Price higher education in British universities varies from 10,000 pounds to 30,000 per year (for medicine and near-medical sciences).

How to enter the university in England / UK? What documents and knowledge the applicant needs

In order to enter English university, you will need not only a standard list of documents, but also certain language and academic knowledge.

The main list of required documents for the submitting family:

  • copy of foreign passport
  • for a bachelor - a school certificate and the passage of the Foundation program, or the International Year One program
  • for a master's degree - a completed bachelor's degree +, if necessary, the passage of the pre-Masters program
  • IELTS certificate issued no earlier than 2 years prior to the date of application for a student visa
  • letters of recommendation from teachers of English and mathematics, sometimes it is also possible from the principal / dean
  • motivation letter
  • Skype interview or personal visit to an educational institution

Benefits of studying at universities in England

UK universities, including universities in England, have several advantages over other popular and prestigious educational institutions in the world. The first and foremost is international status: highly qualified specialists are trained here, diplomas are recognized in most countries of the world. The most prestigious are Cambridge and Oxford, but diplomas from other educational centers make no less impression on international employers. The education received in the country becomes competitive advantage applicant.

In the TOP 10 best universities world includes institutions of two countries: these are the higher educational institutions of Britain, the list of which is presented in this section, and the USA. , as practice shows, is cheaper than the American one, the cost of education rarely exceeds 33,000 pounds per year, while at Harvard a student will have to spend at least 50,000 in the same currency. In addition, the bachelor's degree in England lasts 3 years, and not 4, as in the United States.

Educational institutions (you can find the list on the pages of the Smapse catalog) are also distinguished by their first-class material and technical base, which makes the learning process more efficient. Educational institutions have all the necessary academic resources; both ancient libraries and ultra-modern laboratories are at the service of students here.

Education at famous universities in the UK and internships for Russian students

Studying in England is a dream for many young people who are thinking about higher education. Universities in England are so prestigious that high tuition fees do not bother students and their parents from all over the world. Now in higher educational institutions in England, about 65 thousand foreign students .

The result of studying in English higher education institutions is a qualification international level and serious knowledge in numerous subjects. Structure English education is such that one university can unite several colleges and departments (for example, observatories, laboratories, business schools).

Laboratory classes, lectures, exams in each institution are organized centrally, i.e. common to all, and individual sessions and seminars are held in colleges.

To get a bachelor's degree, you have to study in English universities for three years, and in Scottish universities - four. For architectural, medical and other specialties, longer training is implied. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you can continue your studies and get a master's degree in 1-2 years.

Oxford students

The government of England is interested in qualified personnel from other countries, therefore, it develops work experience programs, when a graduate can take up to 2 years in his specialty. A program has also been developed to provide work permits to those students who, after studying, decide to stay.

Societies are created for the efficiency of work and cooperation between educational institutions, for example, the Russell group unites 24 of the best higher educational institutions in England.

The term "red brick universities" refers to 6 prestigious institutions of large industrial cities, which were originally created as colleges of engineering and applied disciplines, but then received royal university charters.

It is worth taking a closer look at the universities included in the list of the most famous universities, both in England and in the world.

Oxford University

Most old university England and the second in the list of the oldest higher educational institutions in Europe is located in. Scientists have not established the exact date of foundation, but it is known that in the 11th century they already taught there.

Only in the three universities described above did all the prime ministers of Great Britain study.

The work with the employment of graduates is excellent here. Assistance with documents and work permits is also provided for those foreign students who, after receiving a diploma, wish to remain working in Scotland.

University, bringing together several educational institutions Manchester, is in third place in terms of the number Nobel laureates(25) after Oxford and Cambridge. Competition for a place at the University of Manchester is the highest in England.

The structure of the Manchester educational institution includes: the Manchester Museum, which houses more than 4 million exhibits from around the world; Whitworth Art Gallery, which exhibits historical engravings, sculptures, paintings, printed works; Theater Contact, designed mainly for a youth audience.

The main alternative to Oxbridge is the public research university in Nottingham.

Durham University is the third oldest in England, and the building of Durham Castle, in which it is located, is the oldest university building in the world.

Aston University ranks first in England in terms of teaching medical disciplines.

Buckingham University is interesting - the only private institution among universities; has extensive ties with colleagues in other countries.

Westminster educational institution, formerly known as the Polytechnic Institute of Central London, was the first to introduce the new science of photography. The first photography studio in Europe was also opened here.

Cranfield University is a joint French-British institution that is part of the postgraduate education system. This educational institution is the only one that has its own airport and aircraft for teaching and researching aerospace technologies.

The Open University of Great Britain, thanks to the widespread use of distance methods, has become the largest in terms of the number of students.

Southampton, Leeds, Bristol, Liverpool and many other institutions of higher education are also known. In total, there are more than 120 universities in England. English higher education institutions are considered to be among the best in the world.

An interesting video about Cambridge University:

Every year the number of students choosing medical education in England and continues to increase: this is true for Russian students and other foreigners. Indeed, the prestigious diploma of higher medical education in England opens up the widest opportunities for successful international employment, continuing education and research activities, for stable and high income.

The most important thing about applying to medical schools in the UK

  • It is almost impossible to enter directly into a UK university at the Faculty of Medicine after a Russian school
  • To start studying at universities in the UK in the specialty "Medicine" in most cases, you need to pass at least 2 years in
  • There are one-year preparatory programs for admission to medicine at universities in the UK for graduates of Russian schools, for example: and
  • There are more.

Education in England: study medicine in the UK for international students

The British system of medicine traces its history back to many centuries: according to static data World Organization Health (WHO), the country ranks 15th among European countries in terms of medical care and 18th worldwide in the same parameter. The United Kingdom is in the TOP-10 world leaders in terms of the development of medicine, the use of the latest innovative technologies, pace of development and research; in Britain there are world-famous universities and faculties specialized areas( , and many others). Medical education in England is prestigious and in demand.

Such a high demand and prestige of medical universities leads to the highest competition among applicants: according to statistics, only about 8% of students are foreigners.

They are also chosen for the reason that a medical degree allows you to receive a fairly high salary. Yes, the price of education in England is quite high, but the costs will pay for themselves soon after graduation: according to statistics, an ordinary district therapist receives about 44,000 euros a year, and given the higher cost of services in private clinics, earnings can be even more.

Higher education in the UK: the structure of higher medical education in England, features

The duration of medical education in England is approximately 7-8 years: under the undergraduate program, a wide range of basic disciplines and areas are studied, from which the main and priority ones are selected in the internship (Foundation), during which active practice and internship begins. The first professional degrees that students who choose medical education in England and the UK receive are the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (similar and equivalent). After receiving a bachelor's degree, a student can continue his studies in a chosen or related specialty by going on an internship.

The internship (Foundation), in turn, is divided into two years - F1 and F2; graduation is marked by the receipt of an MB diploma (for specialists in the field of “Surgery” a ChB diploma is intended). The Foundation Doctor degree is mandatory for all practicing qualified doctors in Britain: in 2005 it replaced the Pre-registration house officer and Senior house officer. At the passed stage, they also learn to work in a team, acquire time management and IT skills.

  • F1 - 3-4 different specialties are being studied; General Medical advice defines a mandatory set of knowledge that a student must possess after each trimester
  • F2 - focuses on the diagnosis and prevention of acute diseases; teamwork and personnel management, the necessary IT skills, the ability to allocate time and rank tasks are also mastered.

In the United States, an intern is a specialist who has received a medical education, but does not yet have a license to practice medicine independently; in Britain, there is a term similar in meaning to the Foundation House Officer. Interns practice only under the direction of a licensed physician in an accredited clinic or hospital

A profile can be obtained by completing GEP express courses (4 years instead of 5-6), but only applicants who have graduated from biological and medical faculties can enroll in accelerated training. There are exceptions to this rule, but you need to find out about them at each university separately - for example, Cambridge accepts even holders of humanitarian diplomas at the GEP.

The Special General Medical Council - GMC - is responsible for the certification of specialists and has been working for many years, periodically releasing professional collections of recommendations that are mandatory for students, graduates and applicants.

The most prestigious and ranked universities in medicine in England

Great Britain can be proud of a galaxy of scientists and physicians of world renown who were educated in England in one of 30 profile medical schools or one of 10 universities. Among the most popular, prestigious and rating educational institutions are the following:

  • King's College School of Medicine
  • University of Wales

How to apply to a medical school in England?

Unlike most other universities and high schools, the requirements for applicants are not limited to a certificate with good grades and results of a language test for knowledge in English. You will need an A-level certificate (the course should have studied core subjects - for example, chemistry or biology), a language testing certificate confirming an advanced level of English, and a mandatory BMAT exam (entrance testing in biochemical sciences).

Please note that most specialized universities provide a very small quota for Russian students and foreigners from non-EU countries, which further complicates the competition for each place. As already mentioned, medical education in England is in great demand among the citizens of the country.

Pre-university training programs in medicine

  • Foundation or (1 academic year). This course, upon successful completion, makes it possible to enter the chosen faculty without exams, which is very convenient for foreigners. This program is provided by major educational centers (such as INTO and Study Group). For example, INTO, together with organize a six-year training program in one of the best specialized schools: 4 years of study and two years of practice and internship in US clinics. At the end of the course, the student receives the right to work in his specialty in America, and if he passes the GMC certification, in the UK.

Education system in England

Speaking of medical education in England, it is impossible not to highlight the educational system of Britain as a whole: a gradual, gradual development of the national educational standard will help to succeed even in such a complex field as medicine. The educational system of Great Britain is deservedly considered one of the best in the world, and it is from the United Kingdom that many countries of the world take an example. In many ways, national standards are regulated by the Law on Education, adopted back in 1944, which regulates the entire educational system as a whole.

Education in the UK is compulsory for all citizens from 5 to 16 years of age. Up to the age of 5, parents can send their child to a nursery or kindergarten(3-4 years old), where kids will learn to count, read and write in fun and interesting activities. After the age of 16, a student can receive a vocational qualification (GNVQ), start labor activity or go to programs sixth form and prepare for higher education at the university. In general, the entire educational system is divided into 4 levels:

  • primary education (Elementary School) - 5-11 years
  • secondary education (Secondary School) - 11-16 years
  • post-secondary education (Further Education) -16-18 years
  • higher education.

You can choose a public free school or private school(the latter mainly work as boarding houses, providing students with accommodation on campus for the duration of their studies). There are schools that offer a full educational cycle (from 3-5 to 18 years old), you can move from junior to secondary or high school by changing educational institutions: for example, in Britain there are many high schools and colleges specializing in preparing students aged 15-18 for enrollment in universities. You can also choose a separate school (separately for boys or separately for girls) or an institution of joint education - as a rule, the former are distinguished by stricter discipline and loyalty to traditions.

Secondary education in the UK, education system

The secondary education of children in England usually begins at the age of 5 with preschool classes - at the age of 6-7 they are already waiting elementary grades in public and private schools, and at the age of 11 students move to the middle classes, where they study until the age of 15-16.

  • Primary classes usually include training in an already set, standard program with a specific set of subjects: English, mathematics, science, history, music, physical education and sports, art.
  • In the middle classes, the depth of study gradually increases from year to year, the child has the opportunity to choose some of the subjects on his own - the “backbone” of disciplines is determined, which is mandatory for attending, and the rest can be chosen as electives according to your taste and interests.
  • Senior classes (Sixth Form) is a full-fledged directed preparation for enrolling in a university. It can be an A-level, IB, Cambridge Pre-U, Foundation (one-year) course - the choice depends on future country and the university chosen for higher education.

A-level provides for a deep, thorough study of 3-5 selected disciplines over 2 academic years and the subsequent passing of an exam, which are also counted as entrance to the chosen university. Foreign students often choose the one-year Foundation: in addition to studying basic academic subjects, it is characterized by intensive language course which will help in just a year to significantly improve the level of English. But pay attention: the top, most elite and selective universities do not accept the Foundation as an academically complete one and require a certificate of at least A-level or IB.

At the age of 16, a student can go to receive vocational education(Further education): this professional training or preparation for a bachelor's degree. This qualification can be obtained in colleges, institutes and special schools.

The academic year in the UK lasts 38 weeks and is divided into thirds - trimesters:

  • Autumn (Michaelmas) - from September to December
  • Spring (Lent ) – from January to March
  • Summer ) from April to early June.

Each school can set the exact dates for each trimester on its own. Do not forget about the holidays: short weekly intervals in the middle of each trimester and long Christmas, Easter (2-3 weeks each) and summer (6 weeks) holidays.

Students study on weekdays - from Monday to Friday: usually these are lessons from 9:00 to 15:00 (breaks for lunch and lunch are provided). Saturday is a traditional day for excursions, major events, sports and matches, classes in creative studios and elective courses. Sunday is usually reserved for rest.

Higher education in England and across the UK

Higher education in the UK can be provided by universities, institutes, higher schools and polytechnic colleges - more than 700 institutions in total. You can get a bachelor's and master's degree (including MBA), pass short-term programs (diploma and advanced training), doctoral degree. Universities are divided into two large groups:

  • Unitary: include departments and faculties
  • Collegiate (including Oxford and Cambridge): consist of several colleges, sometimes even several dozen.

Education in higher education institutions begins in October and lasts until June, each trimester (third school year) for 8-10 weeks. Long summer holidays are provided - usually from June 1 to September 30.

A bachelor's degree can be obtained in 3-4 years (in medicine and architecture - up to 6 years), a master's degree - after studying for an additional year and creating a personal research paper. A doctoral degree can be obtained for voluminous outstanding work, for an invaluable contribution to science, inventions with the ability to practical application or important scientific research.

The main forms of work at universities are seminars and lectures, laboratory works, tutorials in mini-groups of 2-10 people, workshops: in general practical work there are much more in English universities than in Russian ones.

All higher education in the country is paid, and for foreigners the fee is usually higher. British citizens have the opportunity to study on credit, and the government is only entitled to collect debt if the graduate got a job with a salary of at least £ 21,000 a year.

You may also be interested in:

One of best schools in the USA with training in medicine and biomedicine.

For details on admission to medicine in the UK, please contact a representative:

UK higher education has rich history, starting with the founding of Oxford in the 12th century, and a little later cambridge universities. Today, over 300 universities operate in England. You can get an education in the higher schools of the United Kingdom in any specialty.

Modern British education provides international qualifications and is renowned for its excellence in a wide range of subjects. Centuries-old traditions are combined with the latest methodological pedagogical developments and excellent technical equipment of educational buildings - this is how the famous English quality is achieved. An English university degree is recognized in more than 180 countries around the world and opens up excellent career opportunities.

Structure high school It is represented by three degrees: bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. There is also a separate business education - MBA.

Despite the fact that all universities in the UK are supervised by the Department of Education and Science, in educational systems ah there are slight differences. Thus, in England it takes three years to obtain a bachelor's degree, in Scotland - four. Many universities provide the opportunity to do an internship during training. In this case, the total duration of study increases by a year. Some specialties related to medicine, dentistry and architecture will require a longer bachelor's degree - up to 7 years. Master Program lasts 1-2 years, depending on the specialty.

Top Universities in England

From year to year, universities in the UK occupy the first lines in the world rankings. So, according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019, 58 British universities are in the top 500 universities in the world. The top ten are traditionally Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College London. Most schoolchildren, dreaming of studying at an English university, most often imagine themselves to be students of these famous educational institutions. In practice, it is not only difficult to enter them, but very difficult - the competition, depending on the faculty, is up to 12 people per place. But before applying to any English university, Russian schoolchild it will also be necessary to level the differences between the school certificate of the Russian Federation and the UK.

How can Russians enter a British university?

Unfortunately for Russian applicants, getting into a British university after graduating from a Russian school is impossible. The reason lies in the discrepancy between educational systems: English students spend 13 years at school, while our compatriots spend 11.

In order to compensate for the "gap", you can:

  • Unlearn 1 year Russian university , after which to enter the British. This option can be called the most risky - such applicants have a low chance of being enrolled.
  • Pass the training in program Foundation, which lasts 1 year and allows you to improve your knowledge of English, as well as "pull up" profile disciplines. The Foundation Certificate is accepted by most British universities, but not all. So before choosing this program, it is better to make sure that the university you are interested in is considering applications from applicants with this type of certificate.
  • Enter a British high school and study there for 2 years by program Advanced Level (A-level) Program or International Baccalaureate Program (IB). The first program is more narrowly focused and is suitable for those who have already decided on their future specialty. IB provides training in a wider range of subjects. Both versions of the certificates are accepted by all higher education institutions in the UK. In fact, you become an English student and will enter the university on a par with the British.

UK university enrollment

The process of admission to universities in the UK is unified and carried out centrally through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). All applicants, including Russians, fill out a special form that contains the following data:

  • GCSE score, or the score that a student expects to receive in exams.
  • A short essay (personal statement) in which the student talks about his professional plans justifying the need to study in this area.
  • List of universities, in the amount of not more than 6 institutions, in which the applicant would like to enter.

Universities receive applications from applicants and report their decision. Since applications are submitted no later than January, when the final exams have not yet been passed, admission is usually “conditional”. After the applicant receives the results of the final exams, we can talk about the actual admission.

As a rule, applicants calculate their strength in advance - every year in the UK a ranking of universities is published, which indicates the passing scores. For Oxford and Cambridge, they are traditionally 100 points (maximum possible result), but for enrollment it is also necessary to pass exams at the university itself and pass a personal interview. By the way, applications to these educational giants should be sent no later than September of the previous year.

The cost of higher education in the UK

The cost of higher education in the UK is the highest in Europe. However, studying at British universities is considered so prestigious that this does not stop foreigners. It is also worth considering the possibility of obtaining a bachelor's degree in 3 years: reducing the total time of study can significantly save on education. Prices for a year of study range from 10,000 to 22,000 pounds (depending on the university and faculty). The most affordable are humanities faculties: the price rarely exceeds £12,000. Technical specialties will cost about £17,000. For business specialties (economics, political science, law, management), the price tag in leading universities reaches £20,000. doctors. 17,000-22,000 pounds per year - this is the cost of higher medical education in England.

An important item of expenditure is accommodation: most English universities provide hostels only for first-year students. After that, students will have to decide the issue of living on their own, which can be very costly. So, renting an apartment in London will cost about £900.

You can reduce the cost of higher education in England with the help of scholarships and grants, which can be found on the website of the same admission committee UCAS. Often, there are separate programs for students from Russia and the CIS countries.

5 categories of British universities

Choosing British university It is important to know which category it belongs to. All universities in the UK can be divided into 5 categories, depending on when they were founded. Universities in England, created at about the same time, have many common features although, of course, each university is unique and has its own advantages.

Ancient Universities- created before the beginning of the 17th century, in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

  • University of Oxford - founded in 1167
  • University of Cambridge - founded in 1209
  • University of St Andrews - founded in 1413
  • University of Glasgow - founded 1451
  • University of Aberdeen - founded in 1495
  • University of Edinburgh - founded in 1583

Red Brick Universities- Initially, this group included only 6 "civilian" universities based in large industrial cities of Great Britain, which received the status of universities before the start of the Second World War. The main difference between these universities and Ancient Universities was their practical rather than academic focus.

  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Sheffield

Currently, this category includes all universities that are members of the so-called Russel Group, which was a collaboration of 20 universities in the UK (previous 6 and 14 below), which received government grants and state support. The Commonwealth of these universities got its name from the name of the hotel where their first informal meetings took place - the Russel Hotel in Russel Square in London.

  • University of Leicester
  • University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
  • University of Nottingham
  • Queen's University of Belfast
  • University of Reading
  • University of Southampton
  • University of Swansea
  • University of Wales (Aberystwyth)
  • University of Wales (Bangor)
  • Cardiff University
  • University of Dundee
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Hull
  • University of Wales (Lampeter)

Plate Glass UniversitiesEnglish universities created between 1963 and 1992 (mostly in the 60s). The name of this category reflects their modern architecture at that time, contrasting with the universities of the previous categories - Red Brick and Ancient.

  • Aston University
  • University of Bath
  • University of Bradford
  • Brunel University
  • city ​​university
  • Cranfield University
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of Essex
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Keele University
  • University of Kent
  • Lancaster University
  • Loughborough University
  • University of Salford
  • University of Stirling
  • University of Strathclyde
  • University of Surrey
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Warwick
  • University of Ulster
  • University of York

New Universities- former polytechnics of England, which received university status in 1992 in accordance with the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.

  • University of Abertay Dundee
  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • Bath Spa University
  • University of Bedfordshire
  • Birmingham City University
  • University of Bolton
  • Bournemouth University
  • University of Brighton
  • University of Central Lancashire
  • Coventry University
  • De Montfort University
  • University of Derby
  • University of East London
  • Edge Hill University
  • University of Glamorgan
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • University of Gloucestershire
  • University of Greenwich
  • University of Hertfordshire
  • University of Huddersfield
  • Kingston University
  • Leeds Metropolitan University
  • University of Lincoln
  • Liverpool Hope University
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • London Metropolitan University
  • London south bank university
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Middlesex University
  • Napier University
  • Northumbria University
  • University of Northampton
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • University of Plymouth
  • University of Portsmouth
  • Robert Gordon University
  • Roehampton University
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • staffordshire university
  • Southampton Solent University
  • University of Sunderland
  • University of Teesside
  • Thames Valley University
  • University of the West of England
  • University of the West of Scotland
  • University of Westminster
  • University of Wolverhampton

Recently Created Universities are former colleges that received university status in 2005.

  • Canterbury Christ Church University
  • University of Chester
  • University of Chichester
  • Queen Margaret University
  • University of Winchester
  • York St John University
  • University of Cumbria


The British system of medicine has been known to the world for many centuries. According to statistics, the country ranks 18th in the world in terms of the level and professionalism of medical care.

The UK is in the top 10 in terms of achievements in the medical field, in the field of scientific technology, as well as the introduction and development of innovations in the country.

Medical, as in many other countries, is prestigious and extremely in demand.
Every year, the number of students flocking from all over the world to Foggy Albion in order to get a medical education is growing. This is not surprising - a prestigious diploma of higher medical education received in Great Britain, opens up the possibility of building successful career on international market and ensure a stable and high level income for many years. Although medical services for citizens are free and financed from the country's budget, doctors receive very good wages even occupying the ordinary position of a district therapist (General Practitioner or, for short, GP).

There are some nuances that you need to know if you decide to enter the medical faculty in England. Having just finished Russian school, the medical faculty is extremely difficult. Below are a few options for how preparatory work can be carried out to start studying in the specialty "Medicine":

  • study for at least two years high school England;
  • pass a one-year preparatory program for admission to medical school. These courses are organized by many universities. For example, the training program at St. George's University of London, or foundation program at the University of Central Lancashire, UCLan;
  • there is a variant of the summer short-term program. These courses provide an opportunity to practical experience in medicine at the country's leading medical university. You will listen to a course of lectures and seminars by leading experts in this field, get real medical practice in laboratories, get an introduction to radiography, surgery, physiotherapy, clinical practice, get acquainted with the features of passing the UKCAT test.

Unlike universities aimed at other specializations, the entry requirements for medical university much more serious. For admission, you must provide a certificate of completion of the A-level program (biology, chemistry, physics are mandatory for study, attention is paid to scores in these subjects in the first place), a certificate of passing the test for the level of knowledge of the English language (IELTS or TOEFL) and is required passing the BMAT exam (Biomedical Admission Test - testing in biochemical sciences).
We remind you that among the citizens of the country, medical education is in great demand, so the quota of places for foreign students is small, which makes it difficult to get a place at the university. Therefore, preparation for admission to the coveted university should be given utmost attention.

In total receiving medical education will have to devote 7-8 years. The first steps in professional development are Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, they are absolutely equivalent. At this stage, a wide range of academic sciences is being studied.

The next stage, the internship, is devoted to active practice and internships, the main and priority ones are selected from the studied disciplines in these years. After receiving a bachelor's degree, going on an internship, the student is free to make his own decision - to continue his studies in the chosen one, or to switch to an adjacent specialty.

The internship (Foundation) is divided into two stages - F1 and F2.

  • F1 - several specialties are being studied (3-4). The General Medical Council establishes a mandatory set of knowledge that the applicant must receive after each trimester.
  • F2 - most of the study time is devoted to practice. Students master the skills of diagnosing and preventing diseases, come to an understanding of how to work harmoniously in a team, learn to manage personnel, acquire knowledge about time management and IT in medicine, the ability to allocate time and sort tasks.

Upon graduation, students receive MB diplomas (or ChB for the direction of "Surgery"). To practice freely in the UK, an applicant must obtain a Foundation Doctor degree. This is a mandatory requirement for all practicing and qualified physicians.

An intern is a specialist who has already received a medical education, but does not yet have a license for independent practice, in England is called the Foundation House Officer. These specialists practice here exclusively under the guidance of a doctor with a license based on an accredited clinic.

Naturally, getting medical pleasure is not cheap, but all expenses are more than paid off by the prospects that open up for the holder of a British diploma of higher medical education. Graduates of medical schools in England work in prestigious private clinics, work as family doctors, participate in scientific research. Therefore, if you decide to connect your life with medicine, then it is difficult to imagine the best country for getting an education in this profile!