Regardless of gender, people with the moon in the sign of Pisces have developed intuition from birth, but if it is not developed, then it remains superficial. But this rarely happens, as a rule, these people voluntarily seek to know everything at a deep level, they see more than others and notice what is often hidden from the eyes. ordinary people. Often this position of the Moon speaks of the talent of a physician and a medium, they are susceptible to hypnosis, so you need to be careful. However, with a negative development, such a Moon gives a tendency to drug addiction and alcoholism, which are very difficult to cure, due to the abode of Neptune.

Moon in Pisces man

Not the best, since such persons will be far from accepted. Such standing gives a lot of sentimentality, increased resentment even for a minor reason. But it is under such a lunar sign that real romantics are born. A huge minus is a strong addiction to alcohol and even drugs, so it is better to completely eradicate everything connected with this from your life. Such men intuitively understand women and know the answer to tormenting others. the mighty of the world It's all about what women want.

These are very family men who will create a pleasant cozy atmosphere in the house and will take care of the children even better than the mother. Aggressiveness is alien to them, they are more often malleable and do not know how to defend their point of view and opinion. Men with the Moon in Pisces tend to withdraw into themselves and it is almost impossible to get them out of this state. They are dreamy and can soar in the clouds for a long time, compassionate and merciful, they are often said to be "he wouldn't hurt a fly."

Such men can gossip, start weaving intrigues behind someone else's back. It is worth recognizing such negative traits as snitching, cheating and leading an immoral lifestyle. If you constantly work on yourself, then this may not manifest itself, but you need to be very careful and learn to control yourself. Such men are often indecisive, lazy and suffer from attacks of apathy, it is common for them to find fault with any trifles and be too trusting, inconsistent in regard to friendships and love relationships.

But at the same time, they are restrained, compassionate and very kind. They make wonderful fathers who will never leave their children to the mercy of fate. Those around him treat him favorably. He will never allow anyone to suffer, even if for the first time in his life he sees this suffering. They need to learn how to manage their feelings and emotions so that others cannot manipulate it for their own good.

Moon in Pisces Woman

Moon Pisces are especially sensitive and tender, they are very creative people who often suffer from excessive indecision. However, in astrology, this position of the moon is considered good. These women are very responsive and always ready to help. The environment pays her the same coin, so it's hard to imagine that someday she will be left without support. The Moon in Pisces is very restrained and selfless, she likes to learn everything new, often among the talents there is a penchant for musical art. It is not easy for such women to have troubles in life, since it is very problematic for her to make a fateful decision, she will hesitate for a long time and suffer from this. Therefore, such ladies need a strong support at hand, which will take over the solution of all the problems that arise.

The Moon in Pisces is trusting, which is why it often becomes a victim of scammers, especially in terms of finances. In the life of such a woman, in general, many strange things happen that are difficult to explain in simple terms. If in appearance she seems strong and self-sufficient, then one should not forget that internally she is very sensitive and vulnerable. It is very, very easy to pity her, just to gain confidence and even easier to deceive. For the sake of helping others, she can do things that will harm herself. With age, such a woman becomes wiser, gains experience and tries with all her might to hide her hypersensitivity.

Getting into a new environment, the Moon in Pisces becomes modest and even shy, which is why others get the impression of her as a slave, but this is not always the right opinion. These girls are compliant by nature, it is easier for them to adjust to the opinions of others than to express and even more so defend their opinion. If a conflict situation is brewing, she will simply step aside or take a position of neutrality. She tends to worry and be very worried even over the most trifling things, which is not better side affects her health. A woman with the Moon in the sign of Pisces can be compared to a very delicate and fragile flower, which must be handled very carefully, but it is precisely with their qualities that they attract the opposite like a magnet.

Compatibility horoscope: the lunar zodiac sign of Pisces is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Moon in Pisces - indicator unusual fate person. This is largely due to the oddities of his nature. These are people who are able to be sincere and simple-hearted at the same time and to weave intrigues. Deep in their souls, they combine almost old man's wisdom and childish naivete. But their soul is pure and vulnerable. Very often they are timid and shy.

This position of the Moon always gives a person a high emotionality and impressionability. But the manifestation of these qualities can be different. Moon Pisces in the negative is primarily a tendency to drunkenness. Against this background, an irresistible craving for lies develops, even when there is no need for it. A person is subject to mood swings, other people's influence, careless, fickle, touchy, weak-willed. He very quickly loses his vitality, feels like a failure, has an extremely low self-esteem. Excessively fond of the opposite sex, as a result, even more wasting himself. Often he is used and betrayed, and he himself is even more disappointed in life and in people.

Lunar Pisces in the positive is a completely different picture. Such a person has a rare charm, is very attractive to other people, sympathetic, with a wonderful character, shows touching concern for loved ones, good psychologist. He never imposes his help, does not stick with advice. Loyal to his friends. He is hospitable and therefore people often stay in his house. friendly companies. He is calm and taciturn, but by no means a cracker, he has a subtle sense of humor. Can be heavy on the rise and even lazy.

Lunar Pisces are excellent dreamers, they make great dreamers, so they can become outstanding philosophers, writers, directors, musicians, artists, inventors. They never dream “just like that”, for the sake of the process itself: they always extract some valuable idea from it, they are able to find a rational grain in the most transcendental fantasies. Lunar Pisces love art, especially music. They value nature, drawing new strength from it.

IN romantic relationship it is a very convenient partner. He is accommodating, constant, his feelings are deep and serious. He loves to spend time with his family, in a home where he feels safe. Needs a solid material base for family life. Unlike many other lunar signs, they cannot stand the seething of passions. It is important for him to live a quiet life. He is not against friendly parties, but he cannot stand the psychological stress, which he tries to avoid by all means.

Therefore, life hand in hand with such a person will not be full of conflicts and showdowns. If he did not scold another for a mistake, this does not mean that he did not notice this mistake. It's just that Pisces moons don't see conflict as a way to solve a problem. These are very good partners for people with an ardent character: next to the moon Pisces, it is simply impossible to constantly be “on edge”, these people have such a calming energy. In everyday life, they value comfort, it is important for them how the house looks, how comfortable it is; love things High Quality- this applies to food, and clothing, and household appliances, and household items. Don't save on yourself.

With all their calmness, lunar Pisces is not at all conservative. They are happy to use the latest technical and fashionable innovations, they love to travel. Very sympathetic to change. The main thing is that these changes are easily and pleasantly tolerated (travel, buying new furniture), and not injure the soul (divorce, job change). They are attracted by everything inexplicable, mysterious and mysterious. This is not surprising, because they are not only great dreamers, but also representatives of the most intuitive moon sign. Their dreams are a storehouse of information about the future.

Moon Pisces never rush off the bat and are not prone to thoughtless actions. If something does not work out for them the second time, they do not repeat the attempt immediately, but prepare mentally for it for a very long time; in addition, as a result of failure, they develop powerful complexes, they feel disappointed, hopeless in this area (going to college, marriage, promotion).

Therefore, it usually takes them a long time to achieve their goals. They are discouraged by hostility and misunderstanding - circumstances in which they get lost and give up. Therefore, for all their sociability, they do not like to speak publicly in front of an unfamiliar audience. They are more suitable for a calm, measured work.

Lunar Pisces are people with the finest mental organization. Their main emotional problem, due to which the quality of life can significantly deteriorate, is increased anxiety, indecision, compliance, softness, self-doubt and their actions.

Moon Pisces Man

The horoscope claims that most often these men can be seen near those who are less fortunate than them, as they seek to do good to the unfortunate. But the flip side of the medal of such sensitivity and nobility is their excessive idealism, romanticism and dreaminess. If the lunar Pisces have the opportunity to access their lunar intuition, then let them use it to the maximum, since finely tuned sensations will help them stand on the ground as firmly as possible. Pisces, as such, have a very high empathy, and these men on an intuitive level waste more mental strength than they should.

This means that for such people it is very important to be able to build protection between themselves and others, so as not to feel absolute devastation at some point. The planet Moon in Pisces in a man gives him great inner sensitivity, which is an undoubted blessing. However, it needs to be properly managed. Simply put, you should not react with a particularly sensitive attitude to everything that comes to hand. The horoscope says that when a person has the planet Moon in Pisces, he should listen to his intuition as carefully as possible, and not dismiss every fleeting impulse. Meditative practices for immersion in the world of the inner "I" will be very useful, because in this way the inner voice of the Moon will be heard much better. True, you should not think that Pisces should not “emerge” from the mystical otherworldly atmosphere. Those connections with outside world, which they establish from birth and throughout their lives - this is their need, they simply will not survive without this.

Lunar Pisces Woman

In general, to be clear: the horoscope states that women with lunar Pisces must learn to maintain a balance between self-giving and deepening in themselves. This is especially important for those "exemplars" who sometimes show an enviable ability to go into some kind of their own. fantasy world. There they move away from real life, hover in the clouds for hours on end, go into themselves so deeply that they inevitably begin to multiply the problems of the material plane. The moon gives Pisces great impressionability, and women who were born under this combination of signs should be aware that their psyche absorbs other people's moods like a sponge.

They perceive any other people's problems and troubles, anxieties and worries as their own. All this is absorbed into their unfortunate head, even against their own will, to the detriment of health. Astrology says that Pisces that swim in different directions are illusions that Neptune inspires. And they turn out to be just as deceptive as the elements of the sea, they easily knock a person down, take him away. In the life of lunar Pisces, there are often cases when, with the help of instincts and powerful intuition, they get out of extremely difficult situations and help other people. But what should definitely be remembered here is the need to constantly maintain contact with one’s own higher “I”, listen to its instructions, and then the rational and emotional principles of a person will converge at one point of balance.

It is clear that most often such a balance may be required in the love sphere, that is, where a woman is absolutely convinced that she has met her ideal other half. It is unlikely that there will be an astrologer who will attribute the impulsiveness of Aries to the lunar Pisces, but they still tend, like the solar Pisces, to look at reality through rose-colored glasses. They are beautiful in soul and see in their chosen one only unprecedented virtues. And in this case, the lunar Pisces should be the most honest with themselves, and show maximum trust in their intuition and inner adviser so that romantic dreams do not drown out the quiet intuitive voice.

Pisces Compatibility

Lunar Pisces

The Moon in Pisces increases sensitivity, people want care, attention, understanding and sympathy. At the same time, they become more suspicious and withdrawn. The transit Moon in Pisces can cause self-pity, a desire for solitude, a desire to run away from problems, sometimes with help. alcoholic beverages, drugs. But it is at this time that talents most often appear, and unexpected solutions are found for old problems. The feeling of reality is weakening, so it is better not to take on important matters, but this period is conducive to clarifying the facts.

Children become more sensitive than usual, capricious, whiny, it is difficult for them to concentrate in the lessons, they prefer to “fly in the clouds”. At this time, one should not give free rein to negative emotions, since this will not only not help to discharge, but, on the contrary, will unsettle for a long time. It is better to communicate with those people who are pleasant. It is useful at this time to be in nature, especially near water bodies - this raises the tone, adds mental strength. It is not recommended to turn to fortune-tellers, as their prediction may turn out to be false or be misinterpreted. Caution is required when taking medications, it is desirable to limit the amount of liquid consumed.

With a damaged Moon, all the above qualities are enhanced with a negative bias. Self-pity can cause bouts of blues, even depression. Often there is a desire to run away from problems, up to complete isolation and unwillingness to communicate with anyone. Whims, reproaches, complaints, tearfulness are possible. People experience unreasonable anxiety, they are tormented by fears, vague premonitions, nightmares can occur.

Moon in Pisces

The Moon in Pisces feels quite comfortable: Pisces is a sign of deep feelings, and the Moon determines instinctive emotional reactions and sometimes secret dreams. Lunar Pisces is characterized by a depth of feelings, they are endowed with an innate gift to understand the state of another person. But sometimes their impressions of the world around them are not entirely accurate, being embellished with pronounced romanticism. Some Pisces moons, with the reality-bending vision of incorrigible optimists and dreamers, tend to interpret events only as they please.

The romantic emotionality of lunar Pisces does not always come to the surface, as they are not inclined to show this side of their nature. However, even the most pragmatic person with the Moon in Pisces feels the need to periodically retreat into himself, into the world of his imagination.

The Moon in Pisces accentuates the artistic side of the personality, endows with a love of beauty and often expressed abilities for practicing a variety of art forms. Possessing insight and imagination, the owners of the Moon in Pisces express themselves vividly in creative work. They have a penchant for acting, literary work, composing music, drawing, ballet or dancing.

Lunar Pisces tend to perceive the world more through emotions than through reason. Many of them have exceptional intuition, and sometimes mediumship and clairvoyance; endowed with the ability to separate the material world from the spiritual, knowing what is inaccessible to the understanding of others. But, unfortunately, such people in the real world sometimes have a hard time. Especially those of them who do not learn to manage their emotions and allow them to take over.

Although lunar Pisces are capable of selfless work, they can work tirelessly and self-pity for the sake of other people, it can be difficult for them to exercise self-discipline. The need to make final decisions causes them internal conflict and anxiety. Many of them tend to avoid harsh reality and commitment. However, helping others, they gain inner freedom.

Moon in the sign of Pisces - the influence of the phase of the lunar day

New Moon in Pisces– If you want harmony to settle in your soul for a long time, go to the water. It can be a sea, a lake, a river, a pond. Contemplate and enjoy the moist air. Give your eyes and lungs a rest.

Waxing Moon in Pisces- creative period, write, draw, compose - everything will turn out well.

Full Moon in Pisces Many people lose their sense of reality. Many expect sensitivity, delicacy, a deep understanding of their inner world from the environment, but this often does not happen. On this day, many overreact to rudeness, attacks against them. And even the most harmless jokes seem like an insult. This day is especially difficult for people who do not know how to really look at things, the world seems hostile to them on this day.

Waning Moon in Pisces- focus on just one problem. Since there is a surge of vitality on this day, focusing on one thing will help solve this problem.

Things to Do Under the Pisces Moon

The Moon in Pisces helps to realize one's abilities and desires, to find internal and external resources and reserves for understanding and manifesting one's abilities. Time is good for everything related to solitude, relaxation, inspiration. Favorable for all establishments connected with water.

Aries- under the Pisces Moon rest more, allow yourself to relax.

Taurus- under the Pisces Moon chat with friends, make plans for the future.

Twins- under the Pisces Moon, be assertive in your career and achieving your goals.

crayfish- under the Pisces Moon expand your horizons, visit a temple or go on a journey.

lions- under the Pisces Moon, demand compliance with the law: resolve issues related to alimony, taxes, and be sure to find time for intimate contacts.

Virgin- under the Pisces Moon develop personal and business relationships, as well as any connection with the outside world.

Scales- under the Pisces Moon take care of your health, pay more attention to work and daily duties.

scorpions- under the Pisces Moon go on a romantic date, flirt, make new friends. Find time for creativity and communication with children.

archers- under the Pisces Moon, take care of your family, chat with your parents, take care of your home improvement.

Capricorn- under the Pisces Moon communicate more, conduct business negotiations, prove yourself, express your thoughts and be sure to take a walk.

Aquarius- under the Pisces Moon solve financial issues, make purchases, give gifts.

Fish- under the Pisces Moon take care of your appearance and beauty.

Moon in Pisces - Health

The moon in the zodiac sign Pisces increases the sensitivity of the feet, the skin is vulnerable, the risk of allergies increases and infectious diseases. Possibility of fluid poisoning. Everything that a person takes these days - from alcohol and nicotine to coffee and drugs - acts much more intensely than at other times. Your usual dose on Pisces days may be excessive. It is likely that the relationship lies in the fact that all internal organs are connected through special "meridians" with the feet and therefore react very sensitively on the days of Pisces.

It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquids, drink alcohol; drugs should be excluded. When the Moon is in Pisces, surgical intervention in the area of ​​​​the feet and duodenal plexuses, the entire lymphatic system is excluded. You can not operate on the feet and cut off the calluses. Prohibited procedures and operations on the senses, liver and legs.

In the days of Pisces, you can cleanse the intestines. It is advisable to walk less these days, and only comfortable shoes should be used. The risk of fungal diseases increases. Excellent at this time is a 1-2-day fasting. And finally, given the special sensitivity of our body during the Moon in Pisces, it is better to avoid any kind of surgical intervention.

Moon in Pisces - Haircut

During the period of the Moon in Pisces, haircuts should be abandoned. Hair these days is naughty, difficult to give even to the most wonderful master, after that the haircut fails to give the desired look, the hairstyle turns out to be shapeless. Haircut these days leads to the formation of dandruff. You should also refuse to wash your hair.

Moon in Pisces - Beauty

In the days of Pisces, the skin becomes vulnerable, the danger of allergies increases, and the threat of fungal diseases increases. Take care of the skin - it should be cleaned and updated. They will help to do this general tonic massage, baths with valerian, chamomile, daytime sleep, nourishing masks.

During the period of the Moon in Pisces, cosmetic masks made from natural, environmentally friendly products will help keep the freshness and purity of the skin. To cleanse the skin, it is advisable to use only soft products - gels, cosmetic milk, cereals. Moisturizing creams for the face and body, infusions of medicinal herbs in the form of warm compresses will work well.

On the days of Pisces, foot massage, water treatments are prohibited. On these days, you need to wear soft shoes and walk less, as the legs become sensitive.

Moon in Pisces - Plants

The moon in Pisces is a fertile time, any manipulation increases the yield of all plants, including weeds. Therefore, “we touch everything that should bring a harvest, and we do not touch that which should not bring it. Good watering, foliar fertilization, planting what should not be stored (greens, flowers, lawns, etc.), do not fight pests and diseases. Do not work with the soil, do not touch the roots (they will rot), do not harvest (do not store), do not salt, do not pickle, sow and cut the seeds carefully, taking into account the restrictions of the sign.

A good period for flowers - gives abundance. Successful vaccinations, planting moisture-loving and deciduous ornamental plants. Do not transplant bulbous and tuberous plants - rotting of the root system is possible. Do not dig up potatoes - not stored. Unsuccessful sowing of seeds and work with thorny plants.

Moon Signs of the Zodiac

Lunar Pisces - characteristic

People who have the Moon in Pisces are called Lunar Pisces. They are amazingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, these traits also make it easy for them to lose themselves in other people's problems. They are romantics and never forget a Valentine's Day gift or someone's birthday.

Lunar Pisces - who are they

They have a surprisingly silly sense of humor. Moon Pisces seems to know all the nuances of human behavior. They are easy to surprise. They may give the impression of being superficial, but they are not at all. They often get lost in their dreams. They can easily become discouraged by those around them if they are not careful.

Lunar Pisces have a kind and sensitive heart. They genuinely care about others. This Moon sign tries on everyone's troubles and empathy, so they empathize with almost everyone. They must learn not to absorb the feelings of others, as they can be overwhelmed by the emotions of those around them, and this will have a detrimental effect on them.

Pisces have a strange ability to understand things that they have never actually experienced, and this makes these people very talented performers of any job Pisces chooses to do. Someone who is too shy to get up on stage can be a talented writer, musician, or artist.

Moon Pisces in relationships

While Pisces need companionship, solitude is just as important to them. They are very sensitive and often suffer from abuse, rejection and criticism. Good-hearted people can get a little help from a religion or philosophy that will give them more power than themselves.

Pisces are romantic and creative individuals. Lunar Pisces are very imaginative. They may develop their anxieties throughout their lives. They faithful friends who appreciate beauty in all its forms.

Lunar Pisces are trying to avoid a peaceful life. They are curious, almost to the point of recklessness. As a child, they can be easily frightened, so go with the crowd. This sensitivity needs to be cherished, not trampled on. When they feel misunderstood, they can go into a fantasy world and this is hard to fix.

As a result, they may feel sorry for themselves, and even become preoccupied if something goes wrong. It is important that they have the meaning of life. They are not attracted to material goods, but they love to show their emotions.

Lunar horoscope by date of birth

Pisces moon sign

Those born under the Pisces moon sign often have strong psychic abilities. They are amazingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, this often leads to the fact that they plunge headlong into other people's problems. They are true romantics and will never forget a gift for Valentine's Day or a birthday.

They have a strange sense of humor and not all people like their jokes. Moon Pisces seems to know all the nuances of human behavior. They are easy to get carried away. They may be labeled "out of this world," but they go much deeper than many people realize. Often fly in the clouds, reality can overwhelm them. They can easily become discouraged by what surrounds them if they are not careful.

People with the Moon in Pisces have a good heart. They genuinely care about others. Easily imagine themselves in the place of others, so they always empathize with others in one form or another.

They should learn not to absorb the feelings of other people, otherwise they may be overwhelmed by other people's emotions. They have an amazing ability to understand something they haven't experienced firsthand, which makes them excellent performers if they choose to be. Pisces people are very talented, but many of them are too shy to go up on stage. In this case, they can become writers, musicians or artists.

They should take care of themselves and give themselves respite to replenish their strength. They need companionship, but the opportunity to be alone is also important to them. They are very sensitive and can be easily offended, they take criticism hard. These kind-hearted people can contribute to religion, philosophy, drawing their strength from this. Feel satisfied by being involved in charity. They are romantic and creative. With a rich imagination, they can be both far-sighted and impractical, it all depends on the circumstances. During their lives, they may develop anxiety inside. They make true friends who appreciate beauty in all its expressions.

Pisces people try to avoid routine. They are very curious, sometimes it even goes beyond recklessness. They are very conforming, they can be easily forced to go in the same direction as the crowd. When they feel that they are underestimated, they can get lost in their fantasies, and then it will be difficult to reach them. They easily become discouraged and may begin to feel sorry for themselves or get carried away by soul-searching. It is very important for them to have meaning in life. Not attached to material values. They love to express their emotions.

Moon in Pisces in women: characteristics, compatibility

The moon has a strong influence on all signs of the zodiac. The planet endows people with special sensitivity, enhances positive and negative traits character. The Moon in Pisces in women opens in the form of maternal care, boundless and selfless love for her chosen one, relatives and friends.

Mystery Planet

The heavenly body has long been considered a symbol that carries the female energy. In the zodiac sign of Pisces, the Moon is in the most favorable location for her.

IN natal chart men, the planet predetermines his ability to love, preferences in choosing a life partner, as well as a predisposition to betrayal. The moon in Pisces in a man lays in the subconscious the ideal of a woman, that image, focusing on which, a person in the future will seek his love. This is the image of a mother, grandmother or nanny, who endows him with her care, warmth, love in childhood and does not require anything in return.

In the natal chart of a woman, the planet manifests itself somewhat differently - it affects emotionality, intuition, amorousness, the ability to sympathize and help strangers. The Moon in Pisces in women makes them feel painful love, sacrifice themselves. The planet causes in the hearts of the beautiful half of humanity a keen desire to help, sometimes to please other people and at a loss to themselves.

Moon in the sign of Pisces: character traits in men and women

Balance, craving for a calm and measured life, mutual assistance - all this is present in the character of people born under the auspices of the Moon in the constellation Pisces. Representatives of both sexes have developed intuition, they easily make new acquaintances, they love order in everything.

The moon in Pisces in a man makes him softer, more romantic and more attractive to the opposite sex. He is an interesting conversationalist good friend and family man. In women, he is attracted in the first place pleasant appearance, kindness and housekeeping skills. Even in adolescence, a man is attracted to ladies older and more experienced than him. This is due to the identification of a potential partner with a female image inspired by the planet.

Moon in Pisces in women, subject to normal, correct location planets, endows them with charm, sensitivity and the desire to protect, love and give warmth to their beloved. Negative impact The moon on women lies in the fact that they become overly emotional, secretive, prone to depressive states. The planet strengthens the desire to help, making it excessive and in some ways even dangerous: a woman is ready to give the last thing she has to help a person in need. For a normal, harmonious existence, a lady needs a companion who will stop her in time, restoring her sanity, otherwise she may find herself in a life-threatening situation.

The influence of the moon on the solar signs of the zodiac

The planet influences every zodiac constellation. It is she who is responsible for the sensitivity of people, the ability to communicate, love. External attractiveness, as well as the charisma of a person - all this is influenced by the planet. The moon in the signs of the zodiac is responsible for the emotional background, health, desire (unwillingness) to start a family. People born under the auspices of the water signs (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) are most affected by the planet, since these constellations are a kind of home for the Moon.

A planet in fire, air and earth signs is not as strong as in watery constellations. However, the Moon in the signs of the zodiac still controls some aspects, such as relationships with the opposite sex, success, character traits, the desire to learn and develop, the ability to control oneself. Thanks to the positive influence of the planet, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity become more feminine, and men know how to love and understand their chosen ones. The moon is also responsible for the giftedness of a person, his desire for various sciences and arts.

Aries Woman, Moon in Pisces

The day a person was born is considered one of the important factors in his future development. A lady born under the constellation Fiery Aries is characterized as a self-confident person. She is only interested in her own well-being, she is constantly striving forward. The Moon in Pisces in Aries women softens their excessive temper, while making the ladies more sensitive and romantic. The adoration of the opposite sex is not inherent in the solar sign, however, the Moon makes a self-sufficient woman fall in love selflessly, giving and devoting herself completely to the object of adoration.

The Pisces Moon (dates: February 21-March 20) makes the quick-tempered and impulsive Aries malleable, romantic and vulnerable. A woman under the influence of a solar and lunar sign becomes overly sensitive, amorous and dependent on relationships with a man. She constantly needs affection, care and understanding, while easily denouncing any attempts to deceive her. The moon blunts Aries' desire to constantly dominate relationships, to be the best in everything, due to which the tough and wayward character is replaced by a pliable and calm one.

Taurus Woman

Earth gravity constantly stops Taurus, makes them perform balanced and deliberate actions, work hard and fruitfully. Lunar Pisces (dates: 21.02 - 20.03) endow the earth sign with excessive dreaminess and anxiety. The Taurus woman, calm by nature, under the influence of the Moon and the constellation Pisces, loses her balance, often panicking and worrying for no reason. Dreams, constant wandering in the clouds - all this complicates the life of Taurus.

Both in work and in personal life, a woman experiences constant uncertainty, doubts about whether she is doing the right thing. To avoid this, Taurus needs to choose a creative type of activity - this will be facilitated by the Moon, which endows the sign with the ability to art.

Gemini Woman

Superficial, always in a hurry somewhere, Gemini, who do not tolerate routine work, at one moment turn into calm and caring, balanced personalities. In relationships with the opposite sex, representatives air sign are seductresses, they attract men's views, force you to look after yourself. The desire to learn something new for yourself, the eternal pursuit of impressions, sharp intuition - this is all Gemini. The Moon in Pisces endows the sign with calmness and patience, the ability to empathize.

The Gemini woman is a great friend, faithful wife and caring mother. However, with the negative influence of the Moon, a lady can become too secretive, which will provoke frequent depression, or, conversely, too emotional. Then those around you expect constant baseless scandals and strong nervous breakdowns.

Cancer Woman

Moon in Pisces exerts on the sun sign positive influence. Constant mood swings and excessive jealousy, characteristic of a water sign, are replaced by a desire for peace and comfort. The Cancer Woman is sentimental, sensitive, yet practical. Under the influence of the moon, the lady becomes romantic, sets out to make her chosen one happy with everyone. possible ways.

Leo Woman

Ambitious, self-sacrificing person. A woman born under the constellation Leo seeks to help anyone who needs support and protection. The Moon in the sign of Pisces enhances the positive qualities of the personality's character, making it more compassionate. A lioness without lunar influence is a selfish, self-confident lady, striving to get what she wants in all possible ways. The heavenly luminary makes a woman forget about her own benefit and help others.

Virgo Woman

The moon in the constellation Pisces in this sign manifests itself negatively. A woman is afraid of her own emotions and feelings, she is in constant anticipation of criticism. Virgo perceives any remark addressed to her sharply and painfully.

Libra Woman

The moon makes an already indecisive sign weak. The Libra woman is afraid to take a step without another piece of advice from a more experienced person. It seems to her that she is doing everything wrong, and any careless movement can be fatal. In relationships with men, Libra, under the influence of lunar Pisces, are ideal partners, but only with a complete coincidence of interests.

Scorpio woman

Ladies born under the auspices of two water signs are particularly sensitive and emotional. Mysterious, interesting, attractive and charming, striving for love and passion - this is all the Scorpio Woman. The Moon in Pisces here enhances intuition, endows a woman with a logical mindset, but does not allow her to show feelings. Despite the outward coldness and secrecy, a storm of emotions boils inside Scorpio.

Sagittarius Woman

Spirited person who loves to travel. The Moon in Pisces endows the fair sex, born under the constellation Sagittarius, with romanticism and a craving for philosophy. The complex, principled nature of the sign, its egocentrism and self-centeredness fade into the background under the influence of the Moon. The planet makes a woman dreamy, amorous, affectionate and good-natured.

Capricorn Woman

Solar Capricorn and lunar Pisces endowed a woman with incongruous traits: pragmatism and idealism. Pragmatic on the outside, traditionalist and idealist on the inside, Capricorn with the Moon in Pisces has an explosive temperament. The Capricorn woman strives to be the first in everything and everywhere, and sometimes she prefers a job that brings a stable income to learning.

Aquarius Woman

Romantic and mysterious person with developed intuition. The moon makes a lady attractive and unpredictable. Her actions are original, relations with her are comparable to a whirlwind. The chosen one of the Aquarius Woman will never be bored next to her.

Pisces Woman

Thanks to the harmonious combination of solar Pisces with the moon, a woman is endowed with a special, almost extrasensory intuition. All attempts to deceive her will be in vain. The Pisces woman, under the influence of the Moon, has a particularly sharpened maternal instinct, she will strive for a serious relationship.

Who is preferred by women with the Moon in Pisces?

Lunar Pisces are combined with almost any sign of the zodiac. The only condition is that a person should in no case show coldness towards them. Selfless, loving their partner only for what he is, do not tolerate a lack of attention to their own person. However, in a negative aspect, the Moon can make a woman love her chosen one no matter what, even if he turns out to be a tyrant, a sadist or an alcoholic.

The Moon in Pisces speaks of sensitivity, strong receptivity and deep impressionability. People with the Moon in Pisces are usually calm, friendly, compliant, they love comfort, convenience, and not only at home, but wherever they have to be. They have a rich fantasy, vivid imagination, vivid dreams that take them away from real world into the world of illusions. This is indeed good ground for creative activity but makes them helpless and vulnerable to the reality of life. They are malleable, non-aggressive, always inferior, but this is not because they agree with what is happening, but because of mental instability, inability to defend their opinion and out of fear of offending someone. They themselves are very vulnerable and dependent on the mood and momentary mood. They have a quick and sharp reaction to any stimulus, both external and internal - often they close in on themselves, and nothing can bring them out of this state.

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Therefore, often these people outwardly look indifferent, lethargic, dreamy and phlegmatic, but in fact they are subject to very strong and deep emotional experiences. In addition, they are compassionate, merciful, intuitively understand people and feel their condition, especially those who need help. The fate of many of these people is unusual, and life is peculiar. For the most part, they are endowed with phenomenal or psychic abilities, are mediums, clairvoyants. They are idealists, romantics and utopians, they believe in God, even if they received an atheistic upbringing.

If the Moon is damaged - infantilism, passivity, inertia, laziness, bouts of apathy, incredulity or painful excessive gullibility, indecision, inconstancy in love and friendship. They are haunted by various fears and lawsuits, often of a financial nature. Often this position of the Moon speaks of a strong tendency to intrigues and gossip, and informing, anonymous letters, self-deception, fraud, addictions, and an immoral lifestyle are not excluded.

A favorable configuration with Mars favors everything related to creative activity.

Unfavorable configuration with malefic planets - poor health, mental disorders.

Characteristics of the Moon in Pisces

c - related.

Feeling + expectation = hope

Keyword: emotional instinct.

Positive qualities of the Moon in Pisces: waiting, emotionality, good nature, willingness to help, helpfulness, sociability, sensitivity, sometimes medial predisposition.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Pisces: negligence, instability, susceptibility to influence, temptation, lack of ability to resist, lack of vitality, mood dependence, inferiority complex, danger of being used and letting everything take its course, propensity for pleasure.

Violations of the aspects of the Moon: a tendency to intrigue and deceit.

Features in the male horoscope: a man with the Moon in Pisces wants a devoted, kind and compassionate partner who will greatly influence him and become necessary in his personal life, but not necessarily in his career.

Features in the female horoscope: In a woman's horoscope, excessive emotions can lead to health problems. Women with this position of the Moon usually marry late. At the same time, this position indicates someone quiet magnetism that attracts men.

Health Disorders: foot diseases (swelling), colds, digestive disorders, need for drugs, addiction to alcohol.

Moon in Pisces in the natal chart:

You are easily influenced, full of understanding and very kind-hearted. You are an emotionally naive person, constantly neglecting the shortcomings of other people. At the same time, you are easily vulnerable and tend to be sad and cry over every little thing.

You do not like cold and objective facts, in relations with people you show excessive sensitivity. Sometimes you lack a sense of humor and common sense.

The senses can deceive you because of the highly developed romanticism and optimism. You see everything in pink light. Since you try to see only the good in everything, the reality and the truth of life scare you. You are talented in music, poetry and art.

Depending on the aspects, this may be the best or worst position of the moon. If the position is favorable, you are a real dreamer, but if it is unfavorable, this can lead to complete self-deception or loss in illusions. You are a quiet, compassionate, benevolent, gentle person. You have a good character, but you are too insecure and dreamy. You often change your mind, so you can be cowardly and prone to depression.

The moon in this position appears in those who have unmanifested psychic abilities. When you want to carry out somebody plan, you face many difficulties, because of which you are very upset. You need love and protection, love beauty, harmony and comfort, if this is not there, then you suffer.

The moon in relationship contributes to the strong sensitivity of Pisces in the near world. People of this psychotype experience a feeling of maternal tenderness towards all the children of the Earth, human, animal and vegetable. The moon endows this psychotype with a strong instinct for self-preservation, intuition, the ability to read dreams, find answers to everyday questions in them. In their natural state, Pisces are dreamy, absent-minded and tender, vulnerable.

Moon in the decanates of Pisces

Ignorance, little vital energy. An unhealthy, sleepy calm. Tendency to passive pleasures, passive experiences. Internal fluctuations interfere with making the right choice.

Love for home and family life. Hospitality, sociability, luxury, comfort, inactivity, laziness.

Activity, strength, energy, desire to act. Increased interest in the opposite sex, sexual adventures. With negative aspects to the Moon - internal anxiety and mental unrest, internal struggle.

Historical figures with the Moon in the sign of Pisces

Charles VII, Johannes Morinus, Francesco Petrarch, Leonardo da Vinci, Henri La Fontaine, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Honore Daumier, Edgar Poe, A. S. Eliseev.

Transit of the Moon through Pisces

The Moon in Pisces increases sensitivity, people want care, attention, understanding and sympathy. At the same time, they become more suspicious and withdrawn. The transit Moon in Pisces can cause self-pity, a desire for solitude, a desire to escape from problems, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages, drugs. But it is at this time that talents most often appear, and unexpected solutions are found for old problems. The feeling of reality is weakening, so it is better not to take on important matters, but this period is conducive to clarifying the facts.

Children become more sensitive than usual, capricious, whiny, it is difficult for them to concentrate in the lessons, they prefer to “fly in the clouds”.

At this time, one should not give free rein to negative emotions, since this will not only not help to discharge, but, on the contrary, will unsettle for a long time. It is better to communicate with those people who are pleasant. It is useful at this time to be in nature, especially near water bodies - this increases the tone, adds mental strength. It is not recommended to turn to fortune-tellers, as their prediction may turn out to be false or be misinterpreted. Caution is required when taking medications, it is desirable to limit the amount of liquid consumed.

With a damaged Moon, all the above qualities are enhanced with a negative bias. Self-pity can cause bouts of blues, even depression. Often there is a desire to run away from problems, up to complete isolation and unwillingness to communicate with anyone. Whims, reproaches, complaints, tearfulness are possible. People experience unreasonable anxiety, they are tormented by fears, vague premonitions, nightmares can occur. Naturally, the strength of these manifestations depends on the planets that the Moon aspects, and the aspects that the Moon has in the natal chart. Care must be taken with medicines, for chronic patients these days it is better to slightly reduce the dose prescribed by the doctor. There is also a danger of accidental poisoning with household chemicals, errors in prescribing and administering medicines, etc. (in case of additional indications in the natal chart).

good time

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • For preparatory work, conclusion of contracts, investments;
  • for social activities;
  • for solutions legal problems, start litigation and proceedings;
  • for cases related to hospitals, monasteries, closed institutions;
  • for visiting foreign countries, communication with foreigners;
  • for appeals to sponsors, philanthropy, charity events, protection of human rights, assistance to the sick, the disabled, the disabled, people deprived of life and destiny;
  • advertising, public speaking, creative work and everything related to art, including communication with people of art;
  • for dating, love affairs, intimate contacts, engagements, family celebrations, parties;
  • for marriage, provided that the Moon is in the first half of Pisces;
  • for trips abroad, recreation, hiking trips, excursions, trips to water basins and sea expanses, best of all on the 8th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 25th lunar day, for training and the use of phenomenal abilities, meditation, entering or introducing into a trance, parapsychological experiments, divination, conducting hypnotic, mediumistic and spiritualistic sessions and other spiritual and occult practices;
  • to visit the church, communicate with spiritual people and clergy;
  • to visit the bath, sauna, swimming pool;
  • for fishing, hunting, fishing, beer brewing;
  • for new buildings, agriculture;
  • for planting, transplanting, fertilizing and watering plants, mowing lawns.

bad time

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for new affairs, enterprises and big undertakings;
  • for a trip to the mountains, mountaineering;
  • to appeal to fortune-tellers and soothsayers;
  • for hair cutting, pedicure;
  • for some types of canning (salting, pickling, sourdough, that is, those associated with the addition or release of liquids; but if the crop is harvested under the Moon in Pisces, then any preparations are not recommended);
  • for operations on the ankles, feet, toes, tendons, ligaments, organs of the digestive system, lymph nodes;
  • for foot massage, water treatment procedures, taking drugs.


  • promise more than you can deliver;
  • deceit, fraud, spiritual traps;
  • all sorts of excesses associated with food, alcohol and sex;
  • poisoning, viral and infectious diseases.


  1. Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky - «CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes»
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

Feeling + expectation - hope

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/ / Moon in Pisces for a man for a woman

Moon in the signs of the zodiac. Moon in Pisces in the natal chart of a man, a woman, a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces in astrology.

Moon in Pisces in the natal chart softens the character, makes a person internally sensitive, emotional, vulnerable. A person with the Moon in Pisces is easy to pity, he knows how to empathize, make concessions, although he tries to hide his inner softness from the people around him.

The Moon in Pisces seeks to express itself through its ruler, Neptune. Neptune in astrology is a planet that has no forms, blurs the boundaries, gives dreaminess, sentimentality, self-deception. And these qualities are inherent in a person with the Moon in Pisces. In a good way, the feelings of a person with the Moon in Pisces are very deep and sincere, a person is creatively prolific, and in a negative way, excessive gullibility brings a person down.

People with the Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces are very sensitive to any external influences, they react sharply to the attitude of other people towards them. The Moon in Pisces gives a person susceptibility, he subconsciously feels the mood of others. Intuition with the Moon in Pisces can be well developed, but only if the Moon is harmoniously located in the natal chart. When the Moon is afflicted, a person will be absent-minded, impractical, inclined to see the world in a distorted light.

In a new environment, a person with the Moon in Pisces behaves modestly, he gives the impression of a supple, driven person, especially if the Sun also occupies a weak position in the natal chart. And indeed, the main internal need of a person with the Moon in Pisces is a calm, peaceful environment around.

The Moon in Pisces makes a person compliant, as it were, he adapts to the opinion of the majority or tends to the opinion of more strong people in your surroundings. A person with the Moon in Pisces does not want to swim against the current, does not want to make enemies. In the event of conflict situations, such a person is kept aloof. And if his personal interests are not hurt, then he does not accept any of the parties, maintaining neutrality.

The Moon in Pisces makes a person constantly worry, even due to minor external unrest, this makes a person’s character anxious and fearful. If the Moon in Pisces is afflicted in the natal chart, then the person can become nervous, restless and prone to depression. And in order to find a way out of a state of stress, with the affected Moon, a person can begin to abuse alcohol and drugs. Strong emotional upheavals are harmful to a person with the Moon in Pisces, because. he can feel all his negative emotions even physically, which is bad for his health.

A person with the Moon in Pisces, in the event of complex problems, can postpone their solution, or evade responsibility, shift the adoption of important decisions to other people. Due to inner weakness, such a person needs the support, care and guidance of a stronger partner.

Moon in Pisces man.

A man with the Moon in Pisces is romantic and sensitive. The Moon in Pisces makes a man loyal and affectionate. Such a man is looking for a kind, supple, sincere, deep woman who knows how to love and care for his wife. For a man whose Moon is in Pisces, it is important that a woman understands him, empathizes, and supports him in difficult situations.

Moon in Pisces woman.

A woman with the Moon in Pisces knows how to be faithful, she can forgive a lot to her man, close her eyes to his misdeeds and shortcomings. The moon in Pisces in a woman makes her soft, emotional and submissive. Such a woman will be a good mother and housewife. A woman whose Moon in her natal chart is in Pisces needs to be wary of self-deception in love, because. she tends to see her partner through rose-colored glasses.

Moon in Pisces child.

A child with the Moon in Pisces is good-natured and sympathetic, it is easy to offend him. The parents of such a child should raise him in love, affection and care, so that the child feels supported, so that he knows that mom and dad are always there. If a child with the Moon in Pisces is brought up in strictness, then he can grow up to be a nervous, cowardly person with an unstable psyche.

>Moon in Pisces

Let us turn our attention to the character of a person, when He always has hope for a happy future.

This aspect is an indicator of sensitivity and emotionality. Such a person is quite vulnerable, it is easy to offend him, he can be impressed for any reason. If the character develops in a negative way, then there is a possibility of bad habits. Such a person is very likely to abuse the use of alcoholic beverages. It is also likely that he will often deceive other people. main reason such actions would be selfishness. Such a person will be prone to temptations, which can lead to very negative consequences. It is difficult for him to resist pressure from other people.

He can sacrifice important life nuances for the sake of a momentary mood. Often lack of strength and elementary laziness prevent success in life. Often such a person outwardly seems confident and successful, but in fact suffers from an inferiority complex. There is a possibility that he will let his life take its course, and will not work to achieve his goals. He will just go with the flow and take everything for granted.

But there is also a positive scenario. If a person develops harmoniously, he will please with charm and good nature towards other people. At the first need, a person will come to the rescue, he will always look for the right moment sociable, they can boast of having a huge number of friends and girlfriends. At the same time, a person can be emotionally weak. For him, this weakness becomes one of the ways of protection.

An important advantage of a person is his devotion. It is this quality that his friends and acquaintances appreciate, because such a person will never betray, he will be selfless and faithful. Such a person is always ready to listen to other people, to understand them. He is not indifferent to creativity, deeply understands music, painting, the beauty of nature. He treats such things very sincerely, he can consider things that he likes for a long time.

Often such people are calm and stable. At first glance it may seem that they are passive. But in fact, this opinion is erroneous. Such people can boast of a deep imagination, they are ready to work fruitfully, which allows them to achieve high altitudes in life. Romanticism is a positive quality, they know how to love, create beautiful dates, like to talk about music and art. The feelings of such people for their soulmate, as a rule, are quite strong and stable, they remain faithful and reliable partners.

Sign compatibility

A characteristic feature of such a person is indecision, which interferes with making important decisions in life. Indecision is also inherent in the character, which also sometimes interferes in life, both at work and while communicating with friends. Such people are submissive, but at the same time they delight with their daydreaming, they know how to believe in the best and hope for success. The house of such people, as a rule, is always full of friends and girlfriends, they delight with their hospitality. Communication with a person brings a huge amount of pleasure, because a person is easy, pleasant, knows how to listen and understand.

They enjoy spending time with their families and maintain a close relationship with their parents. Such people do not like to quarrel and scandal, they are annoyed by strong passions, they love comfort, coziness and tranquility. They treat changes well only if they are not painful.

Such people do not know how to adequately relate to disappointments and difficulties. In this case, they become confused and disappointed, cease to be active. Family life such people do not always develop as successfully as they would like. Often it is associated with inconstancy, possibly betrayal by the second half. Such situations lead to great suffering.

She is looking for a man who could respond to her feelings with understanding and respect. It suffers if they do not pay attention to it, treat problems coldly and move away. She does not understand why people cheat and cannot forgive infidelity or rudeness in a marital relationship.

This is a creative and talented nature, which is hampered by secrecy and indecision. Sometimes it is difficult for her to concentrate, but she easily communicates with people, thanks to her sensitivity. She is connected to information about past lives, so she can see some scenes from previous incarnations in her dreams. She has a huge inner world. With his sympathy, he not only cheers up, but also raises even the most broken people to their feet. Restrained, loves to learn and endowed with an excellent musical ear and voice.

In difficult situations, it is difficult for her to remain collected and make decisions quickly. She hesitates and may take risks out of inexperience. In money matters, he understands little and can lose profit due to excessive gullibility.

The moon makes her too vulnerable. It is very easy to pity such a woman. Therefore, she often becomes a salvation for the weak in spirit, who seek solace in her. She has a well-developed intuition, but she is scattered. She is diversified and has many interests. The moon makes her be modest, so sometimes she seems supple and driven. But this is only a consequence of her need for peace. It is easier for her to give up and agree in order to maintain peace around her. In a conflict, he prefers to simply leave. And if her interests are hurt, she will remain silent.

This is not the best location for the heavenly body, as a man becomes overly sentimental, vulnerable and offended for no good reason. But it is ideal for those who are looking for real romantics. It is not entirely easy for a man to live with the moon in Pisces, because they get feminine character traits. They are also prone to alcoholism, drug use and gambling.

Despite the disadvantages, they understand best of all what a woman needs, and therefore win her favor. The second half should be soft and kind. He needs creative person, which will not greatly strain him on domestic issues.

He wants to feel comfortable in any environment. Prefers to live in fantasy and tends to have colorful and interesting dreams. It is more difficult for them to adapt to real life with all its problems because of the departure in illusion. There is no aggression in them and they easily retreat or give up the reins of power to their girlfriend.

Very often they close in on themselves, as they quickly react to any external or internal stimulus. But this makes them merciful and responsive to the grief of others. Even in a family of atheists, they manage to grow up as believers. They are utopians and idealists. If they were brought up incorrectly, they get used to being lazy, apathetic, indecisive and do not trust others. The moon also gives them the desire to gossip, inform, and sometimes behave immorally.

A very musical man. His heart always painfully responds to the manifestation of injustice. Falling in love with such a guy, you need to be careful. Since often they are absorbed not by a person, but by reciprocal emotions.

The influence of the Moon in Pisces on the character of a person

Important role in the life of such a person, circumstances and people who find themselves on life path. Such people are ready to help and even serve loved ones, it is important for them to feel love and understanding. An important advantage is generosity, they are ready to help financially and morally at any moment. The main negative quality of character is distraction, which often leads to problems in life. Relations with the second half are often quite complex and conflicting.

Moon in Pisces. Such people are beautiful appearance, they always look great, love stylish clothes, prefer to surround themselves with cute objects. At heart, a person is often vulnerable and very sincere, it is difficult for them to open their souls to other people. Dreams play an important role in the life of such people. They listen carefully to their dreams, analyze them, and believe in their power.