“I am a chick from the working districts,” Nika admitted. - My grandparents lived in beautiful house at the corner of Nekrasov and Mayakovskaya, and after the death of my grandfather, my grandmother was evicted somewhere between the Proletarskaya and Lomonosovskaya stations. The Bolshevik plant and the Proletarsky plant ... My path was thorny, life abandoned me - and I won’t lie that it threw me between the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, although I would like to.”

Of course, I must be a monstrous mother and an unhappy wife, dependent on my own husband's money ... Then, probably, it's easier to breathe. It becomes easier, and the world is generally brighter (laughs). For some, I am a source of inspiration to take a camera, travel, start cooking. And someone settles me in his personal hell, endows me with demonic qualities ... Yesterday, Uliana (Tseitlina) was my guest, and we laughed at all these fabrications. They laughed that the pubic bone of Ulyana Zeitlina would be nailed to the grave of Boris Belotserkovsky in the Jewish cemetery. Then they will say that genetic test no one saw ... You see, they (some followers. - Approx. ELLE) have built this basic structure for themselves and cannot refuse it. They chose me as a powerful irritant to drive into some kind of framework. It is very convenient for them. They use me as a band-aid for their own wounds. And I use them to understand why they do it. And for God's sake, let them glue. Interchange.

Let's get back to the language. What role does the mat play in your life? This is also a very lively topic when it comes to your personality. It is believed that you only talk like that. At least there is an opinion.

There is no negative connotation in this. For me, "recipes" might just as well be associated with lilies of the valley and cubs. And maggots, miscarriages ... Everyone chooses the door that is closer to him (laughs). This word is slightly above itself. Of course, I did it deliberately. Of course, I phonetically feel that it is absolutely disgusting (because of it, in particular, Tatyana Tolstaya could not stand me, who believed that I was distorting the Russian language). But there is irony in this word. Not even irony - this is a word over a word. When a person realizes that a word is disgusting, it immediately changes its meaning. And it was not an irony over the forums with "sweets", it's just an ironic attitude to what I'm doing. This instantly removes the blocker from people who feel it. Recipes, by the way, is still my most popular book. She has some kind of insane circulation, because for six years she has been sitting in the top five bestsellers.

After breaking up with his wife, Sergei Shnurov increasingly spends time in the company of his girlfriend Nika Belotserkovskaya, who at the end of 2017 divorced her oligarch husband after 17 years of marriage. It is noteworthy that in June Nika and Matilda, who were in close contact, unfollowed each other in in social networks. Moreover, Belotserkovskaya published in her microblog in Instagram photo with Shnurov and intriguingly signed it (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are given unchanged hereinafter. - Approx. ed.): "Well, what's criminal here ..."

As it became known to journalists, blogger and entrepreneur Veronika Belotserkovsky broke up with her husband, a big businessman Boris Belotserkovsky. According to the media, spouses finally broke up after seventeen years of marriage.

Blogger Lena Miro questioned the seriousness of the divorce between Sergei Shnurov and his wife, explaining such throwing and family ups and downs with alcohol and a desire to increase popularity in the media space. In her opinion, the marriage of a musician and Matilda is the usual union of the lumpen.

Boris Belotserkovsky is included in the list of the richest people according to Forbes magazine and today owns a large gambling business. The popular couple has five sons and more than one daughter (Nika says that she is already accustomed to male company) for two: Nika's child, Boris's two sons from a previous marriage, and two common sons. Despite this a large number of children, Nika always looks very slim and light, she was never seen tired, and in her interview there was never a single phrase that she was tired of her family and home life.

Nika Belotserkovskaya divorced her husband. Breaking news today 08/29/2018

It's more of a curiosity. I'm wildly curious. I read all the comments - maybe I would not want to do this, but this is a huge field for me to explore. I can say for sure: I now know people better than before coming to the Internet. There were cases in LiveJournal when I caught someone's diary and could read it avidly until the morning, marveling at how beautiful, deep, subtle people can be ... Now I understand what an aggressive reaction to me is, what these distraught women are, for which I serve as a source of inspiration, only from the other side. They settled me in their crystal hell, which they create for themselves, and made me some kind of dragon, which has nothing to do with me. It's interesting to watch. I have several letters in the mail that I treasure very much, and when I have some general claims to the universe, I re-read them, because for the sake of each of them, it was probably worth starting all this.

For me, it has ceased to be a topic. Let's just say I don't like associations. And in general, we all need to hang medals on our chests. Let's do some x * -nu, then get rid of it and be wildly proud of ourselves. Quitting alcohol has also been associated with weight loss. It was very difficult for me to lose weight after the third child, and at some point I began to limit myself very severely. On the third or fourth try, I can actually become a real samurai. I removed alcohol, sweets, and everything related to unhealthy flour from my diet. I really liked the result - miracles began to happen before my eyes. In a puffy, middle-aged, extinct woman, things began to appear that I ... learn to love in myself. It was so great, and I decided that some things will leave my life forever. But I love alcoholics. They cannot be bastards, and they drink because they are ashamed of themselves, of the whole the world. Typically, this is very good people. I instantly spot them - those with different dependencies and an internal break - and I love them very much. In this regard, I am such a typical wife of a tractor driver. I'm generally interested in broken people. And it doesn't have to be alcohol related. In short, alcoholics and Jews are my specialty (laughs).

Nika Belotserkovsky reason for divorce. Last information as of 29.08.2018

At the end of May, the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, unexpectedly announced his separation from his wife Matilda. The couple have been together for over eight years. The difficult nature of Cord and his lifestyle, mutual betrayals, and the absence of joint children were called as reasons for the divorce. Fans are still hoping for a reunion of the couple, but this, most likely, will not happen.

Of course, I care about this story. And, probably, hysterical patriotism is less disgusting to me than the position “I am ashamed that I am Russian.” For this, I just want to hit. First of all, there is disrespect for yourself. Why should I be ashamed of this? I didn't do it! I should not be ashamed of my country, of my culture, of myself. When everyone learns to be responsible for himself and stops speaking in general terms, something will probably change. Of course, I want the children to feel Russian, so that they have a serious self-identification, because I understand how important this is.

Well what can I say? It's natural, it's logical (laughs). Of course, I adore my children (Nika has three sons - the eldest from her first marriage, two others from her marriage to businessman Boris Belotserkovsky. - Approx. ELLE). They are 18, 12 and six; this is the most precious thing I have, and I will never use them to prove something to anyone. You know, there are photos on Instagram that scream: “I'm fine! I happy mother happy wife! I don't need it at all, because I know everything about myself. There are absolutely disgusting comments in my feed: “I hid my face in complexes, my husband doesn’t f * -t” and so on. I go to the commentator's profile, and it says: "Happy mom of identical twins." This is also a diagnosis. This can be written in one word with a hashtag. This is aggressive shit...

I understand that it was not me who changed their fate - they just had to cling to something. I got in their way and became a unique tool that saved their lives. I remember what's over all three sobbed ... This is very cool. This feeling of its absolute use. This is a powerful emotional experience - like love, like the first sex ...

On November 12, information appeared on the Web that Nika Belotserkovskaya was divorcing her husband. Rumors about the separation of the spouses have been around for a long time, but this time they journalists confirmed Russian Tatler. The reasons for what happened are not called - Nika and Boris remain silent and, as it seems to us, it is unlikely that they will ever interrupt it.

The couple was together for 17 years. My family life the spouses carefully protected from prying eyes - there was not a single photo of either her husband or their two common sons on Instagram of the famous culinary specialist. However, the principle “happiness loves silence” did not work this time.

According to rumors, the heart of 63-year-old businessman Boris Belotserkovsky is already occupied by a 32-year-old long-legged brunette. Whether 47-year-old Belonika is dating anyone is unknown.

Nika Belotserkovskaya - successful socialite, which managed to conquer many fans not only with five culinary bestsellers, but also with its excellent appearance, even after the birth of children. The celebrity herself says that most of all in life she loves to take pictures, share impressions and travel, especially since she can afford it. By the way, Nika constantly posts her impressions on social networks, thereby increasing the number of fans daily.

Veronika Belotserkovskaya - successful wife of a successful husband

Being the wife of a millionaire, Belotserkovskaya is never in the shadow of her husband, although behind Lately news that the couple is breaking up is increasingly appearing on the network. For Nicky, this could be the second divorce. Her first husband, Yan Antonyshev, always supported his wife, but fate had its own way. The graphic artist gave Nika a son, but at the same time, according to the celebrity herself, today she is with former spouse does not communicate.

Note that the popular blogger, both in the first and in the second marriage, took the surname of her husbands.

Without a diploma or without a goal

Nika met her first husband Yan when she was in her first year at the university, but after they met and got married soon, interest in exact sciences was completely lost. Now there was a new task in line - to become a successful multiplier, for this Nika enters courses, but never finishes them. By the way, the second attempt to get the specialty of the director was interrupted by the meeting with Belotserkovsky. The fact is that not only was there not enough time, but the desire to get just such a profession also disappeared. Nevertheless, this did not prevent Veronica from enchantingly joining the secular party, and becoming a fairly successful figure in it. Her style in cooking, style in appearance many copy. Today she is the standard for many women who are over 30 years old.

The second husband of a culinary genius

Boris Belotserkovsky is included in the list of the richest people according to Forbes magazine and today owns a large gambling business. The popular couple has five sons and more than one daughter (Nika says that she is already accustomed to male company) for two: Nika's child, Boris's two sons from a previous marriage, and two common sons. Despite such a large number of children, Nika always looks very slim and light, she was never seen tired, and in her interview there was never a single phrase that she was tired of her family and home life.

Born in St. Petersburg, Nika was lucky with her parents to get a good education and with early childhood feel the love of the family. Nika Belotserkovskaya herself says this about her childhood: “Every summer from cold Leningrad they threw me to a rich grandmother. And there was blissful happiness. If you asked me what paradise is, I would answer: a table bursting with food, a bunch of children, everyone is noisy, plates and spoons clink. And the smell of vanilla from the oven.” Perhaps it was then that the successful blogger felt a taste for delicious meals. Born in 1970, Nika initially wanted to choose a profession that is associated with creativity and interesting adventures. And she succeeded.

Beautiful relationship of a beautiful couple

Having one of the unsuccessful marriages behind them, Boris and Nika hid their relationship from the press for a long time, and Boris himself for a long time sought to formalize relations with Veronica. Perhaps the key moment in the design of relations was interesting position Nicky and the enormous stubbornness of a millionaire.

The marriage of the spouses is happy no matter what, although envious people and paparazzi do not get tired in search of compromising evidence or important information about their divorce.

Nika admits that she is very dependent on her husband, however, Boris is not authoritarian and everyone has their own “delineated territory”, their own field for creativity and for a flight of fancy. Therefore, a couple can sometimes just live separately, while Nicky's muse woke up for the birth of a new best-selling culinary masterpiece. But the couple does not plan any divorce.

My home is my fortress and my field for creativity

Nika Belotserkovskaya is the owner of an excellent stylish villa in France, in the living room of which she pulled the furniture on her own. The blogger is lucky with taste, because she has a stylish, dimensional and unobtrusive. Very often, her bows are like the light wind of Tuscany, and the grace can truly be called classical and French.

Buying cars with your own money

Nika has a hobby that does not quite harmonize with her easy way - these are good, fast and, always with good musical equipment, cars. All the cars that she has are bought with her own money, with the money that the blogger earns from photosets and sales of her cookbooks. Every year she buys new car and it has become a good good tradition. latest model fleet - Gelenvagen Mercedes. Moreover, for each of her cars there is a name, the choice of which Belotserkovskaya treats very carefully and carefully.

Grandma's Talent

For the past 6 years, Nika Belotserkovskaya has been running her own blog in the Live journal. Literally after the start of the project, he entered the top ten best domestic culinary blogs. She inherited her culinary talent from her grandmother, who in the Soviet Union served as chief physician of the Odessa meat processing plant.

Huge success in branding

The blogger just a couple of years ago founded the Trend advertising agency, which is located in St. Petersburg. And now, for 12 years, he has been working as the editor of the Sobaka.ru magazine. A rapid career and a good financial situation made it possible to buy Aeroflot and Time Out publications, the last magazines today work under the patronage of top managers, to whom Belotserkovskaya gave the board, because she simply does not have time to do everything and do all the work in the highest class.

Most ridiculous purchase

Nika Belotserkovskaya literally bought a plane last year. Although the celebrity claims that she is very afraid of flying, she could not deny herself this pleasure.

Veronika Belotserkovskaya/ Nika Belotserkovskaya was born in the summer of 1970 in the family of a Russian language teacher and an engineer. She spent her childhood in St. Petersburg, and after graduating from the Physics and Mathematics School, she became a student at the Faculty of Technology of Rare and Trace Elements.

The creative path of Nika Belotserkovskaya / Nika Belotserkovskaya

As a freshman Nika Belotserkovskaya married an artist and lost interest in the exact sciences. Soon she entered an experimental animation course in St. Petersburg, which was held as part of the Higher Directing Courses. For three years, Nika Belotserkovskaya studied the specialty of the director-animator and production designer and was considered one of the most talented students. However, she never received a diploma, as she married a second time.

Nika Belotserkovskaya founded the advertising agency "Trend" in St. Petersburg, and in 2003 began working on a new project - the magazine " Sobaka.ru". She also bought Time Out, Aeroflot and woman.ru, but recently handed over the reins to a top manager.

In 2009 Nika Belotserkovskaya She started her own blog on Livejournal. Soon he entered the list of the top ten domestic culinary blogs. She inherited her culinary talent from her grandmother, the chief physician of the Odessa meat processing plant.

Every summer, from cold Leningrad, they threw me to a rich grandmother. And there was blissful happiness. If you asked me what paradise is, I would answer: a table bursting with food, a bunch of children, everyone is noisy, plates and spoons clink. And the smell of vanilla from the oven.

In March 2010, the presentation of the first book by Nika Belotserkovskaya "Recipes" took place in St. Petersburg, which was distributed throughout the country in a huge circulation. She soon presented her new job called "Diets". Most of the recipes for the books were published on the blog, and Nika Belotserkovskaya always takes photos for them herself.

Nika Belotserkovskaya was preparing to publish a book on Italian cuisine and traveled around Tuscany with her translator and culinary specialist Ella Martino. The result of this collaboration was the book "Taste of Tuscany", all authorship rights were transferred to Ella Martino.

Ella became a close person to Borey and me. She often comes to visit and builds the entire staff. Climbs under the bed, shows the dust. Emotional very much. There would be an ideal landowner with the fattest pigs in the area!

In December 2011, a presentation of the third book by Nika Belotserkovskaya - “About food. About wine. Provence. Soon, a scandal erupted between the author of the book “Taste of Tuscany” and Nika. When Ella Martino blamed former colleague in plagiarism, the wife of the multimillionaire stated that most of the recipes from the book “Taste of Tuscany” were filmed in the kitchen of Nika Belotserkovskaya, combined with family silverware, and made from products paid for by her.

To date Nika Belotserkovskaya lives in the south of France, in a villa formerly owned by entrepreneur Marcel Boussac. She delights her readers not only with new recipes, but also with colorful photographs and gossip news: her best friend believed to be Ksenia Sobchak.

The most delicious places are when you are driving along a dusty Tuscan road and you see an establishment with trucks parked outside. You park your Porsche, carefully walk past all those Luigi truckers, say hello to your mother Rosa, who has been playing the ladle here for decades, order pasta, orgasm and pay twelve euros for everything.

Among other things, Nika Belotserkovskaya does not hide his negative attitude to guests munching on lettuce leaves at a gala dinner and urging them to either forget their diet for a while or stay in the hotel and enjoy Watching Fashion TV with cucumber.

Opened in 2011 cooking school Nika Belotserkovskaya. Classes are held in a vintage hotel in the town of Egolier.

Personal life of Nika Belotserkovskaya / Nika Belotserkovskaya

Her fifth husband was one of the richest people in St. Petersburg, the owner of a gambling business Boris Belotserkovsky. Their acquaintance took place during a stormy party and grew into a strong and happy union. The spouses have five sons for two: two boys from Boris's previous marriage, a child of Nika Belotserkovskaya and two common sons.

Nika Belotserkovskaya does not hide the fact that she independently fitted the furniture in the living room of a French villa, and she has a strong immunity to the phrase “latest collection”.

Who needs these fifty carats? Well, you spoiled the mood of your girlfriends, but it is clear that Sveta Metkina will appear immediately, who always has ten carats more. Earrings stolen by servants, cells in a bank - life is filled with garbage. It's better to learn something with this money - Italian, shoot from a bow, but at least fry cutlets.

According to Tatler, Nika Belotserkovskaya finally broke up with her husband. Since autumn, the owner of the Russian vending operator Uvenco, Boris Belotserkovsky, has been visiting contemporary art galleries in official solitude, the publication competently asserts.


Note that while Nika herself does not comment on information about the divorce. However, there have long been rumors in the media that married life Nicky and Boris are not going smoothly. The reason for such conversations was the fact that Belotserkovskaya, who spends most of the year abroad, has recently been frequenting Russia, where she actively attends various social events.

Nika Belotserkovskaya, who has recently been called the thin friend of Ksenia Sobchak, in defiance of the presenter who allegedly blurred after giving birth, is a rather closed person. She rarely gives interviews, so her every word is worth its weight in gold for journalists. So, a year ago Belotserkovskaya gave candid interview in which she spoke about her childhood.

“I am a chick from working-class districts,” Nika admitted. “Grandmother and grandfather lived in a beautiful house on the corner of Nekrasov and Mayakovskaya, and after the death of grandfather, my grandmother was evicted somewhere between the Proletarskaya and Lomonosovskaya stations. The Bolshevik plant and the Proletarsky factory... My path was thorny, life abandoned me - and I won’t lie that it threw me between the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, although I would like to.”

Now Nika has her own house on the shore Gulf of Finland. Belotserkovsky always wanted wooden house to smell of firewood, fireplace, dogs. “A big family, everyone yells, they love each other terribly - something that practically never happens in life, but what you really want to have and what looks good on TV,” Nika described her dream, which later came true. By the way, for two, the Belotserkovskys have five children: one is Nicky, two are Boris and two are common.

The life of Veronika Belotserkovsky is interesting and eventful. She is purposeful, objective to herself and demanding of others. Cannot stand evil, callous and stupid people. He does not understand how you can be friends with a person if there is nothing to talk about with him, and he also believes that talented person does not need someone to help him develop his abilities and become successful.

Family and childhood

Veronica's parents lived modestly. She was born into a simple family. He celebrates his birthday on June 25th. Mom is from Odessa, she worked at school as a teacher of Russian literature and language. My father was born in St. Petersburg and devoted his whole life to engineering. Little Nika lived and studied in St. Petersburg, and for the summer she was sent to her grandmother, who was influential and quite famous person in Odessa, improve your health by the sea. Grandmother worked at a meat processing plant as a chief veterinarian.

Nika, walking along the Odessa beaches, dreamed about how her life would turn out, what she would become in the future.

Study and first love

Veronika Belotserkovsky attended school with in-depth study physics and mathematics. After graduating from it and receiving a certificate, she entered the Leningrad Technological Institute. she was fully involved in her cycle. The girl, being a freshman, fell in love with the artist and soon married him. By the way, before her oligarch husband, she had four official marriages and one civil marriage. Here is such an amorous Veronika Belotserkovskaya. Her biography is very interesting and full of juicy details.

Having married, the girl found herself surrounded by creative people, full of artistry and ideas. In general, she slowly forgot about physics and studying at the institute. She was drawn to art. And Nika comes on higher courses directing. By the way, relatives, recalling interesting facts from the life of Veronika Belotserkovskaya, say that she was the only one then enrolled for study, despite the fact that the girl did not have higher education, and this was one of the prerequisites for everyone who wanted to study on the course. Nika, having passed the exams and her drawings, scored 19 out of 20 possible points. All the teachers unanimously said that she had a special talent, and they couldn’t help but take Nika.

Veronika Belotserkovskaya studied here for three years. However, she did not go to receive her diploma. The trip to Moscow was canceled due to Nika's second (but not the last) wedding.

Acquaintance with the banker Boris and the wedding

Belotserkovskaya Veronika Borisovna, before meeting her future oligarch husband, was already a successful and wealthy 28-year-old woman. She owned an advertising agency and worked with the Channel One office in St. Petersburg. At the same time, she led a project on the network - the magazine "Dog Ru". Nika was free and happy. She enjoyed life, had fun and rested. Somehow she happened to drive a tram, secretly work on an excavator, even shoot from a real Kalashnikov. True, after the shooting, she experienced pain in her shoulder for a long time due to the huge bruise that the butt of the machine gun had put on her. Of course it was all fun. These are not all interesting facts from the life of Veronika Belotserkovskaya. Before meeting with the next chosen one, the woman was very fond of extreme sports.

Unexpectedly, she met a wealthy Russian banker, Boris Belotserkovsky, who was 16 years older than her. They started dating, and a year later he offered to live together. Nika for a long time found excuses to leave things as they are. But Boris, offended, said that it was time to live together. Nika gave up and moved. They soon got married.

Life after marriage with an oligarch

Nicky has changed dramatically. The newlyweds rubbed each other for a long time. He is calm and balanced, she is eccentric and energetic. At first, Nika Belotserkovskaya tried to change her husband's character, but over time she realized that he, being an excellent psychologist, had changed her. The woman became calmer and more balanced, smarter and more restrained. The word of her husband is authoritative for her. Once, Nika admitted in an interview that she understands her husband just by one look.

After the wedding, she decided to leave the advertising agency. She and her husband moved to France. Here they settled in a cozy house on the seashore with a beautiful open veranda. Veronica has always dreamed of such a nest for her family. She also loves dacha in Russia. Only he does not want to part with France for a long time.

The first time after moving abroad, the woman was homesick and bored. She was not used to sitting still. Once, having prepared delicious caviar from zucchini, took up canning, and in her thoughts she caught herself becoming an ordinary housewife. An inner voice firmly said that it was time to change something. But what if you really like to stand at the stove for hours and cook something simple and delicious? Nika found a way out by combining her favorite pastime with a useful pastime.

culinary idea

The idea to become a blogger and write cookbooks came up spontaneously. Previously, Nika imagined spending time on the Internet as a boring, stupid activity. As it turned out, everything is much more interesting and more fun. In general, the woman decided to become a blogger and start working on her own projects on the network. She especially wanted to create her own culinary blog. The recipes of Veronika Belotserkovsky became more and more popular. Netizens liked not only the dishes, but also the interesting manner in which she described the cooking process. Nika's vocabulary is non-standard and somewhat familiar, easy and understandable for everyone who is just starting to learn the basics of cooking.

Cookbooks by Nika Belotserkovskaya

The first book she wrote and published was called Recipes. All photos and detailed recipes the woman did it herself. Moreover, the image quality was high level. All dishes looked appetizing and elegant, tasteful. The evaluation of critics and early readers after the release of the book was mixed. Someone expressed an unpleasant opinion, but most of the reviews were still positive.

So everyone found out that Veronika Belotserkovskaya is not only the wife of one of the richest Russian oligarchs but also a very talented individual. Soon she will also publish a book under the equally striking title "Diets". As soon as it was put on store shelves, the entire circulation was immediately sold out. Next books recipes, on which Nika worked, are dedicated to dishes of Italy and Provence, meat, wine. Another book has been released, like a continuation of the first one, called "Gastronomic Recipes". By the way, readers of Belotserkovsky's books are about to be able to hold in their hands a fresh edition called "Pastapasta".

mother of many children

Very successful mother of many children Veronika Belotserkovskaya. Children (and there are five of them) simply adore her.

The eldest son is already an adult and lives an independent life, a family man. The two middle ones are the same age. Studying in England. They constantly compete with each other in achievements and require increased attention. Small, as Nika herself calls her son, a very talented bright red-haired boy. He is a student of a prestigious school, where he was enrolled after successfully passing the entrance exams. The smallest one has not yet distinguished himself in talents, but he still has everything ahead of him.

In matters of education, a woman is not strict. She is democratic and fair, tries not to infringe on children and listens to their opinion, does not particularly interfere with her advice. Nika believes that for the normal development of the child, you need to give him more freedom.

Dreams and reality

In her dreams, Veronika Belotserkovskaya wanted to have a house by the sea with an open area and a large round table. She imagined how her soul lived in this cozy nest. big family. Kids run around and frolic...

After many years, her dreams came true. A house appeared on the seashore with a veranda in which children's laughter does not stop, and loving husband near. She is an amazing woman, and it all started simply and usually. Nika did not even suspect that she would become not only happy wife and mother, but also a very famous person.