Nadezhda Savchenko is pretty famous person on the territory of the post-Soviet space and far beyond its borders. Of course, her reputation is not very good, but still, many are interested in the personality of the girl. She is making big plans for her political and military career and will achieve no small success in the near future. The personal life of Nadezhda Savchenko remains a mystery, as she was also classified as a representative of non-traditional orientation, and information was found about her marriage. All this is not true, since the woman has never been married and is absolutely not going to connect her life with anyone.

Ukrainian political figure and a participant in hostilities was born on 11.05. 1981 in the capital of Ukraine. Her father is an engineer specializing in agricultural machinery. Mother was a seamstress. Hope first but not only child in family. She has a younger sister who works as an architect.

Nadezhda Savchenko studied at a Ukrainian school. It was the only educational institution in the district where Russian was not spoken.

In her youth, the girl, like her mother, was fond of sewing and even graduated from the courses of a fashion designer. At that time, Nadezhda Viktorovna Savchenko did not even think that such a career lay ahead of her. The girl was always different from her peers and was passionate about completely different activities.

After graduating from school, Nadezhda Savchenko entered the Kiev National University, choosing the faculty of journalism. In this educational institution, Savchenko did not finish her studies. She dreamed about military career, so I took the documents from the university. At this moment there was a turning point in her life. She for a long time I thought about the correctness of my decision, but still today I am proud that I gave my best years service in the army.

The beginning of a military career

Nadezhda Savchenko signed a contract and began to serve in the armed forces of her country. At first she served as a radio operator in the railway troops, then she moved to the airmobile department, which was located in Zhytomyr. The girl was always distinguished by good preparation and received a large number of encouragement from management.

In 2004, Savchenko went to serve in Iraq. She was part of the group peacekeeping troops from Ukraine. Nadezhda was a shooter, in Iraq she first visited real combat conditions. It was here that she was able to truly feel what war is. The years spent on the territory of this country helped her to learn and gain irreplaceable experience.

After returning to her homeland, Savchenko decided to master the profession of a pilot. To this end, she entered the Institute of the Air Force, located in Kharkov. According to some reports, the training was not easy for the girl; earlier she was expelled from the university twice. educational institution due to professional incompetence. However, in 2009, Savchenko nevertheless received a long-awaited diploma of education, and became a professional navigator. By the way, she is the first woman to receive such an education in Ukraine.

After completing her education, she served in an aviation regiment located near Lviv. She mastered flying the Su-24 aircraft and the Mi-24 helicopter. Savchenko, as part of the service, made several dozen parachute jumps and spent more than a hundred hours in flight.

Nadezhda Savchenko went to the military reserve in 2014, writing a letter of resignation. Of course, many men who are in the service dream of such a career. It is very difficult for women to achieve high results in the army.

Participation in an armed conflict

In 2014, Nadezhda Savchenko joined the Aidar battalion, which was subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The versions of the Ukrainian and Russian sides differ in the issue of the role of Nadezhda Savchenko in this battalion. That is, after the dismissal, she could not be in the reserve for a long time and returned again. Here, completely different conditions awaited her, since she had to fight against her own compatriots. According to many reconnaissance groups, Nadezhda Viktorovna Savchenko was engaged in tracking down officers and destroying them. Although the girl herself has a different opinion on this matter.

Nadezhda claimed that she only trained the battalion fighters. The Russian military, on the other hand, presented evidence that Savchenko was the main gunner and was directly related to the death of the population of Donbass and volunteers who were part of the militia. The personal life and orientation of Nadezhda Savchenko has always been under the gun of funds mass media. Of course, during the period of hostilities, she easily performed her tasks, but still this interfered to some extent.

During the hostilities, Savchenko was wounded and captured by the rebels. A video recording in which a woman confesses that she really worked as a gunner received a wide response. Soon the rebels expressed a desire to exchange the woman for their prisoners.

Nadezhda Viktorovna Savchenko ended up in Russia, where she was charged with involvement in the death Russian journalists. Representatives of Russia claimed that it was Savchenko who transmitted the exact coordinates of Russian journalists, who were subsequently fired upon. There are several versions of how Savchenko got to the territory of Russia.

The Russian side claims that the woman illegally crossed the border with Russia and stayed there for unknown purposes for several days before being detained. The woman was detained on the territory of the Voronezh region. The Ukrainian side, in turn, claims that Savchenko was forcibly taken out and arrested.


The trial against Nadezhda Savchenko took quite a long time and was associated with certain difficulties. She was charged with facilitating a crime committed against Russian journalists. In addition, she was accused of illegally crossing the border with Russia. The Ukrainian side also disagreed with the second accusation.

As evidence, details of Savchenko's calls, records of conversations and maps with coordinates that were found with the woman were used. The Ukrainian side indicated that Nadezhda had an alibi. They insisted that the journalists were killed after Savchenko was taken prisoner.

Nadezhda Savchenko was charged in the presence of a lawyer and an interpreter. The Ukrainian side considered this a violation international norms rights. personal life and homosexual Savchenko's hopes were never revealed. Such questions do not interest her, even during the interview, it is not possible to get a full answer. IN Lately the personality of this woman became very popular.

During Savchenko's stay in the pre-trial detention center, she was visited several times by representatives of the Russia Without Torture society. During the inspections, no violations were found in the maintenance of Savchenko, torture and beatings were not applied to her. The most important thing is that her illegal actions were not accepted by the Ukrainian side. They believed that the girl had been kidnapped, not caught. Of course, disagreements between countries always lead to very negative claims.

During judicial trial Savchenko went on a hunger strike to release or change the measure of restraint. The prisoner's health was maintained with glucose injections. Russian law enforcement agencies, in turn, demanded a psychiatric examination of the detainee. During the expert review, Savchenko was declared sane.

Nadezhda Savchenko had enough enemies, both in Russia and on the territory of Ukraine. However, in Russia, there were people who were ready to defend the detainee. They included members of the opposition. They collected signatures of supporters for Savchenko to be released or his sentence commuted.

Despite pressure from international public and political organizations, Nadezhda Savchenko was sentenced to 22 years in prison and a fine of 30,000 rubles.

In May 2016, the President of the Russian Federation pardoned Nadezhda Savchenko and decided to exchange the detainee for the military captured in Ukraine.

Political career

After returning home political career Hope Savchenko went up the hill. She expressed a desire to take the presidency, and also presented her own plan for the return of Donbass.

In addition, Savchenko sharply criticized the current Ukrainian authorities, accusing them of inaction and weakness. Savchenko is famous for his sharp and not always reasonable statements from the point of view of politics.

Nadezhda Savchenko refused to be a member of any party, preferring to be the sole leader. Despite the popularity of this woman in Ukraine, the majority of the country's population is skeptical about her candidacy as president. At that time, a lot was written about the personal life of Nadezhda Savchenko, about her non-existent husband. Thus, a rather negative reputation has been created, which makes it very difficult for her to move forward. career ladder. A woman is a vivid example of patriotism and love for her homeland.

In December 2017, another conflict broke out between the current government and Savchenko. She, without the consent of the authorities, visited the republics of the DPR and LPR, where she negotiated the exchange of prisoners under the Minsk agreements. The country's leadership was outraged by Savchenko's actions and expelled her from the party and the delegation of the Council of Europe.

At the same time, she decided to create her own opposition party, RUNA. However, Savchenko's activities as part of this party did not work out. Members of this political organization broke off relations with the leader due to ideological differences.

Nadezhda Savchenko was awarded several awards in Ukraine, including the Golden Star, For Courage, and others. While in prison on the territory Russian Federation, Nadezhda supported the current leadership of Ukraine. Later, after her release, she changed her mind dramatically. Today, her tasks and goals are quite interesting and in the near future she is going to run for president.

Personal life

Nadezhda Savchenko is not married and has no children. Moreover, she never dreamed of a quiet family life. Her dream is to devote her whole life to serving her homeland Ukraine. The media has always been interested in the personal life of Nadezhda Savchenko. There were a lot of articles regarding this part of the biography. In fact, a woman takes her career very seriously and is not going to abandon it in any way.

According to Savchenko, children and family can interfere with her in the implementation of global plans. TV programs with her participation are regularly broadcast on television, where she shares her thoughts on the formed political situation in Ukraine.

Ukrainian servicewoman Nadezhda Savchenko, pardoned in the Russian Federation and returned to Ukraine on May 25, said that she does not follow a diet and sleeps as much as she wants.

“My normal life is without diets. Everything, I entered a normal life, I returned and live the way I lived before I disappeared from this normal life, ”she said. Regarding her sleep, she noted that she sleeps "as she slept." She clarified that on one of the last nights she had only three hours of sleep because she wanted to talk to her family.

Recall that on May 27, Savchenko, being a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, announced her readiness to become president of Ukraine. “I love to fly, but if it is necessary (to become president — ed. note), I will do it, go this way and work with dedication,” Savchenko emphasized.

About what is known about the Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko, says


Nadezhda Viktorovna Savchenko was born on May 11, 1981 in Kyiv. Father is an agricultural engineer Viktor Savchenko(died in 2003). Mother - Maria Ivanovna Savchenko.

Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a combat aircraft pilot. She studied at the only Ukrainian-language school in the region. After graduating from school, she received the specialty of a fashion designer, after which she studied for a year at the Faculty of Journalism of the Kyiv national university. Then she entered the ranks under a contract armed forces Ukraine, starting service in the railway troops as a radio operator.

After she signed a contract for service in the 95th airmobile brigade in Zhytomyr, when the first contract battalion of airmobile troops was being formed.

In 2004-2005, as part of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingent, she took part in a mission in Iraq, where she served for six months as a gunner of the 3rd company of the 72nd separate mechanized battalion.

After returning from Iraq, she entered Kharkiv University Air Force, for which she received permission personally from the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anatoly Gritsenko. Twice she was expelled from the university as "unfit to fly as a pilot", but she twice recovered and in 2009 graduated as a navigator. As a navigator, she was trained in the class of the Su-24 front-line bomber, but at the end of her training she was sent to another machine - the Mi-24 helicopter. After graduating from the university, she served as a navigator-operator of the Mi-24 of the 3rd separate regiment. army aviation Air Force of Ukraine in the city of Brody. Has 170 flight hours and 45 parachute jumps.

Election to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

On September 14, 2014, the congress of the Batkivshchyna party unanimously accepted Savchenko into the ranks of the party and nominated her to the Verkhovna Rada, giving first place on the electoral list in the upcoming elections. On November 7, Savchenko's lawyer said that she wrote a letter of resignation from the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to the fact that she became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. On November 19, the CEC registered Savchenko as a people's deputies, and on November 25 she received a certificate of a people's deputy of Ukraine.

During the taking of the oath by the new composition of the Verkhovna Rada on November 27, 2014, the text of the oath signed by Nadiya Savchenko was shown on the screen. According to Part 3 of Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada”, at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada, an oath is read out by a candidate for deputies, which is then signed by him personally.

On December 25, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada included Savchenko in the permanent delegation of Ukraine to PACE.

Participation in hostilities in eastern Ukraine

I went to the zone of armed conflict in the east of Ukraine in 2014 on vacation, I was at the airport of Kramatorsk together with the Ukrainian military. Later she took part in hostilities as a volunteer of the Aidar battalion with the call sign Bullet, remaining an active officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In her own words, she was engaged in training colleagues.

According to her, she carried the wounded from the battlefield during the fighting near the village of Metallist near Lugansk, when she was captured by the rebels from the Zarya battalion on June 18 or 19, 2014. Later, the defense stated that Savchenko was captured by the rebels on June 17, shortly before the murder of journalists, which was confirmed by the commander of "Aidar" Sergei Melnichuk.

On June 19, a video of her interview with the militias was circulated on the Internet, in which she confessed to killing rebels and working as a gunner, stating: “Did I kill? Well, yes, I killed. I’ll be honest: I walked and looked where the wrecked armored personnel carriers were, and, of course, that if this is already a war, then I said to the right or left - yes, this is the work of a gunner.

In Russia

On July 8, 2014, it became known that since July 2, Nadezhda Savchenko has been in custody in Russia in a pre-trial detention center in the city of Voronezh.

On July 9, 2014, the representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Vladimir Markin, stated that Savchenko crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border on her own under the guise of an undocumented refugee and was detained on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with Russian law as a suspect in a criminal case on the murder of Russian journalists.

On July 24, the head of the Department for the Investigation of Crimes Related to the Use of Prohibited Means and Methods of Warfare of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, A. Drymanov, stated that "according to the materials of the case, no one took her to Russia by force." He further explained that she had been detained by the police while she was driving in a taxi in the Voronezh region. To the above, he also added that the purpose of Savchenko's visit to Russia, whose border she crossed as a refugee, still needs to be clarified.

The head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin on September 8, 2015 in an interview with the publication " Russian newspaper”said that the investigation has information that Nadezhda Savchenko spent three days in Russia before her arrest and even personally submitted an application to the Russian Federal Migration Service at that time with a request to issue her a certificate confirming her identity.

On March 21, 2016, the Donetsk City Court found Savchenko guilty of the murder of Russian journalists - employees of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Anton Voloshin and Igor Kornelyuk. According to investigators, on the morning of June 17, she corrected mortar fire near the village of Stukalova Balka and handed over to the battalion the coordinates of several civilians, which the Ukrainian military fired from artillery (howitzers). As a result, Voloshin and Kornelyuk died. On March 22, the court sentenced Savchenko to 22 years in a penal colony and ordered him to pay a fine of 30,000 rubles.

On May 25, in Rostov-on-Don, Savchenko was exchanged for the Russians Evgeny Erofeev and Alexander Alexandrov. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the issue of Savchenko was discussed with Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko for a long time, and relatives of the dead Russian journalists also wrote him a letter asking him to pardon Savchenko “for reasons of humanism”. “It was the main thing, this is the most important thing. It has nothing to do with the Minsk agreements,” Putin stressed.


Church Order of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious (Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kyiv Patriarchy, March 1, 2015).

· Award "For Freedom" by the non-governmental organization Atlantic Council USA (2015).

· Nomination for the Andrey Sakharov Prize of the European Parliament “For Freedom of Thought” (2015).

· Award "Light of Justice" (2015).

· Honorary Citizen of Chervonograd.

International Freedom Awards (2015).

· Laureate of the Polish award "Eagle" Jan Karski (2016).

Special award "I'm free!" All-Ukrainian Prize " Woman III Millennium (2015).

Which allegedly performed the functions of a fire spotter, two years later received the long-awaited freedom. Yes, in January 2016 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko urged Vladimir Putin to release Savchenko. As a result, after two years of detention, Savchenko was exchanged for two Russian soldiersAlexandra Alexandrova And Evgenia Erofeeva who fought in the Donbass and were captured. How the story developed with the release of Nadezhda Savchenko, read in our material.

How was Nadezhda Savchenko captured?

Nadezhda Savchenko was born on May 11, 1981 in Kyiv. After studying at one of the universities in Kyiv, she entered the Armed Forces of Ukraine under a contract. She began her service in the railway troops as a radio operator, and in 2004–2005 she took part in a mission in Iraq as part of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingent. After returning, she entered the Kharkiv Air Force University. She was expelled from the university twice, but she recovered and in 2009 she graduated from the university not as a fighter pilot, but as a navigator.

During the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014, Nadezhda Savchenko took part in the ATO combat operations as a volunteer of the Aidar battalion, remaining an active officer in the Ukrainian army. She participated in the hostilities during two vacations, and after submitting a report on her dismissal from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Nadezhda Savchenko assures that she carried the wounded from the battlefield during the fighting near the village of Metallist near Luhansk, when she was captured by rebels from the Zarya militia battalion on June 18 or 19, 2014. On June 22, Nadezhda Savchenko's sister, Vera Savchenko, reported that the militia contacted her, wanting to exchange Nadezhda for four of their captured comrades-in-arms. It was also reported that they transported Nadezhda from Lugansk to Donetsk. Nadezhda Savchenko herself did not rule out the possibility that she would be shot.

How did Nadezhda Savchenko end up in Russia?

On July 8, 2014 it became known that Nadezhda Savchenko is in Russian custody in solitary confinement in the pre-trial detention center in Voronezh. According to Savchenko, she was first taken to Lugansk, and then to Krasny Luch, after which she was transported to Boguchar, Voronezh region of Russia. According to some reports, the Minister of Defense of the LPR personally took her to Russia.

On the same day, July 8, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine to take measures regarding the return of Nadezhda Savchenko to Ukraine.

According to Nadezhda Savchenko herself, she was forcibly removed from the territory of Ukraine - with a bag on her head and in handcuffs. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the abductors handed her over to persons in camouflage uniforms. On October 29, Savchenko's second lawyer, Nikolai Polozov, said that after watching the TV show, Nadezhda Savchenko stated that she recognized the leader of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky one of his captors, who supervised her transfer to the FSB on the border of Ukraine and Russia.
On October 30, 2014, the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine accused Igor Plotnitsky and Russian citizen Alexander Popov of kidnapping Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko.

According to the agency, on June 17, 2014, they attacked the Aidar battalion, captured Savchenko and took the pilot to Luhansk, where she was interrogated for several days in the building of the regional military commissariat. On June 23, she was taken out of Ukraine with an armed escort.

Why was Savchenko accused of killing Russian journalists?

According to the Investigative Committee of Russia, Savchenko crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border on her own under the guise of an undocumented refugee and was detained on the territory of the Russian Federation as a suspect in the criminal case of the murder of Russian journalists of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Igor Kornelyuk And Anton Voloshin.

On July 9, she was formally charged with complicity in the murder of media workers. It is alleged that Nadezhda Savchenko determined the coordinates of the journalists and handed them over to the Ukrainian security forces. It was thanks to the data of these coordinates that the workers of the TV channel were fired from a mortar, after which the journalists died.

"The accused has been in custody in the Russian Federation on charges of murder (part 2 of article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and attempted murder (art. 30, part 2 of article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) since July 2014," the official said then. SK Vladimir Markin, adding that the guilt of Nadezhda Savchenko is confirmed by the details of the calls made with her mobile phone, and a squared map of the area, which was found with the pilot. On the squares of this map, artillery and mortar fire was applied, which caused the death of journalists of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

December 17 Lawyers of Nadezhda Savchenko at a press conference in Moscow, they presented documents from the Security Service of Ukraine, according to which Nadezhda Savchenko, an hour before the mortar shelling of Russian journalists, was already in captivity at the LPR armed formations and thus could not be involved in their death. This is also evidenced by the billing data of phones of Savchenko and Russian journalists. February 10, 2015 former leader Battalion "Aidar" Sergei Melnichuk said that it was he who corrected the artillery fire, which Russia is trying to hang on Nadezhda Savchenko.

On January 15, 2015, a criminal case was also opened against Nadezhda Savchenko on charges of illegally crossing the border.

How long was the criminal process?

In accordance with the decision of the Novousmansky District Court of the Voronezh Region, Savchenko was taken into custody until 30 August. This decision was appealed Savchenko's defense. On July 10, the Voronezh Regional Court, having considered the complaint of the defense, rejected it and upheld the decision to place Nadezhda Savchenko in custody.

The case was held behind closed doors. On July 11, 2014, Mark Feigin, who previously defended members of the Pussy Riot group and Left Front activist Leonid Razvozzhaev, became Nadezhda Savchenko's lawyer in a Russian court.

On December 13, 2014, Nadezhda Savchenko went on an indefinite hunger strike, as she was not provided with medical assistance for an ear infection. Subsequently, she decided to continue her hunger strike, demanding her release from prison.
On February 4, 2015, Nadezhda Savchenko was visited in prison by her sister Vera, who then stated that her sister was feeling very hard - her blood counts had worsened.

February 9, 2015" New Newspaper"began collecting signatures under an appeal to Putin demanding the release of Savchenko. The letter was signed by such figures as Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Vladimir Mirzoev, Ksenia Sobchak, Alexander Arkhangelsky and many others.

On July 10, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine appealed to the Council of Europe with a request to recognize the Ukrainian soldier Nadezhda Savchenko as a hostage of Russia and demand her extradition. In February 2015, Nadezhda Savchenko's lawyers filed an application with the European Court of Human Rights with a request to urgently consider her case.

On March 22, 2016, the court sentenced Nadezhda Savchenko to 22 years in prison in a strict regime colony. On April 6, Nadezhda Savchenko again began a protest dry hunger strike.

How did the exchange for the Russian military take place?

On September 10, 2015, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Valentin Nalyvaychenko, announced that Nadezhda Savchenko, along with director Oleg Sentsov and UNA-UNSO deputy chairman Mykola Karpyuk, were on the lists of detained citizens of Ukraine who were abducted or illegally held, the exchange of which is envisaged after reaching the Minsk agreements.

More and more information began to appear in the media that Nadezhda Savchenko could be exchanged for Alexander Alexandrov and Evgeny Erofeev, who were captured in May 2015 in Lugansk region and under the video recording of those who recognized themselves as active military personnel Russian army. They were then accused by the Ukrainian side of waging an aggressive war, terrorism and arms smuggling. Moscow did not recognize this fact, declaring that Alexandrov and Yerofeev ended up in Ukraine after their dismissal from the armed forces. Then a criminal case was opened against Russian soldiers in Ukraine, and they themselves were placed in custody. The protection of the Russians insisted that they served under the contract in the people's militia of the self-proclaimed LNR.

On May 25, 2016, footage appeared on the Kremlin website showing how Vladimir Putin met with Ekaterina Kornelyuk, the widow of VGTRK special correspondent Igor Kornelyuk, and Marianna Voloshina, the sister of Anton Voloshin, the sound engineer of the Rossiya TV channel, where he asked permission to pardon Savchenko.

On the same day, Petro Poroshenko's presidential plane took Savchenko from Rostov-on-Don to Kyiv airport. At the same time, on the same day, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko pardoned Russian citizens Alexander Alexandrov and Yevgeny Erofeev. They arrived at Vnukovo airport, where they were met by relatives and friends. Just a few people. Nadezhda Savchenko, having just arrived in Ukraine, lay down on the runway and said that she would like to drink vodka. She was greeted at the Kyiv airport as a folk hero.

"To recover, I need to drink three liters of vodka," she said.

Nadezhda Viktorovna Savchenko- Member of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, senior lieutenant. Navigator-operator of the Mi-24 helicopter of the 3rd separate regiment of army aviation of the Ukrainian Air Force. Nadezhda Savchenko- Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation from the Batkivshchyna party, member of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to PACE since December 25, 2014.
Nadezhda Savchenko gained fame after she ended up in a Russian pre-trial detention center under unclear circumstances. He is accused of involvement in the murder of Russian journalists from the film crew of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company on June 17, 2014 near Lugansk.

Nadezhda Viktorovna Savchenko (Ukrainian Nadiya Viktorivna Savchenko)
Date of birth - May 11, 1981
Place of birth - Kyiv, USSR
Affiliation - Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, formerly Armed Forces of Ukraine
Type of troops Railway Troops of Ukraine → Air Forces of Ukraine
Rank - senior lieutenant

was born Nadezhda Savchenko May 11, 1981 in Kyiv. Mother - Maria Ivanovna Savchenko.
Since childhood Nadezhda Savchenko dreamed of becoming a combat aircraft pilot. After graduating from school, she received the specialty of a fashion designer, after which she studied for a year at the Faculty of Journalism of the Kyiv National University. Then she entered the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under a contract, starting service in the railway troops as a radio operator. Then she signed a contract to serve in the 95th airmobile brigade in Zhytomyr, when the first contract battalion of airmobile troops was being formed. In 2004-2005, as part of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingent, she took part in a mission in Iraq, where she served for six months as a gunner of the 3rd company of the 72nd separate mechanized battalion.

After returning from Iraq Nadezhda Savchenko entered the Kharkiv Air Force University, for which she received permission personally from the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anatoly Gritsenko. Twice she was expelled from the university as "unfit to fly as a pilot", but she twice recovered and in 2009 graduated as a navigator. As a navigator, she was trained in the class of the Su-24 front-line bomber, but at the end of her training Hope Savchenko sent to another car - a Mi-24 helicopter. After graduating from the university, she served as a navigator-operator of the Mi-24 of the 3rd separate regiment of the army aviation of the Air Force of Ukraine in the city of Brody. Has 170 flight hours and 45 parachute jumps.

On September 14, 2014, the congress of the Batkivshchyna party unanimously adopted Hope Savchenko into the ranks of the party and nominated it to the deputies Verkhovna Rada, giving first place on the electoral list in the upcoming elections. November 7 lawyer of Nadiya Savchenko said that she wrote a letter of resignation from the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to the fact that she became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. On November 19, the CEC registered Hope Savchenko People's Deputy, and on November 25 she received a certificate of People's Deputy of Ukraine.

Participation of Nadezhda Savchenko in the fighting in the east of Ukraine

During the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014 Nadezhda Savchenko took part in the combat operations of the ATO as a volunteer of the Aidar battalion, remaining an active officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. She participated in the hostilities during two vacations, moreover, having previously filed a report on her dismissal from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
From her words, Nadezhda Savchenko she carried the wounded from the battlefield during the battles near the village of Metalist near Luhansk, when she was captured by the rebels from the Zarya battalion on June 18 or 19, 2014. On June 19, a video of her interrogation was circulated on the Internet, in which she was handcuffed to a pipe.
June 22 sister Hope Savchenko, Faith Savchenko, reported that the rebels got in touch with her, wanting to exchange Nadezhda for four of their captured comrades-in-arms. It was also reported that they transported Nadezhda from Lugansk to Donetsk.
Herself Nadezhda Savchenko thought she was going to be shot.

Versions of how Nadezhda Savchenko got to the territory of Russia

The version of the Ukrainian side about how Nadezhda Savchenko ended up in Russia

On July 8, it became known that Nadezhda Savchenko is in custody in Russia in solitary confinement in a pre-trial detention center in the city of Voronezh. According to Hope Savchenko, she was first taken to Lugansk, and then to Krasny Luch, after which she was transported to Boguchar, Voronezh region of Russia. According to sister Savchenko, she was personally taken to Russia by the "Minister of Defense" of the LPR.

On the same day, July 8, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko ordered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine to take measures regarding the return Hope Savchenko, “captured by terrorists” and “illegally exported to the Russian Federation”, to Ukraine.
According to the Ukrainian side, there are grounds to suspect that Nadezhda Savchenko was illegally taken to Russia as a result of collusion between the rebels and the Russian special services. According to herself Hope Savchenko, she was forcibly taken out of the territory of Ukraine - with a bag on her head and in handcuffs; on the territory of the Russian Federation, the abductors handed her over to “persons in camouflage uniforms”. October 29 second lawyer Savchenko Nikola Polozov said that after watching the TV show, Savchenko stated that she identified the leader of the LPR, Igor Plotnitsky, as one of her captors, who led her transfer to the FSB officers on the border of Ukraine and Russia.
On October 30, 2014, the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine accused Igor Plotnitsky and Russian citizen Alexander Popov of kidnapping a Ukrainian pilot Hope Savchenko. According to the agency, on June 17, 2014, they attacked the Aidar battalion, captured Savchenko and took the pilot to Luhansk, where she was interrogated for several days in the building of the regional military commissariat, and on June 23 she was taken out of Ukraine with armed escort. The case was initiated under part 3 of article 146 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal deprivation of liberty or kidnapping), part 2 of article 258 (terrorist act) and part 3 of article 332 (illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine).

The version of the Russian side about how Nadezhda Savchenko ended up in Russia

On July 9, 2014, a representative of the Russian Investigative Committee stated that Savchenko crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border on her own under the guise of an undocumented refugee and was detained on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with Russian law, as a suspect in a criminal case of the murder of Russian journalists.

On July 24, the head of the Department for the Investigation of Crimes Related to the Use of Prohibited Means and Methods of Warfare of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, A. Drymanov, stated that "according to the materials of the case, no one forcibly took her to Russia." He further explained that she had been detained by the police while she was driving in a taxi in the Voronezh region. To the above, he also added that the purpose of Savchenko's visit to Russia, whose border she crossed as a refugee, still needs to be clarified.

Criminal prosecution of Nadezhda Savchenko in Russia

Accusation of aiding in murder

According to our law enforcement officers, the gunner was Savchenko. If it turns out that she is guilty, that she really participated in this murder, I proceed from the fact that Russian court will decide accordingly, and she will serve her sentence in accordance with the decision of the court.
- From Vladimir Putin's answer to a question from a journalist from the UNIAN news agency at a press conference on December 18, 2014.

On July 9, a representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Markin, said that the Department for the Investigation of Crimes Related to the Use of Prohibited Means and Methods of Warfare of the RF Investigative Committee charged N. Savchenko with complicity in the murder of journalists of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company Igor Kornelyuk and Anton Voloshin. According to investigators, while participating in hostilities as part of the Aidar battalion, she determined the coordinates of a group of journalists and handed them over to the Ukrainian security forces. Later, using these coordinates, a mortar attack was carried out, as a result of which the journalists were killed.

V. Markin specified that N. Savchenko accused of committing a crime under Part. 5 Article. 33, p.p. “a, b, f, f, l” part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (complicity in the murder of two or more persons in connection with the performance of official activities, in a generally dangerous way, based on political hatred, committed by a group of persons). He also explained that the charge was Savchenko in the presence of a lawyer and an interpreter, and the Ukrainian Embassy in Russia was immediately notified of the fact of detention.

On July 24, the head of the Department for the Investigation of Crimes Related to the Use of Prohibited Means and Methods of Warfare of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, A. Drymanov, said that the Investigative Committee had found confirmation guilt of Nadezhda Savchenko. According to A. Drymanov, her guilt is confirmed, in particular, by detailing the calls made from her mobile phone, confiscated from her during her detention in Russia. In addition, Drymanov said, “the Savchenko found a map of the area, divided into squares, on which artillery and mortar fire was applied.

Consideration of the complaint of the defense of Nadiya Savchenko

In accordance with the decision of the Novousmansky District Court of the Voronezh Region, N. Savchenko was taken into custody until 30 August. However, this ruling was challenged by Savchenko's defense. On July 10, the Voronezh Regional Court, having considered the complaint of the defense, rejected it and upheld the decision to imprison N. Savchenko into custody.
At the same time, the Regional Court held that Savchenko copies of the protocol and procedural documents in her native (Ukrainian) language were not handed over. As a result, the materials were returned to the district court to eliminate the violations. To eliminate these violations July 15 N. Savchenko procedural documents in her case were handed over in Ukrainian.

The court session was held behind closed doors, in the absence of the press. Savchenko during the meeting was in the pre-trial detention center of the city of Voronezh, with whom a video link was established from the courtroom. The Ukrainian diplomat was also not admitted to the trial.
On July 11, Mark Feigin, who previously defended members of the Pussy Riot group and Left Front activist L. Razvozzhaev, became Savchenko's lawyer in a Russian court.

Visiting Nadezhda Savchenko in a pre-trial detention center

July 10 Hope Savchenko visited the Voronezh human rights activist, head of the regional public monitoring commission and the human rights organization "Russia Without Torture" Anatoly Malakhov. He said that Savchenko is being held alone in a four-bed cell, equipped with hot and cold water supply, and has everything she needs. According to Malakhov, “She is in good physical form, she has no complaints about the content and attitude of employees. Malakhov also noted that Savchenko responded negatively to the question of whether she had been beaten in the isolation ward.
July 16 to Savchenko admitted the Ukrainian consul Gennady Breskalenko. According to the statement of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, “by its long delay in this matter, Russia has flagrantly violated the universal norms international law in the field of observance of human rights and freedoms, international legal obligations in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963”.
According to Nadezhda, no torture was used against her during interrogations. However, she starved for 8 days, demanding a meeting with the consul. According to the Consul, Savchenko has no complaints about the conditions of her detention, attitude towards her in the pre-trial detention center.

Accusation of Nadiya Savchenko of illegal border crossing

On October 28, a new charge was brought against Nadezhda Savchenko - in illegal crossing state border Russian Federation.

Opinions on the jurisdiction of the case of Nadiya Savchenko

Ukrainian lawyers believe that for crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine, citizens of Ukraine are subject to criminal liability on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and an investigation should be carried out law enforcement Ukraine. In addition, Article 10 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides that citizens of Ukraine cannot be extradited foreign country for criminal prosecution.
The Investigative Committee of Russia created a special unit to investigate crimes international character against civilians”, which were committed on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, it does not specify which norms of Russian criminal law provide for the investigation of crimes committed by citizens of another country in a territory that is not the territory of Russia.

Hunger strike of Nadezhda Savchenko

On December 13, 2014, Savchenko went on a hunger strike, as she was not provided with medical assistance for an ear infection.
Savchenko's defense at the European Court of Human Rights
On July 10, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine applied to the Council of Europe with a request to recognize the Ukrainian military Hope Savchenko hostage of Russia and demand her extradition.
On July 15, the European Court of Human Rights began proceedings on the Savchenko case. The case was given priority status. The President of the ECHR turned to the government of the Russian Federation with questions about how Savchenko ended up in the Russian pre-trial detention center, on what grounds she was not given the opportunity to meet with the consul of Ukraine. The court also ordered the government of the Russian Federation to inform about the conditions of Savchenko's detention.

Possible release of Nadezhda Savchenko

On September 10, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Valentin Nalyvaychenko, announced that Nadezhda Savchenko along with director Oleg Sentsov and UNA-UNSO deputy chairman Mykola Karpyuk, they are on the lists of detained citizens of Ukraine who were abducted or illegally held, or who are being prosecuted and exchanged after the Minsk agreements are reached. On October 27, lawyer Mark Feigin announced that the court had extended Savchenko's arrest until February 2015.

Psychiatric examination of Nadezhda Savchenko

September 22nd Hope Savchenko was taken out of the Voronezh pre-trial detention center in an unknown direction, later the lawyers learned that she was in the Moscow pre-trial detention center-6. On the same day, the Investigative Committee of Russia officially confirmed that they plan to take Savchenko to Moscow for a psychiatric examination. In November, a forensic psychiatric examination found Savchenko sane, and she was transferred from the Serbsky Institute to a pre-trial detention center.

Election of Nadiya Savchenko as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

On October 29, lawyer Nikolai Polozov made public Savchenko's statement, in which she expressed concern about the initiatives of the Ukrainian authorities to appoint foreigners to positions in the government.
On December 25, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada included Savchenko in the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to PACE.

Nadezhda Savchenko Awards

Order "For Courage" 3rd degree (August 21, 2014) - "For personal courage and heroism shown in the defense of state sovereignty and territorial integrity Ukraine, fidelity to the military oath, highly professional performance of duty.

Nadezhda Savchenko was born on May 11, 1981 in Kyiv. Since childhood, she dreamed of mastering the profession of a combat aircraft pilot. Mother Savchenko Maria Ivanovna notes that eldest daughter I fell in love with airplanes at the age of four.

“My family and I flew to the Crimea on planes, and Nadya sat at the window all the time and stared at the clouds. She wanted to fly and said that her soul was in the sky,” says Maria Savchenko.

Nadezhda Savchenko does not deny that she has been addicted to the sky since childhood, but she says that she made the final decision about the profession at the age of seventeen.

“For as long as I can remember, I have always liked height and speed. I have a feeling that I have always loved the sky, the first time I saw it up close as a four-year-old girl. And the dream of flying was given to me by an acquaintance who had been sick with the sky all his life, but said that he would not be accepted into the flight school, because he had six fillings in his teeth. Can you imagine what the requirements for the health of future pilots used to be?! Six fillings in your teeth - and you're no longer fit. So, my friend fascinated me with the sky at the age of 17. It was then that I decided that I wanted to become a pilot, ”Savchenko emphasizes in one of his interviews.


After graduating from school, Savchenko was educated as a fashion designer. After the future pilot decided to receive higher education and entered the faculty of journalism at the Kiev University "Ukraine". Savchenko studied there for a year.

All this time, she still dreamed of becoming a pilot and made several attempts to get a specialized education.

“For a very long time, I looked for various reference books in which institutes they are trained. And I found Kharkiv - the University of the Air Force. Arriving to submit documents, I heard from men with big stars on shoulder straps: "You have one problem - you are a girl." I immediately answered: “And what do you need to think about at the helm of an airplane - with your head or with what is between your legs?” “Oh, you are also a rude. All goodbye. You don't belong here." After that, I went to this institute for four years in a row. At the checkpoint they said: “There are no girls in the army, especially in aviation.” To which I replied: “It’s not true, there is.” And in the fourth year, I nevertheless got an appointment with the general, who warned me: “If you want to study, serve a year in the army,” Savchenko recalls.


First, Nadezhda, under a contract, joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine, where she served as a radio operator in the railway troops. Savchenko later signed a contract to serve in the 95th airmobile brigade.

Savchenko herself says that they did not want to take her to the 95th brigade, but they had to.

“At first I was sent to serve as a radio operator, and for four months I worked, in fact, as an answering machine. But this service is absolutely not for me. Decided that nowhere but in landing troops, I can not be closest to the sky. And she went to ask the battalion commander. Then the first contract battalion was formed, in which women, as you understand, were not needed at all. To get rid of me, the battalion commander said: “Girl, 15 kilometers of the training ground with a 15-kilogram paratrooper's backpack. You run with the guys in the snow. If you don't let them go, I'll take it." I told him: “Good,” and a week later I was already transferred from one type of troops to another,” Savchenko notes.

In the period from 2004 to 2005, the pilot was part of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingent in the mission in Iraq. She served 6 months in the 72nd separate mechanized battalion as a shooter of the 3rd company.

“We were in Iraq for six months. I realized that this is the only place where a soldier can do his direct work - there is no need to collect cigarette butts or go to the toilets in outfits, ”Nadezhda Savchenko told reporters a few years ago.

Upon returning from Iraq, Nadezhda Savchenko entered the Kharkiv Air Force University. Several times Savchenko was expelled from the university, but each time she stubbornly recovered.

After serving in the city of Brody in Air Force Ukraine in the 3rd separate shelf army aviation.

With the outbreak of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014, Savchenko signed up as a volunteer in the Aidar battalion. At first she took part in the conflict during two vacations, but then she wrote a report and resigned from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“At work, she was not allowed to go east. She had to write a report. I talked her out of it. But she said that she had to go and defend the Ukrainian land,” notes Maria Savchenko.

Near Luhansk, near the village of Metallist, during the battle on the night of June 18-19, 2014, she was captured. Later, Nadezhda was taken from Ukraine to the territory of the Russian Federation, where she was kept in a pre-trial detention center. The Ukrainian woman was charged with complicity in the murder of journalists from the Russian Federation.

Information that Nadezhda Savchenko is on the territory of the Russian Federation appeared on July 8. The Russian Foreign Ministry then claimed that the woman "under unknown circumstances" crossed the border under the guise of a refugee, and detained her during an identity check.

In September, the Russian Investigative Committee confirmed that Savchenko would undergo a psychiatric examination in Moscow. As a result of a forensic psychiatric examination, the Ukrainian woman was recognized as sane and transferred to a pre-trial detention center.

On December 13, Savchenko announced an indefinite hunger strike, arguing that she was not given medical care. Soon she continued her hunger strike, demanding a change in the measure of restraint. The hunger strike lasted 83 days. During this time, Savchenko lost more than 20 kilograms.

In February, the defense began to receive statements about the alibi of the client. It was alleged that at the time of the death of journalists, she was already in captivity.

In early March, Savchenko partially ended her hunger strike, but resumed it a few days later.

As a result, the trials lasted almost a year and a half, after which the Russian court found Savchenko guilty and sentenced him to 22 years in prison for the murder of journalists and ordered him to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles for crossing the border.

The Ukrainian side insists on the release of Savchenko.

“We are coordinating as much as possible with the international community to provide pressure on Russia to release Nadezhda Savchenko,” Petro Poroshenko said during a meeting with Maria Savchenko, Nadezhda’s mother.

Earlier, the President of Ukraine said that he was ready to exchange the pilot, noting that he was "ready to use his constitutional powers to ensure the exchange, which the representatives of the Russian side spoke about."


Savchenko's political activities began on the territory of Ukraine in 2014 without her presence in the country.

On September 14, 2014, the Batkivshchyna party held a congress, at which the Ukrainian pilot was accepted into the ranks of the party by unanimous decision.

At the same congress, Nadezhda was nominated as a candidate for deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In the party electoral list, she took first place.

As part of her parliamentary "work", Savchenko became a delegate to PACE. While she, for objective reasons, cannot fulfill her duties as a European parliamentarian in the Council of Europe, the pilot is replaced by her party colleague Sergei Vlasenko.

A person

He likes to do needlework: pottery, embroidery, art stained glass, decorative design.


Nadezhda Savchenko is not married and has no children. The Savchenko family consists of mother Maria Ivanovna and sister Vera. Although during his service in Iraq, Savchenko was offered a hand and heart more than once, for example, by an Arab policeman and the prince of Essaouira.

The pilot says inner strength passed down to her from her mother.

"When my mother carried me, before last day she worked on a collective farm, and it was hard - she chopped cabbage. And when they began to scold her for this, she answered: “The mother works, the father works, let the child work.” I know that my mother used to gather under the ice in the winter to heat the stove in the house. How can I, after such an example, consider that my life is hard? I don’t understand how you can cry when the berets rubbed your leg? When we ran in formation, I never fell first. The last - yes, ”Savchenko notes.

Compromise and rumors

Nadezhda Savchenko as people's deputy Ukraine became the initiator of the bill, which the media called "Savchenko's law." The law was supported by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The document obliges convicts to take into account every day spent in a pre-trial detention center for two days of serving a sentence. The State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine noted that on the basis of the “Savchenko law”, the terms of imprisonment of 28,971 people were reduced.

In particular, as a result of the operation of this law, Andrei Slyusarchuk, better known as "Doctor Pi", will be released, who received a prison term for manslaughter of a patient.

“The court decided to count him 1 day in a pre-trial detention center for 2. The term was reduced by 3.5 years. He will be able to be released in mid-June,” Slyusarchuk’s lawyer Vadym Melko said.