BAKU, Oct 22 - Sputnik. The relevance of terrorism as a phenomenon modern world, is beyond doubt. If the 20th century could be characterized from a political point of view as a century of wars and totalitarianism, then the 21st century already includes the word “terrorism” in its description.

Sputnik Azerbaijan names the eight most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world today:

1. " Islamic state» - on this moment the most powerful terrorist organization in the world. ISIS, operating predominantly in Syria (partially controlling its northeastern territories) and Iraq (partially controlling the territory of the Sunni Triangle), has actually been an unrecognized quasi-state since 2013.

The total area of ​​IS-controlled territory as of 2014 was estimated at 40,000–90,000 km², and the population of this territory, predominantly Sunnis, is 8 million people.

Every month, according to US intelligence agencies, at least 1,000 foreign volunteers join the organization, in addition to mobilizing the population in Iraq and Syria, and the total number of foreigners is at least 16,000. Volunteers from 80 countries of the world work on the side of the organization in Syria and Iraq.

The number of IS militants reaches several tens of thousands of people, they have at their disposal heavy weapons. The group is active in extremist activities and is responsible for many terrorist attacks.

The leader of IS is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

2. Al-Qaeda- one of the largest ultra-radical international terrorist organizations of the Wahhabi direction of Islam. After the bombings of the US embassies in the capitals of Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, Al-Qaeda acquired the status of the No. 1 terrorist organization in the world (there was no IS at that time). Al-Qaeda is responsible for the planning and execution of a number of major terrorist attacks, including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. The chain of events that began with the attack on September 11, 2001 and linked to the activities of al-Qaeda and the measures to suppress it, is known as the War on Terrorism.

Western researchers identify 5 periods in the history of Al-Qaeda: emergence (late 1980s), "wild" period (1990-1996), heyday (1996-2001), periods of existence in the form of a network ( 2001-2005) and fragmentation (after 2005).

3. "Al-Nusra"- The grouping was founded on January 23, 2012 during civil war in Syria. Since then, it has been regarded as one of the most successful among the rebel groups. Designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations.

Syrians are fighting in the ranks of the group, as well as citizens Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon, Turkmenistan, France, Great Britain and other countries. The leaders of the organization plan to attack Israel after the end of the war in Syria.

Nothing is known about the leader of the al-Nusra Front, except that he speaks under the pseudonym "Abu Muhammad al-Julani".

4. Boko Haram The group operates in Nigeria. They kill at least 7 people in every terrorist attack, which puts them third on our list in terms of lethality. Literally, Boko Haram translates as “Western education is prohibited.” The main goal of the organization is the introduction of Sharia throughout Nigeria and the eradication of the Western way of life. Boko Haram chooses its victims based on their degree of separation from Sharia. The organization is responsible for the kidnapping of 200 schoolchildren in June of this year. From June 2009 to July 2014, the number of their victims amounted to 5,000 people. The organization continues its activities to the present, striving to eliminate all forms of education and enlightenment in the world.

5. Taliban- got its name from the word "Talib" - a student of a spiritual educational institution, since the core of the movement was former students of madrasahs (Islamic educational institutions), which were created in Pakistan to educate orphaned children during afghan war 1979-1989

The movement, headed by Mullah Mohammed Omar, proclaimed as its goal the creation of a "truly Islamic" state and was directed against the government of Burhanuddin Rabbani and all the military-political groups of the Afghan Mujahideen, who continuously fought for power after leaving Afghanistan in 1989 Soviet troops.

The center of the Taliban movement became the city of Kandahar in the southeast of Afghanistan

Mohammed Omar's group's first action was to kill a local Mujahideen leader and his men who attacked three women in the city. By "punishing" the Mujahideen as having betrayed the ideas of the Koran, the Taliban increased their authority among the people.

Numerous experts argue that Pakistan has been behind the Taliban as an armed force from the very beginning. According to some reports, direct funding, military training Taliban and supply them modern weapons carried out by the Border Guard Corps and elite units Pakistani paratroopers under General Nasrullah Babar.

The Taliban has been designated a terrorist organization by the UN Security Council.

6. "Al Shabaab"- Al Shabaab has earned a "warm spot" on our list due to its practice of recruiting children into its ranks, working closely with Al-Qaeda and poaching, exterminating tens of thousands of elephants every year. In pursuit of valuable ivory, they kill both animals and their protectors. This group operates in Somalia and monitors the observance of Sharia law in countryside. According to some estimates, about 6,000 people are involved in the organization.

7. "Hizbut-Tahrir al-Islami"(in Arabic - "Islamic Party of Liberation") - a radical Islamist organization, created in Jerusalem in 1953 by the judge of the local Sharia Court of Appeal Takiuddin al-Nabhani. After the death of Nabhani in Lebanese Beirut in 1977, the leadership of the organization passed into the hands of the Palestinian Abdul Kadim Zallum. After the death of Zallum in 2003, the group was also led by the Palestinian Ata Abu Rashta.

Hizbut-Tahrir al-Islami is led by Ata Abu Rashta, who was born in 1943 in the province of Hebron. In 1966, Abu Rashta graduated from Cairo University with a degree in civil engineering. He worked a lot in his specialty and even wrote a book popular in Arab countries on the topic of calculating the amount of materials in the construction of buildings and roads. In the late 60s, he quit his job in his specialty for a career in Hizbut-Tahrir al-Islami.

Hizbut-Tahrir recruits in more than 40 countries around the world, and its ranks can include up to 50,000 people. In Russia, representatives of the organization were most active in the Crimea, the Volga region and the Caucasus.

8. Jaishal-Islam- militants of the terrorist group "Jaysh al-Islam" declared war on Russia in connection with its support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. This is reported by the American newspaper The New York Times. According to the publication, the group made such a statement even before Russian Air Force launched an anti-terrorist operation in the republic.

Jaishal Islam was established in 2012. The coalition also included Liua al-Tawhid, Akhramash-Sham, Ansarash-Sham, Liua al-Haq and Sukurash-Sham. Syrian Islamists were forced to unite by the successes of government forces in the Aleppo region.

The leader of the group is Sheikh ZahranAllush.

Jaishal-Islam includes more than 30 brigades, up to 25-30 thousand people are fighting under its flags in Syria. The group is armed with not only weapon and grenade launchers, but also armored vehicles.

Terrorist organizations never sit still, they are in constant motion and do not have a fixed location. One of the most important principles of such an organization is secrecy. For this reason, only the leaders are always aware of the goals of certain actions and the territory in which they will be taken. Our today's list is an attempt to describe the ten most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, their goals, what made them famous and other interesting information. People often use the term "terrorism" as a general term for violent acts carried out by militants in the Middle East, but they miss the many other organizations that operate in the rest of the world. The most famous terrorist attack to date is the September 11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York, for which al-Qaeda claimed responsibility. To prevent further tragedies, the governments of many countries are trying to do everything possible to curb the unbridled terrorist groups.

10. PKK

The PKK is an abbreviation for the Kurdistan Workers' Party and operates in Turkey. The main reason for their destructive activities is the desire for independence from Turkey, which makes their goals purely political. The radical group arose as a result of for long years oppression of the Kurds. They strive for a socialist political structure and universal gender equality. The organization has been active since 1984 and currently has over 7,000 members. Unfortunately, very often members of the organization resort to violent measures to achieve their goals, as a result of which they were blacklisted by NATO and a number of other countries.

9 Revolutionary Armed Forces Of Colombia

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia is a left-wing rebel group in Colombia, also known as the FARC. And although they are official level not recognized as a terrorist organization, the group was seen in a number of human rights violations and was blacklisted by some countries. The organization has been operating since 1946 and promotes an ideology similar to Marxism, socialism and nationalism. The FARC are involved in drug trafficking, kidnapping, the use of child soldiers, executions and many other illegal activities.

8. Hamas

The Hamas group is an Islamist anti-Semitic movement spreading throughout Palestine. Members of this group support the ideas of neo-Nazism. Many of the actions of Hamas were perceived as war crimes, among which the use of weapons against Israel occurs on an ongoing basis. One of Hamas' worst practices is their habit of using children as human shields and also as suicide bombers. They are notorious for massive violations of human rights and are considered one of the deadliest terrorist organizations active in our time.

7. Al-Shabaab

Al Shabaab earns a spot on our list for its practice of child recruitment, working closely with al-Qaeda, and poaching, slaughtering tens of thousands of elephants every year. In pursuit of valuable ivory, they kill both animals and their protectors. This group operates in Somalia and monitors the observance of Sharia law in rural areas. According to some estimates, about 6,000 people are involved in the organization.

6. Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan, commonly abbreviated as the KKK, is one of the oldest terrorist organizations on our list. Founded in the United States in 1865, the KKK initially promoted the superiority of the white race over the rest and did it in a rather bloody way. Although the KKK has undergone great changes after so many years, its core ideology has remained the same. Currently, about 8,000 people are involved in this organization, for comparison, in 1920 it included 4 million people. However, one cannot deny its enormous influence on the history of mankind and the promotion of racism.

5. Jabhat al Nusra

The Jabhat al Nusra movement was formed in 2012 in response to the Syrian war. It quickly gained momentum and became one of the deadliest in the world. Jabhat al Nusra seeks to restore the Caliphate and return legitimate power to Muhammad's heir. Many note the close connection of this organization with al-Qaeda. The group is known for its rejection of non-Islamic countries and individuals. They regularly train suicide bombers and carry out mass executions of infidels.

4. Taliban

The Taliban use terrorist tactics to achieve their goals of spreading Sharia. In 2012, over 80% of the civilian casualties in Afghanistan were the result of their activities. The Taliban are known for massive human rights abuses, killing civilians, targeted destruction of food supplies, and spreading gender inequality. And although their regime was overthrown in 2001, it quickly recovered and today their ranks include more than 60,000 people. The Taliban are also known for their links to other terrorist organizations.

3. Boko Haram

The Boko Haram group operates in Nigeria. In every terrorist attack they organize, at least 7 people die, which puts them in third place on our list, based on lethality. Literally, Boko Haram translates as “Western education is prohibited.” The main goal of the organization is the introduction of Sharia throughout Nigeria and the eradication of the Western way of life. Boko Haram chooses its victims based on their degree of separation from Sharia. The organization is responsible for the kidnapping of 200 schoolchildren in June of this year. From June 2009 to July 2014, the number of victims was 5,000. The organization continues its activities to this day, seeking to eliminate all forms of education and enlightenment in the world.

2. Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda is synonymous with the September 11 tragedy when the Twin Towers in New York City collapsed. Osama bin Laden became a household name overnight, and although he was assassinated in 2011, al-Qaeda still retained its power and influence. She is currently under the direction of Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian doctor who has a $25 million bounty on his head. At the moment, al-Qaeda has even more power in its hands than under bin Laden. The organization operates primarily in the Middle East. Its population numbers in the thousands. Supporters of al-Qaeda preach the observance of radical Sharia and its promotion through terrorism and other violent methods. The actions of this particular organization unleashed a war with the United States, which led to hundreds of thousands of victims.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is the most active terrorist organization on our list. Formed in 2004, this organization advocates a return to the original interpretation of Islamic texts that promote Sharia and the forcible spread of Islam. Their latest victims include journalist James Foley, as well as numerous acts of executions of women and children. The organization regularly shoots videos of executions and puts them online, instilling fear and horror around the world.

Terrorism is the reality that the whole world must reckon with today, a reality that everyone would like to get rid of. A terrorist is a selfish coward who, through violence and threats, causing fear and pain, demands the realization of his religious, ideological, political or material desires. Usually the victims of terrorists are innocent, unarmed, defenseless citizens of a particular country. They are always engaged in blowing up buildings, vehicles, murders, kidnappings, etc. Such tactics complicate the job of capturing them, and most often the terrorists succeed in carrying out their plans.

The Lord's Resistance Army is a terrorist organization based in Uganda, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo and partly in the territory South Sudan. It is both a terrorist and a cult movement led by Joseph Koni, who is now in hiding. The goal of the organization was to make the state of Uganda free, peaceful and prosperous, but very quickly there was a substitution of concepts and members of the movement engaged in murders, sexual slavery of children, abductions, violence, dismemberment and the recruitment of teenagers into soldiers. Between 2008 and 2011, the group killed more than 2,300 people, maimed thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands in central Africa.

The Revolutionary Army of Colombia was formed during a period of conflict between conservatives and liberals in Colombia. The organization declares its anti-imperialist activities. The group fights for communism, defends poor farmers and fights against privatization natural resources Colombia. To this end, members of the army engage in kidnapping, drug trafficking, illegal mining, extortion, and so on. In many countries, the group is considered a terrorist group, as it is responsible for the numerous bombings in public places, murders and attacks that it deals with in Colombia.

The group consists mainly of activists Islamist organizations that operate along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The main goal of the group is to overthrow the Pakistani government, fight against NATO in Afghanistan, and establish Sharia law in the territory under their control. Today, the leader of the terrorist organization is Maullan Fazlullah, an ardent opponent of the West, Islamabad and a supporter of cruel methods fight. Open cooperation with al-Qaeda enables the organization's activists to openly threaten terrorist acts in Europe and the United States after the death of Osama bin Laden. The Tehreek-e Taliban claim responsibility for the car bombing in Times Square in protest of Britain's involvement in the war in Afghanistan. Activists of the organization are responsible for explosions in the Pakistani offices of the UN, for attacks on military bases in Pakistan.

Lashkare Taiba (LT) is a terrorist organization. Its name means "Army of God". The group is active in Pakistan and India and has a reputation as one of the largest and most militarily professional groups in the region. It dates back to the organization of the paramilitary wing of Jamaat ud-Dawa in the early 20th century. At one time, the organization actively opposed the Soviet troops in Afghanistan. She is responsible for the attack on the Indian Army and civilians. In 2001, the group's activists attacked the Parliament of India, where 12 people were killed. In 2008, activists were responsible for the deaths of 160 people during the riots in Mumbai. In 2006, they attacked a suburban train, where they killed more than 180 people. The main goal of the organization is to establish an Islamic state in South-East Asia under the auspices of Sharia law.

The terrorist organization al-Shabaab was founded in 2006 in East Africa. The main goal of the organization was to confront the combined international military forces in Somalia and form an Islamic government. This terrorist group is well funded mainly from money obtained from extortion and ransom, piracy, illegal trade, tax evasion and money received from sponsors, that is, other terrorist organizations. The grouping mainly operates on the territory of Somalia, Kenya and Uganda, where it is actively pursuing an aggressive policy towards the civilian population, blowing up cars, opening provocative fire and resorting to the services of kamikaze. The most tragic cases for the entire period of the organization's activity can be called the death of 60 civilians in 2013 as a result of a terrorist attack in mall, as well as the death of 148 students in 2015 during an attack on the University of Kenya.

Hezbollah means "Party of Allah" in Arabic. This is a paramilitary group that Lately loses the status of an international terrorist organization, continues its activities in Muslim countries. It was founded in protest against the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon in 1982. The group has ties to many terrorist organizations and is involved in bombing embassies, hostage-taking, and the killing of innocent people in Lebanon and Israel. Today, Hezbollah activists are represented in the government and in the Cabinet of Ministers of Lebanon.

Boko Haram, a particularly vicious terrorist organization, is based in West Africa and has close ties to al-Qaeda. Like all terrorist organizations, it is engaged in kidnappings, blowing up buildings, killing innocent civilians, promoting and establishing sharia law. The group actively opposes Western education. Translated from Arabic, it sounds like "Western education is a sin." The organization's founder, Mohammed Yusuf, is responsible for the group's most brutal atrocities, including the kidnapping of 200 Nigerian schoolgirls and the killing of more than 5,000 people between 2009 and 2014.

The Taliban was founded by Mullah Mohammed Omar in 1994. At one time, she collaborated with the United States in the war against the USSR in Afghanistan. In the period from 1996 to 2001, the leader of the organization headed the government of Afghanistan. Today the Taliban is one of the most brutal terrorist organizations in the world. The group exists on money received from human trafficking, drugs and extortion. Activists are responsible for unprecedented killings of civilians in the name of jihad, including a senseless horrific attack on a school in northern Pakistan in which more than 120 students and teachers were killed. The organization is notorious for such crimes against humanity as ethnic cleansing and rape of women.

ISIS is an acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. This mass, one of the most violent groups, operates in Iraq, Syria, Palestine and most of the Middle East. The extremist Sunni group consists of several organizations operating in South Asia, Nigeria and Libya. Its representatives are part of the Islamist governments of many Muslim countries, it has more than 80,000 members around the world. The group is known for its exceptional cruelty, even towards children. The group's activists kill innocent people, engage in physical and sexual violence, especially against non-Muslims.

Without a doubt, Al-Qaeda is considered the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world. The main goal of the terrorist group is the idea of ​​uniting all Muslims in the world under the auspices of jihad and preaching Sharia law. The founder of the organization was Osama Bin Laden, the number one terrorist who was killed by a US task force in 2011. Al-Qaeda is known for its most massive terrorist attacks in terms of the number of victims, including the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States, when 3,000 people were killed. The group's activists blow themselves up in the most crowded places where there are Christians, and especially Americans, whom the organization considers their worst enemies.

The biggest threat to any country can come from dangerous terrorists. Many examples of this, such as the September 11 attacks , November 26 in Mumbai, suicide bombings, car bombings and so on, prove this statement.

Terrorists are involved in the seizure of people's property and hostages. Most of these terrorist groups are located in Pakistan, Afghanistan and on the borders of Iran and Iraq. Due to the many negative consequences, governments are taking steps to combat these problems at home. early stage. Despite their efforts, some terrorists continue to pose a threat to humanity and the world.

Most people believe that after the death of Osama bin Laden (he was the biggest terrorist in the world), terrorism came to an end. But this is belied by the continuation of bombings and terrorist attacks around the world even after his death. Explosions involving suicide bombers happen in Afghanistan and Kabul almost every day.

Ayman al-Zawahiri

Ayman al-Zawahiri was a great scientist and grew up in a family of doctors. He was born in Egypt and graduated from Cairo University. He firmly adheres to Islamic ideas and theology. He met Osama bin Laden in 1986 during a visit to Peshawar. Later, he joined the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization and organized various terrorist attacks in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. He was believed to have been Osama bin Laden's successor after the latter's death. Now he leads al-Qaeda terrorist operations around the world. On June 19, he turned 62 years old. It was reported that he directs all the attacks from the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. If you have any information that could lead to the location of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the US government will pay you $25 million, the highest reward ever.

Khalili Sheikh Mohammed

Khalili Sheikh Mohammed was born in Kuwait and is a member of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda . Before the 9/11 attacks, he smuggled explosives and blew up several gas stations and rocks. He was one of the organizers of the September 11 attacks. After the attack, he was arrested. One of the investigators in the case of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in prison said that the terrorist did not say anything during the interrogation. The CIA used various means such as waterboarding (about 183 times), causing him to feel shame in front of other officials, and other physical methods of treatment. Neither of them got a word out of him. Finally, the CIA kept him awake for 180 hours (5 ½ days). This helped to extract information from him about future terrorist attacks planned on US soil.

Dawood Ibrahim

Dawood Ibrahim is the only Indian on this list of dangerous terrorists. He was born in Maharashtra in 1955 and, interestingly, was the son of a police constable. He assembled a gang that dealt organized crime, smuggling, illegal trade. His gang was called Company D. He ran it from the United Emirates. He also had control over the hawala system, which is used to transfer money illegally into the country. He was responsible for the 1993 Mumbai bombing and is also believed to be behind the November 26 attacks. Now it seems "Don" has moved on to illegal betting activities. He has been reported to only bet if he is confident in the outcome of the match.

Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri

Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri is a citizen of Saudi Arabia, and one of the 16 most significant detainees. He joined al-Qaeda in 1988 and rose to the position of team leader on missions in the Gulf region. He is considered the organizer of the attack on destroyer"Cole" in 2000 and he was convicted for it. He was arrested by the Saudi government in 2002. The CIA publicly announced that he was one of three prisoners who went through waterboarding during interrogation.

Ahmed Khalifan Ghailani

Ahmed Khalifan Ghailani was one of the most important participants in the preparations for the 9/11 attacks. Born in Tanzania in 1974, he was an itinerant preacher who brought him to Pakistan through this occupation. He was responsible for the embassy attacks in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998. Then during the attack on the Twin Towers, he was one of the conspirators. He was arrested by the US government in Pakistan after the attack. He insisted on his stance of innocence and claimed that he was tortured by the CIA. But his argument was not accepted, and he was found guilty of all charges. He was sentenced to life in prison. Later in 2009, he was transferred from Guantanamo to a new prison in New York.

Abu Zubaiyadh

Abu Zubaiyadh was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. After the attack, he was arrested in Pakistan and then moved to American prison. He was the first terrorist to be tortured during interrogations. He was reported to have been Osama bin Laden's second-in-command and was on assignment to recruit and train bombing candidates. Then in 2006 he was transferred to Gauntanamo Prison. In September 2009, the US government acknowledged that Abu Zubaiyadh was never part of al-Qaeda, in contradiction to the commission's 9/11 report in 2002.

Riduan Isamudin

Riduan Isamudin, also known as Hambali, was born in Indonesia. As a teenager, he joined an Indonesian terrorist group, the Jemaah Islamiyah, and traveled to Afghanistan to fight against the invading Soviet troops in 1987. He was reportedly in command of al-Qaeda operations in Southeast Asia. Therefore, he was also known as Osama bin Laden of Southeast Asia. Other reports indicate that he was also an independent partner. His dream was to create a Muslim state and govern it. But the fact is that he is the link between al-Qaeda and the Jemaah Islamiyah, an organization that was already well known. He was arrested in 2009 by the Indonesian government.

Walid bin Attachash

Walid bin Attash is a resident of Pakistan, he served as Osama bin Laden's bodyguard. He is believed to be the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, and was arrested by the FBI after the attack. He was also involved in the 1988 attack on US embassies in East Africa. In addition, he trained hijackers who were then assigned to the Twin Towers. In 2006, he was transferred to Guantanamo Bay along with 13 other high-profile detainees.

Ramzi Binal al-Shibh

Ramzi Binal al-Shibh - his homeland is Yemen. Like any other child, he had a normal school life. In 1997, he applied for a German visa and got it. After living in Germany for two years, he made contact with al-Qaeda through his roommate Mohammad Atta. Then in 1999, he was trained by al-Qaeda and was one of those selected to carry out the November 26 attack. After the attack, the FBI recognized him as one of the 20 terrorists who carried out the operation, he was detained on September 20, 2002. He has been imprisoned since 2002.

Majid Khan

Among the most dangerous terrorists, Majid Khan was the only legal resident of the United States. Prior to joining the terrorist group, he served as an administrator in the Maryland government office. It has been said that the death of his mother and his visit to Pakistan after her death turned him into a religious fanatic. Then he became actively involved in the life of the Islamic traditional group. He and his family were arrested in Pakistan in 2003 by security agents for espionage, assassination and assassination. A few days later, all members of his family were released. It was reported that he was transferred from the FBI prison in Guantanamo Bay in 2006. Now he is in a military prison.

The federal law "On the fight against terrorism" (N 130-FZ of July 25, 1998) gave the following definition:

terrorist organization - an organization created for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities or recognizing the possibility of using terrorism in its activities. An organization is recognized as terrorist if at least one of its structural subdivisions carries out terrorist activities with the knowledge of at least one of them. governing bodies this organization

The Federal Law “On Combating Terrorism” (No. 35-FZ of March 6, 2006), adopted instead, redefines a terrorist organization:

1. In Russian Federation the creation and activities of organizations whose goals or actions are aimed at promoting, justifying and supporting terrorism or committing crimes under Articles 205-206, 208, 211, 277-280, 282.1, 282.2 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are prohibited.

2. An organization is recognized as a terrorist organization and is subject to liquidation (its activities are prohibited) by a court decision on the basis of an application by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation or a prosecutor subordinate to him if, on behalf of or in the interests of the organization, the organization, preparation and commission of crimes provided for in Articles 205- 206, 208, 211, 277-280, 282.1, 282.2 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as if these actions are carried out by a person who controls the implementation of the organization's rights and obligations. The court decision on the liquidation of the organization (prohibition of its activities) applies to regional and other structural units organizations.

The titles of the listed articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 205. Terrorism

Article 205.1. Involvement in the commission of crimes of a terrorist nature or other assistance in their commission

Article 206. Hostage-taking

Article 208. Organization of an illegal armed formation or participation in it

Article 211

Article 277. Encroachment on the life of a state or public figure

Article 278. Forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power

Article 279. Armed rebellion

Article 280

Article 282.1. Organization of an extremist community

Article 282.2. Organization of activities of an extremist organization

Article 360. Attack on persons or institutions enjoying international protection

Organizations designated as terrorist in Russia

Decision Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on February 14, 2003, 15 organizations were recognized as terrorist, and their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are prohibited (the last two organizations were included in the list later - see below):

  • "The Supreme Military Majlisul Shura of the Joint Forces of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus",
  • "Congress of the Peoples of Ichkeria and Dagestan",
  • "Asbat al-Ansar"
  • "Holy War" ("Al-Jihad" or "Egyptian Islamic Jihad"),
  • "Islamic group" ("Al-Gamaa al-Islamiya"),
  • "Lashkar-i-Taiba",
  • ("Islamic group"),
  • "Islamic Party of Turkestan" (former "Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan"),
  • "Society for the Revival of Islamic Heritage" ("Jamiat Ihya at-Turaz al-Islami"),
  • "House of the Two Holy Places" ("Al-Haramain")
  • "Islamic Jihad - Mujahideen Jamaat".

New law (2006) provides for regular official publication Federal Service security of the Russian Federation a list of organizations recognized Russian courts terrorist.

Unified federal lists of organizations, including foreign and international organizations recognized by the courts of the Russian Federation as terrorist, in accordance with the order Russian government (, will be published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

In the first such publication (July 19, 2006), the original list of 15 organizations is increased by two more organizations:

  • "Jund ash-Sham" (Greater Syria army)
  • "Islamic Jihad - Mujahideen Jamaat"

Organizations designated as terrorist in the United States

A list of foreign terrorist organizations is regularly compiled and published by the US Department of State.

The list, published on October 11, 2005, includes 42 organizations (in the order of the English original):

1. Abu Nidal Organization (Palestine)

2. Abu Sayyaf Group (Philippines)

3. Brigades of al-Aqsa Martyrs (Palestine)

4. Ansar al-Islam (Iraqi Kurdistan)

5. Armed Islamic group (Algeria)

6. Asbat al-Ansar (Lebanon)

9. Communist Party of the Philippines / New People's Army (Philippines)

10. Irish Republican Continuity Army (Continuity IRA) (Northern Ireland)

11. Gamaa Islamia (Egypt)

12. Hamas (Palestine)

13. Harakkat ul-Mujahideen (Pakistan)

15. Islamic Jihad

16. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)

17. Jaish-e-Mohammed (Pakistan)

32. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command

33. Al-Qaeda (Pakistan)

34. Real Irish Republican Army (Northern Ireland)

35. Revolutionary Armed forces Colombia