Is it true that Fedor Dobronravov passed away, is the exact date of death known? Scandalous situation and other details. Why is the media silent?

The news of the death of Fedor, the People's Artist of Russia, made the fans literally cry out loud with grief. It seemed that all of Russia was plunged into a fog of sorrow, and heavy rains, which have been banging on the roofs of houses for the past weeks, as if saying that Nature herself mourns the death of Dobronravov. Everyone immediately remembered his participation in the programs "Director himself", the victory in the show "Two Stars", shooting in the films "Matchmakers" and the children's magazine "Yeralash". The very fact that now there may not be his smile and surprisingly charming behavior on television plunged many into shock. “How are we going to live now without Fyodor Dobronravov,” many asked themselves, bowing their heads in sadness.

Someone remembered how he played the role of Woland in the play "The Master and Margarita". After all, this theatrical performance fanned by mysticism, then a fire will happen at the premiere, then one of the actors will die. Did the same fate befell Dobronravov? Is it in our real world is there a place for magic, superstition, and black forces can spread even to a talented actor? Couldn't this have ruined Dobronravov?

In fact, the fact that the People's Artist of Russia Fedor Dobronravov passed away after a long illness and coma is a myth that was either allowed Russian sources, or - Ukrainian. The actor is alive and well and actively working! Furthermore, the next series of "Matchmakers-7" with his participation is about to be released.

And then hohlosrach ...

All the fuss began because there was a rumor that Dobronravov supported the Maidan and Ukraine and even put his signature in support of this country. Why the artist was on this list is unknown, he almost immediately denied this statement in his interview, supporting the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Perhaps, due to the political background, information about the death of the actor began to spread. So, a person who does not actively interfere in politics, nevertheless became a victim of dirty rumors in the media.

Of course, Dobronravov’s position on Crimea may be erroneous, since the formation of Kaliningrad, Chechnya, the Pskov region, the Kuril Islands and many more can be considered historical injustice. Russian regions. And in general, since only Adam and Eve lived in the world before, then everything around is solid Israel. And we are all not descendants of Ukrainian princes Kievan Rus, and Jews.

And, if so, then, perhaps, Russia would not exist without Kyiv, only on the oaks, fleeing from the nomads, lonely biryuks froze. It's a pity if the actor doesn't understand how lucky it is to put on an embroidered shirt and jump on one leg. But you can't judge him.

Creative people often see the world differently, Nikita Mikhalkov generally loves Putin very much and can even scold Yeltsin, but Ukrainians living in Lvov often watch his films and admire the director's magnificent Ukrainian mustache.

A person goes through a slightly different path in creativity and cannot immediately know this cosmopolitanism and brotherly love for Ukraine with every cell. But be that as it may, Dobronravov is a talented artist who has given people thousands of performances, dozens of films and series. He left a bright creative mark in his life, and God forbid everyone to do at least a hundredth of what Dobronravov did.

So, of course, to manipulate such things in the media is utter disgusting. But, according to folk beliefs, the false news that Fedor Dobronravov died should bring the film actor longevity and prosperity. We hope that the date of the death of the actor will not come for at least another 100 years, and his glorious name will live forever. We are waiting for Fedor Viktorovich to join our bright Ukrainian family and we apologize on behalf of the colleagues who started such a bad rumor. We wish our talented Ukrainian brother someday to play Obama, star in the Ukrainian-American TV series "Bandera Triangle", health and well-being!

Five facts about Fedor Dobronravov:

Fact number 1: Fedor Dobronravov served in the Airborne Forces!

In 1979, the future actor served in the airborne troops in the 104th division in Ulyanovsk.

Fact number 2: One of the memorable roles of Dobronravov was the role of Woland.

In the late 80s, Fedor Dobronravov played in the Voronezh Youth Theater. One of his roles was Woland. According to other sources, the actor also played Pontius Pilate.

Fact #3: In 1993, Dobronravov played in the anti-Soviet film Russian Ragtime.

True, he played the role of a security officer there. The picture did not gain much popularity, and is now almost forgotten.

Fact number 4: As a child, Fedor Dobronravov loved to play Timurovites.

He and his friends helped the elderly. Fedor had the usual childhood of a Soviet boy.

Fact number 5: Dobronravov played almost all directions in the theater.

The actor played comedy and dramatic roles, took part in classical performances.

And now let's all get up from behind the computers and shout happily "Dobronravov is alive"! And let him act in the future only in major films, and come to Kyiv more often, enjoying its sunny and free streets.

Latest news

May 27th. With coming actor Fyodor Dobronravov may return to Ukraine. According to Sobesednik, he won a lawsuit against the SBU, which banned him from entering the country because of his statements about Crimea.

29 April. The actor is very old and gray. Maybe this is due to the roles he played in recent times. However, in public, he always smiles and glows with joy.

March 18. Dobronravov again does not protect himself. He has a busy performance schedule. Now he plays in the play "Freaks" based on the stories of Shukshin, where he plays as many as 9 roles. It’s good that the artist is accompanied on tour by his son Ivan.

February 18. Relatives reported a series of micro-strokes. A year ago, it turns out, there was not a single stroke, but several at once. The body of the actor is subject to high pressure.

February 8th. Fedor Dobronravov refutes the fact of hospitalization. He says it was a planned examination. However, information appeared in the media about the cancellation of performances in Ryazan and Tula.

February 4, 2019. Dobronravov has health problems again. Information appeared on the web about the actor's pre-stroke condition, that he was hospitalized with high blood pressure.

January 29, 2019. Our hero started a page on Instagram. If the artist died, then he would not need it.

January 24, 2019. A friend of Dobronravov, Sergey Dorogov, spoke about the death of his mother. She died of melanoma in her heel on September 13, 1991.

September 28, 2018. Dobronravova was saved by Tatyana Vasilyeva. The details of the actor’s spring stroke became known: if a colleague hadn’t noticed in time how his arm and half of his body stopped working, and didn’t go to the ambulance, he could really die. The time gained saved Fedorov Viktorovich from death.

September 3, 2018. Fedor Dobronravov received a prize at the Golden Phoenix festival in Smolensk. He became the owner of the special prize of M. Tenisheva, and stood with him on the stage, ruddy and handsome, not at all like a zombie.

August 4th. Dobronravov celebrated the day of the Airborne Forces. He also hinted at a possible continuation of the series "Matchmakers", which could be released in 2019.

30 June.Fedor Dobronravov's third granddaughter was born! And the actor himself with the production of "Freaks" is going to the Altai festival.

June 13th. The actor has successfully completed rehabilitation. He has already returned to the theater stage and plans to participate in the "Shukshin Days" in Altai.

March 27th. Fedor Dobronravov continues treatment at the Sklifosovsky hospital in Moscow. When he returns to the stage is unknown, some sources report that the actor allegedly became numb in part of his face and his speech was impaired.

March 23. Unfortunately, it turned out that Dobronravov was seriously ill. He had a stroke and underwent surgery. Nevertheless, the actor's relatives remain optimistic, and they say that on April 1 he will play in the play. Whether this is a joke or not is still unknown.

March 19 Sad news - Fedor Dobronravov was hospitalized. The cause of the disease is a problem with the vessels. Relatives and friends of the artist, however, are already saying that the danger has passed.

March 16th. The film "Once Upon a Time" with Dobronravov won the hearts of the audience. In the film about village life, Fedor Viktorovich perfectly played the peasant Grishka.

The latest news about Fedor Dobronravov only pleases the fans of this unique artist - on April 6, 2018 he was discharged from the hospital. Work while a national favorite and most importantly actor the series "Matchmakers" will not be able to. As the director of the Moscow Satire Theater Magomet Agayev told the press, his subordinate will be on outpatient treatment for another 3 months.

We remind you that fans of his work learned about the deterioration in the state of health of the people's artist Fyodor Dobronravov on March 18, 2018. Then in Sergiev Posad, the actor was hospitalized with a suspected stroke.

Upon returning to the capital, the diagnosis of provincial doctors was fully confirmed. At first, it was decided to deal with the problem with medication, but soon the actor began to go numb on the left side of the body and his speech was disturbed. This gave the doctors a reason to operate on Dobronravov.

Information about the health of Fedor Dobronravov

According to the testimony, the artist's health improved so much that the doctors allowed him to recover at home. At the same time, they were categorically forbidden to go on stage in the near future. The restless patient decided to disobey the strict doctors and declared that, despite his illness, he was going on tour to Ulyanovsk. Here he will appear on the stage of the local drama theater together with illustrious colleagues Tatyana Vasilyeva and Elena Safonova in the production of "A Trap for a Husband". How the weakened organism will respond to such overloads is anyone's guess.

However, tarologist Marianna Abravitova, who predicted defeat in the fight against oncology a few months before his death, is more than optimistic. The clairvoyant believes that the fears of doctors are in vain and nothing threatens the favorite of the public. He owes this to his colleague Tatyana Vasilyeva and son Ivan, who noticed changes in the artist’s condition right on the stage and immediately called the doctors.

Surgeons at the Sklifosovsky Institute provided timely assistance, stabilizing the health status of the artist Fyodor Dobronravov, as stated in the latest news from 16.04. 2018.

The path to the dream

Fedor Viktorovich was born in Taganrog, in the family of a bakery molder and a construction worker. The boy sang beautifully from childhood, so his parents sent him to the House of Culture for vocal and music classes. The owner of a rare and beautiful soprano participated in all amateur performances of local groups. He composed plays and, together with his peers, staged them on the stage of the summer theater. But Fedor did not dream of becoming an actor, all his aspirations were directed to the circus.

From the age of 10, he was a member of the Taganrog circus troupe, went in for sports a lot, wanting to have a good physical form for future profession. But dreams were not destined to come true, without army service they did not take Dobronravov to the school. He went to pay his debt to the Motherland, and after demobilization he married his first and only love - Irochka.

What happened to Fedor Dobronravov: family and luck

Young people lived modestly - Victor worked as a fitter at a local factory, his wife, after several years of practice in kindergarten was expecting a firstborn. The restless merry fellow and optimist dreamed of the theater, trying from year to year to become a student of the Pike, where he went every summer with enviable regularity.

Dobronravov failed to conquer the capital, but he successfully entered the first year of the Voronezh Institute of Culture. Here the future celebrity moved his little family and after graduating from high school, he remained to work in a local youth theater.

On the set of the series "Matchmakers"

To audition for Konstantin Raikin, who decided to renew the troupe of the Satyricon Theater by infusing new, provincial blood, the artist was persuaded to go by his faithful companion.

Like no one else, she understood her husband's throwing and supported him in all attempts to find himself in the great profession of reincarnation. A talented young man received an invitation to work in the capital and again moved his closest and dearest people there. Fortunately, the theater gave a loan to the promising newcomer of the Satyricon to purchase a two-room apartment.

In addition to the improved life, happiness smiled at the persistent man in the cinema:

  1. "6 frames".
  2. "Liquidation".
  3. "Matchmakers".

The last series made Fedor Dobronravov a household name. The success of the film was so deafening that the actor began to be recognized on the streets and even married to his serial wife, actress Tatyana Kravchenko. Rumors reached Irina, however clever woman she only brushed them off - she knows her beloved too well.

Both sons of the artist followed in the footsteps of the parent - both Victor and Ivan are today successful theater and film actors who receive decent fees and have their own families. The elder has already pleased the actor with his granddaughters - Varvara and Vasilisa.

Social activity

Since 2016, the artist has been leading several projects:

  1. "Around the family".
  2. "Tsaritsyno spring".
  3. Actor's Central House.

He organized his own production center, releasing films, series and performances. Not so long ago, as a producer, Fedor Viktorovich presented the viewer with the full-length film Once Upon a Time.

In addition, the artist is busy dubbing and dubbing cartoons, on various television projects. So in 2012 he won the show "Two Stars" - all his performances paired with Leonid Agutin gained maximum amount points.

Today, the actor Fedor Dobronravov is one of the most sought-after Russian actors, whose work has been marked by a huge number of prizes and awards at various film festivals. But the actor considers his family to be the highest success, which has become a reliable support for him. long years.

The artist recalls how, for the first salary, son Ivan, together with his brother, gave his father the first car. Fyodor Viktorovich spoke about this event with tears in his eyes and was terribly proud not so much of his popularity as of the children for whom he once worked as a janitor, cleaner and locksmith.

Fedor Dobronravov is a popular comedian who has already managed to become native to millions of viewers in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. A truly "star" role for our today's hero was the role of Ivan Budko in the famous TV series "Matchmakers". It was this cinematic work that opened the name of a bright comedian to millions of viewers in different corners CIS. But is it possible to say that in addition to the legendary "Matchmakers" in the list of works by Fyodor Dobronravov there is nothing more interesting? Of course not. Indeed, during his career, this actor managed to try on a huge variety of unforgettable images.

The early years, childhood and the family of Fedor Dobronravov

Our today's hero was born in the most ordinary working family, about which it is difficult to say something unusual. Fedor's parents were typical Soviet people, and that, in fact, has already said everything. the only creative personality in their family there was only Fedya himself. From childhood, he performed at various competitions, concerts and creative evenings, where he delighted the audience with his excellent ... singing. Yes, yes, in early childhood Dobronravov possessed a very beautiful high soprano, and therefore, practically not a single creative evening could do without his participation in Taganrog.

(OST- Matchmakers-6) Fedor Dobronravov - Bread

Thus, by the age of ten, our today's hero has become quite popular in his hometown. Singing and music gave him great pleasure. However, deep down, the young guy cherished a completely different dream - the dream of a circus career.

Accustomed to the stage, already with early years Fedor Dobronravov began to develop and show his own numbers in the summer theater of Taganrog as part of a local dance and circus group. Clearly understanding that in order to achieve the goal, one needs to work hard and hard, Fedor enrolled in several sports sections at once, where he later studied boxing, volleyball, basketball, diving and some other disciplines. Having developed strength and dexterity in himself, after graduating from school, our today's hero went to Moscow, where he applied to the circus school. However, an unexpected circumstance arose on the way to the cherished goal - only those who had already served in the army were taken to this institution.

Realizing all the comicality of such a requirement, Fedor Dobronravov nevertheless decided to serve in the army. After that, for two years, the future actor served in a special division of the Airborne Forces, but after demobilization he suddenly decided to leave all past plans. In the early eighties, he returned to his native Taganrog and got a job as an ordinary worker at a factory. Establishing life and helping his family, our today's hero worked, sparing no effort. For several years, he changed several different specialties at once, leaving behind an ornate path from an assembly fitter to a varnish-filler adjuster.

During these years, Fedor twice went to Moscow, trying to enter the circus school, but both times he returned with nothing.

Seeing the futility of all efforts, at some point Dobronravov decided to abandon his plans to conquer the Russian capital and went to enter the Voronezh Institute of Arts. Here he was accepted immediately, and very soon he finally became a student at a theater university.

After graduation, he stayed in Voronezh for a couple of years, where he performed at the local Youth Theater. It was here that he was noticed by the famous Soviet comedian Konstantin Raikin, who came to the city on tour. Seeing Dobronravov on stage, the recognized master was so amazed by his acting that he very soon invited him to perform with his Satyricon theater.

From that moment on, a truly stellar career began for our today's hero.

Acting path of Fedor Dobronravov, filmography and theater

In the theater "Satyricon" our today's hero has worked for almost a decade. During this period they played a lot bright roles, among which were really stellar works. His stage partners were recognized stars theater. Playing with them, the actor gained invaluable experience, and also managed to make a name for himself.

Leonid Agutin and Fedor Dobronravov - Turn - Two stars Final

In 1993, Fedor Dobronravov made his film debut with a small role in the film Russian Ragtime. This was followed by new work in the cinema. It is noteworthy that during this period the actor starred in both comedy and drama films, often appearing even in action films.

In the early 2000s, the actor left the Satyricon and began performing at the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. In parallel with this, Fedor Dobronravov successfully built a career in cinema, acting in a wide variety of projects. During this period, the actor tried himself in a variety of images, however, in the end, he nevertheless returned to his beloved comedy genre.

Fedor Dobronravov now

In 2005, the comedy sketch show “6 frames” began to appear on the Ren-TV channel, which very soon migrated to the STS channel. As part of this project, Fedor Dobronravov was able to fully reveal his talent, as well as prove to eminent producers that he deserves more significant roles. So, already in the late 2000s, such famous movies as "Kremlin cadets", " father's daughters”, “Liquidation”, “Happy Together” and many others.

2008 Fedor Dobronravov received leading role in the comedy series "Matchmakers", which is still a kind of " calling card» actor. In this project, he is removed to this day.

For his outstanding contribution to Russian cinema in 2011, our today's hero was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Fedor Dobronravov's personal life

For many years, Fedor Dobronravov has been happily married to a woman named Irina Dobronravova (works as a children's teacher). The couple have two sons -

Fedor Viktorovich Dobronravov. Born on September 11, 1961 in Taganrog. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, singer, producer. National artist Russia (2011).

Fedor Dobronravov was born on September 11, 1961 in Taganrog in the family of a builder and a bakery worker.

As a child, he dreamed of being a clown, he sang well, performed at concerts, in high school staged circus acts at the Summer Theater in Taganrog.

I did sports, various types- boxing, basketball, volleyball, became a sportsman in diving from a tower.

After school, he went to Moscow to enter the circus school, but only those who had served in the army were taken there.

From 1979 to 1981 he held a valid military service on call to Airborne troops- in the artillery regiment of the 104th Guards Airborne Division.

After the army he worked at the factory as a fitter.

In 1988 he graduated from the Voronezh state institute arts. In Voronezh, with classmates, he became the creator of the Ruble Theater. To feed his family, he worked as a janitor in a kindergarten.

In 1988-1990 he was an actor at the Voronezh Youth Theatre. His works: “The Master and Margarita” by M. A. Bulgakov - Woland; "Forest" by A. N. Ostrovsky - Neschastlivtsev; "Duck Hunt" by A.V. Vampilov - Sayapin.

It was in Voronezh that he noticed a talented actor and invited him to his theater "Satyricon", in which Fyodor Dobronravov worked for ten years. In "Satyricon" he performed on the same stage with, Tatyana Vasilyeva, and other stars.

Among his works in the "Satyricon": "The Thief of Baghdad" - the Black Magician; "The Magnificent Cuckold"; "Hamlet" - Horatio; "Naked King"; "Jacques and his Master"; "Macbeth" - The Second Fool, Kandor, a wounded soldier; "Mowgli"; "Imaginary patient" - Argan; "Transformation"; "Romeo and Juliet" - Lorenzo's brother; "Cyrano de Bergerac" - Carbon de Catel Jaloux; "Servants and Snow" - Peter Jack; "Threepenny Opera" - Panther Brown; "The hostess of the hotel" - the Marquis of Forlipopoli; "Chantecleer" - dog Patu; "The Satyricon Show".

Since 2003 - actor of the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. His work in the theater: "Too Married Taxi Driver" by Ray Cooney (dir.-post.: Alexander Shirvindt) - Stanley Pawney; “Schweik, or Hymn to Idiocy” by Yaroslav Hasek (dir.-post.: Alexander Shirvindt) - Judge Pan Vanesh; "We are still funny"; “Sad, but funny” by S. Plotov, V. Zhuk, Alexander Shirvindt (dir.-post: Alexander Shirvindt, Yuri Vasiliev); "How to Sew on an Old Woman" by John Patrick (dir.-post .: Mikhail Sonnenstral) - Brad; "The Accidental Death of an Anarchist" Dario Fo (dir.-post.: Mikhail Borisov) - crazy; "The Hostess of the Hotel" Carlo Goldoni (dir.-post.: Olga Subbotina) - Cavalier R.; "Trouble in the Dovecote" by Jean Poiret (dir.-post.: Nina Chusova) - Georges; “Nightmare on Lursin Street” by Eugene Labiche (dir.-post.: Alexander Shirvindt) - Langlyume, rentier; "Evening Departure of the Society of the Blind" by Viktor Shenderovich (dir.-post.: Mikhail Chumachenko) - a citizen in a raincoat; "Funds from the inheritance" by Yuri Ryashentsev, Galina Polidi (dir.-post.: Alexander Shirvindt) - Crispen; "Perfect Murder" by Andrey Zhitinkin (dir-post: Andrey Zhitinkin) - Baxter; "Unforgettable Acquaintances" Edward Albee, Nina Sadur (dir.-post.: Sergey Nadtochiev) - Man / Jerry, a man in a raincoat; “Suitcase” by Yuri Polyakov (dir.-post.: Alexander Shirvindt) - Mikhail.

He also collaborated with the theaters: Andrey Zholdak's Entreprise, the Quartet I Theater, the Theater Agency In the Family Circle, the Art Partner XXI Theater Agency, the LeKur Theater Agency, the Modern Enterprise Theater, the Anton Chekhov Theater.

Together with Sergei Dorogov, he painted miniatures for. At the suggestion, he led the entertainment program "Six Frames" on STS.

Since 1993 he has been acting in films. He made his debut with a small role in the film "Russian Ragtime". Then there were a few more small roles.

In the 2000s, he began to actively act in television series. The first significant role is Fedor Surov in the historical film "Secrets palace coups. Russia, XVIII century.

And the wide fame and popularity came to the actor in 2006, when the series began to appear on the screens. "Kadetism", in which he played the father of Styopa Perepechko - Nikolai Petrovich, one of the funniest characters in the film.

Fedor Dobronravov in the series "Kadetstvo"

In 2007, the actor drew attention to himself with the role of the senior detective of the Odessa Criminal Investigation Alexei Yakimenko in the TV series "Liquidation". Then there was the equally successful role of the captain in the comedy Radio Day. He played the main role in the film "Haze" (Ivan Ivanovich). Appeared in the role of Stalin in the film "My Favorite Witch".

Since 2008, the series began to appear on the screens "Matchmakers", in which Fedor Dobronravov played the main role - Ivan Stepanovich Budko (grandfather Vanya).

Work in "Matchmakers" strengthened the love of the audience for the popular actor.

Fedor Dobronravov in the series "Matchmakers"

Many expressions of grandfather Vanya from "Matchmakers" became winged: "According to Russian custom - five grams for decency"; "He refused to drink.. He has a heart... And I, it turns out, is heartless"; "Matchmaker, chop the cutlet" - "Yura is not allowed, he has a liver" - "So what? I also have a liver"; " healthy image life - it's kind of fashionable right now. We all quit smoking - both friends and neighbors. I'm holding on alone, that's what I understand - willpower"; "I'm sorry, your guests also didn't click their intelligent faces"; "Oh, the pale faces have come! Anatolich, where is my tomahawk?"; "Daughter, don't offend your man, don't follow your mother's example"; "If you tryndet, you'll watch your serials on the radio"; "You and I are jumping, but the matchmakers are swayed," etc.

The release of the next seasons of the series "Matchmakers" was stopped due to the conflict in Ukraine: the actors because of the support of the war in the Donbass by producer Vladimir Zelensky.

It is also worth highlighting the main role played by the actor in the comedy films Exchange Brothers and Exchange Brothers-2. Fyodor Dobronravov presented on the screen two twin brothers Perechikhins - Valery Ignatievich and Fedor Ignatievich.

Often appears on TV shows. Participated in programs Big difference"," Director himself, "Thank God you've come!".

He won the project "Two Stars" on Channel One in Season IV (2012) - in a duet with them they scored 436 points and 28% in the voting of viewers.

Fedor Dobronravov in the program "Evening Urgant"

The growth of Fedor Dobronravov: 186 centimeters.

Fedor Dobronravov's personal life:

Married. The wife's name is Irina. It has nothing to do with cinema and theater.

Fedor Dobronravov has two sons who also became famous actors - (born March 8, 1983) and (born June 2, 1989).

In 2010, the actor became a grandfather - his granddaughter Varvara was born (daughter of Viktor Dobronravov).

Filmography of Fyodor Dobronravov:

1993 - Russian ragtime - police lieutenant
1993 - Shooting Angels - Tall
1994 - Poetic drama in the city garden (short) - Ivan Bezdonny, poet
1995 - Summer people - Kirill Akimovich Dudakov, doctor
1997 - Druzhok (short)
1998 - Composition for Victory Day - Glory, Sonya's lover
1998 - Paranoia
1999 - Are you kidding? (movie almanac) - assistant
1999 - D.D.D. Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky - Gogotun
1999 - Baghdad Thief (film-play)
2000-2008 - Secrets of palace coups. Russia, XVIII century - Fedor Surov
2001 - Suspicion - episode
2001 - Seekers - father Dmitry
2002 - Shukshin's stories - a painter in the dining room
2002 - Impostors (all seasons) - train conductor
2002 - Turkish March (Season 3) - Vetrov
2002 - Kopeyka - driver
2002 - Code of honor-1 - Bauer, resident
2002 - Let's make love - taxi driver
2003 - Upside down - security guard
2003 - Siberian
2003 - Fig Fellow Travelers (short)
2003 - New Year's romance - episode
2003 - Best City Lands - editor-in-chief
2003 - Hello, capital! - taxi driver
2003 - Life is one - bartender
2003 - Boulevard binding - sergeant
2004 - Against the current - investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
2004 - Parcel from Mars - Volodya
2004 - Full speed ahead! - fisherman on a motorboat
2004 - On Upper Maslovka - Katya's father
2004 - My big Armenian wedding - travel companion
2004 - Winter Romance
2004 - Long goodbye - Fedor Vasilyevich
2004 - December 32 - "Huck"
2005 - Golden Calf - Ptiburdukov, engineer
2005 - Life is a field for hunting - Sergey Ivanovich, KGB officer
2005 - Nine unknowns - Mikhail Igorevich, investigator
2005 - Gorynych and Victoria - Popov
2005 - Time to collect stones - Divinj
2005 - Agent in love. Don't give up hope maestro! - episode
2005 - Adam and Eve's transformations - Vasily, Eva's uncle
2005 - Lethal Force-6 - Lilin
2006 - Weaknesses strong woman- Mayboroda
2006 - Under the Big Dipper - Max Gromov
2006 - Playing the victim - Valya's father / Uncle Petya
2006 - Kadetstvo. Season 1 - Nikolai Petrovich Perepechko, Styopa's father
2007 - Kadetstvo. Season 2 - Nikolai Petrovich Perepechko, Styopa's father
2007 - Kadetstvo. Season 3 - Nikolai Petrovich Perepechko, Styopa's father
2007 - Wick (short) - doctor
2007 - Relatives and friends - Vitaly Sergeevich
2007 - Open, Santa Claus! - Kokorin, bandit
2007 - Liquidation - Alexey Yakimenko, captain
2007 - Who is the boss in the house? - dad
2008-2010 - Daddy's daughters - Anatoly Tyutchev, cousin of Sergei Vasnetsov
2008 - Photographer - Doroganov
2008 - New Year's tariff - a good-natured driver in the fleet
2008 - Matchmakers - Ivan Stepanovich Budko (grandfather Vanya)
2008 - Passenger - naval officer
2008 - Doomed to war - sergeant
2008 - My favorite witch - Stalin
2008 - Marevo - Ivan Ivanovich
2008 - Kotov - Petrovich
2008 - Radio Day - Captain
2008 - Humanoids in Korolev - Gennady Petrovich
2009 - Matchmakers-2 - Ivan Stepanovich Budko (grandfather Vanya)
2009 - Matchmakers-3 - Ivan Stepanovich Budko (grandfather Vanya)
2009 - Ordered to be destroyed. Operation "Chinese Box" - Gustav Mol, SS-Hauptsturmführer
2009 - Operation "Righteous" - bank manager
2009 - The man in the house - Sergey Palych
2009 - Moskva.Ru - minibus driver
2009 - Isaev - Volobuev
2009 - Detachment - Samoilov, head of the special department
2009 - Return of the Musketeers - Abbé d'Oliva
2009 - Brothers Karamazov - Pan Mussialovich
2009-2010 - Kremlin cadets - Nikolai Petrovich Perepechko, Stepan's father
2010 - Matchmakers-4 - Ivan Stepanovich Budko (grandfather Vanya)
2010 - Travelers-2 - Pavel Andreevich Kalyadin
2010 - The last secret of the Master - Ivan, friend of Fedor
2010 - What men talk about - unfaithful husband, cheating on his wife with sausage
2010 - New Year's matchmakers - Ivan Budko
2010 - No need to be sad - Savely
2010 - Yard - Grigory Yermak
2010 - Garages - Fedor Klyushkin
2010 - In jazz style - police lieutenant colonel
2011 - Everyone has their own war - Pavel Petrovich
2011 - Matchmakers-5 - Ivan Stepanovich Budko (grandfather Vanya)
2011 - Kalachi - Chebotar, neighbor
2011 - Matchmakers: life without makeup (documentary)
2011 - All inclusive! - Peter, Russian tourist from Syktyvkar
2012-2013 - Matchmakers-6 - Ivan Stepanovich Budko
2012 - Surveillance - Konstantin Evgenievich Fadeev
2012 - Moms - Nikolay
2012 - A Nightmare on Lursin Street (film-play) - Langlume
2013 - All inclusive-2 - Peter
2013 - Exchange brothers - Valery Ignatievich Perechikhin / Fedor Ignatievich Perechikhin
2014 - Exchange brothers-2 - Valery Ignatievich Perechikhin / Fedor Ignatievich Perechikhin
2015 - Wonderland - Semyon Voloshin
2015 - The end of a beautiful era - Mikhail Zhbankov, photo correspondent
2016 - Photographer (Photographer / Fotografas)
2016 - Temptation
2017 - Mafia Senior
2017 - Crimea
2017 - Crown of the Empress - Adon, demon
2017 - Once upon a time
2017 - Midshipmen-1787 - Suvorov

Voiced by Fedor Dobronravov:

2005 - The Amazing Adventures of Homa (animated)
2006 - Kolobok (animated)
2008 - We are legends (Two Alone in Paris) - Fred Testo
2008 - Beaver to complain (Bienvenue chez les Ch "tis) - Stefan Freiss
2009 - Red Riding Hoods (animated)
2010 - COAPP. The most lovely nanny(animated)
2011 - Slondike 2. Donna Juan (animation)
2012 - Ted Jones and the Lost City (Aventuras de Tadeo Jones, Las) (animated)
2012 - Zambezia (South Africa, animation)
2012 - Buroba (animated)
2013 - Cat Thunder and the enchanted house 3D (House of Magic, The) (Belgium, animation)
2014 - Snow Queen 2: Refreeze (Snow Queen 2: The Snow King) (animated) - King of the Trolls

Fedor Dobronravov's vocals:

2010 - Matchmakers-4 (song "")
2011 - Matchmakers-5 (songs "Escape to Summer"; "My Calendar" in a duet with A. Koshmal)
2012-2013 - Matchmakers-6 (songs "Everything will happen again"; "Joyful sadness" in a duet with Anna Koshmal)

It is known that a famous actor was hospitalized. Is it true that Fedor Dobronravov passed away - now the question is universally asked by fans of this artist. About the actor's diagnosis this moment there is no information on the Web, but there is evidence that the actor is alive and recovering.

Actor biography

Taganrog became the artist's hometown. He was born on September 11, 1961. His father was a builder, and his mother worked at a bakery. He is not only child in the family, he has a sister, whose name is Love.

As a child, Fedor was fond of sports, played various team sports, such as volleyball and basketball.

In addition, he often showed himself at various competitions and had a very beautiful voice. He sang at many creative evenings, music was easy for him, they began to recognize him in his native Taganrog.

His childhood dream was to become a clown in the future, in order to realize the idea, he studied in a specialized circle. He tried to get into the circus school in Moscow, but he did not succeed, since only those who served in the army were taken there.

That is why he decided to undergo urgent military service in the Airborne Forces. After demobilization, his plans changed. He got married and returned to native city and got a job as a mechanic at the factory.

He devoted himself completely to his family and worked almost without rest. Over the years, he changed many professions. He tried to enter the school again, where he wanted to before, but all his attempts were unsuccessful. After a series of failures, he decided to leave the idea of ​​studying in Moscow and entered the Institute of Arts in Voronezh. He succeeded without much difficulty. He graduated from F. Dobronravov in the late 80s. After graduation, he stayed in Voronezh for some time, participating in performances at the youth theater. It was there that he was noticed by Arkady Raikin and invited to perform at the Satyricon Theater. This event was the beginning of a stellar career.

The actor worked in this theater for about ten years. He often had the honor of playing bright and leading roles. His work partners were famous artists. Working with them on the same stage, he gained knowledge and experience.

He has many various roles in cinema, and his filmography is significant. He starred in films of various genres, in dramas, comedies and action films. At the beginning of the 2000s, he stopped performing at the Satyricon and began working at the Academic Satire Theater in Moscow. Along with this, he participated in films and starred in projects. He tried his hand at different images, but found himself in the comedy genre.

For many years, the actor has been married to Irina Dobronravova, who works as a teacher. They have two children, sons Ivan and Victor, and 8 years ago Fedor Dobronravov became a grandfather. Viktor's daughter Barbara was born eight years ago. Most recently, at the end of last year, Ivan had a daughter, Vasilisa.

Actor's work

This famous actor leading roles were offered in many theaters. He participated in many different performances, and also has a rich filmography, which dates back to the 90s.

Since 2006, he has been voicing cartoons. He is the winner of the "Two Stars" project in 2012. In the show "The director himself", which was shown on the RTR and Russia channel, since the beginning of the 90s. and until 2004, he voiced videos, and was also a lyricist and puppeteer.

13 years ago entertainment program"6 frames", which was regularly shown on STS, brought him fame and it was in it that he was able to fully express himself. He also participated in other well-known projects on this channel.

10 years ago, the now famous project "Matchmakers" started, where the actor received one of the main roles of Ivan Stepanovich Budko, one of the brightest and most satirical characters. Until now, he is filming in this project.

For his significant contribution to the development of cinema in Russia, he received the title of People's Artist.

Health News

Due to the fact that the actor was in the hospital, there was a rumor that Fedor Dobronravov had passed away. However, this information is false, in fact, his health has deteriorated. According to the representative of the actor, Irina Soykina, his health is this moment nothing is threatening and nothing terrible has happened. The diagnosis that caused the deterioration of health is not disclosed.

Due to health problems, the performance with the participation of F. Dobronravov in Svetlogorsk, which was called "Freaks", was canceled.

Fans of this actor's work are very excited about what happened, and convey their wishes to him to recover. Many Internet users convey the warmest words to the actor, wishing well-being and good health, as well as good health.

There are suspicions that the cause of hospitalization was a heart attack. However, now, according to the latest news, the actor feels better. According to Shirvindt, he had some problems with blood vessels.

According to actor Viktor Dobronravov, Fedor's eldest son, the artist will soon be discharged from the hospital and will be able to continue working. He assured that the fans need not worry, and his father does not have any terrible diagnoses incompatible with life.

A possible reason for what happened was constant fatigue, nerves and stress, the lack of the opportunity to relax, since recently Fedor had a lot of work on various projects.

Thus, the news about the death of Fedor Dobronravov is false, he is undergoing treatment and the danger, according to his representative and close people, has passed.