Tours to Thailand in July 2020

Those who prefer exotic and comfortable rest are recommended to visit Thailand. The Kingdom of Thailand in July offers a wide variety of entertainment - from spending time on the beach to exploring local attractions.

Tourists will be able to enjoy the beauty of the ancient architecture of Thailand, magnificent natural scenery, take part in a mountain jungle safari. This hospitable state, called "the country of a thousand smiles" - locals renowned for their kindness.

Prices for tours to Thailand in July

In the travel company Megapolyus Tours you can book a ticket to Thailand - in July the price of the trip is reduced due to the climate. Those who are not bothered by wet weather are highly recommended to visit this exotic country! You will have a rest in a paradise place with first-class service.

Resorts of Thailand

Coming to rest in Thailand in July, you can have a great time on white sandy beach. The largest resort is located on the island of Phuket. There are a lot of picturesque lagoons, hilly slopes with rich exotic vegetation, coconut palms and rubber trees grow everywhere.

Phuket is chosen by tourists who are used to relaxing at the highest level. Hotels located on the coast provide guests of the country with European-level service.

Koh Samui in the Gulf of Thailand is a wonderful place for a romantic getaway! There are many clean beaches, the most popular of which are Chaweng, Lamai, Nathon, Taling Ngam, Bophut.

On the island of Koh Samui, you can not only enjoy a beach holiday, but also visit restaurants, cafes, have fun in a club or play sports. There are shops and shops where you can buy souvenirs to remember your trip to Thailand.

Pattaya is the main resort of Thailand, the most famous among tourists. Buying tours to Thailand in July, travelers first of all visit Pattaya. There are all conditions for a comfortable pastime for the whole family. It is an ideal place for snorkeling, diving and water skiing. In Pattaya you will find coral islands with the purest water and great beaches.

Climate in July

The middle of summer is a fairly rainy time for Thailand. There is a lot of precipitation - up to 500 mm, but the rains are very warm and fall mainly at night. The sea is restless, the weather in Thailand in July is humid and hot. It is recommended to rest at this time west coast and not on the islands.

The air temperature is almost the same as in June - +32..+35C, at night it is a little cooler - +25..+27C. Thanks to climatic features, beach holiday in Thailand in July may alternate with other types of entertainment. Tourists will be able to visit excursions, join the local culture or have fun in entertainment venues.

Note to the traveler

If you are going to Thailand, take protective cream and sunglasses with you, and a hat will not be out of place. Drinking raw water is not recommended, it is better to purchase bottled water. Yellow fever vaccinations are required before visiting some parts of the country.

You must have a first aid kit with gastric drugs and analgin. While shopping, be sure to bargain while smiling! By bargaining, you will receive a discount on goods that are sold not only in small shops, but also in reputable supermarkets.

Thailand is one of the most popular countries among our compatriots. And on another vacation, and for wintering, and even for permanent residence. Holidays in Thailand are relatively inexpensive, exotic, always unconditionally bright. Thailand can offer a quality beach holiday, and wild entertainment, and cultural aspects, and marvelous nature. For every tourist, Thailand is an exclusive piece of paradise.

Thailand is definitely always nice and warm, but some months of the year are a bit overshadowed by rain. However, this “terrible, terrible” rainy season in Thailand is not such an unpleasant time, there are even some advantages in it (for example, at this time the prices for tours are lower). The rainy season in Thailand lasts from approximately the beginning of June to the end of October, but let's talk about how to relax in Thailand in July in this article.

During the rainy season, monsoons begin to blow actively over Thailand, bringing rain. Wet by July air masses are starting to "dirty" already and in northern cities Thailand, where it rains almost every day. Most of the days the sky over Thailand is covered with low dense clouds.

At the same time, in the north of Thailand in July it is a little cooler (and this is a big plus, believe me). On average, the daytime air temperature in these areas of the country does not exceed +30°C, and closer to the night the air sometimes cools down to +18°C, in particular, if it has just rained. But in the north (and everywhere, perhaps) at this time it is very green and beautiful.

In the central part of the country (in the vicinity and in) the weather is about the same as in the north of the country. True, it's still a little hotter. For example, in the capital or in the famous resort town of Pattaya at this time it can reach +35°C. The sea in this region in July is very warm, up to +30 degrees, however, sometimes you can catch storms with strong winds.

It should also be noted that precipitation on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand is slightly less than in the west. For example, on the island of Koh Samui in July there can be about 8-9 rainy days, and on (which is located in the west) - 15-16. Given that it usually rains at night, or during the day and for 20 minutes, then in July you can have a good rest on this island or on neighboring islands or. The water temperature there is also quite high, up to + 29-30 degrees.

The southwestern regions of Thailand (islands, and,) are even more prone to monsoon. In July, these areas experience severe storms with high waves, strong winds and it rains almost every day. At the same time, it will, of course, be very hot there (air temperature reaches +30°C), the sea is also warm (up to +29°C). By the way, it is in these areas that you can relax in July the cheapest.

It is also worth noting that the rains, if they occur in July, are most likely at night, so they may not particularly bother tourists. Thus, despite the rains, the weather in July is not so bad, and even in the midst of the rainy season, you can have quite a good rest.

What to do in Thailand in July

Even despite the fact that the sky can be overcast, a beach holiday can turn out to be quite competent. Although it all depends on where you are located. The beaches in Thailand, however, oh, how cool! The most popular resorts among our compatriots are Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Samet, Koh Samui.

Pattaya - one of the most fun resorts, where fun even in the rainy season. The beaches in Pattaya are generally not bad, although, when compared with other beaches in Thailand, everything is not in favor of Pattaya. The prettiest beaches in Pattaya are Jomtien, Naklua and Palm Beach. In addition, it is very convenient to travel from Pattaya to various attractions in this area: for example, in Khao Kheo Zoo or Si Racha Tiger Zoo, on Crocodile farm, V Aquarium "Underwater World", thematic Mini Siam Park and much more. Conveniently, the most interesting places are located that way an hour's drive from Pattaya (or even in Pattaya itself). And from there it is very convenient to get to the nearby islands, where the beaches are steeper and the sea is cleaner - Koh Lan, Koh Sahak, Koh Krok, Koh Phai and others.

I'm not talking about that from Pattaya to Bangkok literally at hand - and in Bangkok, of course, it is very interesting: the most beautiful temples, fashionable shopping centers and clubs, many tourists.
Also from Pattaya not far from the ancient capitals, Ayutthaya and Sukhothai, before ruins of ancient Khmer structures, which are scattered across the northern and northeastern parts of Thailand, up to national park Nan etc.

Phuket no less popular. It has its own airport, it's quieter, cleaner and more picturesque. True, in July a lot of rain is expected in Phuket, but this does not matter. Phuket is the largest island in Thailand. The beaches there are very pleasant and varied, and night life did not disappoint.

Koh Samui is the third largest island in Thailand. It’s not particularly fun on Koh Samui, but it’s very beautiful: here and undersea world colorful (a great place for diving and snorkeling), and the sea is quite transparent (after all, there is not much rain in July), and the beaches are lovely, and the waterfalls in the jungle of the island are especially full-flowing at this time of the year. The best beaches the islands are located on its eastern coast, and the most party place is Chaweng beach. Other good beaches on Koh Samui - Lamai, Bophut, Maenam, Laem Set and Hat Taling Ngam.

province Krabi make up about 130 islands and mainland. It’s also very nice on the mainland, but basically they just leave from there to the islands, which are wonderfully suitable for relaxation. Most Beautiful places Krabi - Ao Nang beaches(the most developed beach with entertainment), Hat Ray Le, Hat Nopharat Thara and Hat Tham Phra Nang. If the sea is calm. Go to phi phi islands(the beauty is indescribable, don’t say it!), and it’s also worth a trip to national park Khao Panom Bencha(which is famous for its beautiful waterfalls and amazing caves), go to the mysterious beach of fossil mollusks Susaan Khoy. If you are interested in snorkel diving, then you are on the island hong- the most attractive views are seen there.

Samet Island conveniently located that way, 7 km from the coast. Samet is not Pattaya, and not Phuket. It is really quite calm there, there is almost no entertainment, and there are not very many hotels on the island. However, Samet attracts tourists in a different way - its wonderful nature: clean and not particularly crowded beaches, jungles, waterfalls. From this island it will also be interesting to go to the neighboring small islands (Ko Man Nai and Ko Talu).

Even if it starts to rain, then dive into the nearest restaurant to have a bite to eat at the same time. Thai food is, of course, something - delicious, hearty, very exotic, especially for those who have never been to Asia before. At the same time, street food is very cheap, and in the markets in July you can snatch incredibly cheap and delicious fruits.

Don't miss the chance to go to the metny Spa. There are plenty of them everywhere - you won't have to look for a long time. Well, Thai healing secrets are considered one of the best in the world. In fact, a real Thai massage is when they press on special points on the body or head, and thanks to these seemingly simple manipulations, you can very quickly get rid of suffering and pain. However, in addition to this type of massage, you can order absolutely any - it all depends on the desire and capabilities of the client.

Prices in July in Thailand

This is a fairy tale, gentlemen! There are not many people, prices are falling, there will definitely be places in any tavern or restaurant, and you can still snatch a vacation in a cool and beautiful hotel at not so high prices (you must somehow lure tourists). That is, hotel prices, for example, compared to January, may fall almost twice. But this is the case if you will book the hotel yourself. From tour operators in summer time prices are also falling, but not by 40-50%.

Thus, despite the fact that in July the weather in Thailand is not particularly stable, even rains cannot spoil the impression of a holiday. Thailand is rich in the most incredible natural beauty and unique attractions. There is something for everyone in Thailand. So, think carefully before choosing sultry Egypt or hot Turkey at the height of summer, because there is such a beautiful Thailand!

Our summer vacation we decided to spend in Thailand. Most tourists in July have a rest in Turkey and other resort countries, where the summer is hot.
Thailand in July, many travel agencies do not recommend visiting, calling main reason rain season.

Koh Samui, July

Yes, indeed, in the summer in Thailand there is a lot of precipitation, the water in the sea is muddy, which clearly does not attract tourists.
Our desire to visit Thailand in the summer was very great. We compared what the weather might be like in Thailand in July on different islands and resort towns.

Weather in Thailand in July. Pattaya

In July, it is very hot in Pattaya, it rains often and for a long time. The sea in Pattaya and in the "hot" season is not clean and calm, and even more so in the summer!


Many tourists come to Pattaya in the summer because of the affordability of tours. And if you decide to purchase such a ticket, then it is preferable to sunbathe and swim on the beaches of the nearest islands to Pattaya, for example, Koh Lan, Koh Samet.

Samet Island

Weather in Thailand in July. Phuket

Phuket in July - most auspicious time for surfers. It is in July that the peak of the rainy season and the highest waves are here. July in Phuket is a big lottery, lucky or unlucky with the weather. Maybe a storm with heavy rain for a whole week or clear weather for several days in a row.

Phuket Island

Weather in Thailand in July. Koh Chang

In the summer, on Koh Chang, the sea is stormy and it rains heavily. If you want to spend your holidays in the pool, feel free to go to Koh Chang! But during this period, housing prices are the most affordable.

Koh Chang

Weather in Thailand in July. Koh Samui

In terms of weather, Koh Samui is an ideal resort in Thailand. We lived on the island for almost a month and felt all the delights of our choice. More
Rains were rare, began suddenly, ended quickly, and then it shone again bright sun. Mostly precipitation fell at night, which did not prevent us from relaxing in the summer in Thailand.

Koh Samui, July

Swimming in the sea during this period is pleasant, big waves no, the water is clear. The average air temperature is 27 - 280С, at night it sometimes reaches 350С, but even such heat is tolerated comfortably. More about the weather in Thailand

Koh Samui

Thailand in July 2015

More and more tourists choose to vacation in Thailand in the summer, realizing that the main thing is a positive attitude and good company.

Rainbow after the rain, that's the "rainy season" =)

Thailand, like any resort country, needs to be explored before you go there, then in the summer you can find a comfortable vacation spot for yourself and you will not be afraid of Thailand in July.

Dear travelers, leave your comments and additions!

Thailand in July is not considered best solution, as it rains everywhere in the Kingdom. If in June it rains in the west and in the central part, then by July the cyclone moves to the north and the entire territory of the country is covered by rain. Despite the fact that it really rains almost every day in July, they mostly fall at night, so they do not cause much discomfort to vacationers.

The beach in July is more suitable for extreme people, since there is increased activity in the sea, and the sky, although it is overcast with dense gray clouds, still lets the sun's rays through, so climatic conditions in summer they are great for swimming and relaxing on the beach.

Thailand is known for being suitable for a beach holiday almost at any time of the year. In July, you can have a good rest on the best, which has more than two hundred throughout the territory and its nearby non-mainland part.

Despite the fact that July is the middle of the low, it rains mostly at night, so you can relax on the beach no worse than in high season, and in case of long and protracted downpours, the hotels have swimming pools, spa centers, massage parlors, shops and restaurants, so you won’t be bored in your room.

July holiday prices

The advantage of a vacation in July is its cost. IN low season The tourist flow is not very high, so the cost of accommodation and meals is reduced. Booking accommodation in Thailand in July, you can save up to 40% of the total cost. Flights to Thailand are not canceled, and departures are made with the same intensity as in the high season.

The demand for flights is small, so airlines are reducing fares, which will save up to 50% on a ticket, especially if you buy it in both directions at once.

The cost of accommodation is also reduced, so you can generally save up to 30% on vacation. In the low season, tour operators offer great deals on holidays, as well as offer full tour packages at a reduced cost.

BangkokFrom 800 $7 2
PhuketFrom 950 $7 2
Pattaya1000 – 1100 $ 9 2
Koh Samui1200 $ 10 2
Krabi900 $ 7 2
Phi Phi870 – 980 $ 7 2
Koh Samet1150 $ 10 2

The cost of accommodation is also reduced, so you can generally save up to 30% on vacation. During the low season, tour operators offer great deals on tours, as well as offer full tour packages at a reduced cost.

Vacation in July

The peculiarity of a holiday in Thailand in July is the opportunity to enjoy a huge amount, which grow in abundance due to downpours. High yields are observed throughout the country, so in July everyone can eat plenty of fruit. Intense rains do not interfere with sightseeing tours and learning about Thai culture.

For lovers of extreme sports in July there are interesting offers for sea ​​voyages, diving and windsurfing. Also, in July you can make a gastronomic trip to restaurants national cuisine. In the evening in July, nightlife is in full swing in Thailand, so clubs and bars offer a variety of entertainment and show programs. For fans of active sports in July in Thailand, there are all conditions for surfing and snorkeling.

Vacation on the beaches

The main attraction of Thailand in any season is a beach holiday. The coastline is covered in white granulated sugar, and in July there is no particular marine activity. During the wet season, the sea warms up to an average of +28°C. However, each resort reacts to the manifestations of the cyclone in its own way.

Due to the high humidity, it is very difficult to endure the heat, but short rains bring coolness, and it becomes easier to endure the heat. The temperature at night drops to +25°C…+28°C. The sea warms up well, even if the solar activity during the day was low, on average up to +27°C. But often in the sea there are storms and storms with heavy winds that reach the shore in the form of low waves.

In the west of Thailand in July there is the least rainfall. On the Gulf of Thailand and Koh Samui, the number of rainy days does not exceed 7. During the day average temperature is +27°C…+30°C. Water warms up to +28°C. Showers in the west come at night, so during the day you can enjoy a beach holiday and sunbathe. In the southwest of Thailand, in the provinces of Krabi and on, there is the greatest influence of monsoons on the formation of weather conditions.

So it rains here in July every day, sometimes for 5 hours in a row. The average daily temperature is +26°C…+29°C, but sometimes rains bring a noticeable coolness and by night the temperature drops to +22°C. The sea in this part of Thailand is warm in July and warms up to +29°C.

Wet monsoons also shape the climate in the north of the country, where frequent and prolonged downpours in July can ruin a beach holiday. The sky is covered with gray clouds for almost the entire month, but solar activity is high and there is a risk of getting a sunstroke. Also, there are gusts of wind that provoke a storm, so swimming in the north should be extremely careful. Intense rains raise sea levels and flood the coastline.

+29°С…+34°С+27°C+28°C +28°С…+31°С+28°C+26°C Krabi+27°С…+39°С+25°C+27°C Phi Phi+28°С…+30°С+26°C+25°C Rayong+29°С…+33°С+28°C+29°С +28°С…+32°С+26°C+26°C

What entertainment awaits tourists in Thailand in July

In July, there are not so many dry days in Thailand, but all of them should definitely be spent on excursions and entertainment. Thailand is full of architectural monuments of culture and in any province there are more than enough of them. buddhist temples, royal palaces and abandoned monuments are a must see in Thailand at any time of the year.

The advantage of the rainy season is that at this time a riot of flowering begins and tropical jungle so lovers pristine nature should definitely go to the waterfalls, tropical forests And botanical gardens. In July, various festivals and holidays await tourists in Thailand. This month marks the celebration of Dhamma Day, the anniversary of the establishment of Buddhism as the national religion.

Also, fruit festivals, international marathons and street festivals are celebrated in July. On central squares solemn events unfold, alcohol and fruits are sold everywhere, and carnivals and festive processions are held.

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I hereby, being the Customer of the tourist services included in the tourist product and an authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give my consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of the persons (tourists) contained in the Application: surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; address of residence and registration; home and mobile phone; address Email; as well as any other data relating to my personality and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those that are part of the tourist product formed by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by applicable law Russian Federation, with the use of automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on a material carrier and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as for the transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) in order to fulfill this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement, for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate foreign country, resolving claim issues when they arise, providing information to authorized government bodies(including at the request of the courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me to the Agent are reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and the Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

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This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be revoked by me at any time, and in terms of a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person, by sending a written notification to the Agent by mail.

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I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.