Among the representatives of amphibians there are very unusual creatures, appearance which are very bright and memorable. These animals include the fire salamander, a tailed amphibian of the salamander family. The discoverer of this species is considered to be the scientist Carl Linnaeus, who discovered these creatures in 1758. Salamander, or fire lizard, is an amazing representative of amphibians.

Appearance of the fire salamander

This representative of the salamander family has received such a telling name for a reason, because it has an incredibly bright color. Her body color is black with bright yellow or bright orange spots. Body length, on average, is 20 centimeters. The ventral part of the body is brown or black, sometimes with light patches. The paws of the salamander are small in size, they are short, but quite powerful. She has no webbing between her fingers.

The head of the animal is rounded, with two expressive black eyes located on it. And on the head of the salamander there are special glands that are responsible for the production of poison. This poison is quite dangerous, in particular, for mammals. It has a paralyzing effect. For humans, this toxic substance is not as dangerous as for animals, if suddenly the poison fire salamander gets on the mucous membrane of a person, it will only cause a burning sensation.

Some representatives have, well, exactly a fiery color - bright red with black spots.

Where does the fire salamander live?

The habitat of this animal is quite extensive. The yellow-black salamander can be found in such countries as: Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Albania, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine, Turkey, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Poland , Croatia, Austria, Romania - that is, as you can see - this is almost the whole of Europe.

animal lifestyle

Salamander chooses to live mixed and deciduous forests, also settles along the banks of rivers and in the foothills. It happens that the fiery salamander climbs into the mountains, but not higher than 2000 above sea level. Mostly, this amphibian leads sedentary life.

IN ancient mythology Many peoples say that the salamander is born from fire. It is not true. However, the fact that this amphibian is attracted by the smell of smoke - pure truth

Her movements on the ground are slow, and in general, the fiery salamander does not move much. The animal is most active at night. During the day, the salamander hides in old stumps, abandoned burrows, under fallen trees, in tall grass. So she avoids direct sunlight, which she does not tolerate well (because she is a cold-blooded animal).

From about mid-autumn to early spring, the fire salamander leaves for the winter. Heaps of fallen leaves serve as a “winter” home for her. Sometimes several dozen of these animals gather and winter together.

What does the fire salamander eat?

The main food for this amphibian are caterpillars, butterflies, spiders, various slugs, earthworms in addition, the fire salamander can catch and eat even a small newt or frog.

salamander breeding

Waking up after hibernation, the fire salamander begins to breed. mating games these animals occur on land.

In males, a spermatophore is formed (a sac in which sex cells are located), he “lays” it on the soil, and the female, clinging to this sac, fertilizes. After that, some individuals lay fertilized eggs in the water, and some leave them inside themselves. Accordingly, fire salamander larvae appear either in aquatic environment, hatched from eggs, or directly from the mother's body, by live birth.

Small fire salamanders, having reached three years of age, become fully grown individuals and can already reproduce on their own. In nature, these tailed amphibians live for about 14 years. But there is information about individual representatives who lived in captivity, whose age reached up to 50 years!

In ancient times, it was believed that the fire salamander (lat. Salamandra salamandra) is a vicious and extremely poisonous animal that can control the elements of fire. And this is not surprising, because when a cheerfully burning fire suddenly goes out and an unusual spotted creature suddenly appears from it, there is no time for jokes.

No one knows that the fire went out because of a too large wet log in which an unsuspecting salamander peacefully dozed off. She barely had time to jump out of the flame, and only the mucus produced by her skin glands and protecting the amphibian from drying out did not allow her to fry alive.

Pliny the Elder argued that the poison of the fiery salamander could poison entire nations and woe to those who had the misfortune to meet her: even a simple touch would cause hair loss all over the body, and if the monster fell into the well, then the water in it would be poisoned forever.

Of course, no one was going to test this statement in practice, and only in the 17th century, scientists proved that the fire salamander is completely harmless to humans. In addition, she herself never attacks first, she does not have the opportunity to inject her poison into the blood, and only in a state of stress can she spray this viscous substance with the smell of almonds over a short distance. Accidentally hitting the mucous membrane, it will only briefly cause a burning sensation.

Poison can only kill small mammals, like rodents, but does not interfere with the digestion of a pig or a snake that ate a fiery salamander for lunch. She herself feeds on various insects, including spiders and butterfly caterpillars, as well as slugs, small newts and young frogs. For prey, the salamander abruptly rushes with its whole body and immediately tries to swallow it whole.

Active mainly in the evening and at night, as it does not tolerate high temperatures. During the day it hides under stones, trees and rotten snags, sometimes it digs out small shelters itself, although its short and strong limbs are not adapted for this.

Salamanders have four toes on their front paws and five on their hind paws. There are no membranes between them. Massive, rounded head with convex big eyes black color immediately turns into stocky, large body. The round tail is very mobile.

The whole body, 16-19 cm long, is covered with yellow or orange spots. various shapes. Sometimes they merge, forming intricate patterns and stripes on a black background. The abdomen is monochromatic, painted black or brown.

The fire salamander lives in deciduous or mixed forests along the banks of rivers or small lakes in the east, south and center of Europe, as well as in the north of the Middle East. It is also known in Ukraine, where this species is found in Lvov, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions. True, here this animal is listed in the Red Book.

Average lifespan of a fire salamander wild nature barely reaches 14 years, but in captivity, some specimens managed to live up to 50. They reproduce by ovoviviparity, the larvae are released directly into the water, where they live for about 3-5 months, until the gills disappear. IN cold water this period can drag on until the end of autumn, and then the fire salamanders hibernate right in the water.

Adult individuals from October-November leave for wintering, hiding under a thick layer of fallen leaves or under the roots of trees. At the same time, they are collected in huge groups, sometimes even up to several hundred copies.


View: salamander

Squad: tailed amphibians

Type: chordates

Family: real salamanders

Subfamily: salamanders

Class: amphibians

Dimensions: body length - 15 mm - 170 cm, in most cases - 20 - 25 cm; body weight - from 30 mg to 80 kg

Lifespan: averaging 20 - 25 years, but can reach 50 years of age in captivity.

Salamander is a mysterious creature that has been described in many ancient myths and stories. Sometimes she was even called the messenger of hell, which is largely due to the toxicity of the whole species.

And even now, when this amphibian is fully studied, it still inspires fear in some.

The salamander is mysterious creature, which has been described in many ancient myths and stories. Christians even called her the messenger of hell, which is largely due to the poisonousness of the whole species.

And even now, when this amphibian is fully studied, it still inspires fear in some people.

The salamander group is the most numerous among amphibians. Varieties of these amphibians can be found in different corners planet, while each individual representative will be somewhat different.


If you want to look at the maximum variety of salamanders, then you should go to North America- this part of the world reptiles densely chose.

They also live in Asia and Europe, and some certain types are located in those places where they are most comfortable, regardless of the presence of family brethren nearby.

So, for example, in Eastern China you can see the largest salamander in existence. The giant reptile reaches 80 kg in weight and 180-190 cm in length (together with the tail part of the body).

This species is called Chinese-giant, and despite its external danger, its representatives eat modestly: small fish, amphibians and invertebrates that live in the water.

The giant salamander is considered the largest amphibian in the world. this moment, so that it stands out not only among its kind.

This is what a giant salamander looks like. This reptile prefers to live in forests, on hills, but there must be a reservoir nearby.

The Chinese gigantic variety of these creatures begins to slowly die out, which is why the relevant organizations hold various rallies and put all their efforts into preserving the species.

So, despite the rather terrifying appearance, reptiles are actively protected.

Interesting!The fire salamander is the most common representative of this family, lives in the vastness of Europe, but it can also be found in Germany, Poland and Portugal. Separate populations come across even in Turkey.


There are salamanders different types and size, but they all equally pose a threat to other creatures. The fire salamander, just like all other species, is a poisonous amphibian.

It is important to consider that members of the family are divided into two types:

  • real;
  • lungless.

The latter are distinguished by the absence of lungs and can breathe exclusively through the skin.

This family has about 400 species at the moment, and this figure for tailed amphibians is simply huge.

But the number of real salamanders is even greater, and it is constantly increasing: scientists are still discovering new populations around the world to this day.

By the way, it is the lungless type of these amphibians that can be seen much more often when they are in the water.

Tailed amphibians, which have a complete set of necessary organs, are much more likely to get ashore and calmly walk along it.

Salamanders, which belong to the lungless type, are outwardly different from their counterparts. Their body is very elongated, which is why such reptiles most of all resemble snakes. In the photo you can see what a salamander looks like, which does not have lungs.

Interesting!A giant salamander, if placed vertically, would exceed the height of an average male. In length, this animal reaches 1.7 meters, thanks to which it is the owner of the title "the largest tailed amphibian." Well, the smallest representative of the family does not exceed the size of a 5-kopeck coin.


All salamanders are similar in structure: they have an elongated body, a long tail, underdeveloped limbs and a small head.

These animals move much better in water (as already mentioned, this mainly refers to the lungless type), precisely because of their short and undeveloped legs.

Such tailed amphibians are very interesting in a variety of colors and sizes: in nature you can find amazing representatives some species that really look like miniature dragons.

An animal belonging to any type of salamander has movable eyelids, due to which it can examine the environment around it.

In addition, in such tailed amphibians, the jaws are very poorly developed, and in general the oral region is not conducive to eating solid food.

The fire salamander has a rather unusual coloration that will definitely attract the attention of any unlucky tourist. But behind the bright appearance lies a toxic poison that can kill several living creatures at once.

Most of all, this dangerous animal resembles a familiar lizard, for example, while the differences between them are easily noticeable upon closer inspection.

The point is not only in the coloring, which is more prominent in salamanders, but also in other factors. Poisonous amphibians have a slimy, long body and bright eyes.

Interesting!In many myths, the salamander is referred to as a servant dark forces. Partly because of its danger to surrounding creatures, but also because of its unusual appearance, any member of the family was considered a serious threat to people in the past. At the same time, the poison of this amphibian cannot kill a person, the maximum effect after it is a burn.

Key Features

A lot has already been written about what a salamander looks like, but there is one more thing in her appearance. interesting feature which distinguishes it from many amphibians: the absence of webbing between the fingers.

Such a factor may seem insignificant, but even it calls into question the belonging of this creature to this type of animal.

In the photo - alpine black newt, one of the most poisonous representatives of the salamander class. At the same time, its length rarely exceeds 12 cm, and this animal lives preferably in gorges and dense forests.

On this Interesting Facts not ending, here are a few more of them:

  1. The fire salamander, like all species in this family, has a toxic venom that resides on the surface of its skin. It is secreted by the parotid glands, and this process occurs constantly. The peculiarity is that if, for example, a dog eats a salamander, it will soon die.
  2. The poison of these animals in chemistry is called salamandrin. For humans, it is really dangerous only when ingested, which is why the use of these amphibians for food is prohibited. It is also noteworthy that they use their poison solely for the purpose of self-defense, and not for hunting.
  3. The giant salamander prefers to be in the water, or to be more precise: in cold and fast-flowing mountain streams. And despite its large size, this animal does not disdain to eat insects and crustaceans, alternating them with fish. The period of activity of this species: night time.
  4. All salamanders have the ability to regenerate not only the tail, but also the rest of the limbs. In this feature, they resemble lizards, but in this factor they also overtake them in development.
  5. According to Germanic mythology, this family of amphibians personifies the spirit of fire. Moreover, the Germans in their histories attribute to salamanders the ability to endure burning temperatures without any damage. From the point of view of the Christian faith, these creatures are the messengers of the devil. And indeed, judging by the way the salamander looks, one might get such an impression.

Not all species of these amphibians have a frightening appearance, as many have a neutral coloration. But the fire salamander easily inspires fear with just one color: bright yellow or orange spots on a black, sometimes brown body.

Interesting!This animal hibernates like many others. Around October, the poisonous amphibian hides in a pile of fallen leaves, and sometimes even huddles together with its fellows.


The diet of such a tailed amphibian as a salamander depends to a small extent on its species.

Predators among these animals can be counted on the fingers of one hand, while the populations of the family are found in all corners of the world.

This is largely due to the underdeveloped jaw and the inherent laziness of this group. Generally, daily menu each of its representatives most often includes:

  • caterpillars;
  • spiders and butterflies;
  • slugs and earthworms;
  • small newts and frogs (the fire salamander especially loves them).

If we talk about larger individuals of these amphibians, then they prefer to use;

  • small amphibians;
  • crustaceans.

Such a diet is preferred by the giant salamander and some other individuals of this family that live in water bodies. These creatures go hunting at night, during the day their activity is extremely low.

In addition, they prefer not to attack predators, and reduce the chance of encountering potential enemies to a minimum.

In the photo you can see how a giant salamander is located in the hands of a man. This again challenges the notion that these creatures are capable of eating humans.

Interesting!By the way, there is also a myth about the immortality of the salamander. At one time, people were so afraid of these animals that they attributed fantastic abilities to them, so that some facts of the past regarding this family are greatly distorted.


The fire salamander prefers to breed immediately after hibernation. During this period, she shows maximum activity and is completely ready for fertilization.

This process, as well as marriage games, these ambitions take place on land.

In males, a special sac is formed in which the germ cells (spermatophore) are located.

As soon as it is fully formed, the male lays it on the ground. After that, the female is pressed against the spermatophore, as a result of which fertilization occurs.

Eventually, the female may deposit the "finished" cells into the water, or else continue to carry them around. Small larvae can also be born in two ways:

  • hatching from eggs directly into the water;
  • after the birth process.

It all depends on the mother of the offspring and her choice. By the way, scientists have not been precisely established exactly how the salamanders do it.

Apparently, for these actions in response maternal instinct, but this theory is not 100% proven.

The cub turns into an adult upon reaching 3 years of age. After that, he can live for about 12-15 more years and breed regularly.

Interesting!Individuals aged 50 years or more are seen very rarely. As a rule, such salamanders grow in natural environment and until the last moment they are able to provide themselves with products of vital activity.

At one time, there was a rumor on the net that a 200-year-old giant salamander had been found in China. This information was disseminated not only by entertainment portals, but also by serious publications. The photo is just the same individual caught by an ordinary fisherman.

Interesting!China is one of the few countries in the world where salamanders are still eaten. It's about about the largest representatives of the family. For medical purposes, some parts of the body and substances extracted from the body of this amphibian are also used.

Like many other dangerous animals, salamanders can be safely kept in their own apartment, following the necessary safety measures and providing proper care.

For these amphibians, as well as when keeping , and, it is best to buy a horizontal or cubic terrarium.

To fill it with the right soil, you can use a mixture of moss, bark, peat, earth and charcoal. At the same time, moss will need to be constantly replaced, since it will not be able to grow in a terrarium.

Important rules for keeping a salamander:

  1. Do not overheat the place in which the amphibian is kept, because of this it will not be able to breathe comfortably. These animals tolerate low temperatures very well.
  2. The period of hunger for this reptile is the norm. She may not eat during the molting period.
  3. As lighting, it is better to use lamps that do not affect the temperature, or rather, fluorescent ones. To decorate the terrarium, you can use plants and large stones.
  4. We must not forget about the importance of the reservoir, in which you need to regularly replace the water.

Fire salamander in a terrarium. This baby moves actively and clearly feels great.

Salamander: Miniature dragon with rich history

The salamander looks like an ordinary small amphibian with interesting colors, but the history of its species is fraught with many mysterious myths and secrets. In addition, this creature can move in water and has the ability to regenerate limbs.

This is one of the most mysterious creatures ancient world and the Middle Ages. The fiery salamander was represented as a small dragon living in fire and embodying its spirit. Mentioned in the "Natural History" of Pliny the Elder, who says that the salamander itself is so cold that it can extinguish any flame by barely touching it.

“The most terrible of all animals is the salamander,” writes Pliny. - Others bite at least individual people and do not kill many at once, but a salamander can destroy a whole people without anyone noticing where the misfortune came from.

If a salamander climbs a tree, all the fruits on it become poisonous. If she touches the table on which bread is baked, then it becomes poisonous ... Immersed in the stream, she poisons the water ... If she touches any part of the body, even the tip of her finger, then all the hair on the body falls out ... "

In alchemy, the salamander is the spirit of the elements of fire, just as there are spirits of the other three elements - earth, water and air.

Where did this legend about the fiery being come from? In the ancient Hebrew legend “The Gates of Heaven” there are such lines: “From the fire an animal is born, called a salamander, which feeds on fire alone; and fire is her matter, and she will appear in the blazing furnaces that burn for seven years.” The image of a spotted lizard, associated with the element of fire, migrated to medieval treatises on symbolism, alchemy and found a connection with religious symbols.

In the "Physiologist", a book written in the 3rd century and which is a collection and a kind of interpretation of pre-Christian works on zoology, the fiery salamander corresponds to three righteous people who did not burn in the fiery furnace. Further, her image spread through various bestiaries and gained popularity, and the legend took root and firmly entered many prophecies.

The common fire or spotted salamander is a small amphibian with an average body length of 16-20 cm.

The beginning of the fiery image was laid by the color of the animal. Ancient scientists, in particular Pliny the Elder and Albert the Great, tried to connect its yellow and orange spots on the skin with the light of distant stars.

It was believed that the fire salamander somehow affects the appearance of meteors, comets and new stars, and they, accordingly, act on the location of colored spots on its skin. It also mentions the relationship with various fiery manifestations, since scientists associated the same elongated spots with flames.

The salamander has always caused superstitious horror and fear, giving rise to many myths. In some, she is immortal, and her skin is able to heal from all diseases; in others it is little Dragon, from which a fire-breathing monster will grow in a hundred years.

In medieval magic, the salamander is a spirit, a keeper of fire, its personification. In Christianity, she is the messenger of hell, but in the 11th-century treatises of the Byzantine George of Pisidia, she is identified with the biblical symbol of a pious person, "who does not burn in the flames of sin and hell."

In the Middle Ages, the belief spread in Europe that salamanders live in flames, and therefore in Christianity her image became a symbol of the fact that living body can stand the fire. In addition, the magical lizard represents the fight against carnal pleasures, chastity and faith. Theologians cited the phoenix bird as proof of the resurrection in the flesh, and the salamander as an example of the fact that living bodies can exist in fire.

There is a chapter in The City of God by St. Augustine entitled "Can Bodies Exist in Fire" and it begins like this:

“Why would I bring evidence here, if not to convince the incredulous that human bodies, endowed with soul and life, not only do not disintegrate and do not decompose after death, but their existence continues amid the torments of eternal fire?

Since it is not enough for unbelievers that we attribute this miracle to the omnipotence of the Almighty, they demand that we prove it by some example. And we can answer them that there really are animals, corruptible creatures, for they are mortal, who nevertheless live in fire.

Poets also resorted to the images of the salamander and the phoenix, but only as a poetic exaggeration. For example, Ke-vedo in the sonnets of the fourth book of the Spanish Parnassus, where "feats of love and beauty are sung":

I'm like a Phoenix, furiously embraced
Fire and, burning in it, I am reborn,
And I am convinced of his masculine strength,
That he is a father who has given birth to many children.
And salamanders are notorious cold
It does not extinguish it, I vouch for that.
The heat of my heart, in which I toil,
She doesn't care, even though he's a living hell to me.

IN old books the salamander was often given a magical appearance. It is already unusual, and in ancient descriptions it surpasses this image. She has the body of a young cat, behind her back are large membranous wings, like some dragons, the tail of a snake, and only the head of an ordinary lizard.

Its skin is covered with small scales, fibers resembling asbestos (often this mineral was identified with a salamander), these are hardened particles of an ancient flame.

Often a salamander can be found on the slope of a volcano during an eruption. She also appears in the flames of a fire, if she so desires. It is believed that without this amazing creature, the appearance of heat on earth would be impossible, because without his command even the most ordinary match cannot light up.

According to the treatises of Kabbalistics, in order to get this outlandish creature, one should find a vessel made of transparent glass, which has a round shape. In the center of the bulb, using specially arranged mirrors, focus the sun's rays. After some time, the salamander's solar substance, its true essence, will appear there, which can then be used in alchemy to obtain the philosopher's stone.

In other sources, it is specified that the non-combustible salamander only ensured the required temperature in the crucible, where the transformation of lead into gold took place.

The image of the salamander was widely used in symbolism and heraldry. So, on the coats of arms, a four-legged lizard surrounded by flames symbolized steadfastness and contempt for danger. For example, in British coats of arms, it means courage, courage, steadfastness, which the fire of disasters cannot damage. Curiously, the first Insurance companies They chose the salamander as their symbol, which meant safety from fire.

Traveling through the French castles of Chambord, Blois, Azey-le-Rideau, Fontainebleau, you can find dozens of images of the salamander, since it was she who was chosen as his symbol by the French king Francis I.

Salamander in the emblem of King Francis I, Château d'Azay-le-Rideau

The salamander on fire, accompanied by the king's motto "I cherish and banish", is found in bas-reliefs, decorates walls and furniture. The meaning of this motto was that a wise and just monarch sows good and good, while eradicating evil and ignorance.

Fiction and reality are often very closely intertwined, and the salamander is a classic example of this. Now, of course, they are quite well studied, but some superstitious fear still remains. Perhaps also because these creatures are unusually poisonous, and most importantly, such a mystical trail stretches behind them, which was rarely awarded to any other species of amphibians.

This animal belongs to the class of amphibians (or amphibians) and the order of caudates. If we translate the term "salamander" from Persian, then it means "burning from within."

Outwardly, this amphibian resembles a lizard, but the two animals belong to completely different classes. To distinguish them, you need to understand: the salamander's skin is always moist and soft to the touch, and its limbs are not equipped with claws.

The body of the amphibian has an elongated shape and evenly flows into the tail.


IN old times there was a belief that the salamander is endowed with an aggressive character and is a poisonous animal that commands the fire element. Sometimes, before the eyes of tired travelers warming themselves by the fire, a small amphibian crawled out of the unexpectedly extinguished flame. In fact, the fire stopped because of the wet log, and the salamander did not burn out only because slime formed on its body.

Characteristics and structure of the animal

Some species of these amphibians have a dense and strong body (this includes the fiery salamander), other representatives have a slender and graceful camp. The size of the smallest amphibian can be 5 cm, the largest reaches a length of one meter 80 cm, including the tail.

The color of amphibians is replete with a wealth of shades. The color scheme of the animal is brown, yellow, rich light green, light gray and red. An amphibian can be painted in one tone or have different shades that turn into geometric patterns.

The fire salamander is framed in a bright black and orange color and is considered the most aesthetically attractive specimen of the entire class.

Absolutely each representative is distinguished by short paws. On the forelimbs of most species, including the fire salamander, there are four fingers, on the hind limbs - five. In some varieties, the legs are very poorly developed, in others they are stronger and more athletic.

The head of the fiery (spotted) salamander has a convex and somewhat flattened shape. On it are parotid glands - the glands of the skin, which are produced by all amphibians. The secretions produce a poisonous secret, bufotoxin, which has alkaloids and substances in its structure that cause paralysis in small mammals. The black eyes of the amphibian are somewhat protruding, and the eyelids are formed, which is not always observed in other species.

On a note!

The venom of the fire salamander is completely harmless to humans. It causes only burning and redness on the mucous membranes. Amphibian venom has an antibacterial effect and is widely used in traditional medicine.

The fire salamander is an animal endowed with an exceptional feature regenerate lost limbs And tail section. On average, an amphibian lives about 18 years, but the duration of existence varies depending on the appearance. The fire salamander, confined to the narrow limits of captivity, can live 50 years.

Most varieties of amazing amphibians are listed in the Red Book. Many of them are under the threat of complete destruction. They are mercilessly exterminated for the sake of obtaining delicious meat for national cuisine and poison, which cures many pathologies.

Some species live exclusively in water spaces and are endowed with full-fledged gills. Such amphibians thrive in the United States, China and the islands of Japan. Other representatives do not have lungs at all, therefore they breathe with the help of the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth. They live in hot tropical forests , in low mountains, on cultural plantations and in the rural settlements of the New World.

Many representatives have a full respiratory system And lead a terrestrial lifestyle. They are widely distributed in areas of Europe, China and northwest Africa.

The fire salamander loves to develop territories of deciduous or mixed forests near rivers and lakes. This species is widely distributed on the European continent and the Middle East. Sometimes the animal can be seen in Ukraine. The spotted (fire) salamander is extremely slow during the day when it hides in decrepit stumps, ownerless burrows or tall grass. Since she is a cold-blooded animal, she needs to hide from the scorching sun. From the middle autumn season and before the snow melts in early spring, the fire salamander goes into deep hibernation. The best place serve for this big piles fallen leaves. Representatives of the species like to gather in a large company (10-12 individuals) and spend such a cold winter.

This black-orange amphibian regales itself with small spiders and she drinks morning dew . The animal does not disdain worms, molluscs, various insects and their larvae. Sometimes it can swallow a small newt or frog. The amphibian itself is a dinner for some animals. Her worst enemy is already, birds and wild boars also eat this small animal with great appetite. When the animal is in reservoirs or lakes, it becomes a victim of sharp fangs of pike and other predatory fish.

The breeding season of the fire salamander begins immediately after it has emerged from hibernation. Mating games take place on land. On the body of males during this period, specific sacs with germ cells (spermatophore) are formed. When the female presses against the testis, fertilization occurs. A certain number of eggs are laid in the water, the rest remain in the mother's body.

It follows that there are two ways of giving birth to a fiery salamander: origin from the womb of a female and birth from a fertilized egg in an aquatic environment. A small amphibian becomes an adult when it reaches the age of three. They have the opportunity to reproduce.

Features of the development of cubs

Interesting Spotted Salamander Facts

The famous Roman writer Pliny the Elder argued that the venom of this amphibian can poison an entire nation. The scientist said that the usual touch to it will lead to the loss of all hair on skin. If the spotted salamander somehow gets into the source fresh water the poison will stay there forever. Only in the 17th century AD, scientists proved the harmlessness of the spotted amphibian. It never attacks first, but when stressed, it is able to spread a protective substance with an almond scent.

In one book about the spotted salamander, several far-fetched poetic sayings can be emphasized.

  • IN sunny days the amphibian does not come out of the cool and dark shelter. Those who plot to commit a crime under the cover of night behave in a similar way.
  • The salamander is not a lizard, but belongs to the class of amphibians. In the same way, do not confuse foul language and a demon from the depths of hell.
  • If hair falls out from the poison of a spotted salamander, then the honor and good name of a person are lost from slander.
  • They say that the fire (spotted) salamander breeds only when a severe thunderstorm is raging. Similarly, in times of turmoil, ignorant people try to achieve some position in society.
  • The beautiful spots on the back of the animal can symbolize the hypocrisy that always wears an attractive mask.