The number of people annually leaving for permanent residence in the Czech Republic is growing at a tremendous rate, and there is nothing surprising in this. Among other EU countries, the Czech Republic has a good ratio of living standards-earnings-immigration opportunities. Czech language exam is a prerequisite for those wishing to live and work in the Czech Republic.

The international system of levels of knowledge of foreign languages ​​is applicable to Czech language, these are levels A1 - C2. To successfully pass the Czech language proficiency exam for applying for permanent residence, you must have a level of at least A1. You can take a chance and try to learn the language on your own, but a guaranteed positive result can only be achieved with the correct systematic study of the Czech language. At first glance, the Czech language seems simple and intuitive, but this is still a delusion. Too many fail this exam just because they think everyone knows and understands. Since the Czech language proficiency exam can be taken for free only once, and the subsequent ones will be based on a paid retake, then the best option These are good Czech language courses. 4 months 2 times a week average duration courses for level A1. Another way to learn the language and later obtain Czech citizenship is. It is worth noting that the A1 level can be of 2 types: those who want to get permanent residence pass an exam of one type, and those who simply study the Czech language take exams of a different type and content.
The Czech language proficiency exam consists of a written and an oral part. The written part examines reading, listening and writing skills. The written exam is followed by an interview. For many, an oral exam is always more difficult to pass than a written one, but you should not be afraid of it. You will draw out a card with a picture and you will need literally in 5-10 simple sentences describe what you see. This may be a description of the kitchen, or another room; description of the patient and doctor in the office; buying clothes in a store. Often the examiners, seeing that it is difficult for you to describe the situation from the picture, simply ask general everyday questions.


Are you planning to move to the Czech Republic? Are you afraid that you won't be able to learn Czech? Are you afraid that the Czech language exam will be very difficult?

Do not be afraid! We have prepared tips for you regarding the study of the Czech language and we will show you little tricks that will help you successfully pass the exam in the Czech language.

Czech language exam for foreigners

I just want to learn Czech, why should I be interested in the Czech language exam?

Passing the state exam in the Czech language is a mandatory requirement for foreigners from third countries and also the main requirement for obtaining citizenship of the Czech Republic. Therefore, if you intend to permanently live in Czech Republic This exam is essential for you.

Czech Language Proficiency Exam for Permanent Residence in the Czech Republic

If you fulfill the condition of a continuous five-year stay in the territory of the Czech Republic, you have the opportunity to apply for permanent residence in the Czech Republic. One of the main documents that you must report to the application for permanent place residence is a document confirming knowledge of the Czech language.

What document confirming the knowledge of the Czech language is required?

Knowledge of the Czech language can be confirmed either Certificate of Knowledge Czech language, which you will receive after successfully passing the exam or otherwise a generally recognized document confirming the passing of the exam in the Czech language.

A generally recognized document is a document confirming the passing of an exam in the Czech language in language school, which has the right to take state language exams or take an exam in the Czech language at the Institute for Special Language Training at Charles University.

Who can not provide a document on knowledge of the Czech language?

Provision of a document on knowledge of the Czech language is not required:

  • persons under the age of fifteen,
  • in the event that you have studied at least one year in elementary or high school, institute or educational institution with the direction of study in the Czech language,
  • persons with physical or mental disabilities that affect their ability to communicate,
  • persons over sixty years of age.

I am an EU citizen, am I also required to provide proof of Czech language proficiency?

Citizens following countries: European Union, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland.

Where can I take the Czech language exam?

The list of institutions where you can take the state exam in the Czech language can be found .

How much does the Czech language exam for foreigners cost?

The first attempt to take the Czech language exam is free. It is enough to ask for the so-called Referral for the exam, which can be obtained from the Ministry of the Interior, the Azil and Migration Policy Department.

If you fail the exam, you will have to pay 1500 CZK for the next attempt.

How long does the Czech language exam take?

The exam consists of four parts: reading, writing, listening and speaking. A certain time is allocated for each part, in general, the exam lasts an hour and a half.

  • Reading - twenty minutes,
  • Letter - fifteen minutes,
  • Listening - thirty-five minutes
  • oral part- Ten minutes

What are the individual parts of the exam?

Sample questions for the Czech language exam for foreigners can be found . Below is an example of a basic question structure.


I am looking for a family house with a large plot near Prague, I am not interested in a house in the village.

The house should be two or three rooms, there should also be a garage. There should be a grocery store, school, bus stop or train station not far from the house.

Price up to 4,000,000 crowns. I will buy immediately and quickly. I want to settle down 1.6.

You can call from Monday to Friday at tel. 777 809 311 from 8:00 to 12:00 - Milan Novak, Brno

  1. Where should the house be? Write the answer

a) in Prague b) in Brno c) in Olomouc e) elsewhere

In reading to simple type questions should be a simple answer, which must be selected from the proposed answers. In our example, the answer is "in Prague".


Usually, the written part of the exam includes filling out various forms in Czech. The purpose of such tasks is to simulate a real situation in which it is necessary to fill out a form or form.

Oral part:

During the oral part of the exam, focus on the meaning of sentences and pronunciation. Sample text can be found .


For better preparation train with the exercises you find .

Listening to radio or television can be a passive learning method. You don't have to understand everything in question, the main thing is that you get used to the speed with which native speakers speak and also learn to distinguish small nuances in the pronunciation of Czech words.

How is the Czech language exam assessed for permanent residence?

Each part of the Czech language exam is worth a maximum of twenty points, the applicant is required to obtain a minimum of twelve points for each part of the exam. If you get less than twelve points on any part of the exam, you will have to take the whole exam from the beginning.

Classification of the exam in accordance with international standards

The exam corresponds to level A1. It's necessary First level language skills for everyone who wants to stay in the Czech Republic. Knowledge of the language in this volume implies the ability to understand basic phrases, be able to say hello, introduce yourself, tell about yourself. This level corresponds to 160 hours of Czech language instruction.

How to prepare for the exam?

Preparation for the exam should begin with the fact that you need to find a good teacher of the Czech language or a good language school.

The Czech language is considered one of the most difficult European languages, so we advise you to practice pronunciation and communicate freely with native speakers.

As you probably know, there are many local restaurants and beer bars in the Czech Republic, where you will definitely find someone to meet and talk in Czech. For local residents I really like to teach foreigners the Czech language and the correct pronunciation.

You can try the Czech Interactive Sample Test 2016 for free

As part of the further improvement of the knowledge of the Czech language, you can purchase a Czech grammar book, which you can find in any bookstore. The textbook contains all the rules of Czech grammar based on primary and secondary education in Czech schools.

From personal experience we can recommend, for example, the following: "Elementary grammar of the Czech language" - Vlastimil Styblik or "Handbook of the Czech language" - Pavel Kantorek.

Czech language exam for foreigners

5 (100%) 3

I warn you right away, there will be a lot of bukof. Baikal has not yet been completed, and I don’t know if it will.
At one time, when we were just going to take this exam, which is the only certified exam in the Czech language, there was not a lot of information on the Internet and I promised that after passing I would describe in great detail the procedure for passing the exam. The surrender has passed. Successful or not will be known in three weeks, but for now I can describe.
The exam is administered by Charles University. In Russia, the exam is held only in Moscow and, as practice has shown, once a year. In the Czech Republic, it is possible to take the language almost every month, or even twice a month. There are also centers for surrender somewhere in Germany, in Warsaw and in a couple of other cities, as far as I remember. You can read more about this at There are also exemplary test options. In particular,
The B2 level exam consists of five parts - reading, listening, lexico-grammar test, writing and speaking.
However, this is what you could have learned without me. Now about what is difficult to find on the Internet. After recording with you e-mail an employee of the Czech center in Moscow contacts and tells the details about the payment. You need to pay 200 euros (not in rubles, but in euros) no later than a month before the exam date. Everything would be fine, but they DO NOT support either bank transfers, nor any other payment methods remotely. Therefore, it remains only the opportunity to come to this center in person or ask friends and pay. However, when I wrote a tearful letter stating that none of my friends would be there until the specified payment deadline, I was allowed to pay a little later. In the end, this was not needed, because an acquaintance unexpectedly went there and paid.


About a couple of weeks before the date of the exam, a notification arrives in the mail that the consultation will take place then and there, and the exam itself at your level then and there (initially, two days are known in which four different exams will be held at levels A1, A2, B1, B2 and if there are those who want to go to C1, and on which days exactly what level becomes known only a couple of weeks before the exam). At the appointed time, we arrived at the Third Tverskaya-Yamskaya, where the Czechs settled. There is even a Czech cafe there, which, however, can only be entered if you are a student of the Czech center. In general, we came, we were met by friendly Czechs and Russian girls who spoke Czech. After sitting for half an hour (since we arrived earlier, everything started on time), they let us into the audience and began to speak in accessible Czech with gestures. From what we didn't know yet and it was very interesting for us to find out - the percentage of successful delivery is 85. In general, not bad. Separately, I would like to say about two girls - masters who conducted a presentation and subsequently an exam. Two beauties, as a selection. Very smiling, friendly, but at the same time strict. There is no other way, the certified exam is the same.


The exam for our level was held on Sunday at 10 am. We were told to come at 9:30 to check in. Naturally, we were already there at 9 :) We were warned beforehand that we must take with us a receipt for payment and an identity document for Latin, valid. In our case, it was a passport. They said that without such a document passing the exam is impossible. Passed, registered, sat down to worry - wait for the rest to register and the exam begins. A little about him. You can write only with an ordinary pencil, you can use an eraser and a sharpener. There may also be water on the table and a passport should lie. That's all there is on the table. It is highly recommended to take wrist watch, cell phones are not allowed, and there were no clocks in the auditorium. However, we did not have a watch with us and did not have time to buy it. Strongly did not suffer, the remaining time was announced at the right time.


As I already wrote, the exam consists of five parts. The first one is reading. There are four tasks in total, tasks for which can be read in an indicative version. If in the test version there were ambiguous tasks, then on the exam itself the texts were not complicated enough, the answers were unambiguous, and the task about arranging text fragments in right order In my opinion, even those who have just begun to learn the language could have made the correct decision. All in all, I have a feeling that there I scored, if not 100, then more than 80 points for sure. The atmosphere was quite comfortable, it was clear that the examiners wish only the best and do not want to interfere with the successful passing of the exam. Everything was perfect, no problems. However, the same can be said about the remaining four parts.
How do I prepare for reading? Purposefully in any way, since there are no such tests, except for the demonstrative option. I just read. Everywhere. On the Internet, books, subtitles, etc. :)


After reading, we were given 10 minutes to rest, we unwinded and with renewed vigor went to write the second part of the exam - poslech s porozumenim. Contrary to expectations, unlike exams English language, computers were not even in the audience. So we all wrote on pieces of paper and listened to one tape recorder, on which dialogues and monologues were played from beginning to end without stopping. Everything was heard, no problems. Listening again contains four tasks. Again, the answers were pretty straightforward and the dialogues and monologues were not very difficult. In our common opinion. Here, too, I would like to hope for more than 80. This ended the rather simple part of the exam, and after a 10-minute break, we were waiting for ...

Lexico-Grammar test

If in the tasks of the previous block, when it was necessary to enter the correct answer yourself, the spelling was not taken into account at all (the main thing is that they understand you), then in this block if you forgot a cup or a gachek, the answer is wrong. Despite the fact that only two of the four tasks were for the choice of an option from the proposed ones, the remaining two were for writing on your own. Some of the tasks were very similar to the tasks from the demonstration variant. In general, it’s okay, but I hurried, left early and then realized that I had done at least three tasks incorrectly. Here at least more than 60 percent to score. The condition for passing is that each part is written by more than 60 percent, while one of the written parts (not speaking) can be written by 50 or more. However, the average percentage should be 60 or higher. It feels like half an hour, which is allocated for this part, is quite enough, because what you know - you write, what you don't know - you guess. :)

The next item on our program was writing, which consists of two tasks - a letter and an essay. We were immediately warned that there might not be enough time and that we should follow it. Every half an hour we were told that they had passed. This part lasts 80 minutes and despite the feeling that this is a lot, in fact it is not enough. I fit in time tyutelka in tyutelka. Examiners immediately advise not to write everything on drafts due to the fact that there may not be enough time. Write only structure.
The letter task was to write a request to your boss for funds to take you to a course. At the same time, in addition to the standard appeal, the first and last sentence and the signature, four aspects had to be disclosed. All this is at least 100 words. Naturally, I didn't fit into them. I think that I got somewhere around 130. Nothing good, of course, but I revealed everything. We learned in advance all types of appeal, the first and last sentences in the letter and the signature. So it remained to come up with only the main part. As I understand it, at the B2 level they always write official letters, on B1 - more often personal.
Essay. Two themes were suggested - Kdo chce vic, nema nic (which I chose) and Chyby cloveka uci. We thought of writing and learning in advance a more or less general introduction and conclusion, so having changed them a little, we only have to write the main part.
In writing assignments, the topic is very important. If you do not comply with it, you are given zero points without further evaluation for other parameters.
I can’t say how many points I will have for this part. But again, I would like to hope that more than 60.

And the last part - speaking

According to the order in which you registered, everyone is divided into pairs. At the beginning, you may be asked to pair up with a certain person, but because of the excitement, none of the 10 people who took the exam did so. somehow in a strange way it turned out that all couples consisted of a boy and a girl. But then we redistributed ourselves and went a little differently. The speaking schedule appeared after reading and I knew that I would go at 1420 the second with some young man. A total of 20 minutes are allotted for a couple. First we went in and took turns talking about ourselves. I couldn't think of anything like this at all. huge amount tell information. Prepare your speech ahead of time. Then they give you the topic of the monologue, you get ready (they don’t give you sheets of paper :() and after the monologue of the second examinee you tell it. I got to tell you why I chose as a training program artificial intelligence And what am I going to do after the training. It went better here. My partner was told to prepare a dialogue on the topic of ecology, since he entered this specialty. Then they were loaded with questions about what he himself does to maintain the environment and how to modern world countries belong to it. Misha got a monologue on the benefits and disadvantages of studying in the Czech Republic and in Krasnoyarsk.
The last task is a dialogue with a partner. It did not pass as described in the model version. We were simply given the task of agreeing on renting an apartment, agreeing who will do what around the house and what the rules will be. All in all, it went smoothly. Misha had a task to agree on a joint trip.
The atmosphere was pretty good, but both I and Misha were very worried. Excitement in this matter is absolutely superfluous and I advise you to be absolutely calm, there is nothing to worry about. Easy to say, not so easy to do.

The results of the exam will appear in three weeks on the Internet, certificates in case of successful completion will be sent in a month. In general, I really liked it and there was a feeling of a friendly atmosphere.

Pro zájemce o studium na 1. LÉKAŘSKÉ FAKULTĚ UNIVERZITY KARLOVY pořádáme také speciální .

Exam dates in the Czech Republic for 2019

Exam date: Level: Exam date: Level:
Saturday 9. 3. 2019 B2, C1 Wednesday 5. 6. 2019 B1
Saturday 13. 4. 2019 B1, B2 Thursday 25. 7. 2019 A1, B2, C1
Friday 26. 4. 2019 * B1, B2 Thursday 22. 8. 2019 A2, B1, B2
Saturday 11. 5. 2019 A2, B2 Saturday 19. 10. 2019 B1, B2, C1
Sunday 12. 5. 2019 B1, C1 Saturday 14. 12. 2019 A2, B2
Tuesday 4. 6. 2019 B2 Sunday 15. 12. 2019 B1

* The exam held on 26. 4. 2019 will be held in the city of Brno.


Want to sign up for an exam? Click on the state in which you want to take the exam.

Planning to take the CCE exam, but You did not find a suitable date for you? Fill out the following form and we will inform you if a new date is set.

Czech Republic: Prague

Level A1: 2 800 Czech crowns
Level A2: 3 000 Czech crowns
Level B1: 3 300 Czech crowns
Level B2: 3 800 Czech crowns
Level C1: 4 000 Czech crowns


Level B1: 3 300 Czech crowns
Level B2: 3 800 Czech crowns

You must pay for an exam taking place in the Czech Republic no later than 7 days from the date of submission of the online application for the exam. When registering on the day of the exam, proof of payment for the CCE exam must be presented. Look for payment terms and details.

Students currently enrolled in preparatory Czech language courses organized by ILPS CU are eligible for discount. Detailed information about who is eligible for the discount, look for .

Exam date Saturday 19.10.2019
Levels: B1 (10:00), B2 (10:00), C1 (10:00)
You can register until 09/28/2019

Saturday 14.12.2019
Levels: A2 (10:00), B2 (10:00)
You can register until 11/23/2019

Sunday 12/15/2019
Levels: B1 (10:00)
You can sign up until November 24, 2019


Institute for Language and Professional Training
Praha-Krystal Training Center
José Martího 2/407 building C
160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic

ApplicationIN given time cannot enroll.

Belarus, Minsk

The next exam in Minsk will be held in the spring of 2019. Those who plan to take the exam in the near future can sign up for the December exam date in Kyiv. Submission of applications for the exam in Kyiv has been extended until 11/11/2018.

Bulgaria: Sofia

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

France Paris

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Italy: Naples

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Japan Tokyo

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Hungary: Budapest

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Germany Berlin

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Germany: Munich

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Germany: Weiden

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Poland: Katowice

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Poland Warsaw

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Austria Vienna

The date and time of the exam will be adjusted depending on the number of registered candidates after the closing of applications.

Every day people are growing interest in this wonderful country. And no wonder! located in the very center of Europe. In addition to the richest culture, indescribable beauty of landscapes, the Czech Republic creates favorable conditions for.

However, to really feel at home, you need to learn . Since 2001, the European Union has introduced the CEFR language proficiency assessment system (English Common European Framework of Reference, Czech Společný evropský referenční rámec (SERR)). According to her, possession foreign language is divided into levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. After passing the exam, you will receive a . The exam for all levels is divided into two parts: oral and written. The oral part involves your conversation with three examiners. The written part consists of three tasks: listening, composition and grammar. The test will ask questions about what you have read and heard.

What is it for? When applying for a job or when entering, you must provide a SERR certificate (not everywhere, but most often) that you have sufficient command of the language.

  • If you want to get or in this country, then you need to know at least level A1. This rule does not apply to persons under 15 years of age and over 60 years of age. With level A1 you will be able to talk about yourself and other people, communicate in simple themes, ask questions, write small texts, i.e. speak the language at the "everyday" level.
  • With level A2, you already have a more advanced lexicon: You can read and understand simple texts, tell more about yourself and your hobbies, family, maintain a dialogue on everyday topics and put it in writing.
  • With level B1 you will be able to talk about events in the past, present and future, about your goals and plans, and conduct a richer dialogue. This level assumes that you can easily perceive Czech speech by ear, you can communicate quite freely.
  • Requires at least level B2: You understand literary works in Czech, you perceive Czech speech by ear, you are fluent in words and writing.
  • On humanitarian specialties Universities will require C1 level. But not all institutions require it. It is assumed that if a person passes the exam in Czech (oral and written), then he knows the language. In many institutes, for admission, you need to pass an exam from the Czech language, and this is where a certificate comes in handy! It will be enough to provide it and one exam will be less.
  • With the level C1, C2, you can already say "Czech". You feel no problem participating in a conversation on any topic due to the language barrier. you understand scientific literature and are able to write a text in a scientific style, as well as become a court interpreter. That is, speak like your native language.

Listening level A1

Listening level A2