Fashion on coniferous trees and the desire to beautify the landscape makes homeowners think about the question of whether it is possible to plant spruce on suburban area. Terrible omens of folk signs explain why it is impossible to plant Christmas trees on a personal plot or near the house.

Modern esoteric experts claim that spruce takes energy only in warm time year, and in the cold - gives

In fairness, it should be noted that negative superstitions about a New Year's tree planted in the yard were invented in regions where spruce trees do not grow at all. But since bad omens do exist, you should familiarize yourself with them before deciding whether to plant a Christmas tree in the yard.

Spruce near the house

The Christmas tree "brings" the dead - this superstition appeared due to the tradition of using spruce paws for burials. The branches of an evergreen tree were wrapped around the body of the deceased, covered the yard and the grave with them, and made wreaths out of them.

The ancient Slavs believed that it was impossible to plant a spruce near the house, because a woman would remain lonely or childless, and at best, she would only be able to give birth to daughters.

Similar superstitions were prevalent in different countries Europe. The most famous belief associated with the Christmas tree appeared in Finland. The first colonists planted a spruce near Lake Keitele. They recognized this tree as a symbol of good luck. The first fruits of the new harvest were brought to its foot, and only after that they were consumed.

This beautiful legend has a sad component: when a branch dried up on a Christmas tree, one of the very first colonists went to another world. When the spruce dried up completely and fell, the last old woman died, one of the first who came to develop new territories.

Only the descendants of the first settlers continued to live. And representatives of the older generation left this world along with the tree, which symbolized their luck, abundance and vitality. But the Finns consider all types of evergreen trees a symbol of immortality, they attribute divine power to coniferous plants.

Among other peoples, spruce was also considered sacred tree, which establishes a connection between the two worlds (Yavu and Navu). In Karelia, it is customary to confess spruce, and in Komi, spruce paws are brought to a dying sorcerer so that he tells everything to the tree and calmly leaves the world.

Why you can not plant spruce in the yard

Spruces were considered gloomy trees that take away happiness and vitality from residents - this is an important reason why you should not plant a Christmas tree near the house. There is a saying: “It’s good to have fun under a birch, and hang yourself under a Christmas tree.” This saying does not go well with New Year's signs.

The saying, most likely, is about a large accumulation of fir trees, when the sun's rays do not penetrate under their branches, and nothing grows at the foot of the trees except fly agarics.

Elka is a “husband”, she escorts men out of the house. And it makes it difficult for a lonely person to find a “soul mate”

Modern esoteric experts claim that spruce takes energy only in the warm season, and gives it back in the cold. Therefore, for those who do not tolerate cold well, it is recommended to walk among the Christmas trees.

Bad omens:

  • When the spruce becomes taller than the person who planted it, he will be in trouble.
  • As soon as the tree outgrows the building next to which it is planted, the owner of the house will have global problems.
  • Owner land plot not good if the tree dries up or dies for other reasons.
  • Anyone who cuts down or destroys the Christmas tree is in danger of damage to the lower extremities.
  • Spruce will “suck” all the joy out of the residents of the building, they will be unhappy.
  • In the house next to the Christmas tree, bad energy reigns, people drink too much, thoughts of suicide are possible.
  • Elka is a “husband”, she escorts men out of the house. And it makes it difficult for a lonely person to find a “soul mate”.
  • In a young family, only girls will be born next to the spruce, you can’t even dream of a newborn boy. And this is in the event that the spouses do not quarrel and do not disperse.

The above is enough to prevent even the thought of planting a forest beauty in the immediate vicinity of her “mansion”. But there are reasons why people plant Christmas trees on their plot and in front of the house:

  1. Lush crown pleases with fresh greenery all year round.
  2. The aroma of pine needles, which intensifies after rain, is not only pleasant, but also helps to cure diseases of the respiratory organs and the nervous system.
  3. For a successful year, new year's eve it is recommended to dance around the Christmas tree growing in the ground.
  4. His appearance spruce gives the landscape solemnity, which means it attracts wealth.

Location on

How to get around the signs, if you really want to land what you bought on New Year a Christmas tree in a pot with roots? Follow a few guidelines:

  • You can plant a tree on the very edge of the site, close to the fence, next to the road.
  • Choose undersized varieties of coniferous plants - in this case, no bad omens will work.
  • Plant spruce at least 5 meters away from nearby buildings.
  • Keep a supply of water near the tree.

Carefully plan plantings on the site, in the future it will be impossible to transplant the Christmas tree to another place. According to signs, it is impossible to cut a healthy tree so as not to break the natural energy connections.

And keep in mind that spruce will not tolerate any green spaces next to it. It grows slowly for the first 10-15 years, and then grows by one meter per year.

Tree - a healer relieves depression, increases immunity

Is it possible to plant a pine tree on the site - signs

Different types of coniferous trees differ in their energy. It is recommended to plant juniper near the house. But the pine in the minds of the people is very similar to spruce. According to superstitions, it is not advisable to grow pine in a summer cottage. It is believed that she will convey negativity to her surroundings.

Pine is a solitary tree. It can convey to a person the energy of loneliness. According to folk omens about planting this variety coniferous plants near the dwelling, the family will collapse, a divorce is possible, and a lonely person will not arrange his fate, will not find a mate.

However, spruce is a “yin” tree, and pine is “yang”, respectively energy properties they have different. Pine conveys its inner joy to people, helps to quickly get out of a spiritual crisis, it is easier to endure troubles.

Positive properties of pine:

  1. Wood - a healer relieves depression, increases immunity.
  2. The energy of pine is close in strength to the work of the heart vascular system. It has a beneficial effect on the human biofield, nourishes it, eliminates all kinds of blocks and clamps that make people sick.
  3. The evergreen tree radiates calmness and sublimity, helps to restrain a violent temperament, and suppresses aggression. It will not allow you to make a mistake at the moment of making a responsible decision.
  4. Pine branches have long been used in magic to cleanse the human soul from the influence of otherworldly forces.
  5. Pine is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Pine is most favorably related to spiritualized creative people(such as poets, artists, musicians). But there is an opinion that you need to benefit from a pine growing in the forest, and not near the house.

The opportunity to plant a Christmas tree on your own plot, enjoy the bright greenery and the aroma of pine needles all year round puzzles people with the question of whether it is possible to plant a Christmas tree in the courtyard of the house, or is it better to refrain from doing so. Helping you make the right decision folk wisdom, but signs, alas, speak negatively about the growth of fir trees near human habitation.

It is believed that planting a spruce - Bad sign. This can be heard from residents of villages and private sectors, who believe that there is no place for a Christmas tree in the yard and near the house. Whether this is so and what this sign is connected with, we will tell below.

Signs were collected by our ancestors, noticing what was happening around the events that led to one or another result. Most of these beliefs have come down to us in their original form and are still working. There are signs about almost everything that surrounds us: about animals, about plants, about the weather, about the house, about love, money, health, and so on.

And if the logic of some of them is obvious - if you spilled salt, then you will cry soon, then some of the signs are frankly surprising.

The bad omen about the Christmas tree on the site was no exception. It is worth noting that it is common in those regions where spruce is a rare guest. In areas with spruce forests, there is no such belief.

Almost everyone knows that planting a spruce is a bad omen for death, loneliness, childlessness, or the birth of only daughters. If this tree, planted near the house, dies, gets sick or is struck by lightning, one of the owners of the house can soon die. During a thunderstorm in the old days they never looked for shelter under a spruce, they chose a birch, however, there are also a lot of bad signs about it.

Similar superstitions were found not only among the Slavs, but also in Europe. So, one of the most famous examples of folklore associated with spruce is the legend of a tree planted by the first colonists near Lake Keitele in Finland. This spruce was considered a symbol of good luck, the first fruits of the harvest were brought to it, and only after that they were served on the table.

According to legend, every time one branch withered on a tree, one of the first colonists died. And then the tree fell, and after that the last surviving old woman died, who was one of the first to come to develop new territories. After the fall of the spruce, only the descendants of the colonists survived. The latter went to the world of the dead along with the tree, which symbolized their luck, harvest and vitality.

Bad omen - Christmas tree on the site

So, why is spruce on the site a bad omen? There is a belief in the villages that spruce should not be planted in the yard, next to the house. It is believed that as soon as the spruce becomes higher than the roof, death will happen in the family. According to another variation, when the spruce grew taller than the person who planted it, he died.

Read more in the article about trees that can be planted near the house

There is another interpretation of the relatively bad omen of a Christmas tree on the site. There is a belief that a spruce planted near the house will not allow the owners of the site to successfully marry or marry, and couples get divorced. According to this superstition, spruce is considered the tree of loneliness.

Another variation of this interpretation suggests that spruce drives men out of the house.
And at the house of a young family, they were not advised to plant Christmas trees, as this could deprive them of their heirs.

Another meaning suggests that the spruce brings the dead, since earlier the bodies of the dead were wrapped around with spruce branches.

In addition, there is a belief that spruce is a kind of energetic vampire.
However, esotericists say that this tree is in summer time actively absorbs energy, and in winter, on the contrary, shares it. Therefore, more often walk in spruce forest recommended for people who are intolerant winter time of the year.

The following proverb can also be called a reflection of signs:

In a pine forest - to pray, in a birch forest - to have fun, and in a spruce forest - to hang.

Christmas tree in the yard is a bad omen: explanations of scientists

When asked why it is impossible to plant Christmas trees on the site - the omen is bad, historians give other arguments. The fact is that houses in Rus' were built of wood, and the spruce, which was planted next to the house, could quickly catch fire from the slightest spark. In this case, the fire quickly passed to the house. The tree could have set the entire village on fire.

In addition, do not forget that a single tree often attracts lightning, which can also cause a fire.

And the third reason for dislike for spruces in Rus' was that this evergreen plant has a very dense crown. Consequently, when the spruce outgrew a low peasant house with a chimney, strong wind in the hut it was possible to burn.

From this point of view, the sign is quite logical. However, now houses, firstly, are not built of wood, and secondly, most of the private ones are two or three floors high. Therefore, the sign cannot be called "working".

And here is what cultural experts write:

For the peoples of the Finno-Ugric language group, a tree is an intermediary between the world of people and the world of the dead, the lower world of ancestors. The Karelians had a custom of confession to a tree. At the Upper Vychegodsk Komi, a fir tree was brought to a dying sorcerer, before which he confessed and died without torment.
Coniferous trees were endowed with special sacredness - spruce, pine, juniper, fir, cedar, etc. They symbolized eternal life, immortality, were the receptacle of the divine life force, had a cult significance
Dronova T.I. Earthly existence - as preparation for the afterlife

So, we see how our ancestors collected signs, on the basis of which they believed in certain properties of spruce.

Meanwhile, in our time, spruce is a symbol of the New Year, and many plant trees in the yard, so that later in winter they can dance around it. And how to imagine a plot in a country house or a private house without trees?

It is interesting that now not only ordinary spruce is planted in the plots, but also fir, which is also considered the tree of the dead, helping souls find their way after death. Canadian spruces are also popular, about which our ancestors have no signs at all.

Whether to follow the sign or not is a personal matter for everyone. Trusting this or that sign, it is important to remember the psychological aspect.

With the help of signs, a person shifts responsibility for what is happening to a tree growing in the yard, a tit knocking on the window, a crow croaking, spilled salt.

For some, this is a variant of working with grief, in this way a person tries to survive the tragedy that has occurred, the death of a loved one. In more "light" cases, the psyche conveniently shifts responsibility for what is happening to signs so as not to face an unpleasant reality that requires an even more unpleasant decision.

It's no secret that thoughts materialize. And if, for example, when you see black tulips and remember that they are unfortunate, you constantly think about it, you will easily attract this misfortune.

This does not mean that our ancestors were superstitious and possessed absolutely cave thinking. No, their wisdom is still relevant today. Simply, remembering this or that sign, think about how it corresponds to our time. Believe in the magical and the unknown, but do not forget about the adequacy.

Spruce in the yard - a bad omen or fiction and superstition? - all the secrets on the site

Do you want reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then use the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed down from generation to generation in ancient Rus'. Break the cycle of failure by learning about better defense working towards your perfection. Read on our website about the choice of amulets, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of the magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally, the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman - attracts positive energy, and the amulet - protects from negative.

You will need

  • 2-year-old tree seedling with an earthy ball
  • organic fertilizers
  • Shovel
  • Mulch: dry sawdust
  • Abundant watering
  • sand drainage
  • Stake and twine


Select a strong and healthy tree seedling at two years of age. Look for him in a large nursery with a good reputation. It is also good to have a familiar gardener or forester - they will dig a small Christmas tree out of the ground with you. In our latitudes, ordinary Christmas trees, and prickly, and Canadian ones take root.

Tie down sapling to the peg with a soft rope in the form of a figure eight. Water the seedling abundantly, mulch the soil around the trunk with humus, peat, hay or other natural material so that moisture evaporates less.

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It is important to remember that spruce prickly blue - it's not independent spruce ny species, and one of the subspecies of the prickly spruce familiar to everyone - a tree with green needles. Green, greenish-blue and blue-gray shoots can hatch from seeds. The richer the blue hue a seedling has, the more valuable it is. About 15 percent of all planted seeds are bright blue.

Any gardener would like to plant something original on his site. And to plant not for the season, but so that the new green pet settles down in its place and pleases the eye for many years. This also applies to all kinds of spruce. This coniferous beauty is not so often seen on plots - people do not dare to plant it, either because of a small area where it will look strange, or because of superstition. However, those who have already done so assure that planting spruce was the right decision. For those who doubt or seriously plan to acquire a thorny and fragrant tree on their hundred square meters, we will tell you how to securely plant.

Simplicity and beauty (video)

In fact, planting a Christmas tree on your site is hardly more difficult than any other tree. It is only important to follow the rules and do everything with love, then the result will come. Not only that, with proper care, the spruce will grow into a real beauty, but with its aroma, it will purify the air of toxins and microbes, making your stay in the summer cottage even more pleasant. This will especially please those who like to walk in the forests, but do not have the opportunity to get there often.

Christmas tree under the snow in winter. So what do you think? At least for the sake of this it is worth planting this green joy on the site

For this method, we need a two-year-old tree seedling, organic fertilizers, dry as mulch, sand as drainage material, stake and rope. There is no point in mentioning a shovel and a watering can - this should be the default.

Landing method

So let's get started:

  1. First you need to find a two-year-old tree sapling. The easiest way is where the business is put on a grand scale, and the reputation is impeccable. Usually large nurseries with many years of experience are just the right place to buy. If you do not want to spend money on a seedling, but among your friends or acquaintances there are gardeners or foresters, ask them for help - they will tell you where it is better to look for and dig out a tree of interest. And the forester will also dig it out himself, observing all the rules.

Fortunately, spruce is a rather unpretentious plant, and in our latitudes it is possible to grow both ordinary spruce and Canadian, blue and others.

  1. When buying or digging, a seedling should be with an earthen clod. A plant with a root system in a container is just what you need. If the roots are freed from the soil, check them - the white tips indicate that everything is in order with the plant.
  2. End of April - beginning of May - best time for planting spruce. At this time, her kidneys are still in a dormant state, and the tree will endure the transplant process much easier. Also, spruces are often planted in late August - early September, when their roots are actively growing.

There is an opinion that it is better to plant blue spruce in winter for the best adaptation of its root system to a new place, however, the time given in this article is suitable for transplanting any type of spruce, be it blue, Canadian or any other.

  1. A pit for planting a seedling needs to be prepared in another two weeks. For a two-year-old seedling, it is usually a meter deep and 60-70cm in diameter. Pour a mixture of compost and humus into the pit along with bone meal and needles. Mineral fertilizers many gardeners recommend making it in the spring, when the tree is already well rooted.
  2. Place a seedling on top of the fertile soil poured into the pit. The root ball should fit freely in the hole. It is recommended to carefully spread the roots before backfilling the earth. Before backfilling, the tree is slightly raised and the pit is covered with earth. It is important to tamp the earth with high quality, so that when it settles and compacts, the seedling does not settle with it. The root neck of the seedling should always be at ground level.
  3. After the Christmas tree is planted, it is recommended to dig a peg next to it and tie the plant to it. Around the seedling, you need to create an earthen roller and fill the interior with sawdust. The Christmas tree needs to be well watered - this is done not only to quench the thirst of the plant, but also to get rid of air cavities in the ground after planting.

Although the planted Christmas tree needs a lot of moisture, you should not overdo it - if the earth is clay, it should be mixed with sand or simply drained from the sand so that the water does not stagnate in the roots.

How to water and care

If in the first weeks after planting the spruce needs abundant watering, then in winter the situation is different - mother nature will do everything for you. In summer, the Christmas tree needs to be watered like any other plant, especially in hot, dry weather.

The height of the tree can be limited according to your desire.. This is done due to the impact on its top. The upper shoots are twisted as they arise, and the entire stock nutrients distributed over the remaining crown. So the Christmas tree will be slender and fluffy and will stop dropping needles from the lower branches.

Just like other conifers, spruce can be cut to your liking if you want to achieve an unusual shape.

Subtleties of transplant

If you want to shade some part of the site - it is better to eat, you are unlikely to be able to find anything

There are some interesting points to consider when planting a Christmas tree on your site:

If the spruce is small, decorative, it can be planted not far from the house. But if we are talking about common spruce, then you need to remember about its superficial root system, which will take moisture from other plants. Such a tree is best planted outside the site. However, if you want to see the Christmas tree closer to home, you will have to cut its roots every year;

If you want to increase the chance of survival of a tree, then when digging it in the forest, orient yourself to the cardinal points and, in accordance with them, plant spruce in your area.

One way to get a Christmas tree on the site is to dig it out in the forest, the main thing is to do it carefully

Place to land

Before choosing a landing site, discuss this issue with your neighbors. Spruce will grow over time and should be at a safe distance from the neighbor's house and not cause inconvenience to anyone.

Try to locate the spruce away from the house, unless of course it is a low-growing variety that performs decorative tasks on the site. An ordinary Christmas tree is a solid tree, it grows in its place up to 250-300 years and can grow up to 20 meters in height. Given that this tree is one of the windfall trees, largely due to its superficial root system, a planting site should be chosen no closer than twenty meters from the house.

The coniferous beauty loves illuminated places, so in an open space, fully illuminated by the sun, she will show herself in all her glory. However, this can play a trick on other plants that may fall into her shadow. Therefore, when choosing a place, carefully consider such trifles as the direction of the sun and the location of the tree relative to other fruit and vegetable crops.

Canadian spruce

How quickly and well the seedling will take root on the site will depend on your actions and efforts. But the quality of the planting material is also important, as well as climatic conditions and how fertile the soil (it should be slightly acidic or have a neutral reaction) at the landing site. If all the conditions are met, a new green inhabitant will appear on your site, who will delight you with its needles and a pleasant forest aroma for many years.