The fragrant aroma and juicy sweetness of ripe melons are inimitable and unique - the fruits are poured under the hot sun rays of the south. Growing melons in a greenhouse is possible in cold climates if the right conditions can be created. Agrotechnics of gourds is no more difficult than caring for cucumbers and tomatoes. If you follow some rules, the harvest of a sweet dessert on your table is guaranteed.

Variety selection

When cultivating gourds, it is necessary to carefully select the seeds of a variety suitable for growing in an unheated polycarbonate greenhouse. It is necessary to take into account the mass of fruits, the ripening period, the resistance of the variety to diseases that develop in greenhouse conditions.

In the cramped conditions of the greenhouse, it is rational to use the vertical space, where the development of the fruit will take place in a "suspended" state. Therefore, preventing the whip from breaking due to the severity of the pouring ovaries, select varieties with small fruits - weighing up to 2-3 kg.

Pay attention to the timing of ripening, given the duration of the frost-free period. In the Urals, it is 80, maximum 90 days. In Siberia, the warm period is even less - the territory of the region is huge.

Spring frosts are especially dangerous for plants. In order not to ruin the enthusiasm of a novice melon grower with failure, you should not rush to plant melon seedlings before the deadline - take an interest in the weather forecast in your area. At the same time, planting overgrown seedlings affects developmental delays - in new conditions, different from indoor ones, large sprouts will have to acclimatize longer. Therefore, in Siberia and the Urals, it is important to accurately calculate the time for planting seeds for seedlings or immediately into the greenhouse soil.

Taking into account the protective coating of the polycarbonate greenhouse, the period of warmth is extended by 5 days. Early-ripening varieties from germination to ripeness are poured and ripen in 60-70 days, mid-ripening varieties will need more - 80-100 days. Make a simple calculation for choosing a variety by maturity (from germination to harvest). Experienced melon growers advise sowing seedlings from April 10 to April 25.

Melon varieties

For a guaranteed harvest, we advise a novice melon grower to pay attention to the time-tested and climate-tested Siberian and Ural variety Kolkhoznitsa. It is mid-season, vegetation - 95 days (greenhouse conditions allow the first fruits to ripen in 80 days), the average fruit weight is 1.5 kg, white dense and crispy pulp is very sweet. The most important advantage of the Kolkhoznitsa variety is resistance to low temperatures. The disadvantage is that the fruits are unsuitable for long-term storage.

Early ripening (ripening on the 60–80th day from the day of germination) is famous for varieties and hybrids:

  • Titovka (weight - 1-3 kg, the flesh is white, without fibers, the plant is resistant to aphids and bacteriosis, ripening is simultaneous);
  • Krynichanka (weight - 2-2.5 kg, thin orange-yellow skin, creamy flesh with a greenish tint, very sweet juicy; the variety is relatively resistant to lack of lighting);
  • Mallet (2-3 kg, oval fruit with creamy juicy super-sweet pulp, productive variety - up to 9 kg per 1 sq. m, resistant to Fusarium and root rot);
  • Dunna F1 (weight 2.5-3 kg, medium climbing plant, white pulp, soft watery, sugar content - 11%, resistance to powdery mildew and fusarium);
  • Scythian gold F1 (small melons weighing 1-1.3 kg, pulp without fibers, delicately sweet, fragrant, the hybrid is practically not affected by powdery mildew, yield up to 6 kg / sq. m).

The extension of the period when sweet fruits can be harvested is facilitated by planting varieties with an average ripening period of 80-95 days from the time of full germination. These include:

  • Lada (the first fruits appear after 80-90 days, weight - 1.2-1.5 kg, very sweet; resistant to anthracnose, fusarium, powdery mildew);
  • Dana (harvesting 90 days after germination, melon weight - 1-1.3 kg, honey juicy sweetness, resistance to powdery mildew, yield up to 5.5 kg / sq. m);
  • Zlata (the mass of melons is 0.8–1.5 kg, they ripen after 90 days, the variety is storable and transportable).

Do not forget: the unpretentious melon Kolkhoznitsa also belongs to mid-season varieties.

There are many varieties bred for greenhouses. The packages indicate the characteristics of the plant and recommendations for growing. When buying seeds, choose a reputable supplier, pay attention to the expiration date.

Approximate calculation of the sowing time

Suppose spring frosts recede from June 15, autumn frosts are expected on August 20. It turns out, in stock 67 warm days(16+31+20). But not all melons ripen at the same time, do not forget: they need not just positive temperature, but heat. We will shift the harvest time by 20 days earlier - from August 1. It turns out 47 days, and early melons need 70 days to ripen. To the missing 23 days we add 5 days for shoots, it will turn out almost a month. If planting on seedlings was carried out on April 15, then by June 15 the sprouts will be 2 months old, they will be overgrown and difficult to take root.

The best seedlings of melons will be one that is a little over a month old. Sow the seeds on April 25 - May 1: seedlings of early-ripening varieties will not outgrow by June 15, will be strong and take root painlessly in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

For mid-season varieties, sow indoor seedlings on April 15, but the plants will need additional lighting (fluorescent lamp).

If it is not possible to grow indoor seedlings, then sow in the soil of the greenhouse around May 15th. In Siberia, you will have to cover the bed with lutrasil (agril) for the night until June 15. During the day it will be hot in an unheated greenhouse, but frosts are possible in the mornings. Despite the polycarbonate coating, frost sneaks into the slightest cracks. Covering material will save tender shoots.

Greenhouse preparation

The best option preparatory work will be autumn. Test the soil for acidity with litmus paper. A melon requires a neutral reaction (litmus will turn blue). In acidic soils (pink or red litmus), liming should be carried out: before digging, sprinkle fluffy lime at the rate of 100-400 g per 1 sq. m. The earth should be cleared of rhizomes, digging to the depth of the bayonet, then dismantled. In early spring in the garden you can sow dill, lettuce under the covering material. Before planting seedlings, the greens will have time to grow.

In the spring, try to eliminate all the cracks in the greenhouse. At daytime temperatures of 20 ° C and night temperatures of more than 5 ° C, you can start planting seedlings.

The roots of melons are also afraid of the cold: arrange a warm bed for them after harvesting the green ones. Remove a layer of soil 20 cm, folding it into the boundary. Lay the dry grass prepared in the fall in a ridge (everything is good except vegetable tops from the garden), pour the soil on top, returning it to its place. Instead of soil from a greenhouse, turfy soil from a forest or from a meadow with a layer of 15 cm will be the best for filling. But not everyone can afford such financially costly soil improvement.

Spread fertilizer on every m2 of area:

  • wood ash - 0.5 l;
  • well decomposed humus - half a bucket;
  • 1 st. l. superphosphate;
  • 1 tsp urea.

Disassemble the ridge, pour it properly with hot water (60-70 o C) from a watering can, adding 1 tsp for every 10 liters of water. blue vitriol. Cover before transplanting with new (or well stretched, used) covering material. From above, it is good to insulate with cardboard, rags, so that the warmed soil does not cool down overnight.

The best predecessor crops for melons are peppers, tomatoes, eggplants. To prevent cross-pollination, do not plant melons next to cucumbers.

melon care

Seedlings are dried a little before planting to make it easier to remove from the pot. The wells are placed every 0.6-0.8 m in one row on the south side of the greenhouse, they are well shed with warm water. Sprinkling an earthen ball with moist soil, sprinkle dry soil on top so that a crust does not form around the tender stem, and moisture and heat last longer. After 3-4 days, each plant is tied to the arcs of the greenhouse, wrapping the stem around soft twine.

In greenhouses, a melon from a height of 0.8-1 m is formed into 1-2 stems. Up to this height, all stepchildren are removed from the main shoot. Then, on each of the above lateral shoots, 1-3 fruits are left when the ovary reaches a diameter of 3-4 cm. The rest are removed. Shoots of the 2nd order are pinched after the 4th–5th leaf. Fruiting stems are distributed on separate twine, achieving the best illumination.

It is advisable to treat the pinching places with crushed charcoal.

To obtain the ovaries, artificial pollination is carried out in the morning with the help of pollinators (for example, spraying with the Ovary preparation) or the male flower is plucked, the petals are removed and the stamens are applied to the female flowers. Pollination should not be delayed: the period of effectiveness male pollen few hours.

As the fruits grow, place them in string bags and tie them to the arcs.

Melon does not like drafts, but ventilation of the greenhouse is necessary. Arrange at the top of the structure several windows.

Water the soil only with warm water and carefully, without washing away the root and not falling on the leaves, avoiding drying out during the growth period. Only 2 weeks before harvest, stop watering in any heat so that the fruits pick up sugar.

Melons of any variety, including the cold-resistant Kolkhoznitsa, grow well at a temperature of 25-30 ° C, and at temperatures below 18 ° C they stop their development.

During the growing season, periodically feed the plants with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer - wood ash, scattering it around the holes. An effective top dressing will be the concentrated liquid preparation "Ideal" - 0.5 liters of fertilizer will be required per 100 liters of water, you need to water 2-3 times 5 liters around the plant during the summer.

Diseases and pests

Growing melons in a greenhouse can be accompanied by some diseases. Most dangerous diseases gourds in are:

  • powdery mildew and fusarium (fungal lesions);
  • ovary rot.

Powdery mildew - white spots on the upper side of the leaves, after the growth of which the leaves turn yellow and die. The treatment is carried out with ground sulfur, pollinating the plants on a sunny day (pour the powder into a 3-layer gauze bag and shake the dust over the plants).

Fusarium - spores of the fungus penetrate the leaves, affecting them vascular system. The leaves curl and dry, the plant dies. Treatment - spraying with Bordeaux mixture 1-2 times, removing the affected plant.

To combat diseases, special biological preparations "Baktofit", "Pseudobacterin-2" are used. Preventive measures against fungal diseases - crop rotation, soil change in the greenhouse.

The causes of rot disease are watering with cold water, thickening of plants, cold nights. Urgently remove the rotten ovary, spray with a solution of copper oxychloride (10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. 50% of the drug).

Pests of the plant - whitefly, aphids. From aphids, a solution of red hot capsicum helps. In 10 l hot water fall asleep 2-3 tbsp. l. crushed pods, 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap, 4 tbsp. l. wood ash. You need to insist for a day. Spray the plants with the strained solution. Repeat the procedure after 5 days. In advanced cases, Inta-Vir is used (according to the instructions).

The fight with the whitefly is more difficult. The simplest thing is to wash off the pest from the leaves with water, then dig the soil to a depth of 2 cm. Then spray it with the Aschersonia biological product - dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of warm water. l. with a pile of powder.

So, in a polycarbonate greenhouse, growing melons will be successful if you choose the right variety (Kolkhoznitsa, Krynichanka, Zlato Scythians and others are suitable) and follow the simple rules for caring for melons, eliminate pests in a timely manner and do not forget about preventive measures.

Growing melons in the Moscow region, Siberia and the Urals has become commonplace today. Breeders have bred varieties of gourds, which are characterized by early maturity and are able to ripen in just three months. To get a good harvest, you need to know what varieties of melons are suitable for your region, when and how to sow seeds, and also take care of melons. Also in our article you can find out auspicious days in 2020 by Lunar calendar for sowing melons for seedlings.

For sowing melons, dates are chosen during the growing moon in certain fertile signs of the zodiac. In 2020, according to the lunar calendar, it is recommended to sow melons for seedlings:

  • January 1, 5, 6, 27, 28;
  • 1, 2, 6, 7, 24 and 25 February;
  • 1, 4, 5, 27 and 28 March;
  • April 1, 2, 7, 27, 28, 29;
  • 5, 25, 26 May.

These are the most auspicious days.

Dates prohibited for sowing:

  • in January - 10 and 25;
  • in February - 9 and 23;
  • in March - 9 and 24;
  • in April - 8 and 23;
  • in May - 7 and 22.

The best varieties of melons for different regions

Varieties of melon for the Moscow region

The best melon varieties for central Russia and the Moscow region are:

  1. Cinderella - a popular variety is distinguished by a fruit weight of 1 kg, a pleasant aroma, sweet taste and maturity three months after the appearance of seedlings.
  2. Yukar F1 - a fragrant and sweet fruit weighing about 1.5 kg, when grown in seedlings, is able to ripen in open field.
  3. Caramel - the early ripening variety got its name because of the high sugar content. The fruit can reach a weight of up to 2 kg, and the plant itself tolerates stressful situations well.

Varieties of melon for the Urals

For cultivation in the Urals, medium and early ripe gourds are more suitable, which are grown in a greenhouse or seedlings in open ground. The following varieties are most popular:

  1. The dream of sybarite - a small melon weighing up to 400 grams can be removed for consumption already 2 months after the appearance of seedlings.
  2. Nectarine - a popular variety is distinguished by a fruit weighing from one and a half to three kilograms of an elongated shape, the flesh of which has a light beige color.
  3. Delano F1 - an early ripe hybrid weighing up to 4 kg, with proper cultivation, ripens within two months after germination.

Melons for Siberia - the best varieties

Since it is still quite cold in Siberia in spring and summer is short, gourds are grown mainly in greenhouses. Special zoned varieties are suitable for this:

  1. Early 133 - melon is distinguished by fruits weighing up to 2 kg, which, after germination, ripen in about 2 months.
  2. Barnaulka and Lyubushka are high-yielding ultra-early varieties with fruits weighing up to 2 kg. Only 1.5 months pass from germination to fruit picking.

These are one of the most popular, but not all varieties of melons that gardeners use to grow on their plots. Specialty stores offer big choice varieties of gourds, among which you can choose the one suitable for your region.

When to sow melon for seedlings?

To determine the time for planting seeds, you need to know that at least 25 days must pass from the emergence of seedlings to planting seedlings in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open ground. Plants are planted in well-warmed soil and in warm weather, when the last frosts have passed. Also, the sowing time for melon seeds depends on the variety.

Focusing on the weather conditions and variety, it is possible to plant melons for seedlings in warm regions already in early April, and in the Urals and Siberia - around the 20th of April.

How to plant melon seedlings step by step with video

Seed preparation

Attention! Select melon seeds should be three or four years old. This is explained by the fact that plants will grow from fresh planting material, on which there will be only male flowers.

  1. Choose healthy and full-bodied. To do this, planting material is placed in a 3% saline solution, where empty seeds will float, and those suitable for planting will settle to the bottom.
  2. Disinfect selected seeds can be used with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, in which they are placed for half an hour. You can use a garlic solution (3 parts warm water - 1 part minced garlic). In this solution, the seeds are kept for 1 hour, after which they are washed under running water.
  3. harden planting material is recommended by many summer residents, since such a procedure makes the seedlings resistant to various transplants and weather conditions. For hardening, the seeds are kept in a damp cloth or gauze for a day at a temperature of +20 degrees, after which they are placed in a refrigerator for 18 hours, where the temperature is from 0 to +2 degrees. After the refrigerator, the seeds are again kept for 6 hours at a temperature of +15 to +20 degrees. All this time, you must carefully monitor that the rag or gauze is wet. Such a change in the temperature regime can be carried out several times.

Preparing containers and soil for seedlings

Since the roots of the melon are tender, it is recommended to plant it in disposable cups, special containers or peat pots.

Soil for sowing seeds can be prepared independently from the following components:

  • peat - 9 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • wood ash - 1 cup per 10 liters of soil mixture.

Another soil option for growing melon seedlings:

  • humus or compost;
  • sod land;
  • peat.

All components are taken in equal parts, sand and wood ash are added.

Before use, the soil mixture is recommended to be disinfected with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. But it is best to use a solution of special preparations Baikal-EM 1 or Fitosporin. It is very good if the substrate is harvested in the fall. Then containers with soil can be kept outside until spring, where all fungi and pest larvae will die under the influence of frost.

Sowing seeds

Seedling cups are filled with moist soil, after which seeds are placed into it to a depth of one and a half to two centimeters and sprinkled with soil. Crops from above are sprayed with warm water and covered with a film or glass. Until the emergence of seedlings, it is recommended to keep them warm at a temperature not lower than +20 degrees.

In order for shoots to accurately appear in each container, it is best to plant 2 or 3 seeds in one cup.


Growing seedlings

Seedling care includes:

  1. Timely watering after the topsoil has dried. There should be no standing water in the ground.
  2. Providing seedlings with good lighting for 10-12 hours a day. This may require additional lighting in the form of fluorescent lamps, which are turned on for 2 or 3 hours in the morning and evening.
  3. When the seedlings grow up, you will need to choose the strongest, and remove the weak. However, seedlings cannot be pulled out, otherwise the roots of the remaining ones may be damaged. Therefore, weak sprouts are pinched.
  4. Since female flowers with fruits are formed on the lateral processes, in the phase of three true leaves, the seedlings are pinched.
  5. Melon seedlings are fed at the age of 14 days and 10 days before planting in the garden. For top dressing, it is recommended to use complex mineral fertilizers.
  6. 10-14 days before planting in the garden, the plants begin to harden. This should be done gradually, taking the seedlings to fresh air, first for an hour, and then for a longer time. It is necessary to ensure that the daytime temperature is not lower than +15 degrees, and the night temperature is not lower than +12 degrees.

Growing melons in a greenhouse

If the melon will be grown in a greenhouse, then it is not recommended to plant zucchini and cucumbers with it. The best neighbors are tomatoes and peppers. Plants are recommended to be grown on trellises, then they will take up less space. Bushes are planted at a distance of about 20 cm from each other.

One and a half kilograms of compost or humus are added to holes with dimensions of 70x50 cm, which is covered with soil mixture from above with a layer of about 3 cm.

How to plant a melon?

Seedlings should be planted so that they are 2-3 cm above the soil level. Otherwise, the hypocotyl knee of the sprout may begin to rot. Before and after planting, the plants must be watered. They should be planted in moist soil, removed from a disposable cup along with a clod of earth. If the seedlings grew in peat pots, then they are planted in the ground along with them.

Melons grown in a greenhouse are watered in a timely manner and must be ventilated if the temperature is above +30 degrees. If frosts are expected, then even in the greenhouse it is recommended to cover the plants with an additional film.

A week after planting in the greenhouse, melons are fed with ammonium nitrate or other nitrogen fertilizer. Fertilize plants every 2-3 weeks with organic top dressing. To do this, you can alternate the infusion of humus, mullein, chicken manure and herbs. With each top dressing, it is recommended to add a handful of wood ash to the wells.

When 5-6 leaves appear on the bushes, they must be pinched. The two strongest formed lashes are left, and the rest are cut off.

Since bees rarely fly into greenhouses, plants pollinate themselves. To do this, flowers that do not have ovaries need to be moved along the pistil of female flowers.

To make the fruits sweet, watering is gradually reduced during their ripening, and completely stopped 7-14 days before harvesting.

Growing melons outdoors

Planting melons in the ground is carried out after it recovers warm weather, the soil will warm up, and the seedlings will have 5-6 true leaves. At this time, the seedlings should be about 5 weeks old.

Then plant a melon? For gourds, a sunny area is selected, on which legumes, garlic, onions, cucumbers, barley, corn, wheat, and cabbage had previously grown. The soil should be rich in organic matter. Melons will grow best in light, medium loamy soil.

  1. When digging, add 4 kg of manure or humus per square meter.
  2. If the soil in the area is clayey, then it is additionally diluted with sand (1/2 bucket per 1 sq. Meter).
  3. In the spring, fertilizers are applied to the garden (superphosphate 35 grams and potassium salt 25 grams per 1 sq. Meter).
  4. Immediately before planting, the soil is mixed with nitrogen fertilizers and dug up again. Nitrogen per 1 sq. meter will need 20-25 grams.

Since in the open field the lashes will not be tied to the trellises, the distance between plants is 60 cm, and between rows - 70 cm. Otherwise, planting a melon on a garden bed is no different from planting in a greenhouse.

Seedlings that have just been planted in open ground are recommended to be covered with a damp newspaper. This is necessary in order to protect them from the burning rays of the sun. After 2-3 days, the shelter can be removed.

How to properly care

Outdoor care for melons includes:

  1. Watering the melon. Plantings are watered approximately once every 5-7 days, using settled warm water. It is impossible to overmoisten the soil, otherwise the plants will be affected by fungal diseases. After the appearance of fruits, the frequency of watering begins to be reduced.
  2. Pinching. In order for the plant to expend its strength on the formation of fruits, and not on the growth of foliage, the main stem is pinched. This is done after the bush takes root and begins to grow in the garden. All processes, except for the main and the two strongest lateral ones, should be removed. Attention! On hybrid varieties, the main stem is not pinched, as fruits are formed on it. To make the plant not too thick, its side shoots need to be pinched after the third leaf. On each bush you need to leave from 2 to 6 ovaries.
  3. loosening. The soil between the rows must be loosened. Do this after watering or rain to a depth of 10 cm, after freeing the bed from weeds.
  4. Melon top dressing. In the open field, gourds are fertilized three times. 14 days after landing on the planting bed, they are watered with a solution of ammonium nitrate (10 grams per ½ bucket of water). Each plant will need 2 liters. During budding, mullein (1:10) or the same solution of ammonium nitrate is used as a fertilizer. 20 days after the second feeding, a solution of 10 liters of water, 20 grams of potassium salt, 50 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of ammonium sulfate is used.

In order for the fruits to ripen evenly, they can be placed in a net that is tied to a support. If it is not possible to install a trellis or support, then a piece of roofing material, foil or other non-rotting material must be placed under the fruits. When the fruits turn yellow or a network of cracks forms on them, melons can begin to be harvested. Ripe fruit should be easily separated from the whip. If it is planned to store melons in the winter, then they should be collected a little unripe, when the mesh covers the fruit halfway.

» Melon

Previously, the cultivation of southern crops - melons in Siberia and the Moscow region was considered possible only in greenhouse conditions. The zoning of varieties, the practice of gardeners and the improvement of the agricultural technology of the plant now allow you to get a crop in the open field.

Melon is a heat-loving plant that requires high temperatures air and soil. The culture develops well and bears fruit in the temperature range of +17°С-35°С. Outside this optimum, the plant experiences stress, slows down in growth, and at a temperature of +1°C it dies.
These features of the culture are taken into account for growing in open ground in unusual conditions for it. climatic conditions. In the Moscow region, Siberia and the Urals, melons are grown only in seedlings, zoned and cold-resistant varieties are selected.

When selecting a variety, they are guided by the duration of the frost-free period of the region. It is determined by the time interval from the date of the last spring frost to the date of the first autumn frost. The fruit ripening period must be less than this period.


Choose a site for landing, protected from the wind

Melon in the open field is grown in the West Siberian and East Siberian regions of horticulture. These regions are defined as zones of risky and limited fruit growing.
The climate is sharply continental, characterized by inconstancy. Precise definition there is no frost-free period. When growing melons, they are guided by the average temperatures of the last 3-4 years.
Under these conditions, early ripening varieties develop well and have time to ripen:

  • Barnaulka;
  • Dream of a sybarite;
  • Altai;
  • Titovka;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Dessert;
  • Lyubushka;
  • Early 133.

In other regions of Siberia, the culture is not grown.


In the Ural region, the duration of the frost-free period is 105-204 days. The main disadvantage for growing melons is the predominance of low summer temperatures, a large variation in the average duration of the frost-free period.
That's why it is possible to grow here only zoned varieties of crops tested in practice:

  • Dream of a sybarite;
  • Nectarine;
  • Melba;
  • Canary honey;
  • Delano F1;
  • Cinderella;
  • Collective farmer.

When choosing another variety, the ripening period is taken into account, it should be no more than 90 days.

Moscow region

The Moscow region belongs to the central region of horticulture, which is characterized by relatively favorable conditions for growing melons.
The climate is constant, which allows you to accurately determine the duration of the frost-free period: 120-135 days.
The best varieties for the region:

  • Collective farmer;
  • Iroquois;
  • Pineapple;
  • Scythian gold;
  • Alina;
  • Tamanskaya.

The ideal fruit ripening rate for this region is 60-90 days.

Growing seedlings

In the Moscow region, seeds for seedlings are sown from April 15 to April 20, in the Urals and Siberia in late April and early May. At good development seedlings begin to plant in the ground 30-37 days after sowing. Longer development of the plant at home will lead to overgrowth, weakening and reduced yields.
Seeds for the first planting are best purchased from reputable manufacturers. Such seed guarantees compliance with varietal characteristics, it is completely ready for sowing: it is hardened and neutralized from diseases.

The melon does not tolerate transplantation well, and often dies if the roots are damaged. Therefore, seedlings are grown in peat pots or cassettes with a diameter of at least 10 cm.
For soil mixture in a bucket (10 l) mix:

  • peat and river sand 9:1;
  • wood ash 200 g;
  • humus, sod land 100 g;
  • a handful of sawdust.

2-3 seeds are sown in one container to a depth of 5 cm. The surface of the soil mixture is covered plastic wrap or glass, which are removed after germination.
The pots are placed in a lighted and warm place. The required temperature is +20°-+25° during the day and at least +15°С at night. In poor lighting, seedlings are illuminated with a phytolamp.
A week after germination, excess plants are removed, leaving the strongest in pots. After the appearance of three true leaves, the seedlings are pinched.
Seedlings are watered with warm water as the earthen lump dries up. A week before planting in the ground, the plants are fed. For this, 10 liters of water are consumed: ammonium sulfate (16 g), superphosphate (5 g) and potassium salt (5 g).
In the same period, I harden the seedlings t. For this, the plants are taken out daily, starting from 15 minutes and gradually increasing the time. On the last day before planting, the seedlings are left outdoors for the whole day.

Seedlings ready for planting have a strong stem and at least 3-4 true leaves.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Planting melon seedlings for engraftment

A bed for a melon is prepared in the spring. To do this, select a site warmed by the sun and protected from northeast winds. After harvesting, the site is dug up and 5 kg per 1 m2 of rotted manure or peat is applied. Loamy soil is structured with river sand 5 kg per 1 m2.
In the spring, after thawing the soil, the bed is harrowed and mineral fertilizers are applied per 1 m2:

  • superphosphate 40 g;
  • potassium salt 20 g;
  • nitrogen 15 g (3 days before planting seedlings).

Before transplanting seedlings from the greenhouse, the soil should warm up to t + 15 ° С. It depends on the average spring temperature. Basically, in the Moscow region, the soil warms up in the third decade of May, and in Siberia and the Urals in the first decade of June.
Plants are planted according to the 70X70 scheme in holes prepared in advance and spilled with water. Peat pots are tightly covered with soil and watered. The root neck is left flush with the soil surface. Seedlings are shaded with paper or mowed grass, which are harvested after 2 days.

After a very cold and snowless winter, the warm-up process is accelerated. The bed is covered with a white or silver film.

Summer melon care

Feeding melons in the ground, manure and bird droppings

The aisles loosen as the crust forms. The first two times to a depth of 15 cm, the next to 8 cm, and the circle at the root collar is superficial. After the formation of lateral lashes, the plants are spudded.
When moistening the root neck and melon leaves, the development of fungal diseases is possible. Therefore, at a distance of 3-5 cm from the stem, a shallow irrigation groove is formed. Watering is carried out with warm settled water with a temperature of at least 20 ° C, the consumption per plant is 5-7 liters.
Watering the melon depends on the stage of development. After planting, seedlings in dry weather are watered every day. When the plants take root, water once, and in a very hot weather two times a week. During fruit ripening, watering is reduced to once in 10-15 days.
The first time the plants are fed 15 days after planting. For this, solutions of mullein 1: 10 or ammonium nitrate (20 g per 10 l) are used.
Subsequent feeding is carried out at intervals of 7-14 days with a solution of 10 liters:

  • superphosphate 50 g;
  • potassium salt 30 g;
  • ammonium sulfate 30 g.

Ready-made fertilizers are also used: Master, Terraflex, Kemira hydro. Fertilizers are applied only after abundant watering with a consumption of 1-1.5 liters per plant.
To increase income nutrients to the fruits, the plant is formed. This accelerates ripening, increases the sweetness and quality of the fruit.

On the main stem, only male flowers are formed, which do not bear fruit. Therefore, in the phase of fruit formation, its growth is stopped - pinched over 3.4 or 5 leaves. They also pinch out strongly overgrown lateral lashes, cut off non-fruiting shoots and extra ovaries.

On one plant large-fruited varieties leave two, and in small-fruited varieties four fruits. To prevent rotting, boards or other dry material are placed under the fruits.


Depending on the variety, the melon begins to ripen in the third decade of July. To determine the ripeness of the fruit, lightly press on the bark. In a mature melon, the bark is slightly squeezed when pressed. The fruits are harvested as they ripen.

The last collection is carried out before frost. Fruits that do not have time to ripen are placed on a shelf in one row with the stalk up or in wooden boxes, shifted with chips. Under such conditions, they will ripen within 1-2 weeks.
Despite the detailed agricultural technology, it is always important to focus on the weather in summer. Moderate dryness and warmth are the main conditions for a good harvest. Long rains and sharp cold snaps are detrimental to melons. It is worth preparing the covering material in advance.

Melon is known for being a thermophilic plant. But it can be planted in cold areas. However, this requires a greenhouse and comprehensive care. Below it will be described how melons are grown in the Urals in the open field or in a greenhouse.

What should be the greenhouse

Unlike sowing crops in an open garden, when growing melons in greenhouse facilities, it is necessary that the greenhouse meets certain requirements. This is especially important for regions whose climate is not very suitable for the growth of heat-loving plants (for example, the Sverdlovsk region, Siberia, the Urals, etc.).

You can grow this culture in structures made of any material. As a rule, film is used for greenhouses, as well as geotextiles or ordinary glass. However, the most the best option will use polycarbonate. This material is distinguished by good throughput sunlight. However, it does not darken over time.

For a melon, the dimensions of the greenhouse are taken absolutely by any. The main thing here is that the building should be at least 2 m high. This is due to the fact that this culture is liana-like, so it needs sufficient vertical space.

Melon planting can be carried out both in a heated and unheated greenhouse. Indeed, with due diligence, it is possible to obtain a high-quality and numerous crop in both cases.

You need to know that the melon is not planted in the same greenhouse with other pumpkin varieties, as well as cucumbers. This is due to the fact that due to accidental pollination, the fruits will lose their taste characteristics. Usually, nightshade crops (for example, eggplant, etc.) are planted with this species.

Which variety to choose

How to grow a melon in the Urals in a greenhouse? Here the answer always begins with the selection of a particular variety. For cultivation in a greenhouse, early varieties should be chosen. The emphasis should be on which melon varieties are taken for the Urals. After all, breeders have already bred many varieties that are capable of producing crops even in an open garden in such an area.

Experienced gardeners advise the following varieties to plant in a greenhouse or in a garden in this region:

  • Titovka;
  • Dessert;
  • Prestige.

These varieties can be harvested as early as July.

It is also quite a good option to plant early hybrids. In the Urals, hybrid plants such as Goldie F1 and Roksolana F1 are often grown in greenhouses.

Preparing and planting seeds

The key to a plentiful harvest of melons grown in the conditions of the Urals is the correct planting of seeds. At the same time, do not forget that the seeds need to be prepared for planting. Indeed, due to high humidity, planting material is often affected by fungi.

First, before planting the seeds in the ground, they are disinfected by dipping them in potassium permanganate for half a day. Additionally, they can be kept for a day in a 1% solution of baking soda.

Seeding of seed should be carried out in plastic cups with soft walls. Of these, it will be much easier to transfer the seedlings to the ground. The selected containers must be filled with garden soil. You can also use a soil mixture prepared from various components (peat, sand, etc.).

2-3 seeds are placed in one glass. When they germinate, only the strongest and tallest sprout is left.

Features of care and cultivation

Many experienced gardeners on the question "how to grow a melon in the Urals" recommend using the seedling method. Planting melon seedlings is quite easy. However, in order to get a strong plant, plantings must be properly looked after.

young plant care

Young sprouts that have appeared in containers should not be in contact with their leaves. Seedling of plants is carried out in mid-April. You can transfer sprouts to the greenhouse when they have formed 5 true leaves. It is worth noting that the grown seedlings must be pinched before planting.

During the first days of rooting, the sprouts do not need special attention. At this time, young plants are moderately watered with warm water. It is also necessary to ventilate the greenhouse if the temperature in it rises above +30 degrees.


The grown bushes should be watered moderately, as this culture has good drought tolerance and is afraid of severe waterlogging. However, the soil must not be allowed to dry out. If the plants have been flooded, then they can become infected with fungal or bacterial infections.

To minimize the risk of planting flooding on both sides along the rows, it is recommended to dig two grooves. Watering in this case is carried out in them. Water melons should be carefully to avoid droplets of water on any parts of the stems and leaves. Otherwise, fungus may develop on them.


When the seedlings are planted in the soil of the greenhouse, it is imperative to feed the young shoots. Otherwise, they will develop slowly.

If the gardener planted the resulting seedlings in a garden bed, then top dressing is performed twice. Mineral top dressing should be taken as fertilizer here. It is better to take a universal type. Also suitable ammonium nitrate.

Nutrient mixtures are applied to the soil one week after the completion of planting in a greenhouse or open bed. 21 days after this, the next top dressing is performed, for which mineral preparations are used. After 14 days, the procedure is repeated.

If the soil is poor, then ammonium nitrate is applied to the beds every week. When flowers appear, top dressing is carried out with universal fertilizer. You can take liquid preparations.

How to stepson

Since there are problems with free space in the greenhouse, a melon grown in such conditions must necessarily undergo a stepping procedure. The plant has one main stem and two side stems. All other stepchildren must be removed.

It is also necessary to pinch from the top at a distance of one sheet, and "empty" - from three sheets. Each stem should have no more than 6 ovaries. Pinching the main stem is performed only when it has reached the top of the trellis.

At the same time, remember that female flowers are formed only on lashes of the 3rd order.

To achieve good fruiting from a melon in a greenhouse, it is not enough to properly water, fertilize and form its bushes. Many experienced gardeners recommend artificial pollination under such conditions. Bees can be used as pollinators. However, attracting them to the greenhouse will be very problematic. You can put sugar syrup inside the building and open the door for a while. But it's best to hand pollinate. A brush is taken and passed through all the flowers. This will spread the pollen.

In addition, the list of tips includes daily ventilation of the greenhouse.

Now you know how to grow melon in the Urals in order to get a plentiful and tasty harvest.

Video "Growing melons in a greenhouse"

From this video you will learn how to grow melons in a greenhouse.

Many owners of household plots, which are located in the Urals, dream of growing a nutritious and tasty berry - a melon - in their gardens. In truth, not many gardeners in the Urals can boast of an excellent harvest of this melon crop.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that the climate of this region is quite severe and cold, and the summer warm period is rather short. These natural conditions is that the fruits of the melon do not have time to ripen.

To help the gardeners of the Urals who wish to grow melons on their plots, in this article we will try to set out as much as possible tips and recommendations for growing this gourd, and also indicate which varieties are most suitable for the Ural region.

How to choose the right varieties

Fragrant and tasty melon grown in the Urals

It's probably not a secret for anyone that melon is a very heat-loving plant. Therefore, in southern regions countries, you can grow all kinds of varieties of this gourd. As for the choice of seed for the Ural region, there are several recommendations for the correct selection of melon varieties.

First of all, you need to know that due to the cold natural climate Ural region, you need to choose seeds of melons of early and medium early varieties so that the vegetation of the plant is invested in a short summer period.

The most optimal seeding material for melons are the following varieties of this melon crop:

Thus, we have indicated only the best varieties of melons that are best suited for planting in the Ural region.

Soil preparation

Soil preparation for planting melon seeds

An important aspect of the good growth of melons is preliminary preparation soil in the selected area.

To do this, you need to perform a number of the following steps:

  • in the fall it is good to dig up that part of the earth on which the melon is planned to be planted;
  • at the same time as digging, it is good to add a sufficient amount of humus or nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • before planting gourds in the spring, the selected area is carefully cultivated, and organic fertilizers are applied.

Worth knowing: pre-winter fertilization greatly increases the fertility of the land.

When the soil for planting melons is ready, you can proceed to the processing of seeds.

Seed preparation

Soaking seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate

To date, there are quite a few ways of pre-sowing treatment of seeds of melons and gourds. We describe the most polar methods that do not require significant investments and labor costs:

  • the seed is placed in a container and poured with warm saline for about a day, while the greatest effect can be achieved when sprouts begin to appear;
  • melon seeds are soaked for 10 hours in a special solution, which consists of zinc sulfate and boric acid, and then slightly dried in a warm place;
  • the seed is soaked for half an hour with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then wrapped with a damp cloth, wrapped in polyethylene and placed in a warm place until sprouts appear.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the pre-sowing treatment of seeds, so every gardener can do it with his own hands.

seedling care

Growing seedlings of melons

In the Ural region, the cultivation of melons is most effectively carried out by seedlings (planting melons for seedlings is described in detail in this article).

This statement is based on the fact that, despite the coldness of the climate, melons and gourds will be much more protected from weather "surprises" and the time spent in the open field will be significantly reduced.

Operations for the care of seedlings of melons are as follows important points:

  1. Pre-prepared pots for seedlings of melons. It is desirable that the volume of these containers is approximately 300–400 ml. This is due to the fact that in this case root system melons will develop well.
  2. The pots are filled with a mixture, which in equal proportions consists of soil, peat, humus and sand. At the same time, it is also worth soaking this mixture with warm water.
  3. Pre-soaked and treated seeds are planted one at a time in each pot.
  4. Advice to gardeners: if the seeds are dry, then it is advisable to plant three seeds in each container. This is done in case that some seeds may simply not sprout.

  5. When the first sprouts appear, all shoots are carefully examined and less weak ones are removed. It is also worth knowing that in order to protect seedlings from the appearance of diseases, it is necessary to sprinkle the surface of each pot with wood ash.
  6. A key step in the effective growth of melon seedlings is regular watering, preferably with rainwater.
  7. Two weeks after the appearance of the first shoots, the plants are fed with a solution of mullein or chicken manure, the concentration of which should be no more than 5%.

From the above operations, we can safely conclude that proper care for seedlings of gourds will guarantee a good harvest of delicious melons in the future.

Planting and caring for melons

Planting melons in a permanent place

It is worth noting one important point: melons and gourds in the Ural region can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. Our next article tells about growing melons in a greenhouse.

Care for melons in these cases is practically the same, but the microclimate of greenhouses is presented special requirements which include the following important points:

  • should be maintained stable daily temperature regime at the level of 30 0С, and at night - not lower than 17 0С;
  • air humidity should not exceed 60%;
  • regular ventilation should be established.

So, the care and cultivation of melons in the Ural region consists of the following sequential operations:

Summing up all of the above, we can safely say that it is quite possible to harvest a good harvest of melons in the Ural region if you follow all the recommendations of experienced specialists in the field of agronomy. We hope that our article was useful, and in the future you will harvest a wonderful harvest of fragrant melons in the Urals.

Watch a video about growing melons in the Urals:

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Growing melons in the Moscow region, Siberia, the middle lane and the Urals

Currently, there are many varieties of melons that can be grown outdoors in middle lane Russia and the Moscow region This heat-loving gourd was previously grown only in such hot areas as Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan or the Caucasus. However, thanks to the work of breeders, many varieties of melons have now appeared that can be grown in open ground in central Russia and the Moscow region. In addition, melons have appeared that can be grown on protected beds in Siberia and the Urals.

What is the difference between the rules for planting this melon crop in the conditions of the Moscow region and the middle zone of our country from growing melons in the Urals and Siberia?

The main differences in landing in different regions

The main difference between the Moscow region and central Russia from the Urals and Siberia is the number of warm days in the summer season. This is the reason for the difference in the cultivation of heat-loving melon in the conditions of the middle belt and colder regions of Siberia and the Urals.

In the conditions of the Moscow region and central Russia, this gourd is grown in open ground, but by seedlings. If all the basic rules for melon care are followed, then in these regions they get good harvests, and this melon crop grows almost as sweet and juicy as in Uzbekistan.

But in Siberia and the Urals, where warm days during the season are not enough for the melon to ripen in the open field, it is still possible to get harvests of this melon crop. Only it has to be grown in a greenhouse on warm beds.

In the conditions of the Moscow region and central Russia, this gourd is grown in open ground, but by seedlings.

The basic requirements for planting melons in open ground or in a greenhouse are as follows:

  • temperature environment in the daytime should be about 20 - 23 °;
  • night temperature should not fall below 16 ° C;
  • soil temperature for the active growth of the root system of this gourd should be kept within the following limits - 19 - 22 °;
  • when planting melon seedlings in open ground, you should wait until the period of spring cooling has passed.

The main condition for obtaining a good harvest of this melon crop in fairly cold regions is the correct selection of varieties for planting.

When choosing varieties for a particular region, you need to pay attention to whether the varieties are adapted to grow in greenhouse conditions or directly on the site.

What should be guided by when choosing melon varieties for growing on a personal plot? The main criteria should be the following:

  • in a fairly cold climate, when melons are grown in greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to plant only early or mid-ripening varieties so that the fruits have time to ripen;
  • in the conditions of the middle zone, it is possible to plant gourds of different maturation periods, but only in seedlings;
  • when buying seed, you should choose only those seeds that are zoned for a particular region;
  • you should buy only seeds from trusted companies - suppliers of seed material. Such seeds need to be purchased in specialized stores, and not to take unverified seed from hand;
  • own melon seeds should be used, taking into account the specifics of this melon crop: from seeds that have lain for only a year, you will not get a crop, since only the male form of flowers will appear on the lashes, so the ovaries will not form. It is best to use seed material that has lain at home for at least 3 seasons.

Melons in Siberia: cultivation (video)

When choosing varieties for a particular region, you need to pay attention to whether the varieties are adapted to grow in greenhouse conditions or directly on the site.

Varieties for the middle part of Russia

Variety name Main characteristics ripening period
Assol F1 The fruits are round; yellow, mesh skin, sweet flesh Average ripening time (approximately 82 days)
Cinderella The fruits are oblong, medium in size, weigh up to 1 kg, the flesh is white, sweet Average ripening time
Galileo The fruit is round, the shade of the peel is bright yellowish, the flesh is pale greenish, the fruit weighs up to 1.5 kg Ripening period - medium
Yukar F1 The fruit is oblong, the skin is light yellow, reticulated, the size of the fruit is up to 1.7 kg. The variety is very productive Early maturity (55 days)
Caramel F1 The fruit is a regular oval, the skin color is pale yellow, mesh, the fruit weighs up to 2.5 kg Average ripening time
Princess Maria F1 The fruit is oblong, light yellow in color, the skin is even, the flesh smells like nutmeg, the color of the pulp is orange Early maturity (about 2 months)

When choosing varieties for a particular region, you need to pay attention to whether the varieties are adapted to grow in greenhouse conditions.

Varieties for the Moscow region

Variety name Main characteristics ripening period
Scythian gold The fruit is similar to an oval of regular shape, its color is bright yellow, resistant to fungal diseases. The fruit weighs up to 1.5 kg Mid-early variety
Collective farmer The fruits of this melon are like balls, smooth in shape and pale yellow in color, the flesh is white, the melon weighs about 1000 g Average ripening time
Alina The fruit is similar to an oval, bright yellow, the pulp is yellowish green, the melon is resistant to major diseases, fruits weigh up to 1000 g Ripening time - early
Iroquois The fruits are spherical, the skin is divided into segments, covered with a mesh, the skin color is yellowish-green, the flesh has an orange tint, the weight of the fruit is up to 2 kg Medium early fruit ripening
A pineapple Fruits - oblong oval, yellow skin with an orange tint, covered with a fine mesh, weigh about 3 kg Ripening in the middle
Tamanskaya The fruit is similar to a medium oval, the skin is smooth, bright yellow, the weight of the fruit is about 1.2 kg Early maturity

Melon varieties Kolkhoznitsa adapted for cultivation in the suburbs

Varieties of melon for the Urals

Name Main characteristics ripening period
Sybarite dream The fruit has the shape of a regular oval, its color is pale greenish with dark green stripes, the flesh is white, the yield is good, the fruit weighs up to 400 g The variety is characterized by early maturity (50 days)
Delano F1 The fruit is an oval, the color is light yellow, almost creamy, mesh peel, weight can be from 2.5 to 5.9 kg. The variety is disease resistant Early ripeness of fruits (65 days)
Nectarine The fruits are elongated, the peel is orange, the flesh is light beige, the fruits weigh from 1.4 to 2.9 kg Ripening up to 94 days
Melba bushes medium size, the fruits are similar to the correct oval, the skin is beige-yellow, mesh, the fruits weigh about 600 g Ultra early (up to 30 days)
canary honey The shape of the fruit is a ball, the skin color is lemon, there is no mesh, the pulp is white, the melons weigh about 1.4 kg Early ripening (about 2 months)
bird's milk The fruits are rounded, the skin color is lemon yellow, with a large mesh pattern. Fruit weight about 600 gr Early ripening (about 2 months)

Melon Mechta sibarata bred for cultivation in the Urals

Varieties for Siberia

Variety name Main characteristics ripening period
Barnaulka The fruits are elongated, the skin is yellowish without reticulation, the fruits are small (about 1.5 kg). The pulp is orange. Super early maturing (about 45 days)
"Dima" Round fruits, segmented skin, divided by green stripes, when ripe, the skin turns yellow, fruit weight is about 700 g Early variety
Amber The fruits are elongated or pear-shaped, the skin is mesh when ripe, on average the fruit can weigh about 1000 g Mid-season variety
Early 133 Fruits - balls, smooth yellowish skin, fruits weigh up to 2 kg Early variety (65 days)
Titovka Fruit regular ovals, smooth orange skin, fruits weigh from 700 g to 3.4 kg, plants are resistant to bacteriosis Ultraearly
Lyubushka The fruits are egg-like, the skin is not completely mesh, yellowish-lemon in color, the flesh is greenish, the plant has a good yield, the fruits weigh up to 1.8 kg Ultra-early variety

Basically, the varieties zoned for Siberia and the Urals differ in early ripening. At the same time, the mass of fruits is not large (no more than 3 kg). You should not use imported varieties of this gourd for planting in these regions, because they are not highly resistant to fungal diseases, and in cold climates they do not give large yields.

How to plant a melon (video)

Growing melons in different regions of our country, you should be careful about the choice of varieties. This heat-loving plant needs special growing conditions. In the middle lane and in the Moscow region, seedlings are pre-grown, which are then planted in open ground. In the Moscow region, you can also grow this gourd in greenhouse conditions, but you can not do warm beds.

But in the conditions of Siberia and the Urals, in order to get good yields of this melon crop, melon seeds should be planted only in a greenhouse, where warm beds are prepared in advance. You can also plant melon in greenhouses and seedlings. In this case, the harvest can be obtained earlier.

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Growing melons in open ground in Siberia, the Urals and the Moscow region

Previously, the cultivation of southern crops - melons in Siberia and the Moscow region was considered possible only in greenhouse conditions. The zoning of varieties, the practice of gardeners and the improvement of the agricultural technology of the plant now allow you to get a crop in the open field.

Melon is a heat-loving plant that requires high air and soil temperatures. The culture develops well and bears fruit in the temperature range of +17°С-35°С. Outside this optimum, the plant experiences stress, slows down in growth, and at a temperature of +1°C it dies. These features of the culture are taken into account for growing in open ground in unusual climatic conditions for it. In the Moscow region, Siberia and the Urals, melons are grown only in seedlings, zoned and cold-resistant varieties are selected.

When selecting a variety, they are guided by the duration of the frost-free period of the region. It is determined by the time interval from the date of the last spring frost to the date of the first autumn frost. The fruit ripening period must be less than this period.

Choose a site for landing, protected from the wind

Melon in the open field is grown in the West Siberian and East Siberian regions of horticulture. These regions are defined as zones of risky and limited fruit growing. The climate is sharply continental, characterized by inconstancy. There is no exact definition of the frost-free period. When growing melons, they are guided by the average temperatures of the last 3-4 years. Under these conditions, early ripening varieties develop well and have time to ripen:

  • Barnaulka;
  • Dream of a sybarite;
  • Altai;
  • Titovka;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Dessert;
  • Lyubushka;
  • Early 133.

In other regions of Siberia, the culture is not grown.


In the Ural region, the duration of the frost-free period is 105-204 days. The main disadvantage for growing melons is the predominance of low summer temperatures, a large variation in the average duration of the frost-free period. Therefore, it is possible to grow here only zoned crop varieties that have been tested in practice:

  • Dream of a sybarite;
  • Nectarine;
  • Melba;
  • Canary honey;
  • Delano F1;
  • Cinderella;
  • Collective farmer.

When choosing another variety, the ripening period is taken into account, it should be no more than 90 days.

Moscow region

Collective farmer melon fruits

The Moscow region belongs to the central region of horticulture, which is characterized by relatively favorable conditions for growing melons. The climate is stable, which allows you to accurately determine the duration of the frost-free period: 120-135 days. The best varieties for the region:

  • Collective farmer;
  • Iroquois;
  • Pineapple;
  • Scythian gold;
  • Alina;
  • Tamanskaya.

The ideal fruit ripening rate for this region is 60-90 days.

In the Moscow region, seeds for seedlings are sown from April 15 to April 20, in the Urals and Siberia in late April and early May. With good development, seedlings begin to plant in the ground 30-37 days after sowing. Longer development of the plant at home will lead to overgrowth, weakening and reduced yields. Seeds for the first planting are best purchased from reputable manufacturers. Such seed guarantees compliance with varietal characteristics, it is completely ready for sowing: it is hardened and neutralized from diseases.

Fortified seedlings of melon

The melon does not tolerate transplantation well, and often dies if the roots are damaged. Therefore, seedlings are grown in peat pots or cassettes with a diameter of at least 10 cm. For soil mixture in a bucket (10 l), mix:

  • peat and river sand 9:1;
  • wood ash 200 g;
  • humus, sod land 100 g;
  • a handful of sawdust.

2-3 seeds are sown in one container to a depth of 5 cm. The surface of the soil mixture is covered with plastic wrap or glass, which is removed after germination. Pots are placed in a lighted and warm place. The required temperature is +20°-+25° during the day and at least +15°С at night. In poor lighting, seedlings are illuminated with a phytolamp. A week after germination, excess plants are removed, leaving the strongest in pots. After the appearance of three true leaves, the seedlings are pinched. Seedlings are watered with warm water as the earthen lump dries up. A week before planting in the ground, the plants are fed. For this, 10 liters of water are consumed: ammonium sulfate (16 g), superphosphate (5 g) and potassium salt (5 g).

In the same period, the seedlings are hardened off. For this, the plants are taken out daily, starting from 15 minutes and gradually increasing the time. On the last day before planting, the seedlings are left outdoors for the whole day.

Seedlings ready for planting have a strong stem and at least 3-4 true leaves.

Planting melon seedlings for engraftment

A bed for a melon is prepared in the spring. To do this, select a site warmed by the sun and protected from northeast winds. After harvesting, the site is dug up and 5 kg per 1 m2 of rotted manure or peat is applied. Loamy soil is structured with river sand 5 kg per 1 m2. In the spring, after thawing the soil, the bed is harrowed and mineral fertilizers are applied per 1 m2:

  • superphosphate 40 g;
  • potassium salt 20 g;
  • nitrogen 15 g (3 days before planting seedlings).

Before transplanting seedlings from the greenhouse, the soil should warm up to t + 15 ° С. It depends on the average spring temperature. Basically, in the Moscow region, the soil warms up in the third decade of May, and in Siberia and the Urals in the first decade of June. Plants are planted according to the 70X70 scheme in holes prepared in advance and spilled with water. Peat pots are tightly covered with soil and watered. The root neck is left flush with the soil surface. Seedlings are shaded with paper or mowed grass, which are harvested after 2 days.

After a very cold and snowless winter, the warm-up process is accelerated. The bed is covered with a white or silver film.

Feeding melons in the ground, manure and bird droppings

The aisles loosen as the crust forms. The first two times to a depth of 15 cm, the next to 8 cm, and the circle at the root collar is superficial. After the formation of lateral lashes, the plants are spudded. When moistening the root neck and melon leaves, the development of fungal diseases is possible. Therefore, at a distance of 3-5 cm from the stem, a shallow irrigation groove is formed. Watering is carried out with warm settled water with a temperature of at least 20 ° C, the consumption per plant is 5-7 liters.

Watering the melon depends on the stage of development. After planting, seedlings in dry weather are watered every day. When the plants take root, water once, and in very hot weather twice a week. During fruit ripening, watering is reduced to once in 10-15 days.

The first time the plants are fed 15 days after planting. For this, solutions of mullein 1: 10 or ammonium nitrate (20 g per 10 l) are used.

Subsequent feeding is carried out at intervals of 7-14 days with a solution of 10 liters:

  • superphosphate 50 g;
  • potassium salt 30 g;
  • ammonium sulfate 30 g.

Ready-made fertilizers are also used: Master, Terraflex, Kemira hydro. Fertilizers are applied only after abundant watering with a consumption of 1-1.5 liters per plant. To increase the supply of nutrients to the fruits, the plant is shaped. This accelerates ripening, increases the sweetness and quality of the fruit.

Fertilizer MASTER

On the main stem, only male flowers are formed, which do not bear fruit. Therefore, in the phase of fruit formation, its growth is stopped - pinched over 3.4 or 5 leaves. They also pinch out strongly overgrown lateral lashes, cut off non-fruiting shoots and extra ovaries.

On one plant of large-fruited varieties, two are left, and in small-fruited varieties, four fruits. To prevent rotting, boards or other dry material are placed under the fruits.

Depending on the variety, the melon begins to ripen in the third decade of July. To determine the ripeness of the fruit, lightly press on the bark. In a mature melon, the bark is slightly squeezed when pressed. The fruits are harvested as they ripen.

Happy harvest!

The last collection is carried out before frost. Fruits that do not have time to ripen are placed on a shelf in one row with the stalk up or in wooden boxes, shifted with chips. Under such conditions, they will ripen within 1-2 weeks. Despite the detailed agricultural technology, it is always important to focus on the weather in summer. Moderate dryness and warmth are the main conditions for a good harvest. Long rains and sharp cold snaps are detrimental to melons. It is worth preparing the covering material in advance.

Melon: growing seedlings, when and how to plant, care and varieties for Siberia, the Urals and the Moscow region

Growing melons in the Moscow region and even in Siberia today has become commonplace. Breeders have bred varieties of gourds, which are characterized by early maturity and are able to ripen in just three months. To get a good harvest of sweet melons, you need to know which varieties are suitable for your region, when and how to plant properly, and also care for gourds. When to plant watermelons and melons in 2018 according to the lunar calendar, you can find out if you follow the highlighted link.

The best varieties of melons for different regions

Varieties of melon for the Moscow region

The best melon varieties for central Russia and the Moscow region are:

  1. Cinderella - a popular variety is distinguished by a fruit weight of 1 kg, a pleasant aroma, sweet taste and maturity three months after the appearance of seedlings.
  2. Yucar F1 - a fragrant and sweet fruit weighing about 1.5 kg, when grown in seedlings, is able to ripen in open ground.
  3. Caramel - the early ripening variety got its name because of the high sugar content. The fruit can reach a weight of up to 2 kg, and the plant itself tolerates stressful situations well.

Varieties of melon for the Urals

For cultivation in the Urals, medium and early ripe gourds are more suitable, which are grown in a greenhouse or seedlings in open ground. The following varieties are most popular:

  1. The dream of sybarite - a small melon weighing up to 400 grams can be removed for consumption already 2 months after the appearance of seedlings.
  2. Nectarine - a popular variety is distinguished by a fruit weighing from one and a half to three kilograms of an elongated shape, the flesh of which has a light beige color.
  3. Delano F1 - an early ripe hybrid weighing up to 4 kg, with proper cultivation, ripens within two months after germination.

Melons for Siberia - varieties

Since it is still quite cold in Siberia in spring and summer is short, gourds are grown mainly in greenhouses. Special zoned varieties are suitable for this:

  1. Early 133 - melon is distinguished by fruits weighing up to 2 kg, which, after germination, ripen in about 2 months.
  2. Barnaulka and Lyubushka are high-yielding ultra-early varieties with fruits weighing up to 2 kg. Only 1.5 months pass from germination to fruit picking.

These are one of the most popular, but not all varieties of melons that gardeners use to grow on their plots. Specialty shops offer a wide range of gourds, among which you can choose the one that suits your region.

When to sow melon for seedlings?

To determine the time for planting seeds, you need to know that at least 25 days must pass from the emergence of seedlings to planting seedlings in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open ground. Plants are planted in well-warmed soil and in warm weather, when the last frosts have passed. Also, the sowing time for melon seeds depends on the variety.

Focusing on the weather conditions and variety, it is possible to plant melons for seedlings in warm regions already in early April, and in the Urals and Siberia - around the 20th of April.

Seed preparation

Attention! Select melon seeds should be three or four years old. This is explained by the fact that plants will grow from fresh planting material, on which there will be only male flowers.

  1. Choose healthy and full-bodied. To do this, planting material is placed in a 3% saline solution, where empty seeds will float, and those suitable for planting will settle to the bottom.
  2. You can disinfect the selected seeds with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, in which they are placed for half an hour. You can use a garlic solution (3 parts warm water - 1 part minced garlic). In this solution, the seeds are kept for 1 hour, after which they are washed under running water.
  3. Many summer residents recommend hardening planting material, as this procedure makes the seedlings resistant to various transplants and weather conditions. For hardening, the seeds are kept in a damp cloth or gauze for a day at a temperature of +20 degrees, after which they are placed in a refrigerator for 18 hours, where the temperature is from 0 to +2 degrees. After the refrigerator, the seeds are again kept for 6 hours at a temperature of +15 to +20 degrees. All this time, you must carefully monitor that the rag or gauze is wet. Such a change in the temperature regime can be carried out several times.

Preparing containers and soil for seedlings

Since the roots of the melon are tender, it is recommended to plant it in disposable cups, special containers or peat pots.

Soil for sowing seeds can be prepared independently from the following components:

  • peat - 9 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • wood ash - 1 cup per 10 liters of soil mixture.

Another soil option for growing melon seedlings:

  • humus or compost;
  • sod land;
  • peat.

All components are taken in equal parts, sand and wood ash are added.

Before use, the soil mixture is recommended to be disinfected with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. But it is best to use a solution of special preparations Baikal-EM 1 or Fitosporin. It is very good if the substrate is harvested in the fall. Then containers with soil can be kept outside until spring, where all fungi and pest larvae will die under the influence of frost.

Sowing seeds

Seedling cups are filled with moist soil, after which seeds are placed into it to a depth of one and a half to two centimeters and sprinkled with soil. Crops from above are sprayed with warm water and covered with a film or glass. Until the emergence of seedlings, it is recommended to keep them warm at a temperature not lower than +20 degrees.

In order for shoots to accurately appear in each container, it is best to plant 2 or 3 seeds in one cup.

Growing seedlings of melon

Seedling care includes:

  1. Timely watering after the topsoil has dried. There should be no standing water in the ground.
  2. Providing seedlings with good lighting for 10-12 hours a day. This may require additional lighting in the form of fluorescent lamps, which are turned on for 2 or 3 hours in the morning and evening.
  3. When the seedlings grow up, you will need to choose the strongest, and remove the weak. However, seedlings cannot be pulled out, otherwise the roots of the remaining ones may be damaged. Therefore, weak sprouts are pinched.
  4. Since female flowers with fruits are formed on the lateral processes, in the phase of three true leaves, the seedlings are pinched.
  5. Melon seedlings are fed at the age of 14 days and 10 days before planting in the garden. For top dressing, it is recommended to use complex mineral fertilizers.
  6. 10-14 days before planting in the garden, the plants begin to harden. This should be done gradually, taking the seedlings to fresh air, first for an hour, and then for a longer time. It is necessary to ensure that the daytime temperature is not lower than +15 degrees, and the night temperature is not lower than +12 degrees.

Growing melons in a greenhouse

If the melon will be grown in a greenhouse, then it is not recommended to plant zucchini and cucumbers with it. The best neighbors are tomatoes and peppers. Plants are recommended to be grown on trellises, then they will take up less space. Bushes are planted at a distance of about 20 cm from each other.

One and a half kilograms of compost or humus are added to holes with dimensions of 70x50 cm, which is covered with soil mixture from above with a layer of about 3 cm.

How to plant a melon?

Seedlings should be planted so that they are 2-3 cm above the soil level. Otherwise, the hypocotyl knee of the sprout may begin to rot. Before and after planting, the plants must be watered. They should be planted in moist soil, removed from a disposable cup along with a clod of earth. If the seedlings grew in peat pots, then they are planted in the ground along with them.

Melons grown in a greenhouse are watered in a timely manner and must be ventilated if the temperature is above +30 degrees. If frosts are expected, then even in the greenhouse it is recommended to cover the plants with an additional film.

A week after planting in the greenhouse, melons are fed with ammonium nitrate or other nitrogen fertilizer. Fertilize plants every 2-3 weeks with organic top dressing. To do this, you can alternate the infusion of humus, mullein, chicken manure and grass. With each top dressing, it is recommended to add a handful of wood ash to the wells.

When 5-6 leaves appear on the bushes, they must be pinched. The two strongest formed lashes are left, and the rest are cut off.

Since bees rarely fly into greenhouses, plants pollinate themselves. To do this, flowers that do not have ovaries need to be moved along the pistil of female flowers.

To make the fruits sweet, watering is gradually reduced during their ripening, and completely stopped 7-14 days before harvesting.

Growing melons outdoors

Planting a melon in the ground is carried out after warm weather is restored, the soil warms up, and the seedlings will have 5-6 true leaves. At this time, the seedlings should be about 5 weeks old.

Then plant a melon? For gourds, a sunny area is selected, on which legumes, garlic, onions, cucumbers, barley, corn, wheat, and cabbage had previously grown. The soil should be rich in organic matter. Melons will grow best in light, medium loamy soil.

  1. When digging, add 4 kg of manure or humus per square meter.
  2. If the soil in the area is clayey, then it is additionally diluted with sand (1/2 bucket per 1 sq. Meter).
  3. In the spring, fertilizers are applied to the garden (superphosphate 35 grams and potassium salt 25 grams per 1 sq. Meter).
  4. Immediately before planting, the soil is mixed with nitrogen fertilizers and dug up again. Nitrogen per 1 sq. meter will need 20-25 grams.

Since in the open field the lashes will not be tied to the trellises, the distance between plants is 60 cm, and between rows - 70 cm. Otherwise, planting a melon on a garden bed is no different from planting in a greenhouse.

Seedlings that have just been planted in open ground are recommended to be covered with a damp newspaper. This is necessary in order to protect them from the burning rays of the sun. After 2-3 days, the shelter can be removed.

melon care

Outdoor care for melons includes:

  1. Watering melon. Plantings are watered approximately once every 5-7 days, using settled warm water. It is impossible to overmoisten the soil, otherwise the plants will be affected by fungal diseases. After the appearance of fruits, the frequency of watering begins to be reduced.
  2. Pinching. In order for the plant to expend its strength on the formation of fruits, and not on the growth of foliage, the main stem is pinched. This is done after the bush takes root and begins to grow in the garden. All processes, except for the main and the two strongest lateral ones, should be removed. Attention! On hybrid varieties, the main stem is not pinched, as fruits are formed on it. To make the plant not too thick, its side shoots need to be pinched after the third leaf. On each bush you need to leave from 2 to 6 ovaries.
  3. Loosening. The soil between the rows must be loosened. Do this after watering or rain to a depth of 10 cm, after freeing the bed from weeds.
  4. Melon top dressing. In the open field, gourds are fertilized three times. 14 days after landing on the planting bed, they are watered with a solution of ammonium nitrate (10 grams per ½ bucket of water). Each plant will need 2 liters. During budding, mullein (1:10) or the same solution of ammonium nitrate is used as a fertilizer. 20 days after the second feeding, a solution of 10 liters of water, 20 grams of potassium salt, 50 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of ammonium sulfate is used.

In order for the fruits to ripen evenly, they can be placed in a net that is tied to a support. If it is not possible to install a trellis or support, then a piece of roofing material, foil or other non-rotting material must be placed under the fruits. When the fruits turn yellow or a network of cracks forms on them, melons can begin to be harvested. Ripe fruit should be easily separated from the whip. If it is planned to store melons in the winter, then they should be collected a little unripe, when the mesh covers the fruit halfway.