The rules for transporting children on the bus have been drawn up and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in order to ensure the maximum safety of young passengers on the road. For ignoring these requirements, punishment is provided, up to a criminal one. On January 1, 2017, the existing rules were updated. Next, let's look at the key points.

Current rules for transporting children on buses

Let's outline the basic requirements that must be met when it comes to the organized transportation of children:

  • Children under 7 years old are allowed to transport no more than 4 hours.
  • At night (from 23:00 to 06:00) children can only be transported to transport points (train stations, airports, etc.). The total distance covered during this time should not exceed 50 km.
  • If you intend to travel outside the city for 3 or more hours, the group must include a medical worker.
  • If the estimated travel time is 3 or more hours, you must have food products approved by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The local traffic police must provide a notice of the upcoming trip.
  • If the number of buses in which children are transported is 3 or more, such a group must be accompanied by a traffic police vehicle.

What documents will be required

According to the requirements of the government, to transport a group of children, you will need to provide the following list of documents to the traffic police:

  • Charter contract. Based on this document, the transport company obtains the right to transport children. It is necessary to indicate the purpose of transportation (children) and the exact route. On the basis of the contract, the transport company undertakes to provide a vehicle that fully meets all the requirements for the transport of children. If the trip is supposed to be outside the city limits, the customer must provide the transport company with a list of the group (with all the data of the children), certified by the school's seal.
  • List of children and their attendants. It should also contain parental contact information (needed in case of emergencies).
  • List of food products. It must meet the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor (one of the rules - there must be a dry ration).
  • The program of the upcoming trip. The following points should be indicated in it: traffic schedule, stopping points, resting places. If it is planned to stay in hotels, then the legal information about them is attached.
  • Name and contact telephone number driver. Can be presented as an information letter from a carrier.
  • If there is a medical worker in the group, then information about him, including a license to work in his field, as well as a copy of the agreement with the institution in which he works.
  • Route list and voucher. Must be "in the hands" of the driver.
  • A copy of the notification to the traffic police. This is one of the key documents, so we will dwell on it in more detail.

Rules for drawing up a notification to the traffic police about the upcoming transportation of children

The need for this notification is indicated by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 941, which entered into force on 01.04.2017. This document is transferred to the traffic police at the place where the movement starts (as a rule, it starts from the walls of the school). If the traffic police department is absent in the area of ​​departure, the notification is sent to any traffic police department in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

According to the departmental order, the notification must contain the following information:

  • information about the customer of the transportation (school, or the person in charge);
  • information about the carrier (charterer);
  • full timetable;
  • information about the vehicle and drivers, if the notification is submitted from a legal entity, then information about it.

The notification is submitted by the head of the institution, or by the person responsible for the trip (in particular, compliance with road safety). This can be done in electronic form using the official website of the traffic police. If the organized train is carried out under a charter agreement, then an application is submitted by one of the parties (carrier or customer), by prior arrangement.

The deadline for submitting a notification is strictly regulated - this must be done no later than 2 days before the trip. This time is needed state structures in order to check the information received (registration of the bus, its maintenance, etc.). Also, at the time of application, you will need to provide driver's license driver (category "D" must be open).

The traffic police check for the driver's unpaid fines. If they are available, the traffic police will be forced to refuse the driver to obtain permission to transport children. There are 2 ways out of this situation: to appoint another driver or pay the existing fines. In case of an approving decision, the corresponding document is issued in 2 copies.

On the video about the rules for transporting children

When transporting children by buses, the traffic police provides safety instructions. State authorities We are interested in ensuring that such trips are carried out in compliance with all the rules and regulations, since the transportation of children is one of the most difficult procedures in terms of control.

The rules for the carriage of children on the bus have been developed to ensure the maximum safety of minors during organized trips. Special regulations governing the transportation of children on the bus are approved by law. There are specific requirements for the driver, vehicle and escort.

When and who approved the rules

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has developed rules organized transportation groups of children. By the Government Decree of December 17, 2013 No. 1177, the document was approved.

The term "bus transportation of children" means:

  • Any transportation of minors, in the amount of 8 people or more.
  • Transportation by non-route vehicles.
  • Transportation of groups of children without their representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians).

An exception can be made if the representative is:

  • A medical worker, and his presence is mandatory for transportation.
  • Accompanying the children's team.

Transportation under parental supervision

If the transportation of children is carried out in the presence of their parents, adoptive parents or guardians who are not accompanying the group, the rules for organized transportation of children by buses do not apply to it.

Organized transportation of children

Transportation rules imply:

  • Escort by representatives of the traffic police of buses with minors.
  • Compliance of the driver with the requirements of the rules.
  • Preparation of a set of documents for transportation.
  • Compliance with the requirements for accompanying persons.
  • Compliance with the rules of embarkation / disembarkation of passengers in a vehicle.

Escort by representatives of the traffic police

Buses with children are accompanied by law enforcement officers only if they move in a convoy of three or more vehicles.

When transporting children, you must take a permit for the transport of children from an authorized representative of the automobile inspection. The original document is with the driver. At the first request of a traffic police officer, he must be provided.

Keep the originals of permits for 3 years from the date of transportation.

The organizers of the trip must submit a written application for escort to the regional branch of the State Traffic Inspectorate no later than two days before the planned trip. The document must indicate:

  • The time for which an escort is needed.
  • Number of children carried.
  • Full name of the accompanying person.
  • The route of movement.
  • Description of each bus with the obligatory indication of the state number, full name of the driver and registration data of his driver's license.

A written response is prepared and sent to the applicant.

If the transportation of children is organized by one or two buses, a notification about the upcoming trip is also sent to the traffic police department. The document must indicate:

  • Information about the company that organizes the transportation.
  • Transportation date.
  • Route indicating the starting and ending points.
  • Number of children transported by age.
  • The brand of the bus and its state number.
  • Full name of the accompanying person.

The document must contain a notification from the traffic police that they are aware and do not interfere with the transportation of children. A notice or a copy of the application with the marks of the traffic police must always be with the bus driver.

We draw up documents

When organizing transportation, it is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

  • The contract of carriage signed by the customer and the transport company.
  • Agreement with a medical professional to accompany a group of children (if the movement of the column lasts more than 12 hours).
  • A copy of the permits for the carriage of children.
  • A copy of the application for support or notification from the traffic police.
  • A list of accompanying persons, indicating the full name, passport data and phone numbers.
  • List of transported children.
  • List of food items on the bus.
  • Information about drivers (full name, driver's license numbers, contacts).
  • Boarding document showing seat for each child.

Who draws up the landing document

  • Travel organizer.
  • The carrier's representative (if such a clause is spelled out in the contract).
  • Medical worker (the document takes into account the individual characteristics of each passenger).
  • Escort.

When specifying the route of travel, it is necessary to note:

  • The travel schedule with the designation of the time of movement.
  • Places of planned stops for rest, food and excursions (indicating organizations, hotels).
  • Stopping dates and times to meet the physiological needs of passengers.

Requirements for vehicle and drivers

Drivers will be allowed to carry children if:

  • They have a driver's license with an open category D.
  • Bus driving experience is at least 1 of the last 3 years.
  • During the last year have not committed administrative offenses, they were not deprived of their rights.
  • They have passed the obligatory instruction on the transportation of children.
  • Received medical clearance for the flight.

Vehicle requirements

The new rules for transporting children by school bus, in terms of transport for transporting children, will take effect from 01.01.2017. They stipulate:

  • The obligatory presence of a technical coupon or a diagnostic card confirming the serviceability of the vehicle.
  • A bus for transporting children must be no older than 10 years from the date of issue.
  • Each vehicle must have a tachograph that monitors the vehicle's speed, the driver's sleep and rest patterns.
  • There must be an installed GLONASS satellite navigation system to be able to determine the location of the bus at any time of the day.

Accompanying children

A group of children must be accompanied by an adult. Their responsibilities include:

  • Control the route and coordinate the movement of the bus in case of unforeseen situations.
  • Monitor the diet, behavior and health status of children.

The number of accompanying adults cannot be less than the number of doors on the bus. There must be one escort at each door during the journey. If there are more adults, one chief is appointed among them, who coordinates the work of the other accompanying persons.

Who can be allowed on the bus

A group is formed from children different ages... For babies under 7 years old, there is a restriction - they can be on the road no longer than 4 hours. Otherwise, transportation of minors is prohibited.

Children who were previously included in the list by the leader will be allowed on the bus. In this case, before the start of the bus, the list can be changed by the head unilaterally. This means that the team leader or travel organizer can change the list without notifying the carrier.

Organized transportation of children by buses should include all measures to ensure their safety. In this regard, since July 1, 2019, rules and regulations have been developed that are binding on everyone who is preparing to transport minors by buses on any route. Requirements apply not only to the vehicle itself, but also to the driver, escort and other important points.

What is organized transportation of children?

The concept of child transportation in groups is given in clause 1.2 of the Road Traffic Rules:

Organized transportation of a group of children- this is the transportation in a bus that does not belong to a route vehicle, a group of children of eight or more people, carried out without their parents or other legal representatives

Such an event is subject to a number of requirements enshrined in normative document, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 No. 1177.

What documents are required?

Before transporting minor children, you must first prepare the following documents:

  • a charter contract, if the carriage is carried out within its framework;
  • if a bus or a group of buses is on a route with a travel time of more than 12 hours, then the presence of a medical worker is required. In this case, you need to submit a document on his qualifications, confirm that the activity is carried out on the basis of a license or a copy of an agreement with a medical institution;
  • a copy of the notification of the children's trip or the decision to accompany the traffic police by the car. The notification is submitted when carrying out the transportation of children by one or two buses to the traffic police two days before departure. If there are three or more vehicles, no later than 10 days;
  • information about the driver and data of his driver's license;
  • lists of children and accompanying persons, indicating the contact phone numbers of parents or legal representatives of minor passengers, as well as persons accompanying them;
  • route program with planned travel time, places and times of suggested rest stops. When organizing an excursion trip, the information of the operator providing the travel service is indicated, stops for visiting the planned places are indicated;
  • if you are on the road for more than three hours, there must be water and food on the bus, a list of which will need to be compiled;
  • a document on the procedure for placing children on the seats on the bus (with the exception of a trip under a charter agreement).

Buses for transporting children and technical requirements GOST R 51160-98

The requirements for a bus approved for the carriage of minors are established by the standard.

Previously, GOST R 51160-98 was in force in this regard, but from July 1, 2017, GOST 33552-2015 came into force instead.

Its scope applies to all vehicles for transporting passengers under 16 years of age, for their maximum safety.

According to the requirements of the specified standard, the bus must:

  • be equipped with a speed limiting device if its design speed can exceed 60 km / h;
  • have a yellow coloring, identification marks indicating the carriage of children, and also have inscriptions on the sides in large contrasting letters "Children";
  • be equipped with an automatic warning system when reversing;
  • undergo periodic examinations and Maintenance all mechanisms and parts responsible for safe operation.

The document also establishes the rules for the location of seats in the cabin, equipment for the driver's workplace, the requirement for restraint systems.

Requirements for group transportation of children are also set by the rules approved by Decree No. 1177. According to clause 3, such a bus must:

  • comply with the technical requirements for passenger transportation;
  • be allowed to travel on the roads;
  • be no older than 10 years from the date of issue;
  • be equipped with a tachograph and navigation system.

Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses in 2019

The number of seats in vehicles carrying out group transportation of children should be in the amount that excludes standing travel. If the sightseeing trip is less than 12 hours long, the driver can be one, up to 16 hours are carried out with only two drivers.

The following requirements are imposed on a citizen driving a bus with children (clause 8. of the Rules):

  • the presence of a license with a category D and continuous driving experience of more than one year at the date of the start of the trip;
  • during the last year, who did not violate traffic rules and was not brought to responsibility for this;
  • passed all pre-trip activities: briefing and medical examination.

There must be accompanying persons on the bus or buses, and on a long trip over half a day, there must also be a doctor. This must be ensured by the person responsible for organizing the group transportation of children.

The requirements of the rules oblige to observe the number of accompanying persons:

  • on each bus, the number should be calculated depending on the need to find one at each door. A responsible person is determined among them;
  • when driving in a convoy of several buses, an additional person responsible for the entire convoy is appointed. A medical worker and this person in charge must be in the closing vehicle.

The set speed limit when driving on a highway outside the frame settlement for a bus with children is limited to 60 km / h.

Children under the age of 7 at the start of the long trip over 4 hours cannot be admitted.

With an approved timetable for more than three hours, a list of food and drinks must be drawn up with which each bus must be equipped. Bottled water in convenient containers, as well as dry rations for long-term storage are required. The presence of products that can undergo rapid spoilage is unacceptable.

A convoy of buses with more than two must be accompanied by traffic police vehicles. They must move with the convoy during the allotted hours - from 6:00 to 23:00 hours.

Transportation at night

Night time for child transportation is considered to be the hours from 23 to 6 in the morning. Driving at this time is allowed only in exceptional cases and no more than 100 km after 23 hours:

  • to train stations and airports and back;
  • at the end of the trip (to the place of overnight stay or destination);
  • associated with a violation of the schedule on the way and delays;
  • when carrying out transportation within the framework of legal acts government agencies subjects of the Federation.

The requirements for the carriage of children on organized trips are binding and violation of them entails liability. Not only the driver of the vehicle is punished, but also the organizers of the trip.

Memo for organizational transportation of children by bus

The Russian code of laws contains rules that have been developed to ensure safety when transporting children in groups. These rules are approved by the relevant documents.

Basic concepts

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In the rules for the transportation of children's groups, there are requirements for vehicles, a bus driver and an employee accompanying the children's group. These rules were developed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Most often, a group of children is transported by buses. This can be an excursion or the settlement of children in summer camp... Parents bring their child to the designated parking lot of the bus and hand it over to a person who will accompany the minors on the trip in the future.

If there is an excursion, then the class teacher is such a person. Children in Russia are considered citizens under the age of 18. Therefore, an accompanying person must be present when high school students go on a trip.

The teacher travels with the children, whom he will continue to raise in the camp owned by kindergarten... It is difficult for one person to cope with small children, so there should be several of them.

If a shift has come at the summer camp, in which a new children's team should be brought in, a full-time employee will accompany the trip.

Strict requirements are imposed on the transport in which children will be transported. The trip of children in buses and cars with malfunctions is excluded, which should be checked.

The driver must undergo strict medical supervision before driving. It is unacceptable not only to be in a not quite sober state, but also simply to feel unwell. High blood pressure, lack of sleep on the eve of a trip can lead to an accident.

The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transportation of groups of children with amendments and additions, which is valid in 2019, regulates these conditions. The regulation specifies the conditions only for carrying out transportation in an organized form.

What it is

The notification indicates:

If the transportation is carried out by no more than two buses and the traffic police escort is not required, then the notification must contain:

  • start date of the trip;
  • data of the company organizing the upcoming trip;
  • how many passengers who have not reached the age of majority travel, indicating their specific age;
  • route of movement, which has indications of planned stops;
  • data accompanying the trip;
  • the brand of the bus, its license plate.

The driver must have a copy of the application with the traffic police record that they received information about the upcoming trip. Accompanying persons must ensure correct boarding and subsequent disembarkation of children.

Before boarding, you should:

  1. According to the lists, check the compliance with the data available there with the arrived children.
  2. Collect arriving children in a safe place.
  3. Arrange the loading of children's items into the luggage compartment.
  4. Verify carry-on luggage for compliance with the Rules for the carriage of baggage.
  5. Instruct the children.

During the briefing, the following issues should be covered:

  • how to behave when the bus stops and when it moves;
  • how the order is carried out when boarding and disembarking from the bus;
  • behavior in the event of an emergency or in case of health problems.

The accompanying person during the trip with the group is obliged to monitor the health, behavior of the children and the regularity of their meals. It is necessary to control the correctness of the route and, in case of deviation, find out these circumstances with the driver.

What is the punishment in case of violations

Violation of the requirements prescribed by the rules of group transportation is an administrative violation. The punishment for this can be borne by both drivers and organizers of transportation. This is indicated in parts 3-6.

Last changes the legislation increased the amount of fines for such violations:


Important aspects

For safety reasons, buses intended for the transport of groups of children must bear the “Carriage of Children” mark.

The transportation must be accompanied by a medical professional in the case when the duration of the intercity transportation is more than 3 hours. Two days or earlier, the traffic police must be notified of the upcoming trip.

V Russian Federation the rules for transporting children on the bus are becoming stricter and stricter every year. It should be noted that if earlier it would have been easy to use a regular GAZelle for these purposes, now it is possible to transport children and schoolchildren only when using specially equipped buses.

What rules and innovations have taken place this year and what should the head of the group know about the buses in which his charges will move?

Regulations governing bus transport of children

Basically, the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses are created in order to ensure the safety of young people during the mass events... They are dangerous, first of all, by the presence a large number people in transport. That is why the organizers of such events must comply with certain requirements of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Now all the rules are described in detail in the Resolution No. 652, which was adopted on June 30, 2015. Prior to this change, the Resolution adopted in 2013 was in force.

After updating the rules for transporting children on the bus, new requirements for the necessary documentation, vehicles, drivers and other aspects were received. You need to understand this topic.

When the rules for transporting children on the bus do not apply

The main change that appeared in the rules now sounds like a ban on the presence of both parents of the child or their representatives. Parents of children or their legal representatives can participate in the transportation of a group of children only if they simultaneously perform the function of a medical worker or an accompanying person.

How to understand these rules for transporting a group of children on a bus? They mean that if their parents are also present with the children, or official representatives, it is not necessary to comply with all the requirements. When transporting children, parents are obliged to independently monitor the safety of young passengers, and the accompanying person and the driver are no longer responsible for the group.

Primary requirements

Of course, a lot of improvements were made this year, however, it is necessary to highlight a few main ones.

  1. In transport, according to the rules for the organized transportation of children by buses, there must be at least eight minors.
  2. During the transportation, the bus should not be scheduled and perform the function of public transport.
  3. The traffic police issues a special permit to the driver, a copy of which he is obliged to carry with him. After the completion of the transportation, the document must be kept for three years.
  4. Children's bus trips can only be made from 6 am to 11 pm. Movement at night is possible only if the bus is "tied" to air or railway transport, and also during the day it was delayed by weather conditions.

It is also worth noting that the maximum night speed cannot exceed 50 kilometers per hour.

Coordination with the traffic police

So, for a trip of more than 8 minors, the organizer is obliged to report it to the traffic police. If this does not happen, then the inspector may take this for a deliberate violation of the rules for transporting children by bus.

When planning a trip, the manager must first select a transport company in accordance with the requirements and conclude a charter agreement with it. By the way, it is not necessary to involve a transport company. It may be another individual who meets the requirements. After that, the charter contract is sent to the inspectorate and a notification is automatically generated. This notice will be sufficient for a small group of no more than two buses.

If three or more buses are involved during the trip, then the organizer will be obliged to submit an application to the traffic police to order a car for escort.

It is important to remember that any notification, including with an application, must be submitted several days before the event. Otherwise, the inspection staff may simply ignore the notification, and then the trip will have to be postponed.

What you need to submit a notification to the traffic police

Since this year the requirements were corrected (transportation of children by bus is now organized differently), the following papers are required to submit a notification to the inspection:

  • exact time and date of travel;
  • accurately laid route;
  • the number of buses that will take part in the trip, as well as their brand, model, numbers;
  • all information about the drivers, as well as about their VU;
  • customer data;
  • information about the transport company;
  • all information about the accompanying group;
  • the number of minors on the bus.

In general, in order to organize transportation, it is necessary to collect a lot of documents, but the accompanying person only needs to contact the transport company to transfer the necessary information.

Other documents required for transportation

In addition to notification to the traffic police, the bus driver and the accompanying group must have a large package on hand required documents, namely:

  1. Information about food stocks and drinking water... Previously, this data was optional for short journeys.
  2. Route and approximate time for it.
  3. The route must be scheduled in all details. Special attention it is necessary to pay to planned stops.
  4. Complete data for the entire group, including its leaders.
  5. Seating areas.
  6. Information about the medical professional who must be present during the trip, the time of which exceeds 12 hours.

By the way, it should be noted that the rules for transporting children by school bus are practically no different from the requirements for one-time trips.

The leaders and organizers of the trip must remember that while the bus is moving, no one can be put on it. If the planting of a person is still planned, then in this case it must be indicated in all documents.

How to choose the right driver and bus

The rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses state that the choice of a driver and the vehicle itself must be taken especially seriously.

How to choose a bus driver?

First of all, he must have a VU with a category D with an experience of 1 year over the past three years. Also, the driver is not allowed to transport children if for Last year he had a deprivation of rights or arrest for traffic violations. Before entering the route, he must listen to a safety briefing and undergo the necessary medical examination.

It is worth noting that until 2016 the requirements for the driver, or rather for his experience, were stricter. Previously, only those drivers who had continuous experience for one year were allowed to transport children.

In addition, when organizing a trip, you need to pay attention to the year of manufacture of the bus itself. He must be no more than ten years old. Also, the vehicle must be equipped with a tachograph, as well as a GPS navigator or the ERA-GLONASS system. You will also need a diagnostic card.

If at least one requirement is not met, then the trip will not take place.

Punishment for violation of the rules of transportation

Organizers of a children's trip should not rely on "maybe" and prepare all the documents in advance. Traffic police officers warn that by violating the rules for transporting children on the bus, the organizer will find himself in an unpleasant situation: a large fine will be imposed on him in accordance with 12.23 of the Administrative Code.

The fine that is issued to the driver is 3,000 rubles, officials may receive a fine of 25,000 rubles, and the fine for legal entities is 100,000 rubles.

Such punishment is provided if the charter was not provided to the traffic police, the lists of children were not provided, or the route was not agreed upon. Also, a fine is imposed if the driver does not meet the requirements.

If the violators were "caught" at night, then in this case the fine for the driver will be 5,000 rubles or deprivation of VU for up to six months (at the discretion of the court). Officials will be fined 50,000 rubles, and legal entities in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

It should be noted that in recent times due to high fines, violations in the transportation of minors have become significantly less.