Air sickness and nausea are common ailments that every traveler on an airplane has had to deal with at least once in their life. Fortunately, simple actions will help you forget about motion sickness and other symptoms. If you are planning a flight in the near future, follow our instructions. Here's what you need to do to not get sick.

Sleep well before your flight

“Why waste time sleeping when you can snooze on the plane?” - many novice aeronauts think and are honestly surprised when faced with nausea and other delights of soaring in the clouds. Climbing aboard an airliner tired, you automatically bring motion sickness and airsickness closer. A preliminary seven to eight hours of sleep will not only save you from unpleasant sensations, but will also help you avoid circadian rhythm disturbances - the eternal companions of flights passing through several time zones.

Eat properly

“We are what we eat”, which means that in order for the flight to be successful, it is necessary to properly eat before it. The Association of Owners and Pilots of Private Aircraft recommends eating light meals a few hours before takeoff, but you should not starve or lean on huge portions - in both the first and second cases, people on board the aircraft are severely motion sick. Possible options for a pre-flight snack: peanut butter sandwiches, hummus, tuna, rice, various smoothies.

Avoid salty snacks, which accelerate dehydration, and fatty foods, which can cause indigestion. But it is better to take bread, crackers and apples with you on the plane - they will save you from nausea and motion sickness.

Choose the “right” place

Believe it or not, flying on an airplane has a lot to do with whether or not you experience nausea. Not so long ago, scientists conducted a study that showed that The best way stay healthy - sit by the window (who would doubt it). But it is better to avoid places near the aisle if possible - during the flight you will have to contact with a much larger number of people, and at the same time with their microbes - you can get sick.

Drink enough liquid

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the air in the cabin of an aircraft can cause dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. To avoid this, drink as much liquid as possible during the flight - this will reduce dryness and prevent dehydration.

At the sight of a flight attendant delivering food and drinks, passengers often fall into a stupor: what to choose? coffee and Orange juice are hard to digest during a flight, so ask for plain water or tea instead.

Go to the restroom as little as possible

After visiting the restroom, many are not just motion sick - there is also a risk of becoming the owner of any diseases. Toilets are the dirtiest place on the plane: there is one small room for fifty passengers. No, we're not asking you to be patient, but if you manage to go to the restroom before your flight and refrain from using it during the entire flight, that would be ideal. If this is not possible, do not touch the faucet, toilet lid and door latch. with bare hands- do this through a paper towel or napkin.

Put down the book

It seems that reading a good book can make you feel bad, but in reality, an airplane is not the best place to read. Immersing yourself in a book on a flight or any other form of transportation confuses the signals to your brain and can make you feel nauseous—and as a result, you feel sick: you get sick. Instead, experts recommend looking out the window and enjoying the clouds.

Use ventilation above the seat

Even if you get chilly during the flight, keep the ventilation above the seat on the plane turned on. And here's why you need to do it. Viruses of the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections remain in the air during the flight. The ventilation above the seat will create an invisible barrier around you and protect you from sickness and motion sickness.

Wipe the folding table with a damp cloth

A 2015 study found that there are about 8 times more bacteria on tumblers than on a toilet flush button. Germs living at the snack area include cold viruses, norovirus (which can cause diarrhea and vomiting), and MRSA (which causes skin infections). If you're going to use a folding table on an airplane, remember: sanitary napkins or antiseptic sprays help get rid of bacteria.

Try not to use the seat in front of you

While the seatback pocket in front of you looks like a great place to store water bottles and snacks, it's actually teeming with germs. Many passengers dump candy wrappers, half-eaten food and other objects with bacteria into it. The study showed that methicillin-resistant microbes Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause problems ranging from skin infections to pneumonia, live in a tissue pocket for up to seven days. To avoid contact with them, do not touch the pocket or put anything in it.

Long flights can easily get boring when you sit in one place with absolutely nothing to do. Try new activities and activities that will help you pass the time and even have fun while you are flying.


Bring your own entertainment

    Read a book or magazine. Take a book, magazine, or newspaper from home with you, or buy one at the airport to read on your flight. You can also download e-books on a reader or tablet to save space in your luggage.

    • Keep reading materials within easy reach throughout the flight, either in a small bag that can be placed under the seat in front of you, or removed from hand luggage before the start of the flight and put it in a pocket on the seat so that you can easily reach them.
    • If you prefer to listen to books and want to save space in your luggage, download audiobooks to your phone, MP3 player or tablet and don't forget to bring your headphones.
    • You can bring a guidebook for the destination you are going to so you can prepare ahead of time for your sightseeing.
  1. Take your music or games with you. Download music to your phone or MP3 player so you can listen to it without an internet connection. Or take a pocket game console with games.

    • Don't forget to bring your own headphones. Some airlines provide headphones, but they are often low quality or a special type with two plugs that are only suitable for sitting so that a person can have some in-flight entertainment.
    • Never listen to music or game sounds without headphones. Even when you put on your headphones, make sure the sounds aren't so loud that other passengers can hear them too.
  2. Write in a diary or draw in an album. Take a notebook or diary with you to record your travel experiences, write a story, a poem, or a letter. You can also draw in the album or decorate the coloring book.

    • Try drawing or writing about other passengers on the plane, clouds outside the window, or other things you see or hear on the plane.
  3. Do things on your laptop that you can do offline. View and edit photos, play games, or do other things you can do on a laptop without an internet connection.

    • The plane may even have Wi-Fi, in which case you can do everything you normally do on the Internet, for example, sit in in social networks, chat with friends or play online games.
  4. Download movies and TV shows. Download your favorite movies or TV shows, or the ones you've always wanted to watch, to your laptop to watch while you fly. So you can choose exactly what you want, and not be left with a limited choice of options that are offered on board.

    • Make sure you download the video for offline viewing, because Wi-Fi may not be available on the plane.
    • Do not piracy or download TV shows and movies illegally. Use iTunes or other trusted sources to download any content for personal use.
  5. Play a game. Do a crossword or sudoku puzzle. You can also play words, cities, or other road games with a friend or relative sitting next to you.

    Other things to do on the plane

    1. Watch or listen entertainment program aircraft. Connect your headphones to your seat and select the radio stations, TV shows or movies you would like to watch or listen to. You can also watch the aircraft move on a map or find out other information about the flight and where you are.

      • Watch or listen to something at the same time with a friend or relative so you can talk about it later.
      • Browse the SkyMall catalog or other informational materials placed in the seat pocket in front of you.
    2. Strike up a conversation. Talk to your neighbors on the plane, whether you know them or not. Get to know people, ask them where they're from, where they're going, what they're reading, whatever interests you.

      • Do not impose on people and respect their personal space. Perhaps the person is not in the mood to talk or wants to sleep, read, or do something else alone. Be respectful and courteous when interacting with people you don't know.
    3. Get up and get moving. Walk back and forth around the cabin, you can even stretch a little, where there is more space, for example, near the toilets.

      • Be careful not to hit or hurt other passengers. And do not enter restricted areas that you are not allowed to enter.
      • Do not get up from your seat when the seat belt icon is on, or the captain or flight attendants have told you to sit. Follow all instructions given by crew members.
    4. Look out the window. Enjoy the view of the landscapes you fly over and how the clouds, mountains and fields look from above.

    5. Complete the mission before boarding. Set yourself a task that you will have to complete before the plane lands at your destination. If you can, challenge a friend or family member! Here are some ideas for assignments:

      • Find out the names of five people on the plane you didn't know before
      • Learn 10 new facts about the city, region or country you are flying to
      • Try every free drink from the drink cart (please ask politely!)
      • Finish reading a book or chapter

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If you travel frequently by plane or have ever had to endure long flights, then you can probably imagine how tiring it can be. That's why website put together a few for you useful tips, which will help you fly in comfort and land fresh and rested.

1. The best seat in the cabin is by the window

Choosing a place near the window, you kill several birds with one stone: firstly, you can lean against the wall to take a nap, and secondly, the neighbors will not bother you to go out. And of course, you will be provided with a wonderful view.

2. Choose comfortable clothes

The times when the most sophisticated outfits were chosen for traveling by plane are long gone - give preference to comfortable and convenient clothes that will not hinder your movements.

On long flights, the temperature in the cabin can change, so it's best to dress in "layers" e.g. T-shirt, sweater, sweatshirt. Don't forget to bring warm socks with you so you can take off your shoes and stay warm.

3. Take water with you, cut out caffeine and alcohol

To avoid dehydration, don't forget to drink more water During the flight. The glasses offered by the flight attendants are not too big, and in order not to wait once again, it is better to stock up on a few bottles of water (don't forget to buy it only after baggage inspection).

Better to avoid caffeinated drinks: it interferes with sleep, increases dehydration of the body. Alcohol may relieve some tension, but it can also lead to dehydration and lethargy.

4. Take care of your facial skin

On board the plane low level humidity, so our skin suffers in the first place. To avoid discomfort, follow these tips:

  • Direct the airflow of the air conditioner anywhere other than your face.
  • If the skin begins to shine, wipe the face with cleansing wipes and apply a moisturizer.
  • Don't spray water on your face as this will dry out your skin even more. Or blot it with a tissue after spraying.

5. Get comfortable in your chair

From a long sitting, the legs become numb and the back is very tired, and the seats on the plane are not very comfortable. Place a pillow, folded scarf or sweater under your lower back, and don't forget to cover yourself with a blanket. It is better to ask for a pillow and a blanket as soon as you get on board the plane (sometimes they run out quickly).

Also remember: the higher your feet are, the better, so try placing them directly on your own luggage under the seat in front of you.

6. Stock up on everything you need for a comfortable sleep

Instead of massive gadgets like a large laptop and a few thick books it is better to take a bag with things useful in flight with you to the cabin. With them, even in economy class, you will be able to sleep and relax:

  • Ear plugs or noise canceling headphones.
  • Mask for sleep.
  • Pillow for neck support.

7. How to prevent stuffy ears

Due to pressure drops, especially during takeoff and landing, unpleasant stuffiness can appear in the ears. To get rid of her try to yawn widely, make several swallowing movements, suck on lollipops.

8. Try to move

It is not easy to spend several hours in one position: the body becomes numb, and blood accumulates in the lower extremities and does not reach the top of the body. Try to get up at least once an hour from the chair, and also do a little warm-up right in the chair: Some airlines print special exercise cards for their passengers.

9. Pack a healthy snack

The low levels of pressure and humidity on board lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the taste buds. It is for this reason that airlines add to their meals a large number of spices, salt and sugar, and this is not always beneficial. Think about a snack that is convenient to take with you on a plane: fruits, nuts, yogurt.

10. Plan your flight

long flight useful to divide into small gaps - and now it does not look so threatening. You can watch films or programs for which there was not enough time, do things that have been put off for a long time - write letters, make an entry in your diary, start an interesting book.

Plus, do not forget about the time for sleep, lunch, takeoff and landing - and now your flight is coming to an end, and you are cheerful, fresh and full of strength and inspiration.

11. Bring your headphones on the plane

Accessories issued on board are generally not new, although carefully packaged. Used accessories are cleaned after the flight and then repackaged. This means that their use is not entirely safe in terms of personal hygiene, so it's better to bring your own.

12. Get rid of the old marks on the suitcase and do not waste time on locks

Here are some tips from airport staff. Firstly, the locks on the suitcases are easily opened to inspect the luggage. Therefore, you should not waste time on hanging locks, but it is better to take valuables with you to the salon.

Secondly, it is recommended to get rid of irrelevant marks and stickers on the suitcase., which confuse conveyor belt operators - as a result, your luggage may fly off in the wrong direction.

Every minute, at every airport on the planet, an airplane with passengers on board takes off. 70% of people sitting in the cabin experience a fear of flying, which is quite natural. But not everyone is able to cope with their phobia. To understand how not to be afraid to fly on an airplane, you should understand the reasons for this fear.

Reasons for fear

The fear of flying on an airplane is a natural sign characteristic of any person. Some people know how to drown it out and ignore it, while others, “inflating an elephant out of a fly”, turn everything into a phobia. This happens for many reasons, and the roots of the problem lie in the subconscious.

  • Reflex fear is transmitted to people with a gene code from their ancestors, who were frightened by the first "iron birds". For this reason, a person involuntarily shrinks when an airplane flies nearby;
  • When an airliner takes off into the sky, the human body intuitively reacts with alertness - it has been pulled out of its familiar environment. Those who are psychologically prone to phobias become nervous and sometimes seriously panic, not always realizing the cause of their fear;
  • Some people are consciously afraid to fly in an airplane, having seen enough thrillers about plane crashes, although real news is not full of daily reports about plane crashes. Such alarmists set themselves up for the tragedy of the situation ahead of time;
  • Usually they are afraid of flights carried out for the first time - here the fear of the unknown is frightening. There is also such a category of people for whom the first flight was unsuccessful due to poor health that arose on board. Taking severe motion sickness as a danger, the subconscious has tabooed this way movement, and psychological perception turned it into a phobia.

Note! Whatever the cause of fear when flying may be, it is necessary to figure out how much it is a phobia (or just an uncomfortable feeling of an unusual environment).


Aerophobia is not the only type of fear that people suffer from. There are those who are afraid of heights and confined spaces, as well as an unfamiliar company. It is these fears that can cause a panic attack. To understand how aerophobic you are, you should try on the following symptoms of the described problem:

  • Fear before flying on an airplane you start long before the trip, and are unable to control the internal panic;
  • Before climbing the plane, you take a sedative dose of alcohol, sedatives or antidepressants;
  • When taking off and landing an airliner, you unconsciously squeeze into the passenger seat, your palms sweat, and your fingers convulsively dig into the armrests;
  • During the flight, your entire mind is focused on following the sounds of the engines. If the view of the porthole allows, you keep your eyes on the running motors;
  • If the plane got into a turbulence zone, the situation shocks you, and you mentally say goodbye to life;
  • Every action of the stewardess makes you suspicious, and you try to understand what she hides behind a smile.

Note! If even half of these signs are present in you, you are an aerophobe for whom flying becomes a real punishment.

How to smooth the situation

When a person submits to his fears, it develops into serious illness. If air travel is not perceived as a natural event, it can be made more relaxed. To do this, you just need to distract yourself from your phobia by switching to something else.

  • Knowing about the upcoming flight, you can tune in to it in advance. It is not necessary to study the reports about the already occurred air crashes, it is better to look at the statistics of accidents that occur on Earth. Far more people die in DPT than in the air;
  • In order to psychologically tune in to the flight, it is advisable to check in in advance and ask for a seat away from the windows. While the aircraft is being loaded, you calmly settle into your seat. You should not ask for a place in the tail zone - turbulence is most noticeable there;
  • Before the flight, it is not recommended to soothe yourself with alcohol and serious drugs - they can provoke an inadequate reaction. Coffee, which has a stimulating effect on the psyche, will not help either. It is better to always have motion sickness tablets and fruit candies with you;
  • In order not to succumb to a phobia, you need to distract yourself, so you should take it on the road interesting book or a magazine with crossword puzzles, download a movie with an exciting plot to your laptop or tablet, entertain yourself with an exciting game;
  • Listen to pleasant soothing music streaming from your headphones, it will help drown out the sounds of engines. Especially for the flight, you can download a relaxation music library to the player;
  • Chat with roommates. Conversations - good way take your mind off your fears. Even if the same aerophobe as you is sitting next to you, mutual communication will help you cope with the problem;
  • If there is no desire to either have small talk or distract yourself from bad thoughts with leisure activities, you can just sleep. To do this, it is enough to bring an inflatable pillow and a blanket (as well as ear plugs and a blindfold) with you to the salon. If you forgot about this possibility, some airlines may offer you bedding;
  • You don't even have to sleep - you can just lie with eyes closed and remember the pleasant moments of your life, think about the upcoming meeting, remember loved ones or make plans for the coming year.

Additional Information! Have you taken all the measures, but the panic state does not let go? Then get busy breathing exercises. The exercises are done like this: first, take a deep breath in through your mouth, hold it in your lungs for 5 seconds, then exhale and another 4 seconds. don't breathe. Repeat the steps several times: this will help you calm down very quickly.

Professional help

If fears of flying have been present for a long time, and air travel is a frequent forced reality, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. It is worth paying serious attention to your psycho-emotional state, devoting enough time to it.

  • Find an experienced psychologist who can help you understand why you are afraid of flying and teach you how to deal with a phobia. You can’t get away with one conversation here - you will have to undergo a course of psychotherapy before you begin to perceive flights more naturally and stop being afraid to fly;
  • Part of the treatment is the use of flight stimulators, which allow you to develop habituation to flying on virtual simulators. This moment is good because in mundane conditions, in a specially equipped room, a feeling of the reality of flights is created;
  • The doctor will help you choose medications for the upcoming trip. Here you need to take into account that the proposed pills are not a solution to the problem, but only part of the therapy, and they do not get rid of the phobia on their own.

Medications prescribed by a doctor for a flight can be divided into 2 types: cumulative and fast-acting. The first group includes those that are accepted in several stages - immediately before departure, and then every half an hour or an hour. The second group of drugs has a sufficient concentration of a sedative so that 1 tablet is enough for several hours of exposure.

Treatment is carried out with sedative and anti-anxiety medications that inhibit nerve impulses, relieve spasms and cramps in the muscles.

Important! What kind of drug to treat aerophobe, the doctor decides for himself, based on the individual characteristics of the patient, the state of his psyche, the causes of fear, and the neglect of the problem.

You should not constantly resort to these means, since addiction can occur to most of them. This method of treating aerophobia should be short-term, and applied to those who travel by air less frequently.

The person himself can prepare for a future flight in advance. Weeks 3 before the upcoming trip, you can start taking daily glycine or valerian extract in the doses indicated in the instructions. This will help reduce nervous tension and avoid stressful situations.

The laws of physics

Some people are terrified of flying precisely because of being cut off from the Earth. Not everyone is aware of the principle of aerodynamics, so they do not fully understand how such a heavy metal colossus with a bunch of passengers on board and a large amount of luggage can be kept in the air for several hours.

If you are flying for the first time, in order to calm your imagination and stop being afraid, you should familiarize yourself with some of the design features of aircraft:

  • Airliners are equipped with powerful engines that can not only lift the car into the air, but also keep it in the clouds for a long time;
  • Do not be afraid that the engines will break down: the aircraft has at least 2 of them. If 1 motor fails for some reason, the 2nd motor will take over its function. Even if both engines fail at once, the plane will be able to land gently, like a glider;
  • The wings, which are firmly attached to the body, help the aircraft to stay and plan in the air. The chance that they fall off in flight is reduced to zero;
  • All systems that are equipped with airliners have duplicate programs. As soon as a failure occurs, the backup system immediately comes into operation (and there are at least 4 of them in passenger aircraft);
  • You don’t have to worry about the risk of getting into a plane crash due to the pilot’s poor health - the planes have a reliable piloting system that allows you to carefully land the car according to the program laid down in it;
  • The flight of each airliner is controlled from the ground by air traffic control services, with which the pilots are in constant contact. About all non-standard situations, changes weather conditions pilots will be notified immediately;
  • The turbulence zone, into which not every aircraft enters, should not be frightening either. The aerodynamic parameters of the design are calculated taking into account this natural phenomenon, so that the aircraft has a sufficient margin of safety to withstand such shakes;
  • There are professionals on board who do not consider themselves kamikazes. They calmly carry out their duties, as they are confident in the reliability of the "steel bird".

Additional Information! For an extraordinary situation to occur, fate will have to try, because each plane is carefully checked before departure. technical services. They use special diagnostic devices, so that faulty equipment will not even be allowed on the runway. At the terminals, customs inspection has been strengthened, which prevents dangerous baggage from getting on board.

Feel free to admit to others - "I'm afraid to fly on an airplane." Among your friends there are already repeatedly flying. They know what to do to overcome their fear. Take note of their advice.

You will also be impressed by the reviews of third-party people who have learned to subdue their fears:

  • Dmitriy:“I used to be afraid to fly on an airplane, although I could not understand the reasons for this. On one of my trips, I fell in love with beautiful girl. Now I fly to see her every Friday. During the flight, I only think about the upcoming meeting, make plans for how we will spend time. Now, while I'm on board, there has never been a feeling of anxiety or panic ”;
  • Olga:“I am constantly overcome by some kind of fear. I'm not comfortable in enclosed spaces I am terrified of getting into a plane crash. Because of this, I lost a very profitable job - in our business, even minutes matter. Aircraft allow you to quickly solve problems - the most the best option mobility. I used exclusively the car, wasting time and clients. As a result, I had to turn to a psychotherapist and undergo special training. Even now I am periodically guided by unconscious emotions, but I try to control them. Realizing that phobias are a game of my subconscious, I took the risk of using the services of the airline and have already managed to make 2 flights.

If the phobia is not treated

When it is impossible to avoid a flight, and you are terribly afraid of it, not only psychological problems begin. If you do not learn to cope with fears, a phobia absorbs a person completely, turning into a gloomy neurasthenic.

  • Before the upcoming flight, a person begins to be overcome by panic thoughts, as a result, he is tormented by nightmares, or he cannot sleep at all;
  • Becoming irritable, sleepy, aerophobic breaks down on people close to him, which spoils family relationships;
  • For those who hide their fears, it is even more difficult to endure flights. A phobia driven deep into itself leads to the development of heart disease, hypertension, heart attacks;
  • If the need for flights is related to professional activity, every attempt to delay the flight or replace it with another mode of transportation affects career growth. Psychological shake-ups on this occasion make the aerophobe a patient of the neurological department;
  • The fear of using the services of airlines impoverishes the rest - not every resort can be quickly and easily reached by rail(especially by car).

Important! Any kind of phobia will progress rapidly if you subordinate your psyche to it and refuse the help of professionals.

Hoping that he can cope on his own, a person resorts to the use of powerful psychotropic drugs or alcohol. The more often there is a need for flights, the faster it develops bad habit. Such doping does not alleviate the situation, but makes it even more neglected.

Alcohol in conditions low pressure and dry air in the cabin of the aircraft can provoke lightheadedness (sometimes with vomiting). The body is in limbo, and even a small amount of alcohol at an altitude of several thousand meters from the Earth can cause severe intoxication, resulting in a breakdown. From this, the drunk person's mood immediately worsens, and the panic piles up with even greater force.


If you realize that you are subject to phobias, you should not be shy and hide it. Each person has his own complexes and fears, from which it is better to get rid of, and not to drive them inside yourself. Aerophobia can be overcome if you carefully study your fear, delve into design features aircraft construction and understand the principles of aerodynamics.

Thousands of people daily use the services of airlines, making multiple flights throughout the year, and continue to live, love, and work in peace. They on own experience realized that the risk of being a victim of a plane crash is microscopically small. This should be a valid argument for you. So is it worth it to be afraid of planes?

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Oh, that long flight. And in the lotus position, and with legs up, and with his head on his neighbor's shoulder, but he just can't fall asleep. How about thinking about flying as a time that you can finally devote to yourself completely?

Here are some tips. Perhaps a little crazy.

  1. The best gift is the one made with your own hands. Or half mine. A T-shirt with the inscription "I love (city name)" will not be the most soulful souvenir. Better, while you are flying, come up with creative text for postcards that you will send to friends or mom. No need to rack your brains at the post office. Believe me, it's much nicer to find a message in your mailbox than to walk around in a T-shirt of a city you've never been to.
  2. Download the music app on your phone and compose a melody or write a song.
  3. Take with you an anti-stress coloring book with mandalas and pencils.
  4. Master the art of origami.
  5. Pick up a book that you wanted to read but didn't have time for.
  6. Download the audiobook you wanted to read, but read kinda lazy. Moreover, under the pleasant voice of the announcer, you will fall asleep faster.
  7. Download to tablet new series, which colleagues actively discuss every morning and roll their eyes when you say you haven't watched it.
  8. Plan your travel days: where do you want to go, what to see, scatter the sights by date to roughly represent the picture of your vacation.
  9. How about keeping a travel diary, like in childhood about school days? Write down your thoughts and impressions. And then, in old age, by the fireplace, you will reread it.
  10. Arrange a ten-minute stretching session. Walk from one end of the plane to the other, pull your toes, stand on your tiptoes. Climb over the neighbor, finally.
  11. Do some breathing exercises. This will relax the body and slow down negative thoughts. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Breathe so that only the hand on the chest rises. Then, on the contrary, so that only the hand on the stomach rises. Then alternate. Take a short inhale and a long exhale. Take a deep breath for 4 counts and a slow exhale for 8 counts.
  12. Have a beauty hour. Wipe your face with tonic, put a sheet mask, apply cream.
  13. come up with alternate history own life. Become someone else, wake up an alter ego. You are a secret millionaire and fly to choose an island. Or are you flying to perform on scientific conference with a report. Anything. If you are sure that you will not see your neighbor again.
  14. If you are with friends, play a game of truth or dare. You can learn something new or see your friend trying to kiss the neighbor.
  15. Edit your photos for Instagram. No, but what? When else will you have so much free time.
  16. No Instagram? No problem. Just delete bad photos: where you are smiling all your teeth with your eyes closed or pictures of accidentally photographed legs or a screen, or famous photos with a finger.
  17. Organize your phone space. Cards in one folder, messengers in another, music applications in a third.
  18. Do some work. Accurately accumulated cases that you all postponed. Make a business plan or just a list of what you will do at work when you get back. The advantage is that you have a vacation ahead of you, it will not greatly upset your work plans, on the contrary. It will also bring you back to everyday life during the return flight.
  19. Take a phrasebook with you and learn phrases in the language spoken in the country you are flying to. Or download the app first. And from the airport you can already show off your knowledge.
  20. Eat. Yes, eat. All kinds of delicious snacks are a special pleasure in the air. You are distracted as you open the pack and devour the sweets with gusto. True, you should not get too carried away, it can quickly get bad.
  21. Get drunk. What else remains.
  22. If all of the above fail, just close your eyes, count the sheep, and try to sleep.