A nurse (or nurse) is a professional assistant to a doctor in a hospital, in other institutions - the main specialist in providing first aid. medical care.


RUB 25,000–40,000 (worka.yandex.ru)

Place of work

Hospitals, polyclinics, children's institutions, military units, sanatoriums, resorts, rest houses.


First of all, a nurse must be able to dress, put a corner, apply a tourniquet, give medicine, take the temperature - these are skills developed at the training stage. When applying for a job, the scope of duties becomes much wider, it all depends on the department and specialization of the doctor with whom the nurse works.

A nurse in a polyclinic receives patients, monitors outpatient cards, receives test data, and ensures that sterile items are at the doctor's hand.

In the physiotherapy room, the nurse works with special devices (ultrasound, electrophoresis, etc.). In the departments of the hospital, nurses give injections, put droppers, monitor the treatment prescribed by the doctor, and in emergency situations provide emergency care. In the operating room, the nurse is responsible for the availability of equipment, ensures the continuity of the surgeon's work.

Important qualities

Attentiveness, benevolence, desire to help in any situation, quick reaction are the qualities that characterize good nurses. Patience, stress resistance, sociability and good health (especially when working with children) will not interfere with work.

Reviews about the profession

“Having chosen the profession of a doctor and a nurse, you are ready for self-sacrifice, physical and psychological difficulties and risk. You are real experts and professionals in your profession, good psychologists. You know how to listen to the patient, penetrate into the soul, know how to calm, inspire hope, confidence, faith, convince of the correctness and necessity of the prescribed treatment.

Svetlana Polyanskaya,
editor of the portal about medicine.

stereotypes, humor

Stereotypes about the nursing profession are inspired by numerous war films. A stable image of a nurse taking out wounded soldiers from the field of pain was formed.

Many consider nurses to be exclusively assistants to doctors who cannot set foot without a word of guidance.

In fact, a nurse is a specialist in the field of medicine, with a secondary education, able to professional level perform nursing duties.


To work as a nurse or nurse, a secondary medical education is required. Sometimes knowledge of working with special equipment is required, which is taught in courses for nurses.

" has disappeared from the name of the profession, but this concept remains its essence. Not everyone is available. A person who intends to choose a profession or a nurse must have a certain psychological warehouse.

Psychological portrait of a nurse

The main requirement of this profession is endurance and patience, the ability to control oneself. The nurse works with people, each of which has its own character, not always pleasant. In addition, these people are in a traumatic situation created by the disease, which makes it even more difficult to communicate with them. The nurse has no right to raise her voice to the patient, even if he does not behave quite correctly. She must always be reserved.

A nurse must be able to keep a secret. In some cases, it is unacceptable to tell the patient the whole truth about his condition. Moreover, it is impossible to discuss with colleagues or other patients what one of the patients reported about himself in a confidential conversation. This can only be told to his doctor if the information is relevant to the disease and treatment.

The nurse is required to have an exceptional sense of duty, discipline and attention to personal hygiene.

A person who does not possess at least one of these qualities should not choose the profession of a nurse or nurse.

Professional education

To become a nurse, you need to get a secondary education in the specialty "Nursing".

If a person enters a college on the basis of basic secondary education (9 classes high school), the duration of study is 3 years 10 months, on the basis of complete secondary education - 3 years 10 months.

Applicants entering the college on the basis of 9 classes take exams in biology and chemistry. The form of exams can be different, it is determined by the college management, but most often it is a test containing questions from school curriculum according to academic disciplines. In addition, the applicant must submit the results of the GIA in chemistry, biology and the Russian language.

Applicants entering on the basis of 11 classes represent USE results in the same subjects and also take an exam in biology and chemistry, but learning material senior classes.

Upon graduation, graduates should know the names and purpose of drugs, the basic concepts of medical psychology and professional ethics, have training in biology, physics, chemistry, anatomy, botany, be able to make injections and other medical procedures.

Nurse (nurse) (sister of mercy) - a person with an average medical education who works under the direction of a doctor or paramedic. She does not examine the patient, diagnose, prescribe treatment. A nurse, unlike a paramedic, is not an independent person and fulfills the appointments already made.

Nursing is a sought-after profession in the field of medicine.

Functional responsibilities:


Monitoring the patient's condition;

Performing medical procedures prescribed by a doctor;

Registration and discharge of patients;

Monitoring the nutrition and sanitary condition of patients;

Assistance to the doctor at the reception;
- control over the sanitary and hygienic condition in the department and ward;

Control, accounting and storage of medicines;

Provision of qualified assistance in the care of newborns;

Providing timely medical assistance in emergency situations;

Rendering feasible psychological help and support for the sick;

Implementation of rehabilitation and preventive measures;

Carrying out sanitary and educational work among the population;

Implementation of propaganda aimed at combating drugs, alcoholism, smoking;

Preparation of medical documentation.

The range of functional duties of a nurse depends on the place of her work. The nurse is engaged in providing medical care to the patient, performing various medical procedures, diagnosing diseases, acting as an assistant to the doctor in operations, caring for the sick, monitoring the health of patients, and doing massage.

Personal qualities:

Patience and endurance;

Kindness and friendliness;

A responsibility;







The nurse must have a secondary professional education, understand various medicines, methods of disinfection, know the rules for performing vaccinations, injections, dressings, massage techniques, first aid techniques. A nurse should have such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness, sympathy, sociability, observation, composure, love for people.

Places of work:

Medical institutions (hospitals, sanatoriums, health camps and polyclinics, maternity hospitals and dispensaries, rehabilitation centers, trauma centers, antenatal clinics and medical units, health centers, outpatient clinics and feldsher-obstetric stations);

Social organizations (orphanages, shelters, colonies, homes for the elderly and disabled, orphanages);

Work in law enforcement agencies(children's receivers-distributors);

Educational institutions (schools, kindergartens and preschool institutions, institutes, colleges, technical schools, colleges);

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue services;

Work in enterprises;

Research institutes;

military organizations.

A nurse can work in clinics, hospitals, dispensaries, medical centers, educational institutions, services social assistance, medical institutions, sanatoriums.

The level of wages largely depends on the medical institution, on what resources it has.

If you enjoy helping people, and biology, anatomy, and chemistry were your favorite subjects, then it is likely that you will like the profession of a nurse.

Medium wage: 25000 rubles per month




entry barrier


The profession of a nurse (in the male version - a nurse) is a highly demanded specialty, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. It will be very difficult for a doctor to fulfill his duties if suddenly he does not have such an assistant. Let's analyze in more detail what kind of specialty it is, what it consists of, how many years and where you need to study in order to get it.


For a long time, all auxiliary manipulations in the treatment of patients were performed by young doctors, who later became doctors. The first community of sisters of mercy appeared in the 11th century. Their duties included helping women, but later they began to help men as well - first wounded on the battlefield, and then ordinary, civilian patients.

The first hospital, where only nursing was carried out, was opened by the Hungarian Countess Elisabeth of Thuringia. Later, similar institutions began to be organized throughout Europe. In the 17th century, there was an urgent need for the profession of a nurse, since numerous wars were fought in those days, respectively, there were many wounded who needed first aid on the battlefield, and then care in military hospitals after operations and amputations. Later, the girls began to assist in surgical interventions.

Description and characteristics of the profession

In any medical institution, nurses are right hand doctor and his most important assistants. The skills acquired during the training give them the right to provide first aid, perform simple manipulations (injections, measure temperature and pressure), simple procedures (enemas, gastric lavage, etc.), and make a description of the examination under the dictation of a doctor. In the polyclinic, the nursing staff is busy writing out certificates, referrals for tests, examinations.

In the hospital, these points are supplemented by the issuance of medicines. In surgical departments, this position provides assistance during the operation: the nurse must prepare the instruments, submit them to the doctor on time, and then remove and sterilize.

A nurse cannot fully assume the duties of a doctor and make a diagnosis, establish a sequence of treatment, cancel or prescribe recommended drugs, since it is the doctor who is responsible for the final result of therapy or the outcome of the operation.

Specialties, universities and USE subjects

To become a nurse, you must be trained in a medical college. In this direction, the choice is wide - in total there are more than 245 establishments in all regions of the country, for example:

  1. St. Petersburg Medical College. V. M. Bekhtereva.
  2. College of the First Moscow State medical university named after I. M. Sechenov.
  3. College of Rostov State Medical University.
  4. Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  5. Medical and Pharmaceutical College of the Kazan State Medical Institute.

The specialty of a nurse (nurse) can be obtained after graduating from 9th or 11th grade. For admission to college, the results of the OGE or the USE are not required. Enrollment takes place according to the competition of certificates (if competition for budget places large, and, as a rule, this is the case, then the results of the GIA are also taken into account). Colleges have the right to conduct entrance tests in the form of testing or interviews to test the psychological qualities of applicants. Their results are evaluated on a pass/fail scale.

The duration of training depends on the level of basic education. After nine classes, study at the medical college will last three years and 10 months, after eleven - two years and 10 months.

Nurses may have different specializations, such as:

  1. ward. Her duties include caring for and monitoring patients in certain wards of a hospital or hospital.
  2. procedural. Takes blood for analysis in the laboratory and gives injections.
  3. Precinct. Helps supervise patients in the assigned territory, performs procedures at home.
  4. dietary. He is engaged in nutrition for a particular disease, monitors the preparation of the menu and the quality of food.


The profession of a nurse or nurse involves the performance of a certain range of duties, which includes:

  • providing emergency care;
  • fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions (injections, droppers, etc.);
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • preparation of the patient for procedures;
  • patient care;
  • taking blood for analysis;
  • issuance of certificates, documentation.

The specific list of duties of a nurse depends on her specialization, but, as in old times, her main occupation is the observation and care of the sick.

Who suits the profession

Nursing is not for everyone. To be successful in your profession, you need:

  • the ability to find a common language with the patient and his relatives;
  • quick response to the doctor's orders - often you have to instantly navigate when an emergency for timely assistance;
  • politeness, tact;
  • strong nervous system;
  • responsibility and dedication.

A good nurse is also a psychologist: it is important for her to find words to support a sick person, to help him not only with deeds (with her knowledge and skills), but also to inspire him, because the success of treatment by 50% depends on the mood of the patient.

The advantages of the profession can be called:

  • high demand for this specialty (and not only in Russia, but throughout the world);
  • the possibility of employment in any city of the country;
  • the ability to competently help yourself and your loved ones in case of a change in health status.

The profession of a nurse also has disadvantages:

  • very low salary
  • irregular schedule;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • risk of infection from infectious patients;
  • threat from asocial elements;
  • very high responsibility.

In addition, it is necessary to be prepared in advance for the arrogant attitude of senior medical staff. Unfortunately, in our hospitals, doctors do not always show proper tact towards the middle staff. Therefore, it will not be easy for ambitious and ambitious people to work in such a position.


By 2018, the salary of a nurse on average in the country corresponds to the subsistence level. V major cities it is higher and varies from 17 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. In private clinics, they receive more - about 30,000 rubles.

In Moscow, the average medical worker earns 31,000–40,000 rubles. The amount depends on the status and specialization of the medical institution. The maximum rate in the country is 90,000 rubles. (but for those who decide to make nursing their profession, it is better to focus on more modest statistics).

Depending on the type of activity of a nurse, the average salaries in rubles are as follows:

  • the eldest - 38,000;
  • operating room - 34,000;
  • cosmetic - 32,000;
  • procedural - 30,000;
  • dental - 25,000.

How to build a career

Many people have a question about whether it is possible for a nurse to make a career. Currently, higher education institutions have advanced training courses. With received additional education you can take an administrative position as a head nurse (department or even hospital), as well as get the opportunity to teach "Nursing" in college. But on by and large The profession of a nurse does not involve dizzying career growth.

There is also the opportunity to continue education and learn to be a doctor, and then build a career from a higher starting position. Experience in this case will help to quickly master special subjects. Those who are not satisfied with the salary are encouraged to gain experience, improve their skills, get a new category every five years, or get a job in a private clinic.

Prospects for the profession

Nurses, like doctors, will always be needed - in the coming centuries, at least for sure. So from the point of view of being in demand in the foreseeable future, the profession has no problems. Another thing is salary prospects. Unfortunately, they are not so rosy, but if you are a pessimist, then it is better not to go into medicine to work in any specialty.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of "Nurse" is your calling - do not rush. After all, then all your life you can regret the lost years for training and work in a specialty that simply does not suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career guidance test or order consultation "Career vector" .