Earlier, when we just started our way to a new life, we endured the wet weather with a bang. tropical climate Asian countries. This is not only about Thailand, but also about Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Laos and other countries of Southeast Asia.

How do we live in a hot climate

All my life I loved hot weather, because I was born in Siberia, where in summer the air temperature usually stays stable at + 28C + 32C. Having moved to live in Moscow, I did not perceive the Moscow summer in any way and believed that 18-23 degrees was a spring climate, not a summer one.

Slava, in turn, also turned out to be a heat-loving person and perceived the heat more as a good time to raise his spirits and sing his soul. Well, it’s much more pleasant to walk in colored shirts and summer shorts, and not wear 5 pants each, wrapped in warm clothes.

All these years of travel, starting from Sri Lanka, we have not stopped loving the heat. Not warm, namely the heat +32 +34 degrees.

And even when we lived in Krabi in March, when the most hot season in Thailand, not without effort and groaning, however, they survived walking from the beach and back exhausted at + 36C. I remember that we were cooled by the realization that when we get to the condo, we will plunge into the cool pool.

That feeling when I got to my pool through the 40-degree heat. Photo .

I can't bear the heat in Laos

Only in Laos, whenever we came for a Thai visa, it turned out to be very stressful to endure the heat. You walk down the street at the limit of your ability. And on the trip before last, I only made it halfway from the hotel to the embassy, ​​and we had to go by tuk-tuk. Since 34-36 degrees is still tolerable, but +38 is already something! Even for an organism trained in a hot climate.

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - Kiwi Taxi
Ordered a taxi online, paid by card. We were greeted at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You have already talked about your experience In this article.

It is advisable to go outside in Vientiane closer to sunset. In the photo, the Mekong River

Everything changes

I don’t know how, in just 11 months of being outside of Asia, we have lost the habit of enduring high temperatures easily and naturally. There are thoughts that age affects. I thought that such thoughts would come to me after 40, and not after 27. But so far, age is the only clear explanation.

Now I know that the most optimal air temperature for me should be +25 +28, taking into account life in Asia.

Here, literally every degree counts. If in Russia you don’t feel much difference between +25 and +27, then in Asia it’s worth the temperature to rise by one or two degrees, the body immediately gives signals.

Now we try not to go in extreme heat to some sights that you need to get to the hill. We often stop to rest. And we hide from the sun on the beach, choosing a shade, not sunbathing.

And just for the sake of a photo, you can climb slippery stones and pretend that it’s great for you to lie under the scorching sun. True, it got lucky here, the photo was taken in not hot weather on

Buying new things to protect from the sun

I recently got a panama hat, because the hats are uncomfortable, they blow off, and I somehow feel uncomfortable in a cap. But panama is a protection for the head and hair from the scorching sun. But you can't protect your body.

I never thought and almost always laughed at the bundled up Asians, and myself, updating my wardrobe, bought blouses with long sleeve and from a denser material in order to maintain body temperature, and not let it heat up, as it would be in a regular T-shirt. Of course, I do not always wear them, but I gradually introduce such things into my wardrobe. (cm. )

The only thing that even closed clothes will not help with is humidity. Still, dry heat and at +35 is transferred 10 times easier than humid and tropical at +30.

We live in Pattaya, here the weather is comfortable in summer

In Pattaya this summer, like 2 years ago, the temperature is normal. We are here partly for this reason, because we wanted more comfortable climate conducive to walks in the air. In Pattaya in the summer you can walk for 2-3 hours on the promenade along the beaches, breathe the sea air, admire the scenery.

This year sunny days quite a lot, but there are also short-term rains. About once every 2-3 days it's raining. are often and cloudy days with a breeze and stretched clouds, which is also nice.

Every time we go for a walk, we buy water. You want to drink even in the cool, when the temperature is only + 31C

But the humidity is still high. And in given period even in the evening, whatever one may say, but you return home wet and run to the shower. And you are wet, not because you sweat from stuffiness or stress, but because the humidity ate you up in 10 minutes of being outside.

Questions for readers

All the talk about the heat and the climate to what I want to know from you, can you write some tips on dealing with humidity or tricks on how to keep your body cool longer?

How do you handle the heat? Do you think that age really gives such a result as heat intolerance? Maybe you know cities in Asia where the temperature stays no more than 25-28 degrees during the day, at least 2-3 months. Maybe there are such cities in Thailand? Except Chiang Mai.

I would like to immediately note that due to heat and humidity, we are not going to leave Asia and return to Russia yet. You can relax on this

Now we would like to go somewhere on an expedition to or even to Antarctica for a temperature change

It's always like this: you wait for summer, you wait, and then it comes to the city with heat and closeness, and you already involuntarily begin to dream of autumn. How to endure the heat with minimal loss of mood, health and time? After all, many bright sun and with the temperature “overboard” already at 20-25 degrees (not to mention “over +30”), I don’t want to do anything at all: neither go shopping, nor just go for a walk, I feel useless, but someone else work needs to go...

You can endure the heat and stuffiness in the summer much easier if you try to follow the advice from NameWoman.

How to beat the heat with a summer day regimen

1 . From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., do not go outside, and even more so, you should not sunbathe at this time of day or be outside near the water. We recommend that you endure the heat during this period indoors or on the balcony (but not directly under the sun that attacks you through the glass).

2 . Try to keep it to a minimum in the middle of the day. physical exercise and don't bother active sports- consider that you have a siesta. If you are hyperactive and can’t imagine life without sports, then make a choice in favor of yoga, Pilates or breathing exercises. A visit to the pool will also be very useful.

The simplest exercise , which is constantly worth doing in the heat: lightly tap your fingers on the upper section chest, it will be easier to breathe.

Walking with children is better to move to the early morning and evening time. It will be easier for your child to endure heat and stuffiness at rest, but how can a restless child sit still? Children's doctors believe that in this case it may well be appropriate and even useful computer games. But NameWoman once again reminds: do not cancel the walk in the morning and evening, and also remember that, like you, the pool will benefit the baby in the summer.

3 . Ideally (unless, of course, you have white nights), go to bed at sunset (after walking at least briefly along the street), and try to get up early, when it’s still not very hot outside. Do not lie too long in bed and hurry with the start of awakening morning procedures.

Drinking and eating during the hot season

4 . To endure the heat with minimal stress on the body, you need to drink more, but drink a small amount of cool water at a time (100 - 150 ml). Drinking a one and a half liter bottle of water at a time can lead to swelling of the face and legs, which, along with heavy sleep, will be especially easy to get if you drink too much just before going to bed. A healthy person, on average, needs to drink up to two liters per day. pure water. Additional tips, including about the ideal temperature drinking water you will find in the article "".

Say yes to nature

12 . Powders and foundations are comparable to clothes. In addition, they clog pores and cause profuse sweating. In summer, always remember to cleanse and moisturize your skin.

13 . Protective cosmetics from the sun are needed not only on the beach, but also in a hot and stuffy city. From natural remedies, your friend is tea tree essential oil and aloe juice. Use special hygienic lipsticks with UV filters - they will protect your lips from the harmful effects of the sun and moisturize them. The delicate and vulnerable skin of the eyes will be protected.

How to dress properly in hot summer

15 . Ideally, your clothes should be loose (by the way, not necessarily short, in a long light sarafan or dress you can endure the heat even better than in mini shorts when your skin is actively warmed by the sun's rays). Give preference to natural and light fabrics.

16 . In the sun, do not go outside during the day without a hat. Your choice is a hat, a panama hat or a homemade hat, but not a baseball cap, in which the head will only heat up and sweat.

17 . Do not wear synthetic underwear in the heat - it is hot in it and the skin does not “breathe”. And besides, such underwear increases the risk of fungus. That is why in the summer many women suffer from thrush.

How to beat the heat by preparing your home for the summer

18 . Protect your apartment from summer! Tape the windows with heat-repellent film - very effective remedy, the temperature in the apartment is guaranteed to be lower.

19 . The air conditioner is, in general, a good invention, but due to the wrong approach, it often does not help to endure the heat at all, but, on the contrary, worsens the human condition. Firstly, it is not worth lying under it for hours or being in the room where it is located after washing your hair. Secondly, the temperature difference on board your house and overboard should not be too large, do not set the air conditioner to a minimum, preferably 24 degrees. Thirdly, keep in mind that the air conditioner dries the air a lot, so you will have to save the day with a humidifier (or working similarly improvised means from point 20, perhaps in general it is worth giving preference to a good humidifier instead of an air conditioner?) Simple and interesting advice to create an air conditioner at home, we found on the Internet: if you have a fan, then just place an ice bottle in front of it, the surrounding air will become cooler.

The following recommendation from NameWoman will come in handy if the question of how to endure the heat really becomes a matter of survival for you and even sleeping at night is completely impossible. Fill the bath with cool water and stir in a glass of linden decoction or tea with 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil. Soak a duvet cover (and preferably two or even a padding blanket) in the resulting water and hang it on balcony door(or on the balcony in front of open window). Also open a window or window in another room to make at least a small draft.

20 . Humidification is the main thing in solving the problem of transferring heat. Do wet cleaning every day in all rooms, so it will be easier for you to breathe. If there is no humidifier, walk around the apartment several times a day with a spray bottle. A good idea, despite the tedious execution, is the daily “washing” of the curtains. Humidify the air in the apartment by placing bowls and vases with water, in the end, just by placing a bucket of water next to the bed.

Milena Just

NOT a spender

24.05.2010, 16:35

24.05.2010, 17:36

24.05.2010, 20:07

24.05.2010, 20:36

The question is the answer, go to the ocean, there are winds, the sea is cooler and the weather is colder. I also think Croatia, Montenegro, but due to a lot of vegetation.
We, too, at one time thought that heat was easily tolerated in Montenegro. But we arrived at the end of July +38:001:. And the vegetation there ... not very much ... Well, depending on where, of course ... The road to the beach (St. Stephen) is an open scorching sun. For an amateur.

24.05.2010, 21:24

In Tunisia on the island of Djerba

24.05.2010, 23:54

I definitely won’t advise Djerba - we were in April, it’s still out of season, and it’s hot.

Islands are the best choice. It’s good in Tenerife, but we were in April-May, it’s not hot, it’s a breeze, but it’s frankly cool to swim. Corfu (Zakynthos, probably the same situation), although it blows from all sides, but even at the end of June it is clearly more than 25, although water 22 is just a miracle. But can you sit in the shade? If the hotel - we do not have a beach, but a large shady area with trees - you could easily be in the shade all day.
Maybe Portugal, Madeira?

25.05.2010, 01:04

The question is in the climate in general, and not in the number of degrees - in the South Sea in July-August it is hot everywhere, but in a dry climate the heat is much easier to tolerate than in a humid one. by the way, even in Turkey, on the Mediterranean Sea, the level of humidity varies greatly, depending on the place - in the Maramaris region, for example, the air is much drier than in the Kemer region. We vacationed there in the summer. and there - two baaalshie difference. In August we rested in the village. Sarigerme, near Dalaman - it was hot, but dry, and in the evening it was normal in the room - we didn’t even turn on the air conditioner. I highly recommend - Iberotel Sarigerme Park. Only the prices there - uuuh.

NOT a spender

25.05.2010, 15:53

Where were you in Turkey? Where is the humidity high?
In St. Petersburg, the air humidity is also usually high.

It's me that you strong sun do not tolerate or heat in a humid climate? The drier the air, the easier it is to tolerate high temperatures. And in Central Russia, where usually there is no such humidity as in St. Petersburg, how do you feel at 25 degrees?

In Tenerife, as far as I know, the sun is just very active in summer, but the air is dry and easy to breathe.

In Turkey, I was in Alanya in the summer - I was dying from the heat even late in the evening (I don’t remember the temperature), in the second half of May I was in Turkey in the Kemer region near the mountains - at temperatures above 28 degrees it was hard especially in the sun, in other countries (Italy, Spain, Bulgaria) was BEFORE giving birth and endured the heat in a different way than now, because. after the birth of a child, for several years now I can’t bear the stuffiness and heat, I can’t go to the bathhouse and sauna - it’s very hard ....

25.05.2010, 15:59

In Turkey, I was in Alanya in the summer - I was dying from the heat even late in the evening (I don’t remember the temperature)
We were in Alanya in July, +42 degrees: 001: nothing remained alive! 1.5-year-old son endured everything chic, and cold wine and beer helped adults :))
True, during the day we had quiet time, somewhere from 13-15.30, the men were sleeping, and I went shopping :), I love this business both in the heat and in the cold: 008:

25.05.2010, 16:52

I can’t stand the heat very well, in St. Petersburg at more than 25 I hide in the shade

In Turkey, after 11 days at 28-30 degrees (and this is in May), she could no longer be in the sun

I really want to go to the sea or the ocean again in the summer ... where to go so that it is not so hard to endure the heat?

Are the Greek islands suitable? Zakynthos for example? Or Tenerife?
where, please advise!:091::091::091:

I also can’t stand the heat. I go on vacation in September to the Crimea or to our coast. The sea warm and the weather no longer hot.

25.05.2010, 17:11

In Turkey, I was in Alanya in the summer - I was dying from the heat even late in the evening (I don’t remember the temperature), in the second half of May I was in Turkey in the Kemer region near the mountains - at temperatures above 28 degrees it was hard especially in the sun, in other countries (Italy, Spain, Bulgaria) was BEFORE giving birth and endured the heat in a different way than now, because. after the birth of a child, for several years now I can’t bear the stuffiness and heat, I can’t go to the bathhouse and sauna - it’s very hard ....

Correctly said, apparently I can not stand the heat in a humid climate: ded:

In general, I don’t even know where to go in the summer to breathe easily

Before Turkey, you seem to have also traveled to countries with a drier climate.
I think it's a combination of heat and high humidity.

See dry climate. If Türkiye, then only the coast Aegean Sea. Greece, first of all islands, still Chalkidiki. Crete, Rhodes - a fresh breeze, but also a very active sun. Corfu, Zakynthos - cooler, I don't know about the wind. Halkidiki - there is no special wind, but there is no stuffiness either, this is Northern Greece, there is a lot of greenery and a mild climate.

I myself can hardly stand high humidity at high temperatures. At the same time, in Halkidiki at 33 Celsius, I felt quite good by the sea, not by the sea - a little hot, but tolerable.

Tenerife - active sun, but dry air, very healthy climate.
Tunisia, I think, is also suitable. Hot but not humid.

NOT a spender

25.05.2010, 18:49

I can't stand the heat either. I'm going on vacation in September....
In September and October, I know where to go, but the question is where in SUMMER (June, July, August): ded:

25.05.2010, 18:53

Egypt, it’s definitely not hot there (and this is in August) compared to Turkey, Cyprus and in general mediterranean sea, Red with a bang!

25.05.2010, 19:42

NOT a spender

25.05.2010, 19:55

I wasn’t in Egypt in August, but I wouldn’t risk it either :) There, of course, the air is dry and there will definitely not be a steam room, but still the sun is still ...

By the way, I was in mid-June - early July in Cyprus in Ai-Napa and Larnaca. At this time, there is still no high humidity and it breathes perfectly. Here at the end of July and in August, according to the locals, just tin. Hot, humid and stuffy.

IMHO, August is not at all best month in terms of recreation. Hot, expensive and a lot of people, because. Europeans have holidays.

We are considering June and July.

25.05.2010, 20:16

We are considering June and July.
I'm going to compare the air and water temperatures in Tenerife, Cyprus, Zakynthos and Haldiniki.

By personal experience I can say that all these figures do not really give a picture, especially with regard to water temperature. Better reviews read.

Tenerife has an ocean, where the water will be the coldest of all from the list. in Halkidiki (with inside"fingers") and in Cyprus since mid-June the water is warm. True, much depends on the weather in spring.

Moreover, although theoretically it should be hotter in Cyprus and the water is warmer than in Halkidiki, in practice the water on the beaches of Kassandra and Sithonia seemed to me even warmer than in Ai-Napa in Cyprus. And the most warm water was in Larnaca - generally fresh milk. I compare Ai-Napa and Larnaca by one trip and even by swimming there and there on the same day :)

The air temperature in Cyprus after the 15th of June and until the beginning of July is on average slightly higher than in Halkidiki, but the sun itself in Cyprus is much more active.

In July it is not very good to go to Cyprus. The temperature is rising, the humidity too. We had a good time there at the beginning of the month. My friend went to Limassol before me, either in mid-July, or at the end. Said the humidity was high. I myself was preparing to get into the steam room, but nothing happened.

In July it is better to go to Greece.

The fact is that in hot weather a person sweats intensely (the body strives for thermoregulation). In dry air, sweat evaporates quickly, which leads to a decrease in body temperature. In humid air such rapid evaporation of sweat does not occur. And since excess energy is not removed from the body, the body overheats. In addition, it is more difficult to breathe in humid air, the air is filled with a large number of infectious agents, and there is a “steam room” effect.

A bit of physics

Let's go in sequence. Evaporation is a process when the molecules of a body (in this case, water) acquire a speed sufficient to separate from the mass. We can say that the molecules leave (evaporate) with the highest speed (energy).

This means that they carry away with them part of the body's energy and the body cools down a bit. You have probably noticed that after leaving the water it becomes cooler, the higher the air temperature. This happens because evaporation is faster, and the evaporated molecules carry away body heat. That is, the higher the temperature environment, the more intense the evaporation, the more the body is cooled, from the surface of which evaporation occurs.

But the intensity of evaporation also depends on the humidity of the air. At a certain humidity, the number of evaporated and condensed molecules (that is, returned to the surface of the body, bringing energy with them) becomes the same, the system is in dynamic equilibrium and the body almost does not give off heat. When the humidity of the environment decreases, the number of evaporated molecules begins to exceed the number of condensed ones, which means that the body cools faster. And the lower the humidity of the environment, the more intense the evaporation and the more share evaporated molecules, and, therefore, the more intense the body is cooled.

How to survive the heat without harm to health?

Rule number 1: In hot and hot weather, try to be as little as possible in direct sunlight

And also in rooms where there is no regular rapid air exchange inside, and the air temperature rises above the ambient temperature outside. Many people spend hot time indoors, so it is important that indoor air circulation is constant and regular.

Rule #2: Maintain good air circulation in the room where you spend your time in the heat

To improve air circulation, use hair dryers and fans that can be attached to the ceiling (chandeliers are often sold with fans and it is appropriate to have such chandeliers in summer time) or on a tripod in a place where air exchange is not obstructed. Try to keep interior doors open so air can circulate from one room to another. Remember that cold air is heavier, so the lower floors of the house and the basement are always cooler than the upper ones. If you are not using basement rooms, then keep the door to the basement room tightly closed to prevent cool air from escaping. In the evening, when the heat subsides, open all the windows or at least the vents and try to keep them open until the morning. Close the windows as the sun rises, and use thick curtains and blinds to prevent the room from heating up inside.

Rule #3: Create your own "cooling system"

In the absence of a portable or central air conditioner, indoor air can be cooled using "home appliances". For example, place a running portable fan in front of a bowl, saucepan, or box filled with ice cubes. Since the refrigerator in your house works anyway, use the freezer to make ice. If there is no ice, use cold water from the plumbing.

Dry heat, when the air humidity is low, is easier to bear than heat when the humidity is high. However, too low humidity leads to dry skin, poor body heat transfer, damage to the upper respiratory tract. Modern air conditioners, especially centralized ones, are equipped with an automatic air humidification system that allows you to maintain indoor humidity in a comfortable zone. Portable humidifiers can help people who don't have air conditioners or older air conditioners in their home.

Rule #4: Don't overload your digestive system with large amounts of food.

Many people complain of poor appetite in hot weather, yet they consume great amount food, including meat and fats. It is important to remember that when fats and proteins are digested, large quantity energy, which can lead to the so-called "metabolic shock" in conditions of elevated ambient temperature.

It is desirable to give preference to vegetables and fruits, preferably raw. Heat can be a good time unloading days and losing a few extra pounds. The main thing is that this loss does not turn into a “disease” and does not go beyond healthy weight loss (no more than 3-4% of body weight per month). Try to eat cold food, in small portions, so more often. Reception of flour and sweet products should be limited.

Thin people tolerate heat much more easily than fat people, so take care of healthy, normal weight body in advance. How fuller man, the smaller the ratio of skin surface area to its weight, so heat transfer slows down and is disturbed.

Some medications can increase or decrease heat tolerance, so it is important to talk to your doctor about a change. medicines, changing the dose of taking or stopping their use, if this does not damage the general state of health and does not aggravate the treatment of the disease.

Rule number 5: Do not take alcoholic beverages and alcohol in hot weather

It is important to limit the intake of products containing caffeine, as well as those that provoke a large production of urine (diuretics, both natural and synthetic) and have dehydrating properties. For example, Apple vinegar, a number of medicinal herbs can lead to rapid dehydration.

Rule #6: Enjoy the cooling power of water

In addition to drinking enough water internally, take advantage of the cooling properties of water by taking cool showers. Even a foot bath in cool water can significantly relieve stress and create a feeling of freshness in hot weather. It is enough to pour some cool (but not cold) water into a bowl or basin and hold your feet in it for 5-10 minutes. Use wet towels and sheets that can cover your shoulders, back, and entire body in hot weather.

Since the air in the room is often dry in the heat, use special portable humidifiers. You can also place a bucket or bowl of water in the room, or you can fill a container bottle with water and spray water periodically to humidify the air in this way.

The weather conditions established in last days in most of the European territory of Russia, caused abnormal heat and heat. One after another, there are weather reports that report that another temperature record has been broken in a particular city, which had lasted for decades, or even a hundred years. However, until a certain time, the heat does not give us much discomfort. Even with high temperature air can feel quite good. At what moment hot weather becomes unbearably stuffy, and the heat begins to squeeze the juices out of us? Why in the equatorial regions of the Earth the air temperature of +20 ° C and even less seems oppressive, and in subtropical and tropical deserts North Africa, Arabia and Mexico temperature of the order of +35...+45 °C is not yet accompanied by a feeling of stuffiness?

Alena Ozerova | Shutterstock.com

The thing is that the feeling of stuffiness depends on a combination of various meteorological characteristics: atmospheric circulation, air mass, solar radiation, cloudiness, wind speed, air temperature and humidity. At the same time, the main cause of stuffiness is a certain combination of air temperature and relative humidity. Relative humidity is the ratio of the actual amount of water vapor to the maximum possible content in the air at a given temperature, expressed as a percentage. Relative humidity equal to 100% means that the air is maximally saturated with moisture and at a given temperature it can no longer take in an additional amount of water vapor. At 100% humidity, a person may experience a feeling of stuffiness already at an air temperature in the shade of +16 ° C. Whereas at a temperature of +26 ° C and a relative humidity of 50%, a person will feel quite comfortable. So the less relative humidity air, the easier it is to tolerate hot weather. That is why in arid regions of the Earth, such as the Sahara Desert, the air temperature of the order of +40 ° C at very low values ​​of relative humidity (less than 20%) does not cause a feeling of stuffiness. In Europe, for example, at a humidity of 60-80%, this sensation arises already at temperatures of +20 ... +25 ° С. In the equatorial latitudes, where the relative humidity exceeds 80%, the temperature even around +20 °C is poorly tolerated.

David P. Lewis | Shutterstock.com

In general, thermal comfort occurs when such meteorological conditions are formed under which the thermoregulation of the body experiences the least stress. In a comfortable state average temperature skin surface is 31-33 °C. The physiological response to overheating is to increase the body's release of heat through radiation, convection, and evaporation. During radiation, heat is released in the form electromagnetic waves infrared range. With an increase in air temperature, infrared (thermal) radiation from the surface of the body decreases, and when the ambient temperature reaches the temperature of the skin, radiation becomes impossible. With regard to convection, the release of heat by the body occurs by turbulent mixing, that is, the air in contact with the skin heats up, becomes less dense, rises, and colder and heavier air takes its place. In this case, the greater the speed of movement of air flows, the more intense the heat transfer. That is why the wind enhances turbulent heat transfer and reduces the feeling of discomfort and stuffiness. For convection to occur, air must flow around the surface of the body at a lower temperature than the skin itself.

Syda Productions | Shutterstock.com

As soon as the air temperature exceeds 31-33 °C, the only way heat transfer remains evaporation. At elevated temperatures, the overheating of the body is compensated for by increased sweating, and the heat is used to evaporate sweat, as a result of which the body cools. However, in conditions of high humidity and windless weather, sweat does not have time to evaporate from the surface of the skin and begins to "hail" even at a relatively low air temperature. It is this state of the body that is characteristic of the phenomenon of stuffiness.

Maridav | Shutterstock.com

An interesting fact is that the inhabitants of the tropics have a significantly larger number of sweat glands than the inhabitants of the tropics. temperate latitudes. This makes Africans more tolerant of hot and humid climates. equatorial Africa than visiting Europeans who need months, and sometimes years, to fully acclimatize. After all, a person is not subject to change weather! Some consolation is the fact that with the help of ventilation systems, air conditioners and dehumidifiers, you can make your stay in the room more comfortable. True, here you should know the measure, because too dry air negatively affects well-being.