Talented actress Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband live a happy life...

An ardent interest in the life of this talented actress and very beautiful woman from a creative bohemian family connected not only with her personally, but also with the people who surround her in life. Such big names as Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan are on everyone's lips, these outstanding personalities are practically also the family of Alena Khmelnitskaya. For several years now, many people have been haunted by the divorce of a star couple, and now the public is agitated by rumors that their idol has changed his personal status.

Alena Khmelnitskaya is not alone now, her new husband and daughters fill her life completely. In this article, we summarize known facts from various sources to briefly get acquainted with how the life of a popular and beloved actress develops.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband

Alena Khmelnitskaya: biography, personal life

It should be noted right away that the bohemian environment surrounded the girl with early childhood, the social circle of her parents was always made up of celebrities from the sphere of culture. This remarkable fact of the biography determined not only the choice of a profession, but also contributed to the formation of a highly noble, intelligent temperament.

She was born on January 12, 1971 in Moscow into a family of Bolshoi Ballet soloists. The family had only child, backstage and the orchestra pit were the main place where the baby was.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in her youth

When Alena was already ten years old, and she consciously perceived the world, life presented her with the most vivid impression, children's delight, remembered for a lifetime.

Her mother, who had changed her role by that time, participated in the choreography in the musical "Juno and Avos" and Alena attended almost all rehearsals with incredible pleasure.

Maximum attention was paid to her daughter's education, Alena studied at a school with a French bias, theater, cinema and rhythmic gymnastics filled her life completely.

At the age of 12, Alena Khmelnitskaya starred in her first film, having successfully passed the casting of actors in the film by A. Belinsky "Carambolina-Caramboletta".


At the age of 15, I had to grow up sharply, the parents left their girl to finish her studies at school, and they themselves went to work in London.

The time of growing up passed without the participation of parents, Alena had quite adult novels and disappointments early. Andrei Dellos, an artist and restaurateur, became her first love, which did not last long, having met another, he married her and they left for France.

In those days, youth and belonging to the bohemian youth did not allow depression, Alena went to her parents in the UK. New impressions, the opening world, reassured, and a new acquaintance with Yegor Konchalovsky helped, but the relationship did not work out.

The romance with Nikita Dzhigurda was also fleeting, and in the meantime it was necessary to think about further education and choosing a profession. With the profession, everything was already predetermined for a long time, it only remained to choose a specific university. The choice turned out to be difficult, Alena auditioned in all three famous creative workshops - at the Shchukin School, GITIS, and the Moscow Art Theater School. Studying in each of them opened up great opportunities, it was necessary to decide, and Alena Khmelnitskaya chose the Moscow Art Theater.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new civil husband Alexander Sinyushin

Active start

Alena Khmelnitskaya entered the profession so quickly and so organically that she immediately became popular among directors. Several factors affected, the external data of the young actress, who was incredibly pretty, as well as her obvious talent and existing acting experience. Even before entering the university, Alena starred in three films in episodic roles.

After successful work in two performances "Juno and Avos" and "Memorial Prayer", the student was already enrolled in advance in the troupe of the Lenkom Theater. Alena did not notice the difficulties of combining study and work, life was so interesting and promising.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film "Carambolina-caramboletta"

In 1991, the first main role came in the film "Dating House", but in real stellar breakthrough the role of Leoncia Solano in the film "Hearts of Three", which became a cult film for the whole country, became a profession.

The first steps in the profession were confident and very successful, they were marked by such film works:

  • "The Tale of the Merchant's Daughter and the Mysterious Flower";
  • "Arbitrator";
  • "Hearts of three";
  • "Murder at the Sunshine Menor";
  • Musical Forecast.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film "Hearts of Three"

Family life

After the divorce, Alena Khmelnitskaya's new husband appeared quickly enough, even considering that the marriage was civil. But first things first…

Alena Khmelnitskaya never had a lack of fans, which is not surprising with such external data. However, the fateful meeting happened by chance in the buffet of his native Lenkom. According to the actress herself, she immediately felt the reliability and responsibility coming from Tigran Keosayan, which she so dreamed of seeing in her chosen one.

Both are young, talented with great professional ambitions and prospects, such a community quite naturally in 1993 was crowned with a wedding. And already in 1994, Sasha's beloved and desired daughter appeared.

The difficulties of the 90s were not felt at first, but with the advent of a child and a change in the art world, when there was no time for him, the country was simply trying to survive, there was no work, and I had to leave the stage.

Alena Khmelnitskaya decided to try herself in a new role and do small business by opening his own boutique. The business woman had a hard time, three years of attempts did not lead to prosperity, it became more and more difficult, but her beloved "Tiger" was nearby. According to Alena, this is how her husband was recorded on the phone, even when he changed his status to “former”.

Since 1997, the talented director has shot three successful films in a row at once, became incredibly popular and saved the family situation.

Alena Khmelnitskaya returned to the theater again, having managed to star in two of these three films by Tigran, "The President and His Granddaughter" and "Silver Lily of the Valley", which also became a cult film work. The role of Irma in "Silver Lily of the Valley" is recognized as one of best roles actress, she became a kind of symbol of the return of Alena Khmelnitskaya to the profession.

Successful return

Life has returned to its usual course, active creative activity brought not only income, but also moral satisfaction. Offers for roles in films changed one after another, after the return of Alena Khmelnitskaya she starred in several popular films of that time:

Frame from the film "Three Half Graces"

  • "Directory of death";
  • "The President and his granddaughter";
  • "Game of love";
  • « Men's work»;
  • "Silver lily of the valley";
  • Turkish March.

In addition, work continued on the stage of Lenkom, only one puzzled that Alena was firmly entrenched in the role of a beautiful, self-confident bitch. In life, it’s completely different, the actress dreamed of trying to play positive role, but the directors did not go to meet her.

Shot from the film "Fashion Models"

Career takeoff

Both spouses continued to successfully realize themselves in the profession, since 2007 Tigran Keosayan also became actively involved in television work, as a producer and host of several television programs.

Alena Khmelnitskaya was torn between several projects, including in the serial film "Ondine", playing Tatyana Panchenko. In addition, films with her participation were released:

  • "The most beautiful";
  • "Hare over the abyss";
  • "Mirage";
  • "Three half-grace";
  • "Not renounce loving";
  • "Paid for by death";
  • "Who if not me?";
  • "Half an hour before spring";
  • "Fatal legacy";
  • "Three happy women»;
  • "Second Youth"

In 2003, another popular film, The Joys and Sorrows of the Little Lord, was released, people went not only to the film itself, but specifically to Khmelnitskaya, the popularity of the actress was so high.

And in 2009, the shooting stopped, Alena, along with her husband Tigran Keosayan, hosted the incredibly popular television program "You and Me".

Problems in personal life

Imperceptibly, disagreements and disputes began to fill their lives more and more often, as Alena Khmelnitskaya later admitted, it was difficult to communicate with Tigran, for all his reliability, he practically did not consider her opinion. In addition, the marriage was already long enough and inevitably experienced a crisis, life is so arranged that even the stars do not escape its negative laws.

In an effort to save the relationship, Alena and Tigran decided to become parents for the second time, especially since it was an old dream of the actress. In 2010, Ksenia was born, but the family climate continued to deteriorate, aggravated by new difficulties.

Tigran Keosayan with his new wife

The blow for the actress was the rumors that Tigran had another woman, with whom he even stopped hiding relations, appearing with her on various events. This woman was Margarita Simonyan, also talented and successful man with a strong character.

As a result, in 2012, the couple decided to leave, and they did it without a scandal throughout the country with mutual insults, as is often the case. It is hard to imagine what the Actress went through, who at that time also had Small child in her arms, but she endured it with great dignity.

Hard times

parted, celebrity couple continued to communicate now as good friends, the fact of divorce became known to the general public only two years later. By that time, everyone had already understood that Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan had not just friendly relations, as it seemed at first.

At new couple his children appeared, but for his first daughters Tigran Keosayan continued to be a loving and caring father all the time.

For the sake of the children, Alena established relationships with new family and even made friends with new wife ex-husband, who also turned out to be a very worthy and noble person.

Life goes on

Life gradually improved, the support of her ex-husband smoothed out domestic difficulties and allowed her to take up a profession again. The role of the stepmother in the film Cinderella, released in 2016, became an incredible success. Alena again appeared before the fans of her talent in all her professional and feminine beauty.

There were rumors that only a loved one and loving woman which were soon confirmed. The young businessman Alexander Sinyushin became the new chosen one, and since last spring the couple has been living a life together.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband Alexander Sinyushin

According to Alena Khmelnitskaya, initially a cautious relationship with a man 12 years younger than her, grew into a serious feeling. The young people showed a lot in common, mutual respect, and most importantly, that new chosen one found an approach to the youngest daughter Ksyusha. And Sasha is already an independent adult, studying in America, she has her own way, she never dreamed of becoming an actress.

With a new husband (however, the couple has not yet registered), Alena Khmelnitskaya and her daughter travel, they spent the New Year holidays in India in Goa. And recently we went to Hungary, deciding in this way to celebrate Alexander's birthday.

About the new husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya (see photo below) in a secular party they started talking after a young man was next to the performer's parents at the premiere of the musical Cinderella among the audience leading role even a few years ago. And after the divorce from Tigran Keosayan, her new husband was even more actively talked about!

We remind you: Alena Khmelnitskaya has been married to a famous director for decades. Therefore, the news of his departure from the family to the TV journalist Margarita Simonyan became a thunder among clear sky for all fans of this beautiful and quite famous couple. Moreover, in her interviews, Khmelnitskaya did not insult her rival and her ex-husband, explaining the separation by mutual grievances that had accumulated during the time they lived together under the same roof.

Added fuel to the fire and joint photos graphics ex-wife and the new life partner of the famous director, made at the celebration of the birthday of the youngest daughter former spouses. In the pictures, the actress looked pleased and happy, the most captious critics of her talent could not find any signs of confusion or resentment at her husband's betrayal on the woman's face.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and Margarita Simonyan

Media reaction to the actress' novel

For a long time, reporters knew nothing about the personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband. The actress does not belong to those who like to make public experiences of a personal nature and other details. family relations. Only after the decision to live with her young chosen one did Khmelnitskaya have to declassify his name and joint plans for the future.

As the actress shared with her fans in an interview glossy edition, she is now happy and feels great in Sinyushin's company. The young man was able to build relationships with his children civil wife in such a way that they supported the choice of their mother and enjoy spending time in a common company.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and Alexander Sinyushin

According to Khmelnitskaya, the attitude towards her daughters has always been the main indicator for her. true love to a woman, so she believes that new lover passed this test with honor.

Who is Alexander Sinyushin

Very little is known about the young man. Reporters managed to find out just a few facts about the new husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya (photo below). So, the information about the big age difference between the lovers turned out to be absolutely accurate. The actress herself does not consider 12 years to be a huge period and calls it “non-critical”.

According to the actress, she is glad that Alexander has nothing to do with the world of cinema and theater - he has his own company to provide the performances of show business stars with the necessary lighting and musical equipment. The company is quite small, however, income young man allows him to drive around with his beloved and her youngest daughter around the world. In the personal page of the actress in social networks, you can see joint photos with her new husband from different corners planets, and the beauty celebrated her birthday in Goa. The woman herself speaks of Alexander as a very caring and generous man.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband

Fans of Khmelnitskaya left a lot of comments on her microblog, sincerely rejoicing that the divorce of this beautiful woman could not ruin her life. The wishes of the beloved actress on the network are only benevolent - the true connoisseurs of her work do not care about the youth of her chosen one and the nationality of the young man.

IN rare interviews the actress claims that Alexander's tastes are very appealing to her, so they decided to live together. According to Khmelnitskaya, she does not want to put a stamp in her passport, as an open relationship will lose that imprint of lightness that she loves.

Facts from the biography of the actress

Alena Khmelnitskaya is a native Muscovite. Her parents were well-known ballet dancers in the theatrical environment, who managed to achieve recognition not only in the Russian capital, but also abroad. The actress herself actually grew up behind the scenes of Lenkom, so after graduating from a theater university for a long time performed on the stage of the famous theater. True, at first her work was limited exclusively to episodic roles.

Popularity Alena Khmelnitskaya brought the play "Juno and Avos", after which the young artist was invited to the main role in the film "Hearts of Three". A film story about the adventures of young treasure seekers became a favorite adventure film among all viewers in the Soviet Union and gave fame to the performers of the main roles.

First civil husband the actress was Alexander Dellos, a famous Moscow restaurateur and part-time best friend Valery Zolotukhin. The novel ended as soon as the man was able to leave for the homeland of his ancestors - he is French by origin. To gain a foothold in the new territory, Delos had to marry a wealthy Frenchwoman, and very quickly a fictitious marriage became real.

Alena with Tigran Keosayan and daughter

The actress met Tigran Keosayan in the early 90s. The couple officially legalized the relationship in 1993, and in 1994 their common daughter Alexandra was born. The girl independently decided to study in America at the director's courses, after which she began working with her famous father. According to Alena Khmelnitskaya, her daughter accepted her new husband very well and supported the choice of the famous mother.

The actress filed a divorce with Keosayan back in 2014, and a little later she decided to shock the public with joint pictures with her rival. At the same time, the actress claims that a calm attitude towards her husband's departure helped her to keep good relations with the father of her children and saved them from possible scandals in a secular get-together, inevitably pursuing famous people at all stages of their personal lives.

We hope that Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband, Alexander Sinyushin, will be happy!

Actress Alena Khmelnitskaya knew her calling from childhood. This woman is a real goddess of Russian cinema. In her 40s, she managed to play hundreds of roles and play in many famous films. Pictures with her participation are always interesting and fascinating.

Alena Khmelnitskaya

Alena became not only a wonderful actress, but also loving wife and caring mother. For 20 years she has been married to the famous director Tigran Keosayan. During family life she managed to give her husband two wonderful children - daughters Alexander and Xenia. The eldest is already 20 years old, and the youngest is only 4 years old.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her daughter Alexandra

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her daughter Xenia

The couple get along well and live in perfect harmony. They are connected not only by family, but also by work. Very often, Alena and her husband attend TV shows or help him with various projects. Tigran supports his wife in everything and even gives her advice as a director. She, in turn, is glad to help her husband in his hard work.

Before meeting with her husband, Alena was already in love more than once. The first love of the actress was Andrei Dellos. At the time of their meeting, the girl was 15, and her lover was already 30 years old. It was a very strong feeling, Khmelnitskaya at such a young age, without hesitation, moved to her beloved. The matter went to the wedding, but Andrei did not live up to expectations: he moved to France and started a family there.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her husband

Alena's next chosen one was Yegor Konchalovsky, the son of Andron. But their relationship did not last long: the fact is that Yegor lived in England. The lovers rarely saw each other, which was the reason for frequent quarrels. Soon the couple broke up.

Well, in the end, the actress met Tigran, who won her heart. He could not miss such a woman and soon proposed to his beloved. At first it was difficult: there was not enough money, things did not go well in the acting and directing sphere. The newlyweds survived as best they could, besides with a small child in their arms.

But, fortunately, both Alena and Tigran soon achieved recognition in society and became true professionals in the television field.

Most performers in film and television become hostages of one image that directors have been exploiting for many years, from picture to picture. But Alena Khmelnitskaya is a versatile actress. She can equally convincingly play a sophisticated lady, a romantic girl and an outright bitch.

To star in the video of the legendary rock band, in a light comedy, in a serious melodrama - she can handle everything. But the main trump card of Khmelnitskaya is that she is not only talented, but also desperately beautiful - and this is a rarity in our time.

Childhood, adolescence, youth (almost like Tolstoy)

Alena is a native of Moscow, a child from a bohemian family. Her date of birth is January 12, 1971. Her parents, Alexander Khmelnitsky and Valentina Savina, ballet dancers, danced for about two decades not just anywhere, but at the Bolshoi Theater!

At the same time, my father taught at a choreographic school, and my mother, having studied at GITIS, subsequently retrained as a choreographer. There is nothing surprising in the fact that their beloved daughter from childhood was interested in high art and subsequently connected her life with the stage and filming. It is quite possible that Alyonushka could continue her parental dynasty and become a ballerina, because people from the world of ballet always looked into their house. For example, Maya Plisetskaya sometimes ran to have dinner, drink tea, Olga Lepeshinskaya paid visits - all this was in the order of things. Indeed, in the Khmelnitsky family, the issue of their girl's admission to the choreographic school was seriously discussed. But everything turned out differently, and again, not without the influence of parents.
When "Lenkom" began to stage the musical "Juno and Avos", Valentina Savina was invited to the project as an assistant director for choreography. Ten-year-old Alena followed her mother around the theater, carefully watching the rehearsals.
The backstage atmosphere captured and fascinated the young creature, became a real revelation. Having directly delved into the peculiarities of theatrical life, the girl is already in such early age began to dream about the stage, to dream of entering the theater school. Parents did not dissuade their daughter from these intentions, they treated them with understanding. They simply explained that first you need to successfully graduate from school with in-depth study French, and only then decide on the choice of profession.

Indeed, Alena had plenty to choose from. IN school years she was doing rhythmic gymnastics(hence the grace and plasticity), table tennis (reactions and dexterity can only be envied), attended courses for beginner painters at the Surikov School (which helped to form a delicate taste). And at the age of 12, graceful Alenka received an invitation to shoot in the film directed by Alexander Belinsky "Karambolina-karamboletta" and did a good job with a small debut role.
At the age of 15, Alena suddenly became independent. The fact is that her parents, reputable teachers and choreographers, were invited to work in London. Yes, perestroika times came in the country, the departure of Soviet citizens abroad was no longer regulated as strictly as it was 5-10 years before. After weighing all the pros and cons, reasoning that their daughter is already old enough, the Khmelnitskys agreed to accept a tempting offer from abroad. So for the first time in her life, the future star of the domestic screen tried on herself: how is it to live without parental supervision?

Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya

I must say that freedom is a harsh examiner, and not everyone passes this difficult test. Alena, how bright representative of the capital's "golden youth", did not constrain itself in anything and did not limit itself in any way. Moreover, no one forbade anything. The girl was worried about only one thing: if only mom and dad did not find out about her adventures. As a result, at this age beautiful girl Numerous admirers and boyfriends began to appear.
The fiery brunette had her first serious romance with the artist and restaurateur Andrei Dellos. They say that at one point they even decided to live under the same roof and came together for a while.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Andrey Dellos

If on the part of the girl these were sincere feelings, then the young man did not react so responsibly to their relationship. As soon as another spectacular lady, moreover of French origin, met on his way, Andreika broke with Alena without regret and proposed a new passion. The insidious tempter and the foreign lovebird signed in Moscow, immediately moving to the bride's homeland.
However, Khmelnitskaya did not experience a break with her beloved for too long and was not greatly killed. While visiting her parents in the UK, Alena met Yegor Konchalovsky, who studied in those years in one of the prestigious educational institutions Foggy Albion.

Everything proceeded more or less safely, romantically, but love at a distance did not stand the test. New bright love impressions were presented to Alena by the then unknown, but extremely ambitious actor Nikita Dzhigurda. Passion instantly flared up, and just as quickly faded ...
When the final exams at school ended, the girl immediately applied at three theatrical high school- to Shchukinskoye, GITIS and the Moscow Art Theater School. In the end, having received carte blanche to enter any of them, after consulting with her parents and friends, Alena chose the Moscow Art Theater.

Children and family

In some interviews, the actress admits that she always wanted to achieve two things in life: to enter the theater and be sure to have children. She says that when her friend Katya Semenova first got married and had a child, Khmelnitskaya, then a student, nursed her little son with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and a little later agreed to become his godmother.
An affair with the southern handsome Tigran Keosayan arose literally from nowhere. The year was 1993 on the calendar. First, someone introduced young people at one of the parties. For a while they just talked, then became friends, and a little later they shared shelter and bed in common square meters. Further, gathering their courage, they paid a visit to Alena's parents in Europe.

Tigran so charmed his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, so exquisitely asked for the hand of their daughter, that they did not even think to prevent this marriage. The couple is truly amazing. Upon returning home, the lovers signed in the capital's registry office.

About a year later, their first child, daughter Sasha, was born, and in 1995 the couple realized how bad it was in their country to make money on stage and in front of a movie camera. So few films were shot in the “dashing 90s”, and they were all so similar that both spouses were morally crushed with incredible force. The theater generally paid a penny.
Without thinking twice, Khmelnitskaya quit Lenkom and began to learn the basics of entrepreneurship. So the artistic nature turned into a trading one, Khmelnitskaya opened her own boutique fashion clothes. It was absolutely not hers, but she had to “spin” for the well-being of the family. And here, fortunately, the talent and natural luck of the husband of a freshly baked business woman came to the rescue.
In 1997, Tigran made an indisputable hit for those times - the film "Poor Sasha" with Alexander Zbruev in the title role. The rental of the picture brought good money. Also, the public met Keosayan's next work, “The President and his granddaughter,” and the next work generally had the effect of an exploding bomb. For the late 90s, the film "Silver Lily of the Valley" looked like a masterpiece. In this tape, by the way, the director's wife played incomparably. Alena left the trade without regret and returned to film set. The role of the pop star - Irma - can be called, if not the best, then one of the best roles of Khmelnitskaya. In that work, Alena managed to convey the drama and ambiguity of the heroine, who is generally negative in the plot.
In the hot summer of 2010, the second girl, Ksyusha, was born to the Keosayan spouses. It would seem that the second child was supposed to strengthen the marriage. Alas, things didn't go the way most of us would like. A wonderful family and creative union broke up. Since 2011, the couple no longer appeared together at social events and film festivals. And later, Alena and the public learned that Tigran had an affair on the side. The charming director was carried away by a TV journalist, editor-in-chief of Russia Today TV company Margarita Simonyan. In 2014, Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan filed for divorce.

Surprisingly, former companions in life did not pour mud on each other, as is usually the case. Moreover, the guys remained friends after the divorce, and Alena even maintains friendly relations with Margarita, and children from both families consider each other to be the closest relatives

Career and filmography

After "Karambolina" Khmelnitskaya starred in episodic roles in films such as:

  • "Courier",
  • "Zagon",
  • "House of dates",
  • "Arbitrator".

Fame brought the role of the burning beauty Leoncia Solano in the films "Hearts of Three" and "Hearts of Three-2" based on the works of Jack London. In an instant, the young actress gained national glory. A breakthrough also happened in the theatrical career: Mark Zakharov invited the girl to play Conchita in the play "Juno and Avos". In the theater, work continued until recent months pregnancy.
Then Khmelnitskaya starred in not the most significant films for the history of cinema:

  • "Murder at Sunshine Menor"
  • "Marina",
  • "Things are funny - family matters",
  • "Directory of Death".

This was followed by a series of successful roles in the films of her then husband - Tigran Keosayan, the aforementioned "President and his granddaughter" and especially - "Silver Lily of the Valley".
Then she participated in the series "Men's Work", "Turkish March", "Russian Amazons" and several others.
Notable work was participation in the serial film "Ondine". Khmelnitskaya appeared in it as a photographer, the mother of the main character. The series received high critical acclaim and recognition from viewers.
In the melodrama "Three Happy Women" Alena played the psychologist Milena. Another one of her strong women ready to overcome any difficulties on their own
In the series "Three Half Graces" (2006), Alena skillfully portrayed the program manager of the TV channel Alisa. On the eve of her fortieth birthday, she and her friends have not lost their close connection with each other and are struggling with everyday difficulties, as well as problems in their personal lives.
In the series "Who, if not me?" (2012) played the role of Ella Florenskaya - a little windy, beautiful and lonely woman, always ready to help her friends.

10 facts about Alena Khmelnitskaya

  1. A family friend, director Alexander Belinsky, instilled in her a taste for literature. As the actress recalls, he amazingly read aloud Dickens, and about literary heroes he spoke so casually, as if he were drinking Calvados with each of them.
  2. In the 2000s, the actress starred annually, only in 2009 she worked on television, and then went on maternity leave. She returned to her favorite work after giving birth, in 2010.
  3. March 8 is treated with humor, but does not mind if men once again congratulate women and present some gift or flowers. And if on this day Khmelnitskaya herself is suddenly not congratulated, then she will not be upset.
  4. Elena's parents this moment live in Berlin.
  5. She loves to "conjure" in the kitchen, cook various goodies for family and guests.
  6. With technology on you, famously drives a motorcycle.
  7. I liked myself only after 27 years.
  8. She likes to indulge herself occasionally with SPA treatments, but shopping annoys her.
  9. So eldest daughter- girlfriends, and with the youngest - colleagues in entertainment and games.
  10. According to the actress, it is more interesting for her to play negative heroines - they turn out to be more characteristic and deep.

Alena Khmelnitskaya at present

In 2016, the actress played the role of the evil stepmother in the musical Cinderella. At the premiere, she was noticed in the company of businessman Alexander Sinyushin. Since the spring of 2017, the lovers began to live together, and a year later, the new gentleman of Khmelnitsky boasted that he had finally established friendly relations with the youngest daughter of his beloved, Ksyusha.
In 2018, viewers saw a new mini-series "Galina" with Khmelnitskaya in the title role. Alena played a rural paramedic, a woman with difficult fate abandoned by loved ones. Also this year, the series “The Presumption of Innocence” was released, where the heroine of our report has one of the secondary roles.

Known Russian actress Alena Khmelnitskaya divorced her husband Tigran Keosayan two years ago after a long 20 years of marriage. During this time, the famous director has already managed to start new family, and his wife devoted all her time to her career and raising two daughters. In a recent interview, the star first spoke about how she survived the breakup with her husband and about the rumors regarding her personal life.

"For 21 years life together we have become who we are now. If there had not been this marriage, then, probably, I would have been a different person and Tigran too. Not worse, maybe even better, but different - how can you regret it, ”Alena admitted to the Interlocutor.

The actress also clarified the situation at the premiere of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera" in 2014, when she appeared on the red carpet arm in arm with Megafon's PR director Peter Lidov. Then the public whispered that Khmelnitskaya had finally found her personal happiness and forgot about the divorce from Tigran, but the guesses were not confirmed. “I could not even think that this would cause such a wave of discussions. At that time I was a free woman, so I don’t see anything wrong with that. Petya is my friend, we just walked together, looked good, so we were immediately married. There is nothing between us, he got married, recently became a father - a daughter was born, so everything is fine with him and everything is fine with me too ... ”Alena clarified.

Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya got married in 1993. A year later, their daughter Alexandra was born, and in 2010 their second daughter Ksenia was born. Khmelnitskaya starred in many of her husband's films, such as Silver Lily of the Valley, The President and His Granddaughter, Hare Over the Abyss and others. IN last time the couple came out at the end of the summer of 2011 at the premiere of the movie "Two Days". The further absence of Khmelnitskaya next to her husband was taken by everyone for her busyness in raising her youngest child. But time passed, and Khmelnitskaya began to go out either alone or with her friends. Without the second half, Keosayan flashed here and there.

And in August 2014, blogger and journalist Bozena Rynska shared sensational news on her official LiveJournal page. She wrote: “Today I saw Margarita Simonyan together with the father of her child, Tigran Keosayan (taken away from Alena Khmelnitskaya) in Jurmala.” When numerous subscribers expressed surprise at the parting of one of the strongest couples on domestic television, Bozhena Rynska added: “I thought everyone had known everyone for a long time ... The series“ Sea. month it became known that Simonyan gave birth to Keosayan's second child - the son of Bagrat.