Not only a fabulous magic wand and gold fish can fulfill cherished desires. Today, there are many special methods, rituals and techniques that can help achieve the goal. What to do to make the wish come true, and is it possible to perform rituals at home?

All experts in the field of magic agree that the fulfillment of desires is the work of the wishers themselves, the main thing is to make a little effort to make the dream come true.

For those who want to know more about “magic” methods and want to understand what needs to be done to make the most daring requests and hopes come true, you need to remember a few simple rules.

  • Firstly, special “tools” are needed to perform the rituals, as a rule, these are candles, paper, and a pencil.
  • Secondly, you need an appropriate atmosphere - subdued light, solitude, silence and peace.
  • And, finally, in order for the desire to certainly come true, it is advisable to sincerely believe that it will change your whole life for the better and will not harm others.

№1 Magic candle

For example, one of the most popular ways of making wishes is the ritual with a candle. Around midnight, you need to write a cherished goal on a small piece of thin paper. The dream must be formulated in the present tense, in the affirmative form. This sheet must be wrapped around the candle and firmly tied with a thread. Exactly at midnight, a candle must be lit and wait until it burns out completely (a piece of paper will burn with it). So that the ceremony does not drag on until the morning, a candle should be taken small and not too thick.

The resulting ashes flutter from the window or from the balcony with the magic words "Let it be the way I want it!".

In order to find a common language with our abundant Universe and direct the movement of subtle cosmic flows in the right direction, we recommend starting with simple requests, those that can be made without much effort.

After the next dream is fulfilled, you should definitely thank the higher powers for their favor.

Gradually, you can move on to more complex "applications" - they will come true already "automatically". The only point is that difficult tasks may take longer to complete.

To fulfill several wishes at once in different areas of life, you can.

№2 Three candles

Another technique related to the use of candles, which must be performed on the first day of any month. It will require three candles - red, green and white color. Candles are placed on a plate, and sugar is poured around them in a thin layer so that it covers the bottom of the plate. During the performance of the ceremony, the room should be quiet, calm.

  • After the candles are lit, you should say aloud, loudly say three wishes. One of them should be connected with personal life, the second - with money, the third - with health. Now it remains only to wait for the candles to burn out to the end.

Wish for money

Since ancient times, people have been looking for a magical recipe to quickly improve their material well-being. Such a method exists, and it will certainly help those who want to know what needs to be done so that the desire for money will come true. The ritual is performed on the new moon, when a young month is born in the sky ( exact time can be found in the regular calendar).

No. 3 Money bag

The rite requires little preparation, namely, you need to sew in advance with your own hands a small bag of red fabric, preferably expensive - satin, brocade or velvet. It is necessary to put exactly 108 coins of any denomination in the bag - they will symbolize prosperity and success.

  • At the hour of the new moon, you need to tie the bag with a beautiful ribbon, go to the window and mentally or aloud turn to the night luminary with the following words: “The moon is growing, and my income is growing. I have a lot of money, they find their way to me. Thanks for the help!"

After that, the treasured bag must be hidden in a secluded corner, where none of the outsiders can find it. It is also impossible to talk about the ritual performed, money does not like unnecessary publicity.

#4 Money Ice

Ordinary ice will help to attract monetary energy into the house and fulfill a desire related to finances. You need to fill a small glass with coins and pour water, then put the container in the freezer.

When the water freezes, the glass must be pulled out and the following words pronounced: “As the ice is indestructible, so the money always remains with me. I speak wealth with words, I speak wealth with deeds, I speak wealth with thoughts.

The glass is then placed back in the freezer and left there until the wish is granted.

Make a wish for love!

For those who dream of meeting their soul mate and finding happiness on the personal front, simple but effective methods are suitable.

№5 Ritual with a rose

One of them is associated with a flower that symbolizes passion, a red rose. On a quiet evening in a secluded setting, you need to write a love letter full of tenderness to your future life partner. This simple ceremony will help make your wish for love come true. It is important to complete it.

After the letter is completely finished, you need to take it and bury it together with the scarlet rose in the ground in a deserted place, so that no one can find the "cache". As the paper and the scarlet rose slowly smolder, positive changes will begin to occur in personal life, which will subsequently completely change life for the better.

№6 For the New Year

Not a single meeting of the New Year is complete without magical sacraments, the transition to a new time is an ideal moment. So here's what you need to do to cherished desire turned .. When the chimes begin to beat, you should take White list paper, write your cherished dream on it (certainly in red ink) and burn it in the flame of a red candle.

It is important to have time to do everything in 12 seconds - this method is far from new, but it is difficult to find a more popular and effective method fulfillment of what was intended.

When you want something, the whole universe will contribute to making your desire come true. Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

Today, on a beautiful sunny Sunday winter day, I again want to talk about happiness, joy and the fulfillment of desires.

If you think that life is full of more important and serious things, such as rising utility bills and corruption in Russia, assessments of the consequences of the global financial crisis and the role of the United States in inciting discontent and protests in Africa and the Middle East, and all these desires, joy and happiness are not for you, but for people who live in a world of illusions, then I dare to disappoint you.

This is a big question: who actually lives in the world of illusions?

But that's a topic for another post. And today I will do what depends on me (is in the zone of my control). Corruption in Russia and foreign policy The US, unfortunately (or fortunately for me) is out of my control. And on your internal state and I can influence the mood. And I will be happy if I can influence yours.

I already wrote that I found a very interesting page on the Internet, where you can find a lot of useful things in order to make your life more joyful and happy.

Today I read an article there on how to make wishes correctly.

Let me remind you once again that all these tools have a scientific basis. I say this for those people who are proud of their logical mind and its "iron" logic. I'm fine with this as well. Only I am learning to stop this voice of “reason” in time and give myself the opportunity to learn something new and start doing something differently.

“Everyone has desires. It is a fact.

It's just that someone believes in their performance.

And someone says that there are no miracles in the world.

Well. To each according to faith. To each his own universe.

Wizard SURE in your desires.

He knows that nothing is impossible.

Miracles EXIST.

wishes PERFORMED. Always.

The question is: do we know what REALLY wish? And can we understand that what comes to us is the answer to our desires?

Most often, no.

Photo by torontofotobug

By the way, FEARS These are unfulfilled desires. They reflect the wrong way of thinking (for example, when a person is afraid of being abandoned, although it would be more correct to wish to be together with a loved one). It's like two sides of the same coin.

Fears are realized in the same way as desires. Do you know why? Keyword Here - ATTENTION.

Because the energy SHOULD for attention. For what DIRECT attention - that in your life is becoming more and more.

Therefore, the Wizard always remembers - the desire must be CLEAN.

It should ABSENT admixture of fear, doubt and greed and PRESENT calm confidence that everything will be as it should be.

We have already talked about fears.

Now for the doubts.

They are the ones that keep us from getting what we want. Because the Universe will give you what ABOUT WHAT You think.

If you want a million dollars, but doubt that it will come true, then pictures will often flash on your external screen when money looms, but constantly disappears, without reaching you, thereby saying: “We exist, but you NOT READY accept us."

But greed is a different story.

As soon as you said: “I want a star from the sky!”, immediately think about whether you can answer the question: “And FOR WHAT Do you have a star from the sky??? FOR WHAT?"

Wanting a million dollars is not greed. Greed - wanting a million dollars and DONT KNOW, what to do with him. That is, put it in a bedside table and let it lie.

well, like this FOR WHAT Do you want what you so passionately want?

Next moment.

Before you fulfill your desire, think about whether you really want what you think you want? It turned out intricately, but the meaning is true.

This is what people often try to implement NOT YOUR desires.

They enter the institute as an accountant when the Soul wants to treat people. Only because dad said it was easier to earn a pension that way.

Or marry a reliable guy. In which, apart from reliability, nothing else heats up. But he likes his mother and girlfriends.

They embark on a business for big money, when in fact the Soul strives to paint pictures and give people wonderful masterpieces. But the wife is sawing. And nothing else, how to fulfill HER desire, seems to be left.

Was it like that with you? Do you understand what I mean?

LISTEN TO YOUR SOUL! She will advise you YOUR wish.

Wizard NOT AFRAID follow your desires.

Desires are given to us for a reason. They are not a temptation at all, they are our guides. Like a beacon that points the way.

So don't be afraid to dream!

Nobody will bite you for this.

Imagine ALL whatever you like.


And don't forget about MISCHIEF in the eyes of the Wizard.

By the way, ACTION to the fulfillment of desire NO ONE CANCELED!!!

You can lie on the couch, but not for long. After all, the fulfillment of desires is the WAY. And it must be passed.


Any desire is given to us along with the strength to fulfill it.

As a practice, I will give an article in which it is very well and in detail described WHAT you need to DO in order for the desire to come true.

Fulfillment of desires is the art of systematic thinking. In order for the desire to come true, it is necessary to determine the system of your values ​​and the system of your needs. The fact is that we often tend to deceive not only other people and pretend not to be what we really are, but also to deceive ourselves.

How often do we hear the groans of our friends: “I can’t afford to rest, I work so hard, there is absolutely no time for rest, and I would so like to go on vacation.”

Stop. Do these people really have a desire to relax? They have a passionate dream of being needed, irreplaceable - and therefore this desire comes true. We all know perfectly well that people who angrily ask: “Why should I do everything for you?” - as a rule, this is exactly what they want, and by their behavior they provoke others to irresponsible behavior.

When a person has several desires, a stronger one comes true.

If you want to be irreplaceable, there will be no rest. If, however, you passionately wished for rest, then its opportunity will come, and, perhaps, from where you do not expect ...

And here's another tip: do not limit the ways in which the result you are waiting for can come to you.

Photo by phatpuppycreations

Imagine that you have a dream - to go to Thailand. What needs to be done to make this dream come true? Not just wanting, but wanting it right.

The first rule is that we must not drive ourselves into a narrow corridor with the restrictions that we impose on our desires. "I will work hard and earn money for a trip to Thailand." This is a misguided wish. Of course, if the goal is to make money, and not go to Thailand, then everything is correct ...

But think, is there really only one way to "dream come true"? By setting a limit (“I will only go with the money I earn”), you prohibit other opportunities.

Opportunity goes where there is open access.

If you insist on a way of fulfilling a wish, it makes the task more difficult for the wish-fulfilling forces. In this regard, the example of a friend of mine is very instructive. She really wanted to be well provided for and for some reason connected the fulfillment of this desire only with work. But suddenly her husband became very rich, became a typical “new Russian” and demanded from her, as all “new Russian wives” should, stop working. Of course, this was not what she had in mind, but what she asked for. We will talk about the correct wording of desires later. In the meantime, let's begin to understand the technology of making wishes. Yes, this difficult art has its own algorithm.

The first step is analysis.

It is especially effective to make wishes on New Year, Birthday - when you experience a special emotional upsurge, when, as in childhood, you have no doubt that miracles are possible ... But, of course, we have desires much more often, so this technology is suitable for any day of life.

The first action is to prepare yourself emotionally for the fulfillment of the desire. To do this, you need to analyze what good things have happened to you lately. Remember the cases when, really, you only had to think: "It would be nice ..." - and this happened pretty soon. Thus, we adjust our perception to be good and real. It can be important to remember how you used to receive small gifts from fate and gain a foothold in the belief that this is not only possible, that this is normal and correct. I was late, but managed to jump into the car .... I thought about the right person- and he appeared ... I remembered the birthday of a friend in time - and received an offer from him for an interesting job ...

It is very important to try to see life positively. folk wisdom says: "What I was afraid of - that's what happened." People who are afraid of something most of all send these messages to the Universe - and as a result they receive an adequate “answer” to these “letters”. The more positive our attitude to life is, the more chances of fulfillment of desires.

Step two - wording

"The Lord punishes us by the fulfillment of our desires." Eastern wisdom

After that, on an emotional upsurge, you need to formulate your new desire. There are some very important rules here:

1. It is important that the wording of the desire sounds positive! You can't - "I don't want this to happen." Tell me what you WANT TO. Not “I don’t want the child not to get sick”, but “I want the child to be healthy”.

2. It is advisable to try to formulate in such a way that in the formulation the fulfillment of a desire does not depend on other people, but on you. Not "I want the prince to come", but "I want to make the prince fall in love with me." However, even if the wording is “to be so charming that he falls in love with me” - that’s also not bad, because in this way we program ourselves for the charm of this very prince - and something will work out ...

3. It is necessary to formulate a desire according to your real life values. My friend, who, as a source of wealth, got the role of a new Russian wife, if she wanted to earn wealth herself, and the desire had to be formulated differently. For example, “I want to work for big money, be in demand and enjoy it.”

4. You need to formulate a desire either very, very narrowly, carefully prescribing each “condition”, or very broadly. Imagine that your desire accepts some kind of worldwide computer. Remember how a computer search is set up? Either a very precise wording is needed, or the request should be as broad as possible.

Suppose a girl formulates: "I want the prince to come." What if the prince comes to her office on business and leaves? She adds to the previous formula: "... and fell in love." Perhaps the wish will come true, but there is nothing more terrible than an unrequited love prince. Well, he adds: "... and I would like to fall in love with him." But then he realizes that there is nothing more terrible than a beloved and beloved prince who is not free .... And so on with variations. These conditions should not be discussed too much at a time, better - no more than 5 ...

Here is a funny case: two girls "requested" a husband for themselves. They wrote, as expected, no more than 5 characteristics of the expected lover ... And the beloved came - such as requested, and smart, and beautiful, and rich ... One is from Nigeria, and the other is from United Arab Emirates. Everything was fine, only in their requests the girls did not indicate that they would like princes of “Russian production”.

In some cases it can be useful to give a "broad request". For example, do not think about the prince or about the neighbor Vasya, but simply ask “that my personal life be arranged in the best way". However, we must again recall the rule that we have already mentioned: when desires contradict each other, a stronger one comes true. If a girl wants both a family and a career, it is possible that the “best thing” for her would be not to have problems with her family in order to make her career more successful ...

Here is the time to talk about consistency again: when making a wish, you must definitely take into account possible consequences, so to speak, to observe the "environmental friendliness" of desires.

That is, we must not forget that the Universe understands us. LITERALLY.

While conducting joyful experiments on making wishes, I quickly became convinced that this is also a huge responsibility. At some point, I suddenly thought: “Why am I not ordering money?”. And I decided to "order" the amount, which at that time seemed astronomical - 5 thousand dollars a month. A week later, a friend in black glasses and with 2 guards came to my training. During the break, he called me back and said: “You suit us. We offer you a job for 5 thousand dollars a month for 2 years. You will live on our territory, advise us on negotiations, and then as you wish, but the information you receive will not have the right to disclose. I got sick. Yes, that was what I asked for. But only for this money I would like to have fun, and not a bullet in the forehead in 2 years. I am still glad that I managed to get away from such an acquaintance then. And I added the word “so that I like it!” ... True, the implementation of this desire with the new amendment took not two weeks, but five years.

Here is another very important circumstance: there is the concept of the mission of each person. And if a person follows what he was “sent” to this world for, he receives gifts. If inexplicable streaks of failure suddenly began in your life, it's time to see if you turned off the path at some point.

A very striking example of such a "turn" was demonstrated by my friend: he was engaged in removing alcoholics from hard drinking, when he suddenly had the idea to go into a "serious" business. He organized a firm, but after some time he began to get sick, the family went into trouble, and the arrest was the culmination. He spent 2 years in prison - and, thanks to the work of a lawyer, he was released. Contrary to expectations, he came out happy: in prison he had the opportunity to think about everything, read books, he treated people, that is, he did what he was very good at. And after the release, he began to treat again - he himself explains this by the fact that "he was returned to what he was supposed to do."

Step three - "ticket to the cinema."

After the desire has acquired the ideality of a mathematical formula, one must imagine this desire, immerse oneself, plunge into it. To see with the inner eye such a “movie” in which this desire has already come true. Maybe a wedding with a prince or family holiday with your common children ... The boss's office with a heavy paperweight and a beautiful secretary bringing coffee to you, the boss ... View of Paris from eiffel tower... Your photo on a brand new student card ... Press conference about the release of your new book ... You should really like this "movie", and its reality will make the desire almost "tangible" and help it come true.

The most important! You must be the main character of this movie!

Because otherwise, you can meet the office you saw, but it will have nothing to do with you ... In such a “movie” there must be confirmation that this is yours !!!

Step Four - "Because I deserve it"

We need to find some formula: “Sesame, open up”, which will constantly tune us in a positive way - such a supportive belief. It can be anything according to your taste.

For example,

I am the beloved child of the universe

all the forces of nature exist to fulfill my desires

if God created me, then he created everything for me that I need

no desire arises in a person without the means to fulfill it

I deserve a good life - and I always get what I'm supposed to

The universe is a friendly environment full of resources.

This formula must be accepted with all your heart, pronounce it to yourself, convince yourself. At the same time, if you are religious, then this is a prayer to your god. If you do not associate what is happening with higher forces, then the statement must be completely materialistic. For example: "I am able to notice good things happening to me."

Our life beliefs are like a flower bed: it has both good flowers and weeds. Harmful beliefs (“you are worthless”, “you are not worthy a better life”), you need to ruthlessly weed out, and cherish, water the good ones ..

For practice, when going to bed, try to visualize the chosen formula: for example, imagine yourself as the beloved child of the Universe. Here you can not be shy: no one will see your movie, you can imagine anything you like - from the gentle look of God to the welcoming waves of the tentacles of green men or just a stream of light.

It is important that this "love of the universe" gives you confidence.

Photo by cutiepie06

Step five - times, dates and signs

Be sure, when making a guess, discuss the timing of the fulfillment of the desire. After all, how often does it happen that a wish made a long time ago still comes true - but it is no longer needed. Accordingly, when making a guess, you need to set a period during which you are waiting for the fulfillment of a desire. There is only one limitation here: do not guess performances after 15 minutes if you do not believe that this is possible.

Watch out for the signs that accompany you through life.

If you think about a difficult matter on the way home, formulate a desire mentally and, looking up at that moment, see a large inscription on the wall of the house: “Why?” - Answer yourself this question, it is most likely not accidental.

You leave the house, insanely late, and the car breaks down, ground transport runs badly, but, overcoming all the obstacles, you arrive at an important meeting, and the meeting was canceled. Familiar story? But it was possible to predict it - it was only necessary to follow the signs. A person who listens to himself and to the signs will next time do what should have been done at the very first moment: call and find out if the meeting has been cancelled.

The films “Blinded by Wishes” and “Route 60” can be a great instruction on how to make wishes and what happens if the technology is not followed.

Step Six: "If he leaves, it's forever"

A desire must not only be able to make a wish - it must be able to use it.

There is a parable on this subject.

A certain person went to heaven and, because he was used to working, asked for something to do. He was instructed to disassemble the file cabinet from the creation of the world. At first he mindlessly sorted it out, then he read one of the cards ... There, next to the surname and name of the inhabitant of paradise, it was indicated what blessings were due to him in earthly life. The man found his card - and read that he was supposed to have a great job in his life, a three-story house, a beautiful wife, two talented children, three cars ... And he felt that he was deceived.

He runs with a complaint to the heavenly authorities, and they answer him: “Let's figure it out. When you finished the 8th grade, we prepared a place for you in an elite school, but you went to a vocational school around the corner. Then we saved up a beautiful wife for you, you were supposed to meet her in the south, but you decided to save money, and asked for “at least Luska from the next entrance” as your wife. We couldn't refuse you... You had the opportunity to have a house when your aunt asked you to come - you refused, and she wanted to leave you an inheritance... Well, it turned out quite funny with the car: even lottery tickets they slipped you, but you chose the Zaporozhets "...

There are many people who make wishes, but are still not ready for their fulfillment, and either devalue these wishes, or, when they come true, begin to doubt, even resist.

If you have made a meeting with the person you need, then be prepared to meet him, and when you meet, do not run past, because the next time may not be, let the wish come true.

Know that "love at first sight" exists - love with a person, an organization, a thing. Do not resist the one who comes into your hands, because then it will be more difficult to fulfill your desire.

Those who have understood or felt that the fulfillment of desires “on our order” is possible or still doubt, but are ready to try, may not read further. Romantics better believe it's just a magic spell! This is a miracle recipe! Try it and see! If it seems to you that there is too much magic in our algorithm - well, here's an exposure of magic.

Photo by Katarina Ericsson

We all know that a person who drives a car crosses the road differently than a simple pedestrian: he is able to predict the behavior of drivers and traffic flows.

The focus of attention of our consciousness - that's the focus sorry for the pun.

A person with his thoughts, words, behavior programs his brain for something. If we want to buy shoes, we will meet shoe stores all over the city. As soon as we buy shoes and move on to something else, we will have the opportunity to purchase this other thing.

Our subconscious chooses exactly the information that is of value and interest to us now. Our task is to create conditions to help the consciousness catch the necessary information. Any manager knows that in business it is necessary to set specific goals for yourself. Why? If there is no goal, it is difficult to allocate resources and it is not clear when the result is achieved and how the result is measured. If we don't set goals for ourselves, we won't be able to achieve anything. Why are we more attentive to business than to own life? If in life we ​​learn to set goals (and what are our desires if not the formulation of a certain goal?), then we will better understand both our resources and ways to achieve them, we will better see strong and weak sides, we will concentrate and look for ways to achieve goals.

Whether we explain the fulfillment of desires by our painstaking systematizing work or by the intervention of some higher powers, it does not matter: desires can come true! And advice for the future: if you make a wish, track that it came true. In order to clearly sum up these results, it makes sense to record the desire in writing and hide the leaflet ... A person is a greedy creature: they guessed “the arrival of the prince”, and he came to you on business and is generally married. Do not blame later on fate that the wish did not come true - it is better to check what you have made. Fulfilled wishes will help you a lot to make them in the future - for the first step, "artillery preparation", such examples of "dreams come true" will be very useful. The more experience of fulfilled desires accumulate, the easier it will be to make them every next time. Let yourself be surprised when your wish comes true!

If you don’t have the strength to wait any longer, you will learn how to make your wish come true in 1 day. This magic will definitely work, but your faith in it must be strong and unshakable. This is especially important for children who cannot wait long for the fulfillment of their desire. I will teach you, but keep my words secret.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desire in 1 day (on paper and a candle)

Such a simple ritual is suitable even for children of 8,9,10 years old, and it will definitely turn the desire of adults into reality.

You will need:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • candle.

Write your deepest desire on a piece of paper, squeeze the sheet into a fist and whisper these words:

“My desire is not to know anyone, it will come true otherwise it won’t happen”

I hope you don't need to say that you shouldn't tell anyone about this rite. Now the paper that holds your desire must be burned in a candle flame.

Light a candle, repeat after me:

“Flame of fire, hidden power, make everything that I have made come true on the same day”

Bring the paper to the fire so that it catches fire, while whispering the following:

“The paper burns in a mighty fire, my desire transfers to life. May the almighty fire never descend from our land.”

That's it, now bury the ashes in the ground. Wait, no more than a day will pass before the wish becomes a reality.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish in 1 day (call of a gnome)

Since ancient times, grandmothers have been talking about the Wonderful dwarf. He comes to the people who call him, and fulfills their one, but the most secret desire. For one wish, the dwarf takes 13 candies and 13 coins.

You will need:

  • 13 delicious sweets;
  • 13 pyataks (coins with a face value of 5 kopecks);
  • woolen thread 4-5 meters long;
  • big oak.

Go outside, find a big oak tree. Take it in hand wool thread, fasten one end to a tree, go around the oak and say the following:

“By the power of this age-old oak, I summon the dwarf Miracle. It’s not the wind that sways the leaves, but the Miracle is breathing on me. ”

Remember that the gnome the Magician cannot be seen, but his presence can be felt. When the dwarf comes, the leaves on the tree will begin to sway even without the wind. This is your sign that you can proceed to the next part of our ritual.

Time to get candy and nickels. All this must be poured out under the oak tree and at the same time say these words:

“Wonderful, great is your glory, how great is this oak tree. I believe in your strength, I ask for help. Make my desire (say which one) come true in one day. I will give you gold and sweets for this, take it, do me a favor. ”

Now you know how to make your wish come true in 1 day, but don't use these rituals too often.

Techniques for the fulfillment of desires and magical mysteries pursue an important goal - to create a special thought form of the desired and direct a creative, materializing force into it. Everything on which a person concentrates his attention is filled with energy. If it is negative and manifests itself in fears, the dream does not come true. If a person thinks positively about his desire (in which special techniques and rituals help), this allows him to realize it as soon as possible.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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    Imaging technique

    Visualization is one of the most powerful techniques for realizing what you want. Its essence lies in the mental representation desired item or events in the form of a mental image. One of the most important visualization tools is imagination. The following rules will help you quickly master this technique:

    • The correct wording of desire. It should be expressed in the present tense and formulated as specifically as possible. The words should not contain the negative particle "not" or the word "I want". Example: "I have a new Vacation home with two floors and a terrace.
    • Focus on the end result. It is necessary to concentrate on the moment when the dream has already come true, and the goal has been achieved. You don't have to think about how this will happen. Here the principle expressed by the proverb is at work: "The ways of the Lord are inscrutable."
    • Imagining yourself inside, not outside the picture. On the mental screen, one should imagine oneself not observing from the outside, but being a direct participant in the events.

    Formulation-vacuum-query method

    To make your wish come true quickly, you should take three simple steps:

    1. 1. Formulate what you want. The dream is spoken in one sentence, visualization is not required in this method. Example: "Tomorrow I win the lottery."
    2. 2. Creation of thought vacuum. At this stage, you should completely abandon all thoughts for a few moments. To do this, you can focus on any horizontal line (the line of a window or table will do), or on a gray surface.
    3. 3. Repetition of the wording created in the first paragraph. It is performed after it was possible to hold the mental emptiness for several moments. This allows you to send a request to the Universe.

    To make the wish come true as soon as possible, this method is recommended to be used before going to bed. But if suddenly, in the process of applying the technique, sleep overcame it, it is repeated the next morning.

    golden minute of the day

    The golden minute of the day is those 60 seconds during which making wishes is most effective. Once every 24 hours, the heavenly office considers all proposals from people. If you have time to send your request at this time, it will instantly be considered by higher powers.

    The golden minute is calculated as follows: the number of the day of the month is the hour, and the number of the month itself is the minute.

    For example, the date is 15.01 (January 1st). On this day, the golden minute of the day will be 15:01. It is at this moment that you should make a wish.

    But there is an exception here. On those days that fall from the 25th to the 31st, the calculation is done the other way around. For example, 28.08 (August 28) 08 counts as an hour and 28 as a minute. The golden minute of the day on this day will come at 8:28.

    The power of the tree crown

    To fulfill your wish as soon as possible, you should stand under the crown of a mighty tree in windy weather and mentally pronounce your desire. Then you need to jump, trying to reach the highest branch. As a thank you, you should leave a gift to the tree - a bun or a handful of any fresh seeds, placing an offering under its crown.

    Body language for wish fulfillment

    Body language can also help you quickly achieve what you want. For this purpose, mudras, dance, visualization with the addition of physical sensations are used.

    Mudra Kubera

    Yogis teach that each gesture made has a special energy and is able to influence emotional condition. In addition, special gestures (mudras) help to concentrate a person's energy on his specific goals, allowing him to become stronger and healthier, to make his dreams come true.

    The next mudra is called "Kubera". It contributes to the fulfillment of those desires that are not aimed at harming other people or nature. Before performing "Kubera", it is necessary to formulate the desire very clearly. It should not contain negatives.

    Breathing should be measured and calm. Mudra is complemented by a positive visualization of the fulfillment of the desired. In order for the desire to be fulfilled in 1 day, you should repeat this mudra from seven times, putting as much positive visualization energy into it as possible. In other cases, to realize a dream, a magical gesture is performed every day for a week or more.

    Dance for the fulfillment of intentions

    With the help of dance, you can immerse yourself in a state in which the power of human thought increases many times. If carried into this state necessary information, then very soon it will be realized in the material world.

    For dancing, you should allocate at least half an hour of free time. The dance itself can last only five minutes, but it doesn’t always come out right away to catch the right wave. Perform it both to your favorite music, and in silence - to the music of the heart.

    The dance is performed alone. This will make it easier to relax. First you should visualize your desire, and then you can start moving, allowing the body to do what it wants. The dance of wish fulfillment implies the absence of control over the body with the help of the mind. Hands, legs, body - everything must move at the behest of the subconscious. The type of body movements should not be embarrassing. After all, this is how a strong energy field is created, in which desire gains strength. You can dance for as long as it seems necessary.

    Body sensations for the fulfillment of the desired

    The visualization of what you want can be greatly enhanced by connecting physical sensations. When imagining the realization of a dream, one should simultaneously imagine what the body feels at the same time. A woman who dreams of a new mink coat may imagine that she is already wearing it. To do this, you can take a piece of any fur, attach it to yourself and, closing your eyes, imagine the cherished fur coat.

    A student who wants to pass all the exams and get a diploma should imagine how this document feels to the touch. You can even, under some pretext, ask to hold in the hands of senior comrades their certificate of higher education to remember physical sensations. To fulfill any dream in the shortest possible time, you should find as many vivid physical sensations as possible and supplement the visualization with them.

    Charge the stone to fulfill the desired

    Precious and semi-precious stones create an invisible power aura around themselves, which contributes to the realization of the desired. Depending on the nature of desire, the appropriate color of the stone should be selected:

    Stone color Examples of minerals Impact
    RedGarnet, coral, rubyAllows you to embody the intentions associated with activity, self-confidence, increased attention to one's own person. Such stones will help to realize dreams related to the love sphere.
    YellowGolden topaz, golden beryl, saffron citrineContributes to the realization of desires associated with creativity. Such stones charge with optimism, turning unpleasant situations for the benefit of a person.
    GreenEmerald, jade, malachiteA fireplace of this color helps to attract finances to life, improve mental state. They also help to fulfill intentions related to health and beauty, stabilization of a certain situation, finding peace.
    BlueSapphire, lapis lazuli, london topazAllows you to realize the desires associated with gaining trust in society, the location of people around you
    BlueTurquoise, aquamarine, larimarSuitable for those whose dreams are associated with long trips, gaining inner world, harmony with yourself
    VioletAmethyst, spinel, ametrineStones of this color contribute to the implementation of creative endeavors. They also help those who dream of gaining supernatural powers.
    Whitediamond, moonstone, rock crystalThese minerals help to start life from scratch, to fill everyday life with new emotions. Therefore, they are suitable for people whose intentions are related to renewal or getting rid of boredom and routine.

    How to speak a mineral?

    A suitable mineral should be immersed in salted water for 15-20 minutes. This will clear the stone. After that, he can be spoken for the fulfillment of a wish:

    1. 1. Place three wax candles in the shape of a triangle on the table and light them.
    2. 2. Then you should visualize the dream. Taking the stone with your fingertips, gently pass it over the flame in a clockwise direction and say the words three times: "The power of fire is in you, saturate yourself with it!".
    3. 3. Take the mineral in left hand and also continue to shake it, saying in a quiet voice what you want.

    Now the mineral is spellbound. It should be carried with you. The remains of the candles must be lit in the following days until they burn out completely, placing a stone between them. When the wish is fulfilled, the stone must be cleaned again in salted water.

    New Year's magic of wish fulfillment

    The New Year is the time when rituals for making dreams come true are especially strong. A special festive atmosphere enhances the sacrament several times, which allows you to fulfill your wishes in the shortest possible time.

    Guessing Rules

    To new year wishes come true as soon as possible, you should adhere to the following rules:

    • The request must refer directly to the desire itself. You can't want money new car- you should ask for the car itself, and not the funds for its acquisition.
    • Fulfilled desire should cause a feeling of deep satisfaction. If a girl dreams of marriage, she should represent a wedding, and not just an acquaintance with a potential chosen one.
    • The dream should not be to the detriment of other people or nature.
    • If the desire is formulated in writing, it is necessary to use the most beautiful paper and pen.
    • The dream should be formulated positively, without a "not" particle.
    • You can't tell anyone about the secret.
    • At the moment of guessing, you should be in a good and cheerful mood.
    • On the eve of this festive ceremony, one should not quarrel with loved ones.


    The following methods allow you to quickly fulfill the New Year's wish:

    • Write down the dream on a piece of paper and fold it. Under the chiming clock, the note is set on fire on a candle and poured into a glass of champagne, which is drunk to the bottom after 12 strokes.
    • Jump as high as you can when it's midnight. In flight, think about the implementation of the desired.
    • Eat 12 grapes before the end of the chiming clock while making a wish.
    • Cut out 12 snowflakes, on each of which write one dream. After midnight, they are thrown off the balcony.
    • Write a letter that describes all the desires, plans and dreams. It should be sealed in a beautiful envelope and not opened until the next New Year holidays.
    • After midnight, draw your wish using any color (except black).


    Mantras are Sanskrit phrases encoded with a powerful energy message. Each of the mantras for the fulfillment of a desire should be pronounced 108 times:

    • AUM - HRIM - STREAM - HUM - PHAP. This mantra allows you to fulfill desires related to health, finances, achieving a goal.
    • AUM - JAYA - JAYA - SRI - SHIVAYA - SVAHA. Among yogis, this mantra is called "golden", as it fulfills any desire.
    • AUM-JAYA-JAYA-SRI-SHIVA-SVAHA. Allows you to achieve very high results in your chosen field of activity. Contributes to the fulfillment of desires related to study.
    • OM-NAREVAZA-NAGATE. It will help fulfill your heart's dream in the love sphere.


    One can approach the Lord God and the saints only with pure intentions. When the desired is realized, one should do any good deed - help one of the acquaintances in resolving a difficult issue, give generous alms to the beggar at the temple.

    Appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker

    They pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker in the temple or at home in front of his icon:

    "Saint Nicholas, the Pleasant of God! During your life you did not refuse humble people in petitions, so help me in the desire of my heart. Bless me, the servant of God (name), Father Nicholas, for the fulfillment of a secret dream. Ask the Lord to give us salvation and grace all the days of our lives. Amen."

    Prayer to John the Evangelist

    John the Evangelist is addressed as follows:

    "Blessed Father John, standing at the throne of the Lord and interceding for us! Grant us the fulfillment of our petitions to the glory of the Lord, moreover, help us acquire spiritual perfection for enjoyment in the heavenly abodes of God. Pray the Lord God for us, most holy John, let us glorify the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit in the kingdom above. Amen."

    Prayer to Saint Martha

    Saint Martha (Martha) of Bethany was the sister of Lazarus and Mary. It was mentioned in the holy writings from Luke and John. Prayer to Saint Martha sounds like this:

    "O holy Miracle-working Martha! I resort to you for help, be my quick helper in trials. I humbly ask you for consolation in earthly worries. Pray the Lord for me and for my household, that we save the Lord in our souls. And ask the Lord Jesus Christ about the care that now burdens me (the name of the desire). I tearfully beg you, the most holy saint of God Martha, to help me for the glory of God. Amen. "

    Simoron rites

    Simoron's magic is distinguished by sparkling humor and ease of execution. Thanks to these properties, her rituals will help to find the right psychological attitude and bring the realization of the desired closer.

    magic notepad

    This method allows you to attract pleasant little things in everyday life. For the fulfillment of more global desires, this method is not entirely suitable.

    For this Simoron rite, you should purchase a notebook in advance. The rite itself is carried out in the first lunar day. Notepad can be anything - the main thing is that it appearance brought aesthetic pleasure.

    On the first page, write your desire. Example: "With a sense of joy and gratitude, I accept new socks from the Universe." Instead of socks, you can specify any small object, which is easy to purchase on your own - a cream, an apple, a cup or a chocolate bar. Then you should go to the store and buy the specified item.

    Since this wish came true, you can proceed to the next step - gratitude to the Universe. Under the wish written in the notebook, they note: "Hurrah! The wish came true! Thank you so much!" Instead of a "fulfilled" desire, two new ones should now be written. But now one of the two points must be self-fulfilling, and the second - the one whose implementation will be accomplished by the forces of the Universe.

    Self-fulfilling wishes will help energize the notebook. It should be periodically reviewed, thanked for the fulfilled dreams and entered new ones there.

    Miracles from under the bed

    To turn a dream into reality, such a technique is also suitable. Its essence lies in the fact that notes with desires and various objects are placed under the bed, which symbolize something positive. There should be no dust or old objects under the bed. This can slow down the fulfillment of a dream, or even bring undesirable events to life.

    Instead, you should put a note under the bed or an object that symbolizes the fulfillment of your plan. For example:

    • a postcard with the image of money will help to attract the required amount;
    • booties will help those who want to have children;
    • a work book with the desired position entered - get a job (the book can be specially purchased at a newsstand);
    • booklet from a travel agency - go on a trip.

    Desirable gum

    To fulfill the desire, you can use ordinary chewing gum. In order for the dream to begin to come true, one letter on the package should be corrected, turning the chewing gum into "desirable". Then it can be chewed, representing the realization of a dream.

    It is also important which chewing gum is chosen:

    • mint is suitable for desires related to finances;
    • strawberry - in the sphere of love;
    • for travel - multifruit.

    Magic mysteries

    To quickly fulfill the desired, you can resort to magical rites. All sacraments, except for the rite of summoning the genie, are white magic and do not carry negative consequences. You can carry them out at home.

    Ritual with a candle and paper

    For this sacrament, you will need a candle and a piece of paper with a desire written on it. It is preferable to prepare a candle thin, long and soft, since during the ceremony it is twisted 7 times.

    The sacrament is performed as follows:

    1. 1. 7 turns are made on the candle.
    2. 2. A note with a desire is placed under it.
    3. 3. The candle is lit.
    4. 4. The fortuneteller represents the fulfillment of a desire within 10-15 minutes.
    5. 5. When the fire reaches the seventh turn, you should get a note and burn candles in the fire.
    6. 6. At the end of the ceremony, you should thank the higher powers for their assistance in fulfilling the desire.

    Mystery in the full moon

    Wait for the ceremony full moon. After midnight on clean slate papers write a cherished desire. Then the magic note is placed on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it.

    The leaf should lie like this for three nights in a row (it must be removed during the day). During this time, the desire will be saturated with the magical energy of the moon and begin to materialize. Until the dream comes true completely, you should hide the note in a secluded place. When the desired becomes a reality, the leaf is burned and the Higher Forces are thanked for their assistance.

    Ritual for water

    In the morning they collect water from a well or a river and set it to settle until nightfall. Before going to bed, they say the words three times on the water:

    "Voditsa-sister is clean, spring (well)! You carry a strength and health in yourself, fill the beast and man with life. Fill my desire with strength, but rather fulfill it. Revive, do not destroy, for the good of all living things, not for someone to another, but I need it. Amen."

    Then they drink a few sips, and wash their face and hands with the rest. After that, you should go to bed without talking to anyone until dawn.

    Genie Summoning Ritual

    With the help of special rites, you can call the genie and turn to him with your request. But before resorting to this method, it should be noted that the good-natured image from the Disney cartoon does not correspond to reality. A genie is no less dangerous than another unclean spirit, and one should be especially careful in such rites.

    According to the legends, genies are insidious and powerful creatures. They may require a much larger fee for the fulfillment of desire than visualization energy. The consequences of calling a genie may be job loss, deterioration in health, discord with loved ones. Therefore, they resort to calling the Muslim spirit only in the most extreme cases.

    Preparation for the ceremony

    The place of the sacrament should be surrounded by a protective barrier. To do this, take 5 pink crystals (they can be purchased at a jewelry or needlework store), and arrange them in a circle. It is preferable to take natural crystals - for example, agate or quartz. It is useless to use a protective circle drawn with chalk or salt against jinn. These elements do not frighten the jinn or stop them.

    According to Muslim beliefs, each of the genies has a choice - to be good or to serve evil forces. What kind of spirit will come to the challenge, it is impossible to predict in advance.

    You can protect yourself from the genie only with the help of Muslim amulets. As a talisman, the image of the crescent moon is well suited, the meaning of which is comparable to the meaning of the cross in the Christian tradition.

    Before the ceremony, you should decide whether it will be carried out with or without a lamp. The strength of the rite does not depend on this item, but its presence is quite symbolic and definitely affects the genies.

    Rules for holding

    Before the sacrament of summoning the genie, you should familiarize yourself with other rules:

    • The desire is pronounced from a piece of paper. It must be recorded in advance.
    • The request must be written in clear and understandable language.
    • The genie is asked only for real things. For example, if you ask a genie to give power over the whole world, this can make him very angry.
    • Be sure to thank the spirit and send it back.

    The process of summoning a genie

    To order the fulfillment of a wish from a genie, you will need:

    • copper lamp (sold in the gift shop);
    • the tail of an animal obtained without violence;
    • resin;
    • indigo color powder.

    The lamp must be placed in a protective circle of pink crystals so that the genie cannot break out of the allotted territory. They dip the tail into the paint and begin to shake the paint powder in the air, saying the words 33 times:

    "Djinn, magical wish-maker, appear!"

    Then they say:

    "And if you don't fulfill my desire, then I'll pour boiling tar on you!"

    After the ceremony, the lamp should be quickly closed.

    Possible obstacles in the fulfillment of desires

    In some cases, dreams can come true very slowly, or with great difficulty. The reasons why this happens are usually the following:

    • Fixation on one of the options for fulfilling the requested. If a person imagines that his dream should come true in a certain way and nothing else, the Universe cannot be creative. Any meditative practices aimed at cultivating a state of detachment and relaxation help against obsession.
    • The destructive nature of dreams. It should not be negative, or harm other people. If such a desire comes true, it will return to a person in the future like a boomerang, but at the same time it will have sevenfold destructive power.
    • An impossible dream. The need must coincide with reality and the laws that operate in it. If a person wishes to learn to fly like birds, this dream is unlikely to be fulfilled due to incompatibility with the laws of biology and physics.
    • Unconscious rejection. A person believes that his desire is sincere, but in reality it is imposed by society or friends.
    • No self-confidence. If the one who makes a wish considers himself unworthy of its fulfillment, then it will definitely not come true.
    • Inaction. Higher powers can give a large number of chances of success, but if a person does not use them, then his desire will not be able to come true.

    When all the rules are met, there is only one thing left - to let go of desire. This means that when remembering a dream, one should not think about how bad it is that it has not yet come true. To fuel a desire with positive energy rather than negative energy, one must instead imagine its fulfillment. People with especially strong energy they will be able to fulfill their dream even in one day, saturating it with creative energy as often as possible.

    What can not be done when making a wish?

    What can not be done in the process of applying special techniques and conducting rituals:

    • Cling to the old. When the Universe begins to provide chances for the realization of a dream, a person may be required to leave their comfort zone. If he continues to cling to past life, his intentions will not come true.
    • Focus specifically on the negative. One or two doubtful thoughts will not be able to mark the fulfillment of the plan. But if a person is mired in anxious thoughts every day, this will prevent the wish from coming true.
    • Perform rituals for desires related to the will of another person. It will not work to change the life of another, and it will harm the person who wants it. The dream should be reformulated so that it concerns only the one who asks.
    • Dream out of fear. All desires are fulfilled only if a person is not afraid to be left without something, but on the contrary, strives for it. For example, you can be afraid of being sick or strive for health.

    Rite to cancel the fulfillment of desire

    If later the desire turned out to be unnecessary, you can use the following rite of cancellation. It is held after sunset, but before midnight, as evil spirits roam later:

    1. 1. Take a new scarf and tie a knot on it.
    2. 2. Then you should concentrate on desire, once again thinking about whether it is worth giving up. If so, the knot is untied and the words are pronounced: “A man is a sinner, he is inclined to make mistakes. So I, the servant of the Lord (name), made a mistake. I asked the Great Spirit to help me, and then I realized that even without this intention I was fine. I ask now deny me this desire (pronounced irrelevant dream), and forgive me for the excitement. Amen.
    3. 3. After the ceremony, you should get rid of the scarf so that nothing else is connected with the dream.


For a wish to come true in 1 day, it must be very strong and motivate you so much that you will not find a place for yourself until it comes true. There is even a special visualization technique, when a person continuously imagines that he has already achieved what he wants, for example, he drives his dream car, is in a relationship with a girl he is in love with, etc. Some people believe that thoughts have a real basis, and the universe is able to obey a person and give him what he wants.

If you want to make your wish come true in one day, try to think of something that can really come true. For example, a girl may wish that the young man she likes would pay attention to her, and the desire of a person with financial difficulties may be the appearance of a much-anticipated source of income. Thus, first of all, it is important not just to want something, but to set a specific and achievable goal.

Do not expect a miracle and that the desire is fulfilled in one day by itself. First of all, think about what actions on your part would lead to the fastest achievement of the goal. For example, if we turn to the examples already given, a girl can do just one thing that will make her young man pay attention to it and even admire it. It could be beautiful Foto or, a poem or song of one's own composition posted on the Internet. And sometimes, to express your feelings, you just need to muster up the courage and call or write to someone you like. A person, on the other hand, can earn money in one day, posting his detailed resume on the Internet, viewing the methods of earning available to him both online and in his city, and this will also bring certain results.

Gather together all your knowledge and skills that will help you quickly achieve what you want. It could be advice successful people, friends and relatives, colleagues or teachers at school and institute, etc. During his life, a person accumulates just a huge store of knowledge, and if you constantly streamline them and try to apply them in suitable situations, you will have practically no unattainable goals.

It is important not to despair and not give up, even if it seems that what you want will not come true so quickly. If you make at least minimal effort and take effective actions, you will still be able to get at least a minimal closer to achieving your goal, even in one day. And if you continue to move again and again in the right direction, the end result in the future will not be long in coming.