2017 is the Year of the Fiery Red Rooster

The Year of the Rooster is Coming January 28, 2017, and will end on the night of February 15-16, 2018.

It is believed that in the year of the Red Rooster, luck smiles on the brave, those who make efforts to achieve results, who are not afraid to gradually make their way to the goal, but are ready for decisive actions.

The years of the Rooster in the last century were 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, and in the 21st century - 2005.

Characteristics of the year: Organ - heart, taste - bitter, color - red. The qualities are clarity and radiance. The element of 2017 - Fire - corresponds to the south, noon and summer. Fire is associated with the Sun, and its warlike, intolerant, and destructive nature links it to the planet Mars. The trigram of the year is Li. Year of men. The plant of the year is beans. The mascot of the year is the Peacock. magic number – 7.

General characteristics of the year

To understand what year awaits us all, it is enough to remember that the Rooster is a wayward, cheerful, vociferous creature. He welcomes a new day! Therefore, the Rooster is a symbol of the new. He is curious, sociable, spectacular, likes to attract attention and win victories on all fronts. In general, this symbol is accompanied by good luck.

The Rooster is practical and even prudent, which is why 2017 is well suited for the implementation of life-changing projects: starting your own business, buying real estate, moving. On the other hand, this is a good year to achieve something new in a thoroughly studied area - the Rooster is conservative and does not like change, but he will definitely “approve” new contracts, scientific research, repair of the house or in the country, replenishment in the family.

The Rooster is thrifty, attentive to his appearance and health, so all acquisitions and investments in himself in 2017 will be extremely successful.

Another distinctive feature of the symbol of 2017 is a sociable nature - despite its imperious nature, the Rooster does not tolerate loneliness. For 2017, you can safely plan trips by noisy companies or large family holidays, anniversaries, weddings - any such undertaking will go with a bang.

It is important to emphasize the intelligibility of the Rooster - being quick-tempered by nature, he makes important decisions in a balanced way, and this should be learned from him.

The most successful year of the Fire Rooster will be for those who take leadership positions, organizes and creates something, be it new company or a large family - the symbol of 2017 will be indulgent to such people, he loves those who make decisions.

The rooster is ready to support the most ambitious plans and the most daring ideas, but any action will need to be carefully prepared.

A large number of people follow the unspoken rules and laws of celebrating the New Year and behavior throughout the year, so that the owner of the current year “does not take offense” and does not throw a couple of dirty tricks as a reward for disobedience. And although the year of the Rooster comes not on January 1, but on January 28, in Russia they still try to adhere to the traditions of meeting the eastern year on the calendar New Year.

Therefore, it is important to know how to dress in new year's eve, what dishes should be on the festive table and what should not be there under any circumstances, etc. Having duly appeased the dominant sign in 2017 Eastern horoscope, we can say with confidence that in the coming year we will not be afraid of any troubles or hardships.

What to expect from the Red Fire Rooster?

The rooster is the tenth eastern animal, which, as they say old legends, came to the Buddha New Year-rooster-on the sacred meadow at his call. Very bright, defiantly beautiful, the Rooster never sits idle - everything around him should boil and seethe! The rooster, especially the Fiery one, symbolizes the Sun, since it is with his early morning singing that a new day begins.

In eastern countries, this sign is directly associated with solar heat: the Japanese see the first light in it, the Indians call it the personification of the energy of the Sun. The Chinese consider the Rooster a symbol of the five basic virtues: courage, fidelity, kindness, dignity, benevolence. All these qualities we need to cultivate and actively cultivate throughout the year.

From the five qualities of virtue, the main character traits of the animal-symbol of 2017 clearly follow - frankness and sincerity. True, the Rooster says everything that comes to mind, not particularly caring about the feelings of others. Sometimes, due to straightforward judgments, his openness can seem like tactlessness and even rudeness.

The stars advise everyone in 2017 to control their speeches and emotions so as not to offend anyone with a harsh word.

The Red Rooster is extremely accurate, even pedantic, but very responsible. Therefore, in 2017 it is better to bring all things to the end and treat any work with diligence. It is worth knowing that the Rooster is by nature a rare joker and rake, he is overly self-confident and sometimes allows himself to speak empty bravado.

In this regard, in the coming year, you need to be very careful in communication, sometimes even control yourself in order to east sign did not affect you in the most obscene way at the most crucial moment.

It is interesting that the Rooster likes to command and give advice interspersed with criticism to the right and left, while he himself, at the same time, reacts very sharply to comments addressed to him. And you can win the heart of the Rooster with overt flattery and frank praise. This is due to the fact that, by its nature, the Rooster should always be in sight, in the center of attention. Otherwise, this motley sign will simply wither away without proper attention.

This year, everyone needs to think about developing their leadership qualities and somehow stand out from the crowd (style of clothing, intelligence, originality, creativity, extravagance, even quirkiness).

The rooster loves to dress brightly and tastefully, and this feature of him made the sign a real expert in the question of how to produce good impression almost from the first meeting. He loves work if job responsibilities includes communication with people. In any team, the Rooster will be deservedly considered an unusual and spectacular person. Very many in 2017 will be lucky at work and they will be able to quickly move up the career ladder.

The rooster is conservative and follows its own logic in everything. Despite his love of attention, the Rooster is sure that it is he who thinks sensibly, unacceptable to a different opinion. The rooster always relies only on its own strength, without resorting to the help of others.success girl

That is why stubborn and straightforward careerists in 2017 will find it easier for other employees to achieve their goals. All Roosters are workaholics. They never have easy money.

The Rooster is always and everywhere trying to do everything that he is capable of, and even more. Despite his outstanding qualities as the best worker, the Rooster also allows himself to be lazy in the workplace. Most likely this is due to the tendency of the Rooster to contemplation.

If he does what he loves, the job of his dreams, then he will be able to achieve a lot: independence, prestige, wealth.

This eastern sign in 2017 pushes everyone and everyone to find their true purpose in this life. The rooster is a rather controversial sign. Based on this, in 2017 you need to be able to maintain a balance between work and personal life. Otherwise, despite new acquaintances and frequent communication, the coming a year will pass under the label of loneliness.

The Year of the Rooster will give all active and energetic people the opportunity to achieve a lot both at work and in love and family life.

It is impossible to call 2017 a simple year, but it certainly will not be boring, because the Rooster does not tolerate boredom and despondency. The most important thing is to believe in yourself and not lose your presence of mind. Well, where did you see the sad Rooster?

The most controversial coming year will be for interpersonal and love relationships- a quick-tempered character and some inconstancy often prevent the Rooster from establishing ties with friends and lovers.

On the other hand, if the choice has already been made, the Rooster is able to throw all his strength into strengthening relations, he is ready to present gifts and surprise loved ones.

The same applies to big politics - conflicts at the international level are obligatory in the year of the Rooster, but the year is good for the implementation of serious reforms within the country aimed at improving the quality of life.

The rooster zealously defends its territory and cares about the well-being of loved ones, so any action in this direction will be lucky. The main thing is to know the measure in everything, not to overdo it and remember that the best is the enemy of the good. The Rooster is prudent, and able to make the right decision, taking into account the interests of all parties, even if at first glance the situation seems insoluble.

In the year of the Rooster, new strong leaders are likely to come to power, while not conflict-oriented, but, on the contrary, able to establish stable and strong relations with their neighbors.

We can unequivocally say that in 2017 we will have to go through several military conflicts.negative space There will be military conflicts on the territory of many countries, but there will be no war on the territory of Russia. At the same time, Russian troops will take part in local wars across three countries. Unfortunately, there will be human losses.

At the same time, a number of major accidents are to be experienced on the territory of Russia. There will also be many weather and man-made disasters.

Red is the color of fire, energy, passion. It is known that it excites, improves mood and well-being, optimizes mental and physiological processes. In many cultures, red crystals (rubies, red tourmaline and jasper) are considered the embodiment of fire, flame in its other form. It is believed that such stones contain especially strong energy. Red stones can affect the circulatory system, they are shown to be worn for problems with blood vessels, pressure and skin diseases.

Orange is associated with the nervous system and digestive tract. Amber, carnelian and corals painted in this color are able to tone up the body and strengthen the nervous system. Contact with stones of this color allows you to get rid of excess negative energy.

Yellow stones - citrines, topazes, chrysoberyls - relieve insomnia, stimulate appetite, increase general tone and just give joy with their sunny views.

The rooster is a curious, emotional creature that loves to be seen and make a vivid impression, so jewelry with rubies, garnets and topazes had to be stylish and original.

How to celebrate 2017 the right way

The main thing when organizing New Year's holidays this year is to have more people, brighter decorations, and as varied entertainment as possible. No one should be bored or sit idle, feel free to prepare contests and forfeits, buy sparklers and fireworks, come up with such a holiday scenario so that everyone can find a place on it.

No the best option than a masquerade with colorful costumes, masks and disguises. You can save money on outfits and make them yourself. The main thing is that they should be bright and original, and how much it will cost is not important for the symbol of 2017. The more economical, the better. Good idea for the holiday - various contests and competitions, perhaps even comic fights. Meeting the year of the Fire Rooster is the case when it is impossible to overdo it.

What dishes to put on the New Year's table

Good news for housewives - the Rooster loves simple but beautiful dishes. Of course, poultry in general and chicken in particular will have to be abandoned, but you can cook a whole mountain of vegetable dishes and various snacks. Although, on the other hand, on December 31, 2016, the year of the Rooster has not yet come, and therefore chicken dishes can also be cooked.

The rooster loves cereals and bread, so pies, pies, sandwiches and canapes for holiday table fit perfectly, especially since these simple dishes open up unprecedented scope for imagination. Remember that your goal is to surprise: unusual combinations, bright design of your favorite dishes - and you will delight both guests and the Fire Rooster. It would not be superfluous to decorate the New Year's menu with red products - for example, apples or pomegranates. By the way, how to celebrate the New Year 2017 Year of the Rooster without the image of this bird on the table? You can buy figurines, a tablecloth or napkins with the symbol of the coming year.

Lure the symbol with a cake with an original filling decorated with a rooster figurine, cookies in the form of birds, and make rooster lollipops for the kids. Show your imagination by choosing alcohol - try yourself as a bartender, cook for guests unusual cocktails with sweet liqueurs, stock up on sparkling wines, give up everything banal. fruit on New Year's table there is never too much, especially in the year of the Fire Rooster.

Particular attention should be paid to table setting. The color scheme is red and all its shades, orange, yellow, gold. Meeting of the year of the Rooster - a great opportunity replace boring porcelain with wooden dishes, and arrange a holiday in a rustic style. Why not? The symbol of the year will be pleased, and you will have a reason to show your Creative skills and make the holiday unlike any other.

What to celebrate the new year 2017

The main contradiction lies in the fact that the celebration of the year of the Fire Rooster, on the one hand, involves bright outfits, and on the other hand, this symbol does not tolerate cheapness and kitsch. Things should be bright and expensive, and jewelry - only genuine, no fakes, no jewelry. The rooster cannot be deceived, but it can be outwitted.

For example, if several festive events are planned during the year, purchase an expensive outfit in advance and celebrate the New Year in it - the symbol of 2017 will appreciate your generous investment in your wardrobe, and you will no longer need to fuss immediately before the event. In addition, a thing may be valuable just for you - for example, jewelry inherited.

The thrifty Rooster will be delighted with such a thing, and will probably not notice a discreet outfit. Ladies can get hold of an evening dress made of expensive natural material - this will never go out of fashion, in last resort, it can be altered after a few seasons. A rooster can be surprised not only with a bright color, but also with a bold style - an open back, a deep neckline or a high cut. He will surely send good luck to brave people.

Concerning colors outfits, everything is simple and obvious here - all shades and combinations of red, orange, yellow, brown and gold. However, it should be remembered that burgundy and brown, although slimming, do not suit young girls, and a mature lady will look awkward in orange and yellow. woman anime flower

But scarlet is a win-win option for any age - it is almost impossible to go unnoticed in a flame-colored outfit, especially in combination with gold jewelry. It is better to abandon geometric prints in favor of a “natural” theme - flowers, feathers, butterflies, flames. And most importantly - do not scare away the Rooster with a predatory coloring like a leopard or tiger, otherwise you will not see good luck for the whole of 2017!

With the choice of a suit for the meeting of the year of the Fire Rooster, men will have almost more difficulty than ladies. The classic black symbol of the year will not appreciate, so look for something brighter - for example, a shirt or tie. If the format of the holiday allows, feel free to decide on an extravagant outfit. It is important to remember that the Rooster does not tolerate laxity and slovenliness. The hairstyle of a man should be neat, and all things carefully ironed.

What gifts to give

A common theme for any gifts in the Year of the Rooster is that they should be bright and useful in everyday life, which, you see, makes their choice much easier. Cheap gift options for colleagues and acquaintances are unusual kitchen appliances or something with a picture of a rooster. No banal knick-knacks! The item must be functional.

More expensive options for loved ones - Appliances, dishes, home textiles. The upcoming year of the Fire Rooster is an excellent occasion for an expensive gift that your significant other has long dreamed of. The rooster is a generous symbol, he will definitely appreciate your grand gesture and thank you with good luck in business. Other an expensive gift, which the Rooster will also like, can be a trip to an exotic resort - that's where vivid impressions will be in abundance.

With the choice of gifts for friends, there will definitely not be any problems in the year of the Rooster - any cute goods for the home will do, Board games, tickets to a concert or entertainment center. The main thing is that these gifts give positive and good mood, so even if you were "ordered" something very simple, do not skimp on the original (even home-made) packaging or arrange a quest so that even the most ordinary thing goes to the gifted person complete with positive emotions.

But you will have to think about gifts for children - regardless of the age of the person being presented, try to make sure that the gift is not only bright, but also useful. Give up banal soft toys in favor of educational games, constructors or technical innovations.

About those born in the year of the Rooster

Those who were born in the year of the Rooster are straightforward, and at the same time loyal. These people are hardworking, practical and enterprising, but they often spoil their lives with excessive focus on themselves, their loved ones. They can make decisions without consulting anyone and withdraw into themselves even when they need help.

Leaders born in the year of the Rooster by nature make good managers, teachers and entrepreneurs. At the same time, deep down, people born in the year of the Rooster are concerned about the opinions of others, therefore they pay great attention to their appearance, and are ready to spend a lot of money on clothes, shoes, accessories and specialist services. Such people love to bargain, but they will always prefer quality to cheapness.

Although usually the image of a rooster is associated with something bright and colorful, when choosing a wardrobe, most people this year are conservative. Discretion and self-righteousness - distinctive features character of people born in the year of the Rooster. They tend to disassemble and analyze any situation without succumbing to emotions, so it is almost impossible to put pressure on them and impose their opinion.

For the same reason, it is easier for such people to achieve results in conditions of partial or complete independence - they need time and certain conditions to calmly think everything over and understand how to achieve their goal. On the other hand, they are practically unable to accept opinions that run counter to their own, take criticism hard, feel unhappy in a subordinate position.

They are pedantic about what they have earned, but exactly until the moment they achieve financial independence, when they begin to handle money carelessly, and risk quickly spending everything they earn.

Those born in the year of the Rooster are loving, and already in their youth they can boast big amount novels. They love to be the center of attention, know how to court and accept courtship, charm, create a romantic atmosphere, getting real pleasure from the very process of recognizing another person. cock3

At the same time, Petukhov cannot be called frivolous - they are capable of deep feelings, and expect reciprocity, honesty, encouragement and approval of their every act from their chosen one. Not getting what they expected, they can hardly cope with disappointment. The difficulty in a long-term relationship with the Rooster lies in the fact that his interest must be constantly warmed up and maintained, otherwise he is capable of treason, but if the partner of the Rooster is an inventive, happy person married life the couple is provided.

When the Rooster realizes that he has met "his" person, he will never let him go. Best Compatibility Roosters with those born in the year of the Ox or the Snake, but with Tigers, Rats, Rabbits and Horses, it can be difficult for Roosters to find a common language.

Each year, including the year of the Rooster, has its own characteristics, element, color and patron animal. Talked about it a long time ago chinese horoscope. There was a legend in the East that of all the animals invited to the holiday to the great Buddha, the twelve who came first, according to his promise, would rule for a whole year. Each animal in twelve years will come again and patronize the coming year. There was a river on their way, and the animals swam across it. The one who came to the feast first became the patron of the first year and further in turn. The rooster appeared on the spot as the tenth number, as he lingered, giving instructions to his relatives on how to be in his absence. By this fact, his character is judged.

The Chinese sages believed that the bird in the name of the year of the Rooster denotes the symbol of the Sun. The image of a rooster on the front door personified the arrival of the Sun into the house. This is the brightest and sunniest sign, its song awakens from sleep and allows a new day to enter the house.

What does the Year of the Rooster mean? This bird is a protector, because it is not for nothing that his drawing or figurine can be seen all over the world, on the roofs of houses. The rooster is always on the alert, sits on the roof, and carefully looks into the distance. In children's fairy tales, there is also a cockerel that protects the home. The crest on the head is a crown, it acts as a symbol of love for literature and art, and the spurs represent aggression in the character of a warrior. There is some opinion that the Rooster is a symbol of war. His courage borders on desperation, so success comes to him precisely in those cases where other signs cannot even dream of. The Rooster has a versatile life, it has a place for ups and downs. But it is thanks to this carousel that he will eventually understand both joy and suffering.

This is a sophisticated, sociable sign that loves attention and praise for itself. In addition, the Rooster is stubborn and self-confident, loves to hit right on target, and his inherent egoistic nature, pickiness and boasting sometimes make him a idler.

People who were born at this time are very attentive, hardworking and talented. They love to be in the thick of things, they try to look great, they love praises and praises addressed to them.

The rooster combines such positive qualities:

  • sincerity;
  • frankness;
  • devotion;
  • honesty;
  • nobility;
  • diligence;
  • activity and initiative.

Along with the positive qualities of character, people born under this sign also have negative traits:

  • irascibility;
  • vanity;
  • faux pas;
  • arrogance;
  • unreliability;
  • puts his interests above all else.

Roosters call all things by their proper names, they are reliable, sometimes selfish, but it is forgiven them. They are brave and can risk their lives for a worthy cause. They could make brave fighters, but history says that under such a sign are born talented people art.

Among them are E. Caruso, Yves Montand, M. Pfeiffer, R. Wagner. But there are also politicians among them, for example, Akihito - the emperor of Japan, the king of Nepal.

A person born under this sign can boast of excellent health. He is active, enjoys swimming, hiking, exercising exercise. These hobbies contribute to good health. Roosters rarely get sick, but even in severe cases they easily defeat the disease. Astrologers advise in 2017:

Pay more attention to your health and safety, follow the rules of the road, and take care of loved ones and relatives.

In the profession, do more, talk less, work hard to capitalize on opportunities.

For the most part, such people are creative personalities, but this is not necessary.

Future ones are born under the sign of the Rooster:

  1. Speakers.
  2. Journalists.
  3. Restaurant owners.
  4. surgeons.
  5. Firefighters.
  6. Managers.

They are capable of a variety of specialties, only contact with people is necessary. Roosters make their career a priority in life. Such people are hardworking, talented, can cope with any task.

The rooster is somewhat stingy with feelings, he allows himself to be loved, but rarely sincerely reciprocates. He loves himself and his habitual way of life too much. This is an obstacle to creating a family. Among the people of this sign there are many bachelors who prefer freedom to the bonds of marriage.

They love the Rooster for their temperament, the ability to look after them beautifully and with pathos, to create intrigue. Under this symbol, wonderful lovers, romantic players are born. It is difficult for them to find a partner worthy of themselves.

Very extraordinary personality there is a man - Rooster. In what year of birth a representative of this genus would not be born, they are all united common features among them erudition, education, organization. A man born under this sign goes from poverty to prosperity, and the life of his family turns from a routine into a wonderful ideal relationship. By maturity, he is secure and prosperous. He finds his place in life, since talent and giftedness are in his origins. But for the perfect ending, you have to work hard, realizing that the money itself will not fall into the beak.

A woman under the sign of the Rooster, unlike the opposite sex, does not like a colorful style of dress.

She is an extraordinary and complex nature, in which the following features are mixed:

  1. Initiative.
  2. Sociability.
  3. Capriciousness.
  4. openness.
  5. The ability to suggest.

The ancient Chinese considered inconstancy to be a common feature of people of this sign. There are eloquent business women- Roosters, but there are quiet, thoughtful observers. And the most characteristic thing is that these can be the sides of one lady.

Women, under this sign, are mostly creative natures, among them are actresses, singers, writers. Rooster girls from childhood love to dominate their friends, it’s interesting with them, they are inventors, the ringleaders of the company. True, they like to talk more than to listen. Growing up, the girl always tries to look perfect, she is very careful about her appearance. Boldly stepping forward, with dignity bypassing all obstacles on the way, she challenges everyone, but at the same time she will always support weak personality. This is a true friend and companion.

Just like men, female roosters love to work, and at work they enjoy trust and authority. She can be entrusted with any difficult task, the result will be guaranteed.

In their personal lives, women born under this sign attach great importance to the family, keep warm and create comfort. In love, they are vulnerable, and disappointment with their companion can become an obstacle to happiness.

She loves order, is clean, and requires this from her relatives and friends. Such ladies rely only on themselves, she will not trust anyone with a decision challenging task, believing that only she can do it.

The nature of the sign of each year differs according to its elements.

Each of them corresponds to a certain year of the Rooster and its color:

  1. Metal is the element of the symbol.
  2. Gladiolus, cockscomb - flowers of the sign.
  3. Numbers: five, seven, eight.
  4. Colors: white, gold, yellow, brown.
  5. Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  6. The elements of the sign are red fire, yellow earth, white metal, blue water, green wood.

What years of birth of the rooster are ahead? This is 2029, 2041, what awaits people in the future, many scientists are trying to find an answer to this question, and it is up to everyone to believe or not to believe their predictions.

The Red Fire Rooster came to earth on January 28, 2017 and left on February 15, 2018. Next year Rooster will begin in 2029 on February 10 and it will be Earth Yellow.

Astrologers different countries predict a lot of events and changes. According to observations at the beginning of this year, the earth radiates negative energy therefore, during this period, skirmishes and disagreements between people and communities may arise.

Therefore, ideas will be implemented with difficulties, the state of health may deteriorate sharply, infectious diseases. The end of the first quarter will also be unfavorable, conflict situations will become aggravated, there will be problems associated with the violation nervous system. The astrologer advises people to be careful in critical days, and follow the calendar forecasts.

Friendship with other signs

Animals are different from each other, in almost everything. Also their signs have unique properties. To determine compatibility, the Chinese Zodiac studies the type and character of the animal, common features and signs. Analyzing all this, they determine whether one sign fits the other, or vice versa.

Astrologers say that all people are connected.

Some are in perfect harmony with each other, others are contraindicated in their union:

  1. The couple has a trusting relationship with the Bull, but everything is smooth in love, there is no ardor in the relationship. An alliance between them is possible if the Rooster ceases to be a commander. But a business relationship is not worth starting.
  2. With the Tiger, the stars recommend creating a business alliance, for the sake of harmony you need to work hard, since both prefer not to give, but to take. The tiger is tired of the noisiness of the Rooster, so the friendship between them is short-lived. In their work, there is a constant struggle for their leadership.
  3. With the Rat, the union is fatal, there are many contradictions. The charm and self-interest of the Rat is opposed to the brilliance and bravado of the Rooster. There will be no friendship between them, and business relations will lead nowhere.
  4. Marriage with the Dragon is possible only in case of passionate love. Both signs are ambitious, they are compatible when the Dragon occupies a high position and has wealth. The rooster can skillfully use this.
  5. Union with the Snake is ideal in everything, especially for general business. The wise Snake and the hard worker Rooster are a guarantee of success. In love, misunderstanding reigns. The rooster needs care and affection, but the Snake is incapable of this.
  6. You can create a couple with a Horse, only the union will be long with frequent partings and rest from each other, love is at a distance. The Rooster will not be able to trust the Horse and count on it, and she is not satisfied with his passivity. Friendship is possible, but business relationships are best avoided.
  7. An unsuccessful alliance will turn out with the Rabbit, who is enraged by any performances of the Rooster. The friendship between them is not real, as the noisy Rooster unnerves the Rabbit. Business relationships are unequal, and the Rabbit dominates them.
  8. The union of the Rooster and the Goat will be difficult. Partners pursue selfish goals. If each of the partners makes an effort, then the couple will take place. The Rooster will dominate, and the Goat will remain submissive.
  9. A strong marriage will not work for the Monkey and the Rooster either. The monkey will outwit the Rooster, so neither a business relationship nor friendship will work.
  10. In alliance with the Dog, there will be dislike for a noisy partner. Here friendship and work are impossible.
  11. A fair and sensual Pig does not suit a strong and aggressive Rooster. Friendship between signs is fraught with disaster. There will be no mutual trust in the work, the relationship is hopeless.
  12. Marriage with your sign is undesirable, as constant scandals and quarrels are inevitable. Because of the constant clashes and inability to give in, friendship will not work, and business relations in general are fraught with collapse and ruin.

Each sign affects the share of a person. Therefore, it is interesting and important to know everything about the sign of your year, and not to miss your luck.

The rooster corresponds to the female principle of yin, the second triangle (Rooster, Ox and Snake), the elements of metal.

The symbol of the Rooster exaggerates its merits, which brings grief to the representatives of this sign. The rooster is self-confident, has a practical mind. Yin endows this sign with conservatism and the desire to have only the best.

Rooster's perfectionism makes him a famous critic. The rooster is generally inclined to loudly declare itself and does not hesitate to publicly express its point of view. Likes to compete in any business, loves to win. Defeats and difficulties greatly affect the self-esteem of the proud Rooster. In any case, he seeks to attract attention, suffers a lot if he is not noticed, if he is not bestowed with praise. In some ways, a pedant, in some ways - a zealot, likes to play it safe just in case. A conservative, cautious attitude towards innovations and life in general does not negate his courage, love for exploits and glory. The rooster knows how to provide prosperity to the family, is kind-hearted, sometimes it can be difficult for him to please. The rooster follows fashion, has an original taste, appreciates expensive exquisite things. He is attracted to extravagance, a mixture of styles, often goes against fashion in order to attract attention. In general, a patriot of his homeland, an active citizen and a mouthpiece of conservative ideas.

Positive qualities of the sign

A strong opponent, knows how and loves to compete, strive to win in business, sports, love. Zealously protects loved ones and what he considers his own. Responsible, self-confident, sometimes makes mistakes due to overestimation of his strength and unnecessary optimism. Very enterprising and ambitious, achieves success in society.

Negative qualities of the sign

Selfishness and vanity, criticism towards others, but not towards oneself, tactlessness are the main shortcomings of this sign. The rooster is too straightforward and out of place frank, can give out other people's secrets by accident. In love, he can hide behind puritanical views, likes to generalize.

In the year of the Rooster it is important keep the law, hold on to your job, help your friends find jobs. Good for developing new connections, entrepreneurship. A positive period for the Rooster, Rat, Dragon, Horse, and Pig. A busy year for the Tiger, Rabbit and Snake. A positive year for the Ox, Goat, Dog and Monkey.

Celebrities of this sign

Nero, Alexander Kolchak, Catherine II, Emperor of Japan Akihito, Rabindranath Tagore, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, Johann Strauss, Niels Bohr, Baron Guy de Rothschild, Nicholas Roerich, Valery Bryusov, Andrei Sakharov, Nancy Reagan, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Gennady Khazanov, Somerset Maugham, Stanislaw Lem, Enrico Caruso, Joan Collins. Cast: Katharine Hepburn, Yuri Nikulin, Christopher Lambert, Steve Buscemi, Melanie Griffith, Natalie Portman, Chris Evans, Elijah Wood Justin Timberlake, Alexey Chadov, Garik Kharlamov.

The nature of the sign by the elements

Red Fire Rooster

The least puritanical and pedantic, the Rooster of the elements of fire has a cheerful disposition, is not demanding on living conditions, and is easier to get along with people. Frivolity is its disadvantage. The Fire Rooster is devoted to the family, marriage partner. Able to negotiate, not argue, one of the best lovers of the zodiac. The most open and good-natured among other elements of the sign.

Yellow Earth Rooster

Very self-confident, but does not like to brag and compete on trifles. Attached to the house, to the place where he was born, takes care of elderly relatives, a patriot. Very conservative, does not trust change. Hospitable, often the Earth Rooster is a master cook. Seeks to separate from the crowd with exquisite and expensive clothes, understands trends and brands. Ready to sacrifice for love, but a materialist by nature.

White Metal Rooster

The most pedantic among the elements of this sign, the Rooster is indecisive when we are talking about marriage. He spends a lot of effort on making a career, establishing the necessary business connections, and achieving success. He is very enterprising and successful in business area. Has a bright sexual temperament, inventive in love, the Metal Rooster loves to help others, always introduces the right people, create a good reputation and share knowledge. Of the shortcomings - it can absorb everyone's attention with empty talk.

Black (blue) Water Rooster

He is distinguished by a special sense of humor, loves publicity less than others, rather attached to home comfort, which he himself will provide. Can be restless due to insight or domestic troubles. Failure has a strong effect on self-esteem and is reflected in the appearance of the Water Rooster. Natural charm, the ability to see the funny and funny sides of everything make the Water Rooster an interesting partner.

Green Wood Rooster

The element of wood gives this sign calmness and greater balance, as well as good manners, in comparison with other elements of this sign. The Wood Rooster is stubborn and does not recognize authorities. He always insists on being right, does not hear reasonable advice, therefore he often has few friends. But in friendship and love, the Wood Rooster is very reliable and constant, monogamous. Knows how to get high income without putting in any effort. Smart and rational.

According to the eastern horoscope, each subsequent year has its own personal patron - one of the twelve most revered animals. It turns out that each of these eastern signs has some influence on the fate of every inhabitant of our planet. Therefore, it is very important to know in advance who exactly will patronize next year in order to properly prepare for this meeting. Simply put, it is worth understanding what exactly is the characteristic of the year of the Rooster 2017.

In the coming 2017, the current ruler of the Monkey will be replaced by her fiery follower - the Rooster. True, the year of the Red Rooster does not begin at all on January 1, but on January 28. By the way, the Rooster is considered the 10th sign of the Chinese twelve-year horoscope, and at the same time, the sowing bird is the most interesting of the other 11 eastern representatives. All roosters are very "sociable", elegant and demonstrative. That's just in addition to knowing the animal itself as the lord of 2017, it is also worth finding out its element and color. Both of these values ​​have a significant impact on the coming year.

Element and color of the year of the Rooster

Want to know what color the next 12 months will be? It's simple! 2017 is in the same fiery phase as 2016. This means that the color of the New Year is red and all its fiery shades. According to the Eastern sages, the element of Fire represents a constant movement forward or upward, and an unceasing vital energy. It differs from all other elements in the desire for self-perfection and success.

The color red is in close contact with the fire element. Such a mixture means harmony with respect to all undertakings. Also, the red color is the personification of love, ardor, passion and real feelings. Simply put, 2017 is sure to be filled with romantic stories! For strong couples, this time portends quick wedding or a long-awaited addition, while lonely hearts will finally find their soul mate. In addition, red represents confidence, strength and good luck. Starting from January next year you can safely cast aside any doubts and run towards a completely new and happy future.

Characteristics of 2017 Fire Rooster

To understand what 2017 will be like in detail, you need to consider in detail the characteristics of the patron of this time. The main qualities of the Rooster can be called: pedantry, vigilance, organization, conservatism, determination, practicality, exactingness, responsibility, scrupulousness and self-improvement. Also, all roosters are very fond of attention to their own person and literally bask in any praise or flattering compliments.

Despite the whole division positive qualities, Rooster is very stubborn and arrogant. Also, these "birds" love empty bravado, and their selfishness and constant pickiness sometimes reach manic fits. Very rarely, roosters pay due attention to someone other than their own person. At the same time, rooster women know their worth, and the entire male sex is unable to resist their charm. Despite some callousness in feelings, Roosters are very lucky in their personal lives. That's just the love of this sign has no limits. Very rarely they like monogamous sex life, so if the representatives of this sign do not take their heads in time, everything can end very sadly.

Almost everyone just loves Roosters for their ability to care for, beautiful love game and hot temperament. Due to their mystery, these signs manage to feel the edge of romance very subtly and at the same time skillfully play on the deep strings of the soul. Despite such necessary skills, the Rooster prefers to lead a bachelor lifestyle. But as soon as he meets “the one”, without hesitation he allows himself to be “ringed”. Most compatible signs for the described person - the Snake and the Bull.

In the business field, all Roosters also have everything “in openwork”. Due to their brilliant ingenuity and subtle mind, they firmly hold any business and increase income. In addition, the Rooster itself is thrifty, which once again speaks of his thriftiness. People born under this sign are almost impossible to fool. Despite the fact that their intelligence is usually only slightly above average, the natural ingenuity always allows Roosters to be on the alert. It will be possible to lull the vigilance of this sign only with a fair portion of compliments.

It is very important to remember that without exception, Roosters simply love to constantly command. By adding a considerable amount of temper to this "compote", you can get a very strong opponent who can give an excellent rebuff to any "kamikaze".

It is worth noting that all the described character traits of the Fire Rooster in 2017 will be manifested to one degree or another in every person. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to control your emotions and desires so as not to become hostages of a restive patron.

Horoscope for those born in the year of the Rooster

The already quick-tempered and selfish Rooster, in 2017 will become simply unbearable. A large number of fresh ideas and your own correct judgments level out cock's selfishness and eternal irritation. All those born under this beautiful sign need to remember that in 2017 you will sometimes have to step over your own pride in order to achieve your cherished goal.

In general, this year will be quite interesting for the emotional representatives of the “feathered” sign. Believe me, the Rooster will never be bored, as he manages to find fantastic adventures on a karmic level. The main thing is that thanks to the innate talent to charm everyone around, such people manage to get out of any trouble without any loss.

To be confident in the future, in 2017 the Roosters will have to work hard in the working field. The main thing is that all their efforts will be rewarded in full. Both the career and the financial side of the issue will move forward rapidly, only the true joy of such a process will come only if the game is fair.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that for the Roosters themselves, 2017 will turn out to be a real fountain of feelings, emotions and experiences. If you approach any business correctly, success will flow like water. All the other signs of the eastern horoscope in 2017 will be able to enjoy the long-awaited lull - the time has come for the white stripe. It remains only not to lose it behind the dullness of monotonous everyday life.

, Fire Rooster, Earth Rooster , Metal Rooster , Water Rooster .

The Fire Rooster is an exceptionally strong personality. A born leader and organizer, he skillfully, and with great success, leads everyone along, not at all interested in whether they like it or not. An active fighter for justice by any means, even at the expense of the pride of others. For people born in the year of the Fire Rooster, empathy and more correct behavior with others would do a good job.

This combination can create a meteor. Under the influence of the element of Fire, this Rooster is colorful, very purposeful and authoritarian. He is able to act independently, accurately and skillfully. At worst, he can be short-tempered, overly theatrical and nervous.

Being very principled and firmly believing in his own success, he can show excellent management and leadership abilities. Diligent and stubborn, the Fire Rooster fanatically clings to his views; if something needs to be found out, he himself will go to collect information and conduct field research. The opinion of others cannot shake him, although he is professional and ethical in business.

At times, he can be too rigid and inflexible, and therefore cannot achieve the compromises that are needed for the job. As a result, he will look at people and situations under a microscope. If things do not go as he expects, he will act as an inquisitor or provoke riots.

And yet he has the talent of an organizer, and he can create for himself the image of an active public figure. Despite the shortcomings of the Rooster, he is driven by the noblest intentions.

Fire Rooster Chinese Zodiac

Thanks to the Fiery heat, this Rooster is energetic and very temperamental. He requires as much effort from others as only he himself can give. He is a born leader; can be authoritarian, short-tempered, harsh and intolerant. The lack of flexibility and the mania to look at other people's shortcomings under a magnifying glass lead to his alienation from the team, despite the fact that he does it with the best of intentions.

The Fire Rooster is tireless, ambitious and plays big. He has great organizational skills, knows how to lead and relies only on his own strength, finding his place in the world. This person is stubborn and tireless. In matters of the heart, the Fire Rooster is selfish, demands fidelity, and does what he wants. He is playing a double game in order to avoid answering at any convenient moment.

Fire Rooster Man

A charismatic man has a stunning energy, is always in the spotlight. A leader, unquestioned authority, a charming handsome man - all this is the Fire Rooster. Arguing with him is useless, and there is no need. This clever man, is able to give the right advice, help in a difficult situation. He sees himself only in the chair of the head, has an undoubted talent to manage people. He gives an account of his actions, although sometimes he flirts and brings the situation to a critical point. The Fire Rooster is a decisive, resourceful man, therefore he always wins. Without hesitation, he demonstrates his achievements to others, likes to brag, longs for universal recognition.

This temperamental man is accustomed to female adoration. The flame of passions is raging in him, he is not interested in boring relationships. Selfish, proud, strives for the role of leader. He is not a supporter of partnerships, only he can have the right to vote. A loving man easily starts novels, does not experience strong remorse when parting. This is a real heartthrob, a favorite of women. Having entered into marriage, continues to behave as free man, you can not demand impeccable fidelity from him. The Fire Rooster is a passionate man, a calm life is not for him. At the same time, a caring family man, in everyday terms, his wife and children will not need anything.

Fire Rooster Woman

Women of this sign in any circumstances hold themselves with great dignity, even after being defeated, they keep a smile on their faces. The Fire Rooster is a proud, ambitious woman who never questions her own exclusivity. Surrounding people condemn her for indifference, spiritual callousness. Many consider her to be selfish and careerist, although she is a hardworking, purposeful woman. Devoted to her work, working tirelessly, trying to achieve success in everything. Even ill-wishers recognize its virtues: a strong character, beauty, intelligence, perseverance. Nature has generously endowed her with talents, she achieves everything in life exclusively through her work.

A beautiful woman who knows how to present herself is of great interest to men. It is very difficult to win her attention, she will not waste time on an unworthy candidate. She needs a serious man, ready to fulfill all whims and whims. The Fire Rooster is a smart woman, so she won’t demand too much. It just happens to be capricious, quick-tempered, even in the most timid representative of this sign there is a volcano of passions. A strong man with a big heart, ready to indulge her weaknesses, will be able to tame the will of the Fire Rooster. Having married, she finds peace and tranquility, becomes less noisy and emotional, but retains an amazing ability to flare up over trifles.