heartache, suffering - every person experienced this torment. Resentment from betrayal, betrayal, injustice, grief, longing - all these feelings are associated with pain that cannot be relieved with the help of medicines.

Unfortunately, many people, seeking to get away from the pain that torments them, find themselves in the trap of addictions. This applies to alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction.

Running away from problems is for the weak. Sounds trite, but it's true. Most people who tend not to take responsibility for their lives, looking for the cause of failures and mental discomfort from the outside, cannot survive the slightest pain and do everything not to feel it, which only aggravates the situation.

On the other hand, mental pain pushes creative people to create masterpieces, for example, the most beautiful poems are written precisely in a state of mental anguish, looking for a way out.

What to do when the soul hurts?

Let's consider several possible situations when torment arises, and try to understand how spiritual wounds can be healed.

Hidden Benefit

Psychological work dealing with a problem begins with identifying its cause. If you associate with people who constantly "hit" possible, you will not need psychotherapy. It will be enough to change your environment. But if you deliberately find yourself next to such people over and over again, it makes sense to think about why you need it. What pushes you to such "self-torture"? Is there any hidden benefit for you in this?

It often causes severe mental pain. In this case, the treatment will be useless as long as there is a need to achieve hidden goals. In order to identify them and review them.


Another common cause of mental pain is a prolonged experience, for example, from a person or from a loss. close relative.

In these cases, the help of a psychologist is often necessary, but the person himself can take steps to get rid of the problem.

First, you don't need to fuel your memories by looking at pictures of people who have passed away or listening to sad music. Secondly, try to switch your attention to new activities, do what you like the most, and most importantly, do not be alone.

When experiencing grief, there is a period when you need to endure acute pain, let it go. A psychotherapist can help with this. If you are unable to forget the deceased person, try to mentally talk to him and say goodbye. Left alone, light a candle, think about the one who left, let him go internally, having made the decision to continue living. Very often, such a choice requires real courage.

bodily tension

Any phenomena of our consciousness, one way or another, are manifested at the bodily level. Acute mental pain leads to the appearance of areas of tension in the body, or muscle clamps. For example, a hunched, tense back, “hardened” shoulders, clenched jaws. Such manifestations are the result of restraint. Movement frees the body, returns life to it, and, as a result, mental pain ceases to be unbearable, it “dissolves” and gradually disappears. Try to move more, walk, play sports, even if at first it will be difficult for you to force yourself to devote time to this. This will help you deal with the pain.

Working with restraint

We often hear: "Do not keep grief in yourself, speak out, it will become easier for you." It really is. At the initial stage, a person needs to release negative emotions and share experiences with loved ones. If there is no one to talk to, you can do a simple job: take a piece of paper and write on it what worries you, torments you, what hurts your soul. If you write sincerely and do not hold back, you will quickly feel relief. This work is useful in that it helps to better understand oneself, and the experiences brought out to the outside no longer seem so terrible and insurmountable. By the way, after completion of the work, it is recommended to destroy the leaflet. For example, it can be burned. This symbolic action will help you let go of negative emotions.


Mental pain can also be caused by the experience of defeat in a matter that is very important for a person. In this case, the memories come back again and again, a feeling of shame arises, thoughts about what should have been done are tormented. Similar state of mind will be cured if a person finds the cause of his defeat and builds a different course of action. It is necessary to stop self-digging and understand what led to failure, and what qualities you need to change in yourself in order to avoid this in the future.

In general, the psychology of experiencing is built on looking for support in your mind, and only then work with feelings. is the master of himself and his life, which allows him to experience negative emotions without being captured by them. In addition, having learned to think and build our lives correctly, we begin to work for the future, excluding the appearance of mental pain and developing resistance to a variety of life circumstances.

Heartache allows you to gain new experience and maturity. The main thing is not to be afraid to live in the present in its entirety, rejoicing, sad, suffering, learning lessons and achieving new victories. After all, we all came into this world to experience the fullness of being, and not to hide in a cocoon of experiences. Think about it, you can live and continuously move forward, or you can “live”, that is, stay in place while life passes by. The choice is yours.

Breakups are part of our lives, people break up for various reasons. One of the hardest experiences is parting with loved ones. Sometimes even the strongest and most strong-willed people cannot bear it and do not know how to forget the person you love.

After all, until recently there was a feeling that this person was there forever, and life was presented only with him. At such moments, it seems that this is a temporary discord, it will pass and everything will work out. Maybe this is a temporary pause, not a break? But how to understand: this is the end of a relationship or a necessary pause in order to realize that it is simply impossible to live without each other. How not to make a mistake? After all, it is at such moments that a feeling of resentment, misunderstanding, overwhelms, great amount heartache. At such moments, you want to disappear, hide from everything that happens, forget like a bad dream. I want to get rid of resentment, pain as soon as possible and replace this pain with something or someone. But doubts arise in my head: what if this is just a misunderstanding and everything will work out? After all, there was a stormy, crazy love ... What if, in a fit of emotions, you make a mistake and then you will regret it all your life?

Be reasonable, do not make decisions in a fit of emotions, but do not console yourself with unnecessary illusions, assess the situation sensibly. After all, the wrong decision can lead to new problems. If you already understand that the past relationship cannot be returned, have firmly decided to get rid of the past, then do it to the end.

How to get over the pain of a breakup

It always hurts a lot when you remember a loved one. Try not to return to those memories when your loved one or loved one was there. The mind will constantly bring you back to the past, it is not ready to accept what happened. Your mind in such situations becomes a monster, tormenting you again and again, returning you to the past, tormenting you with doubts, filling you with resentment, blinding with anger. Therefore, in order not to provoke the mind, get rid of everything that reminds you of a person. Remove photos, delete his phone number, messages, hide away his gifts.

Time always heals, and after a few months you will look at things differently. Any souvenir can become a bright memory of the pleasant moments that once were. But it is up to you to decide whether to get rid of everything forever or just put it in a distant box.

How to deal with the pain of a breakup

Let yourself cry. There is no need to hide tears: through tears, emotional pain comes out. Don't be ashamed of it, it hurts you and you have a right to it. Allow yourself to experience with all your might, let all the pain that fills you come out with tears. But try to do it alone with yourself or work with a specialist, because any friend who sympathizes with you, girlfriend, resonates with you, intensifies this pain, and does not reduce it. Of course, you need to be with someone, but try not to sow your pain, the "harvest" will then return to you. Try not to let yourself call or write ex boyfriend Or a girl like that. Allow yourself to cry with all your heart, a day or two, maybe a week, but in no case do not let this state become your everyday, for many months.

We cried, but worried - and that's enough, stop!

After all, there are reasons for everything. If the breakup happened through your fault, realize what you made a mistake, and do not repeat this in the future. If the breakup was due to the fault of your partner and he does not want to see, realize his mistakes, then he is not yet ready for a serious relationship or his character, ego, do not suit you.

The next few days should be spent under the motto: "I pull myself together." Control yourself! Any life experience makes a person stronger. You have already given yourself time to experience, and now it's time to gather strength and understand that you are strong and wonderful person! Of course, more than once you will feel a lump in your throat, but remember: when you break up, you lose your relationship with the person, but not yourself, you have yourself. So not everything is lost, although at such moments it seems that you have lost yourself. The time will come when a person worthy of you will appear in your life.

There is nothing in life that will be with you for life, except for yourself. All things, people in due time come and someday leave your life. Accept it. You need to try not to let the desire (to be together at all costs) take over you if it is no longer possible.

Sport burns emotional pain

Physical activity helps to get rid of emotional pain, experiences. There are three main sources of energy in a person: the soul, physical body and mind. Each of them produces and uses a certain type of energy for its own purposes, but when one of the sources weakens for some reason, our body can take part of the energy from another source. But it also happens that one of the sources goes haywire. It turns out an overabundance of some kind of energy. In such cases, you can redistribute excess energy (strong emotion is also energy). If you are not familiar with the techniques for managing your energy flows, you can use an easier way. Burn energy in a public way, that is, physical activity.

Keep in mind that the body first uses its energy, and when you have already chosen the energy that is stored in the body for instant expenditure, only then will your body begin to look for all available sources of energy. This usually starts to happen after 30-40 minutes of active load. If you are not a trained athlete, by this time you will start to get tired. Emotional energy will start to burn out when your body is tired and it seems that the muscles can no longer work - it is at this moment that what you started it for happens. And the longer you load the body, the easier it will be emotionally for you later. One time is enough for someone, someone will need a week or two to load themselves. It all depends on how strong your brain is, how much emotional energy it has generated.

There are other techniques and ways to work with emotional pain. There are a lot of working techniques on the Internet, you can choose any of them for yourself.

  • Technique of working with one's own energy - "How to get rid of resentment."
  • Technique - "Tell it like it is."
  • Technique - "Write a letter."
  • Breathing from "heartache".
  • The EFT technique is an emotional freedom technique.

Emotional pain comes from our ego

The human ego creates certain conditions in which our mind begins to generate emotional energies. It is these energies that hurt us, or rather, they themselves are emotional pain. They arise because of the dissonance of reality with the desires of our ego. You should also know that when the ego provokes, for example, resentment, the mind begins to generate the emotion of resentment. At this moment, the soul and body begin to resonate, the grievances of the past wake up, usually every person has experiences of grievances in the past, so they begin to resonate, intensifying the experience.

To avoid pain, we need to harmonize our ego with our life, or learn to control our mind. Don't let it generate what we don't want to experience. To some extent, both options can be used for yourself. You just need to understand how and learn how to do it.

But for now, the mind brings you back to the memories of your loved one again and again. Any thing, word, event or even song can throw your mind into memories and experiences. In such situations, it is important to learn to keep the mind calm, and the re-education of the ego is the next stage of work.

Energy connections with a person

People, coming into contact with each other, include energy connections. And the denser, emotionally brighter and longer the contact, the stronger these ties. For example, energy connections through chakras are used in love spells. Such connections, like the ego, provoke the mind to generate experiences. Any person (whether he is a psychic or not) feels such connections, just not everyone is aware of them. You can be aware of the emotional pain that these connections bring, but not be aware of the connection itself, not see it.

Many people can manage their mind if they know how to handle it correctly. But with energy connections it is already more difficult, here you need the intervention of an empath or a parapsychologist.

Energy connections after a breakup work in two directions.

  • First. They energetically and emotionally exhaust both those in this connection.
  • Second. They act like narcotic substance that strikes the will of man. In practice, the energy connection is very reminiscent of the presence of a person nearby, as if the person you are trying to forget is always next to you, in the same room, although he can be anywhere at this time, even in another city. Such connections often provoke the mind to new emotions, and this can continue indefinitely. Trying to get rid of them, not knowing how to do it, you can only strengthen them.

Probably, many will agree that any work should be done by a specialist who knows what and how to do it. Energy ties a person who sees, feels them, an empath (this is a psychic who can feel the feelings, emotions of people and work with them), a parapsychologist can neutralize. By removing such connections, we exclude another source of provocation for the mind, uncontrolled dependence on a person is removed. Everything else, if desired, everyone can do himself.

Of course, emotional experiences are of varying degrees and neglect, sometimes a person exhausts himself so much that he is no longer able to do something on his own, to search for and select some techniques for himself. In such cases, it is better to contact specialists. A parapsychologist will be able to choose the right technique for you, remove the accumulated negativity, restore and harmonize your field without using magic. Do not bring yourself to complete exhaustion, the longer you pull, the more difficult and longer the recovery process.

A person experiences mental pain for various reasons. Some lose loved ones, others part with a loved one. It is not always possible to suppress sadness and start with clean slate. Healing spiritual wounds takes time, effort and permanent job above oneself. A depressed state often results in a prolonged depression, so it is important to find a balance in time so as not to aggravate the situation.

Unleash your feelings

Do not ignore the fact that sadness is pulling you deeper. The heart hurts, but the soul cries, this is normal. Turn on the hot shower and cry, beat the mattress, scream, just don't keep it all to yourself. Try to find a balance that makes you feel as comfortable as possible.

Do not fake smile, pretending that everything is fine. Also, you do not need to constantly think about what happened, provoking a nervous breakdown. Home meditation or yoga classes will help you find harmony. These directions are created for the healing of the soul and solitude with one's own "I".

In cases where the above methods do not fit, create a "sanctuary" in your apartment. Arrange a cozy corner, hang pastel-colored curtains, buy soft pillows. Obviously, at first you won’t want to go outside for a long time, but you shouldn’t delay it. When tears roll over again, return to your cozy corner, brew a mug green tea with honey and close your eyes.

Control your actions and mind

It is not uncommon for a person to experience mental pain and remain in it for for a long time. Try to find a way out so as not to drown in despair. It's one thing if you decide to wait a week to cope with the torment, another thing - when you fell into a prolonged depression.

During heart suffering, each of us goes through certain stages on the path to healing (grief, anger, indifference, anxiety, fear and humility). Analyze your own actions, think about what helps you move forward.

Perhaps the transition from sadness to dissatisfaction was carried out with the help of physical exertion or constant employment at work. When motivation is found, use it to move on to the rest of the stages up to accepting what happened.

There are no such people who are able to do without social communication. Relatives and friends will always support you, fill the void with advice or words of regret. Invite a friend over, cook a delicious dinner or order pizza at home, turn on interesting film on a neutral topic. Speak out, ask what she would do in your place, listen to good advice.

Get in the habit of having these get-togethers every night over a cup of tea or delicious ice cream. Do not drink alcohol, even in small quantities. Under the influence of alcohol, strong emotions will rush in, which you definitely won’t be able to cope with.

If communication with people is not suitable, get a diary. Conduct a frank dialogue in it, transfer all the pain and accumulated torment to paper. When the time comes and you can let go of what happened, you will need to burn the written sheets and move on to a new stage.

Would you like to keep a diary? It's okay, get a pet. You should not buy a dog if you are not ready for such a serious step. Choose a parrot (preferably a talking one), a cat or fish. The new inhabitant will give strength, because he needs attention, affection and communication. Focus on your pet, take care of it, put all your love and strength into it.

Take away material memories

If you have lost loved one, do not throw away his things, it will be mean. Collect them in a box, carefully place them in the far corner of the cabinet. Restore everything to its place when the pain subsides. If you broke up with a loved one who broke your heart with his own actions, get rid of the "evidence" forever. Take personal items, shaving accessories, photo frames to the trash. Delete pictures from PC and phone, erase the number.

If not all items make you remember what happened, sort it. Take the thing in your hand and pay attention to the first associations. Wall collage makes you cry? Remove and dispose of it. Does the smell of perfume drive you crazy? Remove from sight. Bed sheets does not cause negative feelings? Leave. Repeat the steps for each item that misleads you.

Take a break from what's happening

Pick up the book you've been dreaming of reading for a long time. start watching new series or find a hobby. Sign up for a dance class, take a trial class of stretching, Pilates or yoga. Call your friends, invite them to bowling, water park or picnic. Try to spend as little time as possible alone, communicate with interesting people.

If professional employment involves a continuous workflow, go into business with your head. Upgrade your skills or learn a new specialty. visit distant relatives Go on a field trip every weekend.

Well, if there are opportunities to go abroad. It is not necessary to buy expensive tours for 2 weeks, a three-day trip to the sea or to countries with a large concentration of attractions will be enough.

When a person begins to fantasize or imagine good moments, it automatically heals. There is nothing wrong with dreams, visualize everything to the smallest detail. Imagine swimming in the sea or driving a car you just bought.

Carve out 15-20 minutes a day for a flight of fancy. During a short stay in the virtual world, the border with reality is erased, existing problems become less important.

Turn on your favorite music, get in a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Experts have repeatedly proven that music therapy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves mood. The endorphins released fight stress and smooth out the difficult perception of reality. After 5 sessions, the attitude to what is happening changes, forces appear for new achievements.

Avoid sad memories

You have already got rid of things that can remind you of what happened. At this stage, it is necessary to suppress the negative memories that bring you to the original state. An ordinary song played that day, or a walk in familiar places, can provoke new stress.

It is not forbidden to think about what happened, but thoughts should be directed in a positive direction. If you notice that sadness is about to set in, switch to something neutral or cheerful. Go for a walk where you have not been before, go to a river or lake.

Time will pass, you will learn to live with it, you can easily switch from a once painful topic to completely opposite things. Now it seems to you that it will not get better, but it is not. Soon events will remain in the past, and you will find the strength to move on.

It is impossible to survive the heartache without changing yourself. Change the situation in the apartment, do redecorating, rearrange the furniture. If you do not want to be in this home, move to a new house or another city.

Pay attention to appearance

Get your hair, face, figure in order. Go shopping and buy beautiful things that fit perfectly. Find an extreme hobby, go swimming or learn how to snowboard.

Do not shave your head, beat tattoos or paint in bright colors. Leave such changes for later. Meet new people, spend more time with them. Such a move will not allow every half an hour to discuss the unfortunate events that have occurred.

Develop materially and enrich spiritually

Master the literature on sociology, history, psychology or business. Find a profitable job, set a goal and move forward to achieve it. In order not to relax, make a bet with your friends.

Do not keep emotions in your head, in such cases, the risk of depression is likely. Invite friends to visit, talk, spend time having heartfelt conversations. Watch thoughts and actions, do not impose memories by force. Step back, find an interesting business, go to visit relatives or friends.

Video: how to overcome heartache

We know how the head, stomach, injured finger and other organs and parts of our body hurt. Defining the concept of mental pain is much more difficult, because it is not completely clear what the soul is, and how you can feel that it hurts. However, emotional pain can often be much more dangerous than physical pain, which is why it's important to know how to deal with emotional pain.

Let's talk about what causes mental pain, what feelings and emotions a person experiences at the same time, why it is sometimes more difficult to endure these sensations than to endure physical pain. We also denote milestones living these feelings and ways to ease a person’s mental anguish, helping to cope with them faster and easier.

What is heartache and why does it occur?

The obvious reasons for the birth of unpleasant emotional experiences are partings or the final loss of people close and significant to a person, life failures in a professional or creative way, serious conflicts, defeats.

However, according to statistics, a huge percentage also suffers from other mental disorders. successful people, perfectly realizing themselves in social and family terms. What's the matter? Or, as the people say, are they mad with fat?

Disappointment, loss of significance, meaning of ongoing events can occur at any stage life path each person. Initially, it was the loss of faith in the importance of what is happening, whether it Nobel Prize, the birth of a son or ruin, embezzlement multi-million dollar fortune, gives rise to emptiness and pain in the human soul.

The discrepancy between reality and expectations lies in wait for us equally on a happy path, when everything goes very well, and when nothing happens, no matter what we undertake. Achieved goal gives rise inside a person to exactly the same question as the one that has not been reached - “Is that all? What's next?"

The happiest, most dizzying love, the highest jump, the deepest dive does not please us forever. Why, they rarely please us for more than a few moments. Happiness is replaced by spiritual emptiness and the pain of one's own imperfection. To then be replaced by new aspirations and joys. That is life.

Causes of being stuck in a state of mental pain

The percentage of those suffering from depression (and we are talking about official statistics, that is, only about those who officially apply for help) is growing every year. People are less and less engaged in heavy physical labor (which is an excellent antidote for this disease, by the way - physical fatigue does not allow mental fatigue to set in). We have more and more time for self-reflection, fewer unmet needs.

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Many live in a state of internal unconscious dissatisfaction for years. The human psyche has two main ways to process emotional experiences - splash them out or drive them in, into the subconscious.

Since most of us were not taught to live our experiences correctly, remember from childhood: “Mashenka, good girls they don’t get angry and don’t shout”, “Petya, real men don’t cry”, “Katya, it’s not good, ugly to laugh so loudly” - a huge number of people simply suppress resentment, anger, pain from separation.

But they don't disappear. These feelings accumulate within you for years if you do not allow them to leave your soul and body. You get stuck in a state of extreme mental pain without even knowing it.

What is the danger of mental pain, especially not conscious

The American physician Elizabeth Kulber-Ross developed a special psychological technique for people suffering from incurable diseases. It is aimed at helping the patient accept what is happening to him as inevitable. This method has spread widely over time and is used today in many psychotherapeutic practices.

These are the five stages of the emotional experience of heartache: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Experts around the world agree that you cannot overcome the pain of losing someone you love until you have consistently fully experienced the full range of emotions in each of these stages.

It takes a lot of time and emotional strength. It is believed that the period of residence of separation or death native person lasts from a year to two years or more, depending on your psychophysiological characteristics.

You must allow yourself to feel anger at the person who left you, then all the pain from his absence next to you, all the fears and feelings associated with him. If you skip any of the stages, in consequence you will subconsciously return to it again and again, plunging into negative experiences.

Do not poison yourself by indulging again and again in pleasant and unpleasant memories of the person who left you. Allow yourself to be sad for as long as you need it, but at the same time try to be distracted, get new positive emotions. Find occasions for small joys every day, learn to focus on positive pleasant things.


Coping with heartache is an essential life skill, as each person faces both loss and disappointment along the way. Remember the need to feel it completely, and not to suppress and drive it into the depths of your subconscious, from where it will be difficult to get it even for a qualified specialist.

Our life continues until the last breath, and it is a real miracle and a gift, despite all the difficulties and losses that we will get along with it. You can survive everything, and use what happened to you as a threat to your peace of mind but as an opportunity that makes you stronger, wiser and more experienced.

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Mental pain is a discomfort that a person feels inside himself, but it is not interconnected with any organ. Therefore, there is no cure for this disorder.

The severity of unpleasant sensations is different for all people, as well as reactions to a spiritual wound. Some, corny, reduce torment with the help of alcoholic beverages, while others run away from reality on the Internet.

How to cope with mental pain with minimal consequences for the psychological and physical health, a specialist psychotherapist will tell you. However, not everyone will go to the doctor for help, trying to solve the problem on their own. Thus, only exacerbating the situation.

Development mechanism

Mental pain is an emotional reaction of a person to a negative change that has appeared in his usual way of life. Most often, it is preceded by a significant loss - the death of a loved one, betrayal or loss of social status.

A rapidly emerging negative emotion, in its assessment, is regarded by a person as a significant experience for him - a deep emotional feeling. It has great importance for the full formation of personality, being a significant link in psychological activity.

Most experts attribute mental suffering to subjective sensations. However, modern research made it possible to refute this statement - in the images obtained with the help of magnetic resonance imaging, foci of activation in the limbic system of the brain are clearly visible, as a response to the inflicted moral trauma.

In addition, severe mental pain can be perceived by a person as psychogenic - felt by him on a physical level. For example, pain impulses in the region of the heart, head, abdomen. Relationships with somatic pathologies cannot be established, nor can they be confirmed by instrumental examinations. Therefore, no medicines unable to cope with mental anguish. Only a highly qualified psychotherapist can help.


Mental anguish can also appear for other reasons:

  • a constant feeling of fear - living in a family with an accentuated personality prone to physical violence;
  • long-term restrained emotions of anger - a highly paid job under the guidance of a personally hostile management, when the "tyrant boss" gives directly contradictory instructions, demanding to perform such a volume of duties that is beyond the power of one person, as a result, and is formed in conjunction with mental suffering;
  • deficiency in the body of certain chemical substances- neurotransmitters, which can be expressed by hyperexcitation of brain structures, depletion of their ability to compensate;
  • a failure in the activity of the endocrine organs, provoking the constant production of anxiety and stress hormones - hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma;
  • self-looping a person on his own troubles - looking at photographs of a deceased close relative, returning to memories of happy moments in the past;
  • subconsciously existing need for benefits - mental pain serves only as a mask for the selfish motives of a person, the desire to receive from others wealth or heightened attention in response to the displayed anguish of the soul.

To put everything in its place - to establish the true causes of deteriorating well-being and suggest how to get rid of mental pain, only a competent psychotherapist can do.

Pain in the soul can also occur due to parting with a loved one. : recommendations of a psychiatrist.


Many people describe their negative emotions and worries as follows: emotional pain for them is an unpleasant, intense feeling of constant longing and excruciating inner suffering.

At the peak of psychological discomfort, physical disorders may even appear - asthenia with persistent dizziness, migraines, palpitations and nausea, or sleep disturbance, lack of appetite.

In some people, the emotional pain from love, or rather its loss, can even exceed in severity and intensity the sensations from a burn, injury, or broken leg. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is necessary to hide one's feelings from others, to maintain a "social face".

Hidden internal processes can result in the following somatic signs and physiological symptoms:

  • feeling of pressure in the chest;
  • fossil somewhere in the area chest, heads;
  • unpleasant constant burning, coldness in the chest;
  • stitching, pressing impulses in the heart;
  • discomfort, spasms in the intestines - the upper or lower abdomen, at a certain point;
  • the constant presence of nausea - rolls in waves or is felt every minute;
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system - slowing of the pulse - bradycardia, or its increase - tachycardia, fluctuations in blood pressure parameters.

However, the physical manifestations of mental anguish, especially if they are not so clearly demonstrated, may not be noticed by others, while emotional manifestations are more clearly monitored. Depression, depressed mood, apathy, anxiety, lack of interest in all ongoing events, "stiffness", "numbness".

Sometimes the sensations are so exotic that they can already be perceived as signs of emerging psychopathy - the heart was torn out of the chest, everything inside was torn and bled.

How to deal with pain in the soul on your own

Since people are socially dependent beings, most often pain in the soul arises due to a break in relations with a loved one. Emotional distress can be so intense that it affects performance internal organs- hearts, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.

Emotional experiences go through several stages, each of which will have its own emotions. Heartache after parting with a loved one begins with a stage of denial - unwillingness to understand that the relationship is over. This is expressed in a constant return to thoughts about the beloved and the desire to see him.

Since the meetings do not take place, the emotions move to the next stage - resentment and hatred. The abandoned half strives to throw out the pain of failure, taking revenge on everyone accessible ways. Such actions bring relief, but only for a short time. And only then comes the stage of accepting the gap, when emotional experiences lose their intensity, decrease.

To speed up the process of psychological recovery after breaking up with a loved one, experts have developed several recommendations on how to relieve mental pain at home:

  • switch to other activities - do charity work, join a circle of interests;
    more often visit art exhibitions, film premieres with friends;
  • accept the breakup as a fact and end the relationship, getting rid of all things that may remind you of past events;
  • start visiting a fitness center, swimming pool, gym - exercise stress helps not only to relieve nervous tension, but also gives a feeling of joy, self-satisfaction;
  • to restore past relationships with old friends and go to visit them - communication with once familiar, but forgotten people, learning new events in their lives, all this helps to distract and survive spiritual discomfort.

There is no single scheme for how to survive mental pain - each person has to experience various methods and methods of dealing with the torments of the soul, choosing the best option for yourself.

If mental suffering has arisen in a particular person, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation and your own feelings, find out what could have caused them. So, family grief - the loss of a loved one, divorce, a serious illness, require a certain time interval to adapt to new circumstances. There is no need to rush or push yourself.

Lacking special skills, many people, having listened to the advice of outsiders, try to expel mental discomfort from themselves, constantly remembering unpleasant events, “sprinkling salt” on the wounds of the soul.

Daily dramatization only exacerbates the disorder, and does not relieve the torment. Subsequently, it takes much more time and effort to overcome mental anguish - it’s better to just speak out once and try to accept the event in your life as it is.

Someone simply exaggerates their own suffering - fights with "windmills". Whereas after a reassessment of what is happening, one can understand that the troubles are completely solvable. They are only a part of the complex mechanism of the universe and, against the background of the movement of the planets in space, they are not at all significant for humanity. By minimizing your own troubles, they are much easier to deal with.

It is imperative to believe in your own strengths, in the possibility that you will be able to “make friends” with the problem and overcome it. By taking the time to carefully study the situation - together with best friend, a psychotherapist, having understood what exactly can be done, a person thereby already takes steps for his spiritual recovery.

Another direction in the fight against mental discord is to reconsider your lifestyle. Active physical work helps to break out of the bottomless abyss of melancholy and depression - to carry out long-planned repairs in the apartment, to start attending yoga classes, swimming pool. Attention should also be paid to the diet - to enrich it with vegetables and fruits, useful microelements and vitamins. Sleep is an equally important component of health. It takes about 8-9 hours for the brain to have the opportunity to calm down and process everyday events.

Helping the soul overcome discord is within the power of every person. It is only necessary to set such a goal for yourself, as well as listen to the opinion of experts in this field.