Salmon species of fish are one of the most massive inhabitants of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as fresh water reservoirs located in the northern hemisphere. The most famous and constantly occurring representatives of this family are fish such as trout, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, coho salmon, seal, whitefish, sockeye salmon and others. These fish are characterized by remarkable taste characteristics. In this regard, their meat is used in cooking for the preparation of both typical, everyday dishes, and for the preparation of gourmet haute cuisine dishes, as a serving on holiday tables. Do not forget that salmon are the source of such a delicacy as red caviar.

This article will talk about the features of the life of salmon, their way of life, about the beneficial properties and about fishing for this fish.

It should be noted that salmon, in turn, are divided into several subspecies, such as salmon, grayling and whitefish.

According to researchers, a similar species of fish arose in the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era. Currently, salmon, in their appearance, resemble herring. Salmon, depending on the type, can grow in length from several tens of cm to 2 m, or even 2.5 m. One of the longest representatives of this genus are whitefish. At the same time, their weight can have several tens of kg.

Individual specimens of chinook, taimen or salmon reach a mass of 60 to 100 kg. Salmon live for a short time, about 10 years on average, although centenarians can also be found, for example, taimen lives up to almost 50 years.

The salmon family is distinguished by a pursuing and, at the same time, laterally compressed body, on which round scales are located. The fins are located in the middle of the belly. They can be easily distinguished from other types of fish by the presence of a small adipose fin. In these types of fish, the air bladder is connected to the esophagus, and the skeleton is not as bony as in other types of fish. For example, the skull is not made of solid bone, but cartilage.

Representatives of the salmon genus inhabit both salt and fresh water bodies. Salt water bodies are seas and oceans, and rivers are fresh water. They inhabit the fresh waters of the North African continent, as well as the North American continent, in large numbers.

At the same time, attention should be drawn to the fact that salmonids prefer conditions characteristic of the cold hemisphere. As for the warm hemisphere, salmon can only be found under conditions of artificial breeding. In Russia, salmonids are found in the Far East, in Kamchatka, near the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. It is in these areas that they are engaged in the industrial catch of these types of fish.

Representatives of this genus of fish, which inhabit the seas and oceans in nature, move to freshwater rivers before spawning. Being in the rivers, at this moment salmon get the status of migratory fish. Some of these species can initially live in fresh water, namely in lakes. What is most entertaining is that they go to spawn in those places where they were born earlier. Salmon spawn in the second or third year of their lives. Another very interesting fact from their life: they go to spawning grounds first and last time In my life. After the fish has spawned, it all dies, being then a food base for many animals living in the spawning areas. Such life path pass salmon that live in the Pacific Ocean, such as pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, etc. As for the salmon that live in the Atlantic Ocean, not all individuals die after spawning. At the same time, some individuals lay eggs at least 4-5 times during the period of their life.

Before and during the spawning process, salmon undergo major changes, especially in terms of color. Individuals become brighter, decorated with spots of red or black, and a hump forms in males. Pink salmon got its name based on this fact. Despite this, certain types quite often change their colors, depending on the conditions of the surrounding living environment.

Types of salmon fish and their names

There are a lot of species, so it will not be possible to talk about all of them, but it makes sense to talk about the most interesting and most popular ones that have specific differences.

Salmon is also called "northern" or "noble" salmon. Salmon is one of the most valuable fish of this family. It is distinguished by tasty and tender meat, which contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Its most common population is in the White Sea.

Her body, from 1 to 1.5 meters long, is covered with scales of a silver hue, without salmon species fish, on the sides of the spots. The salmon diet consists of small fish. During the period of active reproduction practically refuses to eat. When salmon go to spawning grounds, they can be identified by prominent red or orange spots that appear on the body of the fish.

It is quite easy to distinguish pink salmon from other representatives of this kind by very small scales of a silver hue, as well as the presence of a large number of spots in the tail area. During the spawning period, pink salmon greatly transforms its appearance, as well as coloring. Females turn almost black, especially the head and fins, while males grow teeth and a hump forms on the back.

Pink salmon grows up to 65-70 cm in length, no more. Habitat - Pacific Ocean and Atlantic. During the spawning period, pink salmon moves into rivers, both on the North American mainland and in Russian Siberia. At the same time, it does not rise far against the current.

Pink salmon has rather large caviar, reaching a size of 5 to 8 mm. After spawning, all fish die. Pink salmon starts spawning at the age of three or four. The diet of pink salmon includes small fish, mollusks and crustaceans. According to many scientists, pink salmon is a relatively heat-loving fish, as it enters areas for wintering, where the water does not cool below +5 degrees. Pink salmon belongs to valuable varieties of commercial types of fish and is considered a recognized seafood worldwide. They tried to breed pink salmon in other water bodies, but it did not take root.

Ketu can also be attributed to the most famous types of fish. It is characterized by a silvery color without any extraneous stripes or spots. During the spawning period, it acquires an almost black color. It can be found in the Pacific Ocean, and for spawning it comes to its places, which are located in the upper reaches of such Siberian rivers as the Kolyma, Lena, Yana, Amur and others.

There are two forms of this fish:

  • autumn, as the largest, about 1 m long.
  • summer, no more than 70-80 cm in length.

Chum salmon has rather large caviar (7-8 mm) and is a valuable commercial species.

Sockeye salmon is especially common in the Pacific Ocean, but is not very famous in Russia, as it is usually caught off the coast of Asia or off the coast of Alaska. Sockeye salmon is distinguished by the presence of a large number of gill rakers, as well as the bright red color of the meat, compared to the meat of other salmon. They have a soft pink color.

She has rather small caviar (4-5 mm), compared to other types of salmon fish. Grows up to 70-80 cm in length. The sockeye salmon feeds on small crustaceans. There are two types of sockeye. This is due to the fact that these subspecies spawn in different periods:

  • spring;
  • summer or autumn.

The main habitat of this fish is the Pacific Ocean, and coho salmon spawns in the waters of the North American mainland and Asia. Coho salmon has silvery scales bright shade which is why it is also called "silver salmon". Basically, coho coho grows up to 60 cm in length, although there are individuals up to 80 cm in size. Coho salmon spawns from September to March, which can be characterized by the presence of ice on the surface of the reservoir. During this period, females and males change their color to a bright crimson color.

At the same time, coho salmon is considered to be a rather heat-loving fish, since it winters in places where the water does not cool below +5°C, and in some places even +9°C.

She is considered the most valuable fish salmon family. In addition, it is considered their largest representative. It can gain weight up to 50 kg, with a length of 80-90 cm. It can be distinguished by its characteristic gill rays, of which it can count at least fifteen.

It can be found near the North American continent, while it can spawn in rivers Far East. Chinook salmon spawn throughout the summer. Moreover, the fish makes depressions in the bottom with its tail and lays eggs. Chinook salmon lives for at least seven years, while average duration her life is 4-5 years. Chinook salmon feeds on small fish. Chinook salmon has nutritious red meat, therefore, it is caught in large quantities.

This fish, which is found in the Russian Baltic, Black, White and Aral Seas, is also called salmon - taimen. It is considered an anadromous fish and goes to spawning grounds located in European rivers. They grow up to 47 cm in length, reaching from two to five kilograms of weight. Despite this, you can find individual specimens weighing up to 15 kg. Brown trout are also caught commercially because of the tasty and healthy meat. Kumzha prefers to lead interesting way life: goes to spawn in the upper reaches of the rivers, does not migrate over long distances, prefers fresh water bodies, in which it spends most of its existence.

Brown trout, which is found in the Azov and Black Seas, is called the "Black Sea salmon".

It is a small representative of the salmon family, which can be found in both salt and fresh water. On average, the life expectancy of a whitefish is 7-10 years. Although there are individuals who have lived up to twenty years and have grown in length up to 50 cm.

The fish has a silver hue and dark fins. As a rule, several subspecies of whitefish are distinguished, which practically do not differ from one another. At the same time, one feature of whitefish should be mentioned: they have white meat, compared to other representatives of salmon.

Nelma belongs to the whitefish subfamily, but, unlike other relatives of this subfamily, it can grow up to 1.3 meters in length, with a weight of about 30 kg.

This fish does not like salt water, and is found mainly in the rivers of the cold hemisphere. Going out to sea, she tries to stick to desalinated areas of the water area. It has commercial interest, as it is characterized by tasty and nutritious meat.

This fish is divided into common, Sakhalin, Korean and Danube taimen. These types differ appearance due to specific living conditions. Common taimen, as a rule, is found on the Amur River and large lakes. It differs from the Danubian congener in a smaller number of stamens on the gills.

Sakhalin taimen is an anadromous fish. It can grow up to one meter in length, while gaining weight from 20 to 30 kilograms. Taimen is a valuable commercial fish. It feeds on small fish.

Lenok is distinguished by a dark color, with a golden tint. It spawns with rather small caviar, and appearance reminiscent of cigs.

This type fish is found in the rivers of the Far East, as well as Siberia. Its diet includes the larvae of various insects. Like most salmon species, lenok is among the commercial fish.


Who hasn't heard of trout? This representative of the salmon genus inhabits big lakes, such as Onega and Ladosh. Trout can be found in Karelia and in the basin White Sea and the Baltics.

Depending on its habitat, brook (common) and lake trout are distinguished. This fish prefers freshwater reservoirs with crystal clear and cold water. At the same time, it can have a peculiar color. Trout spawns in autumn and winter. Trout feeds on a variety of foods, ranging from insect larvae to small fish.

There are several varieties of trout:

  • alpine;
  • Scottish;
  • European;
  • American, etc.

Trout stands out for its very tasty meat, so it is commercially caught. Along with the industrial catch, trout is also bred in artificial reservoirs on an industrial scale. This type of fish is an object of fishing, both for amateur anglers and for anglers-sportsmen.

This fish is found in Lake Sevan and means “prince” in translation. Ishkhan spawning occurs in a certain period of the year. Their usual color is silver, but during the spawning period, the fish changes its color to dark, with bright red spots that appear on the body of individuals. Ishkhan spawns at the bottom of the lake. Individual individuals gain weight of 15 kg, but the average size of this fish is within 30 cm, with a mass of about half a kilogram. Ishkhan contains very appetizing meat, from which you can cook true delicacies.

The salmon family has a large number of fish species that are valued for their excellent taste. Some of the species are anadromous, while others are freshwater, but all of them are of great commercial importance.

Beluga, crucian carp, herring, trout, carp, silver carp, carp are well-known fish. This list can be continued endlessly. And their commercial value is difficult to overestimate. Indeed, very diverse. Modern taxonomy includes more than 20 thousand species of these aquatic animals. Thanks to what features of the structure they managed to master this habitat and occupy a dominant position in it. What class do fishes differ in their structure? You will find the answer to these and other questions in our article.

Signs of fish

No wonder they say about self-confident people: "Feels like a fish in water." Scientists know that the first fish lived in the Silurian period. Outwardly, they were similar to modern sharks with movable jaws, on which they were located. sharp teeth. Millions of years have passed, in the process they have changed and acquired a number of new adaptive features.

As aquatic animals, they all have a streamlined body shape, are completely or partially covered with scales, various types of fins are located on the body, and gills are the respiratory organs. These are common features for all representatives of this systematic unit. But what class the fish belong to can be answered by considering their significant differences. At the moment there are two of them: Bone and Cartilaginous.

Features of the external structure

The body of absolutely all fish is covered with scales. It protects the skin of aquatic life from excessive water friction. After all, most of them spend most of their lives in motion. Additional protection against friction is and a large number of mucus, which is rich in the skin. This helps many species to survive in adverse conditions of temporary drought. Not all fish species have a full body covered with scales. For example, in sharks, it is located in one row along the surface of the body, in appearance resembling their teeth. The same can be said about the numerous representatives of the Sturgeon order. Most bony fish are protected by scales, like a strong shell. She performs and additional functions: camouflage against predators, warning coloration in predators and poisonous species, designation of a sexual characteristic, in water.

The structure of the fins

The next characteristic feature of fish is the presence of fins. These formations serve as limbs for movement in the water, and some ancient species are even able to crawl with their help. The fins are divided into two groups. The first are paired: abdominal and chest. They help to maintain the balance of fish in the water column. Unpaired are the caudal, anal and dorsal. They work like a steering wheel, directing the body of aquatic animals in the right direction. As a result of evolution, the limbs of reptiles were formed from the fins of fish.

On the body of the fish, you can easily see the lateral line. This is a unique organ of balance and touch, characteristic only for fish.

The internal structure of fish

The organ systems of these animals also have their own characteristics associated with the aquatic environment. The musculoskeletal system is represented by the skeleton. Depending on the class, it is formed by cartilage or bone tissue. All bones of the skeleton of the head are fixedly connected, except for the lower jaw. This allows the fish to easily capture prey. This part of the skeleton also includes gill covers and arches, to the latter of which the respiratory organs of fish are attached - gills. consists of individual vertebrae, connected to each other and motionless to the skull. The ribs are attached to the trunk of the spine. The skeleton of the fins is represented by rays. They are also formed by bone tissue. But the paired fins also have belts. They are attached to the muscles that move them.

Through type. It begins with the oropharyngeal cavity. Most fish have sharp teeth on their jaws that are used to grab and tear food. Enzymes of the glands - the liver and pancreas - also take part in the process of digestion. In the processes of excretion and salt metabolism, paired kidneys play the main role in the body of fish. Outward they open with the help of the ureters.

Fish are cold-blooded animals. This means that their body temperature depends on changes in the environment. This sign is determined by the circulatory system. It is represented by a two-chambered heart and a closed structure of blood vessels. During their movement, venous and arterial blood mix.

The nervous system is represented by the brain and spinal cord and nerves. And its peripheral part - nerve fibers. In the brain, the cerebellum reaches special development. This part determines the fast and coordinated movements of fish. The sense organs are able to perceive any irritation possible in the aquatic environment. Since the lens of the eye in fish does not change its shape and position, animals see well only on short distance. But at the same time, they are able to distinguish both the shape and color of various objects. The organ of sound perception is represented by the inner ear and is associated with the structure responsible for balance.

Reproduction of fish also has its own characteristics. These animals are dioecious, with an external type of fertilization.

What is spawning

The process of reproduction of fish is also called spawning. It happens in the water. The female lays eggs, and the male pours her seminal fluid. As a result, a fertilized egg is formed. As a result of successive mitotic divisions, an adult individual develops from it.

Sometimes fish breeding is associated with spawning migrations and significant changes in the behavior and structure of fish during this period. For example, pink salmon form large herds, in which they move from the seas to the upper reaches of rivers. During this journey, they have to overcome many obstacles, moving against the current. In these fish, a hump forms on the back, the jaw twists and curves. Having lost a lot of strength, after the process of fertilization, adults die. Surprisingly, young fry return back on their own to the same habitat.

Fish groups

The huge species diversity has necessitated the classification of this. At present, scientists have accurately identified the signs by which the class of Fish can be classified. Systematic affiliation determined by the presence of gill slits or covers and the type of scales. So you can distinguish between bony and cartilaginous fish. There are other signs by which these animals are combined into groups. For example, fish that move to spawn in other habitats are called anadromous. But, given the scope, there are commercial and decorative representatives these aquatic animals.

cartilaginous fish

What class do fishes have a cartilaginous skeleton, gill slits that open outwards? It's easy to guess. These are cartilaginous fish. They do not have a swim bladder, so they either live on the bottom or are constantly on the move. Sawfish, white, giant, whale sharks, stingray... You know such fish. List dangerous predators you can continue with the sea devil, electric stingray and Eti Marine life pose a great danger to the life of animals and humans. Although there are quite innocent specimens among cartilaginous fish. So, it feeds on fish and crustaceans. In addition to a frightening appearance, it does not pose any danger to humans.

bony fish

Perhaps every student will answer the question of which class the most numerous fish belong to. Their skeleton is made up entirely of bone tissue. The swim bladder, located in the body cavity, allows its owners to stay in the water column. The gills are covered with gill covers, and do not open outwards with separate openings. Bony fish have such features.

The meaning of fish

Representatives of this superclass of vertebrates are primarily of great commercial importance. A person eats their nutritious meat and protein-rich caviar. And the number of recipes for cooking various types knows no count. Fish oil has long been used as a treatment for bacterial and viral respiratory diseases. Man catches every year great amount individuals and breeds them independently. Flour is also obtained from meat and bones. It is used as fertilizer and feed for many domestic animals.

Everything lately more popular enjoys sport fishing, attracting participants from different countries. And every one of us dreams of catching a goldfish that fulfills all desires!

Thus, which class fish belong to can be determined by the features of their structure, organization and lifestyle.

Fish classification(from lat. classis - category - class and ..., fication) - this is, simply put, the division of fish according to their lifestyle, structural features, method of reproduction and appearance. Classifications are very different, and the aquarist needs to know the main ones.

Let's start with the fact that of all vertebrate fish are the most numerous animal species. If we combine all mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles, then the number of their varieties will be less than fish, of which there are over 20 thousand species!

Fish inhabit almost all water bodies the globe. Through evolution, these animals have adapted to various conditions of existence, which led to the emergence of many of their species. All of them combined into one general class"fish".

According to this system, the class "fish" is divided into subclasses, subclasses, in turn, into orders, orders into suborders, suborders include superfamilies, superfamilies - families, families - subfamilies, subfamilies - genera, which already include species.

The Latin name of fish usually has a specific ending. Thus, the order, as a rule, ends in -formes, the suborder -oidei, the name of the superfamily is written with the ending -oidae, the family ends in -idae, and the subfamily -ini.

Other unspecified systematic units fish classification do not have a definite ending and can end in different ways.

Fish classification is carried out as follows. Very similar species of fish in structure and lifestyle, as well as in their relationship, are combined into a genus. A genus, in turn, is assigned to a subfamily, a subfamily belongs to a particular family, and so on. In some cases, species are also divided into subspecies.

The scientific name of the fish is indicated on the letter in two words. The first of them is the genus, and the second is the species name. In addition, the name of the author who first described this species is indicated, as well as the year in which the description was created, if this year, of course, is known.

For example, the Latin name for a fish zebrafish looks like this: Brachydanio rerio Hamilton-Buchanan, where Brachydanio is the name of the genus, rerio is the name of the species, and Hamilton-Buchanan, respectively, is the surname of the author.

In addition to the division described above, there are other fish classification. First of all, fish are always divided according to their habitat into marine and freshwater species.

Then, according to the method of reproduction, they are divided into viviparous and spawning.

Further, but no less important, classify fish according to the optimal temperature regime for their life: fish are warm-water, tropical and cold-water. Typically, aquariums contain tropical species, which is most easy to create suitable temperature conditions.

There is also fish classification according to their shape and features of the structure of the body. Usually, there is no separate Latin name in this case, and aquarists call different forms species of fish breeds.

For example, if the fish is called danio rerio veil, then such fish have elongated fins, similar to a veil.

Besides, classify fish depending on the shape of the color. In general, it might look something like this: black fork guppy, where guppy is the name of the fish species, black is the color of the body and fins, forked is the forked shape of the caudal fin.

Aquarists can call these same guppies, for example, the "black prince", although scientific men in fish classification not described and not "patented", but the aquarists themselves came up with the name of the fish, after they brought out this form.

The two types of fish you see below are very different in fertility. The first is the champion among bony fish in terms of the number of eggs and

spawns up to 300 million eggs. Fish number 2 is capable of producing no more than 300 eggs. What features of the lifestyle and behavior of these fish can explain such a strong difference in the number of produced offspring?

1. Name the representatives of the class of cartilaginous fish. Using their example, tell us about the influence of the habitat on the external structure of these fish. 2. By example

sturgeons, describe the features of the external and internal structure bone fish. What traits bring them together cartilaginous fish? What is the practical importance of sturgeon-like fish? 3. What are the similarities of different groups bony fish and what is the difference? 4. Name the representatives of bony fish. 5. Using the example of neoceratodes and coelacanths, list the structural features of lungfish and lobe-finned fish. Help urgent please

1. Two species living in the same natural community, having the same food resource, the same mode of settlement and the same requirements for

habitat: 1) Will occupy the same ecological niche, 2) Will occupy different ecological niches, 3) Cannot exist in the same community.2. Trophic links that arise on the basis of the activity of one species, contributing to the emergence of access to food for another species, are called: 1) Direct trophic links, 2) Indirect trophic links, 3) Links that promote resettlement.3. The rivalry of two species for the same resource is called: 1) Competition, 2) Symbiosis, 3) Parasitism.4. Long-term competition of two species in a community for the same food resource most often leads to: 1) the death of one of the species, 2) the displacement of a less adapted species outside the community, 3) specialization in nutrition and a more complete use of the food resource.5 . Choose examples of mutually beneficial cooperation of two types: 1) Leech and mirror carp, 2) Sea anemone and hermit crab, 3) Barbel beetle, gnawing passages in wood and ants settling in these passages, 4) Ants and peach aphids.6. Choose an example of a neutral relationship between two species, when the activity of one species is vital for the other, and the first is indifferent to the existence of the second: 1) Leech and mirror carp, 2) Ants and peach aphids, 3) Dung beetle and ungulates, 4) Anemone and crayfish hermit.7. Indicate the amount of food consumed, which goes to build body cells and tissue growth: 1) 10%, 2) 20%, 3) 90%. 8. Find the correct statement: 1) The inhabitants of the biocenosis can be divided into environmental groups on the prevailing objects of nutrition, 2) Human activity always harms natural communities, 3) Over 90% of the food consumed is spent on the formation of body cells and tissue growth.9. Find the mistake: 1) Food connections of animals are manifested directly and indirectly, 2) A hare eating spring grass is an example of a direct trophic connection. 3) A fish leech and a mirror carp are an example of an indirect trophic connection.10. Phytocenosis is: 1) natural community animals living together in a certain area, 2) Plant community, 3) The natural community of plants and animals united by trophic links.

When a person looks into the water from his familiar world filled with light and air, the world in which fish live seems to him cold, dark, mysterious, inhabited by many strange, unusual creatures. He himself in this environment can move only with great difficulty and in a very limited space. The need to put on heavy, bulky equipment in order to see, breathe, keep warm and move at a speed that should seem like a turtle to fish hides from humans some of the undoubted advantages of fish over land dwellers.

Advantages are given by the very existence in the aquatic environment, which played an important role in the formation of fish. Water is not subject to sharp temperature changes and therefore can serve as an excellent habitat for cold-blooded animals. Changes in water occur slowly and provide an opportunity to move to more suitable places or adapt to changing conditions. Weight maintenance problem own body in water is also much easier than on land, because protoplasm has about the same density as water, and therefore fish in their environment are almost weightless. And this means that they can get by with a simple and light skeleton and at the same time reach sometimes significant sizes. Such a huge fish as a whale shark moves with the same freedom and ease as a small guppy.

But there is one significant difficulty that is associated with life in water and which, more than anything else, has shaped fish, is the incompressibility of water. Everyone who has ever made their way through the water just above the ankle has felt the difficulty that the fish have to overcome all the time: when moving, the water must be moved apart, literally pushed aside, and it immediately closes behind you again.

Flat and angular bodies move with difficulty through such a medium (if you push a board lying on the water straight down, it will inevitably wag from side to side), so the body shape of the fish is remarkably consistent with this property of water. We call such a shape streamlined: sharply pointed from the head, most voluminous closer to the middle and gradually tapering towards the tail, so that the water can flow smoothly from both sides with the least turbulence and, when approaching the tail, even impart some additional impetus to the fast-swimming fish. Of course, there is a certain variety of shape, but in general this is the initial form for all free-swimming fish, no matter what shape they have acquired in the process of evolution.

The body of a fish, like that of any vertebrate animal, has bilateral mirror symmetry and is built according to the same simple scheme: a hollow cylinder with an alimentary tract open on both sides, which stretches inside from one end to the other. At the front end is the mouth opening, at the opposite end is the anal opening. Along the upper half of the cylinder runs the spinal column, a series of bony or cartilaginous discs that stiffen the entire structure. In the canal formed by the vertebrae is the spinal cord, which, expanding at the anterior end, forms the focal point, or brain. The walls of the cylinder along its entire length from head to tail are divided into numerous identical segments, the strong motor muscles of these segments act on the bone or cartilage skeleton and enable the entire body to make wave-like movements from side to side.

Since fish are cold-blooded animals, life in the aquatic environment, as already mentioned, is especially favorable for them, but still it has its limitations. When the temperature drops below what the fish can tolerate, they have to leave these places - which is why many temperate fish make seasonal migrations. With strong and abrupt change the temperatures of the fish become too lethargic and do not have time to leave, and if conditions do not improve, they die. Some freshwater fish, which cannot migrate during the change of seasons, circumvent this danger by hibernating in winter or summer - they stop eating and lie inertly at the bottom in winter, and burrow into the mud in summer until the temperature becomes favorable again.

The circulatory system in fish is the simplest of all vertebrates. Blood passes one circle - from the heart through the gills, where it is saturated with oxygen, to various organs and parts of the body that take oxygen, and back to the heart. The heart itself consists of only two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle (unlike the three-chambered heart of amphibians and the four-chambered mammals), and works, so to speak, on the same line with the entire system.

A characteristic feature of fish is fins, large or small pterygoid formations that give them stability in the water, help them move and control movements. Most fish have two types of paired fins - pectoral, on the sides of the head immediately behind the gills, and ventral, which are usually pushed back. At the top, the dorsal fin passes through the middle of the back; it can be divided into two parts, the anterior spiny and the posterior soft. On the ventral side of the body behind the anus is the anal fin, and at the very end - the tail.

All fins have their own special purpose, they are all mobile and driven by muscles located inside the body of the fish. The dorsal and pectoral fins, acting together, play a major role in creating stability. The dorsal fin, pointing straight up, acts as a stabilizer to keep the fish upright; The pectoral fins are extended to the sides to help maintain balance and make turns. The pelvic fins are also used as stabilizers. The tail is used for control and in the most fast-moving fish it also plays the role of a stabilizer and an engine. The fish with force hits them from side to side, and all rear end her body makes undulating swimming movements. At fast swimmers the dorsal and anal fins are pressed against the body or even retracted into special recesses, which increases the streamlining.

The location and structure of the fins in fish can be very diverse. In most benthic species, the paired fins are very close together and the ventral pair, strongly shifted towards the head, is sometimes even in front of the pectoral fins, directly under the lower jaw. This arrangement allows you to keep the head and gills above the bottom surface. In other fish, the ventral fins are greatly reduced or even completely disappeared, for example, in eels. In triggerfish and other more or less discoid fish, the pectoral fins take on the role of engines in whole or in part. In the benthic gurnard, the lower rays of the pectoral fins are disconnected and act like the legs of an insect. And the pectoral fins of the striped lionfish serve it mainly for camouflage: their long and widely spread rays resemble a bunch of algae among the coral reefs where this fish lives.

The body shape of the fish also differ markedly from each other. The most amazing changes have occurred with those of them that lie at the bottom almost all the time: they have become flat. Some fish lie on their belly and are flattened from above, while others lie on their sides and are flattened laterally. Flattening in such fish occurs during the growth of juveniles and ends with an unusual process of moving the eyes to one, upper, side of the head. Winter flounder ( Pseudopleuronectus americanus), for example, lies on its left side, and its eyes are on its right side, while its close relative, the summer flounder ( Paralichthys dentatus), on the contrary, the eyes are on the left side, as it lies on the right side.

Among the fish, flattened from above, - angler. This fish rarely moves and catches its prey with the help of its own rod with bait - a fleshy lump on a thin flexible rod hanging from its head. His close relative, the sea clown, is more active: his pectoral fins have turned into a special kind of limbs, and with their help he moves in jumps.

A variety of stingrays are essentially sharks that have switched to a sedentary bottom life and become flat. While swimming, their wide pectoral fins make wave-like movements and the fish seem to float in the water. In many stingrays, the tail is extended like a whip and has no motive power.

Even in the water, there are other modes of transportation besides swimming, and fish use them all to varying degrees. They crawl along the bottom like gurnards and dol-gopers, and can even come out of the water onto the shore, like the mudskipper does. The Malayan Creeper and the Chinese Snakehead easily walk on the ground from pond to pond, crawling in exactly the same way as most fish swim. In order not to tip over, the crawler supports its narrow, brisk body with pectoral fins, like props.

Some fish can also move through the air, though for short distances. The Mississippi armored pike glides across the surface of the water, using its tail like an outboard motor propeller. But flying fish do fly - they can fly through the air for almost a full minute and, if a strong wind is blowing, they rise to a height of three to six meters and glide over the waves on large front fins extended like wings. There are biplane-type flying fish, those that use their pectoral and ventral fins to fly, there are monoplanes that fly only on their pectoral fins, and there are even freshwater species fish that fly like birds, flapping their pectoral fins over the water surface.

One remarkable feature of fish immediately attracts attention: from head to tail, fish are covered with a flexible, as a rule, shell of rounded bone plates, or scales, overlapping one another. These scales are fixed in the inner layer of the skin and form the protective cover necessary for the fish. In addition to the scale armor, the fish is also protected by a layer of mucus secreted by numerous glands scattered throughout the body. Slime that has antiseptic properties, protects the fish from fungi and bacteria, and also lubricates the surface of the body. Differences in the size and thickness of the scales can be very significant - from microscopic scales of an ordinary eel to very large, palm-sized scales of a three-meter long barbel that lives in Indian rivers. Only a few species of fish, such as lampreys, do not have scales at all. In some fish, the scales have merged into a continuous, immovable carapace like a box, like in boxfish, or formed rows of closely connected bone plates, like in seahorses and sea needles.

The scales grow as the fish grows, and in some fish, distinct annual and seasonal marks remain on the scales. The substance necessary for growth is secreted by a layer of skin covering the scales from the outside, and builds up along its entire edge. Since in temperate zones scales grow fastest in the summer, when there is more food, then the age of the fish can sometimes be determined by the number of growth rings on the scales.

The mouth of a fish is the only tool for capturing food, and in all kinds of fish it is perfectly adapted for its work. The parrot fish, as has already been said, developed a real beak for pinching off plants and corals; the small American gerbil is equipped with a burrowing tool - a hard, sharp protrusion on the lower jaw, with which it digs in the sand in search of small crustaceans and worms.

In fish feeding near the surface, the mouth is usually directed upwards, the lower jaw is sometimes strongly elongated, as, for example, in half-snouts. Bottom-dwelling fish, such as stargazer and monkfish, which grab prey floating above them, also have their mouths pointing upwards. And in those fish that are looking for their food at the bottom, such as rays, haddock and common chukuchan, the mouth is located on the underside of the head.

Well, how do fish breathe? To maintain life, she, like all animals, of course, needs oxygen - in fact, her respiratory process is not so different from the breathing of land animals. To extract oxygen dissolved in water, fish drive water through the mouth, pass it through the gill cavity and push it out through the holes located on the sides of the head. The gills act in much the same way as the lungs. Their surface is permeated with blood vessels and covered with a thin layer of skin that forms folds and plates, the so-called gill filaments, which increase the absorption surface. The entire gill apparatus is enclosed in a special cavity, covered with a bone shield, gill cover.

The gill apparatus is distinguished by high functional adaptability, so that some fish can even obtain the oxygen they need not only from water, but also from atmospheric air. Common carp, for example, during the hot summer months, when the pond is dry or oxygen deficient, captures air bubbles and holds them in their mouths next to their moist gills. The creeper, snakehead and Indian catfish have special air cavities with folded walls near the gills. Lungfish, if necessary, use fully developed lungs with the same network of blood vessels as in frogs and newts. In some ancient fishes, the rudimentary lung, which later turned into a swim bladder, is still connected to the esophagus, and in essence these fish - siltfish, armored pike - have spare lungs.

However, the swim bladder of modern fish, if it exists, no longer performs respiratory functions, but acts as an improved lifting balloon. The bubble is located in abdominal cavity below the spine and is an airtight sac equipped with glands that can, if necessary, extract gas directly from the bloodstream of the fish and fill the bladder with it. The amount of gas is regulated with great precision, and the fish gets just the lift it needs to stay on its usual horizon, whether near the surface or at a depth of four hundred meters. Many fish that live at great depths or lead a benthic lifestyle do not need a swim bladder, and they do not have one. The swim bladder limits the ability of fish to move arbitrarily to any depth, since adaptation to depth and pressure occurs gradually. Most fish living at considerable depths cannot rise to the surface, because their swim bladder would swell to an unbearable size for a fish - if such a fish is caught on a bait and pulled out of the water, the swollen bladder can squeeze out its stomach through the mouth. There are fish, such as the mackerel family, with a very small bladder or no bladder at all. For them, there is no such restriction, and they can forage at different depths. However, they pay dearly for this: in order not to drown, they need to be in constant motion.

There are fish that live alternately in fresh and salt water, they have special difficulties - salt barriers that they need to overcome. Because fish live in water, they need to maintain a balance between the salts dissolved in their blood and lymph and the salts that may or may not be present in the surrounding water. At freshwater fish the concentration of salts in the blood is higher than in the surrounding waters, and therefore water always tends to penetrate the body of the fish through the skin, gill membranes, mouth and other open areas of the body. Under such unremitting pressure, the fish must constantly expel water in order to maintain proper balance. In marine fishes, the difficulty is just the opposite: they constantly give up water to a saltier environment and therefore must always absorb it, so as not to wrinkle, as baked apple. And to isolate excess salts that enter along with water, marine fish have special cells on their gill filaments.

Since the aquatic environment is very different from the air environment, we are right to ask ourselves the question of how the fish use the senses to notify it of where it is and what is happening around. What does the fish see? How does she hear? Does she have a sense of smell like ours, a sense of taste, touch?

It can be answered that fish have all these five senses, and in addition they have another, truly sixth sense, which allows them to very subtly perceive the slightest change in the movement of water around. This sixth sense is unique to fish (This organ system is also characteristic of amphibians living in the water.), And its organs are located in the system of channels under the skin.

Let's start, however, with the organ of vision - it works in fish in the same way as in humans, with the difference that fish that feed themselves above the surface of the water have to deal with the phenomenon of refraction. Due to the refraction of light rays when they pass from air to water (or vice versa), objects observed in water appear to be displaced if you do not look at them directly from above. A man who wants to hit a fish with an arrow from a bow must aim far below where he sees it, otherwise he will miss, and long practice has taught him to do this. Likewise, trout, perch, or salmon, preparing to grab an insect fluttering over their pond, must jump out of the water a little ahead of the intended target - and for a very long time in the process of evolution this skill has turned into a reliable, instinct-based skill.

Fish foraging in the water do not have to overcome this difficulty, because light travels in a straight line underwater as it does in air. There are, however, other factors that affect the mechanism of visual perception in their underwater world, and hence the structure of their eyes. Chief among these factors are the amount of light available underwater and the limit of visibility due to the fact that even the clearest water cannot compare with air.

The absence of bright light in the underwater world has contributed to a significant simplification in the structure of the eye of most fish in comparison with the eyes of land animals: they can do with little or no contraction of the iris, they also do not need eyelids, because water is constantly washing away foreign particles from their eyes. . They have an iris - a metallic-colored ring around the dark pupil, but to regulate the amount of light rays entering the eye, it does not need to expand and contract to the same extent as our iris, so in most fish it is motionless.

Since visibility under water does not exceed thirty meters at best (and often much less), fish do not need to adjust their eyes to too large a difference in distances. Almost all the time they have to consider objects only in close proximity, and the device of their eyes corresponds to this. Their lens is not a lens with adjustable curvature, like the human eye, but an incompressible ball. In the normal position, the eye of the fish sees only close objects, and if you need to look at an object that is at a far distance, a special muscle pulls up the lens.

There is another, more important reason for the spherical shape of the fish lens, and this again has to do with refraction.

Since the lens contains a substance of almost the same density as that of water, light, penetrating from the surrounding aquatic environment into the lens, is not refracted - according to the laws of optics, this means that for a clear image of an object on the retina, the curvature of the lens must be significant, and it has the greatest curvature ball. But, according to some scientists, even with such a curvature, the image is not really clear, and it is possible that the fish, even under the most favorable conditions, does not see objects clearly enough under water.

But fish have an advantage that land animals don't have: they can see in more than one direction at the same time. Their eyes are not located in front, but usually on the sides of the head, and what each eye sees is recorded in the brain with opposite side, that is, objects on the right are fixed by the visual center located on the left side of the brain, and vice versa.

This fish's monocular vision has its limitations, especially in distance estimation. However, it is entirely possible that there is a relatively narrow space directly ahead of the fish that both eyes can see at the same time, hence fish have some degree of binocular vision (and hence a sense of perspective) such as we have. Indeed, when something aside attracts the attention of a fish, it seems to be really trying to replenish its monocular vision: it quickly turns so that the object is in the field of view of both eyes and it would be possible to better estimate the distance to it.

DOUBLE VISION. The eyeball of four-eyed birds living in the rivers of the Central and South America, is designed so that the fish can simultaneously and equally clearly see both in the water and above its surface. Both eyes of the four-eyed are located at the top of the head, and she can swim, putting them half out of the water. True, from time to time she has to dive in order to moisten the upper, "above-water" part of the eye.

The extent to which fish can distinguish colors is unknown. Basic tone underwater world fish - greenish-blue, since all other colors are absorbed and disappear already at a small distance from the surface. Therefore, the perception of color is not particularly important for fish; the only exceptions are those fish that swim near the surface. However, we do know that all fish except sharks can perceive some colors. Microscopic examination of the retina of fish showed that it contains cones, nerve cells, which distinguish colors, and rods, which function mainly at night and are insensitive to color.

But what is the meaning of color in Everyday life fish remains a mystery. Some fish prefer one color to another: trout, for example, distinguishes artificial flies by color. If a darkened aquarium is illuminated with all the colors of the spectrum, the fish will swim towards the green and yellow bands and stop there, but if only red is left, they will behave as if in the dark.

Bright and sharply contrasting colors, of course, can be a certain means for fish to identify each other, but here again we are not sure that this is actually the case. The bright, colorful outfit of some tropical fish naturally makes one think that it must have some meaning for other inhabitants of the underwater world. Does a shark, for example, recognize a pilot fish by the contrasting transverse stripes on its dark back and sides? This would explain to us why such a small fish, a little over twenty centimeters long, can fearlessly swim next to its huge and voracious companion, and he will never swallow it by mistake.

It is also possible that bright colors serve as an identification mark warning of the inedibility or poisonousness of fish. There are fish that are probably not good prey for other fish, and in the shallow waters of tropical coral reefs, where underwater visibility is relatively high, the bright coloration that distinguishes them so sharply from their underwater counterparts can serve as a protection.

In any case, it seems likely that some species of fish recognize each other by color. In their greenish-blue world, a bright color catches the eye faster than a gray, barely noticeable shadow that flickers somewhere nearby. This conjecture is supported by the fact that most fish species, usually swimming in dense flocks, are rarely brightly colored, while fish living apart, among a rather uniform color environment, as a rule, have a conspicuous appearance, and other individuals of this species can recognize them.

The dyes themselves are produced by a layer of cells in the skin under transparent scales. These cells are called chromatophores, or color carriers, and contain a variety of pigment grains.

These are primarily orange, yellow and red pigments, very similar to the pigments in a red or yellow flower. Then the black pigment, which represents essentially unnecessary body waste and may be found in more than just the skin ( internal organs fish with black skin also usually have a black shell), and finally, the substance guanine, which is contained in the form of crystals, which, depending on their number and location, can give white, silver or iridescent colors. In combination with a black pigment, guanine gives blue and green metallic tints.

Of course, the main thing in the coloring of most fish is its protective properties. The protective coloration of fish that live in the upper layers of the sea - a dark back and a white or silvery bottom - makes them hardly noticeable from wherever you look at them. The camouflage of bottom fish is very skillful - their color matches the color of the bottom or, like the zigzag pattern of camouflaged warships, breaks the contours of the fish's body. To this “tearing” coloration, the so-called “deceptive” color is added, which completely changes the appearance of the fish.

Sometimes surrounding objects are imitated not only in color, but also in shape. The Amazonian leaf fish surprisingly resembles a leaf floating in the water. Fish can even change their disguise at different periods of life - in tropical waters off the coast of Florida, for example, there are fish that young age take the shape and color of a mangrove pod lying on a white sandy bottom, but when they outgrow the pod, so to speak, this disguise becomes useless, the fish then go into deeper waters, becoming striped. One of the most skillful masters of camouflage is the common flounder; with the ease of a chameleon, it imitates stones, sand, dark silt.

Camouflage can even affect the structure of the fish. The Sargasso sea clown is covered with skin-like outgrowths like threads and patches imitating algae, where it hides, and in the seahorse-rag-picker, long processes look like sea grass leaves, which it clings to.

Most fish retain the same basic color throughout their lives, but in some it changes with age. Young salmon and trout are streaked with dark stripes, while in adult fish the stripes disappear. Male salmon, trout, stickleback and many other fish change their color during the breeding season. Once, Dr. William Beebe discovered coral fish that changed color combinations seven times in a day.

Even males and females can differ in their coloration. The male gudgeon, or lyre fish, and the European wrasse look like exotic birds with brilliant plumage, while the females of both species are completely inconspicuous. There are fish that night time become darker or, like barracuda, take on a completely different color. Many fish change color when frightened or caught on a hook.

After death, the color of the fish usually changes immediately and often becomes completely different from what it was during life. The most amazing changes occur, perhaps, with a bright green-gold dolphin, or sea bream. During the death agony, the green and gold colors turn into blue and pure white, and then gradually, when the last convulsions stop, the whole body takes on a dull brownish-olive hue.

For a long time, scientists have studied the hearing of fish, trying to find out if they can perceive sounds. It was believed that they could not, but what we call the ear serves in fish simply as an organ of balance. But since some fish still make sounds underwater (these can be calls and response signals during the mating season or identification signals), it is logical to conclude that they still perceive them. Most likely, when perceived sound waves The swim bladder serves as a resonator. Since they do not have a tympanic membrane and auditory ossicles of the inner ear, which represent the real hearing apparatus of higher animals, it is believed that the role of the hearing organ, which perceives sound in the form of wave vibrations, in some fish is played by the swim bladder and the so-called Weberian apparatus - a series of small bones connecting the swim bladder to the inner ear. Some fish are certainly very sensitive to fluctuations, including the simple movement of water. They can hear the sound of a propeller at a great distance, and the steps of a person on the shore, quite slightly shaking the earth and thus the water, are quite enough to frighten trout in the pond. Touch sensitivity in fish is carried out by nerve endings distributed throughout the skin. Most of them are on the head and around the lips, and in many fish they are located, in addition, on special antennae. Cod and red mullet examine the bottom with rather short antennae sitting on their chins; catfish have very long whiskers.

Almost all fish are characterized by a finely developed sense of smell. They have nostrils somewhat similar to ours - a pair of small recesses that open outward and are located directly on the snout, lined inside with folded tissue, which greatly increases their surface. This tissue contains nerve cells that perceive smell.

The sense of smell in most fish is so developed that when looking for food it means much more to them than sight. Sharks can smell blood from afar and appear near a wounded fish or animal out of nowhere. Athlete anglers have successfully used fish blood to attract bluefish and other predatory fish. If you pour only one glass of water into the pool with lampreys, in which another fish swam, the lampreys will immediately become alert and begin to look for the source of this aroma that has suddenly appeared pleasant to them.

As for taste sensitivity, it probably does not play a big role in the life of fish. First of all, none of them, except for lungfish, have taste organs in their mouths. They have taste buds, but they are located on the head, trunk, tail, modified fins or antennae, and therefore, if the fish taste food, it happens before it gets into their mouth. Many fish simply swallow food, it goes directly to the stomach and is digested there.

The most remarkable feature of the fish is its unique "sixth sense", which allows it to subtly perceive all the movements and currents of water. The most perfectly arranged system of channels under the skin is quite clearly marked on the sides of the fish as a series of scales of a different shape from the rest. This is the side line. The specialized sense organs are located in the main channel at a certain distance from each other. The same channels diverge throughout the head.

Scientists have yet to uncover all the mysteries of the lateral line, but it is already clear that its main function is related to capturing the movement of water. If the base of the nerve that runs from the lateral line to the brain is cut, then the fish quite obviously loses the ability to respond to disturbances in the water or a change in the direction of the flow. Apparently, it is this special sense organ that allows the coral fish to shoot like an arrow through a narrow crevice, which it probably does not see properly, or makes it possible for fish to bypass invisible objects during floods. muddy water obstacles. And, probably, it is the lateral line that allows huge fish schools of many thousands of individuals to swim in such a coordinated formation.

Anyone who has ever fished, or seen others fish, must have wondered if fish feel pain. This question is too difficult to give a definite answer to it. Pain is not only a physical reaction, but also a mental one, and we cannot learn from the fish what exactly it feels. But we can be almost sure that mentally fish do not feel pain.

Well, do they feel pain physically? In humans, pain is born in the cerebral cortex as a result of information sent by sensory nerves, but fish do not have a formation comparable to the human cortex, or any other part of the brain that would perform its functions.

The strength of irritation of certain sense organs, necessary in order to cause a sensation of pain, is called the pain threshold. In some species of animals, as well as in individual individuals, it is much higher than in others. The lower we go down the evolutionary ladder, the higher the pain threshold becomes, the more irritation is needed to cause a pain reaction. We can be pretty sure that it is high in fish. In response to too much irritation, they simply walk away or try to walk away.

That's why a fish can safely swim away with a hook in its mouth or a harpoon in its back, and a wounded shark will continue to attack even if its brethren rip out its insides.