Psychophysiological structure of the writing process

Dysgraphia - Partial specific violation of the writing process.

Writing is a complex form of speech activity, a multi-level process. Various analyzers take part in it: speech-auditory, speech-motor, visual, general motor. Between them in the process of writing, a close connection and interdependence is established. The structure of this process is determined by the stage of mastering the skill, tasks and nature of writing. Writing is closely connected with the process of oral speech and is carried out only on the basis of a sufficiently high level of its development.

The writing process of an adult is automated and differs from the nature of the writing of a child who masters this skill. So, for an adult, writing is a purposeful activity, the main purpose of which is to convey meaning or fix it. The writing process of an adult is characterized by integrity, coherence, and is a synthetic process. The graphic image of the word is reproduced not by individual elements (letters), but as a whole. The word is reproduced by a single motor act. The process of writing is carried out automatically and proceeds under double control: kinesthetic and visual.

Writing Process Operations

Automated hand movements are the final step in the complex process of translating spoken language into written language. This is preceded by a complex activity that prepares the final stage. The writing process has a multi-level structure, includes a large number of operations. In an adult, they are abbreviated, folded. When mastering the letter, these operations are presented in expanded form.

A. R. Luria in his work “Essays on the Psychophysiology of Writing” (See: Luria A. R. Essays on the Psychophysiology of Writing. - M., 1950) defines the following writing operations.

The letter begins with a motivation, a motive, a task. A person knows what he writes for: to fix, save information for a certain time, transfer it to another person, induce someone to act, etc. A person mentally draws up a plan for a written statement, a semantic program, a general sequence of thoughts. The initial thought “refers to a certain sentence structure. In the process of writing, the writer must maintain the correct order of writing the phrase, focus on what he has already written and what he has to write.

Each sentence to be written is broken down into its constituent words, as the writing indicates the boundaries of each word.

One of the most difficult operations of the writing process is the analysis of the sound structure of a word. To spell a word correctly, you need to determine its sound structure, the sequence and place of each sound. The sound analysis of a word is carried out by the joint activity of the speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers. An important role in determining the nature of sounds and their sequence in a word is played by pronunciation: loud, whispered or internal. The role of pronunciation in the process of writing is evidenced by many studies. So, L.K. Nazarova conducted the following experiment with children of the first grade. In the first series, they are offered an accessible text for writing. In the second series, a text similar in difficulty was given with the exception of pronunciation: in the process of writing, the children bit the tip of their tongue or opened their mouths. In this case, they made many times more mistakes than with ordinary writing.

At the initial stages of mastering the skill of writing, the role of pronunciation is very large. It helps to clarify the nature of the sound, to distinguish it from similar sounds, to determine the sequence of sounds in the word.

The next operation is the correlation of the phoneme extracted from the word with a certain visual image of the letter, which must be differentiated from all others, especially from graphically similar ones. To distinguish graphically similar letters, a sufficient level of formed visual analysis and synthesis is required, spatial representations. The analysis and comparison of a letter is not an easy task for a first grader.

Then follows the motor operation of the writing process - the reproduction of the visual image of the letter with the help of hand movements. Simultaneously with the movement of the hand, kinesthetic control is carried out. As letters and words are written, kinesthetic control is reinforced by visual control, by reading what is written. The writing process is normally carried out on the basis of a sufficient level of formation of certain speech and non-speech functions: auditory differentiation of sounds, their correct pronunciation, language analysis and synthesis, formed™ by the lexical and grammatical side of speech, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations.

The lack of formation of any of these functions can cause a violation of the process of mastering writing, dysgraphia.

In children with dysgraphia, the lack of formation of many mental functions is noted: visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds, phonemic, syllabic analysis and synthesis, division of sentences into words, lexical and grammatical structure speech, memory disorders, attention, emotional-volitional sphere.

Literature: Logopedia / Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. 1999.

Dysgraphic errors- these are specific errors in writing that are not related to the use of spelling and grammatical rules of the Russian language.

I. Specific (dysgraphic) errors

1. Errors due to lack of formation phonemic processes:

2. omissions of letters and syllables - "trva" (grass), "krodil" (crocodile), "pines" (brought);

3. permutations of letters and syllables - “onko” (window), “zvyal” (took), “peperisal” (rewrote), “natuspila” (came);

4. underwriting letters and syllables - "red" (red), "shovel" (shovel), "swollen" (swollen);

5. building up words with extra letters and syllables - “tarava” (grass), “katorae” (which), “bababushka” (grandmother), “klukikva” (cranberry);

6. distortion of the word - “naotukh” (to hunt), “habab” (brave), “chuki” (cheeks), “speck” (from a hemp);

7. continuous spelling words and their arbitrary division - “we were stupid” (came), “hanging” (hanging on the wall), “at the station” (tired);

8. the inability to determine the boundaries of the sentence in the text, the continuous writing of sentences - “My father is a driver. The job of a driver is difficult; a driver needs to do well. Know the car after school I do too. I'll be a driver.";

9. replacing one letter with another - "zuki" (beetles), "punk" (bank), "hats" (boots);

10. violation of mitigation of consonants - “cornflowers” ​​(cornflowers), “smali” (crumpled), “kon” (horse).

II. Errors due to the lack of formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech:

1. agrammatisms - “Sasha and Lena are picking flowers. The children sat on large chairs. Five little yellow chicks (five little yellow chickens).

2. continuous spelling of prepositions and separate spelling of prefixes - “in the pocket”, “when they flew”, “in zyala” (took), “on the way”.

III. Errors caused by an insufficient level of development of visual-spatial perception, visual-motor coordination:

1. increase or decrease in the number of similar elements: n-t, i-w, l - m, ...;

2. replacement of the second dissimilar element: i-y, b-e, i-c...;

3. replacement of similar elements of letters according to their location in space: q-v, p- and ...;

4. mirror letter: E - 3, U - Ch...

Features of written speech in children with dysgraphia

In children studying in public schools, there are various forms of dysgraphia, often combined with each other. Below are the main features of the written and oral speech of dysgraphic children.

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia is a reflection of incorrect sound pronunciation in writing. The child writes as he speaks. At the initial stages of learning, he writes, pronouncing syllables, words, relying on the defective pronunciation of sounds, and reflects his incorrect pronunciation in writing.

At the same time, the child has substitutions, omissions of letters in the work, corresponding to substitutions and omissions of sounds in pronunciation. Sometimes substitutions of letters in a letter remain even after the elimination of violations of sound pronunciation in oral speech. This can be explained by the fact that during internal pronunciation, the child still does not yet have sufficient support for correct articulation, since clear kinesthetic images of sounds have not been formed.

Acoustic dysgraphia

Acoustic dysgraphia (dysgraphia due to a violation of phonemic recognition) at its core most often has a violation of the auditory differentiation of speech sounds. With this form of dysgraphia, unlike the previous one, there are no violations of the pronunciation of those speech sounds that are incorrectly indicated in writing.

Acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself in the child's works in the form of letter substitutions corresponding to phonetically close sounds. Most often, letter substitutions are observed in the letter, denoting the following sounds:

- whistling - hissing (s-sh, h-zh),

- voiced - deaf (b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, s-s, f-sh),

- hard - soft, especially stop, affricates and their components included in the composition (h-t", ch-sh, ch-sh, ts-t, s-ts).

This type of dysgraphia is also manifested in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants in writing due to a violation of auditory differentiation, as well as the complexity of the designation in writing (“letter” - “letter”, “mach” - “ball”, “vosla” - “oars”).

Frequent mistakes are vowel substitutions even in stressed position, especially acoustically and articulatory similar sounds (o-u, e-yu).

Dysgraphia due to impairmentlanguage analysis and synthesis

Dysgraphia, caused by a violation of linguistic analysis and synthesis, manifests itself in the erroneous division of sentences into words, words into syllables, syllables into sounds and letters.

The underdevelopment of sound analysis and synthesis is manifested in writing in violations of the structure of sentences and words. It could be:

- continuous spelling of two independent words (“pit firewood” - “cuts firewood”), official and independent, especially prepositions and nouns (“dodge” - “at the gate”);

- a combination of mergers of two independent words and a service word with an independent one (“umami krayakofta” - “mother has a red jacket”);

- separate spelling of parts of the word ("composed" - "composed").

The most complex form of linguistic analysis and synthesis is the phonemic analysis of words, as a result of which distortions of the sound-syllabic structure of the word appear in writing. It could be:

- omission of a vowel, ("krova" - "cow"), or a consonant, especially when concatenated ("ratet" - "growing", "mika" - "bear", "lit" - "leaf");

- adding a vowel ("tents" - a scarf ");

- permutation of letters ("kono" - window ");

- omissions, permutations, insertions. syllables ("kova" - "cow", "palot" - "shovel", "leaflet" - "leaflet").

Agrammatic dysgraphia

Agrammatic dysgraphia is due to the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech - morphological, syntactic generalizations. This form of dysgraphia manifests itself in writing in agrammatisms at the level of words, phrases, sentences and texts and is a component of systemic underdevelopment of speech in children with OHP.

Children find it difficult to establish logical and linguistic connections between sentences. The sequence of sentences does not always correspond to the sequence of the described events; semantic and grammatical links between sentences are violated.

How to distinguish speech therapy errors from "physiological" errors of "growth"?

1) Speech therapy errors in external manifestation are similar to the so-called physiological errors that naturally occur in children when mastering writing. But are more specific, numerous, repetitive and persist for a long time.

2) Difficulties in mastering writing in children may be associated with pedagogical neglect, with impaired attention and control, which disorganize the entire process of writing as a complex speech activity.

Dyslexia - partial violation of the reading process, manifested in persistent and repetitive reading errors due to the unformed HMF involved in the reading process.

Types of dyslexia

Mechanism, symptoms


Mechanism: violation of the operation of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Symptoms: - omissions of letters when reading, substitutions of letters when reading, denoting the corresponding phonetically similar oppositional sounds (s-z, w-sh, etc.)

Violation of the sound-syllabic structure when reading (inserts, omissions, permutations of syllables).



Symptoms: substitutions when reading optically similar letters;


Mechanism: violation of the memory process;

Symptoms: unreasonable substitutions of letters when reading;


Mechanism: violation of the synthesis operation (letter, syllabic, linguistic)

Symptoms: violation of understanding of the read text with technically correct reading at the level of a letter, syllable, word, text;


Mechanism: violation of morphological analysis and synthesis;

Symptoms: violation of reading endings denoting the agreement of words in a sentence;


Mechanism: violation of kinesthetic analysis and synthesis;

Symptoms: Braille reading errors;

Dysgraphia - persistent inability to master the skills of writing according to the rules of graphics (using the phonetic principle of writing) despite a sufficient level of intellectual development and the absence of gross visual and hearing impairments.

Types of dysgarthia

Mechanism, symptoms


Mechanism: violation of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

Symptoms: - substitutions in writing for letters denoting phonetically similar oppositional sounds (s-z, w-w, etc.)


Mechanism: violation of visual-spatial analysis and synthesis.

Symptoms: replacement and mixing of optically similar letters;


Mechanism: violation of phonemic and kinetic analysis and synthesis;

Symptoms: manifestation of incorrect sound pronunciation in writing;


Mechanism: violation of morphological analysis and synthesis;

Symptoms: violation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, manifested in writing (incorrect word endings when agreeing words in phrases and sentences; omissions of prepositions, etc.)

Dysgraphia due to violation of language analysis and synthesis

Mechanism: violation of language analysis and synthesis;

Symptoms:- violation of the sound-syllabic structure (insertions, permutations, omissions);

Unreasonable breaks in words or their continuous spelling, continuous spelling of prepositions, the absence of a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence;

How to help a child? What to do?

An urgent consultation with a speech therapist or defectologist is necessary.

Only a specialist will figure out what exactly goes wrong with a child, what specific mistakes he makes - this is the only way to find a reliable and trouble-free means of overcoming them.

Strict purposefulness of classes with a specialist.

Correct selection of speech material.

Consistency in overcoming mistakes.

It is necessary to take into account the strengths and capabilities of the child.


The reaction to these mistakes of parents who are not familiar with speech therapy and defectological problems is interesting. They simply give the child samples of the correct spelling of these words for repeated repetition, which the child accurately performs. The benefit of this event is minimal, since the very essence of the problem is not affected at all. The child simply copies the words written by the parents, but never masters the skill of auditory differentiation of sounds.

Home > Guidelines

Letter OMTSOUOG. Moscow dated 19.112007 No. 559/1

Guidelines for primary school teachers and subject teachers of grades 1-11 on assessing the knowledge of students with speech therapy problems, and students, who do not speak oral Russian colloquial speech, at various stages of learning

Checking and evaluating the achievements of schoolchildren is a very essential component of the learning process and one of the most important tasks of the teacher's pedagogical activity. This component, along with other components of the educational process (content, methods, means, forms of organization) must comply with modern requirements society, pedagogical and methodological sciences, the main priorities and goals of education at school. The monitoring and evaluation system cannot be limited to a utilitarian goal - checking the assimilation of knowledge and the development of skills and abilities in a specific subject. It sets a more important social task: to develop in schoolchildren the ability to check and control themselves, critically evaluate their activities, find errors and ways to eliminate them. The educational function of evaluation determines the result of comparing the expected effect with the actual one. On the part of the teacher, a statement of the quality of assimilation of educational material by students is carried out: the completeness and awareness of knowledge, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard situations, the ability to choose the most appropriate means to complete the educational task: the dynamics of progress is established, the formation (unformation) of personality traits , necessary for both school life , and outside of it, the degree of development of the main mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization): it becomes possible to identify problem areas in the work, fix successful methods and techniques, analyze which learning content it is advisable to expand and which to exclude from the curriculum. On the part of the student, it is established what are the specific results of his educational activities; what is learned firmly, consciously, and what needs to be repeated, deepened; which aspects of learning activity have been formed and which ones need to be formed. The educational function of assessment is expressed in considering the formation of positive motives for learning and readiness for self-control as a factor in overcoming students' low self-esteem and anxiety. Properly organized control and evaluation remove schoolchildren's fear of control work, reduce the level of anxiety, form the correct target settings, focus on independence, activity and self-control. The emotional function of evaluation is manifested in the fact that any type of evaluation (including marks) creates a certain emotional background and causes the corresponding emotional reaction of the student. Indeed, assessment can inspire, direct to overcome difficulties, provide support, but it can also upset, put one in the category of lagging behind, exacerbate low self-esteem, disrupt contact with adults and peers. The implementation of this most important function when checking learning outcomes is that the teacher's emotional reaction should correspond to the student's emotional reaction (rejoice with him, grieve with him) and orient him towards success, express confidence that these results can be changed for the better. This provision is related to one of the main laws of the pedagogy of primary education - the younger student must learn from success. The situation of success and emotional well-being is a prerequisite for the student to calmly accept the teacher's assessment, analyze the mistakes together with him and outline ways to eliminate them. (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 19, 1998 No. 1561 / 14-15 “Control and evaluation of learning outcomes in elementary school.”) In elementary school, along with certain achievements, omissions and shortcomings in the child’s speech development become obvious. Any delay, any violation in the course of the development of a child’s speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, on the formation of the personality as a whole. From the first grade, special work is needed to identify the initial level and dynamics of speech development of each student and the class as a whole. Based on the data obtained, the prospects for work on the development of children's speech are determined. Writing disorders are one of the most common forms of learning difficulties in elementary school students. secondary school. According to a number of authors, a particular writing disorder, dysgraphia, causes academic failure in 20-32% junior schoolchildren.Many children experience serious difficulties in learning to write, drastically reducing their school motivation, leading not only to school maladjustment, but also to academic failure. ) involved in the writing process. In speech therapy practice, the study of writing by primary school students is traditionally carried out by analyzing independent, test and control works In Russian. The following types of specific errors are distinguished:"

phonemic errors


A mixture of letters denoting paired voiced and deaf consonants, hard and soft consonants, whistling and hissing consonants, affricates and their components; vowel confusion

Differentiation b-p, d-t, 1 v-f, g-k, s-s, f-sh. C-s differentiation, w-s, h-t, c-h, h-sh, w-sh, h-f, r-l, m-n, n-v. Difficulties in designating the softness of consonants (vowels of the 2nd row, letter b). Differentiation o-u, e-yu, o-a, e-i, e-i (under stress)


analysis and synthesis

Omissions of vowels, consonants and syllables; permutations, insertions, perseveration, anticipations of letters and syllables; violation of the selection of a word from a sentence ______

Sentence boundaries (capital letter, dot), word merging, word break, word skip, word repetition, continuous spelling excuse _____________



Mirror spelling of letters

Differentiation i-y, b-d, b-c, p-t, l-m, x-zh, n-p, w-shch, o-a (under stress); w-u, e-z

An important adaptation measure is the presentation of reduced requirements for children with dysgraphia. Measurement control and examinations are carried out specifically, with the replacement of examination papers with oral answers. One of the most important conditions corrective work is the development of unity of requirements for the student by a speech therapist on the part of the teacher and the speech therapist. The teacher should very carefully and carefully evaluate the work of the speech pathologist student. The fact is that these students, with all their desire and diligence, are not able to complete assignments, especially written ones, in accordance with the norms adopted at school. The task of the speech therapist is, firstly, to draw the attention of the teacher to the fact that errors of a logopathic nature should not be counted when evaluating the work of a student, as one of the options for evaluating the work of students with such disorders, it is proposed to introduce ungraded training, transferring students to a credit assessment system, and in secondly, to teach the teacher to distinguish between a logopathic error and an error due to the fact that the student did not learn this or that grammar rule. When evaluating reading skills in children with dyslexia disorders (reading disorder), it is necessary to be aware of specific errors, which also should not be taken into account. The speech therapy center enrolls students of a general educational institution who have violations in the development of oral and written speech in their native language ( general underdevelopment speech of varying severity; phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech; phonemic underdevelopment of speech - stuttering; pronunciation deficiencies - a phonetic defect, speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia); violation of reading and writing, due to general, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech). phonemic underdevelopment of speech). The release of students from the speech therapy center is carried out throughout school year after the elimination of their violations in the development of oral and written speech. Group lessons are held: with students who have general underdevelopment of speech(impaired reading and writing due to general underdevelopment of speech) - at least three times a week; with students who have phonetic-phonemic orphonemic underdevelopment of speech,- at least two to three times a week; with students who have phonetic defect,- not less than one or two times a week; with stutterers students - at least three times a week. Individual sessions are held at least three times a week with students who have a general speech underdevelopment of the second level according to R.E. Levina, speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia). As these students develop pronunciation skills, classes are held with them in a group. At the same time, classes with these students cannot be held in the same group with students who stutter and students with shortcomings in the pronunciation of individual sounds. an institution for examination by specialist doctors (a neuropathologist, a child psychiatrist, an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, etc.) or to a psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission. educational institution. A speech therapist provides advice to teachers of a general education institution and parents (legal representatives) of students in determining the causes of poor progress and gives recommendations on how to overcome them. The speech therapist teacher is responsible for organizing and timely identifying students with primary speech pathology and for completing groups. Teacher speech therapist: a) conducts classes with students to correct various violations of oral and written speech. In the course of classes, work is carried out to prevent and overcome poor progress in the native language, due to the primary speech disorder; b) interacts with teachers on the development of general education programs by students (especially in the native language); c) keep in touch with preschool institutions, with special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, speech therapists and specialist doctors of children's clinics and psycho-medical-pedagogical commissions; d) participates in the work of Methodological associations of speech therapist teachers; e) represents to the head of the general education institution, an annual report on the number of students with impairments in the development of oral and written speech in the general education institution and the results of training in the speech therapy center in accordance with the form (Appendix 4). (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution” (Bulletin of Education. 2001. No. 2)). Memo for elementary school teachers on specific speech therapy errors1. Errors due to the lack of formation of phonemicprocesses and auditory perception: omissions of letters and syllables- "trva" (grass), "krodil" (crocodil), "pines" (brought); permutations of letters and syllables- “oako” (window), “zvyal” (took), “peperisal” (rewrote), “put out” (came); omission of letters and syllables -"red" (red), "shovel" (shovel), "swollen" (swollen); building up words with extra letters or syllables -“tara-va” (grass), “katorae” (which), “bababushka” (grandmother), “klukikva” (cranberry); word distortion- “Naotukh” (hunting), “habab” (brave), “chuki” (cheeks), “from pek” (from foam); continuous spelling of words and their arbitrary division -“us tu-saw” (came), “Visitnastne” (hanging on the wall), “at the station” (tired). inability to determine the boundaries of the sentence in the text, fusedwriting sentences“My father is a driver. The job of a driver is difficult; a driver needs to do well. Know the car after school I do too. I will be a driver"; replacing one letter with another tuki" (beetles), "punk" (ban-ka), "telpan" (tulip)? "hats" (boots); violation softening of consonants -"vaselki" (cornflowers), "smali" (crumpled), "kon" (horse). 2. Errors due to the lack of formation of lexico-gramsthe math side of speech: agrammatism- “Sasha and Lena are picking flowers. The children sat on large chairs. Five little yellow chicks” (five little yellow chickens); continuous spelling of prepositions and separate spelling of adjectiveswok- “in the pocket”, “when they flew”>, “in the green” (took), “on the way.” The speech therapist must convince the teacher that the creation of a favorable psychological climate for the speech pathologist student in the lesson is much more important than the normative assessment. Bilingual children can be assessed according to the same criteria, taking into account the peculiarities of their native language. At the initial stage of mastering the Russian language, it is better to evaluate classes in the subject orally. Bilingual children, as one of the options, should be taught Russian as a foreign language in special groups for at least two years at the initial stage. written works students of grades 1-9 of non-Russian nationality, studying in mass schools according to programs and textbooks for Russian schools, may increase by 1-2 errors allowed for the corresponding assessment. This category includes children who have poor command of oral Russian speech. In addition, any educational institution has the right, by decision of the pedagogical council, to exempt for one or another period of study the student (students) who do not speak fluently) oral Russian colloquial speech, from marking the student's achievements in any academic subject (subjects) at any stage (class) of education until language alignment (language adaptation).

I. Errors at the word level.

1. Omissions of letters (nests - nests, murmur - murmur, dictation - dictation, vdrg - all of a sudden).

Conclusion: most often the omission of consonants is noted in those places where there is a confluence of them.

NB: Most often, the consonant cluster at the beginning of a word is broken. This is due to the unformed syllabic structure of the word and phonemic analysis. And the omission of a consonant at the end of a word is due to two reasons:

a) unformed phonemic hearing (the child must listen to the end: by bathing); b) I.N. Sadovnikova: the final consonant may disappear if the next word begins with the same consonant (by bathing the cubs, stepped on with his paw).

2. Skipping vowels (tsly - whole, horse - horse, profession - profession); elision in writing - omission of a syllable-forming vowel; the child does not differentiate the name of the letter and the sound of the sound (the child thinks that sha is one letter: a horse is a violation of sound, phonemic analysis, the child does not differentiate the concepts of “sound” and “letter”.

3. Substitutions (literal paraphasias in writing):

Optical-spatial character (box - bark, it was - beat, maybe - mighty, scared - frightened, joyful - servile);

Acoustic paraphasias (replacement of whistling voices - deafness: hare - hare, melted - melted, grove - rocha, lived - sewed, chain - sepochka, step - chazhok);

Articulatory (cow - kolova, loads - gluzes - reflection of oral speech errors in writing (according to R.E. Levina)

NB: Most often, phonetic errors are observed in writing (due to the lack of formation of phonemic processes) and appear as substitutions of letters, which are indicated by similar acoustic patterns, “outlines”.

4. Anticipation (similarity): through - through, letter - miss, relatives - relatives, invited - gracious, stepped - stepped on, into the room - into the room;

ascending assimilation - the first sound suppresses the next one (it has set in, warm);

descending assimilation - the subsequent sound suppresses the one in front (room, miss).

5. Rearrangement of letters in places: dictation - dintak, dictant (not frequency).

6. Adding an extra letter: a titmouse - a tit (there is a t in the sound ts), dekabor, a bear.

II. Errors at the syllable level.

1. Omission of syllables: cow - ditch, pig - swah (combined violation), hung out - divorced.

2. Violation of the linear syllable program of the word (permutation) - not frequency.

3. Adding an extra syllable (more often in stutterers - perseverative): in vavarot.

III . At the level of words.

1. An unreasonable break of words in parts (more often by morphemic elements): December has come, the river has frozen, in sons (most often the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bwritten separately), through the fly - the child isolates familiar words, more often in words with new semantics.

2. Mistakes of a combined nature: animal - zhevonee, fruits - palbs, stubble - zhina, gives - toyo, whole day - qiloin, collective farm - chalkoznaya.

IV. Errors at the sentence level.

Chshklygrop - a snowdrift at the school.

1. Non-compliance with the graphical norms for recording a proposal; appears in two ways:

1) the child does not observe the typographical space sign (between words);

2) the child does not put signs indicating the beginning or end of the sentence, i.e. all without a dot, with a small letter;

2. Omission of significant words (omission of some words may not change the semantics of the sentence, and omission of others will significantly change the meaning of the sentence): In the nest, the caves are fluffy ...

3. Anticipations in the sentence: little Olenkaya;

4. Mistakes at the grammatical level: Sheray Sheika was left on the Ondna rivers.

v. Errors at the text level.

Two groups of errors:

I. Errors of a logical nature. The logic of presentation is broken. These errors can manifest themselves in different ways in the written text:

1) as a omission of a semantic segment, and then a semantic gap arises, a "semantic well", the logic breaks down; the logical program of a written text may be violated due to a violation of the sequence of sentences, due to perseveration of individual segments of the text - the same segment of the text unreasonably pops up in different places; logical errors occur when children cannot choose the right words;

2) typical speech errors: when one part of the sentence does not agree with the other in terms of meaning:

a) structural (the structure of the sentence is destroyed due to the omission of significant words (Evpaty swung and cut Khostovrum (what?) ...) or the wrong order of words in the sentence (A Tatar has a metal helmet, a robe, a fur hat.);

b) numerous grammatical errors (This picture can serve as an illustration for the story of Evpaty and Kolovratia. They overtook the enemy in an open field, and he was wearing metal chain mail.).

I.N.Sadovnikova: common spelling of prepositions and separate spelling of prefixes. Along with this, the difficulties of a differentiated choice of prepositions in writing are noted (Voska stood from under the banners.)

The speech therapist qualifies errors in writing for two purposes:

1) to identify typical errors inherent in this child;

2) based on the typology of errors, the speech therapist outlines the structure of a long-term work plan.

The structure of the letter is very complex. Writing is a symbolic activity. A symbol is everything that goes beyond the scope of objective reality (objectivity): letters, graphic images. If not concrete reality, then it is necessary that the level of conscious attitude be high. It starts with a motive. Written speech is a symbolic and artificial form of speech, the child does not understand why it is necessary to write. Examination P.R. makes it possible to talk about different forms of violations. There are two approaches:

1) Dysgraphia - a violation of written speech (R.E. Levina);

2) Dysgraphia - the disintegration of speech in aphasics.

Methodology speech therapy work to overcome dysgraphia.

If you look in Volkova's textbook "Speech Therapy", you can see that such speech disorders as dysgraphia and dyslexia are described autonomously, and the methodology is given as a general one, i.e. This is an unresolved issue in speech therapy.

The structure of the work (content) is disclosed by a number of authors:

1) Alla Vasilievna Yastrebova "Correction of the speech of students in a general education school";

2) Irina Nikolaevna Sadovnikova defended her dissertation on this topic;

3) Lyudmila Nikolaevna Efimenkova offers real exercises that show the speech therapist that he should be guided by the program, that he works in tandem with the teacher, but only the methods are different;

4) Raisa Ivanovna Lalayeva developed the theoretical part in the methodological aspect.

A.V. Yastrebova, a student of R.E. Levina and a representative of her school, believes that the violation of written speech and writing is due to the violation of oral speech. But this is the school of R.E. Levina, and B.M. Grinshpun asks the following question: if a child has dysgraphia, but there is no violation of oral speech, then what is it caused by? Mikhail Efimovich Khvattsev also believes that dysgraphia is due to a violation of oral speech (tongue-tied tongue in writing is dysgraphia due to a violation of sound pronunciation).

Based on this point of view, A.V. Yastrebova offers the speech therapist to break down the work of overcoming violations of writing into three stages, and the author ties each of the stages to a specific class of education.

On I stage the speech therapist's attention should be focused on overcoming phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. In this regard, the speech therapist should have specific tasks (long-term plan):

1. Development of phonemic hearing.

2. Overcoming violations of sound pronunciation:

a) staging sounds;

b) automation;

c) introduction correct sounds into speech.

In connection with the presence of this task, the types of classes are distinguished:

Individual lessons (mainly with students of the 1st grade). In the regulation regulating the work of a speech therapist, it is written that the speech therapist is obliged, first of all, to take speech therapy classes for those children in whom the state of oral speech will interfere with the mastery of writing. In the course of the practical exercises most researchers write that the most frequent type of dysgraphia is acoustic (by Tokareva), other names are: phonemic (by Khvattsev), acoustic-articulation (in a textbook). It is this dysgraphia that is most frequent in the school. Such a group of children is necessarily singled out by a speech therapist and, when organizing children into groups, relies on the principle of taking into account the mechanism of violation and due to the fact that the majority of children who come to school (grade 1) do not have phonemic hearing, so its development becomes an urgent task.

The speech therapist must remember that most of the educational tasks (95%) the child perceives by ear. This applies to writing, as The most common type of work with children is auditory dictations.

The tasks of automating sounds are solved in subgroup classes, so this type of organization speech therapy classes included in overall plan work. And the tasks of differentiating sounds are solved in frontal classes. According to the "Regulations on the work of a speech therapist at a speech therapy center of a comprehensive school" subgroup lessons unite children in the amount of 2-4 people, frontal - 4-6 people. At the same time, groups are not necessarily formed from children of the same class (it is possible from parallel ones).

3. Formation of sound-letter analysis.

It is formed on the basis of phonemic hearing and correct sound pronunciation. This task is also subject to frontal exercises. This is where the time difference comes from. Frontal and subgroup classes - 35-40 minutes, individual - 15 minutes.

I. The stage is focused on students of the 1st grade.

II. Stage. Overcoming lexical and grammatical underdevelopment.

There are specific tasks:

At this stage, the oral-speech defect is mainly overcome: agrammatism of oral speech. The speech therapist focuses this work on written speech and grade 2 is a rather difficult program. In grade 2, a morphology appears for which children are not ready. The first complex rules appear, and the child comes face to face with the theory of language;

- mastery of morphology and morphemic composition words is the ability to analyze the morphemic structure of a word.

III. Stage. The development of connected speech.

This task orients the speech therapist to work with 3rd grade students.


Teach children to write stories on their own (this is why children were taught senior group);

To teach children to analyze ready-made texts (do not ask semantic questions about what they read - the hero did well or badly):

1) text analysis suggests that the child must learn to highlight the semantic parts of the text and understand why the story is divided into such parts;

2) the child must learn to title the text, because it is believed that the title (correctly chosen) reflects the main idea of ​​the story or text - this is a first-order predicate;

3) the child must be able to title each separate part of the story, and as a result of such work, it is assumed that the child can independently draw up a plan for the finished text and, on the basis of this plan, move on to written speech and write first presentations, and then essays.

This is a promising work plan for A.V. Yastrebova, which is built depending on the state of students' oral speech. But not all authors agree with such a division of stages. Many authors believe that, firstly, these stages are not enough, and secondly, they do not agree with their location.

A long-term plan for working with a group of students with dysgraphia.

(This plan is of a synthetic nature, i.e. part is taken from I.N. Sadovnikova + a little from everyone - according to V.K. Vorobyeva)

I. Formation of oral speech.

(It precedes written speech).

1. Normalization of the sound structure of the word.

A.A.Leontiev said that the sound structure of a word is like a coin that has two sides: on the one hand, phonemic hearing, on the other, the ability to correctly pronounce the sounds of the native language. Therefore, we mean the development of phonemic hearing and the normalization of sound pronunciation.

2. Formation of phrasal speech.

NI Zhinkin: any phrase has two planes: structure (linear order) and quantity.

Two tasks:

a) teaching phrase programming - to overcome structural agrammatism (choose the right number of words, arrange them in the right linear sequence);

b) to learn to combine words according to the laws of grammar so that the child does not speak fish have no eyes (coordinate words among themselves, work out case constructions - control).

3. Formation of skills and abilities of coherent speech.

The technique is step-by-step, we work out all the actions and as a result we get a coherent speech.

II. The development of temporal representations.

Writing is a way of fixing oral speech with a system of graphic symbols. The content of this section follows from this: oral speech takes place in a temporary space, and since written speech follows oral speech, it becomes necessary to develop temporal representations. You also need to learn to recognize characters.

III. Development of optical-spatial representations.

IV. Development of optical-spatial differentiations.

These sections form prerequisite actions.

V. Formation of operations of lexico-semantic analysis.

We will teach children to divide audible speech into separate semantic components: words, learn to analyze audible sentences.

VI. Formation of phonemic analysis operations.

(Named by D.B. Elkonin).

VII. Formation of operations of morphemic analysis.

VIII. Formation of control over the letter.

(In this plan, there is no section very beloved by teachers and speech therapists - the formation of operations of syllable analysis).

I stage- we don't stop.

II stage. Development of temporal representations.

I.N. Sadovnikova writes that when forming temporary ideas, it is necessary to build on the child’s real life ideas, so you need to start forming temporary ideas from the differentiation of the concepts “senior - junior” and, starting from them, work out such ideas that reflect the course time: grandfather, father, son, brother, and then proceed to the assimilation of typical temporal concepts, such as a day (and again we work out a linear time sequence: morning, afternoon, evening, night). Then: week, month, year. After that, the speech therapist reinforces ideas about the seasons, about their linear sequence. Only after this, the speech therapist proceeds to consolidate and differentiate temporary concepts. Initially, it is necessary to clarify ideas about the meaning of such concepts as: - yesterday, tomorrow;

then: - was, will be;

It's past, will be;

Past (year, month, week, day);


First, then;

Before, later;

The day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow.

Stage III. On the basis of the development of temporal representations, the speech therapist begins to form in the child spatial representations , remembering the words of L.S. Vygotsky that all written speech takes place in space. Simernitskaya's studies showed that 40% of children by school age do not form the mechanism of lateralitis (these are children with left-handedness or with latent left-handedness), i.e. functional differentiation of the hemispheres.

Research by I.N. Sadovnikova showed that most students have cross lateralitis (the leading hand is right, and the leading eye is left), which causes discoordination. Therefore, there is a need to develop spatial representations according to a clear program, which is implemented sequentially:

1. Task: to form in the child the concept of "right - left" side.

A.N. Kornev in his book “ Psychological foundations violations of the letter "wrote that the point of view of R.E. Levina was not confirmed. And Western researchers write that there is congenital dysgraphia and dyslexia. And in fact, apparently, these are inherited mechanisms for the functioning of physiological systems. This can be seen in work with children (for example, a child’s speech is in N, and from a general education school he is transferred to an auxiliary school, because he is poorly oriented in space. The researcher raises his right hand and asks the child to do the same, the child reflects lifts the left). In many children, by inheritance, the mechanism is such that orientation in space is not formed and parents miss this moment in the process of upbringing (earlier, in the days of tsarism, many soldiers entering the army did not know where the right was and where the left was, so they had one leg they tied hay, straw to the other, and instead of commands “left” or “right”, they commanded “hay” or “straw”).

In order to remember and differentiate the concepts of “right - left”, you need to use a special mnemonic device - “fun” ( right hand- the right one, she feeds, carries weights, etc., the left one is lazy). Based on the differentiation of these concepts, the speech therapist begins to form ideas in scheme own body child and pays special attention to the orientation in the scheme of the human body opposite the sitting or standing one (Hadd's test). Man himself is a starting point for orientation in space, he analyzes space in relation to himself.

2. Task: to teach a child to navigate in a small space, i.e. to teach the child to analyze the space closest to him, and therefore here we fix the concepts on the right, left, bottom, top, front, back. Along with this, we teach to navigate in space not only in relation to ourselves, but also to another object. Then we move on to orientation in the "large space", i.e. in relation to another object (Guys, look out the window and name all the objects that are to the right of this tree. Look at the picture and name the toys that you see in the right window.).

Of great importance is the development of the semantics of prepositions. V.K. Orfinskaya solved this problem and wrote that schoolchildren who have a suspicion of dysgraphia should be introduced to a conditional, schematic, symbolic representation of prepositions. Such schematic representations of prepositions can only be offered to schoolchildren, while two groups of prepositions are selected in terms of propaedeutics of dysgraphia: simple and complex prepositions. On simple prepositions (in, on, under, over) it is convenient to show the purpose of the preposition - the preposition indicates the relationship of one object to another. A group of complex prepositions is selected taking into account two needs: a) those prepositions are worked out that characterize the linear arrangement of segments of written speech (before, behind, after);

b) prepositions necessary for the formation of the lexical and grammatical design of oral speech (to, from, s). Such prepositions as from under, because of - we work out before school.

3. Task: teach your child to navigate on a piece of paper. The authors offer various types of exercises (put a cross to the right of the circle, put a dot to the left of the circle, etc.). Such work is combined with learning or fixing the ordinal count (draw a circle, count 5 cells to the right and put a dot, etc.).

At this stage, the speech therapist gives great attention identification of graphemes (letters). Children are offered exercises to recognize letters, primarily printed ones, because. they are more quickly recognized by the eye (the human eye basically snatches out, fixes the junction of the elements). printed letter is recognized twice as fast as a handwritten one. Then the speech therapist teaches children to recognize graphemes in noisy conditions (letters that are written with a dashed line or upside down; crossed out with lines of various configurations, etc.). Based on these skills, we move on to the implementation of the tasks of the next stage.

IV stage. Development of opto-spatial differentiations.

The Russian alphabet is simple, but the letters are similar in their spatial portraits (5 groups are distinguished by similarity). At this stage, it is necessary to clearly show the children that, in general, all letters are built from the same elements, but as a result, various letters. To this end, the speech therapist necessarily offers children exercises on the construction of letters. At the same time, it is first proposed to remember which letters consist of two elements (L, G, T, X), then the construction of letters from three elements (A, H, P), then from four (M, W).

NB: we do not use rounded elements at this stage, we construct letters only from sticks.

Here we include exercises on the transformation of letters (the transformation of some letters into others). Through these exercises, a speech therapist teaches children to find not only graphic, spatial similarities, but also to look for differences.

NB: It is important that such work is accompanied by speech (the verbal report of the child), because more often children do this work in silence. Speech accompaniment helps the child remember the letter for a long time, i.e. put it into long-term memory.

In this section, the speech therapist also works on the kinetics of the hand.

I.N. Sadovnikova does not agree that such substitutions of letters as b - d, i - y, o - a are qualified as optical, these are errors due to the kinetics of the hand (kinetic) - the similarity of writing the first fragment. Therefore, children are invited to stroke, write a letter in the air (in space), hatch, cut out. Speech therapist various methods forms visual-spatial gnosis (exercises to correlate the missing fragment to the illustration - necessary not only in content, but also in form).

The long-term plan is divided into two parts: from sections I to IV - propaedeutic operations, and now we turn to the types of analysis that provide the form of writing.

Methodological (theoretical, scientific) basis for the formation of any type of analysis.

Analysis, from the point of view of the formation of a learning action, is the ability to carry out a volitional action to understand how speech is arranged (isolating a segment from a speech stream). Example: when Small child learns to speak, first masters syllabic structure words (at 5 years old: “What word did you say?” - a lantern - “How many parts (pieces) are in this word?”).

The first activity is formed spontaneously (How many pieces?) - this is an intentional and conscious activity. D.B. Elkonin: analysis is the ability to carry out a volitional action to realize (the temporal region, as well as the olfactory center - a strong influence of odors, especially on men - their associative zones and motor activity weaken) of how speech is arranged; Therefore, any kind of analysis is purposeful. This degree of awareness of mastery oral speech does not require (?).

A.N. Gvozdev in his book “Issues of the Study of Children's Speech” writes that by school age a child not only learns his native language, but can also reproduce subtle grammatical differentiations, but this does not mean that he will learn successfully at school. L.S. Vygotsky and other authors believe that schooling requires that the world of the child be clearly divided into two worlds: the world of objects and the world of words. Only such a division makes it possible to approach, to begin to understand how speech is arranged, that is, various types of analysis. The task for the teacher is difficult, since L.S. Vygotsky writes that the word does not exist for the child as an independent element. It is a property of an object. And if the word is not an independent element, then, as the psychologist Egorov writes, the child comes to school with very vague, fuzzy ideas. Confusion is manifested in the fact that the child does not differentiate the basic concepts necessary for learning to read and write (word and syllable, sound and letter, word and sentence). The reason for this unpreparedness is the fact that the child has not formed an idea of ​​linguistic reality. Any type of analysis that we have identified in the long-term plan of work requires the child to perform certain mental actions, so speech practice is not enough to carry out the analysis.

P.Ya. Galperin and his laboratory focused the attention of teachers on what mental actions are - these are actions that the child performs in the mind, that is, to himself. To any educational process proceeded normatively, it is necessary that the mental action itself be of high quality. This means that a mental action must be automated, that is, it must be characterized by certain qualities:

1. a measure of generalization - this means the ability (since analysis is always a skill) to highlight in an object (sentence, word) the most characteristic, essential features necessary for conducting one or another type of analysis; if the child has learned to highlight the most important, then The right way analysis will be carried out not only on simple material, but also on material that will become more complex over time;

2. the degree of development - this means the nature of the actions reproduced by the child; the action of analysis can be expanded or abbreviated (we teach the child to count on objects, pointing with a finger - this is an expanded action; in the conditions of an objective situation, the action is reduced - “Look how many objects”); the degree of mastery of mental actions is characterized by the fact that the child quickly performs this action; example: “Guys, listen to me: big dog barks loudly. How many words did I say? - in expanded form, the number of words is counted on the fingers in most cases (the action of such a plan should be reduced even at preschool age, since the child should write auditory dictations already in the 1st grade);

3. the level of formation - for this quality P.Ya. Galperin paid special attention in his theory of phased formation mental actions; He singled out 5 stages of the formation of mental action:
Stage 1- drawing up an idea about the task, that is, formally, this is the moment when we introduce the child to the task, that is, this is an instruction; the instruction should be drawn up taking into account the volume of the child's auditory memory; sentences should be short (Miller: 9 syllables - three short words - perfect); the most important is brought to the first place; Irina Morozova, PhD student P.Ya. Galperina, studied the learning outcomes and identified two ways of introducing the task: 1st method - traditional - when the teacher formulates the task, that is, verbally explains the way to complete it and even gives an example (“Guys, now we will look for words - nouns. I will show you how it is done: dog - who?, table - what?), that is, this is an instructive way of learning; Method 2 - the teacher shows the children how to act in order to correctly complete this task; the teacher decomposes the learning activities into separate components and carries out the analysis himself; the participation of children is determined by the fact that they help the teacher; with such an introduction to the task, the children, observing the action of the teacher, learn the program of educational action, that is, what needs to be done for what, what at the beginning, and what pilot study in the 1st grade showed that the first method (traditional) turned out to be absolutely unproductive, because in cases where the teacher only instructs children, they do not learn independent educational action (analysis: count on fingers); this study also showed that teaching any type of analysis consists of two parts: part 1 - the need to teach the child to carry out the operations of analysis themselves (the child must be aware of what operations need to be performed), part 2 - to form learning actions in the child (how to carry out these operations ); P.Ya. Galperin: how to make the child really carry out all types of analysis in his mind;
Stage 2- the formation of mental actions in the material plane (teaching mathematics, the Russian language, sound analysis, etc.); the inclusion of this stage is motivated by the fact that any mental action should be carried out by the child as an objective action; this can be seen when teaching mathematical representations (first, we consider the objects themselves, since they are visible); harder to organize pedagogical process when we teach a child to be aware of such components as a word or sound, since they are not visible in a real situation, they cannot really be replaced by objects (substitution by objects is dangerous, since the child himself strives precisely for this); in this regard, the first difficult task arises - the need arises for symbolization, that is, the use of conventional symbols (record, chips); designations help to materialize the speech that was delivered and disappeared; P.Ya. Galperin: "speech is difficult to analyze, since it has fluidity"; example: children of the 1st grade do not have a symbolic function, only 40% of the children answered that geometric figures(square, circle, rectangle) are needed for teaching in the lesson, despite the fact that all subjects use these figures as symbols in the lessons, that is, children do not correlate these images with specific elements of our speech (often using them formally); P.Ya. Galperin offers various means of materialization in different types assignments;
Stage 3- the formation of mental actions in terms of oral speech; extremely milestone, since the child's speech itself acts as a way to analyze a sentence or word; the child relies on oral speech when he begins to write, that is, the child repeats not only in order to remember, but also in order to analyze and write down correctly; also at this stage, all materialized supports are removed, all external helpers and analysis begins to be carried out on the basis of concepts, that is, the child begins to more generally imagine what a sound, a word is; carrying out this stage is especially important in the structure of speech therapy work, since the speech therapist knows how unclear speech kinesthesia our children have; this stage is aimed at developing, forming clear articulatory kinesthesias; if the child at this stage does not clearly pronounce sentences or words, and the speech therapist does not orient him to this, then it is natural to expect frequency specific errors when recording;
Stage 4- the formation of mental actions in terms of whispering speech; if at the previous stages we teach children a detailed type of analysis and spend a lot of time on it, now we begin to reduce these learning activities (to carry them out quickly); this stage helps to curtail the detailed actions of analysis and prepare children for the fact that the child will carry out mental actions in the mind, that is, to himself; thus we transfer the child to the last stage;
Stage 5- the formation of mental action in inner speech (to oneself, in the mind); if we look at the traditional work of a speech therapist, we can see that many have long used the means of materialization to form various kinds analysis; method Soph. Nick. Karpova (according to P.Ya. Galperin), as well as the work of Zhurova (“Teaching children to read and write in kindergarten”) are well known to speech therapists; a common mistake of speech therapists is that a consistent analysis is not formed in children, but they linger for a long time at the second stage both in kindergarten and at school, after which the means of materialization are sharply removed, which leads to the fact that mental actions remain unformed; the analysis is carried out by children “underground” (on fingers, dashes), therefore, the strength of the system is in the system, that is, it is necessary to consistently guide children through all stages, so we will prepare a propaedeutic base that will allow us to start independent writing.

Materials for participation in the correspondence round of the competition "Teacher of the Year 2016".

Target group: primary school teachers, speech therapists, parents.

With the beginning of schooling, some children suddenly find it difficult to master written language. The children experience difficulties in learning the Russian language, although they cope well with other subjects. What is this: spelling mistakes due to ignorance of the rules or inexplicable "stupid" omissions of letters, substitution of some letters for others, and the like?

Or maybe - he teaches and teaches the rules, but cannot apply them in time?

Often, both parents and teachers tend to see the reason for poor school performance solely in the laziness of the child: "He just does not try." But in fact, 80% of problems with studying are not caused by laziness at all. With what? Let's find out!

Your child may have a writing disorder called dysgraphia.

Dysgraphia -partial writing disorder, manifested in persistent and repetitive specific errors. (N. Sadovnikova) (slide number 2)

Most researchers studying the etiology of dysgraphia note the presence of pathological factors affecting the prenatal, natal and postnatal period. The etiology of dysgraphia is associated with the effects of biological and social factors.
Functional causes may be related to the impact of internal (for example, long-term somatic diseases) and external (incorrect speech of others, lack of speech contacts, bilingualism in the family, insufficient attention to speech development child from adults) factors that delay the formation of mental functions involved in the process of writing and reading.
Also, dysgraphia can be caused by organic damage to the areas of the brain involved in the writing process.
Thus, both genetic and exogenous factors (pathology of pregnancy, childbirth, asphyxia, a "chain" of childhood infections, head injuries) are involved in the etiology of dysgraphia.(slide number 3)

Symptoms of dysgraphia:

With dysgraphia, children of primary school age have difficulty mastering writing: the exercises they performed, dictations contain many grammatical errors. They don't use capital letters, they don't use punctuation, they have terrible handwriting. In children with dysgraphia, individual letters are incorrectly oriented in space. They confuse similar letters: "Z" and "E", "P" and "b". They may not pay attention to the extra stick in the letter "Sh" or the "hook" in the letter "Sh". Such children write slowly, unevenly; if they are not in the mood, then the handwriting is completely upset.

How can you tell if your child needs speech therapy? And if there is no specialist, due to various circumstances, and the teacher, the parent cannot get qualified advice. How to help the child in this situation? To begin with, it is necessary that the primary school teacher (parent) knows which mistakes are specific, dysgraphic.

Classification of dysgraphic errors.

There are five forms of dysgraphia:

1. Articulatory-acoustic form of dysgraphia.(slide number 4)
Its essence is as follows: A child who has a violation of sound pronunciation, relying on his incorrect pronunciation, fixes it in writing. In other words, he writes as he speaks. This means that until the sound pronunciation is corrected, it is impossible to correct the letter based on pronunciation.
2. Acoustic form of dysgraphia.(slide number 5)
This form of dysgraphia is manifested in the replacement of letters corresponding to phonetically close sounds. At the same time, in oral speech, the sounds are pronounced correctly. In writing, letters are most often mixed, denoting voiced - deaf (B-P; V-F; D-T; Zh-Sh, etc.), whistling - hissing (S-Sh; Z-Zh, etc.). ), affricates and components included in their composition (CH-SCH; CH-TH; C-T; C-S, etc.).
It also manifests itself in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants in a letter: “letter”, “loves”, “hurts”, etc.
3. Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis.(slide number 6)
This is the most common form of dysgraphia in children with writing disorders. The following errors are most typical for her:

  • omissions of letters and syllables;
  • permutation of letters and (or) syllables;
  • omission of words;
  • writing extra letters in a word (it happens when a child, pronouncing while writing, "sings a sound" for a very long time;
  • repetition of letters and (or) syllables;
  • contamination - in one word syllables of different words;
  • continuous spelling of prepositions, separate spelling of prefixes ("on the table", "on the step").

4. Agrammatic dysgraphia.(slide number 7)
Associated with the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. The child writes agrammatically, i.e. as if against the rules of grammar (" beautiful bag"," fun day"). Agrammatisms in writing are marked at the level of words, phrases, sentences and text.
Agrammatical dysgraphia usually manifests itself from the 3rd grade, when a student who has already mastered the literacy begins to "close" to the study of grammatical rules. And here it suddenly turns out that he cannot master the rules for changing words according to cases, numbers, genders. This is expressed in the incorrect spelling of the endings of words, in the inability to coordinate words with each other.
5. Optical dysgraphia.(slide number 8)
The basis of optical dysgraphia is the insufficient formation of visual-spatial representations and visual analysis and synthesis. All letters of the Russian alphabet consist of a set of the same elements ("sticks", "ovals") and several "specific" elements. The same elements are combined in different ways in space, and form different alphabetic characters: i, w, c, u; b, c, d, y...
If the child does not catch the subtle differences between the letters, then this will certainly lead to difficulties in mastering the outline of the letters and to an incorrect representation of them in writing.
The most common mistakes in writing:
- omission of elements of letters (due to underestimation of their number): L instead of M; X instead of W, etc.;
- adding extra elements;
- omissions of elements, especially when connecting letters that include the same element;
- mirror writing letters.

Is it possible to effectively help children with dysgraphia?
Yes, such children are quite capable of mastering reading and writing if they persevere. Some will need years of study, others months. The essence of the lessons is the training of speech hearing and letter vision. Of course, errors that are of a speech therapy nature should be prevented and corrected by a specialist. But let's be realistic: not every school has a speech therapist, and without the help of a teacher and parents, a child cannot cope.

Remember that the usual pedagogical techniques, a large number of dictations and memorizing the rules will not help, but can only exacerbate the problem.
Therefore, I offer you some games that will help you cope with dysgraphia.

Each of you has a piece of paper and a pen on your desk. Let's try to play together now.

Games and exercises to overcome dysgraphia


Each letter is denoted by a number. We write the word in numbers, and the child must decipher and write down the word.

"Word Ball"
One player says a word, and the second must continue, naming the word with the last letter of the sounded word: bus - word - window, etc. We call words not only for the last, but also for the penultimate letter, for the second, for the third from the end, etc. . P.

We select pictures of certain objects or animals, for example, APPLE, and then "sell" them, "advertising" for each letter:
i - bright;
b - big;

l - favorite;
oh - huge!;
k - round;

oh so delicious!(slide number 9)

We met some of them, you can see the rest in the presentation and booklet and use them for classes with your children. (slide number 10-16)

You also need to write dictations! Only in a special way.

  1. Extremely slow!
    For writing a dictation initial stage elimination of dysgraphia should take at least an hour. Why so long? This is evident from the following points.
  2. The text is read in its entirety. You can ask what spelling this text is. Then the first sentence is dictated. Ask the child to name the number of commas in it, try to explain them. Do not insist, prompt, encourage the attempt to give the correct answer. Ask to spell one or two difficult spelling (or just long) words.

3. The sentence is dictated in parts and recorded with the pronunciation aloud of all the peculiarities of pronunciation and punctuation marks.

Write short dictations in pencil every day. A small text will not tire the child, and he will make fewer mistakes (which is very encouraging ...) Write texts with a check. Do not correct errors in the text. Just mark in the margins with a green, black or purple pen (never red!) Then give the child a copybook to correct. The child has the opportunity not to cross out, but to erase his mistakes, to write correctly. The goal was achieved: the mistakes were found by the child himself, corrected, and the notebook is in excellent condition.

When dealing with a child, remember a few basic rules: (slide number 17-18)

1. Throughout the course, the child needs a favorable regime. After numerous twos and threes, unpleasant conversations at home, he should feel at least a small, but success.

2. Do not force the child to rewrite homework many times, this will not only harm the child's health, but also instill uncertainty in him, and also increase the number of errors.

3. Remember that you can not give exercises in which the text is written with errors (to be corrected).

4. The "more reading and writing" approach won't work. Smaller is better, but better quality. Do not read large texts and do not write large dictations with a child. In the first stages there should be more work with oral speech: developmental exercises phonemic perception, sound analysis of the word. Numerous mistakes that a child with dysgraphia will inevitably make in a long dictation will only be recorded in his memory as a negative experience.

5. Refuse to test your child for reading speed. It must be said that these checks have long been causing fair criticism from psychologists and speech pathologists. It’s also good if the teacher, understanding what stress the child is experiencing during this test, conducts it without accents, hidden. But it also happens that they create a complete environment for the exam, call a child alone, put a clock in sight, and even check it not by their own teacher, but by the head teacher. Maybe for a student without problems it doesn't matter, but our patients can develop neurosis. Therefore, if you really need to test for reading speed, do it in the most gentle way possible.

6. Do not scold the child and do not be upset when something does not work out for him.

It is very important not to show your child your emotional involvement: do not get angry, do not get annoyed and do not rejoice too violently. Better is a harmonious state of calmness and confidence in success - it will much more contribute to sustainable good results.

Set your child up for success. Warning: "Don't make mistakes!" - inefficient. The correct setting is: "I will remember these words! I will write correctly!"(slide number 18)

And to help you booklets with suggested games and exercises.

Thank you for your attention!