There were legends about General Troshev. So, he could not sleep for days, sharing with his subordinates all the hardships of military life (the soldiers called him lovingly "batya"). He personally flew over the territory of hostilities in a helicopter, and in the battle for Argun he gave commands from the air, from the window. Somehow, in the fog, the helicopter almost ran into a high-voltage line, and only the skill of the pilot Alexander Dzyuba, who passed through Afghanistan, saved the life of the commander. Another time, the general's helicopter was shot down, and he landed right on the cemetery. But no one was hurt.

Troshev tried, where he could, to avoid bloodshed. The Vostok grouping often managed to take settlements without a fight. For the operation in Dagestan and the courage shown during the hostilities in Chechnya, the general was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. The award was presented personally by President Boris Yeltsin.

Unlike his other colleagues, Gennady Troshev was always open to the press, wrote several books about the events in Chechnya, the most famous of which is My War. Chechen diary of a trench general (2001).

In December 2002, Troshev received a new appointment - to head the Siberian Military District. And this is after so many years of life and career have been given to the Caucasus! The general resigned. In February 2003, he took the post of presidential adviser, oversaw the issues of the Cossacks. It was said that all this was not just. Like, the general was seriously guilty: his name was associated with the death of the legendary sixth company of 90 special forces, who stood in the way of a two-thousand-strong group of militants who were trying to break into the area of ​​​​the Argun Gorge. But this is only speculation, there are no direct facts ...

Battles and victories

Soviet and Russian military commander, colonel general, commander of the federal troops during the fighting in Chechnya and Dagestan (1995-2002). Hero Russian Federation.

The position of General Troshev was extremely clear: “Any stop of the war is a half-measure and a crime. Only by completely destroying and dispersing the gangs will we be able to live and work in peace.” At the same time, a feature of his strategy was the desire to minimize losses through competent negotiations.

In the preface of one of his books, he admitted that he could not fulfill the behest of his father, a combat pilot who completed the Great Patriotic War in Berlin, who at the age of 43 fell under the famous Khrushchev reduction and once in his hearts said to his son: “So that your legs were not in the army!” At first, the future Hero of Russia really entered the institute as an architect, but then the Cossack genes nevertheless took their toll - the hereditary Terek Cossack filed a report with a request to enroll him in the Kazan Tank School.

In 1969 he graduated from college, then military academy Armored Forces and the Military Academy of the General Staff, after which he served in various positions in tank troops, was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lviv Volunteer Tank Division.

Zhukov of the 21st century, as many called General Troshev, passed hard way. And the central place on this path, of course, belongs to Chechnya. In one of his interviews, when asked by a correspondent what it was like for him, a native of Chechnya, to fight in his native land, sighing heavily, Troshev replied: “Of course, it’s a shame. Of course, it's hard to fight on your own land, Russian land. Especially where he was born and raised. Maybe that's why he was a special officer...

Photo: Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth. General Troshev

In January 1995, when, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense, the transfer of army units from most Russian military districts to the Grozny region began, Troshev was appointed commander of the grouping of troops of the Ministry of Defense in the Chechen Republic. Over the next three years until 1997 inclusive, Gennady Nikolayevich commanded the 58th Army, and from July 29, 1997 he became deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District.

This person has not only military talent, but also good organizational skills, enjoys authority in the army. In addition, he is a man of action. There are not enough of them in the country now. People in the Duma are more inclined to talk. And the executive branch lacks the rigidity inherent in Troshev.

Pyotr Kuznetsov, lieutenant colonel of the Airborne Forces

With the outbreak of hostilities in Dagestan in August 1999, Troshev was given command of the operation to clear the Kadar zone of militants. It was he who developed and carried out the operation to block and destroy gangs in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi and liberate the Novolaksky district of Dagestan.

Photo: Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth. General Troshev

In October 1999, Troshev received a new appointment as deputy commander of the joint group of troops in the North Caucasus, and in December of the same year he became the first deputy commander of the joint group.

By December 1999, federal forces controlled the entire flat part of the territory of the Chechen Republic. The militants concentrated in the mountains (about 3,000 people) and settled in Grozny. A special group of troops was created to fight the militants. On December 26, 1999, she began her task. During the assault on Grozny, three defense rings had to be broken through, but on February 6, 2000, the city was taken under the control of federal forces. To fight in mountainous areas Chechnya, in addition to the eastern and western groups operating in the mountains, a new grouping "Center" was created. On February 25, 27, 2000, units of the "West" blocked Kharsenoy, and the "Vostok" group closed the militants in the Ulus-Kert, Dachu-Borzoy, Yaryshmardy areas. On February 29, federal forces occupied Shatoi. On the same day, Gennady Troshev, commander of the United Forces, declared that “with the capture of Shatoi, the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya has been completed. An operation to destroy small groups of militants will be carried out for another two or three weeks.” Then he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

January 7, 2000 Gennady Troshev was appointed Deputy Commander of the OGFS. In February, he was promoted to the rank of Colonel General. Two months later, on April 21, Troshev was appointed commander of the Joint Group of Federal Forces in the North Caucasus. At the end of May 2000, the Colonel General headed the command of the troops of the North Caucasian Military District.

Photo: Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth. General Troshev

What is the peculiarity of the strategy of Gennady Nikolaevich Troshev? In diplomacy. In an effort to minimize losses through competent negotiations. Thanks to this, the mountainous part of Chechnya was under the control of federal forces without direct military clashes, which, however, did not reduce the intensity of the struggle - attacks continued. But in moral terms, the advance of the troops played a big role in the defeat of the militants. Resistance inexorably subsided for one reason: the troops were garrisoned in almost every significant settlement in Chechnya, thereby removing the question of the relevance of the Ichkerian authorities. The irreconcilable had to go underground, huddle in cellars and caves.

It was Troshev who, back in the autumn of 1999, entered into a dialogue with Akhmad Kadyrov, the Chechen mufti, who was “demoted” by Maskhadov for his call to come to his senses and prevent a war. In fact, it was Troshev who "appointed" the Maskhadov family as the rulers of Chechnya. The general managed to find a common language with the mufti, despite the fact that Kadyrov once declared jihad on the Russian military. Strange, at first glance, the symbiosis of the spiritual leader of Ichkeria and Russian general gave a real result: the second largest and most important city of Chechnya, Gudermes, a major railway junction in the North Caucasus, was taken without a fight. This made it possible to quickly deploy forces during the counter-terrorist operation. Moreover, Gennady Troshev, thanks to his connection with Akhmad Kadyrov, achieved what seemed almost impossible: he made one of the most combat-ready detachments of Chechen fighters under the command of the youngest "brigadier general" in the history of Ichkeria, Sulim Yamadayev, leave the city and leave without a fight into the mountains. The Yamadayev brothers were the backbone of Kadyrov, and they were the only ones who obeyed him. They were the first to go over to the side of the federal forces.

Photo: Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth. General Troshev

This is how the so-called Chechen special forces of the Russian Defense Ministry were born. In January 2000, the general flew by helicopter to the village of Benoi, located in the Vedeno district, a stronghold of the rebels. Here Troshev handed the Russian flag to one of the Yamadayevs - Dzhabrail - and ordered the creation of a special forces company. The militants of Sulim Yamadayev, who made the war his meaning of life, joined the formation. The Yamadayevites began to smash the Wahhabis throughout mountainous Chechnya. The Vostok battalion began to operate, the fighters of which shot down a Saudi intelligence officer Abu al-Walid in the mountains of Chechnya, recaptured his body from the militants and took him to Rostov. By the way, Vostok successfully performed during the conflict with Georgia. So part of the merit in the operation to force Georgia to peace belongs to General Troshev, who at one time supported and directed the Chechen special forces in the right direction.

Only by completely destroying and dispersing the gangs will we be able to live and work in peace. We are Chechens, and Dagestanis, and Russians - all ...

The result of all these actions of Troshev was several vendettas declared to the general by very influential Chechen teips. Moreover, despite the "softness" of military tactics, he was a staunch supporter of bringing the war to the very end without any compromises. He defined his position clearly and precisely: “... any stoppage of the war is a half-measure and a crime. Only by completely destroying and dispersing the gangs will we be able to live and work in peace. We are Chechens, Dagestanis, and Russians - everyone... And I can't say that today this history will not repeat itself. Once again we hear statements from some politicians that the war must be stopped, that it is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table. Who to sit with? With executioners, sadists who enjoy brutal murders and film them "for history"? With the "popularly elected" Maskhadov? That "people's" who, during the three years of his reign, proved his complete impotence and lack of rights. What to negotiate with him? Over the years, he has not been able to stop the kidnappings, he has not disarmed the gangs, he has not only been unable to stop the invasion of Dagestan, but he has not even dared to condemn it. With whom to negotiate? Just for the sake of negotiations, so that Europe is calm? .. "

Photo: Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth. General Troshev

Like grandson and great grandson Terek Cossacks and as a soldier Russian army, who had to fight in the Caucasus, he could not ignore the question of the future for the Cossack clans on the original Cossack lands, which are today within the administrative-territorial boundaries of Chechnya. “I think so,” Gennady Nikolaevich reasoned, “the Cossacks should return to these lands and live as before: in Shelkovskaya, Naursky, Nadterechny districts and many others inside the republic on flat or foothill areas. Today, Kadyrov, who was elected president of Chechnya, the Chechen people must understand - they always lived well with the Cossacks, always the Cossacks carried culture and everything good. The Chechens themselves, left face to face with difficulties without the Cossacks, without the Russian-speaking population, simply will not pull out what needs to be revived there today.”

It is difficult to say whether the combat general, who called himself a "trenchman", was satisfied with the new role of a politician. However, in his person, the citizens of Russia discovered new type a Russian general who knows how not only to fight successfully, but also to speak, clearly and understandably for the whole world to state the essence of ongoing events, which many of our politicians could not boast of. In parallel with the main activity of the legendary general, his books “My War: Chechen Diary of a Trench General” (2001), “Chechen Relapse. Notes of the commander "(2003). What caused them to appear? The answer is in the words of the author: “The Chechen war made many politicians, military leaders and even bandits widely known both in our country and abroad. Most of them I knew and know personally. I know who is who, what lies behind the words and deeds of each person involved. I admit that my assessments are too personal. But even in this case, I think that I can publicly express my attitude towards many "glorious characters of the Chechen wars." Even obliged to do so, if only for the sake of completeness. I was also prompted to talk about the war in the North Caucasus by the desire to warn everyone against repeating the serious mistakes made in the 1990s - both political and military. We must learn the bitter lessons of Chechnya. And this is impossible without a sober, calm and deep analysis of all the events that have taken place in this republic over the past ten years. I hope that my memories will contribute to this.

In his book “Chechen relapse. Notes of the commander" Gennady Troshev wrote: "Chechens and Russians have to pay for the restoration of peace at the cost of their lives. How did Dzhabrail Yamadayev, Musa Gazimagomadov, dozens of other courageous Chechens pay for it, who, shoulder to shoulder with the soldiers of the Russian law enforcement agencies, defended and restored peace and tranquility on this earth. Gennady Troshev also paid his price for peace in the Caucasus and Russia...

On September 14, 2008, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Gennady Troshev died in a plane crash in Perm. The question of the causes of the disaster remains open ...

SURZHIK D.V., Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov:

As commander of the United Group Russian troops in the North Caucasus, he very painfully experienced the events that were then taking place in his homeland. Thanks to such military generals as Gennady Troshev, it was possible to save in those terrible years a large number of military and civilian, although there could have been many more casualties. He often himself went to negotiations with the elders and urged them to influence the militants, tried to resolve the situation by peaceful means.

Putin about Troshev:

This is an experienced leader. In addition, he lived in Grozny for a long time, he understands the inhabitants of the republic well and sensitively.

Boeing 737. There were 88 people on board the crashed liner: 82 passengers and 6 crew members. None of them managed to survive.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the families and friends of the victims. " Government Commission will make every effort to investigate the circumstances of the plane crash and provide assistance to the families of the victims," ​​Putin stressed.

Numerous condolences come to Russia from abroad. In particular, during telephone conversations with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, words of sympathy and support were conveyed by the Presidents of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao, official representative Iranian Foreign Ministry, Estonian Foreign Minister and other world leaders, public and religious figures.

Governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov instructed the Ministry of Finance of the region to allocate from the reserve fund of the regional government to the Ministry social development 8.8 million rubles to provide financial assistance close relatives and families of those killed in the crash. "The amount of payment for each deceased will be 100,000 rubles," RIA Novosti's interlocutor said.

Relatives of those killed in the crash will be paid compensation of 12 thousand rubles (12 minimum wages) and, in accordance with the 2008 amendments to the Air Code, Aeroflot will pay another compensation - up to 2 million rubles for each person killed in the crash.

A street in Grozny will be named after one of the passengers, Colonel-General Gennady Troshev, said Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

The former commander of the North Caucasian Military District, Hero of Russia, Colonel General Gennady Troshev was heading to the city of Krasnokamsk for a sambo tournament: Troshev was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Federation of this type of wrestling. According to media reports, at the request of the Federation, the general interrupted his vacation in order to be in time for the opening of the tournament in memory of Vasily Shvai. Besides, Perm region- His father's birthplace.

General Troshev was perhaps the most famous military man in Russia. He was one of the commanders of the Russian army in both Chechen campaigns, rose to the rank of general, commanded the district, liberated his native Grozny from militants, became the main Cossack of the country and met death face to face more than once.

Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich was born on March 14, 1947 in Berlin. He spent his childhood in Germany, then moved to Moscow, where he entered the Institute of Land Management Engineers. Despite the exhortations and prohibitions of his father, who punished his son "so that your foot is not in the army!", Troshev filed a report with a request to enroll him in the Kazan Tank School. In 1976 he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces, and in 1988 - from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

Troshev served in various positions in the tank troops. He was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lvov Volunteer Tank Division in Germany, and then from 1994 to 1995 the commander of the 42nd Army Corps of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO). In 1995, he took command of the 58th Army of the North Caucasus Military District, and also commanded the Joint Group of Forces of the Ministry of Defense in Chechnya during the first Chechen war. It was he who developed and carried out the operation to block and destroy gangs in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi and liberate the Novolaksky district of Dagestan during the operation to clear the Kadar zone from militants.

In July 1997, Troshev took over as deputy commander of the North Caucasian Military District; two years later - in August 1999 - he headed the grouping of federal forces in Dagestan, and in 2000 - the United Grouping of Federal Forces in the North Caucasus.

From May 2000 to December 2002, Troshev was commander of the North Caucasian Military District. In February 2003, he was appointed Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation for coordinating the activities of the offices of presidential plenipotentiaries in federal districts to provide methodological guidance for the activities of the Cossack societies included in State Register Cossack societies in the Russian Federation. On March 30, 2004, after the reorganization of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, he was again approved as an adviser to the president.

Troshev was also co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Foundation "Public Recognition", Independent organization « Civil society» and the National Civil Committee for Cooperation with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Authorities.

Gennady Troshev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (1999) for the antiterrorist operation in Dagestan and Chechnya; awarded the orders: "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree (1990), Friendship of Peoples (1994), "For Military Merit" (1995), "Peter the Great. For the strengthening of the Russian state" (2003). Cavalier of the Golden Badge of Honor "Public Recognition" (1999) and the badge of honor "Golden Shield of the Economy" (2004). In 2001 he was awarded the highest award of the International Prizes Fund - the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "For the increase of goodness on Earth"; laureate of awards A.V. Suvorov (2000), im. G.K. Zhukov - for outstanding contribution to the development and strengthening of the defense capability of the Russian Federation (2002).

As Troshev's relatives and colleagues noted, each award was deserved by him: all the years spent in the Chechen Republic, Troshev tried to merge with the conflicts in the region in a peaceful way - by negotiating with the population.

According to Gennady Alekhin, Troshev's former press secretary, since September, the Colonel General planned to start new job. “Just two weeks ago, they spoke to him on the phone, and he said: “I’ll still bring some benefits, now I’ll rest a little, and in September I’ll go to some new job.” He didn’t say what kind of work it would be, he only spoke that "most likely state structures", - said Gennady Alekhin. He stressed that Troshev "was surprisingly energetic, not at all like a pensioner."

In addition, he noted, journalists treated Troshev very well: “It was not for nothing that he was called the “best newsmaker” in the journalistic environment, especially for the events in the Caucasus - for the first and second Chechen campaigns. He, as they say, was in authority among journalists because he always spoke the truth, even if it was not flattering. His books testify to this." Gennady Alekhin recalled that Troshev's last book, The Chechen Break, was published in March of this year (the first two are My War and The Chechen Relapse). "There was no talk about the next book. He said:" time will tell - maybe I'll write something else, "he said.

The material was prepared by the editors of based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich

Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich(1947-2008) - Colonel General, Commander of the Joint Group of Forces of the Russian Ministry of Defense during the First Chechen War. He took part in repulsing the invasion of militants in Dagestan (August 1999), during the Second Chechen War he commanded the Vostok group of the Joint Federal Forces in the North Caucasus, and in 2000 he headed the Joint Group of Federal Forces.


Gennady Troshev was born on March 14, 1947 in the capital of Germany, Berlin (according to other sources, he was born on March 15, 1947 in Grozny, CHIASSR). Father - Nikolai Troshev - a career officer, military pilot, graduate of the Krasnodar Aviation School; participant in World War II, ended the war in Berlin. Mother - Nadezhda Trosheva - Cossack.

He spent his childhood years in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1965, Troshev entered the Faculty of Architecture of the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers, but after the death of his father, he dropped out.

Military career

In 1969, Gennady Troshev graduated from the Kazan Higher Tank School named after the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Tatar ASSR.

Troshev served in various positions in the tank troops, was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lviv Volunteer Tank Division.

In 1976 he graduated from the Military Academy of the Armored Forces and in 1988 from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

During the First and Second Chechen Wars

Since 1994, Gennady Troshev commanded the 42nd Vladikavkaz army corps North Caucasian Military District (SKVO).

In January 1995, Troshev was appointed commander of the grouping of troops of the Ministry of Defense in the Chechen Republic.

In July 1995, he became commander of the 58th combined arms army SKVO.

On September 3, 1999, Gennady Troshev was given command of the Joint Grouping of Federal Forces in Dagestan.

In October 1999, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the Joint Group of Forces (OGV) in the North Caucasus, Viktor Kazantsev, commander of the special forces battalion "Vostok" of the Joint Federal Forces in the North Caucasus. In December 1999, Troshev was appointed First Deputy Commander of the United Forces.

In the winter of 1999, a group under the command of Gennady Troshev occupied the second largest city in Chechnya, Gudermes, almost without a fight. This happened after the general's negotiations with the then field commanders, the brothers Sulim and Ruslan Yamadayev, on whose detachments the President of Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov entrusted the task of defending the city.

In February 2000, Gennady Troshev was awarded the rank of Colonel General.

April 14, 2000 (according to other sources: April 21) Troshev was appointed commander of the United Forces in the North Caucasus. From May 31, 2000 - Commander of the North Caucasus Military District.

On May 15, 2001, Gennady Troshev temporarily headed the grouping of federal forces in Chechnya (Troshev's appointment is connected with the departure of Valery Baranov, commander of the United Forces, for 45 days).


Russian human rights activists Oleg Orlov and Alexander Cherkasov in their book "Russia - Chechnya: a chain of mistakes and crimes" mention that the 58th Army of the North Caucasus Military District during the period of its command by Troshev used local residents during cleansing operations in Chechen villages as a human shield.

Chechen separatists declared Troshev a "war criminal". In 2000, the "Military Majlisul Shura of the Mujahideen" operating at that time appointed a monetary reward for Troshev's head.

On June 4, 2001, an interview with Gennady Troshev appeared in the Izvestia newspaper, in which he stated: "Yes, I am for the death penalty for Chechen fighters! ... The most painful execution! I would do this: I would gather everyone in the square, hang up the bandit and the path hangs, let everyone see!". Chairman Russian Society"Memorial" Sergey Kovalev, who was a deputy at that time State Duma Russian Federation, called the words of the commander of the North Caucasian Military District "monstrous", and Troshev himself - a cruel, stupid and hysterically inclined person, and made claims to the authorities, who consider it possible for the general to continue to stay in his position.


In December 2002, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree dismissing General Gennady Troshev from his post as commander of the North Caucasian Military District. He was asked to take the post of commander of the Siberian Military District.

On December 17, 2002, at a press conference in Makhachkala, Troshev publicly made a statement refusing this proposal. Putin considered Troshev's public discussion of the decisions taken by the leadership of the Armed Forces unacceptable, and on December 18, 2002, he was dismissed.

public service

On February 25, 2003, Gennady Troshev was appointed Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation for coordinating the activities of the offices of presidential plenipotentiaries in the federal districts to provide methodological guidance for the activities of Cossack societies included in the state register of Cossack societies in the Russian Federation.

In November 2003, General Troshev declared that "there is no war in Chechnya today, and only those who have not laundered all the money are crying about the war." He also claimed that the Russian military in Chechnya "was forbidden to carry out cleansing operations and enter courtyards." However, according to the testimonies of local residents and human rights activists, at that moment, “large-scale cleansing operations”, when federal forces cordoned off settlements and carried out general searches in houses, accompanied by arbitrary detention of people, were replaced in Chechnya by other, no less terrible “targeted cleansings”, having approximately the same consequences for the population as "large-scale".

On March 30, 2004, after the reorganization of the presidential administration of Russia, Troshev was again approved as an adviser to the president.

Gennady Troshev was co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Foundation "Public Recognition", the Independent Organization "Civil Society" and the National Civil Committee for Cooperation with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Bodies.


Gennady Troshev died on September 14, 2008 as a result of a disaster passenger aircraft Boeing-737 belonging to the Aeroflot-Nord airline and en route from Moscow to Perm.

On September 21, 2008, the mayor of the capital of Chechnya, Muslim Khuchiev, signed an order to rename Krasnoznamennaya Street, located in the Leninsky District of Grozny, into Gennady Troshev Street.


In 1999, Gennady Troshev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia "for conducting an anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus." He was awarded the orders "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree (1990), Friendship of Peoples (1994), "For Military Merit" (1995), "Peter the Great. For Strengthening the Russian State" (2003) and more than 20 medals. Cavalier of the Golden Badge of Honor "Public Recognition" (1999) and the badge of honor "Golden Shield of the Economy" (2004). In 2001, he was awarded the highest award of the International Prizes Fund - the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "For the increase of goodness on Earth." Winner of the A.V. Suvorov Prize (2000), the G.K. Zhukov Prize for outstanding contribution to the development and strengthening of the defense capability of the Russian Federation (2002). In August 2007, Gennady Troshev was awarded the highest award of the Chechen Republic - the Order of Akhmat Kadyrov.



Wife and two daughters.


  1. One hundred great generals. Russian Military Historical Society.
  2. Website of the Fund for Patriotic Education of Youth named after General Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich.
  3. Russia - Chechnya: a chain of mistakes and crimes. M .: "Links", 1998.
  4. Izvestia, 04.06.2001.
  5. IA "Interfax".
  6. IA "Rosbalt".

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Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich - Deputy Commander of the Joint Group of Forces in the North Caucasus, Commander of the Vostok Group, Lieutenant General.

Born on March 14, 1947 in the center of the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany (now the capital of Germany) the city of Berlin in the family of an officer. Russian. He spent his childhood years in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Since 1965 - in Soviet army. In 1969 he graduated from the Kazan Higher Command Tank School. He served in various positions in the tank troops. In 1976 he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after R.Ya. Malinovsky, and in 1988 - the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. From August 1988 to September 1991 - commander of the 10th Ural-Lvov Volunteer Tank Division of the Group Soviet troops in Germany.

From 1994 to 1995 he commanded the 42nd Vladikavkaz Army Corps of the North Caucasian Military District. In January 1995, by order of the Minister of Defense, the transfer of army units from most Russian military districts to the Grozny region began. In the same month, Troshev was appointed commander of the grouping of troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic. Member of the first Chechen war (1994-1996). Lieutenant General (05/05/1995).

From 1995 to 1997 - Commander of the 58th Army of the North Caucasian Military District. On July 29, 1997, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the North Caucasian Military District. In August 1999, he became commander of the grouping of federal forces in Dagestan.

With the outbreak of hostilities in Dagestan in August 1999, Troshev was entrusted with command of the operation to clean up Islamic militants Kadar zone. It was Troshev who developed and carried out the operation to block and destroy gangs in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi and liberate the Novolaksky district of Dagestan. Troshev knew how to prepare not only military, but also political support for the upcoming operation. He negotiated with the elders settlements, located on the path of advancement of the troops, and during these negotiations Troshev proved himself to be a good diplomat.

Since October 1999, the deputy commander of the Joint Group of Forces in the North Caucasus and the commander of the Vostok group, led its actions during the second Chechen war.

At By order of the President of the Russian Federation of December 4, 1999, for the courage and heroism shown in the liquidation of illegal armed groups, Lieutenant General Troshev Gennady Nikolayevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Since December 1999 - First Deputy Commander of the Joint Group. On January 7, 2000, he was appointed deputy commander of the Joint Grouping of Federal Forces.

On April 21, 2000, he was appointed commander of the Joint Grouping of Federal Forces in the North Caucasus, on May 31, 2000 - commander of the North Caucasian Military District, and on May 15, 2001, he temporarily headed the grouping of federal forces in Chechnya.

On December 18, 2002, he was dismissed from the post of commander of the North Caucasian Military District - "for public discussion of the decisions taken by the leadership of the Armed Forces of the country", namely, after refusing to head the Siberian Military District.

From February 25, 2003 to May 7, 2008, he was Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on Cossack issues.

Lived and worked in the hero city of Moscow. He died on September 14, 2008 in a Boeing 737-500 plane crash at the airport in Perm. He was buried on October 22, 2008 with military honors in the cemetery of the village of Severny near Krasnodar.

Colonel General (02.22.2000), Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class (07.14.2007).

He was awarded the Soviet Order "For Service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR "3rd degree (1990), Russian orders"For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th degree (06/23/2008), "For Military Merit" (1995), Friendship of Peoples (1994), medals, as well as orders and medals foreign states, including the Order of Leon (Abkhazia).

Honorary citizen of the cities of Prokhladny (2000) and Nalchik (2002) of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Makhachkala (2000) of the Republic of Dagestan, Shali (2001) of the Chechen Republic.

In accordance with the order of the head of the administration of the city of Grozny of the Chechen Republic, in September 2008, Krasnoznamennaya Street, located in the Leninsky district of Grozny, was renamed Gennady Troshev Street. The name of Gennady Troshev in November 2008 was assigned to the Dagestan cadet corps, on the building of which a memorial plaque was installed. The name of the Hero of Russia Gennady Troshev was also awarded in 2008 cadet school in the village of Chernyshevsky of the Republic of Yakutia, on the school building on April 14, 2009, a memorial plaque was opened.