Actor Dmitry Maryanov passed away on Sunday. The man died at the age of 47. The cause of death was a detached blood clot. Colleagues and friends leave words of condolences to his widow Ksenia Bik. Maryanov met his chosen one about seven years ago, but the couple's wedding took place only in 2015. However, before that he had many stormy romances with others. famous women. "StarHit" recalls all the hobbies of the actor.

Before Maryanov met Ksenia, he had five civil wives. First not official wife the actor was Tanya Skorokhodova. They met while studying at the Shchukin school. The couple lived together in a hostel for three years. However, conflicts often arose between them, since Dmitry liked to drink with friends. Tatyana really wanted to marry the chosen one, but after a while her patience ended. The separation of the couple was very painful.

“Despite what happened in the past, Dima and I continued to communicate. He visited our house in Irkutsk when he came here on tour, he knows my husband. Dima knew how warmly I treat him. Last time we called up in the spring, he was on such a rise, he said: “I have lost weight, I am actively involved in sports, there are a lot of plans!” - Skorokhodova told reporters a few hours after the news of the death of the actor.

Maryanov always liked spectacular girls. In the mid-90s, he met the bright fashion model Olga Anosova, who worked at the Fashion House on Kuznetsky Most. In a relationship with Dmitry, the model had a son, Daniel. A few months after the baby was born, Maryanov stopped spending the night at home. Tired of such a life, Olga broke up with the father of the child.

“I will always be eternally grateful to Dima. He gave me the most important thing in life - a child. We have maintained very warm friendly relations. And we even consult with each other about our second halves, ”Anosova said in an interview.

The third chosen one of Dmitry was the actress Evgenia Hirivskaya-Brik. The couple dated for about five years, but the actor never asked her to marry. Presumably, the couple broke up due to the fact that Valery Todorovsky appeared in Brik's life, who was very persistent and serious about the girl.

There was talk in the press that Maryanov changes women every three years. The next hobby of the actor was the dancer Olga Silaenkova. The girl went on tour and shooting with him.

“The girl was nothing of herself, and as soon as she had Dimka, she immediately sat down on his neck. Stopped working. She just did what she arranged for a showdown, ”Amosova spoke of her like that.

Dmitry was not ready to endure jealousy scenes and soon broke up with Olga. While participating in the project glacial period"He met figure skater Irina Lobacheva. At that moment, she was going through a divorce from Ilya Averbukh. At first, Irina and Dmitry were friends, and then romantic feelings arose between them. But, realizing that the actor was not going to marry, Lobacheva broke up with him.

About seven years ago, Maryanov met Ksenia Bik, who managed to marry him to herself. The artist was on tour in Kharkov. During the performance, Maryanov looked intently at the girl, and after the performance he invited Gosha Kutsenko to a concert in one of the clubs. The artist was persistent in his courtship, but Bik behaved modestly, and not like other fans who are ready to immediately spend the night with a star.

Two weeks later, Dmitry invited Xenia to Moscow. For a 23-year-old girl, this visit to the capital was the first. The novel developed rapidly. Despite the fact that Dmitry was popular with women, he chose Xenia.

Two years later, Bik gave birth to a child artist. However, the woman did not admit that Dmitry was the baby's father.

“When we had a daughter, at first she lived with me in Kharkov. Since our union remained a mystery to everyone for a long time, there were rumors in the press that this was my “child from my first marriage.” We never commented on the situation, but Anfisa is Dima's daughter, and Dima is her father! - admitted Xenia.

From the very birth of the baby, Maryanov helped Xenia with finances, but the woman raised the child alone. Dmitry lived in Moscow and only occasionally visited Kharkov. After formalizing the marriage in September 2015, the actor recognized Anfisa.

Based on the materials of "Express-gazeta" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/

First the main role- Dinu's girlfriend in the mystical drama of the same name directed by Fyodor Petrukhin. Then there were memorable works in the musical comedy "Our Man in San Remo", the melodrama "Love", the action movie "Nicknamed" The Beast ".

Shchukin school. Film debut

Tatyana Skorokhodova made her film debut in 1989, as a student at the Theater School. Shchukin (Yu. Avsharov's course). A year later, she played her first major role - the girl Dina in the mystical drama of the same name directed by Fyodor Petrukhin. Then there were memorable works in the musical comedy "Our Man in San Remo", the melodrama "Love", the action movie "Nicknamed" The Beast ".

On the set of the melodrama "Love" she met actor Dmitry Maryanov, by that time already known for the films "Above the Rainbow" and "Dear Elena Sergeevna". They soon got married.

Theater "Scientific Monkey"

In 1991, Tatyana graduated from the theater school, after which she studied for a year in graduate school.

In 1992, on the basis of Yuri Avsharov's graduates, an eccentric student theater was organized learned monkey". The actors of this theater were Maryanov and Skorokhodova. Their work could be seen in the TV show "Director for Yourself", where the guys were weird in small TV reprises.

Since the mid-90s, Tatyana Skorokhodova has ceased acting in films. The last notable work of the actress was the role in the action movie "Mafia is Immortal", where she starred with Dmitry Pevtsov.

"Competitor" talks with a famous Russian actress.Bright, radiant and simple beautiful woman. In the past, an actress of Russian cinema, at the peak of her career, she left Moscow to follow her beloved to distant Irkutsk. Today, everyone knows a wonderful couple - the family of Andrei Zakablukovsky and Tatyana Skorokhodova. creative, interesting people. Surprisingly, interest in this pair does not fade away. Tatyana today does not act in films, does not play in the theater, and television is in the past, but she is always happy to be invited to any interesting projects, be it photo shoots for fashion magazines or programs on federal channels. Why? Probably because this amazing woman combines optimism and charisma. She personifies the image of the keeper of the hearth. The family lives outside the city, in a large and beautiful house, where almost everything is done by the hands of the father of the family. Tatiana - mother of many children(there are five children in the family), a loving and beloved woman.

Tatyana, you live outside the city. Many people know about your amazing, large and hospitable house. But life outside the city does not bring difficulties? How is your day structured?
- I now have three schoolchildren, so the schedule is very dependent on them. Without a city apartment, of course, it became difficult. After all, children grow up, and besides school, they still have a lot to do. It happens that our whole family arrives in the city at eight in the morning and leaves at nine in the evening.
- In some sense, your life is subordinated to the schedule of your children?
- (Smiling.) Yes, not in any way, but absolutely in direct. It's not their fault that we live so far away.
- And what kind of mother are you? How do you bring up children?
- Love and trust. (Smiles.) True, when another child begins a transitional age, every time it seems to me that I do not understand anything about upbringing. Of course, we try to explain in any quarrels between children that this is their brother or sister, in childhood everyone quarrels, then you will be the closest people to each other. The younger ones swear for five whole minutes after the quarrel that this is absolutely impossible in their case!.. Well, the main principle, which I consider basic and, perhaps, even sufficient, is Camus's statement: "The freedom of one ends where the freedom of another begins."
- How was your childhood? Tell about your parents.
- With pleasure. My dad was an engineer. Thank you very much, he was a born teacher. Thanks to him, I am well versed in all technical disciplines. And she easily passed the notorious sopromat, studying at one of her many institutes. Dad quite simply, literally on his fingers, could tell about everyone physical processes occurring in the world. My mom is very creative person. How she got into medicine is a big mystery to me! At one time, apparently, she simply had nowhere to turn around. But she more than makes up for it at home events. (laughs) Because family holidays we have so much fun! Recently celebrated the anniversary of my grandmother - ninety years. It was such a wonderful holiday, an amazing home concert. Everyone was so passionate about it that my aunt even jokingly got a little upset - after all, the guests didn’t eat anything, everyone was passionate about the show. Mom loves to arrange theatrical performances and herself performs in many roles. She now lives in Irkutsk. And before, my parents and I lived in the Far North, in Yakutia. One of the most vivid childhood memories is how we went for snowdrops with our parents in the spring. I also remember the puppet theater performances that we often staged at home.
- Tatyana, how did they let you, your beloved daughter, go to Moscow to enter theater university? After all, many parents have a certain stereotype about this profession.
- (Smiling.) You could say they pushed me out! Although for some reason dad thought that I would enter the biological faculty in Irkutsk. Why? For me it remains a mystery. And he was very surprised when he found out that my mother and I had already bought tickets to Moscow and I was flying to the exams at the theater. Mom, apparently, took revenge for her non-theatrical career. WITH High school prom I returned at six in the morning, and at eight we had already flown to Moscow. At four in the morning we arrived, and at eight we were already at the Shchepkinsky school.
- The release of the first film with your participation for your parents, of course, has become a very significant event.
- Yes. But it so happened that they also visited me on the set, my father often flew on business trips, and my mother flew in, they came with pleasure to film set.
- Tatyana, are you probably fed up with the questions of journalists and in general the topic of your acting past?
- Yes, to be honest, it's nice to remember it only sometimes. So as not to forget. I live for today, in another present. Friends of the actors remained, we communicate with pleasure. Edik Radzyukevich, Sasha Zhigalkin, Dima Maryanov. We correspond with Maria Poroshina, but we still don’t match in Moscow.
- And in Irkutsk you found for yourself interesting activity. Were a TV presenter, starred in commercials. Started teaching etiquette courses.
- I have not taught yet, because the group has not been recruited. But as soon as - I'm immediately ready to start this work. I was approached by representatives of one training center, who organizes and conducts various courses, was asked if I would like to try. It seemed to me very interesting, although officially I do not own it. But the direction is interesting, in connection with the general illiteracy of the population. Not in the truest sense of the word, of course.
- Then about the level of our culture. Here you are, for example, walking down the street, you see people, their communication, dialogues. Are there moments that you don't like downright creepy?
- In general, everything is changing, of course, for the better. Ten years ago, when I first came to Irkutsk, when Andrei brought me here and said: “Let's live here,” I was a little confused. We arrived, I went for a walk around the city, went to several places, looked, returned all in tears and said: “I can’t live here.” The first thing that shocked me was the rudeness. Moreover, Andrey asked me to directly tell in detail what, for example, they told me in the store and how I answered. After listening, he laughed for a long time and said: “No one was rude to you, they just talk like that here.” I didn’t believe it: “And the tone in which it was said? ..” Then I realized that this was really just a local manner, such an intonation in the voice, as if they were running over you. I don't know why, maybe because of the difficult living conditions. And Andrei told me: the people here are very kind, just a little rude. I also don't like the general unwillingness to restrain oneself. The other day, in one courtyard at the playground, I watched a picture of how one young mother scolded children riding a carousel. After all, nowhere is it written on the playgrounds that children, say, older than eleven or twelve years old are forbidden to play there. And this woman, in front of her own small child, in the most unrestrained, rude form, began to make remarks to these big children: “What are you doing here? You don't belong here." I had a question inside me: who said that they do not belong here? If they respect the rules of courtesy, behave neatly, why should they not be on the playground? These are trifles, of course, but I notice such moments, and I think that in this direction the field is simply unplowed.
- And when you left the capital after your husband, what did he promise you?
He didn't promise me anything. We generally once said to each other: never say "never" or "forever". Because we are living people, time flows around us, and everything changes. We decided we'd be together as long as we're good together, that's all. Andrey just got sad in Moscow after a while. Everything was wonderful with him there, he is open, good man combined with the fact that he is also a professional in his field. And it's just amazing for people. Anyone who works with him at least once, can no longer refuse him. In the future, everything would have turned out well for him in Moscow in terms of work, but he was downright homesick. All the time he said that he wanted to come here, both fishing and hunting. And at that moment I was faced with a choice: either I stay in Moscow without Andrey, or I go to Siberia with him.
- Your choice, for sure, shocked colleagues and acquaintances.
Everyone is still surprised. After all, objectively, this decision can not be called smart. Because Irkutsk is a place where people were exiled for a long time, the climate here is difficult for life. Nevertheless, love, personal happiness were in the first place for me. After some established career, it seemed to me that I could afford to be led by my feelings.
- Your husband is in demand in his profession and in Irkutsk. The premiere of “Satisfaction”, a film by Anna Mathison, in which you and Andrei participated, will soon take place.
- Yes, Andrey was involved as a cameraman, and I was a line producer. By the way, this film was included in the program of the last Kinotavr.
- Tatyana, what can you say about Russian cinema in general? Do you like it?
- From what I watched recently, I really liked the film "Wild Field" by Mikhail Kalatozishvili. We cannot compete with Hollywood in the production of blockbusters, and you can do without it, shoot your own movie, in a different way. And this “different way” in the “Wild Field” took me to the soul so much ... I advise you to look. The film, as Andrey said, is a cameraman's dream, the plans are so slow and long. Beautiful landscapes, mountains. Somewhere even with my northern childhood echoes. And a bunch of beautiful acting work, lively and unexpected scenes.
- It turns out now to watch a movie just as a spectator, and not a professional? Or always through the eyes of an actress?
- All my life, I always watch movies as a simple spectator. If I really liked the film, I can watch it a second time and even a third time, and then yes, I will watch with interest, note some moments for myself. And for the first time I look as a spectator and nothing more - crying, laughing. (Smiling.) I cry, by the way, where it is supposed to and not supposed to.
- What are your plans for the summer?
- This summer will be such a "non-resting". (Smiling.) There are working plans. We have our own room in which we want to open something. But for this, much more needs to be done. It's too early to talk about the details, but this is a creative project related to children. I hope it finds a response in the hearts of people. Trips, trips have been postponed for the time being, because business comes first. By September, we should already put something into operation, bring it into desired view. And so I will rest at home, in our country it turns out very well.
- Your intra-family project - "Family Motor Race", a trip to the cities of Russia through Kazakhstan, with a bunch of children. When you repeat and again set an example for families with children, how should you relax?
- In general, this event is organizationally difficult and financially difficult too. But my family and I would certainly like to do something in this spirit. Then we did fifteen thousand kilometers. The start was in Irkutsk, further along the route were Kazakhstan, Volgograd. We planned to go to the Crimea, but after Kazakhstan they did not want to go there, various border measures stopped us. And we stayed near Gelendzhik, three meters from the sea we parked the car, a scarf and rested. Then we went to Moscow, but my friend from Minsk called and we decided to visit her. Then it turned out that they forgot things in Gelendzhik, phoned the guys with whom they rested there, and went to pick up things in Smolensk. From there to Moscow. The plans were to visit St. Petersburg with a museum program in order to introduce children to cultural heritage. (Laughs.) But the children begged for mercy. Indeed, everyone is tired. We lived in Moscow for another week and then went home. We made a film about our trip, almost all the time we had a video camera turned on. In general, now we need to start with Peter.
What can you say about roads?
- The roads are bad, but I think something has changed in four years, perhaps they have become better. Here in Belarus simply gorgeous roads. And when will we have good roads, hard to say. After all, this requires a large number of Money in the budget. And not to steal. But I am an optimist and still believe that it is possible.
- What is the place of money and material values ​​in your life?
- I never thought about money, because somehow they always were - not a lot and not a little, but just right, so as not to demand close attention to themselves. Now, of course, we have to think about them, because the children have already grown up, but have not grown up yet. As a child in my family, my dad earned enough, and we could afford everything, within reason. Mom very rarely could say no. When I was a student and lived in Moscow, I also never felt an acute shortage of money. There was a scholarship, parents sent a little. I went to thrift stores, looked for something special for a long time - and as a result I looked what I needed. The worst period of my life in terms of image came at a time when I was fabulously, indecently rich. Now, when I look at photographs of those years, I understand this. I just went to the then-opened boutique on Kievskaya, bought the first suit I came across for crazy money. I think: “Why should I suffer, go looking, invent?” The things in my wardrobe were very expensive. (Smiling.) But now I look at the photo and understand that it was not very tasteful at that time.
- Moment of self-criticism - is it acceptable for you?
- Absolutely necessary! I have to learn from my mistakes so that I don't make them again.
- Tatyana, what can you call your interests, hobbies? Someone collects stamps, someone is fond of dancing. Is there something like this in your life?
- The hobby is not original: I play the piano. Once I graduated from a music school, then for fifteen years, if not more, I did not approach the instrument. And then I suddenly wanted to play so much, I suddenly realized what an outlet it was for me. Now I'm learning Chopin's nocturne - very, very difficult, fingers can be broken. People rest in different ways. (Smiling.) Well, don't watch TV, after all! I have three TVs in my house and I spend most of my time at home turning them off.
- Why is there such a dislike for TV?
- What's good there? It seems to me that television splashes out a lot of evil and bad things. During pregnancy, for example, I could not watch the news at all. She forbade bringing newspapers home. Not all, of course. There is a list that you can. When I kindle the fireplace, I take a newspaper, and even if I accidentally come across some bad news, I go then sick some days. I mean news that relate to some kind of incidents, terrible cases related to children, and so on and so forth. And that's why I don't watch TV. You know, a long time ago, a journalist acquaintance of mine, an American, said about his compatriots: “I can’t stand them!” I was so surprised and ask: why? He answered me: because they are all lazy, not interested in anything, they do not care about anything except what is happening on their street. I then supported him. Indeed, how can it be so limited? And now I understand them, because if you want to help someone, you have the strength, the spiritual impulse - look around, and you will find who needs your help. And when you find out about someone's grief on TV or in the newspaper, you, as a rule, cannot help. When I see that grief is happening somewhere in the world, and I cannot help, I really suffer from it. Maybe I'm exaggerating in some way.
- And the Internet?
- He is kinder to people. Of course, there are floating windows, but they can be dealt with. But in general, you yourself choose what to watch and read on the Internet.
Do household chores take up a lot of your time?
- Household by the standards of a private house, we have reduced to a minimum. Of course, this is mainly cleaning. There are many children in the house, they help, some are assigned the first floor, others the second.
- What about the garden?
I don't force anyone to do anything there. Because it's disgusting to be forced to. If children want raspberries or sorrel, they themselves ask in the spring: “Where will sorrel grow in our country?” I say: "Now, if you dig this bed, there will be sorrel." They will dig up. Or they ask: what about peas? I say: it is overgrown with grass. They'll go weeding...
- Flowers?
- Not much. (Smiling.) Horses live with us, and they have already eaten flowers many times. The fact is that our plot is quite large, and in order to have a beautiful, flawless lawn, I let them out, and they carefully eat all the excess grass. I don't like a lawn mower, we have one, but I can't when it smells like gasoline. And when the horses come out, I cover a few flowers with a blanket so that they do not eat. And the rest on the site - trees, pines, cedars, various shrubs.
- What is the secret of your popularity among journalists, the public? After all, you haven’t acted for a long time, but still from time to time you appear both on TV and on the pages of magazines and newspapers.
- (Laughs.) For me, this is a big mystery. Sometimes I wonder what I am spreading around me. I've been thinking about this recently. Each person has his own mission on earth. It may be such a big word, but I'm not ashamed of it. Someone has a mission to become president and work for the good of their country. For some, the mission is to build a beautiful shopping and entertainment center. Someone needs to save people or be a doctor. When I thought about my mission, I realized that this is definitely not shooting in a dozen films. Yes, it was not bad, interesting, but you can’t call it a mission. Whom did these films change, someone's destiny? Maybe I was just unlucky, and in my career there were no such tapes. But after our “Family Motor Race” trip, for two years people came up to me on the street and asked: are these you, those same people? And they said: “Thank you! We decided to have another child. We were so afraid, it seemed to us that it was impossible and we could not cope. But let's see how easy it is for you to cope." And there were not even five or ten such people, but much more. (Smiles) You could say I improved my fertility rate and showed people how happy you become when you have big family.

Novels and single marriage Dmitry Maryanov

Maryanov's first serious novel happened while studying at the Shchukin School, a classmate became the object of sympathy Tatyana Skorokhodova.

The girl was two years older and did not pay attention to Dmitry for several months.

“He showed signs of attention funny and touching at the same time. When our romance began, I was basically the leader in the pair, ”Tatyana recalls. The lovers lived together in a hostel and often quarreled, but quickly reconciled, says Skorokhodova.

"I was especially annoyed by his condition after drinking with friends. And who would like a drunken man?" - Tatyana Skorokhodova

The relationship between Tatyana and Dmitry lasted three years, but the marriage did not end: Dmitry did not want to tie himself family ties, although Tatyana says that she perceived him as a spouse.

According to the plot of the film "Love", where Dima and I starred together, I am marrying him. Our guys immediately said: Bad sign! Don't get married." And so it happened - Tatyana Skorokhodova.

Parting was given to Dmitry very hard: “After breaking up with Tanya, I turned gray in a week. Naturally, the whole bangs became gray-haired, ”he recalled in an interview with Womanhit.

Maryanov's next passion was a model Olga Anosova. They met in 1994, when the girl returned from work in Paris and entered the directing department of VGIK. At that time, Maryanov served in Lenkom and often went on tour, and Olga devoted all her time to her studies.

When the couple's son Daniel was born in 1996, Dmitry did not change his lifestyle, the mother took care of the child. As a result, Olga kicked Maryanov out of the apartment. But the former cohabitants maintained friendly relations, the father paid for Daniel a private school.

Olga Anosova with her son Daniel

The standard accusation on his part: “Why are you raising a girl out of our son ?!” And I: “How can a woman still raise him? Conflict settled

— Olga Anosova.

Dmitry had an affair with an actress Evgenia Brik (Khirivskaya) , which director Valery Todorovsky “stole” from Maryanov, recalls Anosova.

Very good girl from intelligent family. Valerka immediately appreciated it and took it from Dimka - Olga Anosova

The next partner of Maryanov was the dancer of the Moscow Council Theater Olga Silaenkova. The couple converged and diverged several times and eventually, according to Olga Anosova, broke up because of permanent scenes.

"A very vulgar person. The girl was nothing of herself, and as soon as she had Dimka, she immediately sat on his neck"

A novel by Dmitry and a famous figure skater Irina Lobacheva spun on the set of the Ice Age program. In 2007, the athlete divorced her husband and partner Ilya Averbukh and admitted that Maryanov supported her in difficult times.

"For a long time we were just friends. And he, as a friend, knew about my connections with other men that I had immediately after the divorce. And then I saw him, I realized - he is more than just a friend" - Irina Lobacheva.

Lobacheva really wanted to give birth to a second child (the first son Martin was born in a marriage with Averbukh) and was ready not to enter into an official marriage with Maryanov. However, according to the press, it was Dmitry's refusal from serious obligations that caused their separation in 2011.

For many years, Dmitry called himself a convinced bachelor, said that he did not want to lose his freedom, and his obnoxious character impossible to endure. He flatly refused to discuss the details of his novels in the press and once landed a journalist who interviewed him in a car.

It's not even about the stamp in the passport. There is such a stupid concept - the fear of losing freedom. What was it really about? I was afraid of losing my sexual unbridledness - Dmitry Maryanov.

But everything changed with the advent of Maryanov's psychologist Xenia Bik. A girl from Kharkov became the first and only official wife of the actor, he married at the age of 45, in 2015. Ksenia is 17 years younger than her husband, she has a daughter, Anfisa.

After the marriage, the spouses announced that Anfisa was in fact own daughter Dmitry, but this fact was hidden earlier. In 2016, the couple starred in the program “So far, everyone is at home” and talked about family life.

It seems to me that one of the main male qualities is the ability to apologize. Because no one apologizes the way Dima apologizes - Ksenia Bik.

And here is the wedding:

Dmitry Maryanov became famous for his roles in the films “Above the Rainbow”, “Radio Day”, “Dear Elena Sergeevna!” and others. He died in Lobnya, near Moscow, on the evening of October 15th. The artist was resting at the dacha with friends, he suddenly became ill. According to preliminary information, the detached blood clot became the cause of death. Dmitry's friends cannot believe that this could happen to him.


Performance "Our Friends" with Elena Ksenafontova


"Listening to the Silence"

"One love in a million" with Elena Morozova

"Starfish Cavaliers"

The series "Fighter"

"Countess de Monsoreau"

Performance "Unreal show"

"Above the Rainbow"

"Dear Elena Sergeevna"


"Obsessed" with Maria Mashkova

"Holiday locked up" with Lyubov Tolkalina

"Bouncer" with Anastasia Panina

"adult daughter"

"Truth Game"


"How to Marry a Millionaire"

"Cult" with Tatyana Arntgolts

"Personal life of investigator Savelyev" with Nonna Grishaeva

In the biography and personal life of Tatyana Skorokhodova, big changes, for several years of work in the frame, she managed to replenish her list of roles.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Skorokhodova was born on August 2, 1968 in Irkutsk. WITH early childhood she loved to recite poems and perform in public. 1991 was a landmark year for Tatyana, she graduated from the B.V. Shchukin Theater School, the course of Yury Avsharov.

Tanya began her ascent to the Olympus of success with work in the theater "Scientific Monkey", in which graduates of Avsharov's course took an active part.

The actors were Skorokhodova and Maryanov, still unknown at that time, they also took an active part in the program called “The director himself”, in which the guys appeared in a comedic role. They were remembered by the audience for small television reprises. The first major role of the actress - she played a girl named Dina in the film of the same name.

Tatyana Skorokhodova in the film "Risk without a contract"

This mystical drama, directed by Fyodor Petrukhin, riveted the eyes of millions of viewers.

This was followed by offers to star in other films, among which were: “Our Man in San Remo”, the melodramatic story “Love”, the action movie “Nicknamed the Beast”, the comedy “Alphonse”, “Risk without a contract”, “Love by order ".

Tatyana Skorokhodova in the film "Our Man in San Remo"

In 1993, Tatyana Skorokhodova played with Dmitry Pevtsov in the action movie The Mafia is Immortal. It was the last notable work of the actress and then on long years everyone forgot about her. The departure from the cinema marked a new stage in the life of Skorokhodova, even if she did not have time to realize herself as an actress.

Tatyana Skorokhodova in the movie "Alphonse"

There was a stagnation in Soviet cinema art, and a kind of black streak, Tatyana, seemed to intuitively feel the approach of a storm and decided to try to reveal her other talents.

A new stage in a career after many years

Tatiana met cameraman Andrey Zakablukovsky, with whom she created strong family. They left the capital for Irkutsk, where she began to take part in photo shoots, became a model, as well as a presenter at the AIST company, and even ran for State Duma deputies in Irkutsk. She devoted herself to children, the personal life and biography of Tatyana Skorokhodova is filled with bright events, even despite the fact that she completely stopped appearing in the frame. Together with her husband Andrey, the actress brings up four children: daughters Anya and Marika, sons Darik and Danil.

Tatyana took the place of the editor-in-chief in a local magazine called "Stolnik", she wakes up daily with her beloved viewers, being the host of MSM radio.

Together with her colleague Konstantin Ozerov, Skorokhodova tells the news and shares her impressions about new films and series that have only recently appeared on the screen.

Recently, Tatyana has been acting in films again, in 2011 a film with her participation Satisfaction was released, and then followed by the picture Pokhabovsk. back side Siberia". Last film was filmed in Irkutsk and the actress is very proud of it. Local cinema allows her to surprise the audience. Skorokhodova believes that there are not enough films for an adult audience on domestic television, since they usually shoot comedy stories for teenagers, and the older generation has nothing to watch at all.

Tatyana was very surprised when she learned that the creative directors, cameramen and producers of new films are representatives of the younger generation. She is not at all against such fruitful cooperation and is always ready to listen to the opinion talented people. Photos from the personal life of Tatyana Skorokhodova and her biography can be found on the Internet.

Often the actress is asked the question, what role would she like to play? Tatyana dreams of a dramatic picture, where she will appear as a brunette with a character who gets into difficult life situations and tries to cope with difficulties.

Ironically, she always gets the role of blondes, easy-going, cheerful and freedom-loving personalities.

Skorokhodova believes that being a blonde is much easier, more fun and optimistic than a brunette. Because of Tatyana, Andrei left his wife Larisa, and the actress considered herself guilty of what happened. But Zakablukovsky did not back down, every weekend while the actress lived and worked in Moscow, he flew to visit and they spent these precious moments alone with each other. The biography and personal life of Tatyana Skorokhodova, she does not hide the photo of the children. The woman is grateful to her husband for a large and strong family, which she cherishes very much.

Andrei often pleases her with original gifts, this man managed to win her trust and do everything possible to keep the relationship reverent and unusually sincere. This couple has earned the proud title of one of the exemplary families of Russian cinema.