The Mahabharata says that just as a calf will always find its mother cow in a pasture with hundreds of cows, so karma will always find a person. Therefore, a person should act wisely. Because of ignorance, a person commits inappropriate deeds and is forced to reap their fruits according to the cosmic law of justice.

The Vedas say that the type of body the soul receives depends on the consciousness in which a person dies, and the conditions of birth (family, country, life expectancy, health, wealth) a person receives depending on the karma of past lives. What misdeeds cause me to suffer and get sick? What role does consciousness play? Can I change karma? The Vedas answer these important, intelligent questions.

Karma is a cosmic law. ( interesting lecture Alexandra Khakimova about karma)

Sanchita Karma.
This is a complete balance of all karma accumulated from past lives in human births. Prarabha-karma.
These are the "good" and "bad" consequences meant for this birth. Prarabha karma cannot be changed, it can only be tolerated and appropriate conclusions drawn.

This is an area of ​​free choice, feature-limited prarabha-karmas. Actions done in this area create karma for future births (good or bad) or lead to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
The choice of the quality of an act will depend on the quality of our consciousness. It can be pious or unpious.

Blessed Consciousness.
Causes a desire to benefit not oneself, but others. This is a sign of an evolving consciousness, and such a person deserves our fellowship. As a rule, such a person himself seeks communication with a similar level of consciousness, so it will not be difficult to establish contact. Relationships at this level of consciousness bring satisfaction even when unpleasant situations arise.
As a test, we can determine the situation when a source of anxiety interferes in our lives. For example, a neighbor nails a shelf behind a wall for a long time, and you want to sleep. If you have a sincere desire to help a neighbor, you really get up and go to help him, then this is an example of pious consciousness. If anger arises in the mind and a desire to deal with the source of anxiety is a sign of an impious mind.

Unholy consciousness.
An impious consciousness forces one to act for one's own sake, disregarding the interests of others. Such selfish activity contradicts the laws of harmony and communication with such a person is also unfavorable for the development of our consciousness.

Ahami karma.
This is the karma of future births if the present birth is not the last one.

These are wrong actions that lead to disregard for the laws of God, degradation in the cycle of birth and death, endless suffering and rebirth in animal life forms. Vikarma is the exact opposite of akarma. Vikarma can manifest itself in four forms of action.
Actions directed against parents.
Actions directed against the family.
Actions directed against society.
Actions directed against humanity.

collective karma.
Karma affecting the future of humanity is collective karma. This is the sum of the individual karma of all people in a particular group. For example, in a dead plane or bus, everyone was not accidental.
The law of collective karma forces us to perform the same actions and, accordingly, receive the same consequences. For example, the inhabitants of Russia must eat potatoes, and this leads to common types diseases.
Therefore, as humanity behaves, such a future awaits it. As long as people open more and more slaughterhouses, wars will continue.

Karma and health.

Vikarma leads to godlessness, and the loss of faith in God, according to the Charaka Samhita, is considered the root of all diseases.
From the point of view of Ayurveda, the worst karma is our habit of worrying over trifles. The Padma Purana states that - "No more grief than the habit of worry. Because this habit weakens the body. We get attached to insignificant things, be it a box of matches or a car, and worry different ways: afraid of theft, breakage, aging, etc.
Modern research supports this view, and for good reason: emotional stress is considered the number one killer of the twentieth century.

Gross and subtle karma.
Both gross and subtle actions have consequences.
In the old days, gross karmic consequences came even for subtle karmic actions - inner desires and thoughts.
Now the laws of karma are more loyal, and subtle karmic consequences come after subtle karmic influences, which are expressed in anxiety, pangs of conscience, an unpleasant feeling on the soul, etc.
Cleansing from such consequences is possible both on a subtle level and on a gross one. On the subtle plane, we can repent, internally change our attitude, promise ourselves not to think like that again. On a gross level, direct action is possible in the form of apologizing to the object of thought, taking sound vows, physical avoidance of adverse situations thought out in the mind.

Getting rid of karma.
The consequences can be canceled if: a person fully pays for his act through such suffering or fully repents. Karmic consequences manifest in the form of disturbances. Therefore, when we sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness, peace comes. It is good to do this daily repentance before going to bed, which will give you the opportunity to calmly relax and think about the coming day in terms of the mistakes you have just made.
One of the spiritual masters remarkably said, “Every day we must forget two things — all the good things we did yesterday, and all the bad things that others did for us yesterday. And two things we must remember every day - God and that death can come at any moment.
It is necessary to distinguish between complete repentance and modern repentance, which is expressed in a weekly trip to church. If a person continues to perform the same actions after repentance, then this only aggravates his karma, since it is essentially an example of an offensive consciousness.
Complete liberation from karma comes with complete liberation from sinful activities. The path to this lies through gaining faith in God. Lack of faith itself is the root cause of all karmic activities. But turning to the ruler of karma - God - leads to a quick and irrevocable deliverance from all the consequences of sinful deeds.
The number of sinful consequences cannot be measured in kilograms, tons or millions of lives. It is impossible to get rid of even a fraction of the accumulated reactions by one's own efforts. But the grace of God in response to sincere repentance is able to stop and change the quantity and quality of the consequences that come.

Karma and attitude to time.
The loss of precious time causes the greatest suffering. Ostrovsky wrote: “One must live life in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years.”
Any missed action causes lasting anxiety. If you don’t have time to go to college, you suffer for a whole year. The woman did not have time to give birth - she suffers all her life. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand your duty and fulfill it on time and with concentration.

Karma and animals.
Births in animal bodies do not create karma. The bodies of animals are in the form of bhoga-yoni, they can only enjoy or suffer.

Karma and prescribed duties.
Karmic deeds are deeds that result in suffering. In fact, any material actions and thoughts lead either to pious consequences or to impious ones. But in any case, there will be suffering. Whether in heaven or hell, we will have to suffer for one reason or another. Paradise is also the temporary residence of the soul and is a cluster of planets superior type, where sensual pleasures are more vividly and lastingly manifested, but it is all the more painful to part with them when the time comes. It can be compared to a trip to a resort. Fun and festivities, but the money is running out and it's time to return.
How to perform activities that do not cause suffering?
This activity is above violence and non-violence. Very often, without using violence, a person performs a heavy karmic action. For example, a policeman who does not pay attention to a crime. The law of karma above this is the level of prescribed duties. Responsibilities determine how in this life we ​​must learn how to benefit people. The policeman must protect through violence, and this is his duty. The fulfillment of duty always cleanses, if there is an exact understanding of what it means for me personally.
Prescribed duties are debts that trail us from past life. These are our abilities, which in a past life we ​​could not use for the benefit of ourselves and people.
The duty of a woman is to bring up holy children, and the duty of a man is to take responsibility for this upbringing. The duty of the merchant is to earn money and donate it to the saints and to maintain the temples. The duty of teachers is to deliver their students from birth, death, old age and disease by giving them higher knowledge.
Thus, by doing one's duty one becomes happy. Even peace cannot be experienced if the mind is burdened with unpaid debts. For a full understanding, it is necessary to consider the last aspect of karma - akarma.

Akarma leads to liberation from the cycle of birth and death, from all kinds of karma.
The prefix "a" means negation, akarma means "no karma" or "inaction".
What is inaction? These are actions that have no consequences. Therefore, these are actions that are not connected with this world. They are called transcendent (transitional). Their other name is religious, that is, associated with the service of God.

Although we are talking about favorable and adverse effects, but in an absolute sense there are no beneficial effects. As long as there are consequences, this is an unfavorable state. Joy always comes with pain. It is compared with a swing: the more you fly in one direction, the more in the other. Therefore, it is necessary to completely get out of the influence of karma.

One who has reached the level of self-realization is not obliged to obey the law of karma, because he devotes all his words, thoughts and deeds to God and does only what God wants from him.
Acting constantly with such a consciousness, one can rise to this level of akarma.
In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna tells Arjuna, “Give up all kinds of religions and just surrender to me. And I will deliver you from all the consequences of your sinful deeds.”
Thus, surrendering oneself to the will of the Lord by serving Him (bhakti-yoga) is the method of getting rid of karma and achieving the state of akarma.
Bhakti and karma are two modes of operation of the mind. Karma makes consciousness rush about, and bhakti makes it one-pointed. The man who understood what pure love to God, begins to work 100 times harder than before, as a real determination to achieve perfection is manifested human life- become a saint.
The purpose of life in the human form of life is to achieve liberation from all kinds of karma. If this goal is not achieved, then it is considered that rebirth in the human form of life is wasted.
One must follow the practice of yoga (the method of establishing connection with the source of akarma) and thus achieve liberation from all kinds of karma and be freed from the cycle of birth and death. The most effective way to do this is mantra meditation in the form of repetition of the Maha-mantra. This method is the prescribed method for the Kali Yuga, the age of general degradation in which we are now living. It sounds like this: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Signs of Achieving the Perfect Level of Akarma: lack of pride, detachment from material attachment, attachment to places of pilgrimage, peace, not a second is wasted, ardent desire to return to God, hope that, despite all my shortcomings, I will achieve a deep relationship with God, constant and deepest taste for chanting the holy name of God, attachment to describing the qualities of the Lord.
Let's bring some consequences of uncultured actions from the point of view of the theory of karma and modern developments:

Diseases and probable cause.

Abscess (abscess).
Disturbing thoughts of hurt, neglect, and revenge. Just learn to forgive!

Friction in the family, disputes. The child feels unwanted (sex for pleasure leads to the birth of varnasankara - unwanted children). Determine the purpose of creating a family and having children.

Base goals do not satisfy the soul and a feeling of one's own uselessness and weakness comes. Lack of understanding of one's duties to the family and society deprives a person of the feeling of love and he looks for it in wine.
Negative attitude towards someone from others. Denial of free will and unwillingness to do the right thing.

Amnesia (loss of memory).
Fear of death from misunderstanding the laws of karma. Frustration in life from constantly doing wrong things.

Rudeness and other negative statements without the desire to change yourself.

Fear for what you have done and negative attitude to all the good things in life.

Criticism, resentment, selfish demand for self-love.

The desire to hide an ugly appearance from a misunderstanding that beauty is determined by the qualities of consciousness.
A small expression of hatred. Insulting others with bad words.

Bronchitis. See also "Respiratory diseases"
Nervous atmosphere in the family. Arguments and screams.

Anger. Desire to hit someone.

Being in a situation you hate. Feeling irregular and overwhelmed by work.

Venereal diseases. See also, "AIDS", "Gonorrhea", "Syphilis"
Extramarital sexual relations.

inflammatory processes.
The conditions that you have to see in life cause anger and frustration. Misunderstanding that a person can be happy inside, and not in external circumstances.

Eye diseases.
You don't like what you see in your own life.

Eye diseases: astigmatism
Fear of seeing yourself in the true light.

Eye diseases: myopia
Fear of the future.

Eye diseases: glaucoma
The most stubborn unwillingness to forgive.

Eye diseases: farsightedness
Reluctance to see what is right in front of you.

Eye diseases: children's
Unwillingness to see what is happening in the family.

Eye diseases: cataract
Not being able to look ahead with joy.

Eye diseases: strabismus.
Action on the contrary.

Unwillingness to hear the truth.

Fear and concentration of anger.

Bitterness. Heavy thoughts. Curses. Pride.

Stomach diseases.
Fear of the new. Inability to learn new things.

Unwillingness to part with outdated thoughts. Stuck in the past. Sometimes in acrimoniousness.

Constant "scrolling in the head" of previous grievances.

Blood, high blood pressure.
Unresolved, chronic emotional problems.

Blood: low blood pressure
Lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood: still nothing will work.

Bleeding gums
Decisions made in life do not cause joy - it's time to think about the meaning of life ..

Fear. Voltage. The desire to control everything.

Concentration of anger and primitive emotions.

Bad breath
Dirty attitudes, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts.

Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs). See also "Pulmonary diseases"

Kidney stones.
Clots of undissolved anger.

Insults of saints.

Hypocrisy. Fear for money and for the future.

Deep wound. An old grudge. Great Mystery or grief do not give rest, devour. Persistence of hatred.

Multiple sclerosis.
Cruelty of thought, usually from killing animals.

Obsession. Intrusive ideas.

Heart: attack (myocardial infarction)
The expulsion from the heart of all joy for the sake of money or a career.

Stubborn unwillingness to part with outdated stereotypes.

Noise in ears
Unwillingness to hear the inner voice. Stubbornness.

You look at life with evil eyes. Anger at someone.

Karma The universal law of cause and effect or the law of conservation of moral energy is "What you sow, so shall you reap." Therefore: the cause of our suffering is ourselves.
Don't kill. The law of karma punishes the killer with death. (blood washes away with his blood). Moreover, a person is responsible for killing not only a person, but also animals.
The word "meat" itself comes from mamsa. MAM - me. SAH - he. Now you are me, then I am you.
When an animal is killed in a slaughterhouse, 6 people are responsible for it: the one who allows, the one who commits, the one who helps, the one who buys the meat, the one who cooks the meat and the one who eats it - they all will killed as many times as there are hairs on a cow's body.

Sinful actions lead to birth in animal forms or on earth under unfavorable conditions:

A prostitute is born as a flowering tree.

Attachment to the opposite sex causes one to be born with the opposite sex. This explains the love at first sight syndrome. A man and a woman, having become attached to each other, are born in similar conditions and sooner or later meet and immediately recognize each other. True, they play completely opposite roles.

If we do not repay our debts, then those to whom we owe are born in our families, and we, unaware of this, with great joy return everything hidden with a vengeance.

The killer of a brahmin teacher becomes a consumptive person.

The killer of a cow is a hunchback or imbecile and will have to be born as many times in hell as there are hairs on the body of a killed cow. Statistics say that on average a person eats at least 4 cows in his life ...

The killer of a virgin becomes a leper.

The killer of a woman and a conceived fetus becomes cruel and an evil person, endowed with numerous diseases, abortion is called World War 3, to which mankind turned a blind eye.

Whoever commits adultery is a eunuch.

Whoever courts the teacher's wife will suffer from skin diseases.

A person who eats the flesh of beings is born in the animal life form, where he is eaten by those he has eaten, and in the human life form he may have a red face.

A drunkard and drug addict suffers from bad teeth.

A Brahmin who, out of greed, eats what should not be eaten, becomes fat-bellied.

One who eats sweets without offering them to others is born with a goiter.

Whoever offers impure food during the Shraddha ceremony is born with pimples or a leper. Our "tradition" to bring and drink alcoholic beverages to the cemetery is undoubtedly very harmful both for us and for the deceased. This only adds to his suffering. Alcohol causes degradation, not elevation.

A person who offends a teacher out of pride becomes an epileptic.

Whoever despises the Vedas and Shastras (holy scriptures) will certainly become afflicted with jaundice and biliousness.

The false witness becomes dumb.

The one who unevenly distributes food between people or brings food of different qualities to different people is born one-eyed.

Who upsets the wedding - becomes lipless.

Whoever steals a book is born blind.

Whoever kicks a cow or kicks a Brahmin is born lame and crippled.

Whoever lies is born a stutterer, and whoever listens to such a liar is born deaf.

The poisoner is born mentally ill.

The arsonist goes bald.

Whoever sells meat is born a loser.

Whoever eats the meat of others is born sick.

Whoever steals jewelry is born into a family of hard workers and servants.

Who steals gold - from that in next life there will be sore nails.

Whoever steals other metals will be a beggar.

Whoever steals food will become a rat.

Who steals grain - locusts.

Whoever steals water will become Chatak's bird. This bird feeds on raindrops.

The one who steals poison will become a scorpion. Poisons also include modern medicines ...

Whoever steals vegetables and plants (leaves) will become a peacock. Russian country thieves, apparently, are already enjoying the Indian expanses.

Whoever steals incense and perfume becomes a muskrat.

Whoever steals honey becomes a horsefly.

Whoever steals meat becomes a vulture.

Whoever steals salt becomes an ant.

Whoever steals betel, fruits and flowers will become a forest monkey.

Whoever steals shoes, grass and cotton will be born from the womb of a sheep.

He who lives by violence, robs on the roads and loves to hunt, will undoubtedly become a goat in the butcher's house.

Whoever dies from drinking poison will become a black snake in the mountains.

Whoever has an unbridled character is born as an elephant in an uninhabited forest.

Those of the twice-born who do not make offerings to the Deity, and who eat all the food without consecration, become tigers in an impenetrable forest. Sanctify your food by reciting the Hare Krishna mantra at least once before eating.

The Brahman who does not chant the Gayatri mantra, who is cunning inwardly but outwardly pious, becomes a crane.

A Brahman who performs worship for a person unworthy of performing a sacrifice becomes a village boar, and if he performs many such sacrifices, he becomes an ass.

If a person does not say mantras before a meal, he becomes a crow. In all religions, there is a mantra or prayer that should be said before eating. Don't neglect it.

A twice-born (teacher) who does not pass on knowledge to the worthy becomes a bull.

A student who does not serve the teacher properly becomes an animal - a donkey or a cow.

Whoever intimidates and despises his teacher or threatens a brahmin is born as a brahmin demon - brahma-rakshasa; a class of evil spirits in a waterless wild desert.

He who does not give what he promised to the twice-born becomes a jackal.

Who is not hospitable to kind people— becomes a howling evil spirit.

He who deceives his friends is born a mountain vulture.

Who cheats in trade - an owl.

Whoever speaks badly about the varna-ashram system (the natural division of society into teachers, warriors, merchants and workers) becomes a dove in the forest.

Who destroys hopes and love, who leaves his wife when he falls out of love - becomes a reddish-brown goose for a long time.

Whoever hates his mother, father, teacher, who quarrels with his sister or brother will be killed in the womb of his mother for a thousand incarnations.

A woman who mistreats her father-in-law and mother-in-law and causes constant quarrels becomes a leech.

A wife who quarrels with her husband becomes a louse.

The one who runs after another man, leaving her husband, is born flying fox, lizard or snake.

The one who ends the genealogy by marrying a woman from his family is born from the womb of a bear.

A voluptuous man who seduces a temperate woman becomes a spirit in the wilderness.

Whoever commits adultery with an underage girl becomes a huge snake in the forest.

Whoever harasses the teacher's wife becomes a chameleon.

Whoever covets the king's wife is corrupted.

He who harasses his friend's wife becomes an ass.

Whoever commits evil against nature will become a village pig. In this regard, the Green movement is very useful.

Who is too passionate - becomes a lustful stallion.

Whoever does not fast on the eleventh day becomes a dog.

Devalaka is called the unfortunate of the twice-born who worshiped deities for the sake of obtaining wealth and therefore is born from the womb of a chicken.

The killer of a brahmin is born from the womb of a donkey, camel or buffalo.

Drunkards and drug addicts come out of the belly of a wolf, dog or jackal.

The one who stole the gold gets the body of a worm, insect or bird.

Who cares for the teacher's wife becomes a grass, a bush or a plant.

Whoever steals another's wife, embezzles deposits, robs a brahmin, is born a brahmin demon.

He who did not fulfill his duty, and experienced the punishment for this in several hells, is born blind and poor, becoming not a giver, but a beggar.

Whoever takes away a piece of land, which he himself or someone else has donated, is born as a worm in feces for sixty thousand years.

The sinner, who has taken away by force what he himself has given, goes to hell before the universal flood.

He who is given the means of subsistence and a piece of land must defend them to the end. He who does not protect, but robs, is born a lame dog.

Whoever supports a brahmana gets fruits equal to the value of a hundred thousand cows; whoever deprives a brahmana of means of subsistence becomes a monkey or a dog.

He who does not give gifts becomes a beggar; suffering from severe want, he commits sins; because of his sins, he goes to hell and is born again in poverty to become a sinner.

The karma that everyone deserves - good or bad - must inevitably be suffered. Unsuffering karma does not disappear even after ten million centuries.”

What to do?

The Bhagavatam has famous history a brahmin named Ajamila. He married a prostitute at the age of 88 and they had a boy, Narayan. Ajamila was very old. At any moment, Yamaraj could come and take him away. Suddenly, he saw a scene he had never seen before. Some amazing people they came for him, threw a rope over him and began to pull him out. He was very afraid of them. He was so frightened that he couldn't control his body's urges. He called his son, "Narayan, Narayan." And immediately, in Vaikuntha, in the spiritual world, Narayana (the name of God) heard His name and sent to Kannoj, near Kanpur, several Vishnudutas (messengers who take the soul to the spiritual world). There was a very hot talk. The Vishnudutas said: "Go away!" And the Yamadutas described his sins in detail. “We are doing our duty,” they said. The Vishnudutas replied, “That is all right, but you cannot neglect one point, that is Narayana. His mouth spoke the words "Narayana" and now he is freed from his sins."
But when you hear about it, don't think that you can just call your sons one of the Lord's names without practicing anything in your life. Please wake up and take a few steps so that you can be released from this process of reincarnation, through the process of chanting the names of God: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Once a year

The fact that the Moon and other luminaries influence our lives, perhaps, will not be a discovery for any of you. Many people already know what auspicious time for good deeds, and, in particular, gifts - the full moon. But did you know that there are days in the lunar calendar when you can change your fate and the fate of your loved ones, simply by presenting them with a book as a gift? But this is no ordinary book!
A few years ago, a group of scientists International Institute Bhaktivedanta presented to the world community astrological calculations and historical descriptions regarding the day of Bhadra Purnima.
Purnima is the full moon day that ends each moon month, and Bhadra is one of the names of the month that falls on the usual solar calendar for August-September. As stated in the Vedic texts, any person can change his fate if on this day he gives someone Holy Bible Srimad-Bhagavatam. This multi-volume work, which is called “the diamond in the treasury of Vedic literature” and “the king of books”, was written down more than five thousand years ago, and in our time, the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust publishing house has carried out its translations into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian.
We will cite a few quotes provided by scholars.
“The knowledge given in Srimad-Bhagavatam can directly alleviate all the material sufferings of people who are foreign to their nature. But most people don't know this. Therefore, the sage Vyasadeva wrote down this Vedic scripture, which is related to the Supreme Truth ”(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 1.7.6).
“Intelligent people, by studying the Srimad-Bhagavatam, as with a sword, cut
tangled knots of karma (activity that entails consequences). Therefore, is there anyone who will remain indifferent to this message? (SB, 1.2.15).
“A sage or scholar who studies the Srimad-Bhagavatam attains a firm understanding in knowledge, a ruler who studies it gains dominion over the entire earth, a merchant and a banker gain immense wealth, and a low-born becomes a saint” (SB, 12.12.65).
"If on the day full moon In the month of Bhadra [August-September], one places the Srimad-Bhagavatam on a golden throne and gives it to someone, he will attain the highest transcendental abode” (SB, 12.13.13).

Those who do not have this book can easily find it and give it to themselves. dear person or even to himself, which, by the way, does not reduce the benefits received from this.

How to find out your karmic tasks, life purpose based on Yijing and using numerological calculation by date of birth? Please

Materials Ruzov Vyacheslav Olegovich

Lectures by Hrdayananda dasa Gosvami. Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Garuda Purana. Lectures by Lokanatha Gosvami. Information provided by the Siberian Center of Vedic Culture. "What's behind the door"? Jayananda Prabhu (D. Burba). Ivan Stevenson, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. "The Way Into Yourself" by Ronald Zürer; "Philosophy of the Vaishnavas".

This book will help followers of the Vaishnava tradition to better understand the role and significance of the law of karma. Psychologists assure that "to get rid of the problem means to realize it." This is already 90% success. The rest is our actions. It's strange… how to get rid of actions (karma) with the help of actions? Just as with the help of one thorn they pull out another from the finger. So get rid of the splinter!
The material of the book is interesting in that it is based on correspondence with apologists for Christian doctrine and with readers of my blog "Psychology of Modern Times". Christian preachers who reject the idea of ​​karma and reincarnation make seemingly convincing arguments, leaving no doubt that karma is a pagan heresy that has nothing to do with the divine plan of salvation. Is it really? The author gives the most common arguments of opponents and demonstrates their inconsistency and fallacy.

I was recently asked here how is it that I seem to listen to a person from the bottom of my heart, delve into his problems, and in the end - all broken, so then the problems begin already in my life. Psychologists, tarot readers, astrologers are especially "unlucky" - in general, everyone who is in the field professional activity constantly communicates with "problem" people. However, no one is safe from the sudden appearance of an upset neighbor in the kitchen. We will not talk now about why such people come to us, about positive and negative thinking, about the law of similarity, etc., I will write about this a little later. Now consider the result: why, after communicating with them, there is a feeling of weakness, what it is and how to protect yourself from it.

Now it is very fashionable to say - karma. Unlucky with her husband - karma. He hit his forehead on the joint - karma. In principle, I have nothing against, you can say so. Just a question: how many people, saying "karma" know the meaning of this word? But behind such an "indefinite" word is a very definite law of being.

With the acceptance (or "copying") of someone else's karma, everything is very simple: I talked with a person - an assessment of myself / his / situation turned on - I condemned - I took on part of his sin / karma for working off. Every time you evaluate, judge or condemn mentally or emotionally someone in communication, even involuntarily, you take on his "sin", you will work it out. And here also an inner sense of guilt creeps up that he condemned, and dissatisfaction with himself or his interlocutor. And that's it, the situation gets emotionally looped. What can help? Only love. Love is such a high vibrational frequency, the vibrational frequency of life, that no "sin" can cling to it. Therefore, one must listen to the other with love. This is mercy. Sweet heart, sweet heart: a heart filled with love. Listen to yourself... Dear heart... Immediately it becomes warmer in the soul.

What are we doing? We are sorry. That is, we sting a person even more painfully, because during pity we automatically put ourselves better than him. After all, it was he who came to us, so we have a better place than him. He complains to us, we pity him. That's how we sting each other the whole conversation, and then broken apart. We forget that both diseases and problems are not given to a person just like that: they are teachers, they pay attention to where a person thinks and acts incorrectly. But if you feel sorry for a person, if his condition "clings" you or triggers a mechanism internal evaluation, then this person is also your teacher. This means that you have every chance to "copy" his sin, so that you can learn your lessons through practicing it. You teach him, he teaches you. And here no one is worse or better, everyone in bows sits at their desks in the first class.

Why is it so hard after communicating with people who are weighed down by guilt or anger, or problems and illnesses? Now it is fashionable to talk about energy vampirism. It's very convenient to be "good". Like, it was not me who was mentally evaluating the conversation, comparing and judging, while he was sorry, but he himself, the scoundrel, came to complain, so he also "sucked off" the energy. And why do the saints not get tired like that, although they have such a stream of suffering much more than one person? And, logically, in such a dense flow, energy vampires simply walk in packs. Because they have more energy? Not so much more, but of a different quality. Why? Because God supports them, and God is love, that is, the saints are constantly in love. And this is a huge work, asceticism and a feat, on the one hand. But on the other hand, each of us has both love and God. And the only thing that prevents us from gaining the constant support of God, that is, being in love, is ourselves. If you listen to a person with love, not only will you not get tired, you will also gain strength. Yes, and your interlocutor will become unspeakably easier, the desire to complain will disappear. And stop hurting each other. Where there is no judgment, there is no condemnation, there is mercy. There is Love there.

Therefore, one should not be afraid or avoid situations with "morally difficult" people. The more you are afraid or avoid, the more often you will be with such people, to paradoxes: in the subway, on the bus, in line and - anywhere. Or after such a "session" to blame or experience guilt, irritation, indignation, etc. If you run away from a lesson, life will persistently offer it to you more and more often. Until you pass or put in a corner with a sobbing neighbor or a hysterical-depressive client. Karma:). Therefore, we keep in mind the law of karma and do not bring the speed of the flying brick to the maximum, but gracefully intercept it in flight.

Emergency rehabilitation course

What should be done immediately after the "session": you need to thank such a "difficult" person and wish him happiness. He brought you a mirror: we looked into it and saw what we often close our eyes to in ourselves. It is possible with words, it is possible with a prayer, the main thing is that sincerely And with love.
For example,
I thank you .... (Aunt Masha) ... for the lesson that you gave me. I wish you happiness.
I give thanks and accept from you everything that contributes to my good. I wish you happiness.
I thank God for sending you to me so that I become purer and wiser.
I love you.
I forgive you.
I'm sorry.
I release you, I cleanse myself.
I wish you happiness.
Thank you.

Inhale and exhale sharply through the nose (make sure that the air comes out through both nostrils). Shake your whole body, shake your legs and arms. You can imagine how you stand under a waterfall and everything dark and negative is washed away by the flow of water deep into the ground. If you feel that this is not enough, take a hot shower, ending with cooler water. Standing in the shower, once again imagine a waterfall that washes everything away from you, and looking at the outgoing water, mentally say: "All mine - to me, all alien - away. I let go of everything bad." Necessarily! thank the water for helping.


There are several very simple techniques how to protect yourself from the negativity of the client / interlocutor.

If you already know the conversation is going to be tough, prepare for it ahead of time. Calm yourself enough to be internally "empty". The state of inner emptiness is the balance of emotions, when none of them is stronger than the other, and the harmony of thoughts, when you hardly think and do not conduct an internal monologue. Let love burn with even warmth in your heart. Exactly this best condition in which low vibrations negative emotions you have nothing to hook on, and you yourself are not involved in what is happening. Tools to achieve this state can be anything: candles, music, meditation. Anything that helps you get into the right state.

Ask higher power help you conduct a session or conversation in such a way that both you and your conversation get only benefit from it. It can be a prayer, an appeal to the Gods or Angels - what helps you and what your soul strives for.

When a "problem" person sits in front of you, mentally surround him with a pink light of love. This will help him and you calm down and keep the conversation as positive as possible.

Well, after the person left, thank all the participants: the "problem" person, higher powers. Clear yourself and space.

And remember: Love is the most best help and protection.
Be blessed!

- the circulation of interactions, which is realized according to the principle "if, then ...". For every action we take, there will always be a reaction, and the stronger we become, the stronger the resistance becomes. This is the essence of evolution: the forward movement, the movement of the game, when, like in chess, one takes a step and the next one is already preparing to strike back until one of them wins.

What is our problem? In what we do to each other unwanted emotions. Life itself is learning, self-observation for the purpose of self-knowledge. In this process, you can learn through joy, or you can learn through pain. We choose pain. We always choose pain. But that's for now. Until we learn self-knowledge through joy.

Just believe that life can be easy. Not carefree, like in a resort where you only need to sunbathe in the sun. Eventually, you will get tired of it. You will want to play tennis, go scuba diving, see the sights and get to know the local customs. But while we come into this life not to rest, but to fight. Meanwhile, life is not war. Rather, life may not be a war, but the very resort where we can choose to know ourselves through joy.

To start this process, you need to start by clearing karma. Its principle is simple, just like the principle of evolution:

  1. There are always predators; aggressors; attackers;
  2. There are always herbivores; victims; passive people.

Examples: a tyrant husband in relation to a victim wife; the teacher shows his power over the student; mother punishes defenseless children; boss orders subordinates. Our roles can change, some of us are a full-fledged predator, and some of us are a full-fledged victim, but basically people use roles, turning into a tyrant at work and becoming a sheep at home, or behaving like a master in a circle of households and becoming quiet in outside world. There may be many options.

Based on these two different poles of action (active and passive), we interact with each other like animals in nature:

  1. The aggressor attacks the victim and kills her;
  2. The aggressor attacks the aggressor and as a result the strongest wins;
  3. The victim runs away from the aggressor and escapes, the aggressor is left with nothing;
  4. The victim dies from lack of food if other herbivores eat everything.

Examples: the boss fires an employee who may not have been guilty of something (1); two boxers in the ring and the strongest wins (2); the wife divorces her husband and moves away from him, recalling his beatings with horror (3); parents give their child the last, denying themselves everything, if only the child would break out into people (4).

Considering that we are not animals, but conscious beings, we can stop the action of karma by simply forgiving, quitting the game. You just need to break the chain of interaction by climbing another, more quality level playing neither the role of the aggressor nor the role of the victim.

Forgiveness is a tricky thing. It is very difficult to forgive insults, aggression, disrespect. But if you are able to cope with this, then you are cleansed of karma.

For example, a child cannot forgive his parents for cruelty. He grows up and begins to take revenge. Even if the parents understand how badly they treated their baby, it doesn’t mean anything until everyone asks each other for forgiveness. An adult son or daughter must forgive the aggression of the parents; he must also forgive himself for hating his parents. Parents should ask for forgiveness from the child and forgive themselves for aggression.

This will be a complete break in the karmic relationship. Ease is the main indicator of forgiveness.

By the way, many are interested in how to feel that forgiveness has worked? “And in your soul it will become easy for you” - this is how a person who has managed to forgive should feel. Wounds can hurt, they can take a long time to heal, but if you no longer feel evil in the depths of your soul, if you have forgiven a person, if you have stopped judging him, karma has collapsed.

It is difficult to trace any actions of karma precisely because of our inability to see the cause and effect relationship. This is part of the training program, as the spiritual guides say. We ourselves agree not to remember past lives, and we often forget in real life their sins, so that the game of the karmic bundle goes as realistically as possible. After all, it is very difficult to understand without context why a child was destined to be born into a family of moral freaks who ruined his life, although it had not even begun yet. But we would easily answer our question if we knew that in a past life this child was a violent rapist. We ourselves agree to play this or that role in order to understand karma, to understand how hard the game can be and how hard it is to stop (forgive) playing it.

But we don't even need to look at past lives. All karmic connections are visible right here and now. We meet lousy bosses, terrible partners, we were born in the wrong country, at the wrong time, in the wrong conditions. We are forever unhappy, but the point is only to forgive and let go. By continuing the game, you increase karma. You can keep playing. Nobody will forbid you. But do you want to continue to live in this torment.

Forgiveness can be easy if you put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to see things through their eyes. It won't be a weakness. We are taught to be aggressors, to get our way, but this will never be a weakness. Understanding is wisdom, not weakness. Forgive the offender, forgive yourself for the hurt, and move on. The less fear and aggression you have in your life, the easier your karma will be. In the end, you will get rid of it and you will be able to study self-knowledge through joy.

The question of how to clear karma has become of concern to many due to the growing popularity of esoteric sciences. When nothing goes right in your life, problems arise with work, relationships and well-being, experts advise paying attention to working out, which can be the cause of failure.

We will try to figure out how to clean up karma: what needs to be done for this, so that in the end life will change for the better.

So you've decided that karmic problems present in your life and set out to solve them. To do this, you need to know how to clear karma yourself. There are four ways that are available to everyone and are quite feasible.

Method One: Good Deeds

The good that you bring to the world is the best cleansing of karma. The more good deeds, the more goodness will boomerang back into your life. How do you determine what actions to take? To do this, pay attention to what makes your life suffer the most:

  • Are you suffering from some kind of disease? Or you are simply often overcome by ailments, your immunity is weak, you easily catch any infection. So, you need to devote time to helping sick people. Donate money for treatment (just be sure to check that they are used for their intended purpose - alas, there are a lot of scammers now). Come to nursing homes and take care of elderly helpless people. Help homeless animals
  • Constantly lacking money? Give a small portion of the money to those who need it. For example, buy toys for orphans. Feed stray dogs. Important: you don’t need to give money to adults who are able to provide for themselves, but just to lazy people - this way you will only worsen your karma.

By analogy, choose other good deeds. And remember - you need to do them from a pure heart, not expect gratitude and act not on the basis of what you will be rewarded with.

Method two: Eliminate destructive actions

It also happens this way: a person does good deeds in one area, but harms people, the environment in another. Therefore, eliminate everything that destroys from your life:

  • stop polluting environment. How many times have you thrown trash past the bin? Left behind a mess after spending time outdoors with friends? Treat nature with love and gratitude - this is very important
  • Get your relationship with your loved ones in order. Quarrels, conflicts, insults, mutual reproaches and claims must be stopped. Do you want to quarrel? It is better to find kind, fair, polite words to convey to the person what you want. Are you yelling at your child for messing up the room again? It’s better to calmly ask to clean up, and then play together. Drink your husband? Better do something nice for him

As soon as dirt, evil deeds, swearing and other negativity leave your life, your well-being will improve, and things will go smoothly. Change yourself - the world around you will also change. This is where the cleansing of karma should begin.

Method Three: Cleansing Karma Through Prayers, Mantras and Meditations

The Universe always hears and fulfills your requests. Spiritual practices allow you to establish maximum contact with her and increase the chances of being heard. Therefore, often turn to her through prayers, mantras, meditations. Ask for help.

Not bad if you learn how to make the right affirmations. This is a well-formed request that does not sound like “I want”, but “I have”. That is, you define a desire, and then express it as if it had already been fulfilled.

For example: “I am healthy and happy” instead of “I want to be cured”, “There is harmony and love in my relationship with my husband” instead of “I want to stop quarreling with my beloved”. It is important that the text does not contain a particle of “not” and a negative message.

Method Four: Spiritual purification through asceticism

How to clean karma on your own if the situation is critical? In this case, you need to turn to the toughest, but also the most effective way. It is necessary to practice asceticism - thanks to it, a global spiritual purification occurs.

What does it mean to observe asceticism:

  • Observe strict post: Refuse meat and food waste. It's hard, but it doesn't hurt to be a vegetarian for a while, and you will feel incredibly light.
  • Be alone with yourself and nature. Try to find an opportunity and go on a trip where you will be alone, surrounded by nature. Well, if there is water nearby. A tent, a forest, the energy of water and air - this perfectly cleanses karma
  • Reading prayers and meditations. This must be done precisely during the period of loneliness, hermitage.
  • Sexual abstinence. Especially for those who are used to promiscuity, do not have a permanent partner and are content with casual sex.
  • Abstinence from negative thoughts, refusal to use bad, swear words in speech. Stop all your own attempts to think badly. Try to focus on positive thoughts only.

All of the above should be done at the same time. An ascetic way of life for even a short period of time gives tremendous enlightenment, spiritual purification, harmonization of the inner state.

Guest article

Karma is a concept that came to us from India. Literally, it means the result of any action. If a person commits a lot of evil (consciously or unconsciously), his karma becomes bad. As a result, he attracts misfortunes into his future, something bad. If a lot of positive energy is generated around a person, his karma becomes good - thus he provides himself with a happy and harmonious life. A huge number of peoples have similar beliefs, they have similar or identical interpretations, but are called differently.

What can happen if karma is bad?

The consequences of a past thoughtless life can be very different. Bad karma attracts diseases, early death, various misfortunes, financial troubles, etc. Undesirable behavior from the point of view of the laws of life can come back to haunt absolutely any problem. Therefore, many people think about how to return to the bright path, how to atone for all past sins. Let's figure out how to get rid of bad karma.

Step 1: Take Responsibility for All Your Misconduct

Very often a person explains his undesirable behavior by circumstances, the behavior of other people and other third-party factors. But under such a condition, there can be no question of any redemption. The first step is to admit all your mistakes and mistakes. You can even take a notebook and write down absolutely everything that you remember over all the previous years. These can be minor offenses like “crossed the road in the wrong place”, and big mistakes - “betrayed a friend”, “appropriated the found wallet”, etc. Speaking of karma, you need to understand that we are talking It's not just about interacting with people. If animals or nature as a whole suffered from your actions, these are also points that need to be worked out.

Step 2: Ask for forgiveness if possible

It is far from always possible to ask for forgiveness from the people you have hurt. But if these people are still within reach, it definitely needs to be done. And it doesn't matter how much they need it themselves. Even if it seems that a person has long forgotten about the situation, it is worth asking for forgiveness from him. Here it is not so much about the fact that he himself must forgive, but about the fact that the universe will hear the sincere message of the one who dreams of such forgiveness.

Step 3: Get Your Thoughts in Order

Karma is spoiled not only by bad deeds, but also by unwanted thoughts. That is why people who want to align their energy and improve future life, you need to pay a lot of attention to what is going on in your head. Meditations, prayers, various psychological techniques will help a lot with this. You need to recognize the reasons for all your bad thoughts: envy, fatigue, unwillingness to bear responsibility, etc. Then, each reason needs to be worked out. Various trips help to understand oneself very well, especially for a long time and to places where life flows in a relaxed, calm way. Therefore, many choose for these purposes warm countries. If it is not possible to go far, you can go to nature - to some small quiet village. It is advisable to alternate meditation with productive physical labor, which also helps to free the head from excess.

Step 4: direct energy to good deeds

Correcting karma without doing good deeds will not work. But there are no restrictions at this point - a person can choose the path to which his soul lies. You can plant trees, help orphans who are sick, you can earn big money in an honest way and share it with those in need. It is very important to choose for yourself the direction that will bring joy. If good is done through force and only for show, there will be no effect from this.

A person embarking on the path of correction must generally correct his behavior, his thoughts. He must accept the world as different, learn to interact with people so that everyone feels good. Step-by-step and responsible work on oneself will help to radically change life and destiny - this has already been verified huge amount of people.