the summer - on a farm, where many pages of future books of poetry are written.

In March, having decided to emigrate, he illegally moves to Kovno, the capital of Lithuania, where he receives a visa to Germany. Settled in the suburbs of Berlin - Charlottenburg. At the end of the year he publishes a book of poems "Children's Island".

Actively involved in the cultural and social life of "Russian Berlin". He heads the literary department of the magazine "Firebird". Engaged in compiling and publishing books of the Children's Library "Word" (Zhukovsky, Turgenev, etc.).

He republishes his books of poetry "Satires" and "Satires and Lyrics" in a new edition. He acts as an editor and compiler of the almanacs "Frontiers" (No. 1), "Flower" and the anthology for children "Rainbow".

The third book of poems "Thirst" is published in the author's edition. He works a lot for children: a fairy tale in verse "The Dream of Professor Patrashkin", translations of German storytellers R. Demel, F. Austin, V. Ruland, L. Hildebrant. Some of the prepared and announced books were not published (“Bible Tales”, “Remember!”, “The Return of Robinson”). In May he moves to Rome. Lives in a house rented by the family of Leonid Andreev. Here the cycle "From the Roman Notebook" began, the story "Cat Sanatorium" was written.

In March he moved to Paris. Becomes a regular contributor to the Illustrated Russia magazine. Summer spends in the estate near Paris (Gressy). As a poet, publicist and critic, he is published in Russkaya Gazeta.

Creates a department of satire and humor "Boomerang" in "Illustrated Russia". Summer spends in Brittany, on the ocean.

Takes part in charity events in favor of Russian disabled people and children of emigrants. In August-September, he rests in La Faviera, on Cote d'Azur mediterranean sea in a colony of Russian emigrants. Befriends Ivan Bilibin.

The author's edition includes a book for children "The Diary of a Fox Mickey". For the day of Russian culture, he prepared an almanac for children "Young Russia". At the invitation of the Russian colony, he visits Brussels twice. Summers are spent in La Faviera. Since October, he has been a permanent contributor to the Latest News newspaper.

Books of prose "Cat's Sanatorium" and "Not Serious Stories" are published. Prepares an almanac for the youth "Russian Land" for the day of Russian culture. Together with A. A. Yablonovsky, he tours the cities of France (Lyon, Grenoble, Cannes, Nice) with speeches to his compatriots. Establishes contacts with the editorial office of the Zarya newspaper (Harbin).

In Belgrade, the book for children "Silver Christmas Tree" was published, the "Diary of Fox Mickey" was republished. In the summer, he rests in a Russian sanatorium near Nice. Acquires a plot of land in La Faviera. The story "Wonderful Summer" is published as a separate book.

A book of short stories for children "The Ruddy Book" was published in Belgrade. He spends summers in La Faviera - in his own house built on his site.

Participates in the publication of the magazine "Satyricon" revived in Paris. Summers are spent in La Faviera. Upon his return to Paris, he begins to print chapter by chapter the poem "Who in exile lives well."

Engaged in the preparation of a book of poems for children "Creek" and stories "Squirrel-seafarer".

In early summer, he leaves for La Favière, where on August 5 he died suddenly of a heart attack. Buried at the local cemetery.

In 1933, the books "Soldier's Tales" and "Squirrel-Seafarer" were published posthumously.

Poet about himself

When a poet, describing a lady,
He starts: “I was walking down the street. A corset dug into the sides,
Here "I" do not understand, of course, directly -
That, they say, a poet is hiding under the lady.
I will open the truth to you in a friendly way:
The poet is a man. Even with a beard.

Editions of the poet

Screen versions of works

  • Yuletide stories, short story "Christmas"
  • About the girl who found her bear
  • soldier song



  • Sasha Cherny poems in the Anthology of Russian Poetry
  • Bright image of Sasha Cherny

see also

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    Poet satirist, b. Oct 1 1880 in Odessa, p. provisions (Vengerov) ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Birth name: Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg Aliases ... Wikipedia

    Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg (October 1 (13), 1880, Odessa, Russian empire July 5, 1932, Le Lavandou, Provence, France), better known as Sasha Cherny Russian poet Silver Age, a prose writer who became widely known as an author ... ... Wikipedia

Sasha Cherny(real name Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg; October 1 (13), 1880, Odessa, Russian Empire - August 5, 1932, Le Lavandou, Provence, France) - Russian poet of the Silver Age, prose writer, journalist, widely known as the author of popular lyrical and satirical poetic feuilletons.

Sasha was born in Odessa, in a wealthy Jewish family. Father, Mendel Davidovich Glikberg (1852 - September 6, 1911), was a pharmacist, a traveling representative of a chemical company (Mendel Glikberg received the degree of pharmacy assistant on April 16, 1871 at the medical faculty of the Imperial University of St. Vladimir in Kiev). Mother, Maryam Meerovna (also nee Glikberg, 1857-?), came from a merchant family - her brother, a merchant of the 2nd guild Yankel Meerovich (Yakov Markovich) Glikberg, was engaged in iron hardware trade. The parents married on July 8, 1877. The family had five children - Lydia (1879), Alexander (1880), Vladimir (1883), Olga (1885-1893) and George (1893). The family lived in Semashko's house (apartment 18) on Richelievskaya Street.

To give the child the opportunity to enter the Bila Tserkva gymnasium, the parents baptized him. In the gymnasium, Alexander did not study for long. The boy ran away from home, became a beggar, begged. His sad fate was written in the newspaper, and the Zhytomyr official K.K. Roche, moved by this story, took the boy to him. K. K. Roche, who did a lot of charity work and loved poetry, had a great influence on Alexander.

From 1901 to 1902, Alexander Glikberg served as a private in a training team, then worked in the Novoselensk customs. On June 1, 1904, in the Zhytomyr newspaper "Volynsky Vestnik" his "Diary of a Resonator" was published under the signature "By itself".

In 1905 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he published the satirical poems that brought him fame in the magazines Spectator, Almanac, Journal, Masks, Leshy, etc. As Chukovsky wrote: “having received fresh issue magazine, the reader, first of all, looked for Sasha Cherny's poems in it.

The first poem under the pseudonym "Sasha Cherny" - the satire "Nonsense", published on November 27, 1905, led to the closure of the magazine "Spectator". The poetry collection "Different Motifs" was banned by censors.

In 1906-1908 he lived in Germany, where he continued his education at the University of Heidelberg.

Returning to St. Petersburg in 1908, he collaborated with the magazine "Satyricon". He published collections of poems "To All the Poor in Spirit", "Involuntary Tribute", "Satires". Published in the journals "Modern World", "Argus", "The Sun of Russia", "Sovremennik", in the newspapers "Kyiv Thought", "Russkaya Rumor", "Odessa News". Became known as children's writer: books "Knock-Knock", "Live ABC" and others.

During the First World War, Sasha Cherny served in the 5th Army as a private at the field infirmary and worked as a prose writer. At the front, his lyrical cycle "War" was written.

In 1920 he emigrated, lived in Lithuania, Berlin and Rome, in 1924 he moved to Paris.

He published a collection of prose "Fanny Stories" (1928), the story "Wonderful Summer" (1929), children's books: "Professor Patrashkin's Dream" (1924), "Mickey the Fox's Diary" (1927), "Cat Sanatorium" (1928), " Ruddy book "(1930).

In 1929, he bought a piece of land in the south of France, in the town of La Favière, built his own house, where Russian writers, artists, and musicians came.

Shortly before his death, on April 14, 1932, he was initiated into Freemasonry in the Russian Paris lodge Free Russia.

Sasha Cherny died of a heart attack on August 5, 1932. Risking his life, he helped put out a fire at a nearby farm. When he got home, he fell down and never got up again.

He was buried in the cemetery of Lavandou, department of Var. In 1978, a memorial plaque was installed at the cemetery.


Cousin - Daniil Lvovich Glikberg (1882, Odessa - March 21, 1952, Paris), journalist ("Exchange News"), assistant attorney at law, attorney at law (1909), in exile - chairman of the Paris branch of the Odessa community in exile. He supported the poet and his wife in exile.


The poet's grave was lost due to the fact that there was no one to pay for it. Sasha Cherny's wife, Maria Ivanovna, died in 1961. In 1978, a symbolic memorial plaque dedicated to the poet was installed at the Lavandu cemetery.

In 1933, the books "Soldier's Tales" and "The Seafaring Squirrel" were published posthumously.

In the early 1960s, thanks to the efforts of Korney Chukovsky, one-volume Sasha Cherny was published in the Large and Small series of the Poet's Library.


  • First meeting. - Berlin, 1923.
  • Black S. Selected prose / Comp., afterword and comments. A. S. Ivanova. - M.: Book, 1991. - 432 p. (From the literary heritage)
  • Black S. Collected works in five volumes. - M.: Ellis Luck, 1996.
  • Black S. Favorites / Comp. V. M. Roshal. - St. Petersburg: TOO Diamant, 1997. - 448 p.
  • Black S. Children's island / art. S. A. Kovalenkov. - M.: RIPOL classic, 2013. - 80 p. - (Masterpieces of book illustration "mini").

Screen versions of works

  • 1994 - Christmas stories, short story "Christmas"
  • 2002 - About a girl who found her bear
  • 2003 - Girl Lucy and grandfather Krylov
  • 2009 - Soldier's song

In music

  • Dmitri Shostakovich. "Satires" for voice and piano on verses by Sasha Cherny, Op. 109
  • Satyrs - a vocal suite in the form of a studio album by singer and composer Alexander Gradsky to the verses of Sasha Cherny.
  • Arkady Severny performed the song "Outskirts of Petersburg" to the verse of Sasha Cherny.
  • Zhanna Aguzarova with the group "Bravo" performed the song "Medical Institute" to the verses of Sasha Cherny.
  • Alexander Novikov and Maxim Pokrovsky performed the song "Tararam" to the verses of Sasha Cherny.
  • The Splin group recorded a composition based on the verses of Sasha Cherny (1909) - “Under the mute” (“... Vasilyevsky Island is beautiful ...”), and also took its name from the same poem.
  • Naum Blik used the poem "Stylized Donkey (Aria for the Voiceless)" as the filling of one of his works from the "Re: Poets" cycle.
  • Alexey Zaev performed the song "Lamentation" to the verses of S. Cherny.
  • Alexander Gradsky and the group "Skomorokhi" performed the song "Settings" on the verses of Sasha Cherny (CD "Legends of Russian Rock", 1997).

In the theatre

“Sasha Cherny Concerto for Piano with an Artist” is a one-man performance by Alexei Devotchenko, created by the artist together with director Grigory Kozlov in 1990. The literary basis is the poetry of Sasha Cherny, the performance features the music of Rachmaninov, Massenet, Beethoven, Strauss, and Alexei Devotchenko. There is also a television version of the play.

(real name - Glikberg Alexander Mikhailovich)

(1880-1932) Russian prose writer and poet

Sasha Cherny's childhood passed in the Ukrainian town of Belaya Tserkov. The boy's father worked as a pharmacist in a pharmacy, and then became a chemical agent. For some time Sasha studied in a cheder, but could not master the Hebrew language, and then his father decided to give him a classical education.

The Glikberg family moved to Zhytomyr, where Alexander was baptized. From the age of ten he began to study at the city gymnasium. Subsequently, he recalled this time as the most difficult period of childhood. He was older than the other students in the class, but lagged behind due to poor memory and inability to concentrate. In addition, he was practically devoid of maternal affection. In the sixth grade, Alexander was expelled from the gymnasium with a "wolf ticket", that is, without the right to enter a similar educational institution.

Desperate, he runs away from home and gets to St. Petersburg, where, having settled with relatives, he still enters the gymnasium. However, in order to get a matriculation certificate, Alexander had to return to Zhytomyr. His father suddenly dies, his mother marries and practically abandons her son. An acquaintance of the family, K. Roche, who occupied a major post in the provincial peasant presence, becomes Alexander's tutor. He vouched for the young man, and he is again accepted into the gymnasium.

Rocher had a beneficial effect on Alexander, introduced him to poetry, which he himself was passionately fond of.

Having received a matriculation certificate, Alexander gets a job as an office worker in the local customs. But in fact, he works as a secretary to Roche, who has become his guardian. At the same time, he began to publish in the newly opened city newspaper Volynsky Vestnik: he wrote reviews, a chronicle of local social life, and in 1904 published a series of essays under common name"Resonator's Diary".

At the beginning of 1905, Alexander's life suddenly changes, as his guardian becomes the head of the Warsaw Railway and moves to St. Petersburg. Roche suits Alexander as a senior clerk in the road administration. N. Vasilyeva, who was in charge of the office, falls in love with a young man and soon becomes his wife.

Vasilyeva introduces the novice writer into the circle of St. Petersburg scientists and philosophers. She herself was a niece famous philosopher Professor of St. Petersburg University A. Vvedensky and a distant relative of the entrepreneur G. Eliseev.

After moving to St. Petersburg, Glikberg began to publish in one of the leading magazines of that time, the Spectator. On November 27, 1905, he published the anti-government pamphlet Nonsense, under which he first put the pseudonym Sasha Cherny.

The publication, in which they saw allusions to Nicholas II, caused a sharp reaction from the authorities: the magazine was closed for some time. But the scandal made Cherny's name famous, and various satirical magazines began to publish his works.

Censorship clearly monitored the publications of Sasha Cherny, because his works immediately became famous, learned by heart. When he prepared for printing a collection of poems and satirical essays "Various Motives" (1905), the circulation was almost completely confiscated.

To avoid a possible arrest, acquaintances and publishers advised Sasha Cherny to leave Russia. In the summer of 1906, the Glickbergs left for Germany and spent more than a year abroad. Alexander worked hard and hard, listened to lectures at the university, wrote a cycle of lyrical satires, and many essays. Since 1906, he has been acting as a prose writer.

Returning to Russia in early 1908, Sasha Cherny became an employee of the weekly satirical magazine Satyricon. Soon the publication gains all-Russian popularity and becomes the leading satirical organ, and the poet - an all-Russian celebrity. Contemporaries even called him the Russian Heine, the king of the poets of the Satyricon. Here is the opinion of the publisher M. Kornfeld: "Sasha Cherny is a satirist by the grace of God." Sasha Cherny combines his works into two collections - "Satires" (1910) and "Satire and Lyrics" (1913). The first of them withstood five editions by 1917.

He managed to create his own type of hero, skinny, thin and nasty, sometimes prone to self-disclosure.

The poet creates satires of a political nature, addresses social topics, writes lyrical poems. These works are interesting with figurative characteristics, well-aimed epithets (“a continuous carnival of small fry”, “two-legged moles not worth a day of earthly time”), bright details (“throws a leaning bald patch into sweat”, “a lone saffron milk sour on a saucer”).

Throughout his life, Sasha Cherny tried to move away from the role of a satirist, but nevertheless he is perceived precisely as the author of such works.

Realizing the imperfection of relations in the Satyricon, he actively collaborates with various magazines, writes satires, lyric poems, landscape and everyday sketches, acts as a prose writer and author of poems for children, and tries his hand as a translator.

In 1911, Sasha Cherny wrote the first poem for children - "Bonfire", followed by others: "Chimney Sweep", "In Summer", "Bobkin's Horse", "Train". Gorky invites him to work on the collection "The Blue Book", in which Cherny's first fairy tale appears - "Red Stone". In 1912, he began collaborating with Chukovsky in the Firebird magazine.

Poems by Sasha Cherny, written in a simple, clear language, often resemble nursery rhymes, counting rhymes. They show the character of a child-why, figuratively perceiving the world. In 1913, the "Children's ABC" was published, according to which more than one generation of children is taught to read and write.

During the First World War, the poet volunteered for the front, worked in a hospital, social activities. Military impressions were reflected in a number of his works. After the revolution, the cycle of poems "War" was published, and in exile Cherny will publish "Soldier's Tales" (1933), created on the basis of stories heard in the army. His character is created in the style everyday fairy tale about a skilled and experienced soldier. Black acts as a brilliant imitator of the tale, the researchers noted the art of stylization, the impossibility of distinguishing folk proverbs and sentences from the authors: “Cossacks are supposed to be bouffant for force”, “Your rank is semi-officer, and cockroaches suck footcloths in your head”, “I am left alone, like a bug on a blanket.”

Sasha Cherny did not accept the October Revolution and left for Lithuania. There, on a quiet farm, he tries to comprehend what is happening and comes to the conclusion that he has become a refugee, an emigrant. The poet bitterly states that he has grown significantly and turned from Sasha into Alexander, so he now signs his works - Alexander Cherny.

Gradually, he manages to prepare his previous poetry collections for publication and release a new collection, the third in a row, Thirst (1923). But Sasha Cherny's main interests are centered around writing for children's magazines. The world of the child was well known to the writer: his wife gave lessons in private schools and gymnasiums.

Life in exile improved gradually, at first the Glickbergs lived in Berlin, but because of the publishing crisis they had to leave for Rome. In 1925, they settled in Paris, and with a fee from Fox Mickey's Diary (1927), they were even able to build a small country house in a Russian colony in southern France on the Mediterranean coast.

Sasha Cherny actively collaborates in various emigre publications, publishes one after another books for children: Bible Tales (1922), Professor Patrashkin's Dream (1924), Seafaring Squirrel (1926), Ruddy Book (1931) , "Silver Tree" (1929), "Cat Sanatorium" (1928), "Wonderful Summer" (1930).

The adult works of Sasha Cherny are published in 1928 - he combines the works published earlier in magazines in the book “Fun Stories”.

A tragic accident ends the writer's life. After a fire that occurred at a neighbor, he felt unwell and, returning home, soon died.

Information about the work of Sasha Cherny may be needed for students in grades 3, 4 in preparation for the lesson.

Information about the work of Sasha Cherny

The real name of Sasha Cherny is Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg.

Born October 1, 1880 in Odessa, in the family of a pharmacist. He studied at the Zhytomyr gymnasium. In 1905 he moved to St. Petersburg and began to collaborate in satirical magazines. The first collection of poems "Different Motives" in 1906 was detained by censors. One year he lived in Germany, where he listened to lectures at one of the German universities. In 1908-1911 he actively collaborated in the journal "Satyricon"

Sasha Cherny's poems, both sarcastic and gentle, have gained all-Russian popularity.

In 1911, his first works for children appeared. The poet was very fond of children, but he had no children of his own. He did a lot for children living in exile, outside of Russia. Sasha Cherny spoke at children's matinees, arranged for children in shelters, and compiled a two-volume reader for children living abroad. These are "Rainbow" and "Russian poets for children." The poet traveled extensively in Europe.

He died in a remote fishing village on the Mediterranean coast in 1932.

You can write a few lines about Sasha Cherny yourself, using the material presented above.

The poet's bibliography includes more than 40 books and collections, about 100 quotations and sayings, as well as countless poems. All his works were published under the pseudonyms "Sasha Cherny", "On Itself" and "Dreamer". The most popular were: the story "Wonderful Summer", the collection "Not Serious Stories", as well as the children's books "The Dream of Professor Patrashkin", "Squirrel-Seafarer", "The Diary of Fox Mickey", "Rush Book" and "Cat Sanatorium", published in time between the First and Second World Wars.

One of the best poets of the twentieth century is Sasha Cherny, whose biography, although brief, is very interesting. This is the man who managed to achieve everything on his own. Despite all the obstacles, difficult life path and many other problems that blocked the path of the poet, he nevertheless became a person worthy of his title. And this cannot be left without attention and respect.

Poet Sasha Cherny. short biography

Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg was born (it was he who later took the pseudonym Sasha Cherny) on October 1, 1880 in the city of Odessa. His parents were Jewish, which later had an impact on his development and perception of the world due to his specific upbringing. There were five children in the family, two of whom had the name Sasha. Our poet was a brunette, and therefore received the nickname "black", which later became his pseudonym.

In order to get an education in a gymnasium, the boy was baptized in Russian Orthodox Church but he never finished school. Sasha ran away from home and began to beg. This story was written in the newspaper, and the local philanthropist K. K. Roche, touched by the story of the boy, took him to his upbringing. Rocher adored poetry and taught young Glickberg to this, gave him a good education and pushed Sasha to start writing poetry. It is Roche that can be considered godfather Sasha in the field of literature and poetry.

Young summers

From 1901 to 1902, Alexander served as an ordinary soldier, after that he worked in the Novoselensk customs. At this time, the newspaper "Volynsky Vestnik" publishes the first work young writer- "The diary of a reasoner", signed "By itself", which caused him to special interest local intelligentsia. This is what gave the guy the nickname "poet".

Sasha Cherny did not stop writing even in St. Petersburg, where he moved in 1905. He was published in such newspapers and magazines as "Journal", "Almanac", "Masks", "Spectator" and others. Although the poet's popularity increased, not everything was as smooth as it might seem at first glance. The satire "Nonsense", published in the magazine "Spectator", led to the closure of the publication, and the collection "Different Motives" was banned due to non-compliance with censorship. Because of this, the young poet had problems with the authorities and the owners of the magazine, for some time he was not accepted in society, made a kind of outcast.

However, the newspaper quickly closed down. The young man, already carried away by literature, decides to move to St. Petersburg. Here Sasha was sheltered by the relatives of Konstantin Roche. Alexander served as an official on the Warsaw railway. His boss was Maria Ivanovna Vasilyeva. Despite the fact that she was several years older than Sasha, they became close and in 1905 got married. Alexander Glikberg left his job in the office and devoted himself entirely to literary creativity. So he became Sasha Cherny.

Study and work

While living in Germany, Alexander not only created and wrote his brilliant works, but also studied at the University of Heidelberg during 1906-1908.

His very first poem "Nonsense", published under an unknown pseudonym, led to the closure of the magazine "Spectator", in which it was published, and spread in lists throughout the country. Sasha Cherny's poems, both sarcastic and gentle, have gained all-Russian popularity. Korney Chukovsky wrote: "... having received a fresh issue of the magazine, the reader, first of all, looked for Sasha Cherny's poems in it."

In 1906, a collection of poems "Different Motives" was published, which was soon banned by censorship due to political satire, but this does not stop the author.

In 1908, he returned to St. Petersburg, where he became an employee of the Satyricon magazine, and also published in such publications as Argus, Sovremenny Mir, Sovremennik, Sun of Russia, Odessa News, "Russian Rumor" and "Kiev News", publishes the first books.

In 1910-1913 the poet wrote children's books.

Revolution and war

During the First World War (since 1914), Alexander served as an ordinary officer in the Fifth Army at the field infirmary. At the same time he worked as a prose writer, publishing collections and children's books. However, unable to bear the horrors of the war, he fell into depression and was placed in a hospital.

After October revolution in the fall of 1918, Alexander left for the Baltic states, and in 1920 for Germany. For some time the poet lived in Italy, then in Paris. In the south of France he spent last years life.

During his short life, Sasha Cherny traveled a lot around the world, visited Berlin, Nice, Paris, Rome, Kyiv, Tbilisi, but finally emigrated in 1920 and settled in Berlin. His poems of the emigrant period are imbued with painful nostalgia. In 1923, a volume of poems "Thirst" was published in Germany - a very sad book about burning homesickness, about emigrant orphanhood.

In exile, Sasha worked in newspapers and magazines, arranged literary evenings, traveled around France and Belgium, spoke with poetry to Russian listeners, and published books. A special place in his work was now occupied by prose addressed to both adults and children.

The death of Sasha Cherny was sudden and unexpected: risking his life, he helped his neighbors put out the fire, and then, already at home, he had heart attack. Sasha Cherny died in France in the town of Lavandu on August 5, 1932. He was only 52 years old.

Despite all the genius and majesty of the poet, Alexander's grave has not been found to this day. She was lost, because there was no one to pay for her, and nothing with what.

Works by Sasha Cherny

The poet's bibliography includes more than 40 books and collections, about 100 quotations and sayings, as well as countless poems. All his works were published under the pseudonyms "Sasha Cherny", "On Itself" and "Dreamer". The most popular were: the story "Wonderful Summer", the collection "Fun Stories", as well as the children's books "The Dream of Professor Patrashkin", "Squirrel Seafarer", "Mickey the Fox's Diary", "The Ruddy Book" and "The Cat Sanatorium".

All that's left

Alexander's wife died in 1961 - the only person who was dear to the poet, since there were no children in the family. After her death in 1978, a memorial plaque was symbolically installed at the Lavandu cemetery in order to somehow perpetuate the name of the legendary poet. Thanks to the care of Korney Chukovsky in the 1960s, all of Sasha's works were published in the Large and Small series of the Poet's Library in several volumes.

To date

Sasha Cherny, whose biography is one of the most interesting, left behind a large legacy of books and poems. His work is studied both at school and in higher education. educational institutions. His quotes are used by all people, regardless of age and position in society, which indicates the popularity and ability of the author to touch a person for a living.

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