Civil weapons of self-defense- this is a weapon intended for use by citizens of the Russian Federation for personal protection, for sports and hunting, as well as for cultural and educational purposes. Civilian firearms must exclude firing bursts and have a magazine (drum) capacity of no more than 10 rounds.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On weapons", CIVIL WEAPONS ARE:

Firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapons;

Firearms of limited destruction (pistol, revolver,

Firearms barrelless device of domestic production) with cartridges of traumatic, gas or light-sound action;

Gas pistols and revolvers;

Devices filled with tear or irritant substances;

Electroshock devices and spark gaps of domestic production.

Weapon Permit- a state permit document that gives the right to store, carry and use this type of weapon for self-defense purposes.

Issuance of weapons permits and arms control in Russian Federation carries out special body- Department of Licensing and Permit Work (OLRR), which is available in each district police department (OVD). LRRR deals not only with weapons control, but also issues licenses to private security organizations (security agency) and private security guards (security work in Moscow).


A permit for weapons can be obtained ONLY at the place of permanent residence of a citizen (a document is not issued for temporary registration). When changing registration, it is MANDATORY to reissue a weapon permit within 2 weeks, regardless of its expiration date.

A weapons permit is issued for a period of 5 years. If you have expired the old permit, a new document can only be obtained 1 year after the expired period. Obtaining permission for rifle is possible only after 5 years of owning a smooth-bore hunting weapon.

From the Law of the Russian Federation "On weapons": The right to acquire civil firearms have citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21; citizens of the Russian Federation who have not reached the age of 21, who have passed or are passing military service; citizens serving in state paramilitary organizations and having military ranks, or special ranks or class ranks of justice. The right to purchase gas weapons, smooth-bore long-barreled firearms for self-defense, sporting weapons, hunting weapons, signal weapons, cold steel bladed weapons, designed to be worn with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation or the Cossack uniform, are citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 years.

Obtaining a weapons permit is possible only if the applicant fully complies with the following REQUIREMENTS:

Reaching the age of majority.

Permanent registration.

Availability of a medical certificate of the absence of medical contraindications and certificates from a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

No outstanding criminal record for intentional crimes.

Lack of information on prosecution for administrative offenses in the last 12 months (two or more violations in a year give grounds to the HRRR to refuse to issue a weapon permit).


1. An application indicating information about weapons and licenses already available.

2. Medical certificate No. 046-1 on the absence of medical contraindications to the possession of weapons, which can be obtained at the state clinic at the place of residence, or in another medical institution that has the appropriate license and authority. Medical certificates are valid for one year from the date of issue.

3. Conclusion from the Narcological Dispensary on the absence of contraindications (strictly at the place of permanent registration!)

4. Conclusion from the Psychoneurological Dispensary on the absence of contraindications (strictly at the place of permanent registration!)

5. Certificate of the results of the Chemical-toxicological study (drug test, can be taken in Narcological dispensary, strictly at the place of permanent residence!)

6. Original and photocopy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

7. Receipt of payment of the state fee (payment details can be obtained from the LRRR).

8. Certificate of completion of training and passing examinations in the course "Safe Handling of Firearms", issued by an accredited educational institution that has the appropriate license. The document contains: the number of the certificate, the name of the organization, the student's examination marks.

9. Photos b/w or color, matte, 3x4 - 3 pcs.

10. Originals and copies of all valid weapons permits (if any) and passports for the weapons in hand.

11. Information about work (name, position, address, telephone).

12. Report of checking the place of storage of weapons, approved by the district police inspector. The request for verification is submitted by the HRRR officer who accepted the application. The district police officer must visit the citizen, check the place where the weapon is stored, the availability and reliability of the safe (the safe must be secured, have 2 mortise locks, a certificate), and confirm this in writing. You may need a certificate of housing protection with connection to the CPO remote control (this requirement is not reflected in the legislation, but can be legalized by local authorities). * CHOP "TAGGERD" provides protection of residential premises and apartment buildings(protection of HOA), as well as suburban areas (protection of cottage settlements) in Moscow and the Moscow region

For certain categories of citizens (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Moscow Region), it is additionally necessary to submit a certificate of confirmation service weapons. For employees of private organizations (PSCs) - provide a RSLA card.


From 01/01/2017, the medical certificate in the form No. 046-1 is no longer valid, instead of it the form No. 002-O / y came into effect.

From 01/01/2017, certificate No. 454/U-06 "Chemical-toxicological study" (drug test) is no longer valid; form No. 003-O/u is valid instead.

Persons with mental disabilities, who are under the supervision of a narcologist, who have physical disabilities of the limbs (for example, the absence of index and thumb on one hand or three fingers on one hand, etc.), therapeutic or ophthalmic restrictions (vision less than 0.5 in one eye, absence of an eye, etc.), possession and use of firearms is contraindicated.


1. The first step is to collect medical certificates.

2. Then get trained (specialized courses) at an accredited training center. Training includes a theoretical part and practical shooting. The courses teach the correct handling of weapons (storage, carrying, use), legislative norms its application, the specifics of providing the first medical care, liability for the misuse of weapons or exceeding the norms of defense. Exam results The educational center issues a certificate (certificate) of the established form, which is submitted to the LRRR along with other documents.

3. At the next stage, you need to decide on the type of weapon, since for various kinds weapons (gas, traumatic, smoothbore, rifled) there are certain differences.

4. You need to buy a certified reliable safe for storing weapons.

5. To obtain permission to hunting weapon a hunting license is required (a single state standard). It is not legally fixed, but it is better to have it. This document will confirm the legality of your actions, for example, when transporting weapons. Without a hunting license, the transported weapon can be seized by the traffic police. Therefore, it is advisable to have a hunting license, even if the weapon is purchased for self-defense. A hunting ticket is issued at the Committee for Nature Management of the Russian Federation or at the territorial Multifunctional Center (one-stop shop).

6. Now you can apply and collected documents in the LRRR at the place of permanent residence. The schedule of reception of citizens regarding obtaining a permit for weapons can be clarified with the operational duty officer of the Department of Internal Affairs.

7. After checking the information received, after 1 month, a citizen is issued a license from the Loa to purchase weapons of the required type. The license is issued for a period of 6 months, and gives the right to purchase weapons in the store. If during this period it was not possible to acquire the desired weapon, the document is automatically canceled.

8. You can buy weapons only in a specialized weapons store. You should buy a weapon immediately with a holster (case). Carrying a weapon without a holster (case) is prohibited, a fine may be imposed for this.

9. After purchasing the weapon, it is necessary within the stipulated time (14 calendar days) to register the weapon in the LRRR. To do this, a citizen, along with the acquired weapon (necessarily in a holster), must apply to the LRRR. During registration, experimental shooting is carried out. The LOa license is surrendered, and on its basis a permit card is prepared.

10. To register a weapon, the following documents are required: application; a check for the purchase of weapons;

shells that were used in the shooting; gun insurance; receipt for payment of state duties.

11. After the weapons are registered, after 30 days a permit (ROKh) is issued for carrying, storing weapons, valid for 5 years. During this period, a citizen has the right to carry and store weapons, as well as use them in self-defense. Under this document, it is allowed to buy up to 5 weapons. If the permit is lost, it is replaced by the licensing authority with a new one.

TO RENEW THE PERMIT, 3 months before the expiration date, apply to the LRRR with a package of documents, as well as to obtain a permit. Plus, you must attach the old permit and the weapon itself. The permit is renewed for a period of 5 years.

* Traumatic weapons are serious personal protective equipment, the misuse of which can cause significant damage to the health of citizens. According to the amendments made to article 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 150, traumatic weapon It is classified as an OOP (Firearm of Limited Defeat).

In 2016, citizens of the Russian Federation received a legal opportunity to use traumatic weapons for self-defense. But this requires a special permit.

* In order to obtain a permit for rifled weapons, the applicant must have been the owner of a smooth-bore weapon for at least 5 years. The procedure for obtaining a license for rifled weapons involves first renewing a license for smoothbore weapon and only then the design for rifled.

* A license for pneumatic hunting weapons is not a mandatory permit document in all cases. According to the Law on Weapons, pneumatic weapons can be used without documentary permission if their muzzle energy is less than 7.5 J. In all other cases, pneumatics are issued in the same way as smooth-bore weapons.


The main restrictions on the carrying of civilian weapons by a person who owns them legally and has the appropriate permission include a PROHIBITION ON:

Carrying weapons during rallies, street processions, demonstrations, picketing and other mass public events;

Carrying a firearm while intoxicated;

Carrying by citizens of firearms of limited destruction in the territories of educational organizations;

Wearing while in organizations intended for entertainment and leisure, working at night and selling alcoholic products;

Carrying by citizens for the purpose of self-defense of long-barreled firearms and edged weapons.


VIOLATION OF RULES FOR STORAGE AND USE OF WEAPONS entails administrative and criminal liability. Penalties may be applied: the imposition of penalties up to 100 thousand rubles; correctional labor for up to 480 hours; confiscation of weapons and ammunition; deprivation of the right to carry and store for a period of 6 months to 24 months; imprisonment for up to 2 years (Article 224 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The Law pays special attention to the ban on carrying weapons while intoxicated, as well as carrying firearms of limited destruction (LLO) on the territory educational institutions(with the exception of private security guards), in catering organizations (which sell alcohol), in nightclubs.

For carrying a firearm while drunk, a citizen faces a fine of up to 5,000 rubles, with possible confiscation of the weapon and ammunition for it, or deprivation of the right to purchase, store and carry weapons for a period of 1 to 2 years with confiscation. If a person who has a firearm with him refuses to undergo a medical examination for intoxication, he will be threatened with deprivation of the right to acquire, store and carry weapons for a period of 1 to 2 years.

According to article No. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms, their main parts, ammunition is punishable by: compulsory work for up to 480 hours, or correctional labor for a period of 1 to 2 years, or restriction of liberty for a term of up to 2 years, or forced labor for a term of up to 2 years, or arrest for a term of up to 6 months, or imprisonment for a term of up to 2 years with a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convict for a period of up to 6 months.

The carrying and possession of firearms is permitted by law. Almost every citizen in the Russian Federation has the right to this (with some restrictions). However, it is not enough to buy a gun, you must have a so-called license confirming the right to use it. This article will tell you how to get permission for what documents are needed for this, as well as the procedure for submitting them and possible pitfalls.

Who can own a hunting weapon?

Before buying any type of weapon, it is first of all important to clarify whether you fall under the criteria of citizens who are allowed to do so. The following persons are not prohibited from purchasing hunting weapons:

Have reached the age of 18;

Having a permanent residence permit in the region of residence;

mentally sane;

Having visual acuity (including with corrective means) of at least 0.5;

Not having a criminal record (or having an expired conviction for minor crimes);

Not held accountable for administrative violations of the order, drug trafficking and use, hunting rules for the last 12 months.

All these conditions must be met in any case, regardless of which category of hunting weapons you decide to purchase.

Types of hunting weapons

Hunting weapons have 3 categories:

  1. Rifled.
  2. Short-barreled.
  3. Smoothbore.

For each of the above types, a permit is required. The law also provides for the following conditions for the acquisition of weapons: a capable person has the right to possess 5 units of each of these categories of weapons. If there is an increase in the established number, then a collection certificate should be issued.

Types of licenses for hunting weapons

If it is easy enough to purchase a firearm hunting weapon (in a store or from your hands), then obtaining a license for it will be more time-consuming. The resolution itself is of two types:

For storage;

For storage and carrying.

The first type of license only allows you to keep a gun at home, the last resort is to use it for self-defense. At the same time, it is worth considering that its transportation will be prohibited - an administrative penalty will be imposed on you for violating this rule. The exception is transportation to sports competitions. Documents for hunting weapons in the second case allow you to both store it and carry it with you. In addition, you may use your shotgun for certain legal purposes outside of your home.

A little about the rules for storing hunting weapons

A firearm in itself poses a particular threat to the life and health of others, so even its improper storage can lead to sad consequences. And if you need a license for hunting weapons, then in order to obtain it without observing some rules prescribed by law, there will be no way to do it.

The gun should be stored in a metal safe or box that is securely locked. Moreover, this container can be made both independently and purchased in specialized stores. Other than you, access to it should be strictly limited. In this case, the firearm must not be loaded.

If you have traveled out of town, temporarily staying in a hotel, traveling by train or relaxing in the country, you do not need to take the safe with you. The most important thing is to hide the weapon so that only you can use it.

When transporting a gun, approximately the same conditions should be observed: it can be moved in an unloaded state and only in a case.

As for law enforcement agencies, they may at any time require verification of compliance with the conditions for storing hunting weapons.

Required documents for obtaining a permit

How to get a permit for hunting weapons? First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of documents that the authorities will require from you. Prepare everything you need in advance so that later you do not have to visit the necessary authorities several times:

1. Application for a license.

4. 1 copy of pages of the Russian passport from the 2nd to the 5th inclusive.

5. 2 photos 3x4 cm.

6. Medical certificate in form 046/1.

7. Receipt from the bank confirming the payment of the state fee.

8. The original of the act of inspection by the district safe, in which it is supposed to store weapons.

9. Certificate of successful completion of training in a specialized center for handling firearms.

10. Hunting ticket.

11. 1 copy of the hunting license.

Where to collect the necessary documents?

If everything is clear with the Russian passport, its copy, military ID and photographs, then ordinary citizens have questions about other items much more often. To obtain a permit for hunting weapons, documents of a different nature will have to be collected from the following authorities:

An application of the established form can be printed from the website of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs or obtained from the institution itself;

Medical certificate No. 046/1 is obtained at or a paid center, this should include notes on visiting the following doctors: narcologist, psychiatrist, therapist, ophthalmologist;

The state duty for obtaining a license is 200 rubles, for its extension - 10 rubles; paid according to the details that will be given to you in the licensing and permit department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; you can also come to any branch of Sberbank, where the operator will find all the necessary data in the database;

An act on the inspection of a safe by a police officer is drawn up on the spot, when a district police officer is called for inspection and examination of the storage place;

To obtain a certificate confirming the qualification in the safe handling of weapons, you will need to complete a course (as a rule, it is no more than 1 day) and pass a test at a specialized training center. Their addresses can also be clarified at the local department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

A hunting license is issued upon joining any hunting society, in which it is necessary to be a member and pay membership fees throughout and carry the above weapons.

How to get a permit for hunting weapons? Step by step procedure

This event will take quite a lot of time, besides, it is complicated by certain hours of work of departmental structures. However, if you follow the following instructions, you can reduce the process of obtaining a license to a minimum:

Study the question

Some types of weapons do not require a permit.

These include :

  • signal pistols
  • Air pistols, rifles, revolvers with muzzle energy less than 3 kJ
  • Revolvers with a caliber up to 6 mm
For others, it is necessary to issue a license to purchase, and then a permit to store and carry weapons. These include hunting rifles, sporting pistols, etc.

The right to acquire weapons:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21
Firearms of limited destruction.
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18
Gas weapons, long-barreled firearms for self-defense, hunting weapons, sporting weapons, signal weapons.

By decision legislature the age at which it is possible to purchase hunting firearms, smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, can be reduced by two years.

Important: you do not have the right to keep a weapon if you do not own it.

The validity of the permit is 5 years. If necessary, you can extend it.

The city of Moscow does not present special requirements to the issuance of a permit and is guided by federal law.

Pass a medical examination

To obtain a permit to store weapons, you must obtain.

To do this, make an appointment with the following doctors:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Expert in narcology
  • Therapist
  • Ophthalmologist
Important: according to the new rules, you can sign up for an examination only with a district narcologist (at the place of registration).

To renew the permit, you must re-pass the medical examination.

Pass the exam

A "Certificate of Completion of the Program for the Training of Individuals in the Safe Handling of Weapons and the Acquisition of Skills in the Safe Handling of Weapons" is issued upon completion of the relevant course.

Preliminary study the law "On weapons" (included in the list of preparation materials).

After graduation, you must pass an exam on the material covered.

The price of the course (on average) is 5 - 7 thousand rubles.

Important: you must have all medical certificates and photographs (3x4 cm) with you.

Training is conducted in licensed centers, for a recommendation you can contact the district police department.

Collect Documents

  • Passport
  • Copy of the passport
  • Application for a license to purchase firearms and ammunition
  • Certificates of completion of the training program for the training of persons in order to study the rules of safe handling of weapons and acquire skills in the safe handling of weapons
  • 6 photos 3x4 cm
If hunting or smoothbore weapons are purchased:
  • hunting ticket

Submit your documents

Before submitting your documents, you will need to purchase a lockable, certified gun safe. It can also be metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or wooden boxes upholstered in iron.

To obtain a license, you must personally submit a package of documents to the Office for the Organization of Licensing and Permit Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or to the public services website.

Grounds for refusal may be:

  • Failure to provide required information or providing incorrect information
  • The impossibility of ensuring the accounting and safety of weapons or the failure to ensure these conditions (lack of a safe for storing weapons)
Important: the decision to refuse can be appealed in court.

Pay for the license

Depending on the type of weapon chosen, pay for the license (the amount as of 01/01/2016):

  • Obtaining a license for the purchase of firearms of limited destruction and cartridges for it - 100 rubles
  • Obtaining a license for the purchase of hunting smooth-bore long-barreled weapons and cartridges for them - 100 rubles
  • Obtaining a license for the purchase of hunting or sporting firearms with a rifled barrel and cartridges for it - 200 rubles
  • Issuance of a license to a citizen of the Russian Federation to purchase gas pistols, revolvers, signal weapons, edged weapons designed to be worn with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation or the Cossack uniform during initial circulation - 30 rubles
The issuance period is 30 days from the date of registration of the application.

Important: payment for a license is made along with the submission of a package of documents to the Office for the Organization of Licensing and Permit Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or on the website of public services.

Get a weapon

The weapon must be purchased within 6 months from the date of receipt of the license. If the term has expired and the purchase has not been made, the license must be returned.

Important: One person can purchase no more than 5 weapons.

The license consists of two parts, one of which remains with the seller, and the other is returned to the buyer for the subsequent receipt of permission to store and carry weapons.

Get permission

Purchased weapons must be registered with the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permits of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation within two weeks.

To obtain a permit, you must collect the following documents:

  • Application for a permit to keep and carry weapons
  • Part of the license left in your hands after buying a weapon
  • Passport
  • 2 photos 3x4 cm
The permit must be issued within 14 days from the date of registration. In case of refusal, you can appeal it in court.

Important: to obtain a license, the district police officer needs to check the conditions for storing weapons.

Pay for permission

The permit is paid together with the submission of documents to the Department for the organization of licensing and permitting work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or on the website of public services (amount as of 01/01/2016).

  • Obtaining a permit for the storage and carrying of hunting pneumatic firearms or weapons of limited destruction and cartridges for it - 10 rubles
  • Obtaining a permit for the storage and carrying of long-barreled sports firearms, hunting long-barreled firearms used for sports, sports pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J and cartridges for it - 10 rubles
  • Issuance of a permit to keep and carry award weapons and cartridges for it - 50 rubles

Permit renewal

An extension must be applied for no later than one month before the expiration of the permit (best done within 3 months).

You can personally apply to the Licensing and Permitting Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or fill out an application and submit Required documents on the public services website.

To renew, you need to collect almost the same package of documents that you provided to obtain a license:

  • Passport
  • Permit to keep and carry weapons
  • Permit renewal application
  • Help from the narcological dispensary
  • Certificate from the psycho-neurological dispensary
  • Medical conclusion about the absence in the human body drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites
  • 2 photographs 3x4 cm
If you purchased a hunting or smoothbore weapon: You will also need to provide weapons for inspection (the number, model, caliber, brand, and year of manufacture are verified).

You must renew your permit within a month.

Service weapon

According to its logic, the procedure for issuing a permit for service weapon does not differ from the above.

The organization providing security services provides additional documents for issuing permits.

The decision to buy a weapon may be related to the desire to go hunting or to ensure the safety of oneself and one's family. In any case, just go to the store and buy a weapon will not succeed. Before buying, you will have to collect the necessary documents that will give you the right to purchase and store such an acquisition. Read the article carefully.

If you decide to purchase weapons, you probably have a question about what documents are needed for this. To obtain the rights to purchase and possess weapons, there is required list paperwork to collect. Actually, here is a list of documents that will take time to complete. Paper package:

Conditions for acquiring weapons:

  • in the original version;
  • A copy of the passport;
  • The notary must certify the power of attorney.

Attention! An invoice is usually sent along with a sample power of attorney.

Necessary papers for the purchase of ammunition:

  • Scanned passport pages (all pages);
  • Scanned in full format. This paper must be certified by a notary or at the place of issue;
  • Power of attorney to be certified by a notary. A sample document is also sent with an invoice.

If, under certain circumstances, you decide to purchase weapons through an online store, or directly from the manufacturer, then the procedure will be as follows:

  • If the product you are interested in is in stock, you will be sent an invoice for payment. In response, you must make a payment in any convenient way provided by the store. The main thing is that your last name should take place in the payment history;
  • Next, you send the following package of official papers by registered mail:
    • The original version of the license with all three spines. It is important to fill out the document according to all the rules (personal data: last name, first name and patronymic must be without errors, the license must be valid for at least 6 months). Also information about your permanent place residence must be the same as that indicated on the license document, the legibility of the seal is mandatory. Please note that the column indicating who issued the license must be filled in.
    • Scanned .
    • A letter stating the exact address where you can receive your item. Be sure to include your contact phone number and area code.
    • For the employee who will deal with your case, you will need to draw up, which must be certified by a notary.
    • After the seller receives all the necessary documents and data from you, your goods will be processed and sent to you by a special communication service.
    • The ordered goods will be delivered to the agreed address (special communication). Employees of the company will contact you and inform you that the parcel can be picked up. You can pick up the parcel only with a passport. Be sure to check the goods on the spot to exclude the presence of defects and shortcomings.

Important! If, unfortunately, the product is of inadequate quality, be sure to draw up an act without which your objections will not be taken into account.

Many people have a question, what documents need to be collected to renew the permit for hunting weapons? A permit for hunting weapons is issued for a period of 5 years, then it must be renewed. On this issue, you must contact the police department at your actual place of residence.

Approximately two months before the license expires, do the following:

  • Contact your local police station. Explain there that you want to renew the license. As a result, you will have to write an appropriate application.
  • After that, wait for the visit of the local policeman, who will definitely check that you have a safe for storing weapons. After verification, he will draw up a report, which is necessary for the renewal of the license.
  • Next, you provide your weapon to the police station, where it will be checked for serviceability.
  • After a successful check, you can safely start collecting all the rest of the documentation.

Required documentation for license renewal:

  • Scanned hunting permit that is valid.
  • Photo 3x4 in black and white, printed on matte paper, 2 pcs.
  • You will have to undergo a medical examination again (pass a narcologist, a psychiatrist, check your blood for the absence of prohibited substances) and provide the results in the form
  • Passport in original and scanned version.
  • The same report that the gun is stored according to the rules.
  • Paid state duty, keep the receipt, it must be provided.
  • Your ; if it is not possible to provide the original, then prepare a copy that is certified by a notary.

How to get a permit for a traumatic weapon

To obtain a license for traumatic weapons, you must collect the following list of documents:

  • Scanned version of the passport;
  • Two photos sized 3×4, in black and white, on matte paper;
  • Medical certificate;
  • Confirmation that you have successfully passed a narcologist and psychiatrist (certificates);
  • that you have received training on how to properly use a weapon;
  • , which contains information about your criminal record or lack thereof;
  • A report indicating that you have everything the necessary conditions for the safe storage of weapons;
  • You also need to bring a certificate from your workplace.

Required documents for a firearm permit

To renew and obtain a permit for smoothbore weapons, the following papers are needed:

  • Medical certificate, which contains information that you have successfully passed all the necessary specialists of the 046-1 format;
  • Two photos 3x4;
  • Yours for the purchase of a gun along with an electronic sample;
  • It is obligatory to have a report proving that you have a safe for the safe storage of weapons (it is issued by the district police officer);
  • Information about the paid license in the form of a receipt;
  • Scanned all pages from the passport;
  • Full information from work: where you work, what position you hold, the phone number of the organization;
  • hunting ticket;
  • Your TIN.

A list containing all the necessary documents for extending a permit for rifled weapons

Once again, let's take a closer look at the list of documents required to renew a license for hunting weapons:

  • A document issued by the licensing system for the registration of weapons;
  • An official request (petition) from the hunting team where you are registered. It must be signed by the chairman of the board;
  • Medical certificate (form 046-1);
  • Photos 2 pieces 3x4;
  • Detailed information from work;
  • Your hunting license;
  • You will need to write an application addressed to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, where you indicate that you want to purchase rifled weapons. Don't forget to provide a sample in electronic format;
  • about the successful verification of the place of storage of weapons;
  • Paid license (receipt);
  • Paid permission to purchase and store weapons, a receipt is also provided;
  • Your

The ranks of hunters are constantly replenished. Fans of this type of activity, who have years of experience, know how to prepare for the opening of the hunting season. Beginners remain in complete ignorance.

Indeed, in order to delve into the legislative basis of the hunting craft, you need to familiarize yourself with more than one normative act. For a person who does not have legal knowledge, this is quite difficult to do. We propose to consider the key issues in detail, with reference to the realities of life. Our goal is to ensure that a novice amateur can complete all the documents step by step, while remaining within the law.

What is a hunting weapon permit

First you need to deal with the terminology, which is quite specific and can be misleading, since we often call the same things different names. This should be discussed separately. The peculiarities of our dialect force us to shorten or transform expressions.

For example, we don't say, "I'll take the bus route number two." Instead, we use: "I'll ride a deuce." Now it's clear what in question?

Similar transformations also affected the terminology associated with ownership. civilian weapons. When experienced owners start talking about a permit for hunting weapons, everyone understands exactly what kind of document they are talking about. Meanwhile, when trying to search for information about the rules for obtaining this document, you may come across conflicting information. Let us consider in more detail all the documents that the owner of a firearm must have.

Before buying a hunting rifle, the future owner must issue a hunting license. There will be no confusion here, since they are currently being issued, and indefinitely. Next, you need to contact the licensing department and obtain permission to purchase a gun. It can also be called a license to purchase, but here the emphasis is on the second part of the name.

This document gives the right only to buy a gun and immediately register it (14 days are allotted for registration), but to go hunting or even keep a gun at home, another type of permit is required - permission to store and carry hunting weapons. In the accepted abbreviation, this document is known as ROHA.

Now let's think about what is meant when the term hunting weapon permit is mentioned? In this case, you need to mean either both of these documents together, or permission specifically for carrying and storing, since permission to purchase is not of such strategic value.

  • It is only valid for six months.
  • It does not give the right to carry and keep weapons.
  • After buying a gun, you need to issue another license.

Why do you need a storage license?

We sort of figured out the terminology, now let's talk about the purpose of this document. In many articles on this subject, one can literally read the following: "A license for hunting weapons allows you to freely engage in hunting activities." Such a definition does not add clarity. The fact that without a license one cannot keep weapons at home and, moreover, carry them with oneself, is already clear by definition, but why introduce such a document into circulation and what is the point of licensing?

Imagine for a minute that anyone can buy a weapon. In this scenario, about half of the trunks will fall into unreliable hands. All applicants must be checked for health reasons, a criminal record, knowledge of the basics of safe handling of weapons, that is, the issuance of a license is a kind of test of those who can be trusted with the maintenance of weapons. And this is only one side of the coin.

By registering weapons, licensing departments are able to control each barrel. Often, it was precisely such control that helped in solving crimes related to the use of weapons. Today, the entire licensing system is subordinate to the Russian Guard. Such an appointment is quite natural, because law enforcement agencies should deal with weapons.

Who can get permission

We are gradually moving on to consider how to get a license for a hunting rifle. It turns out that far from going to the LRO department is the first step, as many sources write about it. First you need to carry out preparatory work. First of all, we determine whether we meet the basic requirements.

  • Applicant must be 18 years of age.
  • A citizen applying for a license must not have an outstanding criminal record. If there is an extinguished conviction under an article related to the death of a person, then permission will not be given.
  • Behind Last year the applicant must not have administrative offenses associated with the violation of public order.
  • The future owner of the weapon must be registered at the place of residence, and temporary registration is also allowed.
  • The citizen is not registered with a narcologist or psychiatrist.

If all the requirements are met, then you can begin to draw up the necessary documents. We will list them later, since the preparatory stage has not yet been completed.

Obtaining a hunting license

We start preparing documents. Unfortunately, for some of them you will have to spend time and walk around the authorities. You can start by getting a hunting license. If earlier they were issued by hunting farms and committees for nature management, today hunting tickets are issued in a single format and only by the relevant institution from the Ministry natural resources. We have not named institutions because different regions it is called differently.

Most best way receipt - submit an application on the public services portal. You must be registered there. Login with your password Personal Area, then in the search bar we enter "obtaining a hunting ticket". The system will return the result. If you have been registered correctly, then the place of application will be presented in your municipality or region.

To start the procedure for issuing a hunting ticket, which, by the way, is free, you just need to click on the "Get a service" link. The request is processed for no more than five days, since the procedure for providing the service is regulated by law. By phone or email You will receive a notification stating where you need to go to collect your ticket.

There is one more nuance. Purely theoretically, you will have to take a hunting minimum course and, most likely, pass an examination for the assimilation of the material. However, there is simply no one to contact the classes and the maximum that will be required of you is to sign for familiarization with this very minimum.

A hunting license allows you to carry out hunting activities with weapons in your hands, but remember that there are also hunting rules that are approved by the Government of the region. Hunting gently according to these rules, but for now we move on to the next stage.

Training and exams

Now we will no longer talk about. This training should be completed by anyone who decides to buy any of the weapons. We mentioned this above when we talked about why a license is needed. An applicant for a permit is required to undergo training. Courses are held according to the program approved by the Ministry of Education. It includes such topics as the legal framework regarding weapons, safety rules, fire training, general issues.

The most difficult thing is to find a training center in your city that is engaged in such activities, which in without fail must be accredited. Previously, training was provided by the DOSAAF school, but today private clubs have also appeared. By the way, such clubs can be created at the licensing department. Do not waste time in vain, as the program is quite rich, but it is designed for 1-2 days of training. During this time, it is difficult to prepare for the exam, so it is better to download a list of questions on the Internet and prepare yourself.

Tuition and exams are paid separately. If you subsequently apply for a license renewal, you will only have to take the exam and pay only for the exam. Checking the acquired knowledge consists of a theoretical and practical part. To pass the theory, you must answer the questions of the ticket. In the practical part, fire training exercises are performed.

After completing the course, two documents are issued.

  1. One of them indicates the passage of training. It is indefinite and will be valid upon renewal.
  2. The second document is a certificate of passing exams.

Both of these documents should be submitted to the HRRR along with the application.

Medical certificate

One of the requirements for obtaining a gun license, as mentioned above, is medical compliance. As proof, you must provide a certificate of medical examination. All medical examinations differ from each other in the sequence and number of specialists, so each certificate has its own specific form. The reference form you need is 002-O/u. Some sources indicate that a certificate must be issued in form 046, but this is outdated information.

To pass a medical examination, you must visit the pre-medical office. You will be given medical card and a list of doctors. It is not necessary to go to the clinic, you can use the services of any medical institution.

After passing the examination with specialists such as an ophthalmologist and an otolaryngologist, you will have to put a mark with a psychiatrist and narcologist. It is not a fact that these doctors are accepted in the medical facility of your choice. Then you have to visit dispensaries. At the appointment with the narcologist, you must state that you want to obtain a license for hunting weapons. Then he will offer to pass the HTI analysis. There is no need to refuse, as the results of this analysis should be attached to medical certificate. After receiving the signature of a psychiatrist and a narcologist, you can go to a therapist who will write you a medical certificate.

Installing a safe

An important requirement of the employees of the licensing department is to provide an act of inspection of the place of storage of weapons, signed by the district inspector. It is advisable to address this issue even before submitting an application. The weapon must be stored in a metal box. You can even make a box out of wood and upholster it with iron. But the easiest way is to buy a safe, especially since it is not so expensive.

The safe must ensure the safety of the trunk, therefore it must have a locking mechanism. In terms of its dimensions, the box should be such that the weapon itself and cartridges fit into it. If you are applying for a permit for the first time, then consider purchasing another barrel, and therefore the safe must be designed for two weapons.

Download the inspection report form online or get it from the licensing department and ask the district police officer to fill it out in front of you. Inspection of the weapons storage site can be carried out according to another scenario. After submitting the application, the department employees send a request to the Internal Affairs Directorate for an inspection. The district police officer draws up a report and submits it to the LRRR, but practice shows that this method takes much longer.


Photographs should be taken prior to the first visit. In principle, this issue can not be given special attention, but we decided to describe in detail the process of paperwork, so we’ll say a few words about photographs.

In any photo salon you will be photographed according to all standards. But in order for you to be aware yourself, we note that the photo format is 3 by 4 cm. The photos are printed in black and white, on matte paper, full face. You can not be photographed in a hat or glasses with tinted lenses. The background should be lighter than the clothes and solid. It is also desirable to choose clothes in a monophonic, dark shade.

Only two photos need to be submitted to the department, but in some salons minimal amount cards - 6, so you have to overpay a little.

Payment of state duty and photocopies of documents

A license for a hunting rifle is issued only after payment of the state duty, this is a one-time fee in favor of the state. IN Lately it has increased and amounts to 500 rubles. Payment can be made on the portal of public services or through any bank. If the second method of payment is chosen, then the fee payment receipt should be kept in order to submit it to the HRRR later.

The package of documents, the composition of which is determined by legislative acts, contains only a copy taken from the completed pages of the passport. This may be sufficient, but we advise you to make copies of all documents. Authorization staff can request them. In order not to waste precious time (after all, otherwise you will have to sign up again in the queue), it is better to play it safe here. It is advisable to make copies of all collected documents.

List of documents

Check again that you have collected the entire package of documents, this will allow you to minimize the number of visits to the department.

  • The application is written by hand according to the established model or is issued in electronic form.
  • Passport and a photocopy of the first page, as well as the registration page.
  • Hunting license and its photocopy.
  • Medical certificate 002-О/у and its photocopy.
  • Evidence. One is about completing the course, and the other is about passing the exam.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Two photos 3 by 4.
  • The act of conducting a survey of the conditions of storage of weapons.

Note that when submitting an application through the public services portal, it is not the originals and copies of documents that are needed, but their scanned versions, which are loaded into the form in the form of drawings. In practice, it turns out that the technologies that departments are equipped with are insufficient for printing documents, so you may be asked to provide originals or copies.


If we do not take into account a certain part of the time that will have to wait until the document is prepared, then we can say that there is only one action left before the license is issued. You must submit an application and provide a package of documents. Citizens who act according to the specified algorithm for the first time can only count on obtaining permission to purchase long-barreled smooth-bore weapons.

According to the law, rifled weapons can only be issued by those who have a smoothbore tenure of 5 years, that is, in order to hunt with a rifle, you must have some experience behind you.

If you decide to apply in the traditional way, you must come to the permit department along with the documents collected from the list. There you write an application, give documents and wait for a decision. If denied, you will be notified. By the way, the notification will be received in case of consideration of the application. It will indicate when you can pick up the finished document.

The above method of filing an application has gradually become obsolete. A more popular way is to contact the MFC. You come to the center, hand over all the documents to the employee, agree to the processing of data, and this is where your participation ends. You do not win in terms of license production, but you will avoid long queues.

Finally, the third way will allow you not to leave the house at all. The application can be made on the portal of public services. All scanned documents are attached in a special form. The application is sent to the department, where it is considered and a decision is made. In all these cases, a license will be issued in the LRRR, therefore, at least once, you will have to visit the department.

But the permission received will only allow you to buy a gun. It should be immediately taken to registration, where employees enter the number and data of the owner in a special journal. Then you must wait for the issuance of a license to keep and carry, and after that you can safely go hunting, remembering to take a hunting ticket with you to avoid a fine.