Step 1 - Choosing a program and form of study

1. Make sure that your level of education allows you to study in a master's program, that is, you have a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree.

If you have a diploma issued by a foreign state must go through the nostrification procedure.

2. Check out the list of master's programs.

Please note that master's programs are offered in three areas: Finance and Credit, Economics and Management, as well as in two forms of study - full-time (2 years of study) and part-time (2.5 years of study). In full-time education, there are programs on which training is conducted entirely on English language.

3. Determine on what conditions you want to receive education:

    full-time education in all programs there are budgetary and outside budget places, in English-language programs, students in state-funded places pay for an additional educational service - education in English. Under full-time education, bachelor applicants are granted a deferment from military service, subject to admission in the year of graduation from the bachelor's degree.

    there are no state-funded places for part-time education and no deferment from military service is granted.

4. If the form of study you have chosen involves payment, make sure that you know the cost of training and the payment procedure.

5. Make sure that documents are being accepted for training in the form you have chosen.

Step 2 - Preparing for admission

6. Depending on the chosen form of education and the intended master's program Decide what kind of entrance test you will have. Tests differ in areas (Finance and Credit, Economics and Management) and in the forms of education:

Full-time education

    for budget places - a comprehensive test of 4 disciplines;

    for non-budgetary places - a test in economic theory or management theory.

For part-time education - a test in economic theory or management theory.

7. For graduates of non-core specialties, there are preparatory courses at the Faculty of Finance. Completion of the courses will help students pass the entrance exams to the master's program, increasing their chances of taking one of the extrabudgetary places (with tuition fees), admission to which is competitive.

Step 3 - Submission of documents and testing

8. Familiarize yourself with the list of documents and the deadlines for admission to enroll in the magistracy.

9. During work selection committee Faculty submit documents.

When submitting documents, please indicate exactly which master's program you are applying for. Make sure you know the required dates:

    the date and time of the test (as well as which test you have to take),

    the date by which it is necessary (if necessary) to submit the original document on higher education and the enrollment procedure;

    the date by which, if necessary, the tuition fee agreement must be concluded and the date by which the tuition fee must be paid.

Step 4 - Enrollment

10. Find out on the site the test result and your status - whether you can qualify for training in that form.

11. If you did not find yourself in the lists with test results, contact the selection committee immediately in order to avoid technical errors when calculating points and determining ratings.

12. Remember that, subject to recruitment, the minimum required amount points (25 and above) You can apply for admission on an extrabudgetary basis. You may need to submit an additional application for this - check with the selection committee.

13. Upon admission, it is necessary to bring the original document of higher education to the selection committee on time.

14. If you entered an extra-budgetary place or a place with payment for the cost of additional educational services (training in English) - check with the selection committee how and by what date you need to pay for tuition, according to the enrollment procedure.

SUSU is the center of educational, scientific, cultural and sports life in the Southern Urals.

Founded on November 2, 1943 as the Chelyabinsk Mechanical Engineering Institute, in 1951 it was transformed into the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, and in 1990 into the Chelyabinsk State Technical University. Since 1997 it has been the South Ural State University.

Today, SUSU has 9 institutes, 3 higher schools, as well as the faculty of military training and the faculty of pre-university training. There are 10 branches of the university in the cities of Russia.

About 40 thousand students study at the university and its branches. The educational process is provided by over 5,000 teachers and staff, including more than 360 professors and doctors of science, 1,600 candidates of science and associate professors. The university employs 3 academicians and 7 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 academicians and 2 corresponding members of others state academies. 229 employees and teachers were awarded departmental distinctions of various levels.

Training of bachelors, masters and specialists is carried out in more than 200 areas and specialties. The university provides training in 25 areas of secondary vocational education. Every year, several thousand graduates leave the walls of the university. For all the time more than 220 thousand specialists with higher education, tens of thousands of reserve officers, candidates and doctors of sciences have been trained.

The School of Physics and Mathematics, the Center for Gifted Children and the SUSU School of Engineering operate at the Faculty of Pre-university Training. Created on the initiative of the university Russian association international program"Odyssey of the Mind". In order to identify and support talented children and youth, the Regional Festival-Competition "The Future of Russia" is held. Together with the largest state corporations and employers, SUSU has organized and is holding the Zvezda Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad. Much attention is paid career guidance and work on the formation of the motivation of applicants for the choice of engineering areas of training.

Currently, the university is training teaching staff in graduate school in 24 areas (83 specialties), and in doctoral studies; training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for industrial enterprises and research institutes, as well as for enterprises of the military-industrial complex (Roscosmos, Rosatom, etc.). On the basis of SUSU, there are 12 dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses.

The university is given great attention conducting all types of practices and employment of graduates. Established in 2005, the Department of Practice and Student Employment (OPTS) ensures the coordination of activities structural divisions university and methodological support practitioner; interaction with enterprises and employment services; holds marketing research labor market; organizes the work of commissions to assist in the employment of graduates at the faculties. The University has concluded about 3,000 cooperation agreements with large enterprises of Chelyabinsk and the region.

The University conducts an active scientific, research and project activities. On the basis of the university there are the Research Institute of Digital Systems for Processing and Protection of Information; Research and Production Institute "Educational Equipment and Technologies"; 11 scientific and educational centers, including "Aerospace Technologies", "Composite Materials and Structures", "Mathematical Modeling and Applied Programming", "Mechanical Engineering", "Nanotechnologies" and others; Laboratory of supercomputer modeling, as well as more than 60 laboratories of faculties, institutes and branches. More than 50 scientific schools have been created and operate at the university.

SUSU actively cooperates with transnational corporations (Emerson) and major manufacturing enterprises, such as ZAO IG Metran and OAO NPK Uralvagonzavod. Among the customers of the university: PJSC "KAMAZ", OJSC "AvtoVAZ", LLC "Ural Diesel Engine Plant", LLC "ChTZ-URALTRAK", JSC "Ural Automobile Plant" and others.

In 2004, the Institute for Open and distance education SUSU (IODO). Its activities are based on the experience and developments of the SUSU Distance Education Center that has existed since 2001: documentation support management of an educational structure using distance technologies; methodological base creating resources for remote educational process; system of professional development of the teaching staff; Scientific research etc.

In 2010, the University opened the Institute international education which prepares foreign citizens for admission to Russian universities and coordinates the international educational programs of the university.

The SUSU Scientific Library is the largest university library in the region. The total fund of the library complex is more than 2.8 million items. Internet Library provides open access to the electronic catalog, a collection of full-text electronic versions educational and methodical publications of SUSU and abstracts of dissertations.

The publishing center has a modern printing base. Every year it publishes more than 700 titles of scientific and educational literature, is a repeated winner of regional, interregional and all-Russian competitions publishing and printing literature.

Since 1956, the newspaper "Technopolis" has been published at the university. Since 2002, an educational television and radio center has been operating, and since 2005, the first student television and radio company in Russia, SUSU-TV, has been operating at SUSU since 2006, a university radio studio has been operating at SUSU.

The Center for Creativity and Leisure has been operating for more than 50 years. In 1963, a student theater "Mannequin" was created at the university, which in 1996 became a municipal one. Many teams of the university, with which the leading choreographers, musicians and directors of Chelyabinsk work, professionally perform at the venues of the city and the region, are laureates of all-Russian and international competitions.

Since 2002, a sports club has been operating at the university, among the pupils of which there are masters of sports, members of the Olympic teams. The SUSU Sports Complex includes an athletics arena, one of the largest swimming pools in Russia, and a winter stadium. On the shores of Lake Bolshoy Sunukul there are the Nauka recreation center, the Olimp sports and recreation camp, children’s health Camp"Birch".

Among the graduates of the university are major political, scientific and economic figures. Among them are the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) V. Khristenko; Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Chelyabinsk region V. Myakush; Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2001-2013) V. Kostyuk. Many graduates have become heads of the largest industrial enterprises in the country: ChTZ-Ural-Truck, Ural Automobile Plant, ChMK Mechel, ChEMK, Mayak Production Association, Stankomash and many others. SUSU Rector A. Shestakov and SUSU President, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. Vyatkin are also university graduates.

The university has actually been following a clearly defined innovative course since its foundation.

In 2007, South Ural State University won the competition for the best innovative higher education programs. educational institutions as part of the implementation of the national project

"Education". SUSU with the Energy and Resource Saving Technologies program was among 40 winners. The university received funding for the purchase of the SKIF-Ural supercomputer.

In 2008, the University opened a Supercomputer Center for modeling applied and fundamental research. The next step was the commissioning of the SKIF-Aurora supercomputer. Today, SUSU operates the SUSU Tornado supercomputer, which ranks 348th in the TOP500 edition of the most powerful computers in the world.

In October 2015, the University was among the six higher education institutions selected to participate in Project 5-100, which aims to maximize the competitive position of the group of leading Russian universities in the global market for educational services and research programs.

Today, South Ural State University is a powerful, modern, dynamically developing scientific and educational center. Based on accumulated experience and scientific potential, taking into account trends modern economy The university is constantly improving.

Reception 2016-2017 uch. year

*For the attention of applicants at the base school education. Since 2015, admission to full-time and part-time forms of education is carried out only on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination. The year of graduation does not matter. The exam must be passed in the school stream. To do this, contact your local education department.

Applicant calendar - 2016




1. For undergraduate programs, specialist's program, full-time form (budget)

1.1. For persons taking SUSU exams (creative, professional)

1.2. For persons taking SUSU exams (general education)

1.3. For persons who have USE results in required subjects

2. Master's programs(budget)

2.1. Deadline for completion of entrance examinations

3. Bachelor's degree programs, specialist's program, master's programs, Full-time, part-time, part-time education (contract)

3.1. Full-time, part-time form

3.2. End of entrance examinations

3.3. Extramural

3.4. End of entrance examinations

What, to whom and how to pass when entering our university in2016 year (full-time and part-time education)

List of entrance tests at admission

for undergraduate programs, specialist programs in2016 G.

Entrance tests are listed in the order of priority of entrance tests when ranking lists of applicants.

Accepted abbreviations:

Inf - informatics;

M - mathematics;

O - social science;

O.e. - fundamentals of economics;

R - Russian language.

The form of the entrance test entrants on the basis of vocational education when applying for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is interview.

Reception foreign citizens takes place in interview form on the subjects of entrance examinations;

The entrance test for applicants to master's programs consists of three stages.

When submitting documents to the application, applicants attach:

1. D education document (original or copy),

2. P asport.

NEWMinimum scores for admission to budget places and places with payment of tuition fees

(information 2016)


Minimum points

Russian language


Social science




Computer science

Foreign language

Entrance tests of creative and (or)

professional orientation


Master's Exam

Admission targets for 2016-2017 academic year year (budget)




Economy without-st


There. case




  1. 2016-2017 academic year year








Master's degree

  1. 2016-2017 academic year year








Total by faculty (full-time department)


Accounting for individual achievements of applicants

Excerpt from Admission Rules

43. Applicants for training have the right to submit information about their individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training. Accounting for the results of individual achievements is carried out by accruing points for individual achievements and (or) as an advantage if the sum of competitive points is equal.

Points awarded for individual achievements are included in the amount of competitive points.

The applicant submits documents confirming the receipt of the results of individual achievements.

44. When applying for undergraduate and specialist programs, the organization awards points for the following individual achievements:

1) 10 points– the presence of the status of the champion and prize-winner Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, the person who won first place at the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, the presence of a gold badge of distinction of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex " Ready for labor and defense "(TRP) and certificates for it of the established form - upon admission to training in specialties and areas of training that are not related to specialties and areas of training in the region physical education and sports (not used to obtain benefits for admission to training on specific admission conditions and specific grounds for admission);

2) 10 points- Possession of a high school diploma general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal;

3) 10 points- Possession of a high school diploma vocational education Honours;

4) 10 points- implementation of volunteer (voluntary) activities (if no more than four years have passed from the date of completion of the period of implementation of the specified activity until the date of completion of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations);

5) up to 10 points- participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in the Olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) advantages when applying for training on specific conditions for admission and specific grounds for admission) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical culture and sports events held in order to identify and support individuals who have shown outstanding abilities;

6) Final essay NOT is taken into account by the university as individual achievements of applicants.

45. When applying for undergraduate and specialist programs, an applicant can be awarded no more than 10 points in total for individual achievements.

46. ​​In accordance with subparagraph "5" of paragraph 44 of the Rules, points are awarded if the applicant submits the following documents:

diploma of the winner or prize-winner of olympiads and competitions held in 2015/2016 academic year on the basis of SUSU (NRU). The list of such olympiads and competitions is approved by the order of the rector;

diploma of the winner or prize-winner of olympiads and competitions held in the 2015/2016 academic year, the founders of which are the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation or the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region;

diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the Russian and All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren, the list and procedure for which are determined by the federal authorities state power Russian Federation.

In accordance with this paragraph, points are awarded in the following meaning:

diploma of the winner (diploma of the 1st degree) - 10 points;

diploma of the 2nd degree - 8 points;

diploma of the 3rd degree - 6 points;

participation in the final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren (upon providing an official certificate of participation) - 10 points;

participation in the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (with the provision of an official certificate of participation) - 5 points.

47. Applicants for master's programs have the right to submit information about their individual achievements. The individual achievements of the applicant, taken into account admission committee, are (listed in descending order of importance):

diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the student Olympiad of the All-Russian or international level;

quantity and quality of publications. Articles in scientific journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI, HAC, monographs;

grants, awards, participation in national targeted programs:

availability of patents, registration certificates intellectual property, implementation acts;

availability of awards (prizes, scholarships, diplomas, etc.) for achievements in scientific and innovative activities at the national and international level;

the presence of awards (prizes, scholarships, diplomas, etc.) for achievements in scientific and innovative activities at the intra-university level.

The procedure for accounting for individual achievements of applicants for master's programs is set out in clause 113 1 of the Rules.

The Faculty of Economics and Management provides training in the following specialties and areas

List of directions (specialties) and entrance examinations

for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Department of Economics and Finance

  1. 38.05.01 "economic security", qualification - specialist


1) Economic and legal support economic security;

2) Activities of financial and credit institutions for banking services government agencies that ensure the security of the Russian Federation;

3) Financial accounting and control in law enforcement agencies.

Entrance tests - the results of the exam.

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social science.


1) Finance and credit;

2) Economics of the industrial complex;

3) International Standards audit and financial reporting.


1) Financial management;

2) Innovation management;

3) Marketing and sales management;

4) Personnel management.

Entrance tests in areas - USE results:

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social science.

Department of Economics, Management and Investments

On the basis of general (complete) education. Duration of study 4 years

  1. 03/38/01 "Economics", qualification - bachelor


1) Accounting, analysis and audit;

2) Economics of enterprises and organizations (construction);

3) Taxes and taxation;

4) Pricing and budgeting in construction.

  1. 03/38/02 "Management", qualification - bachelor


1) Management in the construction industry;

2) Investment management;

3) Logistics and resource management in construction;

4) Financial management.

Entrance tests - USE results:

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social science.

Department of "Economic theory, world and regional economy"

On the basis of general (complete) education. Duration of study 5 years

  1. 38.05.02 Customs, qualification - customs specialist

Entrance examinations in the specialty "Customs":

  • Fundamentals of Economics (testing);
  • Russian language (USE);
  • Social science (USE).

On the basis of general (complete) education. Duration of study 4 years

  1. 03/38/01 "Economics", qualification - bachelor


1) World economy

2) Regional and municipal economy

3) Financial management of enterprises

  1. 38.03.04. State and municipal government


1) Municipal government

Entrance tests - USE results:

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social science.

Department of Informatics

On the basis of general (complete) education. Duration of study 4 years

  1. 09.03.03. Applied Informatics

Profiles : Applied Informatics in Economics

Entrance tests - USE results

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Computer science.

Department of Economics and Project Management

On the basis of general (complete) education. Duration of study 4 years

1. 38.03.01 "Economics" , qualification - bachelor


1) Economics of enterprises and organizations;

2) Project finance, banks and business.

  1. 38.03.02 "Management" , qualification - bachelor


1) Project management;

3. 38.03.04 "State and municipal administration" , qualification - bachelor


1) Public administration programs and projects.

Entrance tests - USE results

  • Mathematics
  • Russian language
  • Social science

    Regulations on the additional entrance test for applicants entering the faculty

    "Economics and Management" full-time and part-time education

    for the specialty "Customs"

    departments " economic theory, world and regional economy"

    Regulations on the additional entrance test for applicants entering the Faculty of Economics and Management, full-time and part-time education for the specialty "Customs" of the Department of "Economic Theory, World and Regional Economy"

    For the purpose of selection for vocational training applicants for the specialty "Customs" an additional entrance test professional orientation "Fundamentals of Economics". The main objective of the test is to identify the professional abilities of applicants.

    Additional entrance test of two blocks: economic and mathematical.

    1 Economic bloc

    Provides questions to identify basic economic knowledge.

    Literature for preparing for the economic block:

    Lipsits, I.V. Economy. Basic course: Textbook for 10 11th grade ov general education. inst. / I.V. Lipsitz. – M.: VITA-PRESS, 2012.

    Maximum score for the economic block - 100 points.

    2 Math block

    As a mathematical block, the USE in mathematics can be credited.

    The maximum score for a math block is 100 points.

    The final score is obtained as the arithmetic mean for two blocks, rounded up

    Minimum score for admission - 30 points.

Master's Degree at SUSU. Master's degree programs at Russian universities. Master budget and contract.

South Ural State University was founded in 1943. In 2010, the university received the category of scientific research institute. There are 145 departments and 31 faculties, 13 branches at SUSU. Faculties in the structure of the university military training, advanced training and retraining, 3 institutes. More than 43,000 students study at the research institute.

Teaching at the university is conducted by about 5,000 teachers, including 350 doctors of sciences, professors, 1,300 candidates of sciences and associate professors, 150 representatives of domestic and foreign companies, 9 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. SUSU Students Receive Education in 193 Programs higher education, 224 master's programs, 90 postgraduate specialties, 19 doctoral programs. The university has 18 councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Employment of SUSU Master’s Graduates

SUSU master's students easily find jobs, because the university has signed more than 400 cooperation agreements with Chelyabinsk enterprises. Since 2005, the department of employment and practice of students has been functioning at the university. As part of SUSU, there is a center for rocket and space technology, which has a collection of sea-based and ballistic missiles, control systems, as well as propulsion systems