There are sometimes "tests" on the Internet that give a misleading idea of ​​a person's personality ("click on 5 pictures and get the result"). Of course, this is a pseudo-result, which will not tell you anything, because the compilation psychological portrait— this is work, and the work is long, though interesting and fruitful. A psychological portrait will immediately clarify a lot in a person (even if you make it about yourself).

Therefore, if you want to draw up your psychological portrait, then I offer you such a guide from a series of questions below. You can make both your own psychological portrait and the psychological portrait of another person who is of interest to you. All you need for this is an hour or a half time, a few sheets of paper and a pen. If you want your psychological portrait to be subsequently analyzed by a psychologist, then I recommend that you immediately write down the answers to a text file on a computer, then you can send them to me (keep in mind that analyzing a psychological portrait will already cost you money).

I am asking you questions in an impersonal form and in the third person ("what does the person believe?"). If you are writing about yourself, then simply address these questions to yourself, for example: “What do I believe in?” Answer the questions only honestly and thoughtfully.

So let's get started!

Psychological picture:

1) Temperament, in proportion (sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric)

2) Picture of the world. How a person sees the world, sees people, sees himself and his role in the world. What does the person believe? What are the beliefs and principles? What are the prejudices and doubts?

3) The archetype of personality. Identification. With whom does a person associate himself, to whom does he consider himself, who would he like to be (or appear)? (Hint. Key male archetypes: victim, outcast, adventurer (soldier of fortune), hero, winner. Key female archetypes: girl, mistress, mistress (seductress), queen, mother, Amazon.)

4) What psychological roles does a person play? (there can be dozens of roles. Hint: victim, hero, simpleton, entertainer, weeping vest, girl, teacher, guru, etc.)

5) Time. Relationships with the past, present and future - what are they? (Positive, Negative, Neutral, Gorgeous, Spoiled).

6) Positive habits. Negative habits (preferably in their chronological development)

7) Character. What is in the core of personality, what is on the periphery? The pyramid (hierarchy) of human values, what was once in the first places, what is now in the first places in terms of significance? Break down the hierarchy of values ​​from top to bottom (in the form of a triangle, i.e., a “pyramid of values”) into 5-10 levels of importance, what will now be in the top positions for this person? At the same time, you can make a list of the 10 most important people in your life, but it is a parallel task.

8) What kind of person is he really and how does he want to appear in society? How big is the gap?

9) The main intrapersonal conflicts of a person. Complexes. Psychological pain points. Where, how, under what circumstances do these intrapersonal conflicts manifest themselves? Why?

10) On what does a person depend or can depend? What can't be denied? dependency conflicts. Assertiveness - from 0 to 10 points (i.e. the ability not to depend on external assessments and influences, independence). What can be insecure?

11) Conflict over self-esteem. To what extent is it present and how does it manifest itself? How does a person compensate?

12) What goals are relevant? What are secondary? Are the true goals different from the declared ones? What are the usual ways to achieve goals? novelty and conservatism. How does a person perceive new information, how quickly does he implement it into his activities, how ready and open is he to any changes?

13) Speed ​​(speed) of psychological metabolism. How does a person experience emotions (intensely, slowly, quickly, weakly, etc.) Dominant channel of perception of information on psychological metabolism: kinesthetic, auditory, visual, digital? On a scale from 1 to 10.

14) Touchiness (on a scale of 1 to 10). Does resentment often appear? How quickly does a person get out of a state of resentment? How does it usually happen? How does a person usually feel hurt? Criticism. How does one criticize? Criticism of an act or criticism of a person?

15) Habitual ways of making decisions. How does this happen?

16) Motivation and self-motivation. What motivates? Where does a person see himself in 1, 3, 5, 10 years?

17) Conflict situations. How does a person behave in conflict situations? How common are they?

18) Emotional profile. Type of open emotionality or type of closed emotionality? What events (words, emotions) will emotionally hurt a person, cling, which ones will not? What is "average" emotional condition? What emotional experiences are usually characteristic? In addition, describe the person with 10-20 adjectives, the first that come to your mind, for example: “cheerful, calm, suspicious, anxious, tense, offended, closed, apathetic, caring, careless, angry, soft, annoyed, smiling, emotionally unstable, constrained , thoughtful, sensitive, accepting, etc.” (these are just examples).

19) Human values. Basic personal qualities and human values.

20) Individual features of behavior and thinking. What can be the forecast for behavior in special, significant situations?

21) Truth and lies. Habitual strategies of lying and hiding information. How can a person deceive others or you?

22) Strategies for Maintaining Personal and Professional Relationships

23) Fears. What is the person afraid of? Superficially (declared) and at a deep level?

24) Psychological "buttons" of pleasure. What gives a person pleasure, how exactly? Pleasure strategies, how are requests formed? What is a person proud of (superficially and deeply)? Types of compliments that are acceptable and meaningful to a person?

25) Relations in the team (any). Loyalty of a person to the system. How can risk factors affect a person and decision making?

26) Tactics of avoiding and leaving any system (work team, family, friendships). What can make a person get out of some system? How to avoid it?

27) Habitual ways of solving problems.

28) Perspectives of a person (including in his professional activity). Are there scenario moments in a person’s life, that is, repetitive, reproducible (the same conflicts at work or the same problems in different relationships)?

29) Health. Strengths, weak sides.

30) Finance, career, education. Relations with the team (role in the team, group).

31) Empathy (the ability to empathize), humor. The degree of human sensitivity. How does a person show emotions? Laughter, tears - what can cause?

32) Aggression. How does a person show it? How does a person form claims, why? How do you usually express them? Passive Aggression or active aggression? How long can he stay in the conflict zone? What psychological benefits can he derive from conflict?

33) Sex and eros. What does the person like? What type of eros closer to man what sexual rituals exist, ie. rituals of courtship, seduction. What draws a person? type of sexuality. Groups of sexual fetishes (bodily (pleasant smell, etc.) and incorporeal (underwear, etc.). Sexual appetite (hyper-, high, normal, low, none, no data).

34) Discourse. Description of speech. Tone of voice. Written discourse. Communication conflict - how can it be expressed? Can a person listen and how does he do it? Psycholinguistic norm (how much a person talks on average per day) and speech characteristics.

35) Behavioral changes over the past 5-10 years. How does a person relate to his age and time, body, personal perspectives? What might be causing these changes?

36) The paradigm of choice. How does a person choose? Speed, quality of choice. (I choose this because it is more beautiful, more prestigious, cheaper, more reliable, etc.)

37) Relations with others. How important is the opinion of others about a person? Status - what does it mean for a person?

38) The core of self-respect, how is it expressed? Basic values ​​in the self-characteristic of a person.

39) Typical ways of communication with the environment. How does a person build contacts, how quickly, intensively? Can a person make friends? Can you love and express your feelings? How strong or weak are these skills?

40) Appearance. Strengths, weaknesses. Body perception. What does the person like or dislike about physicality or appearance?

Note. If you write your psychological portrait, then, as I hope, you will be objective. When writing a psychological portrait of another person, also try to be objective, because many assessments may turn out to be subjective. For example, under item 18, when you describe a person's personality through synonomic row, situational confusion may arise: you can define a person as indifferent (although he is now indifferent to you personally), and he himself is a very passionate person (or he is passionate about someone or something else), if you in a quarrel, you can subjectively incorrectly attribute to this person anger, emotional dullness, or some negative qualities that are unusual for him. Be not subjective, be as objective and honest as possible in your assessments.

By making a psychological portrait (of yourself or another person), you can discover many interesting things and find answers to many questions that bother you. If you want to order a detailed analysis of the psychological portrait from me personally, then this service will cost you 50 euros, I will analyze the psychological portrait you have compiled in one psychological session. To order, write either to the site or to my mail, [email protected]

Ilya Vasiliev

The most important points that affect the success and duration of the work of the client and his psychologist are not only the skills of a specialist in the first minutes of communication and acquaintance to determine the type, character traits of the visitor, but also the ability to quickly and accurately draw up a psychological portrait of a person. This will help to establish contacts with clients, avoid unplanned provocative moments. But most importantly, the psychological portrait of a person allows you to more accurately talk about the habits and inclinations of a person, his possible fears and complexes. It also helps to gain the visitor's trust, to overcome the client's barriers of indecision and stiffness.

How to make a quick and high-quality psychological portrait of a person?

The psychologist must have this skill. His duties include compiling a psychological portrait of a person whom he sees for the first time and knows absolutely nothing about her. However, in daily practice, this skill will not be superfluous for any person. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to “draw” a fairly accurate portrait in a matter of minutes, especially at first sight. Therefore, it is recommended to observe a person for some time, to find out some specific necessary initial data and details.

Psychological portrait of a personality and classification of its details

For convenience, all moments of observation of a person can be sorted into groups according to the principles of significance, brightness of perception of the object of observation by the observer. This classification is very convenient. The first group includes age, gender, posture and physique. The second includes the general appearance(style of clothing, accessories, details of the image and neatness). In the third, facial expressions, gait, gestures and manner of speaking can be distinguished. And finally, fourthly, large group, distinguish the following features and characteristics:

The shape and features of the face, lips, gaze and eyes;

Separate sexual characteristics and their features (for example, the absence or presence of hair in open areas of the body);

Arms and hands (joints, shape, skin covering, movements).

Psychological portrait of a personality and its characteristics

After considering the features of appearance in detail, the first three points can immediately determine the type of character to which they are inherent. And you can immediately begin to draw a socio-psychological portrait of a person and identify typical moments. For example, lowered shoulders, a fat build, a cautious gait, black and gray colors in clothes, lack of gestures and reticence, pronounced wrinkles at the corners of the lips and on the bridge of the nose - all this suggests that this person is a melancholic. But the fourth group will already talk about more hidden character traits. For example, pursed lips, a sullen look, deep-set eyes indicate that the psychological portrait of a person will contain information about the presence of phobias and fears in such a person. As seen from simple examples, this technique for determining the type of character and temperament is not so complicated, but very useful. To master it, only attentiveness, a penchant for analysis and practice are needed.

The psychological profile is verbal description personality, which contains the characteristics of the individual and his likely behavior under certain circumstances. detailed information about a person is needed when choosing a profession, hiring an employee for a certain position, in marriage agencies, to determine the prospects for a joint family life. A psychological portrait of a person is compiled based on the results of tests, various questionnaires (Kettell, Mehrabian, Eysenck) and communication with a psychologist.

The psychological portrait plays a fundamental role in choosing the future type of activity. Before entering educational institution, you need to find out in which area a person can achieve great success. After all, nothing good will come of it if you do something that you don’t like.

Thanks to a well-composed psychological, stakeholders can get to know a person better, understand the motives of his behavior. With the help of such a description, it is possible to identify lies, a tendency to conflict, strong and weak character traits.

Many managers, when applying for a vacant position, test candidates to determine the qualities and abilities of applicants. It is important for managers to know how a person will act in a difficult environment, whether he will be able to solve problems, whether the individual has the character traits necessary to complete the task.

The psychological portrait of the child will help the teacher find an approach to his student. If adults want to reach the hearts of children, they need to know. By determining the type of temperament of each child, you can correctly plan the process of his upbringing.

Psychologists, at the request of the client, make up a psychological portrait of a person in order to find him a suitable life partner. After all, it is known that two polar personalities will not be able to build harmonious relationships. If partners want to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, they must have similar values, a suitable temperament, think the same way and work together towards the cherished goal.

The main components of the psychological portrait of a person

Before describing the psychological portrait of an individual, you should find out what criteria make it up. Each person inhabiting the planet is an individual. Any individual has basic and programming characteristics. The basic criteria are the temperament, character, as well as the abilities of the individual. Programming criteria - orientation, intelligence and self-awareness.

Individuals, depending on susceptibility, are divided into the following types:

  1. Reality oriented.

Easily get used to any role, they know how to adapt to any situation. Make the right decisions quickly.

  1. Oriented to the past.

Act in accordance with established rules and laws. Good performers.

  1. Future oriented.

May exhibit inappropriate behavior. Do not accept hierarchy. They are the authors of many ideas.

Components of a psychological portrait of a person:

  1. Temperament.

Based on specific features nervous system. Defines the behavior pattern of an individual. His features are difficult to correct. There are 4 types of temperament: sanguine (balanced psyche, flexible behavior, liveliness), choleric (emotionality, mood variability, thirst for novelty), phlegmatic (inertia, poise, shyness), melancholic (vulnerable psyche, pessimism, vulnerable nervous system).

  1. Character.

These are the original features of each individual. Character is manifested in communication and in the process social activities. For each individual, a characteristic is compiled based on the attitude to the following aspects of life: work (laziness, hard work), people (sociability, isolation), oneself (selfishness, modesty), objects of the material sphere (stinginess, generosity).

  1. Capabilities.

These are individual characteristics of an individual. Through their abilities, people achieve success in a certain area of ​​life. Abilities develop during training.

  1. Orientation.

It is based on motivation. It determines the activity and behavior of the individual. Orientation is focused on some task, communication or on oneself. Some individuals strive to satisfy their physiological needs and provide themselves with comfortable living conditions. Others are looking for various areas social activities, trying to realize their Creative skills.

  1. Emotionality.

Its essence is the involuntary reaction of a person to external stimuli. Arise against the will and desire of the individual. Feelings about a certain situation reflect the depth of significance for the individual of various events. A strong-willed person must be able to suppress his emotions, not to show his true feelings to others.

  1. Intelligence.

Determines the level of education of the individual. Depends on the acquired knowledge, age, specifics of the profession. Thanks to the intellect, an unfamiliar situation is assessed, important decisions are made, and behavior is regulated. With the help of intelligence, an individual adapts to a new environment, correctly builds his relationships with other people. Intelligence is the ability to think rationally and act expediently in a situation.

  1. Sociability.

The ability to communicate is an important character trait. Communication reveals the individual characteristics of people. Thanks to communication, there is a transfer of information, information about feelings, thoughts, knowledge of the subjects of the conversation.

  1. Self-esteem.

On the basis of introspection, the individual develops an emotional-value attitude towards his own person. Self-esteem can be adequate, overestimated or underestimated. The individual evaluates his own abilities, achievements, his place in society.

If you have identified low self-esteem in yourself, then you should contact a specialist, for example, a psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

  1. Volitional qualities.

Qualities of character influence the life and actions of people. Strong-willed individuals make decisions independently, are not afraid of difficulties, they are decisive and persistent. Weak people are often weak-willed. Such individuals fail to realize themselves in society, although they have all

  1. Self control.

The upbringing of a person and the ability to lead in society depend on self-control. People who do not know how to control their feelings, words, behavior are not able to build friendships or partnerships with others.

  1. Ability to work together.

Different individuals have different capacities for collective work. The ability to work in a team is the ability to adapt to other people, to listen to a different point of view.

How is a psychological portrait of a person compiled?

In order to correctly draw up a psychological portrait of an individual, one should adhere to the following rules:

  • the method of studying the individual must correspond to the purpose of the experiment, the age of the person, the level of his education;
  • in addition to a personal conversation with an individual, two personality questionnaires and three projective methods should be used;
  • compare the data based on the results of all studies, trace their correlation;
  • create comfortable testing conditions for the examined individual;
  • compose a portrait so that its text is understandable to people who do not have a psychological education.

What methods are used to compile the necessary psychological portrait:

  • the study of the emotional-volitional sphere - the SAN method, the Spielberg test, Bas-Darka, Nemchin;
  • study of the cognitive-cognitive area - an intelligence test, Wexler, memorization of 10 words, exclusion of superfluous, equality matrices, Schulte tables;
  • examination of the interpersonal-social sphere - the Etkind color test, the Bales, Leary method, sociometry;
  • study of motivations and needs - Orel methodology, types of work motivation according to Gerchikov, career anchors, 14 basic needs according to Murray.

What projective methods are used in the study inner peace and transferring its content to an external one:

  • drawing "house, tree, person";
  • the image of a fictional animal;
  • psychogeometry;
  • Rorschach spots.

What personality questionnaires are used to identify certain characteristics in an individual:

  • Leonhard test;
  • 16-factor Cattell questionnaire;
  • MMPI (full or abbreviated version).
  • the initials of the subject, his age, profession;
  • the purpose of the study (for example, for compliance with the position held);
  • methods that were used;
  • the behavior of the individual during testing (trembling of hands, strong excitement);
  • research results;
  • psychological characteristics of the individual and the forecast regarding his behavior;
  • conclusions, wishes, recommendations.

An example of writing a psychological portrait of a person

Only an experienced psychologist can make a psychological portrait of any person. The specialist chooses which corresponds to the purpose of a particular study. In order to analyze yourself on your own, you should use simplified methods, for example, DISC personality typology testing or socionics. Similar tests are easy to find on the Internet and take online. With their help, you can find out your type of character.

An example of a psychological portrait of a personality based on the questionnaires of Cattell, Mehrabian, Eysenck:

  • Nikiforova Elena, 20 years old, student;
  • character traits: sociable, has many friends, good-natured, emotional, often acts under the influence of emotions, impulsive, prone to aggression;
  • temperament: according to the Eysenck questionnaire, sanguine, easy to get to know and communicate with, perfectly adapts to unusual living conditions;
  • intelligence: according to the results of the Cattell questionnaire, intelligence is above average, has abstract thinking, excellent quick wit, quickly perceives new information;
  • motivation: according to the questionnaire, Mehrabiana is motivated to achieve her goal, that is, success;
  • emotional stability: average, easily excited, too emotional, uncompromising, irritable;
  • communication skills: talkative, active, often distrustful, prone to leadership, independent, knows how to behave in a new team;
  • Summing up: the test results are within the normal range, attention should be paid to excessive suspicion and inflexibility of the subject.

Drawing up a psychological portrait is one of the most difficult and important options. All people know how to adapt, adapt to certain situations, but everyone does it differently. Some are oriented at a particular moment and easily adapt to a given environment; such people, as a rule, work better when making a decision. Others are past-oriented, able to operate within a rigid structure with clear limits of permission and prohibition, rights and obligations - they are able to work within certain structures when implemented. Third, focus on future With inadequate situations of behavior - more often act as generators of ideas.
It is important for every leader to learn how to reveal their internal psychological reserves. Why do they need to learn first of all to know themselves and others, to identify temperament, character, personality orientation, etc.
Thanks to these components, you can make a psychological portrait:
1 - Temperament - due to the temperament inherent in people from birth, some are fast, agile, prone to emotional reactions, others are slow and calm. Temperament is the foundation of our personality, based on the nervous system and depends on the structure of the human body, metabolism in the body. Temperament traits are not amenable to change, as they are most often inherited. It is necessary first of all to understand its features in order to determine the type of human activity.
For each type of temperament you need to find your own approach:
Sanguine - have a strong nervous system, balanced and mobile, although their excitement is easily replaced by inhibition and vice versa. Such people always promise what they will do, but they do not always fulfill the promise, so they need to be constantly checked and monitored. His pluses are responsiveness, sociability, cheerfulness, minuses - frivolity, superficiality, unreliability.
Choleric - has an unbalanced nervous system, where the feeling of excitement prevails over the feelings of inhibition. They must be busy all the time, because he directs his activity to the collective and decomposes it from the inside. Its advantages are energy, purposefulness, promotion, cons - hot temper, aggressiveness, conflict.
Phlegmatic - with a strong, balanced, but inert, immobile type of nervous system. He cannot work for speed and speed, the main thing is not to customize them, he calculates his strength and time and will hand over his case in any case. Its advantages are stability, constancy, reliability, patience, activity, cons - slowness, indifference, sometimes even dryness.
Melancholic - with a weak, unbalanced type of nervous system. You can’t shout at such people, put pressure on them, give harsh instructions, as they are very sensitive and vulnerable. Their pluses are benevolence, sympathy, gentleness, humanity, minuses - suspiciousness, vulnerability, isolation and very low efficiency.
In work, it is easier for a choleric person with a sanguine person, for a sanguine person with melancholic, melancholic with phlegmatic.
2 - Character - in the character of a person his essential features are expressed. Character traits are personality traits, stable features of human behavior.
The character structure is divided into 4 groups, which express the attitude of the individual to a certain activity:
To work - diligence, conscientiousness, perseverance, responsibility, initiative, the opposite of this - laziness, irresponsibility, passivity, a tendency to routine work;
To the team and to society as a whole - sociability, responsiveness, respect, the opposite - isolation, charity, rudeness, callousness.
To myself - self-criticism, pride, self-esteem and something modesty, the opposite of this - doubt, selfishness, arrogance, resentment.
To things - accuracy, thrift, generosity, the opposite - stinginess.
Character is formed due to the moral and volitional qualities of the individual, at this stage, 4 types of character are distinguished:
Demonstrative personalities express their emotions very strongly and experience them. They can lie without realizing it, although they are not able to pretend and are constantly trying to convince others. They are very artistic natures who know how to play with their feelings in public. Thanks to its artistry have positive traits - they understand the other person very well, they can become writers, actors and social workers. They make their decisions quickly and impulsively, without thinking about anything.
The pedantic character is the opposite of the demonstrative type. Their negative traits - indecision and a constant sense of fear for their lives, can express positive traits such as punctuality, accuracy, responsibility, prudence. For a long time hesitate when making a decision and carefully consider their actions.
The stuck type - anger, rage, fear hold their feelings for a long time and just as long and vividly experience their achievements. They differ in resentment and vindictiveness. They can forgive an offense, but will never forget her.
Excitable type - constantly dissatisfied, irritable. They do not know how to manage themselves, which often leads to conflicts.
Ability - measured by solving certain tasks. They are divided into two types:
Common are formed by development intellect. These include industriousness and efficiency, attentiveness, composure, flexibility of the mind, adaptation and the ability to navigate in difficult life situations.
Special abilities are development to certain type of activity.
Orientation is where exactly a person’s activity is directed, there is a focus on oneself, on a task and on communication. It is important to determine the needs in a certain direction of human motives.
Intelligence is the core intelligence - ensuring the realization of a person's ability to assess the situation, make decisions in accordance with their behavior. Structure intelligence depends on age, education and individual characteristics.
Emotionality - divided into mind, will and emotions. The mind and will obey us, and emotions arise in addition to our will and desires. We can hide emotions and splash them out on ruzhu, but because of this, they do not weaken. It is necessary to manage emotions, they are divided into:
Affect - arising as a result of a strong shock, captures a person entirely and governs his thoughts and actions.
Actually emotions - arises on the accomplished, expected and remembered events, are reflected in the subjective assessment.
Feelings - a stable emotional state, attitude to a specific event and people.
Mood is a long-term emotional state that reflects the attitude of accepting or not accepting the world, associated with temperament.
Stress is the body's response to an unexpected, stressful environment. May occur in the cold, pain, humiliation.
The ability to communicate is primarily a process of interaction between people. Communication can be verbal different forms and non-verbal - facial expressions, gestures.
They are divided into types - dialogue, mass, group, anonymous; channels - visual, auditory, with the help of touch - tactile and with the help of feeling your body - somatosensory.
Self esteem is a person evaluates his abilities, actions and opportunities. She may be underestimated, overestimated or adequate, which is quite rare.

Drawing up a psychological portrait

A psychological portrait is a person described in psychological terms. AT practical psychology a psychological portrait may be required in a number of situations, for example:

Although the psychological portrait is described in psychological terms, this is usually done in understandable terms - so that the consumer understands, so that there is no ambiguity in the descriptions.

A psychological portrait should be compiled by a fairly experienced psychologist, because it requires deep knowledge, the ability to analyze data (for example, the results of psychological testing). If possible, use all the data that you can get. You should not rush to conclusions. If necessary, then conduct an additional study (repeated psychodiagnostics).

The very genre of psychological portrait implies almost complete freedom of presentation. However, this freedom should not be abused. It is advisable to limit yourself to dry, but understandable formulations, to present the material in a system. If some data is of interest to the customer, but they are not, then you can directly say so.

The facts stated in the psychological portrait may be of varying degrees of reliability. First, it is better to describe reliable facts (which the psychologist, at least, does not raise doubts).

It is necessary to distinguish between a psychological portrait and a psychological profile. The latter concept is mainly used to convey meaningful information about the identity of the client to another specialist who is able to understand the formal data. A psychological portrait is not a formalized characteristic, its task is to show the individual originality of a person. If the reader of a psychological portrait does not have such an understanding, if he cannot rely on this new knowledge to predict the behavior of the person being described, such a psychological portrait should be recognized as unsuitable.

For which psychological concepts Can I rely on when drawing up a portrait? All these concepts (or parameters) can be divided into four categories (although this division is rather arbitrary):

Man as an individual is something that is quite closely related to natural features:

- age,

- the constitution

- temperament

- diseases and pathologies,

- emotional orientation, etc.

At the same time, in our psychological portrait, we not only state, say, gender or age, but also describe various deviations, interesting points related to gender or age: how a person relates to his gender role, his sexual activity, mental age, etc.

So, in general, we act with all parameters: we not only state, but also pay attention to characteristic deviations, individual originality, creatively combining this with each other.

A person as a person is what influences, what is connected with the interpersonal communication of this person, his social role:

- interests

- tendencies

- character (attitude to certain aspects of being),

- sociability

- sincerity

- conflict,

- loyalty,

- Participation in certain social groups,

– preferred social roles,

- leadership qualities, etc.

A person as a subject (activity) - these are the qualities that affect the activity (educational, labor, gaming and other):

- intellectual ability

- rationality (reason, rationality),

- Creative skills,

- other abilities

volitional features,

- traditional ways of making decisions

- motivation and self-motivation,

- Attention,

- features of thinking,

- features of speech,

- representation and imagination,

communicative competence,

professional experience,

professional plans and perspectives

– other general and professional competencies, etc.

A person as an individual - all other qualities that did not fall into other categories:

- self-concept and self-esteem,

- level of self-control,

- personal biography

characteristics behavior,

- characteristic features of the picture of the world,

- prejudices

- beliefs and values

– life strategy and current goals,

- intrapersonal conflicts

- complexes (piling up of ideas),

- personal achievements, etc.