Proximity to the equator gives Sri Lanka eternal summer. The division of climate in Sri Lanka does not refer to months, but to the seasons ruled by the monsoons. From here, 2 periods can be distinguished:

  • dry (November to April)
  • humid (May to October)

The climatic features of these periods will differ only in terms of humidity, winds and precipitation, in general, the climate in the country is tropical monsoon. The temperature in Sri Lanka will vary in the minimum threshold, not perceptible to those accustomed to continental climate tourists.

Winter Sri Lanka


The temperature in Sri Lanka in December will be the ultimate dream for anyone northerner. The air is usually warmed up to 30 degrees, and the water temperature does not fall below 29 degrees.

In December, there is a change of seasons, which can cause showers in the north of the country. In the south of Sri Lanka in this period it is clear and calm. Night temperatures are also quite comfortable and reach 24 degrees. Short warm rains slightly refresh the air and are favorable in conditions of high humidity.

In December, the flow of tourists increases and this is far from connected with beach activities. Thousands of tourists come to Sri Lanka in December to see whale and sperm whale migration in your own eyes.

In addition, the whole month in the country is devoted to the study of birds that arrive for the winter (450 species), so for ornithologists December is the national month of birds.

It is during the dry season that it is best to go on excursions to the jungle and to Buddhist temples. Despite a different religion, Christmas and New Year celebrations are organized in tourist areas.


In January, the east monsoon continues to rule in the north, bringing heavy rainfall. The central regions of the country are less prone to rain, and the mountainous regions can cool down to 15 degrees. It is worth remembering this when going on mountain trips.

But in the south of the country reigns quite dry and hot weather, since the mountains do not let the monsoons from the north. Therefore, January is attractive for a beach holiday.

Especially popular in January will be Ayurvedic practices for cleansing and healing, as well as active types of water recreation: surfing and diving.

In January, in addition to visiting the largest botanical garden in Asia, elephant farms, tea plantations and national parks you can go to a turtle farm and follow the migration of these animals in search of plankton to the Arabian Sea.

In addition to spiritual and natural entertainment, Sri Lanka is remarkable in terms of jewelry, so it is best to go to Ratnapura for jewelry.


In February, Sri Lanka can offer dry windless weather almost throughout the country. This month is not only the most sunny clear days but also relative calm at sea. The temperature has hardly changed since December.

Elephant processions dedicated to Buddhist holidays will be held in the capital of Colombo this month. During all the winter months, do not forget about sunscreens by day and mosquito repellents by night.

Spring Sri Lanka


March ends the dry season and is replaced by a wet one. hot climate with southwest monsoons.

This month, the flow of tourists is increasing and all resorts and sightseeing destinations are overflowing with vacationers.

Temperatures rise slightly and humidity also increases. In the mountains at night, the temperature can drop to 22 degrees, you should remember this and take raincoats and warm sweaters with you.


In April, more and more precipitation begins to fall in the country, and the humidity reaches almost 100 percent, which is hard to tolerate by most of the inhabitants of the northern countries.

Nevertheless, tourists continue to come to the resorts of Sri Lanka, as the cost of vouchers drops, and in addition to beaches, you can pay Special attention Ayurveda and other health practices.

In the morning, you can still sunbathe and swim on the beaches, because the air and water temperatures do not fall below 29-30 degrees.


In May, with the arrival of the southwest monsoon, the situation in the country changes to the opposite. Now the northern regions of the country are less prone to precipitation due to the central mountains, and in the south of Sri Lanka it often rains.

In addition to showers southern regions humidity rises to the limit, and you can hide from this stuffiness only in the evenings, when the thermometer drops to 25 degrees.

There is not much precipitation in the mountains, but in the evenings temperatures can drop to 15 degrees.

Numerous Buddhist holidays will be held in May, including Buddha's birthday, which is celebrated noisily and colorfully.

Summer Sri Lanka


June is the wet season. On the south coast, strong winds blow and prolonged downpours. However, their number compared to spring months decreases, and most of them occur in the evening hours. Greater discomfort can be delivered on the island by high humidity, which reaches 95 percent.

The north coast opposite pleases tourists with coolness, freshness and calm sea. In the mountains during this period, temperatures do not exceed 20 degrees, so it is better to take warm clothes for excursions to tea plantations.

The east coast is perfect for relaxing holidays and deep dives, while the west coast attracts surfers.

In June, a grandiose Full Moon festival is held, gathering hundreds of tourists and Buddhists, where you can practice your skills in meditation.


In July, the situation does not change, and the eastern coast remains favorable for recreation. Precipitation there falls no more than 6 times a month.

The sights of this area will diversify the rest and fill it bright emotions, because the beauty of virgin forests and Buddhist temples amaze with their grandeur and fantasy.

The most memorable event of the month is the Esala Perahera festival with dancing and Buddhist rituals for ten days. In Hikkaduwa, a beach festival "Hikkaduwa Beach Fest" is held with competitions in water sports sports, building sandcastles, music and dancing. The east coast of Arugam Bay will host the Arugam Bay Surf Classic.


For the east coast, August will be perfect month for relax. At this time, the sea is completely calm, and there is not a cloud in the sky. Humidity is not high, which allows you to perfectly tolerate temperatures of 30 degrees.

On west coast monsoons continue to dominate, albeit with less force.

Autumn Sri Lanka


In September, Sri Lanka is preparing for the change of season and the weather on the entire coast is smoothed out. On the east coast, temperatures are rising and humidity is rising. The west coast is getting quieter.

However, even in September, a calm and quiet holiday is more suitable for the east coast. The central and northern regions are practically not subject to precipitation and are ideal for excursions.


In October, the monsoon changes and now the northern regions of the country are flooded with rain, and almost 100 percent humidity is set in the east.

The west coast, on the contrary, becomes favorable for a relaxing beach holiday, although at night it rains here too. Even at night, temperatures do not fall below 25 degrees, and daytime temperatures sometimes reach 33, which, together with high humidity, is extremely unfavorable for acclimatization.

It is worth remembering that it is in October that the coast of Trincomalee is attacked poisonous jellyfish. And in the evenings, do not forget about the means against mosquitoes and midges.


In November, the dry season opens again, and the central mountains protect the coast from winds and precipitation.

The flow of tourists is increasing again along with the prices of tours. Humidity on the coast is normalizing, so family holidays during this period are one of the most favorable.

Sri Lanka is an amazing and amazing place where tourists from all over the world rush to go. In addition to a great beach holiday, you can see a lot of interesting things on the island. For example, to see live elephants moving freely through the streets. On the island of Sri Lanka, there are more than 90 species of rare animals that are on the verge of extinction. For those who are planning to go to warm country, you need to learn more about holiday seasons in Sri Lanka.

The famous island is located next to the Indian Ocean. On the island of Sri Lanka is a small state of the same name. The exotic climate attracts travelers from different countries throughout calendar year. In Sri Lanka, winter and summer are practically the same, and even the water is always warm. The air temperature in the resort year-round is about 30-32 degrees, and sharp temperature drops are not characteristic of a warm country.

The island of Sri Lanka fell in love with tourists with the opportunity to come here at any time of the year. But still worth knowing about climatic features resort. Northern and East End country located in subequatorial belt, and the southwest is at the equator.

The calendar year in Sri Lanka is divided into rainy periods and dry periods, but much depends on the geographical location of parts of the island. In some regions, permanent hurricanes begin in May and end in September. In the period from October to March, unfavorable weather again repeats, but not on the entire island. The air temperature throughout the year is kept within 30 degrees, and the water in the ocean warms up to 29 degrees.

In the middle of the island of Sri Lanka, the climate is not as pleasant as near the coast. On the territory of a small state are located high mountains where the air temperature drops to 14-15 degrees.

January in Sri Lanka meets tourists with a hot climate and drought. This month is considered the most favorable for a beach holiday. At this time, the mark on the thermometer reaches 35 degrees, and the ocean temperature is 28 degrees. In the first winter month in Sri Lanka, there is almost no precipitation. In January, tourists rush to visit Colombo, Hikkaduwa, as well as Bentota or Galle, where the air is always warmed up to at least 31 degrees.

February is considered an equally attractive month to visit Sri Lanka. During the daytime on the island, the air temperature is stable at around 30-31 degrees, and the water in the ocean is warmed up to 27 degrees. Most favorable rest in February for visitors to Sri Lanka is considered to be in Colombo or Beruwala.

March differs from the winter months in the presence of heavy rainfall, although the air is still warmed up to 30-32 degrees, and the water is up to 28 degrees. But prolonged downpours can harm a beach holiday and walks through the streets of Sri Lanka. Although tourists like to come to the Indian coast in March, preferring to stay in Negombo or Bentota. If you do not like rainy weather and do not want to risk your vacation, then you do not need to visit Sri Lanka in March.

April in Sri Lanka is considered the hottest month, and is also the last month before the start of the rainy and windy period. But precipitation is present in the second spring month, although not in such a large amount. During the day, tourists can enjoy the heat of 35 degrees and very warm water in the ocean. If you decide to visit Sri Lanka in April, then choose resorts in the northeast of the country. In these places, rains are rare, so you can enjoy beach holiday.

May in Sri Lanka is the first month of rainy weather in the southern part of the island. high humidity and heat not every tourist will like the air. The air temperature is heated to 32-34 degrees, but relative humidity can be from 90 to 100%. Permanent clouds do not allow the sun's rays to look out, and tropical rains stop for a short time. In May, in the south of the island of Sri Lanka, tourists rarely manage to swim in the waters of the ocean.

But you can enjoy a beach holiday in Sri Lanka in May if you go to the northeast of the island. Nuwara Eliya - perfect place for holidays on the coast of the Indian Ocean during this period. There is practically no rain here, and the sun shines throughout the day.

Tourists who went to southern part Sri Lanka in June, should be ready for frequent heavy rains. A large number of falls at night, but during the day the sun rarely peeks out from behind dark clouds. The northeastern part of Sri Lanka is less rainy in June, the sun appears much more often here. But with swimming, even in the northeast, there are problems due to strong storms.

July in Sri Lanka is no less rainy than the previous month. In addition to heavy rainfall, monsoons often occur on the island. In the western part of Sri Lanka, rivers can overflow their banks due to incessant rainfall. The east of the island is characterized by sunny and hot weather, which contributes to a good beach holiday.

Tourists who decide to go to the island of Sri Lanka in August can have a good time. The rains here are no longer so frequent and plentiful, but the humidity of the air is still high. The sun comes out more often because of the clouds, which allows travelers to sometimes sunbathe on sandy beaches. The resorts of Kandy or Galle will become the best choice vacationers in Sri Lanka for the last summer month. The air warms up to 32 degrees, but rare waves can spoil the rest.

The climate in Sri Lanka in September contributes to an excellent holiday, but only in the northern part of the country. In the south of the island, zenithal rains periodically occur, and cloudy days do not allow tourists to spend time on the beaches. If you want to visit an island on the coast of the Indian Ocean in September, then go to the north of Sri Lanka.

Second month of autumn a great opportunity spend a long-awaited vacation in the east of the island. In the resorts of Batticaloa, as well as in Trincomalee, the western monsoons arise, and the air warms up to a temperature of 34 degrees. In the south of Sri Lanka in October, it is no less comfortable, and Unawatuna vacationers will especially like it. The lagoons of this resort have warm and calm ocean water.

If you decide to go to Sri Lanka in November, then get tickets to the southern part of the country. The water in the Indian Ocean is warmed up to 27 degrees, and the air is up to 32-33 degrees. It is not recommended to visit the northern part of the island in November, where it continues to rain.

December on the island rarely meets tourists with precipitation, but the air temperature at this time is considered the coldest. During the day, you can see a mark of 31 degrees on the thermometer, and ocean water is heated to 26 degrees. Tourists love to visit Sri Lanka in the first winter month, regardless of the region of the country.

To summarize, at any time of the year in Sri Lanka you can have a good rest. The main thing is to choose the right area of ​​the island in order not to observe heavy rains and strong winds every day. Although some tourists like the coolness and rainy weather when other travelers are crazy about heat, hot sun and warm water.

When choosing a ticket to an island in the Indian Ocean, you need to take into account personal climate preferences, as well as financial capabilities.

Sri Lanka tropical country and if you plan to spend a vacation here, then you need to be prepared for very changeable weather conditions. According to the majority of tourist sites, the year here is divided into two seasons - dry and rainy. It is believed that the largest number rainfall falls on the island from May to October, when the southwest monsoons formed in the Arabian Sea move on the island. The holiday season is considered to be from November-December to April. But not everything here is so simple. First, the island of Ceylon is large enough in area that completely different weather cyclones could form over its surface. Secondly, the central part of the island is protected by mountains, and if a cyclone approaches the island from one side of the coast, then it is not a fact that it will affect the entire island. Based on such rough calculations (I speak rough, because even weather forecasters cannot predict the weather), it is recommended to relax in the winter months on the southwestern coast of the country, and in the summer months in the north or east.

And in the central high-mountainous part of the island, in general, there is a resort of Nuwara Eliya, which is completely atypical for the tropics. Here in any season of the year almost every day it's raining and the temperature does not rise above 18 degrees. People come here mainly for silence and solitude in the wilderness of tropical thickets. The resort has firmly established the title expensive place holiday favored by the British. Apparently in this place they see their rainy homeland.

But for last years the climate has changed a lot and sometimes at a time when the island should be a solid "wall" of rain, the sun is shining there. And those who escaped from the cold winter days at home in the hope of relaxing in the sun under a palm tree have to look out the window at the dull rain all day.

That's what happened to me. Before the trip, my husband and friends chose the season for a long time. Still, it rains a lot of months of the year according to forecasts in Sri Lanka, and the amount of precipitation is also significant. We didn’t want to get wet at all, and we decided to go in December. This month is considered the peak of the season. When we left the airport, we were alerted by the gloomy sky and some strange rain, which is very similar to our autumn one. When we got from the airport to the hotel, the mood completely deteriorated - the waves on the beaches that could be seen from the car window were such that not only was it impossible to swim there, it was surfing there at the time. The beaches were completely deserted. Mood plummeted to zero.

Arriving at the hotel and getting to know some tourists, we learned that they had arrived a month ago, that is, in November (which is also considered the dry season), and for the whole month they saw only two sunny days!!! We have fallen completely. Why then was it necessary to choose a season - not a season, if it doesn't matter anyway.

Of course, we managed to sunbathe on this trip, but several days of rest were spoiled. When guidebooks say that during the rainy season it rains for only 15 minutes and then you can go on excursions, they are clearly exaggerating. In Thailand, by the way, it was the same with us. It started to rain, after 10 minutes the sun came out and you can go swimming. In Sri Lanka, we spent three days in a row in a room outside the window of which it was raining incessantly. It didn't look like a tropical downpour at all. Swimming at this time is strictly prohibited. Since Sri Lanka is not covered by reefs, very large waves form near the coast. Red flags are placed on the beaches to warn of danger. And I didn’t see anyone wanting to swim there in such weather.

Interested in such natural disasters, we decided to talk with the owner of our hotel. We told him how we chose the trip, focusing on the usual division of the rainy seasons in Sri Lanka. And he just laughed at us. He said that the islanders themselves had long ceased to divide the climate into two seasons. They identified four seasons for themselves, two of which are border seasons: April-May and September-December, when the weather is completely unpredictable. It could be anything. And he warned for the future not to particularly trust such forecasts.

As a result, it turned out that we had a rest according to the sensations in the rainy season, and paid the money as for the dry season. I think you can take a chance to come here in the rainy season. It will definitely be cheaper, somewhere by 50%. But with the weather, too, 50/50. The most expensive months are December-February and, as it turns out, not always the most successful. Peak season is here New Year. Many hotels are booked half a year in advance. If you are planning a trip to winter holidays, then you should think about the room in the summer. Moreover, the price for the same room will be 100-150% more expensive than usual.

Our December vacation, of course, was a bit tarnished, but still we managed to see a lot and love this country. We will return here for sure.

Monthly weather in Sri Lanka. Climate features. rainy season and dry season. We find out when and on which part of the island it is better to go on vacation.


Precipitation is practically absent. Many tourists consider February the most suitable for holidays. During the day it is stably warm - about +29 ... +30 ° С, at night from + 20 ° С to + 23 ° С, the water in the ocean is about + 28 ° С. The most comfortable weather stands in the southwest of Sri Lanka: in Beruwala about + 30 ° C, in Colombo up to + 32 ° C.

Beach in Bentota. Why not paradise? (Photo © / Rockside Beach Resort)


Daytime air temperature +31...+33°С, nighttime +24...+25°С. The water in the ocean is about +29°C. The number of rainy days is increasing, the showers are becoming longer and stronger, there may be thunderstorms. In the southwestern part of the island - Bentota, Negombo, Wadduwa - winds blow at the beginning of the month, sometimes there are short and warm showers.


April - last month before the rainy season, it is the hottest. The amount of precipitation almost doubles. The air temperature rises and reaches +34°C during the day, +27°C at night, the water in the ocean is +28...+29°C. You can go on vacation in April to any resort in Sri Lanka, but for a beach holiday at the end of the month, it is better to prefer the resorts of the northeast coast.


The monsoons are starting to kick in. Very hot and humid: +32...+34°C during the day, +28°C at night, few sunny days, frequent tropical showers. The southwestern region is flooding. The ocean water becomes cloudy and unsuitable for swimming. In the north-east of the country it is sunny and about +30°С, there is little rain. The island's coolest resort, Nuwara Eliya, reaches maximum temperatures: +27°C during the day, +18°C at night.

Batticaloa - the northeastern resort of Sri Lanka (Photo © / Naval Beach Villa & Rooms)


The rainy season is in full swing, there are few sunny days. Most of the time it rains at night, with cloudy days. It is very damp in the southern part of the island, in the northeast it is drier and more sunny. The water is +28°C, but swimming is difficult because of the strong waves. average temperature air + 31 ° C, although it feels much higher.


The monsoons, hot and strong wind does not bring the expected coolness. It is very rainy in the west, sometimes rivers overflow, causing floods. On northeast coast hot and sunny - in Batticaloa and Trincomalee + 35 ° C during the day, in Jaffna + 32 ° C, water in the ocean + 26 ... + 28 ° C.

Rainy season in Sri Lanka (Photo © Denish C / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


In August, there is less rainfall in Sri Lanka, but the humidity remains high. Cloudy, although sometimes sunny days slip through. The weather in Sri Lanka in August creates acceptable conditions for relaxing on the southwestern coast of the island - in Kandy, Bentota and Galle (about + 30 ° C), but sometimes waves appear. In the northeast, the ocean is calm and warm - up to +29°С, air temperature during the day is +34°С.

Weather in Sri Lanka


The weather in Sri Lanka in September has not yet settled down, it is still overcast, a frequent occurrence is zenithal rains. It is stormy in the southwest, although the water is warm. In Galle +28...+30°С during the day, +26°С at night. In Bentota there is a strong wave, and in Unawatuna a lagoon protects from waves. In the northeast, it is warm and there is much less precipitation.


It is best to relax in October in Sri Lanka in the east of the country, as the western monsoons are in effect. In Trincomalee and Batticaloa during the day + 33 ° C, at night about + 25 ° C. However, by the end of the month, the weather in the northeast begins to deteriorate - the rainy season is approaching. For a beach holiday in the south of Sri Lanka, only the Unawatuna lagoons are suitable, the ocean is calm and warm up to + 29 ° С. It's hot and rainy in Colombo.

Beach in Trincomalee (Photo © / Sasvi Cabana)


From the second half of the month in Sri Lanka begins a high tourist season. At the end of November, it is already dry and warm in the southwest: the air temperature is +29...+30°С during the day, +26°С at night. The water temperature in the ocean is +27°С. In the northeast it rains, the monsoon exerts its influence.


December in Sri Lanka is considered the coolest month. Rains are rare. During the day +28...+30°С, at night +23...+24°С. The ocean is warm - up to +28°C. In the southwest, the beach holiday season is in full swing, in the east it rains, but most often at night. The mountains are cold and humid.

Beach in Hikkaduwa (Photo © iris0327 / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Features of the climate of Sri Lanka in different parts of the island

in Ceylon beach holidays are possible all year round. It is only necessary to take into account that the climate of Sri Lanka is slightly different in different parts of the country. In the northeast the climate is subequatorial, in the southwest - equatorial.

In Sri Lanka two seasons- rainy season and dry season. The monsoons have a huge impact: from October to March, the northeast monsoon acts, from May to September - the southwest. Monsoons bring rain and storms. In the inter-monsoon period, zenithal rains can be observed - this is when short showers fall in the afternoon (the sun is at its zenith).

Medium air temperature in the daytime +28...+30°С, the water in the ocean warms up to +27°С. The climate in the coastal zone is fresher and more pleasant than in places remote from the ocean - it is hotter there, more humid.

The island is flat, divided by the Central mountain range. IN highlands mean annual temperature+23°C, in high mountainous places the temperature can be much lower. One of the coldest places on the island is Nuwara Eliya: +16...+18°С during the day and +10°С at night.

Map of Sri Lanka resorts

Full house in high season in a street cafe in Hikkaduwa (Photo © / Villa Paradise)

During the rainy season in Sri Lanka, 95% falls annual precipitation. From October to January it rains in the northeast of the island, in summer (May - October) - in the southwest, the likelihood of a tsunami increases, there may be floods due to overflowing rivers.

Despite the fact that during the rainy season in Sri Lanka it is cloudy and damp, low prices tours during this period attract part of the tourists. Even in cloudy weather, you can sunbathe here, and heavy showers occur mainly at night. During the day it can rain 3-4 times for 15-30 minutes. The main disadvantage for vacationers during the rainy season in Sri Lanka is the restless ocean and muddy water.

On the eve of a storm on the beach in Hikkaduwa (Photo © / @maxkuk)

Holiday season in Sri Lanka: when is the best time to go?

From the reviews of tourists, we can conclude that at any time in Sri Lanka there is enough heat and sun, and the water in the Indian Ocean is always warm. For a full-fledged beach holiday, it is better to go to the southwestern part of the island in December-April - it is sunny, dry and there are no winds. But on northeast coast of Sri Lanka the holiday season lasts from May to September. October and November are transitional months with changeable weather.

How to plan a holiday in Sri Lanka:

  1. Look for tours minimum prices on services and It is convenient and reliable.
  2. Check the monthly weather information above.
  3. Look at the month you need.
  4. Find a good hotel based on traveler reviews and location.

Just a few simple steps- and the rest will be great!

Our travel tips:

Intro image source: © Dhammika Heenpella / Images of Sri Lanka / / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Sri Lanka is a tropical country and if you plan to spend a vacation here, you need to be prepared for very changeable weather conditions. According to the majority of tourist sites, the year here is divided into two seasons - dry and rainy. It is believed that the most precipitation falls on the island from May to October, when the island is approaching the southwest monsoons formed in the Arabian Sea. The holiday season is considered to be from November-December to April. But not everything here is so simple. First, the island of Ceylon is large enough in area that completely different weather cyclones could form over its surface. Secondly, the central part of the island is protected by mountains, and if a cyclone approaches the island from one side of the coast, then it is not a fact that it will affect the entire island. Based on such rough calculations (I speak rough, because even weather forecasters cannot predict the weather), it is recommended to relax in the winter months on the southwestern coast of the country, and in the summer months in the north or east.

And in the central high-mountainous part of the island, in general, there is a resort of Nuwara Eliya, which is completely atypical for the tropics. Here in any season of the year it rains almost every day, and the temperature does not rise above 18 degrees. People come here mainly for silence and solitude in the wilderness of tropical thickets. The resort is firmly entrenched in the title of an expensive holiday destination, chosen by the British. Apparently in this place they see their rainy homeland.

But in recent years, the climate has changed a lot and sometimes at a time when the island should be a solid "wall" of rain, the sun is shining there. And those who escaped from the cold winter days at home in the hope of relaxing in the sun under a palm tree have to look out the window at the dull rain all day.

That's what happened to me. Before the trip, my husband and friends chose the season for a long time. Still, it rains a lot of months of the year according to forecasts in Sri Lanka, and the amount of precipitation is also significant. We didn’t want to get wet at all, and we decided to go in December. This month is considered the peak of the season. When we left the airport, we were alerted by the gloomy sky and some strange rain, which is very similar to our autumn one. When we got from the airport to the hotel, the mood completely deteriorated - the waves on the beaches that could be seen from the car window were such that not only was it impossible to swim there, it was surfing there at the time. The beaches were completely deserted. Mood plummeted to zero.

Arriving at the hotel and meeting some tourists, we found out that they arrived a month ago, that is, in November (which is also considered the dry season), and for the whole month they saw only two sunny days !!! We have fallen completely. Why then was it necessary to choose a season - not a season, if it doesn't matter anyway.

Of course, we managed to sunbathe on this trip, but several days of rest were spoiled. When guidebooks say that during the rainy season it rains for only 15 minutes and then you can go on excursions, they are clearly exaggerating. In Thailand, by the way, it was the same with us. It started to rain, after 10 minutes the sun came out and you can go swimming. In Sri Lanka, we spent three days in a row in a room outside the window of which it was raining incessantly. It didn't look like a tropical downpour at all. Swimming at this time is strictly prohibited. Since Sri Lanka is not covered by reefs, very large waves form near the coast. Red flags are placed on the beaches to warn of danger. And I didn’t see anyone wanting to swim there in such weather.

Interested in such natural disasters, we decided to talk with the owner of our hotel. We told him how we chose the trip, focusing on the usual division of the rainy seasons in Sri Lanka. And he just laughed at us. He said that the islanders themselves had long ceased to divide the climate into two seasons. They identified four seasons for themselves, two of which are border seasons: April-May and September-December, when the weather is completely unpredictable. It could be anything. And he warned for the future not to particularly trust such forecasts.

As a result, it turned out that we had a rest according to the sensations in the rainy season, and paid the money as for the dry season. I think you can take a chance to come here in the rainy season. It will definitely be cheaper, somewhere by 50%. But with the weather, too, 50/50. The most expensive months are December-February and, as it turns out, not always the most successful. Peak season here for the New Year. Many hotels are booked half a year in advance. If you plan a trip for the winter holidays, then you should think about the room in the summer. Moreover, the price for the same room will be 100-150% more expensive than usual.

Our December vacation, of course, was a bit tarnished, but still we managed to see a lot and love this country. We will return here for sure.