Thanks to new technology and improved suits, surfing has become a year-round sport in places like Cornwall in the UK, and now surfers can take advantage of the big waves and half-empty beaches that winter has to offer. Although many believe that surfing appeared in the UK in the 60s, in fact, its roots date back to the end of the First World War - it was then that it began to gain popularity. And today surfing - one of the fastest growing sports - is a multi-million dollar industry employing thousands of people in the UK alone.

1. A surfer on the Cornish cold waves on January 20 in Creep, England. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

2. Lovers gathered on the beach despite the cool weather. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

3. The surfer leaves the beach after swimming. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

4. Two surfers in the cold Cornish waters on January 20th. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

5. Two surfers on the beach in Crawl. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

7. Surfers swim towards the cold waves. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

8. Interesting fact: The first surfers were Hawaiians, and the first surfboards weighed about 70 kg. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

9. For a long time surfing was a traditional Hawaiian pastime. But the Europeans and Americans who settled the island brought it to the brink of destruction. Only a few retained the technique of skating. The last to demonstrate the ability to ride the waves on the board was the Hawaiian princess Kaiulani. And, although she studied in the UK, the national sport, the girl did not forget. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

10. Surfer on the waves at the beach in Crawl, England. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

11. By the end of the 1930s, commercial boards appeared, the success of which came from low weight material - basalt wood. A little later, they began to make composite boards from basalt and mahogany. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

12. The surfer takes everything from the big waves. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

13. A surfer before a swim in winter waters on Polzita Beach on January 20. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

14. Surfers near cars parked nearby on a cliff above the beach in Crawl. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

15. Surfers waiting for big waves. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

16. After World War II, surfboards were made using synthetic materials. This made them even easier. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

17. The formation of waves is influenced by the strength and direction of the wind, the shape of the bottom, the tides. Together, these factors form the shape of the wave. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

18. Surfers in the cold Cornish waters. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

19. The most tempting for a professional are pipes. These are the waves that form after the flow of water from deep place on the shallows Crashing against an unexpected obstacle, the waves twist, forming a hollow pipe. For beginners, it is better not to ride in it. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

20. The wave that breaks on the shore is called reform. Having scattered in shallow water, the wave returns to the depth, only to return again. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

22. Modern wetsuits are very light and do not hinder movement. They can be completely closed, or in the form of a short-shirt overalls. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

23. The sun is setting on brave surfers who are not afraid to challenge the cold Cornish waters. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

24. Surfers regardless of the season. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

27. Surfers change clothes after swimming in cold waters. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)

28. Sefingists go home from the beach Crawl. (Getty Images / Matt Cardy)


Surfing in Russia in January.

No matter how skeptical you are about surfing in Russia, it not only exists, but also boldly claims to destroy such a stereotype as " summer look sports". In all regions of our country, the guys did not close the season, but continue to ride.

The waves are beautiful as always.

Anton goes into the water, there is snow on the beach.

The guys from Kamchatka surfed the most north of all in January. Anton Morozov together with photographer Elena Safonova filmed surfing on Khalaktyrsky beach. Here is what Lena writes in the social. networks.

“Yesterday (January 23, ed.) we went to the ocean for the first time this year. We could have done it earlier, but there was no road after snowstorms. The air temperature in the morning was about minus 20 degrees, or maybe less, in neighboring Vilyuchinsk it was minus 27 .Water temperature something around zero."

From my own experience I can say that the coldest thing is not to ride, but to get out of the water. In such a minus, the water on the wetsuit instantly freezes, but the surfer generally finds himself in super cold.

Saves warm clothes, car, food and hot drinks.

Sasha and Vitya

Although Vladivostok is located at the latitude of Sochi, the climate here is different. There is a lot of snow and ice floating in the water. The guys here are also not afraid of the cold and ride among the mini icebergs. A team of surfers Viktor Mikhailyuk, Sasha Gizatulin and photographer Veronika Kragoda set off on January 30 to Russky Island.

Here is what Sasha Gizatulin writes about skating that day.

"Once in the cold winter season, we went ashore, it was strong .... in general, the frost was not so strong) -5. water +1. When entering the water, small ice floes floated near the canal, but they did not become a particular hindrance. 1.5 meter waves and complete absence anyone on the lineup). My friend Victor and I have recently returned from Bali, where the competition on lanap is quite severe)). Here, on our native coast, we, like children, rejoiced that absolutely all the waves were ours."

"After an hour of surfing, the offshore began to inflate and from nearby bays, along the coast, it began with a very fast speed make ice. Within a few tens of minutes, ice slush and pieces of ice floes covered the left side of the bay and the channel turned into a river with icebergs))). Having taken a couple more good waves, it's time to go ashore, so as not to harm your health.
These are the wonderful waves that the Sea of ​​Japan gives us. Peace to all, good waves and take care of yourself."

Falling in such cold waves is a separate experience. This year, after one strong fall, so much water got into my nose that I was sick for another three weeks.

The most ardent surfers are well aware that you can ride the waves at any time of the year. I hope everyone at least imagines how exciting it is to conquer the wave in the summer, it’s not difficult to find out where to go in search of the best wave and what do you need to have? The question arises - is it possible with the same pleasure to swim in winter time? The answer may surprise you, but yes! There are places on the map where the surf season is more popular during the winter months due to the features climatic conditions. But it’s not so easy to prepare for winter surfing…

In our time, there are enough all kinds of neoprene suits, which are unaffected by the January cold, using which you can plunge into the abyss of the pleasure of surfing for a long time without freezing. When buying a wetsuit for the winter, you should carefully consult with a store consultant. But the most difficult test awaits not in the water, but on land, because when you go ashore, you are most exposed to low temperatures. To do this, it is worth preparing everything you need in advance, if you decide to change clothes on land, then you should prepare a place for this, since you need to act quickly. You have to take off your contact lenses and that's it. metal objects, since their conductivity is much higher, and frostbite can occur even from a wet cross. You will have to mentally prepare - this will improve the tolerance of cold, and for people who are hardened, it may even allow you not to feel the frost at all. Also, special mats are a big plus, on which you can put on a wetsuit and change clothes after surfing, we won’t freeze our feet when jumping in a negligee in the snow.

When all your clothes have been removed, in order to protect your body from low temperatures, you should purchase a large towel specially designed for changing clothes. Also, do not forget about the protection of the limbs, you cannot save on such things. Now there are many special boots, gloves and caps that will become part of the wetsuit. Of course the best option, when leaving the water, there will be a ride home, without changing clothes, in your own car, but here you need to take care of seat covers, for the duration of the ride you need to leave the car warmed up. Just getting into the car, do not forget to change slippery shoes for another, more suitable for driving.

And if you still decide to change clothes on a cold beach, then stock up on large-sized clothes that will be easier to pull on, and dress as warmly as possible, even though you don’t feel cold, because your body still has a temperature below the desired one. Winter surfing is quite a risky business, because a simple mistake can cost your life. So go surfing only when you are completely confident in your abilities.

Warm sea, sun, sparkling spray and big waves- the perfect backdrop for surfing. It is a pity that in many regions of the planet the surfing season is not constant - hot months give way to cold ones, periods of showers alternate with dry ones, and complete calm periodically sets in on coasts with a good wave. Fortunately, athletes are not limited in their movements around the world and can choose surf spots depending on their preferences and abilities.

We will consider two options for the direction of surfing: warm countries, to which during frosty winter our athletes and countries where surfing is preferred in cold water.

Winter surfing in warm countries

The farther the region is from Russia and the closer it is to the equator, the warmer it is during the Russian snowy winter. Exactly at following countries beginner surfers and professional athletes go in winter to enjoy the hot sun and warm water.

This South Asian island is located in the Indian Ocean and was formerly known as Ceylon. The subequatorial climate is unusual for us, but it is all the more pleasant and interesting to come to such countries in the winter months, because real summer reigns here: the air in January-February is warmed up to +31 °С, and the water is up to +28 °С.

For surfers, the season from November to April is considered suitable, the waves rise to 3 m. Popular spots on the island of Sri Lanka: Hikkaduwa, Weligama, Galle and others.

One of the most popular holiday destinations in the world. All year round in Thailand there is favorable weather for swimming and surfing, and our winter months here are considered cool, and this air is from +21 ° C to 27 ° C - excellent weather for long outdoor activities and outdoor activities. open water. Famous spots among surfers: Phuket, Samet, Tao, Koh Samui, Chang. Consultation with a surf guide is necessary, as on some coasts and beaches there are Coral reefs which are especially dangerous during low tides.

Recreation and sports in Bali are a little more expensive than in Thailand, this is due not only to remoteness from Europe, but also to the isolation of island life. In Bali, the development of the tourism sector, including sports tourism, is proceeding at a rapid pace. The climate of the island also favors this: mean annual temperature water in the ocean +26 °С.

The season is divided into dry (summer-autumn) and wet (winter-spring). In summer, surfers choose West Coast, and in winter the east (spots Nusa Dua, Sanur, Keramas). Traditionally, tourists flock to Asian countries during the dry season, but in Bali the difference between the seasons is not very noticeable. Even in the rainiest January-February, it rains mostly at night, but at this time there are many fewer tourists, which suits all surfers.

→ South Africa

Here it becomes cool and damp during the summer we are accustomed to. But from September to April, real heat sets in (from +20 ° С to 42 ° С). for Christmas and new year holidays the beaches of South Africa, especially in its large coastal cities - Cape Town (Cape Town), Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth) and others, are filled with thousands of tourists.

The South African months of November-February are quite hot for Europeans, including Russians, but September-October, March-April are quite favorable for surfing. Of the minuses of rest in this country can be called high level crime in major cities and the presence of sharks in the ocean, but their appearance in coastal waters is monitored by rescuers and special forces. services, warning athletes and bathers with red flags.

Winter surfing in cold water

What attracts surfers to the water, the temperature of which is several degrees below comfortable? What makes them wear warm wetsuits, helmets and boots? The answer is obvious - stable strong waves formed due to cold ocean / sea currents or winds, as well as the complete absence of bathers on the coasts and in the water, which cause inconvenience to athletes. Of course, such surfing can only be called winter surfing, because when choosing where to go, athletes look only at countries where the temperature is always positive, albeit significantly lower than usual and comfortable.

A distinctive feature of winter surfing in cold water is the need for equipment, light or warm wetsuits. Even the water temperature of +18 °C already forces you to put on a wetsuit, not to mention +12 + 14 °C.

The Portuguese shores are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, which is practically restless. all year round, which guarantees good or at least good waves at any time. Thanks to constant waves and short distance Portugal is considered the most popular place in Europe for surfing among our citizens (the distance to Lisbon from Moscow is 3900 km, from St. Petersburg 3600 km).

For professional athletes and extreme sports enthusiasts, the value of this area rises sharply in winter. When there is snow in Russia, and water bodies are ice-bound or the water temperature in them is “close to zero”, the ocean pushes waves above 30 m to the Portuguese coast. Such large sharp waves wrapped in pipes are observed from November to February, the water temperature does not rise above +14 °C, which forces you to wear a winter kit: not only a warm wetsuit, but also a helmet, boots, gloves. If desired, you can find spots with a small foamy wave suitable for training on the Portuguese coast, but beginners rarely choose this direction due to low temperatures.

Canary Islands

They are under the jurisdiction of Spain, but much to the south of it. Warmer and mild climate, being in the middle Atlantic Ocean contribute to attracting surfers even in winter. In addition, waves due to undercurrents are present in winter on all coasts of the islands that make up the archipelago - both in Tenerife and in Lanzarote or Gran Canaria. The water temperature at the cold month+ 16 + 18 °С, although in summer the ocean rarely warms up above +20 °С. The air temperature reaches +25 ° C, but for surfing you need to wear at least light wetsuits.

Geographically located between Portugal and Canary Islands, That's why climatic features and conditions for surfing in winter in these countries are similar. The coastline of Morocco stretches for more than 1.8 thousand km, and almost all of it is suitable for surfing and related sports where wind and strong waves are needed.

Surfing in cold water is possible not only abroad, but also in our country. Eastern coasts Russians are suitable for this extreme sport, even in winter. Unfortunately, our surf infrastructure is not yet developed, there are few schools and equipment rentals, but there is no influx of tourists - in Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Primorye (Vladivostok), the beaches are almost deserted. Also all year round they go surfing on the Baltic Sea (Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk). But in Gulf of Finland it is impossible to do this from December to March, but the St. Petersburg surf school WSGS organizes surf trips to any country and point in Russia.

On Black Sea coast surfing is possible only in the winter months, when tourists leave and a sufficient wave rises ( best places- Anapa, Sochi, Crimea).

In Moscow and many Russian cities, surfing has become available in artificial wave pools. Perhaps in the near future, surfers will be allowed to conquer turbulent rivers and streams, as, for example, the Eisbach stream in Munich was opened to surfers.


Surfing is an extreme sport. Unfortunately, we are not always able to prevent injuries and falls. So, when surfing, there are cuts, bruises on the board or stones, collisions with other athletes. If light bruises are enough to be covered with ice, and scratches treated with brilliant green, then more serious injuries often require specialized medical care or consultation of a traumatologist-surgeon. In Russia, our fellow citizens receive medical care through an insurance policy, while in other countries you will have to pay a decent amount for a visit to a doctor or hospitalization, sometimes exceeding the cost of a voucher.

To protect your wallet from such expenses, all athletes traveling abroad or tourists planning to surf are advised to take out international medical insurance that covers the risk of any sports injury. If insurance has not been issued in advance, then when paying for a surfing training course, it is imperative to take out it at least only for the duration of the lesson.

Winter windsurfing is a sailing sport that is able to find a large number of its admirers during the cold season. The basis of activity is skiing on frozen water. Ideally, riding is carried out on pure ice or a very thin layer of snow. Only experienced athletes who understand can safely ride in deep snow.

History of windsurfing

How did people understand that winter windsurfing has its right to exist? Everything began to actively develop in Europe immediately after the onset of the 20th century. In those days, people had handicapped for an exciting pastime, so serious attempts were made to still diversify leisure.

Europeans in the 20th century did not travel along. But they were ready to enjoy skating, which they managed to upgrade into windsurfing. Unfortunately, history has not preserved the name of the one who allowed the use of the sail even in winter. The idea of ​​sports fully corresponded to the trend of that era, because people tried to successfully conquer any trials (snow, strong gusts of wind, cold) and effectively realize the forces that every healthy and active person possesses.

It was in those years that people tested themselves in the following ways:

  • mastering flights in the air on various;
  • carrying out transcontinental trips;
  • making numerous discoveries and inventions.

It is not surprising that people began to learn about windsurfing on ice, which initially meant the opportunity to test the inherent potential and find ways to manifest physical abilities.

Then a special sail appeared, allowing you to enjoy riding in the cold season. It was possible to use a frame made of natural wood, which had a wide bottom and tapered top. A special fabric was stretched over the frame, made in a verified trapezoidal shape. The structure was not attached to anything, so the rider had to hold it by a special crossbar. It is important to note that many Europeans initially loved skiing, but then they successfully obeyed the novelty of the sport and switched to windsurfing. For easy movement, the original shape of the sail was changed to a triangular design, and the athlete could hold and control his direction without problems.

In the middle of the 20th century, a period of trials began in Europe: the war, the post-war period. People had to give up skis with sails. Despite this, winter windsurfing returned to the list of leisure activities in the early 1970s. In addition, windsurfing quickly became separate view sports. The end of the 20th century brought a revival of the beloved sport.

The following regions turned out to be the most popular corners:

  • Leningrad region;
  • Arhangelsk region;
  • The Gulf of Finland;
  • Ladoga lake;
  • Lake Onega;
  • Estonia;
  • White Sea.

It is not surprising that winter windsurfing gained particular fame in Europe, whose inhabitants clearly understood the benefits of such sports activities.

Currently, there are annual championships dedicated to windsurfing and contributing to its popularity.

Getting ready for self-study: choose a board

Which winter windsurf board is suitable for solo practice?

One of the most interesting options is an iceboard, which is as close as possible to. In this case, a skating structure with a reinforced mast is provided. It is important to note that the iceboard appears even in international sports competitions, and the numerous variations of the design deserve special attention. Iceboard is ideal even for training:

  • stability;
  • easy control;
  • the possibility of easy sliding in wind speeds above three meters per second;

Iceboard is a worthy offer for beginners who only plan to test their potential.

What to do if the ice is covered with a layer of snow and iceboarding becomes more difficult? In this case, only a 2-ski design is suitable. It will require a pendant, edging long skiing. If you take care of reliable crepes and boots, you can easily start active skiing. In this case, ice skating acquires additional features, as the requirement for wind strength becomes more pronounced. In addition, it will not be possible to develop very high speed. But fortunately, you can experience high-speed trips on the snow, and not just on the ice surface.

Knowing which winter windsurf board is best suited for practice, it is extremely important to take care to understand clear safety rules.

Features of the upcoming winter skiing

Windsurfing involves high speeds and amazing dynamism. Of course, windsurfing in winter can be spectacular. But at the same time, you need to understand what safety rules it is desirable to take into account.

Windsurfing is a high-speed and dynamic sport

Weather conditions in winter are not always acceptable, so safety requirements become serious. IN without fail need to take care of:

  • helmet;
  • knee pads;
  • glasses.

In some cases, it is necessary to additionally protect the elbows and back. No less important is a warm ski suit, which allows you to forget about any frosts.

Classes are preferably carried out in windy weather and on an ice surface with a thin layer of snow, since only in this case it is possible to successfully control the sail and the direction of the path. It is important to note that the 2-ski design, which has been successfully used for winter sailing, is similar to summer windsurfing: athletes can put their feet behind the articulated part. On a monoski it was impossible!

Windsurfing, which falls in the winter, deserves attention. But it must be known, comprehended!