Abstract of the lesson in preparatory group"Friendship starts with a smile"

Educational activities in preparatory group

« Friendship starts with a smile»

Target: development of communicative activity.


Fix proverbs about friendship;

Development of communication skills, friendly relationships between children, the ability to negotiate and come to the rescue, positive social behavior;

To enrich with new skills and knowledge in the field of conflict-free communication;

To educate the moral foundations of the child's personality in the process of forming ideas about friendship; - fix correct pronunciation children, follow the full answers, activate adjectives in speech.

Material: cut pictures with letters, drawing paper with a painted tree, felt-tip pens for each child, a paper palm for each child, hearts for each child.

preliminary work: conversation and reading thin. works about friendship learning proverbs and sayings.

Lesson progress:

The teacher and children stand in a semicircle.

caregiver: Hello dear guests!

Children: Hello!

caregiver: I am very glad to see you healthy, in a good mood. I really want to good mood you have always had. And now we will say hello not only to each other, but also to the outside world.

Light music sounds, sounds of nature.

Children: the sun is clear, hello! The sky is beautiful, hello!

All mine girlfriends, all my friends,

Hello guys, how I love you!

caregiver: and now guys, listen to a poem that will help determine the topic of our classes:

Who in fervently believes in friendship,

Who next feels the shoulder

He will never fall

In any trouble will not be lost,

And if he suddenly stumbles,

Then a friend will help him get up,

A friend will always help in trouble

He will extend his hand.

caregiver Who is this poem about?

Children: about a friend.

caregiver: absolutely right, but we started talking about friends, because the topic of our classes« Friendship» .

And now I invite you to hold hands to feel the warmth and strength of the hands of your comrades.

Children sit on chairs.

Camilla also learned the poem. Listen his:

Sincere friend forever with you,

He is bound to you by the same fate.

In your palm is always strong

Reliable, faithful friend hand.

Guys, what is this poem about? (about faithful and reliable friendship) . Well done boys.

Now guys, let's talk a little about friendship.

The teacher asks questions children:

What's happened friendship? (Friendship- when they play together, help each other in something, share their secrets).

Which person would you like be friends? (good, kind, educated, polite, honest, brave, reliable).

Can mom, dad, grandma, grandpa be a friend? (Yes)

Do you think it is possible to live without friends? (No, without friends it's boring, not interesting. No one to talk to.)

What can friends do together? (play, work, relax, joke, talk, keep quiet, go to the cinema, watch cartoons and eat ice cream, etc.)

Well done guys, you know what friendship.

caregiver: And now let's remember the proverbs and sayings about friendship which you you know: "One for all and all for one", "No man is an island", "Strong friendship you can't cut it with an ax", "The tree is firmly rooted, and man is friends", "Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends", "Friend is known in trouble".

Well done guys, you know a lot of proverbs and sayings about friendship. Do you think we are all the same with you? Of course not! Although we communicate with you, we live nearby, but we differ from each other in the first place by names, faith, nationality, interests, hair color, skin color. But we also have a lot in common that unites us. We will verify this now. Let's play a game with you now, let's stand in loose. I will tell you tasks, and you will answer them with movements.

Clap your hands who love ice cream.

Jump up those who like to show off.

Raise your hands up those who like to do exercises.

Sit down those who like to pinch,

Smile those who loves his mother.

See how much we have in common. You are great!

Now let's do the next task. Divide into 4 teams of 3 people. Each team will take an envelope with letters from their table and make a word out of them. And we should get the favorite expression of the cat Leopold. Children compose words, read them, and from words they collect offer: "Guys, let's live unanimously

Well done boys. They did an excellent job with this task.

Now let's stand in a circle and rest a little.

Physical education minute "If there good friend» .

The mood has fallen - put your hands down

The case falls out of hand ... - shaking his head, shaking his brushes

But not everything is lost - shrug

If there is a good friend, they turn around to face each other.

Let's do it together, - shake hands

Let's breathe a sigh of relief - - take a deep breath, exhale

Let's raise the mood - bend down and slowly straighten up

And shake off the dust! - shake off.

Well done guys, have a rest.

Children sit on chairs.

Here we rested.

And now I propose to play a game called "Relay race friendship» , for this you need to pass the baton in turn. caregiver: I will start first and you continue: "I share friendship with Kira, etc.

I feel that friendship has become bigger and stronger, as each of you has added his part friendship. May she always be with you in your heart.

Drawing: Guys, today we talked a lot about friendship. I suggest you create a tree of our close-knit group. There are paper palms on the tables in front of you. Come, take each palm and paint it with your favorite color. (children draw to the music). Look, everyone's hands are different, because we are all different from each other. Now glue your palms on our tree. What happened? Yes, our tree turned out with colorful leaves. This is our tree. friendly group . We will take him with us to group.

caregiver: guys, come to me and make a small circle: and let's build our own pyramid friendship. I will start building first, then the children. I extend my hand in front of me, and you put your palms on top in turn. One, two, three, four, five, we'll meet again!" and get up in the rainbow.

Reflection: Guys, I have prepared these hearts for you. They are two colors: red and yellow. I suggest you choose heart: red heart means - "I did a good job"; and yellow is "I didn't get it right".

Well done guys, everyone chose red hearts, Means, you all did a good job. I was also very pleased with you, because you all answered the questions well, did an excellent job with all the tasks.

Conclusion: I would really like you to become one friendly family and always help each other. And remember that friendship is to be treasured.

Now let's say goodbye to the guests and let's go to groups

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Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group "Friendship begins with a smile" Purpose Development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age. Tasks To learn to associate the meaning of proverbs about friendship with a specific one.

Target: Laying the moral foundations of the individual in the process of forming ideas about friendship.


  • Enrich vocabulary with synonyms, epithets;
  • to teach to associate the meaning of proverbs about friendship with a specific life situation;
  • activate thinking and speech activity children, using problematic and associative situations, schemes, models, symbols;
  • to form social and communicative qualities (cooperation, flexibility, tolerance).

Listen to a poem that will help determine the topic of our lesson.

My friend, listen to the words of the wise man:

There will be no support from a friend - a flatterer.

From the first trouble will crumble to dust

That friendship, which is only in words.

But a sincere friend is with you forever.

He is bound to you by the same fate.

In your palm, not treason is strong

Reliable faithful friend hand.

What is this poem about?

You have friends?

Why does a person need friends?

How do you understand the line in the poem: "There will be no support from a flattering friend"?

Who is a flatterer?

Who can you be friends with?

Today, teachers came to our classes, with whom you will soon make friends. Let's tell them what we know about friendship. To make our story clear, we will build a house of friendship. This work is not so simple, we will have to complete more than one task. You are ready?

What can a house be built from?

To make our house strong, we will build it from bricks.

We are building a house brick by brick.

Exercise 1.

(Mood pictures are on the board.)

Guess what we are going to talk about now?

What is your mood today?

Why are you happy and joyful? (we have many friends in kindergarten)

How do you think friendship starts? (with a kind look, a good deed, assistance, a smile).

Look carefully at the faces and find a lonely person.

What should be the expression on his face? (sad, gloomy, joyless, sad).

What can you compare his mood to? (with a gray cloud, an overcast sky, rain, a melting icicle, a withered flower).

Now find a person whose facial expression suggests that he has many friends.

What is his mood?

What can you compare his mood to? (with the sun, rainbow, good bird...)

Well done! We have passed the first stage of the path and can lay the first brick of the house of friendship.

Task 2.

You have a card with a maze on your table. The arrow points to the beginning of the path. Connect the letters and read the word.

Right! And they completed this task.

Task 3.

The word "friendship" has related words. Let's think and name these words (friend, friend, girlfriend, friend, friend, friendly, friendly).

We lay the third brick.

Task 4.

I want to offer you a game called "The World Without a Friend".

I will start the sentence and you will finish it.

  • The world without a friend would be uninteresting because...
  • A world without a friend would be a bleak place, because...
  • A world without a friend would be boring because...

The fourth brick in our house of friendship can be laid.

Task 5.

Now try to remember proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Well done! You know a lot of proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Task 6.

Creative task. You need to write a story with pictures.

Let's remember what parts the story consists of (beginning, main part and end).

Look at the picture and identify the heroes of our story?

Let's give them names.

(Children make up a story based on plot pictures.)

Now think about which proverb fits this story.

The story was interesting and informative. The proverb “Friendship is an assistant in business” suits you. Why do you think?

Task 7.

The game "Choose a fairy-tale hero as your friend."

(Children stand in a circle, choose fairy tale characters and explain their choice.

Imagine that you don't have large selection, and there are only negative characters. What would you decide - to stay alone or make friends with one of them?

You can make friends, but you need to teach them to be kind, not to commit bad deeds.

Task 8.

Only true friends can live in the house of friendship, who are united by common interests, who will never do anything bad and offensive to each other. And now let's check what kind of friends you are by playing the Throne of Friendship game. (Children run in a circle to the music, with the music stopping, someone sits on a chair, and everyone says nice words to him.)

What kind, pleasant, beautiful words you said to your friends! How kindly they treated each other! This means that the friendship between you is good and strong. Well done! Unnoticed, brick by brick, our house turned out to be large, beautiful and bright. But something is missing in my opinion.

Not enough windows.

And who would you like to see in the windows of the House of Friendship?

(Portraits of my friends.)

brighter than the sun

Friendship in the whole world,

It's more fun with friends

On any planet!

Let's start drawing. Do not forget that the portrait will help us to know the character of a person and his mood.

Wonderful work you have done! See how the house was lit up with joyful smiles, warmed by the warmth of friendly hearts.

  • What is needed for life?
  • Sun!
  • What is needed for friendship?
  • Heart!
  • What is needed for the heart?
  • Happiness!
  • What is needed for happiness?

Program content:

Enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers with synonyms, epithets;

To form social and communicative qualities (cooperation, flexibility, tolerance);

Education of friendliness, empathy, friendly attitude towards each other;

Lay the moral foundations of the individual in the process of forming ideas about friendship;

Develop the ability to understand and distinguish between positive and negative social emotions;

Learn to Express emotional condition through facial expressions and gestures.

Integration educational areas according to GEF:

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Methods and techniques:

1. The game "Let's say hello"

2. Exercise "Make a word."

3. Exercise " Brainstorm».

4. The game "Families of words".

5. The game "Spider web of kind words."

6. Drawing "Joyful salute".

7. Physical education.

8. The game "Find out the mood."

9. Exercise "Rules of friendship."

10. Completion of the lesson.

Equipment: writing, cardboard bricks for the house, letters, watercolor, brushes, cocktail tubes, wax crayons; emotion pictograms.

Lesson progress:

Psychologist: Guys, how do you greet each other when you come in the morning to kindergarten?

Children: We say "Hello", " Good morning", "Hello! »

Game "Let's say hello".

Children, on a signal from a psychologist, begin to randomly move around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way. You need to say hello in a certain way:

1 clap - shake hands;

2 claps - greet with shoulders;

3 claps - greet with backs.

Psychologist: Guys! Someone threw us at the window

Look, letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles our face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

Flying, dropped?

Do you want to know who the letter is from? Try to guess from this song.

The song Shapoklyak sounds.

Children: The letter was sent by Shapoklyak. Well done, you got it right. Do you remember what happened to Shapoklyak?

Children: Yes, she flew away in balloons.

Psychologist: Let's see what this lady writes to us.

The psychologist reads the letter: Hello, dear guys! Balloons brought me to your city. But even here I can't find friends. And the house of friendship, which was built by Crocodile Gena and his friends, was left far behind. I am so sad and bored alone, please help me find friends. I will never be mean and mischievous again. Goodbye, your Shapoklyak.

Psychologist: How can we help Shapoklyak?

Children: We invite you to live with us. Let's build a House of Friendship.

Psychologist: Let's build a house of friendship, like the heroes of a famous cartoon, and invite Shapoklyak to live there. But the bricks for the house will be special, we will get them if we complete the tasks correctly. I hope you understand that the work is not so easy, we have to go through a long way, and complete more than one task. Each task is one brick, and each brick is a part of the house, our House of Friendship.

Exercise "Make a word."

You need to make words from the letters that are in front of you on the board:

R d u b a f.

What word came out?

Brainstorming exercise - what is friendship?

Psychologist: And who can you be friends with?

Children: With someone you like. With someone who shares with you. With someone who doesn't offend you.

Psychologist: Do you think it is possible to live without friends?

Children: Without friends it's boring, not interesting. No one to talk to or play with.

Psychologist: Are friends known in happiness or in trouble?

Children: In trouble, friends will always help.

Psychologist: Do you enjoy it when your friends share your joy? What about trouble? What can friends do together?

Children: Play, work, study, relax, laugh, joke, talk, keep quiet, etc.

Psychologist: Well done! We have passed the first stage of the journey. And we can lay the first brick of the house of friendship.

Game "Families of words".

Approach the easel. A drawing of a tree is fixed on it, in the roots of which the word "Friendship" is written.

Psychologist: What word does this tree store? (child reads). The word "friendship" has words - relatives. Let's name words similar to it.

Children: Friend, darling, make friends, friendly, friends, make friends.

Psychologist: Well done! We have passed the second stage of the journey. And we can lay another brick of the house of friendship.

Exercise "Web of kind words."

I have a "ball of friendship" that we will pass in a circle. The one who has accepted the ball wraps the thread around his palm and with kind words passes the ball to another child, etc.

Psychologist: And now look what a web of kind words we got. What is your mood now? Has it changed? In which direction and why?

Children: The mood became joyful, cheerful, because it was nice to hear kind words.

Psychologist: Did you yourself enjoy saying such words to your friends?

Children: Yes, and it was nice to say kind words to friends.

Psychologist: We have laid the third brick of the House of Friendship. And, since we all have such a joyful mood, let's arrange a "Joyful Salute".

Drawing "Joyful salute"

Sit down at the table, take paints, brushes, drip multi-colored drops on paper, blow on them from tubes. Like this. Fine. Great. And they completed this task. We put the fourth brick.

Physical education minute

Purpose: relieve physical stress, collect attention to move on to the next exercise.

Warm-up exercise. "Teremok". (Duration 2 min.)

In the clearing there is a teremok, (Palms fold into a “house”)

The door is locked (Close your fingers in the lock).

Smoke comes out of the pipe (Alternately make rings from all fingers)

There is a fence around the tower (Hands in front of you, spread your fingers).

So that the thief does not climb (Clicks with each of the fingers in turn)

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! (Punch on palm with fist)

Open! (Spread arms wide apart).

I am your friend! (Palm close one across the other)

The game "Know the mood."

And how can you know the mood of a person? That's right, in the face. Here are pictures with different faces. Find a man who has a sad mood, a cheerful one, a man who is frightened, surprised, angry and try to portray this emotion on your face. Let's play.

We are all pleased when we and those around us are in a good mood. I also want to give you a piece of joy in memory of our lesson. And I wish you that you always have a good mood, and that you are attentive to each other. The psychologist distributes medals with the image of a smiling man to the children.

Psychologist: We coped with the task, here is the next brick.

Psychologist: We have laid one more brick of the friendship house. Now you know everything about friendship. It's time to draw up the rules of friendship that you can use in life. And I will write these rules in our book of friends.

Exercise "Rules of Friendship"

Help a friend.

To be honest.

Give in.

Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness.

Don't be rude.

Don't be greedy.

Don't get angry.


Psychologist: How many difficult tasks we have completed, how much you know about friendship. This means you can easily find friends and be faithful and good comrades. Thanks to your efforts, the House of Friendship turned out to be large and beautiful. But, in my opinion, something is missing?

Children: Residents.

Psychologist: let's put our funny little men in our house of friendship.

Psychologist: Look how the House of Friendship lit up, with joyful smiles, warmed by the warmth of friendly hearts!

At the end of the lesson, the exercise “Everyone, everyone, goodbye! "- an exercise to unite and unite children in a group. Children form a circle, and then put their fists in a single “column” and say loudly: “Everyone, everyone, goodbye! ”, then remove the cams.

Lesson in the preparatory group

on the topic: "Friendship begins with a smile"

Target. Development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age.

Tasks. Learn to associate the meaning of proverbs about friendship with a specific life situation.

Develop communication skills, friendly relations between children, the ability to negotiate, positive social behavior.

To enrich with new skills and knowledge in the field of conflict-free communication.

To form a favorable psychological climate of the group.

To educate the moral foundations of the child's personality in the process of forming ideas about friendship.

Move. Psychologist and children stand in a circle.

P: Hello children! I am glad to see you all healthy and in good spirits. I really want you to have a good mood for the whole day. And now we will say hello not only to each other, but also to the world around us. Repeat all the words and movements after me (light music sounds, sounds of nature).

Greetings: Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello strong oak!

We live in native land, I welcome you all!

Well done boys! Do you think we are all the same with you? Of course not! Although we communicate with you, we live nearby, but we differ from each other in character, weight, height, desires and much more. But we also have things in common that unite us. We will verify this now. Let's play a game. I will tell you the task, and you will answer them with movements. Listen to me carefully!

Hold hands those who love ice cream.

Raise your hands up those who love exercise.

Put your hands on your belt for those who like to walk outside.

Stomp with your right foot those who like to visit.

Hold hands those who love cartoons.

You see how many reasons unite us (an SMS message arrives).

P: Guys! We received an SMS message, let's read it. The forest gnomes have quarreled and are asking you to help them make peace. But only friendly guys can help them. Are you willing to help them? Then sit down on the path (children sit on chairs in a circle).

P: Conversation with children.

Are you friendly guys? Why do you think so? Where does friendship begin? How are friends behaving?

D: They help a friend in trouble, know how to share the joy, do not laugh at the shortcomings of a friend; stop a friend if he does something bad; know how to accept help, advice, do not take offense at criticism; do not deceive a friend; know how to admit their mistakes, make peace with a friend; Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.

P: What color is friendship? What does she smell like? What can a strong friendship be compared to?

D: With the sun, song, clear day, rope, brick wall, iron ...

P: Well done boys! We had an interesting conversation about friendship and friends. You know a lot about friendship. I would really like the Dwarfs to hear our conversation. Remember the guys, who can help the forest gnomes? (children's answers).

P: Yes, only friendly guys can help the forest gnomes. Remember this! And to make it more fun to go, choose a couple for yourself, hold hands and hit the road! (sounds the song "It's fun to walk together").

P: And here is the first glade with task.

Exercise "Pencil".(On the tables for each pair is a simple pencil and 1 sheet of paper). All couples come to the table. Look around you, what objects surround us. Now listen carefully to the task: each pair will take 1 pencil and 1 sheet of paper. You need to draw any 1 object that you see around you (children draw while standing).

P: Finished drawing. Let's see what you drew. (Children name the objects they drew). What was difficult? Did everyone have the same desire to draw this particular subject? What helped you quickly draw an object? (The ability to agree, listen to each other, accept the opinion of a friend, agree). Your ability to negotiate helped to quickly cope with the task, well done! Feel free to move on! (Sounds cheerful music).

P: We came to clearing "Clever and clever".You will need to complete following tasks. Be careful!

1 task: if you collect all the parts correctly, then we will see where our gnomes live. Children complete the task (it turns out a picture with a house in the forest). Well done, children! Your quick wits and friendliness helped you.

Task 2: Find out which word is hidden. Rebus solution: RA + picture arc = RAINBOW. Children explain how the word came about.

Task 3: "Noisy pictures." Look closely at the images. Name who sees what, and we will find out what our gnomes like to eat (Children call fruits, vegetables - what gnomes love).

Your desire to help the gnomes, the ability to listen to each other helped to cope with all the tasks. We must go further.

P: to what a beautiful clearing we came. Let's play the game "We will not tell, but we will show." Now you will show how much you understand each other without words.

Well done! I see that you know each other very well and are very friendly guys. We need to hurry.

P: There is a bridge in front of us. The couple who will name the proverb about friendship will be able to walk along it. But first, explain how you understand this expression: "Friends do not spill water." (Answers of children).

You have very interesting thoughts, you all correctly understand the meaning of this expression. Well, now say proverbs and walk along the bridge.

Friendship Proverbs:

  1. A man without a friend is like a tree without roots.
  2. Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.
  3. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.
  4. Look for a friend, but found - take care.
  5. Help a friend everywhere, do not leave him in trouble.
  6. You don't recognize a friend without trouble.
  7. An old friend is better than two new ones.
  8. Die yourself, but save a comrade.
  9. The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.
  10. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

P: Guys, we've come tosunny meadow.Why is she called that? And here is the sun. Is there something missing from our sun? That's right, rays! Now we will draw the rays with you. Each pair should draw only one yellow and one red ray. Agree among yourselves who will be which ray. While drawing by children, the song “From a smile” sounds. (On the tables there are baths with colored water - yellow and red. Children dip their palms into a bath of colored water, barely touching the water. Then they put their palms on a piece of paper where only the solar circle is drawn. After drawing, they wipe their hands wet wipes). How much brighter it became in the group! What kind of sun did we get? (Cheerful, kind, bright, radiant, happy, hot, joyful). Of course, for friendly guys, only such a sun shines.

The psychologist reads a poem:

brighter than the rays of the sun,

Friendship in the whole world.

After all, it's more fun with friends

On any planet!

P: (An SMS message arrives again). How cool, kids! The gnomes saw and heard everything that we talked about. And they have already reconciled. And as a sign of gratitude, they will help us quickly return home. Guys, how are you feeling right now? What helped you to cope with all the tasks? Who found it difficult? Who is afraid of something? Who wanted to go back?

P: You have done a great good deed. I am very glad that we managed to reconcile the gnomes. you showed good example how real friends should behave. We were able to overcome all difficulties, were attentive to each other, listened and heard each other. You are smart, kind, friendly guys. Well done! In order to return home, close all eyes. Light music "Sounds of nature" sounds.

Relaxation. Imagine that we are walking through a forest. Fallen branches from trees crackle underfoot, lush grass rustles. Blue clouds float overhead, and the light rays of the sun warm you. You feel securely protected - nature is filled with such tranquility! This peace helps you to hear the wonderful sounds of the forest: the buzzing of insects, the singing of birds, the rustle of tree branches, the sound of a distant waterfall. You feel the most subtle smells, become more sensitive to everything.A soft breeze touches your head and you feel light and happy. There is no one in the world who felt like you. Inhale deeply and easily. Slowly open your eyes, move your fingers. And now they opened their eyes wide and patted their cilia. Here we are at home.

Show me with facial expressions what mood you are in right now. I'm glad you're in a good mood.

And now we all join hands and finish our meeting.

Conclusion. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

Knock on the door.

P: Guys! The gnomes sent us a Friendship Pie treat and a photo of themselves. What is their mood? Why? (Answers of children). And now let's wash our hands and set the table, we will drink tea with a pie.

The song “Friendship is strong” sounds and the children sit down for tea.