What is IZHS? IZHS- This is an abbreviation for the purpose of the use of the land. It stands for Individual Housing Construction. There are several categories of land in our country. In turn, each category is divided into several types of permitted use. The most demanded category of land on which you can build fearlessly, and most often interested in ordinary person who decided to build a cottage or Vacation home These are the lands of settlements. All other land categories have different restrictions. After reading this article, you will be able to understand what are the advantages and disadvantages of this category of land and its uses? So, remember the most important thing is the category of land! The next step that you need to know and find out before purchasing a site is how and for what it is allowed to use the proposed land? This concept is the purpose of using the land! Category + purpose of land use or allows you to legally build your own house on the site as for permanent residence with a residence permit, and temporary location, or forbids doing this at all. On a site with the category - land of settlements, after the construction of the house is completed, you can get a postal address and register in your new home. And if your site has a category - agricultural land, then various restrictions and prohibitions automatically appear. In accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (clause 2, article 49), on a plot of land with the category of land of settlements and permitted use - for individual housing construction (abbreviated as IZHS), it is allowed to build a detached residential building with no more than three floors, intended for one family, i.e. for personal, not commercial use. This means that on such a plot you can build a house for yourself, but you cannot build a multi-entrance building for sale by apartments. A new land code is currently being worked out and new laws and regulations will soon appear. In the meantime, we must choose from what we have.

How to determine and understand what you are offered - IZHS, SNT, dacha cooperative or DNP? Just look at the certificate for the proposed land.

To do this, just look at the original or a copy of the certificate of ownership of the land offered to you. The concept of IZHS applies only to the lands of settlements. If you see in the certificate the category of land - land of settlements, then the seller is telling the truth, if it is written - agricultural land, then conclude that you are offered a semi-finished product or it is better not to contact this offer at all. For example, SNT - Garden Non-Commercial Partnership. The bulk of SNT are old summer cottages of 4-6 acres, which were given to our parents in the most inconvenient places 30-40 years ago. For the most part, Horticultural Non-Commercial Partnerships are located on agricultural land. Small plots and old houses usually stand in the most inconvenient places for living (the edge of a swamp or clearing next to a high-voltage line). The situation is similar in dacha cooperatives. A later form of the late nineties, early 2000s is the Dacha Non-Commercial Partnership (DNP). These settlements have appeared recently. For example, there are a lot of them in the suburbs. Modern large cottage houses with developed infrastructure are built on agricultural land cut into 10-15 acres. The entire infrastructure in such settlements was created at the expense of the money of buyers who purchased land at very high prices (10-20 thousand dollars per hundred square meters). Due to high land prices, large houses are very close to each other, which greatly spoils the view of the plots and villages in general, and even intra-village roads, due to the greed of sellers, are often three meters wide. The subtleties invented by officials in the laws of the transitional period, the end of the nineties, make it possible to build on agricultural land to this day. It looks like this. The certificate will indicate the category of land - agricultural land, and in the purpose of using the site - for organizing a garden partnership with the possibility of building a country house (or, for example, for country construction). True, this topic is now working only in the nearest suburbs, as there are people who want to invest a lot of money in infrastructure. As you understand, if you drive 100 km away from Moscow and further, there will be very few villages with developed infrastructure on agricultural land. There are simply no people who want to invest so much money in the agricultural sector for the development of infrastructure. Selkhozka does not participate in any program for the development of settlements. In this case, the infrastructure (building a road, supplying electricity, gas, etc.) ) will fall on the shoulders of buyers. In this case, a plot of land will cost the same as in the nearest suburbs, and this will not be beneficial primarily to the seller, since there are many offers for plots at low prices far from large cities. Therefore, the sellers of such plots promise infrastructure, but in practice, as you understand, it most likely will not appear. Moreover, there are competitors who were engaged in the transfer of plots of agricultural land adjacent to the villages into the lands of settlements. This option allows you to expand the boundaries of the settlement and get the development of infrastructure with the support of the state and not only at its own expense. Well, for those who want to build on agricultural land, there is one legal way, but for this you need to have a relatively large plot of land (from one to several hectares) and organizing on it, you get the legal right to build up to 10% of all your territory with the necessary buildings. But this is a separate issue.

Today, the state invests money and develops only the lands of settlements, on which there are villages, villages, towns and cities. To them at the expense of the budget different levels fail roads, electricity and gas. Therefore, if you decide to buy a plot for the construction of a distant dacha, immediately decide for yourself what exactly you are looking for and on what land you are going to build. Now there are a lot of proposals for plots for individual housing construction, so there is no need to buy a semi-finished product at an agricultural farm. There are many questions on the Internet about whether it is worth buying and then transferring a small plot from SNT on an agricultural plot to individual housing construction and how to do it. The answer is that it can't be done! According to the law, it is necessary to change the category of land at once for the entire village. But, this will take a lot of time, your money, and at the same time, you still need to get approval from all the owners of the village, and your efforts will be justified only if the SNT borders on the village. And this, as you understand, is a rarity in our country, since earlier SNTs were organized in the most inconvenient places for living. The conclusion is a lot of additional complexities and costs. Therefore, it is easier to immediately buy a plot for individual housing construction, on which there are no restrictions and not 4-6 acres, but it is better to take 25 acres. The picture below shows a part of the certificate of ownership of a land plot for individual housing construction, in which the location of the description of the category of land and its permitted use are underlined with a red marker. There is also a line in the certificate - Existing restrictions (encumbrances) of the right. If there is a record as in the sample (not registered), you can start building immediately after registration of ownership of the site. Although if the site is fresh and still without buildings, then you will need to contact the district town planning committee for a permit to build your new home. Now it is not difficult to do this and the whole procedure for obtaining a permit will take 2 months.

What is the difference between IZHS on the lands of a settlement and proposals for IZHS on agricultural land - the concept of SNT?

What are the advantages of IZHS? How is it different from SNT? SNT - stands for Horticultural Non-Commercial Partnership. In the past few years, plots for individual housing construction have appeared on the market due to the expansion of the boundaries of already existing villages and other settlements. The land around the villages was generally agricultural. It was formalized and transferred from the category of agricultural land to the category of land of settlements, with a simultaneous change in the purpose of use - for individual housing construction. The goal is to develop the territory to attract new residents to the region and the district. The regional government includes these lands in the development program of the region and the district. To such plots with the category - land of settlements and permitted use - for (IZHS) individual housing construction, they supply 15 kW of electricity, build roads, lay a gas pipeline at the expense of the regional budget, on the basis of laws and government decrees on the development of territories. This assistance in the development of infrastructure makes it possible for the new owners of the plots to engage only in the construction and improvement of the site. I will give just one example. You bought a plot with this category! Congratulations! Fill out three applications and after 1.5 months you will receive a contract at your home address and technical condition(TU) for connecting the site to the power grid. Then you pay only 550 rubles of state duty, sign a standard contract with an energy sales company, according to which, within 6 months, an electricity branch is brought to your site, poles are installed and, if necessary, a new transformer. Why is this happening? Because there is a regional program for the development of villages and settlements. Road projects and gasification of villages are financed from the regional and district budgets. All this is not there if your site is located in SNT, a dacha cooperative, DNP (Dacha Non-Commercial Partnership) on a plot of land with the category - agricultural land. In this case, you will pay for everything yourself, since agricultural land is actually intended for the production of agricultural products - grain, milk, meat, etc., and not for the construction of houses and permanent residence. At the same time, many sellers deliberately hide the information that they offer you a semi-finished product. This is, for example, a situation when in a newly created SNT on agricultural land they also tell you in words that you can build anything you like, using the phrase - for individual housing construction. Look at any offer for the sale of a plot in a dacha cooperative or garden partnership organized on agricultural land. In addition to the cost of a piece of land, you will definitely be offered to pay a very decent amount for the construction of roads, electricity supply, gasification, etc. And it will be very expensive, sometimes several times more expensive than the plot itself! Or, the cost of development and construction of the entire infrastructure is immediately included in the cost of the site. That is why the price of plots in cottage settlements with developed infrastructure and communications in an agricultural area, for example, in the Moscow region, will always be much higher than if you just buy a similar plot in a neighboring village. The advantages of buying a plot related to locality with the purpose of using land for individual housing construction, there is only one drawback. As a rule, taxes from a plot whose land category is land of settlements is 3-5 times higher than a plot of land in a gardening partnership or a dacha non-profit partnership organized on agricultural land. However, there are some oddities here as well. There are places in the suburbs where cadastral value plots in SNT on agricultural land is 10 times higher than on neighboring lands of settlements. Accordingly, taxes there are also 10 times higher.

But, as you understand, in the case of individual housing construction, taxes are nothing compared to the advantages that infrastructure development gives you on a site in a village through regional programs to improve the quality of life. Only the receipt pays for all possible tax costs for decades to come, and this is not a fairy tale, because we ourselves bring electricity to our sites in this way, not to mention roads, gasification and much more. And secondly, the government will most likely continue to seek to increase taxes for the misuse of land, which includes buildings on agricultural land. There are already active debates in the government on this issue. And in this case, it is still unknown what will ultimately be more profitable in terms of taxes too? After all, you are going to build your country house or modern dacha, planning for decades to come, including with the expectation of your children and grandchildren, so it would be more correct to immediately have everything on hand Required documents on the basis of laws, so that you do not have to get later new version as with the village "Rechnik".

In the Uglich district of the Yaroslavl region, there is an ideal place for individual housing construction on the Volga due to its proximity to the river, developed infrastructure and remoteness from Moscow! 250 km along Dmitrovsky or Yaroslavl highway and you are on the river bank.

We ourselves were engaged in the transfer of sites from one category to another and chose this option with the addition of our sites to settlements. Our proposals for plots for individual housing construction are only on the lands of settlements, without a construction contract and with the allocation of 15 kW of electricity, the possibility of registration and gasification in the near future. And they are called dachas only because the bulk of buyers use the banks of the Volga for summer holidays, and not for permanent residence, although, as you understand, no one bothers you to move to the Volga for good. Summer cottages under IZHS can be bought on the Volga in the Uglich district of the Yaroslavl region, 14 kilometers from the city, on its left bank. Inexpensive plots in this green and ecologically clean area near Moscow are being sold in holiday villages near villages that stand close to each other near the river bank with excellent panoramic views of sailing yachts and cruise ships. But you may be interested in another beautiful one. in Kamenka, on the beautiful shore of a clean and large lake near the Valdai Reserve, it is represented by several plots from 10 to 30 acres. These are the sites between Valdai and Seliger, and at about the same distance from St. Petersburg and Moscow, on which you can also easily build summer houses or capital houses and subscribe to it.

Ownership of land in Russia gives the owner the right to use it only in strict accordance with its purpose. For example, on a plot for the construction of housing it is impossible to engage in farming, and the owner of land intended for farming is obliged to maintain it and report to the tax authorities. That is why, before buying land for development, it is necessary to think about how the legislation allows the use of a particular object.

In our country, land is divided into several categories, however individuals can acquire only plots related to settlements or agricultural land. Each of these species has a division according to the type of purpose of the land. For example, land for individual construction (IZHS) or dacha (SNT, SPK, SNP), as well as for a peasant farm, personal subsidiary farm and others. For the construction of housing, in most cases, land with the status of individual housing construction and SNT is acquired - we will consider their features in more detail.

Land under IZHS can only be located in settlements. Its purpose follows from the name - this type is intended for building a house. The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation recognizes as such an object a detached residential building up to three floors inclusive, in which one family lives. When the house is built and registered in the property, you can register in it.

On land under individual housing construction it is impossible to conduct entrepreneurial activity, place industrial facilities, build apartment buildings and use it for any other commercial purposes. But the owner has the opportunity to plant a garden and a vegetable garden on the site, as well as build various buildings: a garage, greenhouses, a bathhouse, a barn and others. In a word, fully equip the site for a comfortable life for your family.

What is a horticultural non-profit partnership

SNT, along with other similar associations - a horticultural consumer cooperative (SPK) and a horticultural non-profit partnership (SNP) - can be used for dacha management, including construction. Most of the SNT is located on agricultural land, although they may also belong to the category of settlements. The owner can build outbuildings and even a residential building on his land, but it will be problematic to register in it - it is likely that you will have to go to court for this. However, in judicial practice a lot of cases that ended in favor of the owners, and their right to register in the houses of SNT, related to settlement lands, was recognized by the Constitutional Court of Russia (Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 04.14.2008 N 7-P).

The SNT status gives the owner almost the same opportunities for building on the site as the IZHS, and imposes the same restrictions on it in terms of commercial use. However, there are many differences between them.

IZHS or SNT differences and pitfalls

The main difference between the considered types of lands, in addition to the registration procedure, is the following: IZHS plots are always settlement lands with all the ensuing advantages. The state invests in the development of these lands, which means that electricity, road construction and some other expenses are financed from the budget. But SNT participants will have to pay for all this at their own expense.

Another difference lies in the owner's ability to solve global issues of arranging his site, for example, supplying gas. On the IZHS site, the desire of the owner is enough for this, in the SNT, the entire village will have to be gasified at once. And this requires the interest of other comrades and their willingness to bear the costs. On the one hand, this entails understandable difficulties. But, on the other hand, such a procedure for resolving issues can also be in the hands of the owners, especially if their financial capabilities are more or less the same. For example, in the village of SNT, with a general desire, it is possible to organize security, while in the village where the site for individual housing construction is located, this is impossible.

Speaking about the costs of the owner, it is worth mentioning that there are membership fees in SNT. These are obligatory payments that go to the current economic needs of the partnership, the arrangement of the common area, the maintenance of the SNT apparatus and other expenses. The amount of contributions is set in each specific organization and averages several thousand rubles a year. The owner of a plot under individual housing construction is deprived of such expenses, but he bears a greater tax burden.

One more important point: IZHS status obliges to start construction of housing within three years from the date of purchase of the site. Otherwise, the owner may be fined from 20 to 50 thousand rubles under Article 8.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Moreover, according to Article 284 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there is a theoretical possibility that the site may be withdrawn if the owner does not begin to develop it within the specified period in accordance with the purpose. Although the procedure for withdrawal has not yet been determined by law, and this article does not apply. But the local administration may well impose a fine! The owner of the site in the SNT is not obliged to erect any buildings, so the construction of the house can be postponed to a later date.

In conclusion, let us mention the cost of plots. Historically, in Russia, land for individual housing construction costs more than SNT. However, when making a decision, it is worth considering the above circumstances and assessing what other costs the future owner will have to bear (communication costs, fees, taxes, the cost of building registration, and so on). IN general case recommendations of experts come down to precisely determining the goals of acquiring land. If this summer rest and trips on weekends, it is better to choose a site in SNT. And for a family that plans to live in a house year-round, especially if this housing is the only one, it is better to take care of acquiring land for individual housing construction.

SNT / DNP - what is it? If you have such a question, you need to refer to the land law. Known that snt and dnp-this legal entities that are created to satisfy the non-commercial interests of their participants in solving common problems in gardening and dacha management. The differences between SNT, DNP and IZHS are described in our article.

What is SNT, DNP and IZHS

Land plots can be allocated for individual housing construction or included in SNT and DNP. What is SNT and DNP What is their difference from IZHS?

DNP is a dacha non-profit partnership, SNT is a garden non-profit partnership.

IZHS is one of the forms of providing citizens with housing by building a house on the right of personal ownership at their expense and with direct participation. That is, IZHS is nothing more than the appointment of a land plot for construction.

On what land should these plots be located?

SNT and DNP - on agricultural lands, and lands of settlements are allocated for individual housing construction.

So let's take a look at the IHS first.

Of course, this option will be of interest to those who want to build a house away from the bustle of the city, but at the same time be considered a full-fledged (with a residence permit) owner of the property. We hasten to please you: you will receive a residence permit. And now for the cons:

  • the size of the land plot cannot be more than the approved norms;
  • construction can only be carried out after obtaining all permits;
  • such a land plot has a high cost, as it is located within the boundaries of the settlement.

Now let's talk in more detail about what this - DNP/SNT. The lands on the plots that are included in the SNT and DNP are intended primarily for growing various crops on them. Of course, it is possible to build a cottage-type house here, but the construction of a comfortable cottage can become problematic, since gas and even water are often not connected to such areas.

Citizens who have reached the age of 18 and have acquired a plot within the territory of the partnership can become members of the SNT and DNP. A new member of the SNT / DNP within 3 months receives a membership book.

In addition, SNT, like DNP, is formed for the implementation of non-commercial goals of citizens. So citizens do not receive profits from owning a plot (we are not talking about selling products from the site). Activities should not be considered in the context of profit governing bodies SNT and DNP. Despite the fact that each member of the association pays membership fees, this money does not go to satisfy personal needs, for example, members of the board. They are spent on SNT/DNP infrastructure.

Membership fees for SNT

The legislator in Art. 19 of the Federal Law “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens” dated April 15, 1998 No. 66-FZ establishes that all members of these associations are required to pay membership fees.

Despite the fact that the law does not specify the procedure for collecting fees, this does not mean that the chairman of the association, together with the accountant, can do it as he pleases.

There is a presumption of equality of all members of the SNT, and accordingly, everyone must pay the same fees for a unit of land, for example, for a hundred square meters. I.e total amount A citizen's deductions will depend on the size of his allotment.

In addition to annual (or quarterly) contributions, the charter of the SNT may provide for other deductions, for example, entrance fees (when joining a partnership).

Charter of SNT

Download charter form

The Charter of the SNT is its fundamental document, in accordance with which the SNT functions.

Note! Only the general meeting of members of the SNT has the right to approve the charter, make changes or additions to it.

The articles of association must contain the following information:

  1. General information:
  • time of SNT formation;
  • its location;
  • organizational and legal form.
  • The subject and goals of the activity.
  • Legal status of SNT (rights and obligations of the partnership).
  • Property of SNT, including the procedure for making and amount of contributions.
  • Membership in SNT.
  • Rights and obligations of members of the SNT.
  • SNT governing bodies.
  • Competence of authorities.
  • Control over the financial and economic activities of SNT.
  • The procedure for the formation of a special fund.
  • Liability of the participants for the debts of the partnership.
  • Business issues.
  • Liquidation and reorganization of SNT.
  • The standard form of the charter of SNT is not approved by the legislator. but General requirements are the same: written form and adoption at the general meeting of SNT.

    Which is better - SNT or DNP?

    Garden partnerships were formed, as a rule, at the turn of the 90s of the XX century. They are located on lands that do not have a high value.

    But the lands related to the DNP are an improved version of agricultural plots, the soils on which are more fertile.

    If you choose between SNT and DNP, you must first answer the question: SNT / DNP - what is it For you? A way to organize recreation outside the city or the acquisition of land for planting and harvesting?

    The infrastructure in DNP is much better than in SNT. In this case, we are talking about access to water, electricity, the availability of a road, etc.

    In some cases, DNP is a kind of cottage settlements where people come to relax from city life.

    Agricultural land in SNT and DNP

    Land legislation subdivides all land into several types, which include, in particular, agricultural land. This is done so that the sites are used strictly taking into account their specifics.

    Agricultural land can be used for horticultural purposes (SNT and DNP) or for summer cottage construction (DNP).

    At the same time, for example, dacha construction (DNP) is also possible on the lands of settlements. So what is the difference between these types of land?

    Let's start with the fact that the land of a settlement is always located within the city or region. But agricultural land stands apart - often summer cottages are several tens of kilometers away from the city.

    But the main difference is this: if a citizen decides to build a residential building on agricultural land, it will be very difficult to register there - only through the court. And only if you can prove that the house is habitable. Agree, if he is standing in the middle of nowhere, it will not be easy to do this.

    But if the dacha was built within the boundaries of the settlement, then this is only a plus: maintenance of the territory by the municipal authorities, the possibility of registration, etc.

    That is why many people choose dachas on the lands of settlements.

    How to transfer SNT to IZHS

    What about those who have purchased a plot in SNT on agricultural land and want to transfer it to individual housing construction? Is this procedure possible?

    Theoretically yes. However, in practice, spokes in the wheel will be put by the municipal authorities, who do not want to get a new homeowner who needs to be served.

    In order to transfer land, it is necessary to draw up a petition, which is submitted to the authorized municipal body, for example, the district administration or KUGIZR (the name may vary depending on the region). The following documents are attached to the application:

    • identity documents of the applicant;
    • extract from the real estate cadastre;
    • extract from the EGRP.

    In some cases, authorities have the right to request additional papers.

    The meaning of the transfer procedure in this case is the attachment of the site to the territory of the settlement. Accordingly, in order to achieve a positive result of his appeal, a citizen must pay attention to the fact that his site is located as close as possible to the settlement.

    Based on the results of consideration, an act is issued on the transfer of land from one category to another or a refusal to satisfy the application.

    All actions government agencies may be challenged in court.

    Now let's turn to practical difficulties. SNT / DNP - what is it? This land agricultural purpose. Suppose that they are not located on the territory of the settlement, but in the immediate vicinity of it. Accordingly, in order to transfer the site included in the SNT to the lands of settlements (under individual housing construction), it is necessary to change general plan site. This is quite difficult and costly. It is unlikely that the chief architect will do this for the sake of one site.

    The legislator does not provide for a refusal to transfer on this basis. However, there is such a variant of refusal as “non-compliance of lands with approved territorial planning documents”. And in this case, it will be difficult to appeal against the decision to refuse to satisfy the transfer application.

    Before defining the difference between IZHS and SNT, it is necessary to distinguish between their definitions.

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    IZHS stands for individual housing construction, in which buildings are erected by citizens on their own and at their own expense.

    The erected buildings are transferred to the property and are intended for permanent residence.

    SNT is revealed as a horticultural non-profit society, whose members come together to solve various gardening and horticultural issues.

    Having revealed the concepts, we can distinguish the difference that exists between these categories of land:

    1. are provided for the construction of residential buildings with appropriate communications for regular living in them.
    2. Plots of SNT are acquired for maintenance Agriculture, gardening, with the possibility of erecting country houses on them.
    3. Lands under IZHS are located in part of the settlements. SNT lands are related to.
    4. On plots for individual housing construction, it is possible without any restrictions, in turn, for registration in SNT, you will have to go through a certain long procedure, including the recognition of the building as residential and habitable.
    5. The IZHS lands have perspective development at the expense of the local budget. Work is underway to improve and build roads, infrastructure is being developed. SNT develops only at the expense of its members.

    Types of land

    Land plots are divided into types, which depend on their purpose.

    There are the following types of land:

    1. Land for agricultural purposes. They are located outside the settlements and allocated for agricultural work.
    2. Lands included in the forest and water fund. The forest fund refers to forestry, the water fund is located near various kinds reservoirs.
    3. Plots of industrial land. They are used for industrial facilities and are located outside settlements.
    4. Settlement lands are intended for the development of cities and villages and have a developed infrastructure.
    5. Specially protected lands. They have cultural and historical value.
    6. Reserve land. They are allocated for special purposes and have a reserve purpose.


    All types of land have a certain special purpose, which allows you to determine their legal regime.

    The intended purpose determines the features of land use, what functions they perform.

    The purpose of land is subject to change. For example, a piece of agricultural land can become a piece of industrial land.

    What to choose?

    When choosing land, consider a large number of nuances and legal subtleties. It is necessary to clearly define the purpose for which the land is acquired.

    For example, the goal is gardening, or a house will be built on the site for permanent place residence. All this will be essential, for example, when deciding which is better: individual housing construction or SNT.

    If you plan to purchase a simple garden plot for a seasonal stay or for farming, it is better to choose agricultural land.

    The most viable option is land IZHS. Of course, this option will be more expensive than agricultural land. Having chosen land for individual housing construction, you can easily own it, build any buildings, register, have a postal address, etc.

    If the land was acquired for agricultural purposes, it can be transferred to another category. This process is quite lengthy and laborious.

    Therefore, before acquiring land, it is better to first find out its purpose and weigh all the positive and negative aspects that may arise during its operation.

    IZHS or SNT: which is better?

    A comparative analysis of land for individual housing construction and SNT allows us to highlight the following main points:

    1. By purchasing a land plot for individual housing construction, you can build any buildings on it. The main thing is that they meet the requirements for residential buildings. On the lands of SNT, you can also build any building, even the smallest shed. The only question is that it will be problematic to register in it, since the building must have a normal infrastructure and meet the requirements for permanent residence.
    2. In buildings erected on lands under individual housing construction, registration can be issued. For registration in buildings on the lands of SNT, you will have to go through a large number of instances before a permit for registration is obtained.
    3. The tax on real estate located in the lands of SNT is significantly lower compared to taxes on houses built on the lands of individual housing construction.
    4. The advantage of IZHS is that local authorities regularly develop the infrastructure of settlements, while the lands of SNT are developed at the expense of its members.

    You can list the advantages of SNT and IZHS for a long time and in the end not come to a consensus, since everyone chooses for himself what is best for him and for what purposes he will use the land.

    What is the difference?

    SNT and IZHS lands have their own differences, having found out which, you can easily determine the category of land when buying.

    The most important difference between the categories of land under consideration is their intended purpose:

    • land for individual housing construction provides for the possibility of building a house, the height of which cannot exceed three floors;
    • plots of snt can only be used for agriculture, sometimes the construction of a simple structure can be a problem.

    Another difference is the location of the plots:

    • lands under IZHS are located in part of the settlements, which means that the development of IZHS lands is planned and laid down in federal programs that finance these projects;
    • SNT are located on plots with agricultural purpose, respectively, the solution of all problems, including development, is carried out independently by members of the SNT.

    Pros and cons of each category

    When choosing a land plot, it is necessary to know certain information about the general land management in the Russian Federation.

    A simple citizen, far from legal rules and nuances, can get confused when delimiting lands and determining their pros and cons.

    That is why it is necessary to clearly know all the pitfalls and problems that may arise when choosing a land plot and further building a residential building on it.


    You can register in SNT only after the erected building on the ground is recognized as residential and can meet the requirements.

    You can register in individual housing construction without any problems, since initially residential buildings are being built on the lands for regular residence.


    Taxes for garden partnerships can be significantly lower compared to IZHS.


    Owners of land for individual construction are entitled to preferential rates, the amount of which is many times lower than in SNT.


    The IZHS lands are developed at the expense of the local budget and are developed annually. SNT lands are developed at the expense of their owners.

    Can land be transferred?

    The lands of SNT and IZHS, as already defined, have certain differences, as well as pros and cons. As a result of the comparison, it becomes clear that IZHS lands have more advantages compared to SNT lands.

    Many owners of SNT land are wondering how to transfer SNT to individual housing construction? In practice, this option is quite possible, subject to certain rules and in accordance with .

    It may seem that the translation procedure is quite simple:

    • collection of documents;
    • submitting them to the appropriate authority.

    In fact, when transferring land from one category to another, you can get a refusal from the administration.

    Reasons for rejection can be any of the following:

    1. A ban has been imposed on this site regarding its transfer to another category.
    2. The site is not suitable for the development plan of the territory.
    3. The site cannot be attached to the settlement, and therefore difficulties arise when it is included in the development plan, etc.

    If you want to transfer the SNT land plot to individual housing construction, you need to find out why this is needed at all.

    If the transfer of SNT to IZHS is required only to obtain the possibility of registration in the house, then this option is suitable for those who have already lived in a built house for a long time and have the appropriate infrastructure and comfortable conditions.

    Everything more people today they are seriously thinking about building their own house on the site. They are specifically looking for suitable land, make plans, draw up projects, order estimates, but do not always think about the legal side of the issue. Where did the abbreviation IZHS come from? What is its decoding and meaning? What is the purpose of the land? What are the main differences, pros and cons compared to DNT and SNT? You need to answer these questions for yourself, since there are many options on the real estate market, and you have to choose the best one from them, without prejudice to yourself.

    IZHS: decoding, definition

    I - individual (for one family), F - housing (house no higher than 3 floors), C - construction (carried out on their own or at their own expense). This is the definition in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Land for individual housing construction - according to which it is allowed to use land plots within the city, in settlements and in countryside(in other words, on the lands of the settlements). To build a house, it is required to coordinate with all authorities, obtain building permits,

    DNT and SNT, IZHS. Land plots: differences in terms of rights and obligations

    Dachnoe or (DNT and SNT, respectively) have their own characteristics in terms of building rights. It is in the first case that the law obliges to build country house, there is no such need in the second one. Today, anything can be built on agricultural land. There will also be no problems with registration of rights due to the "cottage amnesty" - federal law. However, reimburse maternity capital or get tax deduction almost impossible (local authorities often refuse). If it is more important for the family to return the money, live in a developed infrastructure (so that there is a kindergarten, school, shops, entertainment and training centers), then it is better to look for individual housing plots. If there is no fundamental difference for you in what purpose your land is for, if you inherited it at all or as a gift from your parents, then agricultural land is also suitable for living. You can register both in a house built in SNT, DNT, and in IZHS. This is not expressly prohibited by law.

    Choice of a young family

    Since in our time, young families, as a rule, do not own anything, but they have the opportunity to acquire something (through savings and maternity or housing certificates), it turns out that they are faced with a choice of what to buy. And in this situation, young people have land plots for individual housing construction as a priority. However, when betting on them, you should imagine in detail what awaits you.


    Having decided to build a private house, finding the right amount, we begin the search for land. In ads, there is a familiar IZHS (decryption is not always given), SNT, DNP and even private household plots. Choosing the first, you should know:

    1. The construction of the house requires permission from the local authorities. For this, a whole package of documents is being collected: gene. plan, passport of the project of a residential building, certificate of land title, etc. in accordance with Article 51 (its 9th part) civil code RF.
    2. The house must be built in accordance with all the requirements established in GOST and SNiP. This includes requirements for the presence of the following premises and their minimum area: a kitchen of at least 6 m 2, a bath of 1.5 m 2, a living room (8 m 2 for a bedroom, 12 for a common living room), a toilet of 0.8 m 2 and a pantry . There are also requirements for the availability of heating, ventilation systems, water and electricity supply, and sewerage. Observe the standard distances from the road and to neighbors. There is also a requirement for the size of the plot: no more than 25 acres for villages, 15 for settlements, 10 for cities, but not less than 4.
    3. Upon completion of construction, a permit for commissioning should be obtained.

    Registration of rights

    And the last formal procedure: both in the case of individual housing construction, and in the case of construction on land in the DNP or SNT, state registration of rights to the construction object is required. For this, technical and cadastral passports for the building are ordered from the inventory bureau (BTI). A specialist comes to the place, makes measurements, after which after a certain time (the speed depends on the amount of payment) you will receive the necessary documents. With them and a certificate of land title, as well as a passport and permission to put into operation, you need to go to the registration authority. You can sign up via the Internet, if there is such a service in your city, or directly by electronic queue, as it is done today in banks.

    Thus, the abbreviation IZHS (its decoding) speaks not only of the purpose of land, but also of a certain order of construction, enshrined in legislation. At the same time, the construction of a private house for permanent residence on the lands of a gardening partnership or a summer cottage is much easier and does not require compliance with restrictions on the size of the house. Even the only negative - the lack of developed infrastructure nearby - is a big plus for many, namely for those who prefer the countryside silence to the bustle of the city.