Nowadays, broadband internet is a general term used to refer to various high-speed connection types.

The term broadband refers to the bandwidth of an internet connection. Broadband in literally means a wide range of frequencies used to transmit and receive data. In the past, Internet access was very slow due to the use of a dial-up connection. In addition to being slow, a dial-up connection also completely occupies the voice telephone line. All these factors have led to the fact that Dial-up has been almost completely replaced by various broadband types of connection.

The term bandwidth, in the case of computer networks and Internet connections, is generally used to refer to the speed of data transfer. The data rate is usually measured in bits per second (bps). In a broadband connection, compared to a dial-up connection, the data transfer speed is very high. Exist different kinds broadband connections that vary in cost, speed and availability.

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

ADSL is the most commonly used broadband connection. Widely used for home users and commercial purposes. ADSL is a digital line that can be used to access the Internet without having to take up the entire telephone line. ADSL operates at 512 kbps or higher. In the case of ADSL, incoming channel has a higher speed than outgoing, which is why the term “asymmetric” appeared.

SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

SDSL is similar to ADSL and differs from it in only one aspect, in the ratio of speed indicators of the incoming and outgoing line. SDSL are characterized by the same speed when downloading and sending data. Home users generally don't need it. But some organizations require a channel with a high throughput rate of the outgoing channel. This type connections are more expensive than conventional ADSL, but in the case of commercial use, these costs are worth it.

Broadband wireless

Wireless internet connection is commonplace today. Notebooks, PDAs and mobile phones, all these devices need a wireless connection. Download speed provided various types wireless broadband Internet access is usually between 128 Kbps and 2 Mbps.

Cable broadband internet

Internet can be accessed via line cable television. Cable TV is currently very popular and is available in almost every little bit of major cities. Cable broadband Internet usually provides speeds from 2 Mbps to 8 Mbps. In terms of popularity, cable Internet successfully competes with ADSL.

Satellite Internet

All forms of broadband connections described above have local restrictions, i.e. they can be used in a very limited area. Satellite communication is the solution to this problem. Satellite Internet can be either one-way or two-way. In satellite Internet, depending on the tariff and type of connection, speeds from 256 Kbps to 2 Mbps are offered. This type of broadband Internet provides less speed than other types of broadband connections. In addition, the weather has a significant impact on the quality of the received signal.

Fiber optic internet

Fiber optic technology is comparatively new technology which converts electrical signals into light signals. The signal is then transmitted over a fiber optic cable.

To build optical access networks, special devices are used, for example, such as stm 4 multiplexers that can operate on 2 single-mode optical fibers. Supports remote network management and upgrades.

Broadband Internet access provides high-speed data transfer that exceeds the maximum possible dial-up connection via modem or regular telephone line. Connection in this case is carried out via fiber-optic, wired or wireless Internet backbones of various types.

Benefits of a high speed connection

The main disadvantage of dial-up access is limited bandwidth. In addition, with this option, Internet connection is fully engaged phone line. A broadband Internet channel increases the speed of data exchange several times and does not require a monopoly on a telephone line.

Broadband Internet is a so-called two-way communication, thanks to which data can be transmitted and received at high speed at the same time. The organization of broadband access makes it possible to use services digital television, means of remote storage of bulk data and sending voice messages (IP-telephony) - free of charge or at very low rates.

Subscribers connected to a high-speed network receive a number of important benefits:

  • the ability to connect to a broadband channel at any point where there is appropriate technical equipment;
  • comfort of working with multimedia applications due to high bandwidth, which makes it easy to play network video content and use other resources;
  • reduction in costs for web surfing, processing of correspondence received on email, as well as the cost of office applications that require a broadband connection;
  • increasing labor productivity in the analysis of marketing and other data;
  • new opportunities for business communication with customers, partners and suppliers (unlimited access to instant messaging programs, applications that support the VoIP protocol, etc.).

Connection options

Broadband Internet connection is becoming more and more popular in the Russian Federation, because the needs of modern users are constantly growing and lead to the need to access a high-speed network.

Two types of connection are possible:

  • Wireless. Does not require cabling. Radio-Ethernet technologies and others are used.
  • Wired (fixed). Traditional wired fiber optic Ethernet connection and others are used.

Wireless and wired broadband Internet access networks provide much more high speed data transmission as opposed to a normal dial-up connection. BUSINESS TELECOM subscribers have access to connection options with various technical parameters.

Communication technologies

ADSL is the most popular broadband connection option and is suitable for both home and commercial use. This is a modern digital connection that allows you to get high-speed access to the Internet without taking up the entire telephone line. ADSL performance reaches 10 Mbps or more.

SDSL has a different ratio of the speed of the receiving and transmitting channels: with this standard, data is sent and downloaded in the same time. Connecting a broadband Internet network using SDSL technology is possible for organizations that need increased bandwidth of the outgoing channel.

It is also not uncommon to provide access to the Internet through a cable TV line. Now cable TV is available in almost any city, and the terms of payment for this service are more than loyal. The speed of a broadband Internet connection averages 5-20 Mbps.

Fiber optic connection - brilliant invention. The main principle of operation of this technology is the conversion of electrical signals into light signals with subsequent transmission via fiber optic cable. An important advantage of this technology is the possibility of remote network management and technology upgrade in accordance with the increasing requirements of the modern user.

How to connect broadband internet?

Specialists of BUSINESS TELECOM provide services of broadband subscriber access to the Internet using the most advanced technologies. Depending on the specifics of the location of the object, we will select for you best option connections in terms of price and specifications.

To connect to the Internet, you must leave a request by phone or online. Then, our specialist will arrive at the object you specified to inspect the premises and study the possibilities of connection. After selection technological solutions And tariff plan we will install all the necessary equipment and lay the network.

We guarantee to all clients high quality and service efficiency. For getting additional information and ordering the services of the company "BUSINESS TELECOM" contact our managers by phone or leave a request on the site.

Get information on tariffs

You may be interested in services

Broadband Internet access is primarily about convenience and speed. It appeared as an alternative to dial-up communication via a telephone line. Of course, even today you can find points to which the Internet is “served” through a telephone line (for example, some payment terminals bank card work via a dial-up connection). However, broadband Internet firmly holds its leadership in the world of modern communications. Providers pull fiber optic communication lines to residential buildings and office centers, broadband Internet connectivity is permeating everywhere, including wirelessly.

Broadband access is mobile and fixed. Fixed broadband access is carried out using wired, fiber optic connections and related technologies, while mobile broadband operates wirelessly using technologies such as 4G, LTE. In addition, broadband Internet "delivers" DVB-T2 digital terrestrial television to our homes.

Digital TV, Mobile Internet, Home Internet. If you are thinking about connecting any of these communication services, then you will first have to choose a provider. Reliable, modern, able to ensure that services meet the latest technical requirements and provide professional technical support to subscribers.

Broadband Internet Wifire is available in the territory of seven federal districts(with the exception of the Crimea and Siberia). You can choose a tariff with a data transfer rate from 50 Mbps to 300 Mbps, as well as purchase or rent a router to connect.

Mobile broadband Internet Wifire Mobile is transmitted using LTE technology, which allows you to provide high throughput Internet connection and fully justifies the description of "high-speed Mobile Internet". Wifire Mobile tariffs vary in terms of the amount of traffic included in them - from 1 GB / month (for users with modest needs for Internet communications) to 36 GB / month (for those who “live” and work on the network).


Wifire TV is state-of-the-art television, another bonus that comes with broadband internet. Wifire TV works wirelessly on any device, be it a Smart TV, a tablet, a smartphone or a regular TV without Wi-Fi support. More than 180 channels for every taste, the ability to connect thematic packages or create your own subscriptions, as well as the profitable Multiscreen service (for connecting 5 devices within one account) and other features will allow you to watch what you like, where it is convenient for you!

Do you want to know what opportunities Wifire broadband Internet access opens up for you? Our consultants will be happy to tell you about it. Just contact us by calling the call center or ask a question online on the site.

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services - in the "tariffs" section or by phone indicated on the site.

Broadband Internet access(abbreviated broadband access) is also called high-speed access, which reflects the essence this term- Internet access at high speed - from 128 kbps and higher. Today, when even 100 Mbps are available to home subscribers, the concept of "high speed" has become subjective, depending on the needs of the user. But the term broadband access was introduced at the time of widespread dial-up access (dial-up), when a connection is established using a modem connected to the public telephone network. This technology supports a maximum speed of 56 kbps. Broadband access involves the use of other technologies that provide significantly higher speeds. However, a connection such as ADSL technology with a data rate of 128 kbps also applies to broadband access.

From the history of broadband technology development

Approximately in the early 2000s. dial-up technology (dial-ap) has been actively replaced by xDSL technologies (ADSL, HDSL, etc.), which provide a significantly higher access speed. For example, ADSL2+ technology allows you to download data from maximum speed 24 Mbps, and give - at a speed of 3.5 Mbps. To obtain access using xDSL technology, a modem and a telephone line are also used, however, unlike dial-up access, the line is not fully occupied, that is, it remains possible to use both the telephone and the Internet at the same time.

Broadband today

Today, broadband Internet access is available on various technologies- both wired and wireless. The former include the xDSL family of technologies, DOCSIS technology (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications - data transmission over TV cable), (data transmission in computer networks using twisted pair cable, optical cable or coaxial cable), family FTTx technologies(fiber to the x - optical fiber to point X) and PLC (Power line communication - data transmission using power lines). As for FTTx, there are two basic varieties, although, in fact, they differ little from each other - (fiber to the building - fiber to the building) and FTTH (fiber to the home - fiber to the house).

Today, wireless Internet access technologies, especially mobile ones, are being actively introduced and developed. Fixed wireless access is provided through satellite Internet, technology and fixed. However, many operators cellular communication and wireless providers offer . develop technologies of the "third generation" () and higher, which include communication standards such as, etc. Mobile WiMAX competes with these technologies. Technology-based services can be expected in the near future newest generation- and (3GPP Long Term Evolution), which provides data transmission up to 173 Mbps for reception and 58 Mbps for upload.

Broadband operators

The largest broadband access operator in Russia is the company "", represented in all regions of the country. Rostelecom, through the acquisition of a number of RTOs (interregional communication companies), provides broadband services using various technologies. According to the analytical agency iKS-Consulting at the end of Q1 2011, Rostelecom occupies 36.1% of the Russian broadband Internet market in the segment of private users. The top three also includes "" (""), with market shares of 9.5% and 8.3%, respectively. These operators provide Internet access both through wired and wireless "third generation" technologies. So, for example, MTS, having acquired the company "", became a major operator of Internet access services using ADSL and ADSL2 + technologies, and. Beeline, in addition to services wireless access and mobile communications, provides the service " Home Internet» using FTTB (fiber to the building) technology.

In fourth place with a market share of broadband access of 7.7% is the operator "", providing Internet access services under the brand "" using FTTB technology. Rounding out the top five Russian market Broadband access company "Akado" with a share of 3.8%. The operator provides Internet access using DOCSIS and Fast Ethernet technologies.

The remaining Russian broadband providers occupy less than half of the market - 34.6% fall to their share.

Penetration of broadband services

According to iKS-Consulting, in the first quarter of 2011 the penetration of broadband Internet access in Russia reached 36%, the number of subscribers in the private segment amounted to 19 million users. But it should be taken into account that in the local markets, local players - for example, providers in St. Petersburg or providers in Moscow - can occupy significant shares, overtaking these large players in the total subscriber base. In St. Petersburg, among such players are: "" (InterZet), "" (brand "", which, however, is now part of Rostelecom), ("SkyNet"), etc. In Moscow, one can mention such companies,.

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