Filling out monthly receipts, many property owners have a question: what do we pay money for and is it possible to somehow reduce our costs. Sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at the bill for public utilities so that in the column "Total" it is 10 or even 20% less.

If you ask the average resident of Russia about what the utility bill consists of, he will hardly name two or three points. However, in addition to light, hot and cold water supply, heating, there is also a fee for residential water disposal, electricity supply (including common areas of the house). Having studied the payment in detail, you can find an invoice for paying for the “radio point”, which in last time 20-30 years ago, grandparents listened. And how long ago was the last time you spoke not on a mobile phone, but on your home phone?

What do we pay for and why such prices

Property management fee included residential building, its content and overhaul, as well as payments by employers under a social contract of employment. Owners of residential premises at a general meeting, based on legislative framework determine tariff rates. In other words, the apartment owners themselves control the level of payment.

As mentioned above, utilities include heat, water, gas, electricity, and sanitation. The final amount is calculated according to the established tariff based on the amount of resources consumed, which are determined either using metering devices or standards. Also, do not forget about subsidies.

Tariffs of utility complexes are regulated special bodies, whose task is to justify prices in terms of economic profitability at the time of setting prices. " Immediate impact on the cost of public services rendered and climatic features, infrastructure development, fuel prices, wage service personnel etc. It also includes the costs necessary to provide goods and services to consumers,” says Alexey Shmonov, CEO real estate portal

How to save money on payments

First, you need to determine what services you never use and what you can refuse. We are talking, for example, about the same radio point that was previously installed in every house. But what is interesting, the “socket” is not always working, only a few have a radio, and almost everyone pays for it. The tariff rate is actually small, but, as they say, a penny saves a ruble.

To refuse this service, the owner of the apartment must independently apply for the removal of the radio station. Proof of ownership, passport and latest receipt for services may be required. Disconnection is paid, occurs after the applicant provides a receipt for payment for the services of an electrician. Be sure to take a certificate, which will indicate that you no longer need to pay for the radio station from next month.

Among the "unnecessary" services you can find a collective television antenna, the cost of which can be up to 70 rubles per month. This must be done if the apartment has satellite antenna, cable or everyone watches TV via the Internet. With the application, you need to contact the television broadcast network that serves your home. It is necessary to provide papers on the right of ownership, a passport, as well as receipts that confirm that the applicant has no payment arrears. In this case, again, you will need to pay for the disconnection (services of an electrician). Upon completion of the work, a certificate is issued, it must be provided to the organization through which utilities are paid.

The second thing to do in the near future is to install water and gas meters in your apartment. Especially if you think you are paying more than you are consuming. Most of those who decide on individual meters end up saving up to 30% on payments. They pay off in a couple of years. And it's not that homeowners and tenants are starting to save water, constantly turning off the taps and preventing households from using the extra liter. It's just that the number of people that is registered does not always live in an apartment. In this case, the payment is no longer charged by the number of registered persons, but by cubic meters of water and gas used.

As for light, you can save on two-tariff meters. So, for "night kilowatts" the fee will be lower than for those spent during the day. This is convenient for those who work from morning to evening and come home after 18.00.

The peak of power consumption comes in the morning (from 6.00 to 10.00) and in the evening (from 19.00 to 23.00). Old one-rate meters count at the same rate, regardless of the time of day. Their big drawback is that they do not always correctly show energy consumption. Two-tariff ones switch at the specified time and count at a tariff that is beneficial for most residents of Russia. Plus, they are more accurate. It is advantageous to put them both in apartments with gas stoves, and with electric ones. Savings per month is more than 100-150 rubles. It pays off in two to three years on average.

Thirdly, if you travel frequently or have recently returned from a long business trip, ask for a recalculation. According to the law, if you are absent from the apartment for more than five days in a row, you can submit an application with a request to recalculate the communal fee. If there are no meters for water and gas, no payment for these services is charged for the specified period. The same applies to sewer, garbage and elevator fees. This does not apply to maintenance and heating. If the apartment is not privatized, then in any case you will have to pay for rent.

Of course, one word of honor will not be enough. It is necessary to provide documents confirming the absence, namely: a certificate stating that from such and such a date you were on a business trip, a hospital, a certificate from a travel agency, etc. official papers about staying elsewhere. You may also need tickets, certificates of temporary registration at a different address.

Fourth, you can try to get a subsidy. It is issued if the family's income is less than the subsistence level established by the state, or if a large part of the income is spent on paying for housing and communal services family budget. For example, in St. Petersburg, the maximum allowable share is about 14%.

You need to confirm your right to a subsidy twice a year, otherwise it will cease to be valid and you will need to pay the full amount. Please note: rates do not change, just compensation for expenses. At the same time, you need to make regular payments, without delays for more than two months.

Benefits are provided to certain categories of Russian citizens, including people with disabilities physical abilities, military personnel and large families. Health workers and teachers living in countryside also receive benefits.

Compensation for repairs: who owes whom

For services or services not rendered inadequate quality nobody has to pay. This also applies to utility bills. If in a month there were problems with water supply for more than 8 hours (not necessarily in a row), with electricity - two, gas supply - four, more than a day with heating ( we are talking about the heating period) or the voltage in the network was below the norm, compensation can be demanded.

To prove their case, violations must be recorded. As soon as one of the services is not provided, you need to call the emergency service and leave a request. Request the number of the appeal, the full name of the dispatcher or the position of the person who answered the call. He is obliged to write about the problem in a special log, indicate the reason. You can apply for a certificate, with which you need to go to the utility provider and ask for a recalculation.

“Pay attention: if there are preventive work and the water is turned off even for two weeks, you should not hope for a refund. The point is that in tariff plan these works are already included and compensation is initially included in monthly payments,” reminds Aleksey Shmonov, CEO of the real estate portal

What is not included in the "communal"? should be distinguished communal payments and maintenance of common property apartment building". If in the first case, roughly speaking, you need to pay for what you use in the apartment and house, then in the second case we are talking about lighting the local area and common areas, and exhaust sewage.

Autonomous or central heating

At one time, many decided to switch to heating system apartments. However, heat supply companies have long been opposed to autonomy in high-rise buildings. According to them, it is unsafe for the lives of people living in the house. On the other hand, if the system is installed correctly, there will be no problems with heating. Plus, the apartment will be much warmer, as you can independently set the desired temperature in the room. Pleasure is not the cheapest (more than 100 thousand rubles), but here it is rather a benefit in convenience. Further payment will be made by gas meters.

If there is no free money yet, you can install heat meters on batteries. But you will have to spend a lot of time before the housing and communal services will issue a permit for such work. Plus, the purchase of equipment and the services of a specialist who will install the meters will be expensive. Please note: you will still have to pay for central heating as before. But if the room temperature is below normal, you can claim compensation.

Payment rules

Before each payment, you need to independently calculate everything. It is not uncommon for housing companies to make mistakes. It's not that they want to deceive consumers. It's just that sometimes there are failures in the work of programs, and no one has canceled the human factor. In this case, an application for a refund or recalculation is written to the head of the organization.

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10.10.2012 01:26:43 61233

How to understand whether your suspicions are correct about the fact that the HOA (Association of Homeowners) or the Criminal Code (Management Company), which you are part of, illegally collects money from apartment owners? Are the data indicated in the payment that homeowners receive monthly by mail and do they comply with the rules approved by the authorities, or were they simply invented by someone for the purpose of making a profit? What kind of utility services should citizens pay for? Russian Federation?

All the difficulties arise due to the fact that the majority of the population of our country do not know enough the laws and, accordingly, their rights. In turn, officials are doing everything possible to keep the truth hidden from citizens, which allows them to live happily ever after, as a result, bureaucratic lawlessness can be found everywhere and not only in housing and communal services.

First of all, each homeowner should know that, regardless of whether he is a member of the Homeowners Association or not, the two main components of the payment for housing and communal services are:

  • utility bills on personal accounts;
  • expenses for the repair and maintenance of residential premises;

The Homeowners Association, as well as the Management Company, are not entitled to set prices at their own discretion in both cases.

Let us determine what kind of services provided by housing and communal services consist of utility costs.

Public utilities:

  • provision of electricity;
  • provision of gas;
  • provision of heating;
  • providing cold and hot water;
  • sewerage (water disposal)

Tariffs for the above services are set by regional and local authorities, in turn, twice a year, indexes to increase prices for utilities are set at the federal level.

Housing Services

When it comes to housing services, the matter of determining fees for them is quite different. Only by decision of the general meeting of tenants, that is, the meeting of apartment owners, can the payment for the provision of housing services be established and determined. In other words, only general meeting of tenants can approve all payments for the repair and maintenance of the house, and the Homeowners Association, as well as the Management Company, does not have the right to impose something unknown on the residents of this house. Just the same, it is on this that most of the housing and communal services officials get the opportunity to deceive residents. The reason for this is a decrease in the level social activity citizens of our country, since the majority of our citizens prefer not to attend meetings, but to stay at home, as a result, it turns out that the residents of the houses also do not choose the Council of the house, in the future, indignant at the bills received for housing and communal services, and which ones are little known. In the case when, in an apartment building, tenants and homeowners do not attend general meetings, then the prices for the maintenance and repair of this house are agreed in the local government, that is, in the Council.

There, there are also officials who have their own interest in setting prices for housing services. But, due to the passivity of the citizens of our country, payment, which according to the law can only be made for the provided and approved housing and communal services, turns out to be overpriced. However, even if the rates for housing services and types of work were agreed not with the residents of the house, but with the Administration, the Homeowners Association or the Management Company must have documents confirming this. In their absence, managers do not have the right by law to demand money for housing services, and the matter is not clean.

Where can citizens of the Russian Federation get information about what and how much they need to pay for housing and communal services?

According to Government Decree No. 731 dated September 23, 2010, as well as Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, at the request of a citizen, the Homeowners Association, as well as the Management Company, are obliged to give written explanations about the components of the tariff, as well as on what basis the amounts in the payment were indicated and by whom they were approved. When requesting the necessary information, reference should be made to the above documents. After receiving a written response (not an unsubscribe), it is possible to determine which services were imposed on the residents of the house, which services are not needed or are performed without proper quality, and for which services the prices were unreasonably high. An example of services that should not be included in the bill is home security services, which in some cases are even divided into security supervision and support. technical means, also, payment for a TV antenna, which has nothing to do with housing and communal services. In practice, in most cases, the payment figures are soon recalculated and the issue of incorrect payment for housing and communal services, already at this stage, can be quickly resolved. However, if officials do not show any reaction to a citizen’s statement, or get off with replies, it is worth filing a complaint with the appropriate authorities. There are three bodies that can regulate the actions of housing and communal services and where complaints should be sent:

  • prosecutor's office;
  • district administration or council (local self-government bodies);
  • housing inspection

About a year ago, the Housing Inspectorate received the right to control, when citizens of our country apply, the quality of repair work, as well as the authority and legality of creating a Homeowners Association. As a consequence, if you are certain that a fake Homeowners Association has been established in your home, you should contact Housing Inspectorate. If you have a strong belief that you are being deceived when paying for services, then you should contact the prosecutor's office. However, it is better to present complaints and claims against the authorities collectively, since if the complaint is from one person, it will not be taken seriously and will be dismissed from its consideration. In the case when none of the actions taken have brought results, and you are sure that you are right, you should go to court, providing the court with documents and “answers” ​​from the authorities that you have collected, they can serve as proof and evidence of your rightness.

  • The bankruptcy of the developer is not yet a verdict. How to get your money back?
  • The procedure for the division of personal accounts in municipal and privatized apartments.
  • Legal justification for breaking into an apartment without the knowledge of the owner of the apartment
  • Recognition of the right and legalization of unauthorized buildings. Litigation, expert advice, step by step instructions.

Utility bills have always raised a lot of questions from consumers. Perplexed by the numbers on the receipts, they often turn to energy supply organizations demanding explanations, and some owners are so impressed by the size of the “communal apartment” that they write complaints to the deputies, the executive branch, the prosecutor’s office, and almost the president.

It is really not very easy to understand all the intricacies of utility bills today. In addition, the legislation in the field of housing and communal services is constantly changing: either the population is required to install individual meters, or they are obliged to pay for general house needs.

Today we will try to figure out what energy bills are made up of and answer a seemingly simple question: so what are we paying for anyway?

Analysis by composition

Before proceeding directly to the accounts, let's figure out what they are made up of. To do this, you need to dwell on the key points of the calculations.

We can pay for electricity, gas, water or heat based on two criteria: either according to meter readings, or according to approved standards. There is also the concept of average monthly consumption, but more on that later.

If the homeowner does not have an individual resource meter, one can say that he is charged with some kind of fixed consumption according to the standard. A person can consume more or less than the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in it, but this will not affect the final numbers on the receipt. You just need to multiply the standard by the current tariff, and then by the number of people living in the apartment to get the final amount.

If individual metering devices are installed, then the receipt, as a rule, comes with the last paid indication already filled out. If the dwelling is equipped with individual metering devices, then in the current month the consumer pays for the resource according to the current readings, which he can transfer in any way available to him (the methods for transferring readings are indicated in the receipt). Thus, the calculation of the fee depends on the honesty of the owners in terms of the timeliness of the transfer of information and its compliance with the readings of metering devices. At least until the moment of control check of the counter.

So far, the diagram looks simple. However, in 2012, when the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, somewhat complicated the system of utility bills. It was then that the concept of common house needs entered our everyday life. It did not enter immediately, not everywhere, with adjustments to the deadlines for installing common house meters and payment rates in their absence.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 261, owners of premises in apartment buildings were required to equip them with common house metering devices before July 1, 2012. The deadline was then extended to January 1, 2013. However, neither the tenants were in a hurry to install rather expensive equipment, nor the management companies, although they themselves could choose both a contractor and a supplier, agree on an estimate ... As a result, from this point in time, resource supply organizations are obliged to install ODPU. Forced. However, it is still at the expense of the residents.

Note that in new buildings erected for last years, such metering devices are already in place. Otherwise, according to the current legislation, they simply could not be put into operation. The situation is more difficult with older residential buildings. Here, all common house appliances and components have to be installed "from scratch", so the usual receipts for water and heat suddenly replenished with impressive figures for their installation and commissioning. Last fact caused a flurry of indignation on the part of consumers: “Why should we pay for something that we didn’t ask for ?!”.

As a rule, the main "respondents of cuffs" are resource-supplying organizations, although they did not come up with the federal law on energy conservation. These enterprises themselves were not too happy about the additional workload. Therefore, they are objectively right when they send dissatisfied people straight to the State Duma with questions about the expediency and legality of the installation of the ODPU. After all, it is not the policy of public utilities that needs to be changed here, but the legislation. As long as it is what it is, we are all obliged to pay for general house expenses and have appropriate metering devices in our houses.

Common house needs are considered simply: total consumption is subtracted from the readings of a common house meter according to the readings of individual metering devices and according to the standard (in rooms not equipped with individual metering devices). The resulting difference is distributed among all the premises in the apartment building in proportion total area premises. The number of residents does not matter.

Let's start with a simple one - with gas supply. The line “common house needs” is not provided for in the gas receipt, because the Federal Law on Energy Saving does not provide for the installation of common house gas meters. Therefore, consumers receive bills only for individual spending inside an apartment or private house.

As Svetlana Nikolaeva, head of the subscriber department of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Pskov LLC, explained, most subscribers in the Pskov region are on direct contracts with a regional gas sales company, therefore, they receive bills on behalf of this organization.

According to the tariff approved last year, the cost of gas sold to the population is 5.08 rubles. per cube. m. These figures will be relevant until July 1 of this year.

For those who use gas without individual metering devices, resource consumption standards have been approved in the region. They are quite variable and take into account the presence of a gas column, gas heating equipment, the need for heating non-residential premises and other points.

So for an apartment in which there is only a stove from gas equipment (in the presence of centralized hot water supply), the standard is 12.0 cubic meters. m/person per month, and in the presence of a gas stove and a gas heater (in the absence of a central hot water supply) - 34.0 cubic meters. m/person per month. Thus, a family of three living in a "Khrushchev" with a stove and a column for heating water will monthly pay a gas bill in the amount of 518.16 rubles.

If a gas meter is installed in the apartment, then it will need to be paid in accordance with the readings of the meter, regardless of the number of residents. Of course, this option is much more economical in terms of monthly expenses. In practice, the same family of three, with only one gas stove and centralized hot water supply, can consume no more than 5-6 cubic meters per month instead of the imputed 36 cubic meters of gas.

However, the cost of installing such a device is not cheap, and it is difficult to name the period for which it will pay off. Depending on the manufacturer and brand of the device, as well as the place of purchase, the cost of gas meters is from 1000 rubles and more. Then you will need to pay for its installation, the cost of typical work averages from 1800 to 2200 rubles. If you need to carry out welding work, then the cost of installation will increase and can be either 3,000 or 6,000 rubles, depending on the complexity. But that's not all, the cost of the materials used will be added to these amounts based on the results of the work performed. As practice shows, it will be difficult to meet even the total amount of 4000 rubles.

By the way, the presence of a gas meter is not always mandatory. "Initially federal law It was provided that each owner is obliged to install a gas meter in his apartment by January 1, 2015, but at the end of last year the legislation changed. Now this obligation applies only to those whose maximum consumption exceeds 2 cubic meters per hour. That is, if the consumer in the apartment has only a kitchen stove from gas equipment, then he does not need to install a meter, but if it is also installed geyser, then the obligation remains,” Svetlana Nikolaeva specified.

Since these adjustments have appeared recently, gas meters are installed by default in new buildings, because before this was a mandatory requirement. In the light of the current innovations, it formally turns out that from now on, developers may not install such devices.

Perhaps an additional motivation for installing meters will be the introduction of multiplying factors, but so far they are not provided for by the current legislation.

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Pskov emphasizes that the readings of individual meters must be periodically rechecked. To do this, the owner is obliged to let a specialist into the apartment. Both the technical serviceability of the device and the presence of the human factor are checked. Among Pskov residents there are many who provide incorrect data, and there are also enough "Kulibins" who seek to deceive the device. As a rule, such checks are carried out annually. If the owner does not let the specialist into the apartment, then this is a reason to apply for access to the court.

If the consumer maliciously does not report meter readings or the meter is sent for verification or repair, then within three months gas consumption will be calculated based on monthly averages (data for the year are taken). However, if even after that the owner continues not to provide information about the testimony, then he will be forcibly transferred to the standard starting from the 4th month. Since individual gas meters can significantly save money, it is at least unreasonable to switch to the standard.

By the way, meter readings can be reported both by phone and through the official website of the resource supplying organization in personal account Moreover, you can also pay there. Surprisingly, with enough high level Internetization of Pskovites, only a few use the site's facilities.


The situation with the calculation of payment for electricity is also relatively favorable. The thing is that both individual and common house metering devices on this species resources are mostly installed in common areas, and not in apartments, which allows you to clearly control consumption and makes the situation as transparent as possible.

The installation of common house electricity meters also went quite smoothly. Largely due to the fact that the energy supply organization installed them on its own, and not at the expense of consumers. The organization considered that the installation of such equipment is beneficial primarily for themselves, since it allows not only to track energy consumption in the field, but also to quickly identify losses.

Electricity tariffs for the population are approved annually by order of the Pskov Region State Committee for Tariffs and Energy, as is the case with other energy resources. Today, the tariff for the urban population is 3.53 rubles/kWh for ordinary housing and 2.47 rubles/kWh for houses with electric stoves and electric heating. From July 1, it will grow to 3.79 rubles/kWh and 2.84 rubles/kWh, respectively.

A tariff differentiated by zones of the day is a rather exotic thing and is not in great demand. It differs in that in the daytime the population is offered one billing, and at night - more profitable. It is of interest, first of all, to residents of private houses, who heat the house with electricity at night.

In new houses, the meters already support multi-tariff accounting, so that at the request of the owner, you can switch to a differentiated tariff. But, as a rule, it is unprofitable for the bulk of the population. Such a tariff can only be suitable for a bachelor leading a nocturnal lifestyle.

By the way, if the counter is set outside organization, then in any case it must be checked and sealed by the employees of Pskovenergoagent, otherwise you will have to pay at not very favorable rates. The same will happen if the consumer refuses to report the meter readings when it is installed in his apartment (this is common in old houses) or a private house, and controllers do not have direct access to them.

Well, if a person does not pay for the light, then the order is strict. After three months of non-payment on receipts, he will be handed a notice of a possible disconnection against signature. If he does not respond and does not repay the debt, then he will be disconnected from the network. To reconnect, you will have to pay not only the debt, but also the work to disconnect / connect.

As for general building needs, as Andrey Fedorov, press secretary of Pskovenergosbyt OJSC, explained, these include lighting, elevators, intercoms, TV antenna amplifiers, and sometimes pumps for water or central heating. They are calculated traditionally: individual readings are subtracted from the readings of the common house meter. Then, general house consumption is signed for all homeowners in proportion to the area they occupy.

“According to the general house meter, we see how much electricity we have given to the house, and the management company is already engaged in apartment calculations. At the same time, we do not have the practice of taking money for an absent tenant from all over the house, ”he added.

If the residents are frankly surprised by the testimony of the ODPU, then you need to contact the management company with a request. There can be many options: someone could unauthorizedly connect to the public house network and actually steal electricity, or, perhaps, the house was repair work again at the expense of the general power grid.

Cold water and wastewater

The State Committee of the Pskov Region for Tariffs and Energy in the Sphere of Cold Water Supply and Sanitation approved the following tariffs for 2015: for cold water supply — 20.95 rubles per cubic meter. m (from July 1 - 22.73 rubles / cubic meter), for wastewater disposal 17.26 rubles / cubic meter. m (from July 1 - 18.73 rubles per cubic meter).

Consumption standards adopted in our region cold water and water disposal significantly differ depending on the improvement of a residential building. The presence or absence of a bath, sewerage or hot water supply, as well as other factors affect the calculations. So, for an apartment building equipped with centralized cold and hot water supply, sanitation, baths and showers, the water standard is 4.86 cubic meters. m/month per person, and for the disposal of hot and cold water - 8.4 cubic meters. m/month per person If the house has no sewerage or hot water, then consumption rates will be 2.4 cubic meters. m/month per person only for cold water.

Payment according to the standards is carried out if the owner's apartment is not equipped with individual metering devices. If such meters are installed, then the volume of both delivered and utilized water will be paid according to the indications.

You can argue about the efficiency of water meters for a long time, give a lot of arguments for and against. In any case, for the luxury of a leaking toilet or a faucet left running in the bathroom, the owners of the appliances will have to fork out. As a matter of fact, this is precisely the main idea of ​​installing such devices - to teach the population to wisely spend Natural resources. There is no additional motivation for this for consumers yet, the current legislation in this sense is still quite loyal. However, it will not be possible to hand over a new building without such metering devices, therefore, in all new houses, they exist by default.

Common house needs for cold water are all that is spent on washing entrances, flushing networks, and discharges. If there is a common house metering device, its readings are multiplied by the tariff. Then the payments of citizens made both according to the indications of apartment meters and according to the standard are deducted. The remaining difference, in accordance with the established calculation procedure, is the general needs of the house, which are distributed among the residents of the house in accordance with their share in the common property. All these figures are indicated in the receipt.

The main reason why tenants are afraid of the “huge” amounts wound up by the common house meter is the so-called unaccounted for citizens. If payment for utilities is charged according to the standard for one person, and in fact three people live in the apartment, then the water they consume will fall on the shoulders, or rather, on the neighbors' wallets. If there are more than one or two such apartments in the entrance, then no standards can smooth out the difference.

Unfortunately, the unfair distribution of common house needs can also be influenced by deceiver tenants who “chemize” with water meters in their apartment. Whether they put up "magnets", reset readings illegally, or simply pass on false data, all these moments can affect the pockets of neighbors. Gorvodokanal or management companies are fighting such violators to the best of their ability. The fact is that the specialists of these organizations must periodically check the meters, both in terms of the device's operability and in terms of the relevance of the readings. Letting them inside the apartment is the responsibility of every tenant. If the owner refuses to let the inspectors in, he is given an order, thereby officially warning, next time it will turn out that the water will be counted according to the standard, regardless of any individual metering devices.

But in the case of "rubber" apartments, "Gorvodokanal" is no longer an assistant. Management companies should understand here, and also better advice tenants. Who, if not the neighbors of the entrance, should know in which apartments there are unfixed tenants. If the persuasion does not work, then, in principle, the Criminal Code can even decide on the forced collection of bills according to the standard from one or another living space.

In the absence of a common house metering device, the equation is somewhat simpler, the standards for ODN apply. However, in our region they have not yet been approved, therefore, in the absence of such a device, payment is not made.

Heating and hot water

The State Committee for Tariffs and Energy of the Pskov Region approved the following heating tariffs for 2015: 1,473.54 rubles/Gcal (since July 1, 1,598.78 rubles/Gcal). For hot water, there is a tariff consisting of two components: supplied cold water for heating (heat carrier) - 20.95 rubles per cubic meter. m and its heating (thermal energy) - 1473.54 rubles / Gcal. From July 1, it will amount to 22.73 rubles per cubic meter. m and 1598.78 rubles/Gcal, respectively.

It should be noted that other tariffs apply for houses with open water intake from heat supply systems, they can be clarified on the website of the State Committee for Tariffs.

As the State Committee for Construction and Housing Supervision of the Pskov Region explained, individual heat meters for our city are exotic. They are rare in the area. They are not allowed to be installed in our homes. technical features heating system. Therefore, the cost of heat is calculated only according to the standards or according to the readings of the common house metering device, which since last year the Pskov Heating Network began to install in the city's apartment buildings.

In the case of the standard, the payment for heating is considered as follows: the tariff for thermal energy(rub/.Gcal) and multiplied by the consumption standard (Gcal/sq. m). The established standard for individual apartments for heating today is 0.0133 Gcal/sq. m. Accordingly, the tariff for such premises will be - 19.60 rubles / .Gcal. It must be multiplied by the footage of the apartment to get the total amount in the receipt. So, for a two-room apartment of 54 sq.m. - monthly payment for heat will be 1058.40 rubles.

In the presence of general house accounting, the meter readings are divided into all in proportion to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200boccupied premises. If there is no common house metering device in the house, then residents pay according to the standard for 12 months, while if it is available, fees are charged only during the heating period for 7 months, while the monthly fee for them is higher, but the total amount for a year may be less (depending on the outdoor temperature during the heating season and the type of house).

Accruals for hot water are also made either according to the readings of the meters, or, in their absence, in accordance with the standards, which differ depending on the degree of improvement of the house. For a typical apartment with all amenities, it is 3.53 cubic meters. m/month per person.

It should be understood that you also need to pay for the sewerage of hot water, again either according to the standard (see above in the drainage section), or in accordance with the readings of the consumption meter.

For hot water, common house meters are also installed. Although the concept of common house needs in this case looks doubtful, the Pskov Heating Networks MP explained that they are installed in without fail as required by federal energy conservation legislation. A common house metering device allows you to compare the readings at the entrance to the house and inside the house, to identify leaks or inaccurate meter readings.

Residents are deprived of hot water for a period of 2 to 4 hours, usually in the morning or afternoon with prior notice, for the duration of the installation of the ODPU, so recalculation is not made. In the case of heating, meters are installed at the end of the heating period, consumers do not even notice this.

The owners should look for the reasons for too high readings of common house appliances, first of all, inside their house, in their area of ​​​​responsibility. Here again the issue of "rubber" apartments and negligent users who do not disdain fraud with individual meters becomes relevant. Moreover, for deceivers and those who forget to report instrument readings on time, all the same methods of influence apply: subpoenas and forced “transplantation” to standards.

Trust but check

What to do if you do not agree with the numbers in the receipts? To begin with, make sure that you provided information on meter readings on time, perhaps you were charged according to average readings. You can request a list of services and prices in management company or from the management of the HOA. If your house is on direct payments, then you need to contact the resource supply organization directly.

According to the State Committee for Construction and Housing Supervision of the Pskov Region, these organizations are required by law to provide comprehensive information at the request of consumers. Including justify the cost of installing common house meters. This issue is especially relevant today for the people of Pskov.

It should be noted that personal research of tenants on the cost of meters is usually erroneous. They do not take into account that, in addition to the common house metering device itself, a technically complex metering unit is mounted, which consists of many components: measuring instruments, calculators, sensors, etc. In addition, their installation is often associated with the replacement of leaky pipes. Firstly, installation of the device on old pipes is often simply impossible, and secondly, in this case, consumers will not have to pay for leaks.

If the explanations of the organizations responsible for utilities do not suit you, you can go to court. You also have the right to refuse the services of a management company at a general meeting of apartment owners and conclude an agreement with another. True, your desire should be supported by the majority of owners.

Alas, so far the procedure for charging fees for common house needs due to the hasty introduction new system is imperfect. Neither the Housing Code nor the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation oblige to pay for neighbors, but only for common house needs, but in practice the opposite is happening so far. Yes, and the tenants have no serious responsibility for the timely provision of meter readings. All of this makes life much more difficult. resource supplying organizations and housemates. Looking forward to another reform in housing and communal services?

according to PLN

Thanks to public services, citizens can receive comfortable living conditions. Their list must be necessarily reflected in the contract between residents and housing and communal services, HOA or other body. But not every one of us has a copy of the contract at home, so the question arises: What is included in this list of services and what do you need to pay for? Now we will try to consider it in detail and find the answer.

What is rent

The rent is the amount that is paid monthly by the owner of the housing for utilities presented to him.

It is binding and cannot be challenged. And also it includes any repair work, maintenance of the building and so on. Now you need to figure out what the rent is paid for.

What is included in the rent in Russia, a list of housing and communal services

We obtain the necessary resources from organizations that have the appropriate licenses for this. The main list of housing and communal services consists of :

  1. Cold water supply. The supplied water must be clean, free from microbes or any chemical impurities. It must be available around the clock. The maximum allowed break is up to 8 hours per month and no more than 24 hours in case of an accident.
  2. Supply hot water. Not everyone gets this. This water, in addition to the above requirements, must have a temperature of 65 degrees Celsius to 75 degrees. Small deviations from the norm are allowed.
  3. Sewerage. Housing must have a sewage disposal system.
  4. Heating. In this case, the main factor is the air temperature in the apartment. It should be at least +18 degrees indoors and at least +15 at the entrance. During the heating season, it is allowed to turn off the heating for no more than 24 hours a month.
  5. Gas supply. Not all houses are connected to domestic gas. But if housing is connected, then it is paid together with other utilities.
  6. Electricity. Breaks in the supply of electricity are allowed for 2 hours for two sources and 24 hours for one.

List of municipal utilities and their characteristic features

These services do not apply to any individual apartments or private houses, but create comfortable conditions for the owners or owners of residential premises, and they are included in the rent.

Here is a list of these services:

  • Repair, maintenance of housing. The main purpose of this function is to maintain the premises in good condition.
  • Capital repairs.
  • Waste removal.
  • Other services. These include cleaning entrances, elevators, the area around the house, 24-hour security, secure parking, grocery delivery, and so on.

Important! These services are not mandatory, but if present, they must be paid at established rates.

Operational services in housing and communal services

These services include:

  • Telephone and landline communications.
  • Internet and television.
  • Intercom.
  • Security and more.

Note! Such services are paid only if they are available and used by residents.

Obligations of the management company and housing and communal services

All obligations listed in the contract must be fulfilled by the company so that the contract is not terminated, and penalties are applied to the HOA.

The main point of the contract, which must be implemented, is repair work.

They are required to provide two types:

  • Current work;
  • Capital repairs.

It may be that the house does not need repairs or the tenants want the demolition of a low-quality building. All these points must be reflected in the contract.

Organizational activities include:

  • Control over the supply of all necessary services from authorized organizations.
  • Acceptance of payments for services that are provided. Ensuring that payments are received on time.
  • Ensuring safe conditions for the use of the house by residents, as well as during repair work.
  • Handling complaints from residents.

Additional services

There are also additional paid services that are not included in the maintenance of the house. These may include: security, alarm, surveillance cameras. Some companies demand improper fees for various types of services:

  1. Services not included in the contract.
  2. Additional charges apply for services included in the contract.
  3. Collection of obligatory donations for the activities of the organization.

How utility bills are calculated

This is not as difficult to do as it seems.

The calculation will depend on whether you deigned to install metering devices, for example, a water or gas meter.

The meter readings are taken and multiplied by the current, by this moment, tariff and all. If they are not there, the number of people living in the apartment is taken and multiplied by the consumption standard, and then the resulting value is multiplied by the tariff.

If there are counters

To make it clearer, let's look at an example. Let's say you have a separate water meter installed. Then the calculations are made as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take readings of the device and determine how much water was used for this month.
  2. Now you should find out the tariff for water. Let it be 29 rubles/m3.
  3. The last step - the amount of water used is multiplied by the tariff, and the amount payable is obtained.

Norms per person

If the counter is not set:

  1. Let's say there are 2 people in the family. You need to multiply two by the required standard, for example, it corresponds to 10 m3 per person, then 2 is multiplied by 10 and you get 20.
  2. Now the resulting number (20) should be multiplied by the tariff, that is, 20 * 29 (tariff) \u003d 580 rubles.

By the same analogy, other utility bills are calculated.

No one is registered, what then

Perhaps this will disappoint someone, but you still need to pay, and you can get a fine for non-payment. If meters are not installed, the calculation will take place according to the norms for one person, and it does not matter if he lives in an apartment or not. In this case, counters can help. If they are installed and, according to their testimony, no one used the resources, then you do not need to pay, however, it should be borne in mind that meters are not installed for all types of services. Hence the conclusion: it is impossible to completely get rid of utility bills.

Important! If someone else lives in the apartment instead of the owner, utilities must still be paid.

In a communal apartment

In such an apartment, payment of utility bills is based on agreements between residents. However, it happens that they are not achieved, in which case payment is made in accordance with the Housing Code.

Sometimes homeowners agree to pay for services in proportion to the living space that is occupied by them or the number of people living on it.

It happens that homeowners install individual metering devices and the personal account for paying for services is divided.

Then payment will be based on an individual meter, as well as for the use of common property.

In order to avoid disputes, tenants conclude an agreement that determines the procedure for the use of common property.

There may be situations when tenants could not agree on payments, then:

  • You need to pay for heating in proportion to the share in the total area of ​​​​the apartment;
  • Water should be paid based on the number of people living in the apartment;
  • Lighting is paid for based on the number of installed lighting fixtures and their power.

If people living in a communal apartment have serious disputes over the payment of utilities, they can be resolved through the courts. It is also worth contacting there when one of the residents refuses to pay utility bills on time, and organizations demand that all residents in this apartment pay off their debts.


Now you know what the rent consists of and why it needs to be paid, and we also figured out how utility bills are calculated. Using all the above tips and tricks, you should not have any problems with this. Learning how to calculate utility bills is very simple. You just need to take meter readings, calculate the amount of resource spent for given month and multiply by the rate.