The message about the chameleon for children can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story about the chameleon for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report on the chameleon

Chameleon is one of the most unusual and beautiful lizards on the planet, which is able to change color. Belongs to the class Reptiles, order scaly.

Description of the chameleon

The average length of a chameleon is about 30 cm, the largest chameleons grow up to 65-68 cm, the size of the smallest lizards does not exceed 3-5 cm.

The head is often decorated with a crest or horns. The legs are long, the fingers look like "claws", which can tightly wrap around the branches of a tree. The tail is thick at the base, gradually tapering towards the end, and can spiral down and wrap around the branches.

Chameleons have unusual organs of vision. The eyelids of animals are fused, permanently covering the eye, but having a hole for the pupil. The movements of the left and right eyes can be carried out independently of each other, which is important when catching insects. Chameleons have all-round visibility.

The tongue of a chameleon is equipped with a trapping sucker located at the very end. This helps him quickly catch prey.

In 3 seconds, the chameleon can catch 4 victims. The length of the chameleon's tongue is approximately 1.5-2 the length of the lizard itself.

Why does a chameleon change color?

The color of a chameleon can quickly change from light to black or dark brown.
Chameleons can copy the color of the surface of a stone or foliage, becoming invisible.
Sometimes changes in skin color are usually associated with the expression of threat, fear, irritation, as well as hunger and dehydration.

The nervous system "helps" the chameleon to disguise itself. The color of the environment irritates the eyes, and hence the optic nerves, through which irritation is transmitted to the central nervous system and under its influence in the skin of animals, special cells, existing dyes, expand or contract. Cells expand - the skin becomes darker, shrink - brighten. If a chameleon's eyes are covered with wax, its skin color will not change.

How long do chameleons live?

The average life expectancy of chameleons is 3-5 years

Where do chameleons live?

Chameleons live in many African countries. Separate populations live in Southern Europe and Western Asia, in the south of India, in Syria, in Sri Lanka, in the Hawaiian Islands, as well as in the USA, in the states of California and Florida.

Chameleon lifestyle

Chameleons prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle, although some males get along well in a harem consisting of several females.

All the time the chameleon is in the dense branches of trees or shrubs. It rarely descends to the soil surface, usually during the mating season or after noticing tasty prey. The chameleon is lazy, moves a little and can not change its position for hours, securely clasping a branch with its paws and tail.

What do chameleons eat in nature?

The basis of the diet of chameleons is made up of all kinds of insects (grasshoppers, crickets, butterflies, beetles), small lizards and snakes. Large species prey on rodents, birds and other small animals. A small part of the diet consists of leaves and fruits of trees.

Chameleon breeding

Most chameleon species breed twice a year. The mating season begins with a fierce struggle between males for a female. In the course of desperate duels, they can be injured or killed.

Females of egg-laying species lay from 15 to 60 eggs, burying them in the sand, and individuals living in trees hang the masonry on branches. The incubation period is 3-10 months. Viviparous and ovoviviparous species bring from 5 to 15 cubs, and soon after birth they are again capable of reproduction.

Chameleons are diurnal because they are unable to control color changes during sleep, turn pale and can become easy prey for predators.

Although the black color of the chameleon scares off some enemies and increases the chances of survival, the mourning color is acquired by males rejected by the female, as well as weak rivals who have been defeated and forced to retreat in disgrace.

In Spain, chameleons are kept as flycatchers, exterminating hordes of annoying insects in homes and retail shops.

The chameleon is one of the oldest animals on the planet. The fossil remains of these lizards are about 26 million years old. According to some reports, there are finds up to 100 million years old.

We hope the above information about chameleons has helped you. And you can leave your report about the chameleon through the comment form.

Chameleons (Chamaeleonidae) are well-studied representatives of the lizard family, which are perfectly adapted to maintaining an arboreal lifestyle, and are also able to change the color of their body.

Description of the chameleon

The wide popularity of chameleons is due to their ability to change the color and pattern of the body, which is explained by some features in the structure of the skin. The fibrous and deeper outer layer of the skin is distinguished by the presence of special branched cells with dark brown, black, yellow and reddish pigments.

This is interesting! It should be noted that the green colors in the color of chameleons appear additionally as a result of the refraction of light rays in the surface skin layer with guanine crystals.

As a result of the contraction of the processes of chromatophores, the grains of pigments are redistributed and the color of the skin is changed. Due to the combination of pigments in both layers, a variety of color shades appear.


Most species of scaly reptiles have a body length within 30 cm, but the largest individuals reach sizes of 50-60 cm. The body length of the smallest chameleons does not exceed 3-5 cm. The head is helmet-shaped, with a raised occipital part. Some of these representatives of the lizard family are characterized by the presence of more or less convex ridges, bumps or elongated, pointed horns. Often such formations are developed exclusively in males, and in females they are represented by rudimentary forms.

The legs of the scaly reptile are long, well adapted for climbing. The fingers of the animal are fused into a pair of opposing groups of two and three pieces, due to which they have the appearance of a kind of "claws" that can tightly wrap around the branches of a tree. The tail is thick at the base, gradually tapering towards the end, sometimes spiraling down and wrapping around the branches. This ability of the tail is characteristic of most members of the family, but chameleons are not able to restore the lost tail.

Chameleons are distinguished by unusual organs of vision. The eyelids of a scaly reptile are fused and permanently cover its eyes, but have a hole for the pupil. In this case, the right and left eyes can carry out uncoordinated movements.

This is interesting! The so-called "non-working" position of the tongue is accompanied by holding it in the lower jaw with the help of a special bone, and too heavy or very big booty grasped with the mouth.

During hunting, such animals are able to sit motionless on tree branches for a long time, tracking prey only with their eyes. The animal catches insects with a tongue equipped with a trapping sucker. Such creatures lack an external and middle ear, but hearing is able to sensitively pick up acoustic waves within the sound range of 250-650 Hz.

Lifestyle, behavior

Almost the entire life of chameleons takes place on the branches of dense shrubbery or on the branches of trees, and the scaly reptile prefers to go down extremely rarely to the surface of the earth. You can catch such an animal on the ground, as a rule, in mating season or in the process of hunting for some very tasty prey.

On the surface of the soil, chameleons move on paws that have a claw-like very unusual shape. It is this structure of the limbs, complemented by a tenacious tail, that is ideally suited for living in the crowns of trees. Scaly reptiles that are not too large in size are quite lazy and phlegmatic, lead a sedentary lifestyle and prefer to move as little as possible, most of the time just sitting in a chosen place.

This is interesting! Although a significant proportion of species live on branches, some are able to live in desert conditions, dig earthen burrows or seek shelter in fallen leaves.

However, if necessary and the appearance of real danger, the animal is able to run fast and rather deftly jump on branches. The peak of the period of activity of the chameleon falls on the lighter time of the day, and with the onset of night, the animal prefers to sleep. In the process of sleep, the reptile is unable to control the change in the color of its body, therefore it can become a very easy prey for all kinds of predators.

How long do chameleons live

Average life expectancy of chameleons in natural conditions make up about four years, but among the representatives of the family there are also so-called centenarians. For example, giant chameleons are able to live in nature for about fifteen years, and life cycle, characteristic of some representatives belonging to the genus Furcifer, most often is no more than five months.

sexual dimorphism

Determining the gender of an adult chameleon is not too difficult even for the average person. If the scaly reptile has managed to take on a camouflage color, then the tarsal processes, which are spurs near the legs of the animal, should be examined.

This is interesting! It is quite possible to determine the sex of the animal on the 14th day by color, as well as by the thickened tail base starting from the age of two months.

Males have small growths on the back of their paws. The absence of such outgrowths is typical only for females. Among other things, males are distinguished by a brighter color and large sizes body.

Types of chameleons

The total number of chameleon species is changing as a result of the discovery of new subspecies, as well as in connection with the unsettled modern taxonomy. The family includes 2-4 genera and 80 species of lizards with a peculiar appearance, among which the most famous are:

  • Yemeni chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) is one of the largest representatives of the family. Males have a green background color with yellow and red spots on the sides. The head is decorated with a chic large crest, and the tail is covered with yellow-green stripes. The body is flattened from the sides, and the back is decorated with a crest and noticeably arched;
  • Panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) - an incredibly beautiful reptile appearance, the color of which is influenced climatic features and some other habitat factors. The length of an adult varies between 30-40 cm. Plant food is practically not used. Females dig nests and lay eggs;
  • carpet chameleon- one of the species of chameleons found on the island of Madagascar and on the territory of neighboring islands. The animal is the owner of a lively character and a beautiful multi-colored color. An unusual pattern on the body is represented by longitudinal stripes, as well as oval lateral spots;
  • Four-horned chameleon- the owner of three or four characteristic horns located in the head area. The animal is a typical inhabitant of mountain forest areas Cameroon, where he prefers to settle in the most inaccessible places. The length of an adult individual varies between 25-37 cm. Representatives of this species are distinguished by a long ventral and large dorsal crest;
  • Chameleon Jackson (Trioceros jacksonii) – interesting view, whose males jealously guard the boundaries of their territory, are extremely aggressive in nature, and during a fight or fight inflict traumatic bites on each other. Males have three horns and a prehensile tail, while females have one nasal horn. The skin is reminiscent of the skin of dinosaurs, rough and similar to the bark of trees, but soft and pleasant to the touch. The color varies from yellow-green to dark brown and even black;
  • common chameleon (chamaeleo chamaeleon) is the most common species that inhabits deserts and forests located in the territories of northern Africa, India, Syria, Sri Lanka and Arabia. The body length reaches 28-30 cm, and the color of the skin can be spotty or monochromatic;
  • View Calumma tarzan- Belongs to the category of rare. It was found in the northeastern part of Madagascar near the village of Tarzanville. The length of an adult individual, together with the tail, varies between 11.9-15.0 cm;
  • View Furcifer labordi is unique in its kind, and newborn cubs are able to increase five times in size in a couple of months, therefore they are a kind of champions in terms of growth rate;
  • Giant chameleon (Furcifer oustaleti) is one of the largest chameleons on the planet. The average body length of an adult is 50-68 cm. Yellow, green and red spots are located on a brown background of the body.

Along with other lizards, a significant part known species chameleons lay eggs during the breeding season, but there are also separate subspecies that give birth to already living cubs in cocoon-shaped sacs.

This is interesting! The smallest is a leafy chameleon that can be placed on a match head, since the size of such an adult miniature individual does not exceed one and a half centimeters.

Range, habitats

The area of ​​distribution of the Yemeni chameleon was the state of Yemen, high mountains Arabian Peninsula and hot regions of the eastern part Saudi Arabia. Panther chameleons are typical inhabitants of the island of Madagascar and neighboring islands, where they prefer warm and wet places, tropical climatic conditions.

The Jackson chameleon inhabits the territories of East Africa, is found in the forest zones of Nairobi at an altitude of 1600-2200 meters above sea level. The scaly reptile often lives high above ground level, inhabiting the crowns of trees or shrubs. Chameleons can settle in all kinds of tropical forest zones, savannahs, some steppes and deserts. Wild populations are found in Hawaii, Florida and California.

This is interesting! Quite often, changes in the color of a chameleon can be a kind of threat demonstration, which is aimed at scaring off enemies, and rapid color changes are also observed in sexually mature males at the breeding stage.

Endemic to the island of Madagascar is a giant chameleon that lives in humid and dense forests, where such scaly reptiles willingly eat small mammals, medium-sized birds, lizards and insects. A miniature species of Brookesia micra was discovered on the island of Nosu Hara in 2007. Desert chameleons live exclusively in the territories of Angola and Namibia.

Chameleon Diet

Absolutely all chameleons that exist today, including the largest Mellery and the small Brookesia, which lives under the protection of fallen leaves, are typical predators, but some species are quite capable of absorbing food of plant origin. Basically, plant foods are represented by rough leaves of plants, fruits, berries and even the bark of some trees.

All kinds of flying and crawling insects, as well as their larval stage, are considered the main food supply for all chameleons. Potentially, chameleons can eat any poisonous insects in the form of spiders, beetles, butterflies, flies and dragonflies. From the moment of birth, scaly reptiles are able to distinguish edible insects from poisonous ones, therefore, cases of eating wasps or bees have not been recorded. Even hungry chameleons ignore such inedible live "food".

Many of the largest chameleon species sometimes eat small lizards, including small relatives, rodents, and even small birds. In fact, the object of their attention is represented by absolutely any "living creature" that can be caught with a long tongue and then swallowed. The diet of the Yemeni chameleon must be supplemented vegetable feed. In the conditions of home keeping of reptiles, you can feed:

  • grapes;
  • cherry;
  • tangerines;
  • oranges;
  • kiwi;
  • persimmon;
  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • leaf and head lettuce;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • not too hard vegetables.

Plant foods are also actively consumed by the Panther Chameleon, Parsoni and Maly, which is explained by the need to replenish moisture and receive required amount vitamins.

This is interesting! Chameleons often give the impression of being incredibly thin and constantly hungry animals, but such lizards are simply not very voracious by nature, so compared to many other reptiles, little food can be absorbed.

In recent years, the popularity of breeding exotic animals at home has increased significantly. Today it is becoming fashionable to have a lizard, a snake or even a crocodile. For those who wish to settle an unusual pet in their home, which requires a minimum of hassle and time, experts advise paying attention to a chameleon. What are the reptiles, what are the features of their home maintenance, let's see.

Characteristics of the common chameleon

Of all existing species chameleons the most popular, famous and accessible is the common chameleon. Let's look at what an ordinary chameleon is, everything about his nutrition and reproduction, facts and basic information about his natural enemies.


Chameleon ordinary - bright representative a class of reptiles, a squamous order, which is a real reptile. On average, the length of a lizard can vary from 25 to 30 cm. The body of the reptile is oblong in shape, slightly compressed laterally, topped with special convex ridges that run along the entire length of the spine.

The chameleon has a rather powerful, wide, but short neck, a large, helmet-shaped head, on which large, round, expressive, mobile eyes flaunt. What is surprising is how the reptile sees: it has all-round vision and the ability to move its eyes asynchronously. Another feature of the eyes is that the small opening of the pupil located in the center is never covered by the eyelid, that is, by the skin.

The reptile has a long, rough tongue, at the end of which there is a special depression in the form of a suction cup. The lizard's tongue can be thrown out to a length of up to 31 cm, while strongly sucking its prey with a trapping sucker and instantly absorbing it. The chameleon's tail is long and very tenacious, with its help it is able to repeatedly curl up on branches.
The limbs are five-fingered, fused, outwardly resembling claws. And, of course, the most main feature chameleon is its unique ability to change the color and pattern of the skin - mimicry. It was previously believed that the reptile changes its coloring for the purpose of disguise. However, recent studies have shown that color change is associated primarily with communicative qualities.

Did you know? The smallest chameleons from the genus Brookesia micra are 2.3 cm long with the tail, and the largest - Furcifer oustaleti - reach sizes up to 68 cm.

For example, skin color may change due to fear or the approach of a threat, irritation, dehydration of the reptile's body during the mating season. In the blink of an eye, a reptile can turn from green to yellow, then to lilac or purple, sometimes even black. Such color metamorphoses can occur both simultaneously throughout the body, and in its individual sections.

Where are found

The habitat of the common chameleon is the desert regions of North Africa, the sand dunes of Syria, the sparse forests of the southern regions of Turkey, the vicinity of Sukhumi and Poti. It can be found on the islands mediterranean sea, in Israel, Libya, Jordan. In the territory European countries lizard is common in southern regions Portugal and Spain, as well as on the islands of Malta and Crete.

As a rule, where the reptile lives, a hot and dry climate prevails. This animal is well adapted to external conditions environment, can perfectly tolerate sudden changes in humidity and temperature. As for the life expectancy of chameleons, on average it is 3-5 years. Some species can live up to 10 years.

What do they eat

The basis of what chameleons eat in nature is various insects - bugs, butterflies, crickets, grasshoppers, small reptiles, such as lizards and small snakes. Larger representatives of reptiles can hunt rodents, birds, small animals. Chameleons also like to feast on leaves and fruits of trees, berries, and vegetables.

They will never refuse oranges and tangerines, grapes, kiwi, dandelion leaves or lettuce. It is noteworthy, but even being very hungry, the reptile will never consume poisonous or stinging insects: a wasp or a bee.

How they breed

In the middle of summer, the mating season begins for chameleons, and the male begins to look for a female to mate with. The lady shows her readiness for mating by her behavior: she does not pay any attention to the courtship of the gentleman and continues to go about her business. If the female is not ready for the process, then she responds to all courtship from the male with aggression, threats and attacks.

Did you know? Chameleons have very poor hearing. They, like snakes, lack external and middle ears. But this does not prevent them from accurately determining the sound at a frequency of 200–600 Hz.

Mating does not last long in chameleons, from 12 to 20 minutes. There were times when love intercourse lasted only one minute. The gestation period for a reptile is 1.5–2 months. From mid-October, the female begins to lay eggs, the number of which is on average 40. With the help of the forelimbs, the lizard digs a hole for the eggs, while at the same time she discards the dug soil with her hind legs.
She covers the buried masonry from above with dry branches, leaves, various organic debris, thanks to which excellent conditions are created for incubation and, as a result, for the birth of a healthy, strong, full-fledged brood. The incubation period lasts about 9 months. The offspring will be able to see the world in July or August next year. Cubs are born already fully formed, ready for independent life. The length of small chameleons is 5–8 cm.

natural enemies

Despite its unique ability to become difficult to distinguish in the environment, sometimes the chameleon can be subjected to various attacks from other animals. Who eats reptile? There are quite a lot of applicants. Among them are snakes, larger and heavier lizards, large mammals, birds, including crows and herons.

When a chameleon notices an enemy, due to the special structure of the lungs, it swells up strongly, like a ball. At this moment, he begins to breathe heavily and hiss intensely at the enemy. At the same time, its coloring becomes almost transparent. If the reptile is grabbed, then it is able to bite the enemy, but it is unlikely that the bite can become fatal.

Some features of other species

In addition to the common chameleon, there are other varieties of reptiles that differ in color, disposition, and habitat.


It is considered one of the most beautiful representatives of the reptile family. The homeland of the reptile is the island of Madagascar. Today it is also common on the neighboring islands: Nosy Buraha, Nosy Be. The chameleon prefers to live in fairly humid, warm regions with tropical climate. Likes to spend time in the bushes.
Adults can grow up to 30–40 cm in length. Each panther chameleon has its own body color at birth, however, adapting to conditions external environment, lighting or their mood, they are able to change colors. The reptile can acquire a green, brick, turquoise color.


Despite his small size, according to the originality of coloring, dwarf chameleons occupy the palm among their relatives. They simply cannot be confused with representatives of other species. The entire surface of the body of a dwarf reptile, whose average length is no more than 17 cm, is covered with convex scales of various colors: they are yellow in the head area, orange on the sides, and green on the stomach and limbs.

Did you know? When the chameleon "shoots" with its tongue to grab its prey, at this time it closes its eyes. He does this so that the prey, fluttering, cannot cause injury to the eyes.

The originality of the appearance is also emphasized by the tuft on the head in the form of a sloping outgrowth and a rather large fold of white skin around the neck. You can recognize a male dwarf chameleon by a bright red stripe, which is located on the side of the body, and red eyelids. The habitat of these reptiles is the forests of African countries. They lead a rather hidden lifestyle, preferring to spend time at an altitude of up to 1700 m.


The largest chameleon in its family. Its length can reach more than half a meter. The body of the male is painted in a noble green color, against which large yellow spots with a red border are noted. A rather large crest, about 7-8 cm, flaunts on the reptile's head. The tail also has a yellow-green color in the form of stripes.

The female has a similar color, it is distinguished from the male only by the absence of the so-called spurs - triangular protrusions on the paws. It is logical to assume that the habitat of the Yemeni chameleons is Yemen. They are found in the mountains of the Arabian Peninsula, as well as the hot eastern regions of Saudi Arabia.


High in the mountains, in the eastern regions of the African continent, at an altitude of 1600–2000 m above sea level, a chameleon lives. He prefers to settle on the branches of trees or shrubs. Males can reach a length of up to 40 cm. They are distinguished by the presence of three horns and a tenacious, powerful tail. The females are much smaller in size, their body length rarely exceeds 20–25 cm.

Important! Jackson's chameleon refers to viviparous animals in which babies do not hatch from an egg, but are born fully formed.

The skin of these reptiles resembles the skin of dinosaurs: they look rough and hard, but tactile contact makes sure that they are soft and very pleasant. The color of lizards can vary from yellow and brown to black.

Features of keeping at home

In order for the reptile to feel comfortable and please the owners with its presence for as long as possible, it needs to provide conditions that are as close to natural as possible. And in this case, you can not do without a spacious terrarium. The volume of the container per individual must be at least 200 liters. When keeping a couple of reptiles, the volume of the terrarium should be doubled.

Important! Ideally, a reptile's home should have several comfort zones with different temperatures. In one part, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the range of + 30–32 ° С so that the lizard can warm up, in the other part - +25 ° С so that it can cool down if necessary.

Since under natural conditions chameleons prefer to settle on the branches of shrubs or trees, then, accordingly, the dwelling should be high, not less than 0.8 m. +22–24 °С. To maintain the required temperature conditions, it is recommended to install additional heating lamps.
It is important to maintain a comfortable level of humidity, optimally - 30-50%. Low or, conversely, high humidity adversely affects the condition of the animal, can cause bacterial or infectious diseases and serious skin problems. A necessary condition for keeping chameleons is the presence of good ventilation in the terrarium.

Stagnant air can provoke the development of bacteria that cause various ailments. In order to organize a high-quality ventilation system, experts recommend making two holes in the tank: one on the ceiling, the other at the bottom of the side wall.

Mandatory attributes of a reptile dwelling should be:

  • artificial fountains or waterfalls - they will serve as an alternative source of natural "dew" with which the reptile can quench its thirst;
  • natural driftwood - they will allow you to recreate the imitation of the rainforest.

It is recommended to cover the bottom of the terrarium with a special bedding sold in zoological stores. Ordinary sand or sawdust is not suitable for keeping a chameleon.

Video: do-it-yourself chameleon terrarium

Nutrition and vitamins

It is equally important to organize a high-quality, balanced diet for your pet. What to feed him? The basis of the chameleon's diet at home is made up of various insects. Since the reptile is a predator by nature, it regularly needs to “throw” crickets, flies, cockroaches, worms, Maybugs, dragonflies, etc. into the terrarium. Food must be put in plastic or glass feeders, the inner walls of which should be generously lubricated vegetable oil so that the "food" cannot get out.

Important! Since chameleons do not know how to drink from drinkers, it is necessary to regularly spray the walls of the terrarium with plain water. You can also try to train your reptile to drink from a syringe (without a needle).

Fruits, berries, citrus fruits, some vegetables, tree leaves are also excellent as food for adults. Feeding young chameleons is practically no different. They are advised to give newborn crickets twice a day, sprinkled with a special powder, which includes vitamins and calcium phosphate. Do not overfeed the lizard: for adults, it is enough to eat 4-5 insects per day, for young animals - 3.
Do not forget about the enrichment of food with vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain good health reptiles. Similar supplements can be purchased at pet stores. Tetrafauna preparations have proven themselves well.

Daily and seasonal rhythm

Chameleons are sedentary in nature and prefer to lead just such a moderate and calm lifestyle. They spend most of their daytime almost motionless in one place. But, if necessary, reptiles are able to move quickly and jump from branch to branch. Lizards are most active during the daytime, but at night they sleep peacefully. Winter time is a period of rest for the reptile.

With a decrease temperature regime she can even hibernate. It should be noted that these reptiles are territorial animals and will not tolerate other individuals near them. It is recommended to keep reptiles alone, otherwise the terrarium should be divided into several zones, separated by dense thickets.

Possible chameleon diseases

Unfortunately, chameleons, due to the specific structure of their body, are prone to many diseases. Often they suffer from eyes, musculoskeletal system, digestive system, skin.

Important! Pets are at particular risk of illness. Such ailments have a fairly rapid onset and high speed distribution. In the event that the animal is not provided with timely health care, he can die in a matter of hours, even from a not too serious illness.

Most often, reptiles are prone to such diseases:

  1. Poisoning. It is the result of improperly selected feed or banal overeating. Intoxication is accompanied by apathy, lethargy, lack of appetite, constipation. In such cases, the diet of the lizard should be adjusted and an appropriate diet should be selected together with the veterinarian.
  2. Dehydration. The disease manifests itself in the form of dry skin, weight loss, refusal to eat, sunken eyes, general weakness of the body. Treatment consists in soldering the animal with a syringe or pipette. If the reptile refuses water, it should be watered by force.
  3. Respiratory diseases. Such diseases often occur against the background of unsanitary conditions of detention. They are manifested by coughing, difficulty breathing, loss of sleep and appetite, drowsiness and lethargy. In this case, self-treatment of the animal is unacceptable. A qualified doctor should examine the reptile and prescribe competent therapy, which, as a rule, consists in the use of antibiotics.
  4. Eye infections. They are easy to diagnose as the chameleon begins to close, puff out one eye, or rub against branches. The cause of the disease may be contact with the eye foreign object or vitamin A deficiency.
  5. Rickets and bone diseases. Similar disorders occur due to a lack of vitamin D3. The symptoms of the disease are: a curvature of the joints, an incorrect gait that rolls from one side to the other, a deformation of the skeleton, and the inability to throw out the tongue. Treatment is based on the use of drugs containing vitamin D3 and calcium.

In most cases, chameleon diseases are associated with poor living conditions and malnutrition. That is why experts recommend that owners of exotic animals pay special attention to these two points.

For those who decide to have a chameleon at home, when buying one, you should pay attention to some important aspects, Related appearance animal:

  1. Eyes. A visual eye examination is recommended. In a healthy chameleon, they are wide open, convex, move well in different directions. Sunken eyes indicate dehydration of the reptile, and closed ones indicate its complete impotence.
  2. Colors. A lot about the health of a potential pet can tell its color. A sick animal has a gray or faded color, which may be caused by poor conditions of detention, in particular, low temperature.
  3. Paws. A healthy lizard is able to actively move its paws, which should be even, without curvature. Difficulties in movement may be due to a lack of calcium in the body or disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Mouth. You should carefully look into the mouth of the reptile. If yellow-green spots are present on the mucous membranes, then this indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

The best place to buy a chameleon is specialized zoological stores, where sellers provide everything for the animal. Required documents. The price of a reptile is different and will depend on its type, age and size. However, experts recommend giving preference to lizards over the age of four months, since in younger individuals, birth defects may not yet appear.
A chameleon is an amazing exotic animal that, in a traditional apartment, can become a real exclusive decoration. Despite the fact that the reptile is unpretentious in care, it requires the breeder to comply classical conditions maintenance: good, balanced nutrition, sufficient water, cleanliness of the premises, and, of course, minimal care. Subject to all the rules, the lizard will be able to live up to 5 years and daily delight the owners with its original appearance and unusual habits.

Chameleons are a family of scaly lizards that stand out against the background of other species with a number of very unusual features that are unique to them.

The name "chameleon" has very ancient roots: in the mythology of some countries it was called strange creature, which could quickly change its appearance.

general characteristics

On this moment 193 species of these unusual lizards are known, for most of them the island of Madagascar is their homeland. The remaining members of the family live in Africa, in the extreme south and extreme north of the Arabian Peninsula, on west coast India as well as on small islands in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. More recently, several new species of chameleons living in the steppes of California and Florida have been discovered, which has led scientists to confusion.

natural environment Chameleons are inhabited by trees; on the branches they live, sleep, and hunt. Only a few species decided to move to the ground and now live in forests, African savannahs, steppes and deserts.

Chameleons are medium-sized lizards, their body length ranges from 17 to 30 cm. However, there are exceptions: the Madagascar Chamaeleo oustaleti grows up to 60 centimeters or more, and representatives of the genus Brookesia are not only the smallest chameleons, but also one of the smallest reptiles on Earth - only 1.3-4.5 centimeters.

The body of chameleons is strongly flattened on the sides and in many species resembles an oval in shape. Males have various formations on their heads: horns, crests, drills. In females, these "decorations" are either rudimentary or do not appear at all. The limbs are long, adapted for climbing trees. The fingers of chameleons are more like claws - grouped in 2-3 and covered with a solid skin along the penultimate phalanges, they are directed in opposite directions. This shape of the fingers is great for climbing tree branches. The tail often functions as a fifth limb; lizards can wrap themselves around branches with it.

Change in body color

This unique ability has glorified chameleons all over the world and made them probably the most popular lizard. Which, in principle, is not strange, because few people are able to change their appearance so dramatically, and even do it so quickly. The secret of this amazing ability of chameleons lies in the special structure of the skin. The skin is made up of several separate layers, which differ in structure from each other. The uppermost layer is transparent and serves to refract light, and also performs a protective function. Deeper skin layers contain special cells - chromatophores, which contain pigments of different colors (black, dark brown, red and yellow), and each layer contains chromatophores different color. During the contraction of the chromatophores, the concentration of colored pigments in the center of the cell occurs in them. Because of what, the color of the skin of the lizard changes. The combination of colors of different layers gives the chameleon different color shades.

There is a color change very quickly - less than half a minute. Interestingly, chameleons can change the color of not only the entire body, but also individual parts, such as the eyelids or tail.

But what causes a chameleon to quickly change its color? It was previously believed that this feature is needed by lizards primarily for camouflage against the background of the environment. However, recent studies have shown that a color change for a chameleon is primarily a means of communication with its own kind, and not a means of protection and disguise.

Also, a change in color can be provoked by many other external factors (high or low temperature, bright light) and internal (fright, irritation, hunger) origin.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the reaction of a chameleon during a threat - the body of the lizard swells up, slightly increasing in size, the body acquires a formidable black (less often dark brown) color, and at the same time it also hisses like a snake.

vision device

The device of the eyes of a chameleon is also of no small interest. Their eyes are quite large and complex, they are covered with a continuous eyelid, in which there is only a small hole for the pupil. However, this did not prevent the chameleon from acquiring the most accurate vision focusing system among lizards. Thanks to this, lizards are incredibly accurately able to determine the distance to the objects around them, and they see objects just as clearly for very long distances. close range from the eye.

Another very interesting feature is that the eyes of the reptile master of disguise are able to move independently of each other, so, for example, the left eye can look forward, and the right eye back or to the right. Thanks to this, the animal receives a picture with a viewing angle of 360 degrees.

Ideal Language

At the first glance at a chameleon, thoughts like: how can such a slow and clumsy animal feed itself, and indeed survive in this world, begin to come to mind? But with a closer acquaintance with him, these questions begin to disappear. Yes, he does not look like a successful predator, but he is. The chameleon knows how to perfectly disguise and wait, and its unique vision allows you to see literally everything that happens around. All that's left is the catching tool (murder weapon, if you will). That tool is language.

According to researchers and scientists, the language of a chameleon is the most advanced "catapult" in the world, it is incredibly efficient, simple and also easy to control. Quote: "She has no analogues either in biology or in mechanics" - this is an ideal fishing tool!

We will not go into the details of the “miracle of language” device (because you can find a lot of publications on this topic on the Internet), just list its key features:
- the tongue can "shoot" at a distance of one and a half body length of the lizard and catch the victim with the help of a special sucker;
- it takes one twentieth of a second for a tongue to reach an insect!
- in 3 seconds a chameleon can catch 4 insects with its tongue!
- Tongue acceleration is an incredible 50g!



Squad: Scaly (Squamata)

Class: reptiles

Type: chordates

Subtype: Vertebrates

Dimensions: the length of an individual depends on the species and can be from 15 mm. up to 68 cm, weight varies from 35 gr. up to 1.5 kg.

Lifespan: 7-9 years old

Depending on the species, chameleons can have both standard colors for nature: yellow, green, brown, and take on a completely amazing color: blue, orange, red and others.

The entire skin of a chameleon is covered with tubercles of different diameters, and males may have horns, a comb, or something similar to a crest on their heads.

Chameleons are very unusual lizards that can change color according to their environment. This property allows them not only to remain unnoticed during the hunt, but also not to become prey themselves. This is their only defense. They are not dangerous for humans.

Probably, having met this animal in dense foliage, you will not distinguish it from bright greenery, and walking along a rocky path, do not pay attention to a stone of a bizarre shape.

Such useful feature could not go unnoticed and has long been used by people - remember the principle of camouflage, and the chameleons themselves have become a favorite, albeit still very exotic, pet.

The chameleon has a very powerful tail that allows it to hold onto tree branches tightly, sometimes even releasing its front or back pair of legs to become like a leaf.


Chameleons are lizards with a body compressed on the sides, a short neck and a long, tapering tail. With this spiraling tail, they can wrap around branches and hold onto trees tightly.

The skin of chameleons is covered with tubercles, and on the head, many species have horns or some kind of crest.

Paws, like human hands, have five fingers that look like small pincers. This shape of the legs allows you to cling to even the thinnest branches.

The eyes are round and surrounded on all sides by skin with a small opening for the pupil. They have very interesting feature: Can rotate independently 360 degrees.

The tongue is very long and, when extended, is longer than the body and head.

Interesting! Chameleons do not have middle and outer ears, and therefore do not hear well.

There are more than 135 species of chameleons, which differ in habitat, color and size. For example, the length of an animal can vary from 15 mm. up to 68 cm

Color change

Chameleons change color in two cases: in danger and during hunting. They adjust to the ambient temperature and lighting, thereby becoming completely invisible. In addition to chameleons, some species can change skin color.

Some species can only change their color from green to brown, which allows them to successfully hide in the crown of trees. Other species can take on almost any color. They do it pretty quickly: a color change can occur within 20 seconds.

How does color change occur? It is necessary to start with the fact that all chameleons are born with a set of certain cells that have their own pigment, which are called chromatophores.

They are found under the upper skin of chameleons. Receiving a message from the brain, the chromatophores change color depending on whether they were given the task of expanding or contracting.

At this moment, the same process takes place as on the artist's palette: the colors are mixed together, creating a completely new shade.

Scientists have long concluded that not only environment affects the color change. For example, a new shade shows that the chameleon is calm or helps him communicate with other individuals of the same species.

In advertising, a trick is often used when a chameleon takes on any color, including a wallpaper pattern or a checkerboard pattern. This is a popular stereotype, because the capabilities of the animal are limited and no ornaments are subject to it.

True, some species of chameleons can copy the color of the leaves along with the veins. In order for the camouflage to be even more reliable and the individual to completely merge with the leaf, it can freeze for several hours in an uncomfortable position, tearing off a pair of paws from the branch.

Chameleons can change color not only in case of danger or during a hunt, but also in order to communicate with other individuals.


Most of the known species of chameleons, and there are about 135 of them, live in Madagascar or Africa. Several species are found in Asia and only one, the common chameleon, in Europe.

These amazing animals live only where the climate is warm, as they belong to the class of reptiles. During cold weather, chameleons hibernate.

They live mainly in trees. Their natural color is most similar to the color of the bark and leaves: green, brown, beige, yellowish.

As mentioned above, thanks to its long powerful tail, these animals feel calm among the branches.

Firmly clasping thick branches with their tails and fingering thin branches with tenacious fingers, chameleons occupy the most comfortable position for hunting or resting. In this position, almost motionless, they can spend up to twenty hours.

They descend to the ground only during hibernation or breeding. However, there are a couple of species that lead a terrestrial lifestyle.

Interesting! Almost half of all known to science chameleon species lives in Madagascar.

Chameleons belong to the class of reptiles and therefore prefer warm climate. When it gets cold, they hibernate.


As a rule, chameleons, like many other reptiles, including, lead a solitary lifestyle. Despite the fact that these lizards are very inactive and can only move a couple of centimeters during the day, they are always ready to catch an insect. Their eyes and tongue are at the ready.

When two males meet, a fight may occur. There are times when they begin to hiss at each other and try to drive the opponent away, but more often than not, they diverge to the sides with the world.

Some chameleons gather on branches in groups of 5-6 individuals.

Chameleons prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle, but sometimes they gather in groups of several individuals.


The main food of chameleons is insects, which they catch in large quantities. Sometimes vegetable food, fruits and water are added to their diet. Large species can eat small lizards and small birds.

Chameleons easily endure hunger, but it is rather difficult for them to endure thirst.

The main diet of chameleons is insects. They can also eat the fruits of trees and be sure to drink water.


Due to their long powerful tongue and eyes rotating in different directions, chameleons are quite successful hunters. Noticing the victim, they direct both eyes to it and “shoot” with their tongue in its direction.

The tip of the tongue takes the form of a cup, and the caught insect is sent straight into the mouth of this unusual lizard. The fact that the tongue acts on the principle of a sucker also helps the hunt. This deprives the victim of every chance of salvation. The capture takes a tenth of a second.

The tongue can hold food weighing up to 50 grams, and it can also take a position in which it becomes possible to grab an insect located on the opposite side of the leaf.

Chameleons wait for prey very patiently, sitting motionless for hours. But all this does not mean that they are lazy and clumsy: if necessary, chameleons can not only run fast, but also jump through trees.

Interesting! Chameleons have good eyesight for reptiles and can see even a small insect from a distance of up to 10 meters.

Chameleons have unusual vision: their eyes can rotate 360 ​​degrees independently of each other, which allows them to immediately see the victim and prevent danger to themselves.


During the mating season, males behave aggressively towards each other. All their actions are aimed at driving away the rival and proving to the female that they are the most suitable candidates for breeding.

Males hiss, fight, drive out of their territory, they can fight with their horns, as deer do. In the course there is also a change in color to a brighter and more frightening one.

For reproduction, chameleons use several methods: some species lay eggs, which is inherent in most species of reptiles, others are viviparous, in third species, females can lay unfertilized eggs without the participation of males.

Those species that lay their eggs in the traditional way, bury them in the ground or hang them from tree branches. Eggs in a clutch can be from 15 to 80, and the incubation period is up to 10 months.

In viviparous species, up to 14 cubs can be born. They are glued to the branches with mucus and fed the first time in this way.

Species where a female can do without a male are very interesting, because the resulting offspring is quite capable of a full life and further reproduction.

If adult chameleons are protected by camouflage, then the cubs are generally incapable of any self-defense. They move by clinging to the backs of their mothers.

Interestingly, different types of chameleons breed different ways: some lay eggs in the traditional way, in other species, females, without a male, lay unfertilized eggs, and some species are viviparous

Chameleon houses are kept in a terrarium, as well as other creatures that require a special humid microclimate. Caring for them is pretty simple. It is necessary to arrange a place for them and periodically clean it.

Excellent species for the apartment are leopard and common chameleons. Many breeders choose Yemeni chameleons for themselves. They really adapt well to new conditions.

It is best to have a vertical terrarium in which you can place branches at different levels. Choose deciduous plants and make sure that they do not have any thorns that can damage the paws of the pet.

The same can be done with the walls of the terrarium: chameleons can lick the water with which you will spray the walls. Put on a drinking bottle.

Advice! Chameleons are very sensitive to temperature, so you need to carefully monitor it. The terrarium should be around 25 degrees. This will allow you to enjoy watching your pet. all year round, because otherwise, feeling a cold snap, he can hibernate. Also, at temperatures below 18 degrees, chameleons stop eating.

Best of all, a chameleon pet will feel best in a vertical terrarium. The bottom must be covered with sand, the branches of non-thorny trees should be placed on different levels monitor temperature and humidity

What to feed a chameleon

  • Young chameleons should be fed twice a day with a mixture of newborn crickets and powdered calcium phosphate and reptile vitamins.
  • To maintain humidity and to prevent the pet from becoming thirsty, the terrarium must be sprayed twice or thrice a day.
  • Grown up chameleons can be fed from a feeder or tweezers with crickets or tropical cockroaches, but the walls of the feeder must first be lubricated with vegetable oil so that the insects do not scatter.
  • You need to teach your pet to drink from a syringe with a blunt needle or squirt water at the moment when he opens his mouth, as these animals do not know how to drink from a regular drinker.
  • A honey solution prepared by you can be an excellent delicacy.

Now it has become fashionable to have exotic pets. Due to their unpretentiousness, the chameleon becomes a desirable pet for many people. If you also want to impress your guests unusual resident your home, then feel free to make a choice in favor of a chameleon.

Chameleon: Ingenious Conspirator of the Animal Kingdom

Chameleons are very unusual lizards that can change color according to their environment. This property allows them not only to remain unnoticed during the hunt, but also not to become prey themselves.