A friend of mine studies there and loves it. In general, I know many who study at ISME, but I don’t understand HOW ?, because, well, they are far from geniuses. :))

    you will pay only for retaking tests, tests, exams, with normal academic performance, everything is free

    no, attendance is compulsory

    Judging by the avatar, you will not be accepted anywhere.
    Only, maybe, on a vegetable warehouse as a loader

    Seriously, you need to find out at the university where you are going to enter ... They have different rules

    I think so.

    Controllable system of closed-loop informational-energetic flows?

    There can be many reasons:
    incompatible hardware, insufficient memory, insufficient access rights, incompatible software, not met the necessary conditions installations, viruses, glitches or missing OS components...and so on.
    It is necessary to look for the program log and determine what causes it to refuse to start.

    I am for the economy.

    TSI is much more student friendly. Convenient (everything in one district). In MOUTH, you walk around the city from different buildings throughout your life. I studied at both RTU and TSI. Therefore, I can compare, and not according to rumors :) Just for nerds - this is MOUTH. Mouth swamp. TSI after him was like a ray of light :) Everything is available, everything is friendly
    In TSI, knowledge is very good if you study full-time. (daytime, evening). Diplomas of both are quoted equally. But the correspondence TSI is not a study. It's just a piece of paper. The fact that in the daytime subject with coursework, with a bunch of laboratories, a bunch of theoretical hours .. then in absentia - one brochure for 10 sheets "adapted material for correspondence students." And an account. It is passed without even reading this pamphlet. :)
    If you like to solve quests on organizational issues - you are in MOUTH. If you like dark, gloomy corridors. And the specialists in RTU are also very good. Knowledge gives deep

Purpose of the lesson:

Establishing contact between the curator and students.
- Creation of a trusting atmosphere in the group.
- Promoting group cohesion.
- Contribute to the successful adaptation of students to college.

For the lesson you need a spacious room, chairs, paper and pens. -by number a person in a group, a ball, a ball of knitting threads, chalk, a board.

Lesson plan:

1. Getting to know the group.
2. A brief introduction to the work plans for the current semester.
3. Familiarization of those present with the rules for conducting training sessions.
4. Implementation of training sessions.
5. Analysis of individual characteristics of students.
6. Create organizational structure groups (students together with the curator).
7. Choose the day of the group, the emblem of the group and the motto.
8. Familiarization with the internal regulations of GBPOU RK "KERCHENSKY

The duration of the lesson is 4 hours.


In order to get to know each other and relieve tension in the group, you can perform following task.

Exercise "Adjectives"

Description of the exercise: each participant chooses an adjective name that characterizes him positively. The adjective name must start with the same letter as the participant's name. The first participant says his name in combination with an adjective (for example, Merry Valentine). The second participant first calls the name of the first participant, then his own name, also in combination with an adjective. The third participant names the first two, then calls himself and so - up to the last participant, who names everyone sitting in the circle and only then - himself. Example: Courageous Marina, Affectionate Larisa, Calm Sophia, Athletic Sasha, Gentle Natalia, etc.

Participants immediately remember each other;

Each participant, calling himself positively, characterizing his positive traits already enters the atmosphere positive emotions and help create it.

Establishing contact of the curator with students and students among themselves. For this purpose, it is proposed to perform the following training tasks.

Exercise - brain attack. What qualities attract me in friends?

To speak without judging, that is, on the first impulse.

Description of the exercise: each participant names the qualities that attract him in friends (naturally, positive qualities). On a poster or board, the facilitator writes down all the qualities in the order in which they are named.

Example: smart, sincere, reliable, generous, considerate, benevolent, decent, patient, sympathetic, natural, trusting, admitting his mistakes, ready to forgive, self-respecting, responsible, trusting, wise, patient, resourceful, well educated, broad-minded , healthy, intelligent, playful, charming, etc. Then, when the list is completed, all participants choose the three most significant options from their point of view, marking their choices on the board. Thus, a picture of group preferences will emerge as a result. The quality that got the largest number preferences, is considered the most respected, preferred by the group, the rest are arranged in descending order. Each member of the group can compare his choices with the general group preferences and, having comprehended the situation, correct his own behavior in the group.

The purpose of this exercise:

Further formation of a warm emotional climate in the group;

Clarification and identification of group preferences of personality traits.

Exercise "Positive Presentation". It is logically connected with the previous exercises, because. uses their materials.

Description of the exercise: participants are divided into pairs. You can use the following technique to make the choice as arbitrary as possible: participants in random order cards are distributed on which one of the following words is written: thunder, lightning, Moscow, Kremlin, Volga, Russia, Desdemona, Othello, love, Cupid, Pinocchio, Malvina, spring, drops, duel, Pushkin, etc. After that, the holders of cards linked common theme, form pairs. Within five minutes, each participant has the opportunity to tell his partner about how wonderful he is, what wonderful qualities he has, boast about his success in various fields life. It's not so much a conversation as active listening. Having listened very carefully to the partner's story, the second participant must retell what he heard as accurately and in detail as possible, thereby proving his respect and concentration. If he missed something or did not say it accurately enough, he can be corrected. After that, it is the turn of the second participant. The previous work is reproduced in the same algorithm. Then two options are possible:

Combining two neighboring pairs for further work - introducing their partners in turn to other participants or introducing partners in a circle to all participants in the training.

Purpose of the exercise:

We often avoid speaking well of ourselves (shame, modesty interfere), real life We often hear and say something negative about ourselves. There is a kind of emotional imbalance;

Exercise helps to at least partially eliminate this imbalance. A person, having said something good about himself for the first time, will be able to feel new feelings that have arisen in him. These positive feelings will help him change his life in better side, make it better, believe in yourself, support yourself and others.

Information for discussion:

Praise is the most powerful tool you have.

He who praises others, himself more easily achieves success.

Each person needs recognition, love support and constantly new incentives.

Every person, regardless of their level mental abilities grows up in own eyes when he is praised.

Praise is the most effective way to communicate with people.

Praise is a positive force that multiplies on its own.

The thirst for recognition and respect can only be satisfied with praise.

Praise should always be appropriate and appropriate to the situation.

Praise must be sincere, for there is nothing worse than hypocritical praise.

Praise the person when you are alone with him, so he will become your friend. If you praise him in front of others, he will feel even more devoted to you. If you praise his abilities as an example to others, he will recommend you to everyone and protect you from any attacks.

The ability to praise others is distinguished by individuals who are self-confident and firm. For this reason, people suffering from an inferiority complex cannot and do not want to praise. (According to Nikolaus B. Enckelmann).

"Question to the group". Students write questions to the group on separate sheets, the curator collects questions, mixes and distributes them. Students answer the questions.

"Suitcase on the road" Each student offers something in a common "suitcase", which the group will take with them on the "road". Qualities that will help the group to be more successful are more valued.

« Notes with wishes. Each student writes a note with a wish for each member of the group and signs - to whom, the messages are not read aloud.

Group Cohesion Exercise Signs of attention»

All group members form two circles, inner and outer, facing each other. Standing facing each other form a pair. The first member of the couple gives a sincere sign of attention to the partner standing opposite, tells him something pleasant. He replies: “Yes, of course, but besides, I also ...” (names what he values ​​\u200b\u200bin himself and believes that he deserves signs of attention for this). A sign of attention is a statement or action addressed to a person and designed to improve his well-being and cause joy = Signs of attention - actions, skills, appearance, etc. can be marked. then the partners change roles, after which they take a step to the left and thus form new pairs. Everything is repeated until a full circle is made.

After completing the exercise, the facilitator conducts a discussion on the following questions:

How did you feel when you showed attention to another?

What did you feel when the signs of attention showed you?

Was it easy for you to respond to the signs of attention given in a given way?


Work in microgroups of 5-7 people.

At the first stage of work, each participant answers the questions in writing (finishes sentences):

What I am most satisfied with in my student life...

What I miss the most in my student life is...

I would not like to...

What do I expect from student life, from study group...

In my group, I especially like...

In our group, it is especially difficult and unpleasant for me ...

In order to achieve my group goals, I am ready to...

The participants of each microgroup share their answers with each other and make a common list of answers for their microgroup. Each microgroup presents its generalized results on a common circle. The facilitator summarizes the final results of the group, emphasizing the resources that the group can draw on.

"Express yourself in a gesture."

“What would happen if one fine day all the teachers in the university disappeared”;

“What would happen if all exams and tests were canceled at the university.”

Formation of norms and support skills.


Task: To each choose a member of the group from whom he would like to receive support during the training, obtain consent, introduce him to the general circle. Work in microgroups of support. "My most difficult obstacles." Partners take turns finishing the phrases: "I trust you ... I appreciate you ...". In what situations do I need support. What kind of support would I like to receive. Tell your partner what 2 "obstacles" of student life can be the most difficult for the narrator. The curator talks about what presents particular difficulties for him in working with the group. After the story of each of the partners, they jointly look for resources for the successful "passing obstacles".

Each participant writes down on a piece of paper his most difficult obstacle (without signing his name) and hands it over to the facilitator. The facilitator reads out a list of the group members' most difficult obstacles. (Collection of topics for further development, for discussion on these topics).

Warm up. The host throws the ball and asks the group member to complete the phrase by returning the ball:

I rejoice when...
I get upset when...
I get offended when...
- I'm surprised when...
- I get mad when...
I get angry when...
- I'm grateful when...
I envy when...
I'm proud when...

Group Code.

"Desert Island".

Instruction: “Imagine that you all got on desert island. When you will be rescued and whether they will be able to do it at all is unknown. You are faced with the task, firstly, to survive and, secondly, to remain at the same time civilized people. Formulate an "Island Code" that establishes norms (prohibitions) in various fields, including:

interpersonal relationships;
- attitude to alcohol;
- attitude to drugs;
- sexual contact .

You are given 30 minutes to do this. Discussion of the results of the work of microgroups and development of common rules. General rules groups are drawn up on a piece of paper, signed by all members of the group and solemnly transferred to the custody of the elected "keepers of norms" or "historians" of the group.

"Public characteristic".

Each member of the group writes their name on a piece of paper and passes it to the neighbor on the right. He writes on it one character trait that is most inherent in the personality of the person being characterized, and passes the sheet to the next. Each leaf goes around the circle and returns to its owner. "Curator". Each member of the circle completes the following sentences to the facilitator:

- "I can turn to you for help when (if)...";
- - "I still can not turn to you for help, in case ...".

The curator of the group listens without comment and thanks everyone. General circle.

Think back to today's group work and continue with the following phrases:

I understand...
- I was surprised...
- Think...
Today I was annoyed...
- I liked it very much...

Exit exercise "Connecting thread".

The participants of the training, sitting in a general circle, pass a ball of thread to each other, accompanying this with statements like “I am grateful to you that...”, “I am glad to meet you, because...”. When the ball returns to the one who started the exercise, the group members should pull the thread, close their eyes and feel the space connecting them.

We create the organizational structure of the group (students together with the curator). What is it for? First-year students, as a rule, do nothing but prepare for training sessions. They cannot go to hobby groups and clubs, sometimes just psychologically, because they are afraid of not having time to do something about their studies. And if you organize extracurricular work in a group, everyone will find something to do in accordance with their interests and abilities. And most importantly, this contributes to the fact that in the third year, when students are already fully mastered in college, they will feel the need for circle, club work, which, in turn, broadens their horizons. After everyone got to know each other, learned a little about each other's interests, you can start organizing the structure of the group. We choose the headman, committees: sports, economic, cultural, press center of the group, study assistants, designate duties. We choose the day of the group, the emblem of the group and the motto. The motto of the group is proposed to be formulated in the following vein: "what do we want from life and how we will achieve it."

Familiarization with the internal regulations. Now, when everyone has met, organizational issues have been resolved, it is necessary to tell students about the rules by which they “play” in college, i.e. briefly familiarize with the structure of the college, charter, internal regulations in the college.

Completion of the lesson.

The end of the session should always be positive. It is necessary to convey to the guys that they will cope with all the difficulties, and the curator will help them with this.

Material overview

Material overview

We are students Or our group is a student organization

Objectives: to create a model of a student corner in the process of joint activities.


Accompanying and reflecting the effectiveness of the educational process.

Expanding the horizons of students;

Reflection and increase in the productivity of educational and educational work;

Identification of the potential of students,

Development of creative abilities,

Increasing the motivation of students,

Creation of conditions for the development of team cohesion.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

You've been together for almost a year now. Learned a lot about each other. Today Classroom hour dedicated to the design of your student group as an organization.

What is an organization, what structures does it consist of? Why do people form groups and create organizations?

(Organization is a group of people working together, led by a leader and carrying out certain plans).

So, you are a student organization. Every organization has its own communication system. What do you think it might be based on? (Code of conduct, values, rules)

How can this be fixed on paper and where can it be seen? (documents and corner)

Today we will try to create a corner of your student group.

The design of the student corner is an important part of the life of the group, which reflects student life, largely determines the psychological mood, forms the microclimate of the student team, stimulates creative and educational activities.

Together we will create a layout of your student corner. Before we get started, let's define our goals.

(For cohesion, improving group relations, responsibilities ..)

The student corner contains versatile and useful information.

Making a student corner is a purely creative process that does not have strict restrictions and regulations.

Content cool corner selected by each individual teacher based on own experience and characteristics of the school community. However, we should not forget that the design of the corner at school fully realizes itself only if you entrust the maintenance of part of the headings to the children and involve parents in this work. The content of the class corner should not be static, the materials should be supplemented, changed and improved.

So, our task is to create a layout of the student corner of your group.

Let's define the structure of your corner:


Code of Conduct,


Coat of arms (logo),


group laws,

duty list,

Mail of my problems and good luck,

important phone numbers,

The duties of the representatives of the group (headman, deputies: for the educational part, for educational work; psychologist, social teacher; sectors: creative, sports, cultural, educational ...)

Making a corner is a purely individual process. But each corner must meet the following requirements:

    Aesthetics of the design of the corner at school;

    Creativity to the design of the corner;

    Comprehensive development of personality by means of a student corner;

    The theme of the classroom reflects both educational and extracurricular activities.

On a sheet of drawing paper, you must create a model of a student corner.

We will give you drawing paper and A4 sheets, markers, samples. After creating the layout of the corner, you will have to defend your work and answer the questions of classmates.

You will be selected best model corner.

2. Creation of student corner models.

3. Protection.

We invite 4 representatives with models of corners for protection.

Team members take turns reading structural components. The rest listen carefully and ask questions. After that, we choose the best, finalize and approve. Created on the board new look student corner, jointly hosted.


Code of Conduct,


Coat of arms (logo),


group laws,

duty list,

Our achievements (congratulations),

Student constellation (birthdays),

Mail of my problems and good luck,

important phone numbers,

And now for this image of the student group we will distribute official duties representatives of the group (headman, deputies: for the educational part, for educational work; psychologist, social pedagogue; sectors: creative, sports, cultural, educational ..).

Write down job responsibilities and write an annual activity plan for your work.

4. Bottom line.

Thanks for the fruitful creative work. And at the end, decide how much you personally liked the student corner model: red - liked it, black - didn’t like it, green - partially liked it.

Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

The discipline in the college is maintained on the basis of respect for the human dignity of students, teachers and other employees of the college. The use of methods of mental and physical violence against others is not allowed.

Students are required to comply with the Charter of the college, study conscientiously, take care of property, respect the honor and dignity of other students and college employees and follow the internal regulations:

Observe the schedule of classes (lessons, electives, sections).

Do not be late and do not miss classes without good reason.

Keep the college and surrounding area clean.

Take care of the building, equipment, property.

Save energy and water.

Treat the results of other people's work with care and provide help in cleaning the premises while on duty in the office, in the college.

Maintain order and cleanliness in the dining room, locker room, toilet.

Participate in the preparation of the college for the new academic year.

Pay due attention to your health and the health of those around you.

Take an active part in the collective creative affairs of the group, college.

Stick to business style clothes.

When speaking with elders, the student should stand up. The transition to a free mode of communication is allowed with the permission of an adult.


After the call, students should immediately take their seats at the study tables and prepare everything necessary for the lesson.

Upon entering the teacher's classroom, students are required to stand up.

At the beginning of the pair, the student responsible for attendance submits to the teacher a report with those absent from this pair.

Late students are allowed to attend classes with the permission of the teacher, deputy. director of VR, as well as the duty administrator.

The duty officer of the group must ensure that the audience is ready for classes.

Students who wish to answer or ask something from the teacher are required to raise their hand.

The lesson is considered finished only after the teacher announces the end and allows the student to leave the classroom.


To bring, transfer and use alcoholic beverages, narcotic and toxic substances.

Smoking in the college building, as well as on the territory of the college, outside specially equipped places.

Use any substances leading to explosions and fires.

Engage in extortion.

Apply physical strength to clarify relationships.

Engage in any activity that endangers others, own life and health.

Use rude language in relation to other students and to all employees of the college.

Keep hands in pockets when talking to elders.


1. For violation of the Charter of the College, the Rules of Conduct, the student is subject to disciplinary responsibility. Penalties are imposed in accordance with the following principles:

    only the guilty student is held liable (no guilt - no responsibility);

    responsibility is of a personal nature (collective responsibility of a group, a group of students for the action of a member of the student team is not allowed);

    the severity of the penalty must correspond to the severity of the misconduct committed, the circumstances of its commission, the previous behavior and age of the student;

    the penalty is imposed in writing (oral methods of pedagogical influence are not considered disciplinary penalties);

    for one violation, only one main penalty is imposed;

    the application of disciplinary measures not provided for by these Regulations is prohibited;

    before imposing a disciplinary sanction, the student must be given the opportunity to explain the reasons for committing this misconduct in a form appropriate to his age (granted the right to protection).

2. The following penalties apply to students:



    severe reprimand;

    obliged to compensate for the damage caused;

    the obligation to make a public apology;

    exclusion from the number of students.

3. The following have the right to impose a penalty:

    Principal of the College: in relation to any student of the College, for any violation of the Rules of Conduct; the right to apply any penalty proportionate to the act, except expulsion from the college. The imposition of a penalty is issued by order of the college;

    deputy director for academic work, deputy director for educational work: in relation to any college student: for a misconduct that violates the normal course of the educational process; the right to apply any penalty appropriate to the misconduct, except expulsion from the college. The imposition of a penalty is issued by an order for the educational part of the college or (on the basis of a memorandum addressed to the director of the college) by an order for the college;

    class teacher: in relation to any student of the group entrusted to him for an offense that violates the normal course of the educational process; the right to apply any penalty appropriate to the misconduct, except for expulsion from the college;

    teacher: has the right to announce a remark in relation to a student of the group in which he conducts classes for an offense that violates the normal course of the lesson.

When imposing penalties (strict reprimand, exclusion from college), explanations from the student are required in the presence of parents (persons replacing them), whose failure to appear (without a good reason) on a call to the college does not prevent the imposition of a penalty. The student's refusal to give explanations about the reasons for his misconduct does not prevent the imposition of a penalty.

4. About each penalty, the student's parents (persons replacing them) are immediately notified by the class teacher.

5. By decision of the College's Pedagogical Council, students who have reached the age of eighteen are excluded for committing unlawful acts, gross and repeated violations of the Charter of the College, the Rules of Conduct. Materials for students under the age of 18 are sent for consideration and decision by the commission on juvenile affairs under the district Department of Education.

The decision of the Pedagogical Council of the college is made in the presence of the student and his parents (persons replacing them). The absence of a student, his parents (persons replacing them) at a meeting of the College's Pedagogical Council without a good reason does not deprive him of the possibility of making a decision on exclusion. In this case, the decision of the Pedagogical Council of the college is communicated to the student, his parents (persons replacing them) in the form of a registered letter sent to the home address.

A repeated violation is understood as the commission by a student of a new, as a rule, gross violation of discipline, while two or more disciplinary sanctions were announced to him.

A gross violation of discipline is a violation that entailed or could actually entail serious consequences in the form of:

    damage to life and health (somatic and mental) of students, employees, visitors of the college;

    causing damage to college property, property of students, employees, visitors to the college;

    disorganization of the college educational institution;

    failure in three or more subjects;

    absenteeism without a valid reason for more than 1/3 of the number of all training sessions in the academic period (semester).

6. The decision to exclude orphans, children left without parental care, before they turn 18, is made with the prior consent of the relevant guardianship and guardianship authority. The decision to expel a student is made by order of the director.

7. The penalty imposed by the teacher, class teacher, deputy directors can be appealed by the student, his parents (persons replacing them) at the college's pedagogical council or the director within a week from the date of the penalty. The penalty imposed by the director can be appealed by the student, his parents (persons replacing them) at the college's pedagogical council within a week from the date of imposition.

8. The penalty is valid for a year from the date of its application. If during this period the student is not subjected to a new disciplinary action, this penalty is removed.

The director of the college has the right to remove the penalty before the expiration of the term on his own initiative, at the request of the student, his parents (persons replacing them), at the request of the college's pedagogical council or the person who imposed the penalty.

This section does not apply to the penalty of expulsion from college.

Based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), every student has the right to:

    free expression of one's own views, beliefs and opinions in a form consistent with the norms of social behavior. The views of the student shall be given due weight in accordance with his age and maturity;

Its current mission is "to provide an excellent liberal arts education to women who will have influence in the world." The college's motto "Non Ministrari sed Ministrare" (Do not accept service, but serve) reflects this mission.

Wellesley College
original name wellesley college
Motto Non Ministrari sed Ministrare
Year of foundation 1870, first opened doors in 1875
Type Private
Rector Kim Bottomley
students 2 474
teachers 347
Location Wellesley, Massachusetts , USA
Campus Suburban, 450 acres
Website wellesley.edu

Located in the city Wellesley, Massachusetts (12 miles west of Boston). College education lasts 4 years and ends with the issuance of a bachelor's degree. This institution is also part of the Seven Sisters group. At the same time, about 2,300 students receive education in it.

Groups in the college are made up of 12-14 female students, and the ratio of the number of students to the number of teachers is approximately 9:1. The college library contains over 1.5 million books, journals, media records, maps, and other storage items.

The college operates special program to provide education to women who, for one reason or another, could not get a bachelor's degree.


Like many other colleges, and especially the Seven Sisters, Wellesley College has many traditions. Every fall semester there is an event called Flower Sunday. Senior students date freshmen who become their "little sisters". In the morning, the upperclassmen give flowers to their little sisters. The event itself has evolved quite a bit over the years, and today consists of speeches by the college president and deans, poetry readings, and choir performances. In addition, student representatives from each of the many religious groups present short passages from the sacred books of their faith.

Every graduation from college plants a tree on campus. These trees grow throughout the campus and are each marked with a special stone with the year of issue, which lies at the roots of the tree.

Another tradition is “singing on the steps”, which takes place several times during the year. Each graduation group dresses in his own colors (purple, red, green or yellow) and sings on the steps of the chapel. In between songs, students shout out congratulations to each other.

The Center for Student Sociology of the Campus Student Communications Agency, together with the National Research University Higher School of Economics, on the eve of Student Day, conducted an online survey among students of Russian secondary and higher educational institutions. Participants were asked to determine the main motto of the student.

The results of the study showed that young people are ready to change the future of the country and work for the good of Russia. So, among the most popular quotes: “Students are the future of Russia”, “ Strong Russia begins with us”, “Russia is me, Russia is us, it is the best people countries”, “Let's make Russia even greater”, “Seek your calling, open up new horizons, benefit your country. There are no barriers - they are in your head, etc.

Most quotes and mottos Russian students devoted learning process: "Did you teach? – No, I read it”, “And so it will do”, “Everything that does not kill us, we will hand over at the end of the semester”, etc.

Some survey participants recalled aphorisms on Latin, for example, Vivere est cogitare (To live is to think). Many students who took part in the survey changed the composition of well-known phraseological units - "Learning is light, ignorance is also nothing."

More than five thousand students took part in the study, which was conducted from January 19 to 23, 2017. Participants were asked to evaluate the conditions of study, the quality of education, and also answer questions about forms of leisure, their hobbies.

The results of the survey also showed that the majority of students (73%) want to live and work in Russia; do not plan to move abroad after graduation.

The most popular mottos of Russian students (TOP-10)

  1. And so it goes.
  2. Live and learn.
  3. Together - we are force.
  4. Forward!
  5. All in your hands.
  6. Survive!
  7. Live while young.
  8. Sleep is for dweebs.
  9. Knowledge is power.
  10. We'll give up somehow.

The most popular Russian student quotes (TOP-10)

1. Students are the future of Russia.

2. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

3. - Did you teach? - No, I read it.

4. Strong Russia starts with us.

5. God save Russian education.

6. In places where a cockroach cannot live even a day, a Russian student will last a month.

7. All these 5 years I plowed like a galley slave.

8. Survive, in last resort, out of mind.

9. University - learned, learned, forgotten.

10. Thank you Wikipedia, Red Bull and my smartphone for making this possible.

Head of the Student Sociology Center of the Campus Student Communications Agency Irina Volodchenko:

– This Internet research allows us to draw up a portrait of a modern Russian student: this is a person who seeks to gain knowledge in order to use it in the future. It became apparent that the students are very focused on the future both in personal and professional development. In addition, the thesis is quite popular for students that, in addition to self-development, it is necessary to develop both the hometown and the country as a whole (here, for example, quotes that are often found in different variations: Russia is behind us! Healthy youth is a happy Russia! We are proud you, Russia, and you will be proud of us!). Free time the modern student prefers to go to the cinema, go in for sports, go to concerts. Russian students continue to live in the system of traditional coordinates: they value and respect their parents, they are an example historical figures.

From this we can conclude that periodically appearing criticism of student youth looks inappropriate. current generation young people are no worse and no better than the previous ones. It is different. Yes, they have leisure activities (concerts, movies and other recreational activities), but at the same time they are active in sports and reading books.

Modern student youth is actually a new emerging generation, born and raised in a new, post-Soviet Russia. Despite the fact that the majority of young people are not involved in social and political activities, historical figures and our President are their idols. And here the emotional factor, the attitude towards Putin as a strong leader, a person who enjoys respect among those around him, has a greater influence.

These are just touches to the collective image of the Russian student. We will continue our research, study the socio-cultural and value attitudes of students.

Curator of the Student Sociology Center of the Campus Student Communications Agency
Elena Evstegneeva:

– Today, young people are becoming more conscious, more sympathetic and go through life with humor and ease, but also through humor they express their concern about certain problems through such mottos as “And so it will do”, “God save Russian education”, “ Get out the corrupt! Way to the new student! This is one of the tasks that the Center sets for itself - to hear and understand what excites Russian students.