What is self-hypnosis, I think many of you know. If not, then I will briefly remind you that self-hypnosis is the repetition of certain phrases aloud or to yourself in order to inspire yourself with the desired qualities.
character, become richer, lose weight or achieve any other goal.

An analysis of the use of autosuggestion in my life led me to the conclusion that sometimes it works well, and sometimes it does not work at all, despite months of repetition of a certain suggestion. In this article, I summarized my diary entries for several years and conclusions about when
self-hypnosis works, and when it doesn't.

1. I often read that in self-hypnosis you can’t use the word “no and you can’t.” I didn't notice that auto-suggestion doesn't work when using these denial particles. Works and pretty
not bad. Therefore, if you want to achieve something, but do not know how to formulate a suggestion without negation, then use it.

This is especially true if you want to give up some habit, for example, eat a lot, smoke, etc.

2. The selection of phrases for themselves has exclusively importance. Often in books you can see self-hypnosis for development
confidence, money thinking, memory, etc. But it is not at all necessary that these auto-suggestions will work for you.

Some words you do not fully understand, for some words you do not have a single association. There are words that for some reason cause you rejection.
Therefore, it is necessary to spend some time on the choice of words. You won't save time here. Try one or the other self-hypnosis. Do you like it, do you understand it, do you have at least a few associative images in your head when you pronounce it, is there any discomfort in your soul or body?

For some purposes, short auto-suggestions are better suited, for others a little more detail is better. It happens that self-hypnosis works well for a whole page of text that you read aloud.

3. Self-hypnosis requires at least minimal relaxation. Once I tried a self-hypnosis formula that I used for 2 months on my way to work and back. Twice a day, for 15 minutes, it seems to be enough to feel the effect. But there was no effect.

And only when I began to pronounce it at home, in a calm atmosphere, having previously relaxed, did it begin to act. Therefore, I am somewhat skeptical about the recommendations to use self-hypnosis on the way to
work, walking, sitting in a car in traffic jams, etc. Worse of course will not be, except for the loss of time. Although, of course, all people are different.

4. Self-hypnosis requires daily practice, at least twice a day. All of my successful autosuggestions have occurred when
I worked out quite intensively.
Approximately twice a day for 15-30 minutes.

Skipping at least one class is bad for achieving the effect. Missing one day of classes is very, very
bad and greatly undermines the effect of training. Skipping a couple of days of classes, for example on weekends, raises the question that everything you do is useless.

It is much better to work out intensively for two months and then quit altogether than to work out with weekend passes.
a whole year.

If your work or life schedule is such that you cannot practice twice a day, then it is better to postpone the training until better times, do not repeat other people's mistakes. You will spend a lot of time, get frustrated, and say that this method does not work, although it works, and not bad.

5. Self-hypnosis is rather help subconscious in the formation of images, rather than acting directly. Therefore, do not just say mindlessly self-hypnosis phrases. Let some images and situations corresponding to self-hypnosis rush through your mind. As soon as the consciousness began to go aside again, repeat the self-hypnosis again.

6. If no changes in your life occur within 2-3 weeks, then you are doing something wrong.
Review your training, go through the points of the secrets of self-hypnosis.

7 . And vice versa, if self-hypnosis works, do not try to change the phrases of auto-suggestion. It is also desirable to save time
classes, frequency, etc. Some well-functioning phrases can be used for years. If they get bored, then
sometimes it's better to add a phrase than to remove it altogether.

8. Sometimes aids are good for self-hypnosis. For example, recording text on a tape recorder and
listening to this recording, or self-hypnosis in front of a mirror.

9. Sometimes a more basic belief gets in the way of realizing your goal and desire. It can be parent programs or
other beliefs. For example, if you study how to earn more money, how to increase income, then another suggestion that the rich are bad can completely or partially neutralize the effect of the classes. How to determine that there is another suggestion?
If you start practicing and you have unpleasant sensations in your body, disbelief is too strong, reaching
aggression, excessive laziness, etc., then there may be another suggestion that is opposite to the one you are now
suggest to yourself. If you work out for several days and analyze the images that arise in your head, then be sure to identify it. Include the opposite suggestion in your training program. Everything will get better little by little.

10. Well, the tenth remark, again, in some books they write that it is necessary to formulate goals as specifically as possible.
That is, I do not want a car, but I want a BMW 5 series, gray, on such and such a date, etc. I dealt with both specific
suggestions, as well as general ones. On this occasion, I can say the following, at the beginning of work, you, as a rule, cannot clearly
formulate your dream, and even more so the timing, etc. The specifics at the beginning of the work only hinder the work. As you get closer to the goal, of course, you can and should specify it. Therefore, when you start studying, it is better to say the phrase “I am rich”, and as you progress, you can formulate “By such and such a number, through such and such a business, I easily earn money, etc.”

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

Surely many of you have heard about the self-hypnosis of the disease. But how it happens and how to get rid of it, not many people know.


A person's well-being largely depends on his thoughts and mood. If a person maintains a sense of health, strength, then he manifests them in life. If a person succumbs to despondency, painful thoughts, is constantly afraid of getting sick with something, then this affects the state of health, and usually results in some kind of illness. This mental phenomenon is called self-hypnosis of the disease.

Medicine knows the facts when the self-hypnosis of the disease made people disabled, prematurely reduced to the grave. But it also saved from death and much suffering. It's amazing how little people know about autosuggestion. But the ability to it is inherent in man. In addition, self-hypnosis is very easy to use if you master the technique well.

But first, let's figure out how the self-hypnosis of the disease occurs. Let's imagine a situation: a person woke up, went to the bathroom and saw himself in the mirror, pale and exhausted. He slept badly at night, under his eyes, as it seemed to him, black circles. And yet, this man overcame the feeling of discomfort with willpower. He did morning exercises, mentally saying to himself: “Now I will go out into the fresh air and I will definitely feel good. I'm not the kind to sour and succumb bad mood". Straightening his back and raising his head, he walked with a confident gait to work.

The above situation is an example of correct behavior. She demonstrates positive attitude life, fortitude and self-control. It can be called an example of correct self-hypnosis.

But let's look at another example: a person saw himself in the mirror, as it seemed to him, unhealthy and immediately lost heart. Still, because he slept very badly today. The thought immediately arose in my head: “Is this the beginning of some kind of illness?” And then, as luck would have it, there was a prick in my side and my head was spinning and my eyes darkened. Sometimes in such cases even go to the doctor. And this is not the worst option, it happens that they don’t go to the doctor (once or it’s scary), but they constantly think about the disease, about the symptoms, in general, about the negative.

There is a self-hypnosis of the disease here. If this person had been critical (or ironic) of his feelings, everything would have been different. Perhaps yesterday he ate something not very fresh, and that's how he feels bad. So no, he will think about the worst possible scenario, and thereby worsen his condition. And then the situation develops on the rise: every day it gets worse and worse, new symptoms of the disease appear (or rather, the person is looking for them), the state of health worsens, and then real illness hand over.

And the worst thing is that people of this type of character (mind) inspire diseases not only to themselves, but also to others. It is only worth mentioning to them that your head hurts - they will immediately tell you that you have pressure, and you definitely need to take care of your health.

Do you still think that self-hypnosis is nonsense? And how do you like that? A fact is known when a person accidentally closed in a refrigerator car froze, although in fact the refrigerator was not turned on. One psychic experience led to death. This would not have happened if a person, once in a refrigerator car, inspired himself: “I have the strength to keep warm. Everything will be fine. I will be warm if I work my muscles. I will be able to let people know about me ... "

A fact from the life of the Indians is also known. It was like this: a crime was committed in the village. To identify the criminal, they called a local sorcerer. According to the ideas of the villagers, the sorcerer must know everything. And the sorcerer at the same time understands that if he does not identify the culprit of the crime, people will stop believing in his witchcraft, he will lose authority and influence on his fellow tribesmen. He gave all the suspects to drink a "witch" potion - a rather poisonous, but not lethal composition. Everyone drank boldly, being completely sure that if someone was not guilty, the poison would not affect him. But the perpetrator of the crime fell into despair. He had already convinced himself that he was finished. In his body he had drastic changes in the form of a violation of vegetative functions and soon he was found dead. Both the guilty and the innocent were affected by the power of self-hypnosis.

From all of the above, it follows that in 90 cases out of 100 we are ill with diseases suggested by us ourselves. Doctors offer several ways to deal with autosuggestion of the disease. The easiest, in their opinion, is to repeat to yourself that you are healthy. Doctors consider another successful remedy daytime sleep. At the same time, before falling asleep, it is strongly recommended to inspire yourself that you are lying on the beach on warm sand and think only about something pleasant. These representations should promote sound sleep and release the brain from excess stress.

And Vernon Coleman, who deals with issues of self-hypnosis in the fight against “non-invented” (real) diseases, recommends that during the period of illness, try to imagine the infection as clearly as possible in the form of an extremely thin, frail, homeless and frightened tramp. This presentation will help you easily overcome the disease.

By the way, in this way, until the end of the 17th century, healers coped with illnesses, both bodily and spiritual. In the treatment of "obsession" a simple psychological reception. The "exorcist" made a small incision on the belly of the "obsessed" and made a sign to the assistant, who let the living creature out of the bag. bat, after which everyone watched in relief as the "demon" flew away.

Negative emotions cause disease.

The state of our body is affected not only by thoughts in themselves, but also by emotions. It has been proven and scientifically proven that negative emotions cause illness. And just the same positive emotions improve our well-being, give us strength and bring joy to life.

Surely you are wondering what negative emotions are “responsible” for a particular disease. Below is a list in which a certain disease (including "invented") is compared with the emotions that cause it.

* Alcoholism - a feeling of loneliness, uselessness, unwillingness to live, lack of attention and affection.
* Allergy - disbelief in one's own strength, stress, emotions of fear.
* Apathy - resistance to feelings, fear, indifferent attitude of others.
* Apoplexy, seizure - flight from the family, from oneself, from life.
* Appendicitis - fear of life.

* Arthritis, gout - lack of love from others, increased self-criticism, resentment, resentment, emotions of anger.
* Asthma - suffocating love, suppression of feelings, fear of life.
* Insomnia - emotions of fear, guilt, mistrust.
* Rabies, rabies - emotions of anger, aggression.
* Diseases of the eyes - emotions of anger, frustration.

* Diseases of the stomach - emotions of fear.
* Diseases of the teeth - prolonged indecision, inability to make a clear decision.
* Diseases of the legs - fear of the future, fear of being unrecognized, obsession with childhood injuries.
* Diseases of the nose - resentment, crying, feeling of insignificance, the need for someone's help.
* Liver diseases - emotions of anger, chronic resentment, self-justification, constant bad mood.

* Kidney diseases - boredom, self-anger, self-criticism, lack of emotions, disappointment, annoyance, failure, failure, mistake, failure, inability, react as Small child, self-criticism, loss.
* Back pain - lack of emotional support, lack of love, guilt, emotions of fear generated by lack of money.
* Painful knees - pride, selfishness, emotions of fear.
* Sores, wounds, ulcers - hidden anger.
* Warts - belief in one's own ugliness, evil eye, envy.

* Bronchitis - disputes, swearing in the family, tense atmosphere in the house.
* Varicose veins - loss of strength, processing, overload.
* Sexually transmitted diseases - mistreatment of other people, the belief that sex is a dirty business.
* Overweight - emotions of fear, the need for protection, self-denial.
* Gray hair - stress, worries, overwork.

* Gastritis - self-doubt.
* Hemorrhoids - experience about the past.
* Hepatitis - fear, emotions of anger, hatred.
* Herpes - guilt for your thoughts about sex, shame.
* Gynecological diseases - unwillingness to be a woman, self-dislike, rude, inattentive attitude of men.

* Deafness - unwillingness to listen to others, stubbornness.
* Pus, inflammation - thoughts of revenge, experience of harm done, a sense of repentance.
* Headaches - emotions of anger and fear, self-criticism, a sense of inferiority.
* Depression - emotions of anger, feelings of hopelessness, envy.
* Diabetes - jealousy, the desire to control the lives of other people.

* Diarrhea, diarrhea - emotions of fear.
* Dysentery - fear, intense anger.
* Halitosis - gossip, dirty thoughts.
* Jaundice - envy, jealousy.
* Gallstones - bitterness, heavy thoughts, pride.

* Constipation - conservatism in thoughts.
* Goiter, thyroid gland - a feeling of hatred for the fact that you have been hurt, suffering, excessive sacrifice, the feeling that your path in life is being blocked.
* Itching - remorse, repentance, unfulfilled desires.
* Heartburn - strong emotions of fear.
* Impotence - fear of failure in bed, excessive tension, guilt, anger at the previous partner, fear of the mother.

* Infection - irritation, emotions of anger, annoyance.
* Curvature of the spine - emotions of fear, obsession with old ideas, distrust of life, lack of courage to admit one's mistakes.
* Cough - the desire to attract the attention of others.
* Climax - fear of age, fear of loneliness, fear of not being more desirable, rejection of oneself, hysteria.
* Skin diseases - anxiety, emotions of fear.

* Colic, sharp pains - emotions of anger, irritation, annoyance.
* Colitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon - too demanding parents, a sense of oppression, lack of love and affection, lack of a sense of security.
* Lump in the throat - emotions of fear.
* Conjunctivitis - emotions of anger, frustration, disappointment.
* High blood pressure - worries about the past.

* Blood pressure is low - lack of love in childhood, defeatist moods, disbelief in one's own strengths.
* Nail biting - nervousness, disruption of plans, anger at parents, self-criticism and devouring oneself.
* Laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx - fear of expressing one's opinion, indignation, resentment, indignation against someone else's authority.
* Leukemia - the inability to enjoy life.
* Fever - emotions of anger, anger.

* Shingles - emotions of fear and tension, too much sensitivity.
* Mastitis - excessive concern for someone, worries.
* Uterus, disease of the mucous membrane - emotions of fear, disappointment.
* Meningitis - emotions of anger, emotions of fear, disagreements in the family.
* Menstrual problems - rejection of one's feminine nature, guilt, fear, attitude towards the genitals as something dirty and shameful.

* Migraine - dissatisfaction with one's life, sexual fears.
* Myopia, myopia - fear of the future.
* Thrush, candidiasis - love of disputes, excessive demands on people, distrust of everyone, suspicion, feelings of disappointment, hopelessness, emotions of anger.
* Seasickness- fear of death.
* Incorrect posture, landing of the head - fear of the future.

* Indigestion - emotions of fear, horror, anxiety.
* Accidents - belief in violence, fear of speaking out loud about their problems.
* Sagging facial features - a feeling of resentment and indignation towards one's own life.
* Sagging buttocks - loss of strength, self-confidence.
* Gluttony - emotions of fear, self-condemnation.

* Baldness - emotions of fear, tension, the desire to control everyone and everything.
* Fainting, loss of consciousness - emotions of fear.
* Burns - emotions of anger, irritation, anger.
* Tumors - remorse, remorse, intrusive thoughts, old grievances, inflame in yourself indignation, indignation.
* Brain tumor - stubbornness, unwillingness to accept anything new in your life.

* Osteoporosis - a feeling of lack of support in this life.
* Otitis, pain in the ears - emotions of anger, unwillingness to hear, scandals in the family.
* Belching - emotions of fear.
* Pancreatitis - emotions of anger and frustration, dissatisfaction with life.
* Paralysis - fear, horror.

* Facial paralysis - unwillingness to express their feelings, tight control over their anger.
* Parkinson's disease - the emotions of fear and the desire to control everything and everything.
* Food poisoning- feeling of helplessness, falling under someone else's control.
* Pneumonia (pneumonia) - despair, fatigue from life, emotional wounds that cannot be healed.
* Gout - lack of patience, emotions of anger, need for dominance.

* Pancreas - lack of joy in life.
* Polio - extreme jealousy.
* Cuts - violation of their own principles.
* Loss of appetite - worries, self-hatred, fear of life.
* Leprosy - inability to manage one's life, confidence in one's worthlessness or lack of spiritual purity.

* Prostate - guilt, sexual pressure from the outside, male fears.
* Colds - self-hypnosis "I have a cold three times every winter", confusion in my thoughts, confusion in my head.
* Pimples - dissatisfaction with oneself.
* Psoriasis - fear of being offended, wounded, killing one's feelings.
* Cancer is a deep wound, a long feeling of indignation and resentment, grief, sadness and devouring oneself, hatred.

* Wounds - anger and guilt on oneself.
* Stretching - anger and resistance, unwillingness to move in life in a certain direction.
* Rickets - lack of love and security.
* Vomiting - fear of the new.
* Rheumatism - feeling that you are being victimized, deceived, tortured, persecuted, lack of love, chronic bitterness, resentment, indignation, resentment.

* Spleen - blues, anger, irritation, obsessions.
* Hay fever - accumulation of emotions, persecution mania, guilt.
* Heart - emotional problems, worries, lack of joy, hardening of the heart, tension, overwork, stress.
* Bruises, bruises - self-punishment.
* Sclerosis - hardness of heart, iron will, lack of flexibility, emotions of anger and fear.

* Reduced thyroid function - a feeling of hopeless depression.
* Spasm of the jaw muscles - emotions of anger, a desire to control everything, a refusal to openly express one's feelings.
* Spasms - tension of thoughts due to fear.
* Spikes on the stomach - emotions of fear.
* AIDS - denial of oneself, blaming oneself on sexual grounds.

* Stomatitis - censure, reproaches, words that torment a person.
* Convulsions, spasms - tension, emotions of fear, tightness.
* Stoop - a feeling that you are carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders, defenselessness and helplessness.
* Rash - desire to attract attention, irritation, small fears.
* Tachycardia - emotions of fear.

* Tick (eyes) - fear, the feeling that someone is constantly watching you.
* Large intestine - confused thoughts, layering of the past.
* Tonsillitis - fear, repressed emotions, suffocated creativity.
* Nausea is the emotion of fear.
* Trauma - anger at oneself, guilt.

* Tuberculosis - selfishness, cruel, ruthless painful thoughts, revenge.
* Tuberculosis of the skin, lupus - emotions of anger, inability to stand up for oneself.
* Enlargement of the thyroid gland is an extreme disappointment that you are not able to do what you want.
* Acne - small outbursts of anger.
* Blow, paralysis - refusal to yield, resistance, it is better to die than to change.

* Suffocation, attacks - emotions of fear.
* Animal bites - anger, need for punishment.
* Insect bites - guilt over little things.
* Insanity - an escape from the family, avoiding life's problems.
* Urethra, inflammation - emotions of anger.

* Fatigue - boredom, lack of love for one's work.
* Ears, ringing - stubbornness, unwillingness to listen to anyone, unwillingness to hear the inner voice.
* Phlebitis - anger and frustration, blaming others for limitations in life and lack of joy in it.
* Frigidity - emotions of fear, denial of pleasure, pleasure, belief that sex is bad, insensitive partners, fear of the father.
* Boils - emotions of anger, constant boiling and bubbling inside.

* Snoring is a stubborn refusal to let go of old patterns.
* Cellulite - emotions of anger and a sense of self-punishment, attachment to pain, obsession with the past, fear of choosing your own path in life.
* Jaw, problems - emotions of anger, indignation, indignation, resentment, revenge.
* Neck - stubbornness, rigidity, inflexibility, inflexibility, refusal to look at the issue from different angles.
* Thyroid gland - resentment, emotions of fear.

* Eczema - an extremely strong contradiction to something, rejection of something extraneous.
* Enuresis - fear of parents.
* Epilepsy - a feeling of persecution, a feeling of struggle, violence towards oneself.
* Stomach ulcer - emotions of fear.
* Barley - emotions of anger.

Have you noticed that most diseases cause emotions of anger and fear? So let's try to expel these dangerous emotions from our lives.

Tell me, do you use self-hypnosis? If not, then in vain, doctors say. Doctors claim that with its help, patients achieve weight loss, rejuvenate the body and even treat diseases. Self-hypnosis, psychologists confirm, makes us beautiful, strong, happy and positive, despite life's troubles and everyday problems.

Self-hypnosis: what is it?

As you can see, experts from different industries offer it as an alternative habitual methods. And they explain: self-hypnosis is a process of assurance addressed to oneself. With its help, the level of self-regulation increases, which allows a person to evoke certain emotions in himself, skillfully manipulate memory and imagination, and control somatic reactions. In a word, this is one of the forms of the so-called mental control of oneself, one's own body and feelings.

Self-hypnosis is especially helpful against diseases: using its various methods, patients overcome internal negative attitudes, while helping professional therapy aimed at healing. They are taught to convince themselves that the disease will definitely recede, you can easily and permanently get rid of it. Doctors say at the same time: confidence reaches such high level that even seriously ill people begin to recover just before our eyes. Their depression goes away and their strength is restored to fight for life.

What can be achieved?

Self-hypnosis treatment is as old as the world. Even ancient thinkers - Aristotle, Plato and Hippocrates - noticed the peculiarities of the impact on human health of his thoughts and words. They found out: the more impressionable and emotional a person is, the faster and more effectively the principle of self-hypnosis acts on her. In addition, children lend themselves well to winding: being too receptive, they react vividly to the situation, rebuild without problems and are amenable to influence.

It is most easy to work with such personalities, doctors say. Self-hypnosis in their body can really achieve positive changes, which is confirmed by clinical tests. For example, if a patient convinces himself that he is hungry, his level of leukocytes in the blood instantly changes. And in an individual who imagines cold and winter, the so-called temperature drops, gas exchange accelerates. If you conduct self-hypnosis sessions every day, you can subjugate all the important functions of the body.

Cause of disease

Where do illnesses come from, if they can be so easily got rid of - by the method of ordinary suggestion? Is it possible that the main cause of their occurrence is our spiritual world, and not physical body? Indeed, it is. Many diseases begin to destroy our body, forming as the consequences of a painful imagination, which can be cured with the help of phrases and thoughts. Psychologists say: sentences during such a kind of auto-training must be short, they should be pronounced in the first person, without using the negative particle “no”.

If you construct the text correctly, self-hypnosis against diseases will work with a bang. The main thing is that your speech contains affirmative phrases “I can ...”, “I am strong ...”, “I will definitely overcome ...”, and so on. The voice must be firm, confident, even harsh. Thus, a person will not only cope with the disease, but also revive his working capacity, improve his well-being, and correct his mood.

In what diseases self-hypnosis is most effective?

It is clear that one auto-training will not be full. If you do not use the medicines prescribed by the doctor, avoid the necessary procedures and do not adhere to any words, no words will be able to heal the patient. Phrases can only be an addition to the main therapy. In this case, they will become effective, especially in the following situations:

  • During a long or chronic illness.
  • When a person undergoes rehabilitation after an accident, injury, heart attack.
  • The patient suffers from psychological problems, neurosis, depression.
  • He was diagnosed with bronchial asthma, cancer, gastritis, sexual dysfunction, angina pectoris, and so on.

Competent installation in self-hypnosis against a specific disease - powerful weapon patient. Wherein best time for classes is late evening or early morning. During these periods, a person is relaxed, in a semi-drowsy state, and his brain is the least excited, which means it is more open to the perception of fresh and necessary information.

Placebo Secret

Given all of the above, doctors began to actively use suggestion. They came up with a placebo - the so-called pacifier (solution, injection or tablet), which do not contain drugs. They were given to patients, assuring that with the help of a miracle cure, they would definitely be able to overcome the disease. By taking a placebo, people did get better - such was the effect that self-hypnosis had on recovery. The pacifier was first used by American anesthetist Henry Ward Beecher in 1955. He fed simple sugar pills to his patients, telling them they were powerful painkillers. Indeed, in a third of cases, the pain went away, people felt better.

Or, as an example, we can cite the practice of the Italian doctor Fabrizio Benedetti. He treated from here only instead of the usual medicine he gave the sick a solution table salt. The effect was similar: most people showed positive dynamics. It is clear that before starting such an experiment, the doctors weighed all the pros and cons, held consultations so as not to harm the health of the experimental subjects.


How does self-hypnosis work? Against diseases, it helped more than once, so scientists decided to conduct a detailed analysis of its effects on the body, which occurs at the physical level. Scanning the brains of patients, they found the following: in response to taking a placebo and being assured of the effectiveness of therapy, neurons began to produce endorphins - natural narcotic substances that can extinguish pain blocking nerve endings. As a result, the person immediately felt much better.

It is a well-known fact that people use only a small part of the capabilities of their own brain, so it is not surprising that ordinary autosuggestion can sometimes really work wonders, saving patients even from complex shape oncological disease. Of course, auto-training does not always help. For example, he is completely powerless in cases where people with a mediocre mind inspired themselves that they are geniuses. One way or another, but there are hidden reserves in each of us, so you need to try in practice any method that promises to get rid of an obsessive ailment.


The basis of any self-hypnosis are thoughts, ideas and sensations. Based on this, psychologists identify several of the most effective methods:

  1. Affirmations - repeating aloud stable phrases or verbal formulas: "I will overcome allergies ..." or "I will have strong immunity ...".
  2. Visualization - presenting yourself healthy, vigorous, energetic.
  3. Meditation - long stay in a trance, when a person combines the first two of the above methods.
  4. Self-hypnosis is a powerful technique that allows the patient to enter a trance and program themselves for healing.
  5. Recapping - experiencing the situation again. If a person was injured after an accident, he mentally replays the event in his head, coming up with a happy outcome. Thus, he makes it clear to the body that nothing happened.
  6. The Shichko method is a written statement of one's desire or aspiration.

These are the most popular ways in which you can carry out self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis methods will program your mind for a speedy recovery.

Where are they taught?

Self-hypnosis cures all diseases... One can argue with this statement: sometimes the situation is critical and nothing can save the patient. But in most cases, self-hypnosis still brings positive results. The main thing at the same time is to master his technique, the main components of which are will and patience. In order to competently conduct therapy sessions, it is better to be trained by a specialist: the main methods are taught in rehabilitation centers, oncological dispensaries, specialized hospitals. These institutions employ qualified psychologists who will help you learn the basics of self-hypnosis and purposefully use them at home.

The young fighter course lasts approx. three weeks. Upon completion, you can independently put into practice all the above types of self-hypnosis. It will be good if close people, relatives and friends support you in this simple game and will constantly focus on the fact that you will definitely succeed in getting rid of the ill-fated disease.


Convincing yourself that black is white is very difficult, you might say. And you will be absolutely right. How can you convince yourself that you are as healthy as a bull, even if it is difficult to pronounce words, and the body aches from pain and physical suffering? In fact, you can achieve what you want, for this you only need to sincerely believe in the power of the spoken phrases or the effect of the means taken. The result will depend on how convinced you are of miraculous salvation.

As an example, we can conduct a small experiment. Lie down on a comfortable couch, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine a hot July day: the sun is at its zenith, its rays mercilessly burn green grass, nothing to breathe. Well, did sweat break out on your forehead, did your throat dry up? Why? Yes, because the imagination is the most effective tool that uses self-hypnosis against diseases. Train: soon, with the power of one thought alone, you will be able to work real miracles. Remember that faith is the starting point leading to the point of achievement, and fantasy is itself and not always simple.


If for some reason you are unable to conduct a home therapy session, you can seek help from a psychologist. He usually uses hypnosis to give the patient certain settings aimed at his speedy recovery. Experience shows that in a special state of consciousness, psychic reactions or beliefs are best inculcated. During hypnosis, even the most complex and technically difficult suggestions succeed.

It should be borne in mind that the method can be used only when a person is not very deeply immersed in an artificially induced sleep. A strong degree of hypnosis, called the lethargic phase, is absolutely incompatible with suggestion. On the contrary, light hypnosis can convince even the most unreceptive person. Before immersing the patient in this state, the doctor conducts conversations with him, studying the life positions, emotional background, temperament and other characteristics of the individual. Hypnosis, self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis in writing, self-training in front of a mirror and other methods are effective only if a person really sincerely wants to recover and forget about the problem that poisons life forever.


After reading the above information, you were able to see what the power of self-hypnosis is. With it, you can not only eliminate the character, but even some physical conditions. Self-hypnosis destroys diseases, helps to gain self-confidence, achieve love from the opposite sex and success at work. It is present in every moment of our life: on the street, at home, among friends. Without noticing it ourselves, we easily succumb to suggestion from the environment, which can instill not only certain beliefs, inclinations and sympathies, but also radically change the behavioral model.

Psychological exchange with representatives of society is acceptable if it has a positive content and is designed to make your life easier. In the event that the environment, through suggestion, tries to lead you on the wrong path, it is necessary to fight against external influence. All the same methods of self-hypnosis, about which so much has been said.

We have already talked more than once about the amazing the power of the human subconscious and that it is able to shape our life so and . But how can we learn to fully and consciously manage our subconscious? This is what we will now discuss in more detail.

Manage your life through self-hypnosis

self-hypnosis is a constant process of consciously or unconsciously influencing our beliefs through the senses. Beliefs, that's what governs by and large our subconscious.

So, in order not to get confused, we will separate two types of information flows that affect the subconscious - this is unconscious suggestion and auto-suggestion (that is, conscious). We practically “engage” in unconscious suggestion all the time, and, unfortunately, it is in these days is by and large negative (it is formed under the influence of the close environment, society, various information channels, the individual himself - the initial state of all these "sources" today is endowed with far from beneficial content, and this is the corresponding effect on us). But self-hypnosis (consciously) plays a key and very positive role In human life. A person who, of course, seeks to manage his life, and not leave it to chance.

Our life, as mentioned above, is a reflection of our convictions and beliefs. Most of them are formed not by us and without our consent. That is, starting from childhood, a huge flow of information enters our heads, which, as a result, forms our beliefs. In the future, these beliefs either help or hinder us from realizing ourselves and our desires. For example, things could happen in such a way that in childhood we were often told that we are either not able to become rich because of the poverty of our parents or something like that. Through repeated external repetition, ours believed in this nonsense and fixed it in itself as an irreversible truth. And all by the fact that for the subconscious it is absolutely indifferent whether this thought is bad in our understanding or good, positive or negative, important or indifferent, true or false. It will still realize only what it is fed with.

The power of autosuggestion

But what to do? The answer to this question is quite simple - we need to strictly dose and filter all the information that automatically enters us and focus our attention exclusively on the one that brings us any benefit or programs for what we want. And in order to really carry it out, we have at our disposal an amazing gift - consciousness. And now, having become adults and still intending in life, we need to make every effort in order to consciously (consciously) instill in the subconscious the opposing thought: that we can always and easily be successful and rich.

But sometimes, unfortunately, everything can be formed in such a way that even as adults we will also continue to trumpet about the failure to change anything or attract this damn success into our lives. Therefore, everyone who wants to control, and not be controlled, must learn to constantly and intensively "feed" his subconscious with constructive, positive and successful thoughts. Except ourselves, no one will do this business. That is, everything, as always, depends only on ourselves. This process is called self-hypnosis - every day you drive into your subconscious mind the ideas of success and the image of the person you intend to become in the end. The main difficulty of the process is consistency and constancy.

If, however, we continue not to follow the information that penetrates into us, then little by little we will begin to roll back even more and the chances of success and our ability to act / awareness will decrease at a frantic pace. Self-hypnosis helps us to concentrate on success and on everything positive that surrounds us, thereby multiplying it many times over.

The world around us is just a reflection of our inner world.

How to work with self-hypnosis

Well, suppose we decide to act and engaged in self-hypnosis, what happens in the end? We are slowly starting to form a new vision and attitude towards the world inside us, which, in parallel, changes the external, material, world around us. And by no means the other way around. External world is the mirror of our soul. The mirror only reflects the essence and state of the inner. Selfishness can change inner essence what will be reflected in the mirror - on the external screen.

What does a person who is not familiar with the process of self-hypnosis do?

Suppose that a rather unpleasant event has occurred, from his point of view. What happens at this moment to this person? He gets upset and unconsciously inspires himself "what a world is not fair and bad, how difficult everything is, I'm a loser and so on." And how do you think our subconscious reacts to this? - These ideas are perceived as true and are absorbed into it as quickly as possible. Why maximum? - Yes, because he believes in them one hundred percent and also experiences a strong emotional charge (anger, negativity, resentment, fear). And as we know, emotions and faith are energies that help events in our world to be realized. As a result, things get even worse.

What does a person who uses self-hypnosis do?

1. Chooses what he wants to have and what he wants to achieve;
2. Begins day after day to use self-hypnosis to achieve his goals;
3. If a bad event happened from his point of view, he says to himself "The Universe knows better how I can achieve my goal", because my subconscious mind works precisely in the direction of achieving the goal.

A person who perceives events as described in the second option is steadily moving towards his goal, and the longer he uses autosuggestion the faster it moves.

The most difficult part of this process occurs at the beginning, when our faith is based on sheer enthusiasm. After all, we do not have any evidence that all this really works. There may even be an initial deterioration in our cases, but in fact this is only from our point of view, since we unconsciously begin to look for evidence. We must be ready for this and always believe that we will definitely reach our goal. After all, in order to create success, you must destroy failure. We are used to what we have, even if we have little, and therefore any exit from our comfort zone will be perceived negatively and unpleasantly. But after a while, everything will be perceived much easier, easier, and even new emotions unusual for us will begin to appear. Ideas will begin to arise on how to achieve our goal, paradoxical events will occur in our lives, and only then will our consciousness really begin to see that we are moving along our own path, along the path to our true goal.

I will also say that most people have heard about self-hypnosis more than once and many even know how to use it, but they have no results. This happens due to the fact that the majority did not dare to give their all to this business, but only a few, without much faith and hope for a real result, tried and safely left this venture. These people reacted this way not only to self-hypnosis, but also to almost any other undertaking in their lives. And it’s not only that, in general, practically nothing works for them. Another reason is that most can't get through initial period when their consciousness does not yet see the results and goes blindly. Get ready for it and believe. Faith is a state of mind that is achieved through affirmations and repeated instructions that affect the subconscious through self-hypnosis. Faith can be developed if desired. Repetition of settings for the subconscious is the only known method of instilling faith.

So, the impulse of thought, which with repeated constancy affects the subconscious, is finally perceived, and the subconscious acts according to this impulse of thought, transforming it into a physical equivalent, using the most appropriate practical way. Self-hypnosis can lift you to unattainable heights or lower you to the bottom, depending on where you direct it with your thoughts. Self-hypnosis will help you achieve success and fulfill your desires. The essence of self-hypnosis is the formation of positive impulses by fixing them in writing and mental form. In memorizing and constantly repeating them until they become a working tool for your subconscious.

In addition, sooner or later a person begins to believe in those beliefs that he inspires himself, and it does not matter at all whether they are true or not, real or fantastic. The concept of "right" or "wrong" on the subconscious mental level does not exist at all. If a person constantly intersects with a lie, he will someday begin to take it at face value and begin to believe that this is the true truth. And this lie will be reliably and repeatedly proved to him as the truth in real world because he believes in it.