Dream Interpretation Balloon

In real time, colorful balloons will evoke pleasant childhood memories in adults and cheer up even the saddest kids. But will a dream with such rubber products have a positive interpretation?

As he says modern dream book, a balloon in the sky is a sign of trouble that the dreamer may encounter in the near future. Flying on it is also a symbol of possible difficulties and failures.

It will be possible to determine the specific meaning of sleep if you remember the entire vision scenario.

Universal interpretations of dream books

If you saw a balloon in a dream

Most popular dream books interpret dreams with the presence of balloons as a negative sign. When a person dreams of colorful products, then most likely he will have to face problems at work or in the family. There are also positive meanings of dreams. For example, flying on a ball - to travel. And if it needs to be inflated, then this promises great amount upcoming work.

Dream Interpretations of Practitioners and Mediums

Well-known mediums, practitioners and psychotherapists agree that although the balloon looks solid, there is ordinary air inside it. Such a vision hints at the arrogance and excessive pomposity of a person.

To dream that you are flying in the sky on a ball with a basket - to move, if the flight is long, then the dreamer will leave his native place for a long time. Such a dream scenario is typical for those who have to move to another country.

Miller's comment

Miller's dream book says that the vision reflects the inner fears of the individual. Depending on the location of the dreamer in relation to the subject, the interpretation will also change:

  • Flying on a ball - to an unsuccessful trip.
  • Flight may dream of loss vital energy, overwork. In this case, the solution would be a vacation or at least a few days off.
  • If you need to inflate the rubber product yourself, then this is financial losses. In life, you need to control spending.
  • Why do you have dreams in which there are a lot of small balls? To the accumulation of unresolved issues. All of them are quite insignificant, but in total they can undermine nervous system the most resilient people.

Miller's interpretations assure that if failures fall like snow, then many colored balls guarantee the support of loved ones. With the strong shoulder of a friend, with the help of loved ones, it will be much easier to resolve all the troubles.

If they were colorful

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Medium Miss Hasse analyzes the processes that occur with the dreamer.

  • A ball with a basket - to unfulfilled dreams. Such visions are visited by people who have recently been abandoned by their loved ones.
  • Why watch the flight from the side? The environment does not believe in your strength and does not provide support.
  • A sharp rise is identified with the fact that on given period time the ground goes out from under your feet.
  • Flying alone - you can only solve problems on your own, gathering your will into a fist.
  • If a large ball burst, then eyes will open to the real state of affairs. Although it will be unpleasant, but all the deceptions will come up.

Folk dream books

For all the time of the existence of mankind, who, if not the people themselves, will find the correct interpretation of seemingly benevolent night dreams. So why is the balloon dreaming? Folk explanations say that a vision where many balls fly in the sky promises fun and warm communication with friends. If you had to fly with someone you know, then you will definitely have a like-minded person, a reliable business partner.

Modern dream book

  • A difficult flight, where it is necessary to drop the ballast, will tell you that in reality you should not take full responsibility for yourself. Especially when it comes to matters of material support for the family.
  • If kids have to inflate balloons of bright colors in a dream, then parents need to deal with the problems of children. A frank conversation with the offspring will put everything in its place.
  • A harbinger of scandals, disagreements will be the process of catching inflatable products with your hands.
  • Flying alone - to detachment and melancholy. This type of dream portends depression.

Gypsy dream book

If you flew on it

Interpretations according to the gypsy dream book are not based on the attribute of the holiday itself, but on its content. You need to attach importance to the air with which the product is pumped:

  • If it is hot, then expect financial gain.
  • If you saw the flight of a balloon filled with helium, envious people will not be able to realize their insidious plans.
  • Why see a lot of balls? Expect minor annoyances.

Other interpretations

Flying in a hot air balloon is about saving your inner child. Probably, the dreamer for some time felt a taste of freedom.

A vehicle crash is a loss.

Did you drop the ballast during the flight? Such a dream portends that you will be able to avoid boring work and useless deeds.

If the ball burst, there will be difficulties with the sexual partner.

A stable height is a good sign. Such dreams hint: soon all troubles will be resolved.

IN real life Balloons are always associated with holidays and fun, but what should you expect if they were seen in a dream? Things filled with air are always a sign of emptiness - empty dreams, words, promises. Inflate - deceive. Balloons in a dream signify the collapse of hopes, events that will lead to misfortune. Things at work will not go the way you would like, expect trouble. Seeing a balloon in a dream is a waste of life, you are doing unnecessary things, you worry in vain, you are busy. In the meantime, everything important passes by. Your hopes and dreams will not bring the expected happiness. You need to reconsider your plans for life, it's not too late to change everything.

Fly in a hot air balloon

To rise into the air on a balloon or other vehicle is a sign that career ladder you will move up. Soon your most secret desires will come true, success awaits on the love front. If the balloon is filled with hot air, then in the near future your financial position will strengthen, expect additional profit, a large return on investment.

Even if it’s not you who climbs it, but someone else, to see such a dream is good luck in money matters. But there is also a negative interpretation of such a vision - the planned trip will be unsuccessful, it must be postponed until more prosperous times.

Inflate balloons

Seeing balls flying in the sky is a collapse of hopes, pipe dreams. Hold them in your hands - you have a friend who talks a lot, gossip, do not trust him with your secrets. If you dreamed that someone was inflating the balloons, there will be interpretations here.

    Balloons: a dream book, children inflate - you won’t be able to relax about work, troubles and worries await you.

    Inflate the balloons yourself - self-sufficiency, the dreamer will succeed without outside help. You yourself set goals for yourself and go to them on the right path.

    Balloons in a dream may indicate an illness related to the respiratory tract. Pay attention to the work, the condition of the lungs.

Balloons: dream book - a warning, do not be too gullible. If you have new acquaintances - look at them carefully, they may disappoint. Think carefully about business or personal proposals, do not rush to make a decision. The result of these transactions most likely will not live up to your expectations. You should not plan a grandiose event now - it will be unsuccessful, it may break, burst, efforts will be wasted.

balloons in ordinary life associated with holidays, fun and smiles. However, in a dream they take on a completely different meaning and in most cases personify empty hopes, vain aspirations. Also, this symbol can portend major changes, which will be prompted by the circumstances and details of the dream. This article will answer the question of what balloons dream of.

Despite the fact that most dream books claim that balloons in a dream are a harbinger of unfulfilled hopes, this does not mean at all that the situation is hopeless. There is a chance that you are simply doing something wrong or you simply do not need it.

When interpreting sleep, the most importance has the number of balls. If there were countless of them, then changes can await both on the personal front, and in work and even relationships with people. A favorable dream, which speaks of success in the love field, is a dream in which the balls rapidly flew up. Regarding a career, it is highly likely that long-standing problems will soon be resolved. In addition, such a dream calls for a good rest with friends.

A dream in which balloons were on the ground indicates the dreamer's workload with his thoughts. The interpreter recommends making every effort so that life again shines with bright and interesting colors. Think about what you are missing for this. Perhaps you just need to take a break from work and give yourself quite a bit of time.

Serious troubles at work await the one in whose dream the balls burst. There is a risk that this dream predicts a change of work and all the attendant consequences. It seems that you have established yourself as a not very reliable and responsible employee, for which you will soon have to pay. Despite working moments in your personal life, peace and grace is expected. The main thing is not to hide your feelings from them and share with your family the sore ones.

Did you dream about how children inflate balloons? Most likely, in reality you will have to deal with the problems associated with them. You should be very careful and attentive so that this does not affect in any bad way emotional development your offspring.

Did you inflate them yourself? It means that soon a joyful event will happen in your life. But this is only if they did not burst, because after such a dream it is most likely impossible to avoid monetary losses.

If other adults were engaged in this fascinating business, then you should reconsider your employment. Perhaps among your cases there are those that take too much time and do not bring the desired result. You need to firmly understand for yourself in which area to direct all your efforts and purposefully go towards your goal.

Disappointment promises a dream in which the balls burst one after another. The attitude will change towards people or your own principles, which you have followed for more than one year. There is also a high probability of quarrels with people, which can be avoided if you follow your words and actions. The burst balloon promises that harsh reality will soon land your dreams and hopes. It is also likely that an important matter for you will have an unfavorable outcome.

If you dreamed of a poorly inflated ball, then this indicates problems with persons of the opposite sex. It seems that now in your life is not a very successful period in terms of love relationships.

A dream in which the balls fell to the ground portends a deterioration in mood caused by problems in relationships with loved ones. It is possible that there will be jealousy and distrust. It is important to try to cope with negative emotions and try to calmly deal with all the problems.

Happy love is foreseen in the life of a dreamer who held a bunch of colorful balls in his hands. It is especially good if at the same time you experienced positive emotions and joy. Absolutely opposite meaning in a dream in which the wind carried away balloons.

From childhood, we remember everything: no one can be sad if there is a balloon. The same is true in dreams.

And when their big bundle is in the hand or a scattering of them floating in the sky, the awakening will surely be positive, with a smile. Iridescent and light, like the balloons themselves, the mood will persist even if you try to interpret your visions.

Most of the plots of dreams with them contain a life-affirming meaning. The main thing is to determine in time what the balloon is dreaming of, taking into account different nuances and from what such a dream warns.

Quantity as a hint of quality

This implies, of course, the number of dream balls and the quality of your daily life.

If balloons countless, and they fly, the interpretation may relate to the following areas:

  • personal front. Soaring balls promise success in the love field - a very auspicious dream.
  • Profession. The chances of overcoming long-term unsolvable production tasks will increase.
  • Communication and recreation. If the balls symbolizing in real life direct fun and festive mood overtook you in a dream, then this is a sign that you have not come off your heart for a long time. Enough to wither and lose heart, you should fully communicate, and all minor problems that imperceptibly poison everyday joy will be resolved by themselves.

Ball in hand, or sheer swindle

Inflating a balloon in a dream is a useful activity, the best breathing exercises do not invent. But is it possible to expect a fruitful return from such a dream? And here everything is trivial: depending on how much and with whom.

  • Inflate a lot of balloons with strangers - you are doing unpromising things in reality, you may have taken an unsuccessful project at work or you are wasting your time for someone.
  • They filled the balloons with helium on their own, after which they took off: a dream promises unexpected profit, a bonus. It's time to take the risk of playing the lottery.
  • Inflate the balloons alone one by one - there are a lot of not quite reliable friends in your circle.

Distant relative of the airship

The seen balloon on which they fly, the dream book will also interpret ambiguously:

1. I dreamed of a short flight on it: a good idea will visit to solve the cornerstone problem at that moment.

2. Fly for a long time: a business trip or an unplanned long trip is ahead.

3. Fly, and then get rid of ballast in a balloon - to cure a chronic illness.

Dream interpretation for girls

A girl's dream with the participation of balls carries its own semantic load:

  • You are holding a multi-colored bundle or just experiencing happiness in a dream - happy love!
  • In a dream, a balloon carried away by the breeze - to unrequited love.
  • One or more bursting balloons are dreaming - the harsh reality will land hopes and dreams last days, and maybe even an unsuccessful outcome of the upcoming important event. But you should not be upset right away: first, check the day according to the dream book, maybe the dream is empty.

Freud's dream book

Flying in a balloon, according to the great somnologist, is a disconnect from reality. It is also noteworthy that according to Freud's dream book, a dream with admiring flying balls speaks of a tendency to fantasize and dream willingly and a lot.

In Uncle Sigmund's dream book, the ball is a symbol of flirting and easy relationships.

  • A dreamer who dreamed of an inflated and freely flying ball can be proud of himself: there are no problems with fans (or fans), and there are no plans.
  • Accordingly, a balloon that is weakly inflated or hanging down indicates a malaise in this delicate matter.

Often universal dream book interprets balloons as a warning about the ephemeral nature of hopes and the unfulfillment of hatched long term plans. You don’t need to be especially upset, but it’s worth reviewing and soberly assessing the situation related to important matters.

And then good mood and the desire to fly will be with you for a long time, and not just after sleeping with balloons.
Author: Ekaterina Volkova

In our life, balloons usually represent fun, smiles and celebration. But, as you know, in a dream, everything often takes on a completely different meaning. Interpreters of dreams believe that they are a symbol of empty and unfulfilled hopes. But depending on what other circumstances and details accompanied your dream, it can also indicate important changes in your life, not necessarily hopeless.

When asked why balloons are dreaming, any dream book will most likely answer you - to unfulfilled expectations. But still, you must understand that this does not mean at all that the situation is hopeless. It is possible that some of your plans and hopes lead in the wrong direction or are simply harmful to you.

  • If you dream that someone (or maybe you yourself) is blowing up balloons, then you will do well to check your to-do list. It is possible that you will find those that just take your time, but do not bring significant results. This kind of thing happens quite often. Sometimes, having been inspired to take some action, after a while you may see that the prospects turned out to be false and you most likely will not be able to achieve much success in this case. In this situation, you should not continue to do this business and pay a lot of attention to it, hoping that something will change over time. You should try your hand at another area.
  • Often balloons in a dream can fly in the sky. If you dream about their flight, then luck will smile at you soon. Most likely, an unpleasant situation that tormented you in Lately, miraculously resolved. You will also be successful in solving financial problems, and events in your personal life will make you simply fly with happiness.
  • Dreaming of balls that have fallen to the ground is usually a sign that you should pay attention to jealousy, which can affect your mood. If the balloons in your dream burst, then this means that real events will return your thoughts, which went flying, from heaven to earth - most likely some kind of disappointment or an unsuccessful outcome of events awaits you.

But in any case, when you wake up in the morning, do not rush to grab the dream book with the question “Why did I dream about these balls?”. It is possible that the purpose of the dream that visited you was not to warn you about something at all, but simply to give you a good mood.

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