The organization for the control of the spread of weapons - Conflict Armament Research (CAR), in its recent report published data on the weapons of the so-called. "Islamic State". The report of the Organization for the control of the spread of weapons notes that militants from the group " Islamic state"During the armed conflict in Syria and Iraq, they use bullets made in the United States.

After examining approximately 1,700 cartridge cases used by jihadists, experts found that more than 20% of them were American-made. In addition to them, shell casings were found, made from 1945 to the present day in China, Iran, the Soviet Union and a number of other countries.

Ammunition samples were collected in two main theaters of operations - in northern Syria (Gatash and Khair) and Iraq.

Experts singled out the Yugoslav hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher M-79 Osa, firing 90-mm rockets, as particularly important finds. According to experts, these are the same grenade launchers that Saudi Arabia supplied to the oppositionists from the Free Syrian Army in 2013. In this regard, the obvious connection between the ruling dynasty of the Saudis and the militants of the Islamic State becomes clear, although Saudi Arabia officially condemns the actions of ISIS.

Among the samples captured from terrorists in Northern Syria, called the Colt M16A4 - in service american army assault rifle. And these rifles are produced by the American firms FN Manufacturing and Colt Defense in the United States. The terrorists also found American semi-automatic rifles XM15 E2S. These American weapons fell into the hands of the jihadists from the depots of the Iraqi army they seized.

In addition, 7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifles used throughout the world were found in the hands of the militants. All seized assault rifles were produced back in the USSR - in 1960, 1964 and 1970.

Among the interesting samples was the Croatian Elmech EM 992 sniper rifle, created on the basis of the German Mauser 98k repeating rifle. The latter, in turn, entered service in 1935 and was actively used during World War II. The Islamic State is also armed with a Chinese Type 79 sniper rifle.

From these data, we can conclude that the militants of the "Islamic State" have an excellent system for supplying weapons. In addition, CAR has not yet taken into account the scale of equipment captured by ISIS. Thus, their recent successes in Syria and Iraq have led to the fact that the terrorists have at their disposal several military bases and airfields, literally flooded with equipment and weapons. In particular, outdated, but still usable light fighters were in their hands. Soviet-made MiG-21 and MiG-23. Pilots are trained by former military specialists who served in the Iraqi army during the time of Saddam Hussein. Therefore, experts consider the combat capability and combat potential of the military units of the Islamic State to be the highest among all officially recognized terrorist organizations in the world.

Islam-Today according to Russia Today

The militants of the Islamic State, until recently, actively pursued an occupation policy to seize large areas of Iraq and Syria. One of the secrets of success was the arming of terrorists.

Light weapons.

The human rights organization Amnesty International published a report according to which the militants of the "Islamic State" have a huge amount of weapons. It has been flowing uncontrollably to the Middle East for decades, mostly from the United States and its allies. According to human rights activists international organization Amnesty International's weapons, even supplied to "moderate" groups, can easily change ownership and end up in the hands of extremists. Terrorists use more than 100 types of weapons originating in about 25 countries.

Most modern weapons and ammunition for it (as a result of large-scale US deliveries), including armored vehicles of various classes, the militants seized from the Iraqi army, which was retreating from Mosul, where military depots were located. "The variety of weaponry the group uses demonstrates how reckless arms dealing is leading to large-scale brutality," researcher Patrick Wilken was quoted as saying in the report.

Consider the report of the Conflict Armament Research (CAR) organization.

According to the organization, during the conflict in Iraq and Syria, bullets and cartridge cases produced in the United States were repeatedly found on the battlefield. More specifically, among the examined 1,700 weapon shells from cartridges used by jihadists, more than 20% were American-made. An interesting fact is the discovery of cartridge cases made in Iran, China, the USSR and a number of other countries of the former communist camp, manufactured since 1945. The main part of this ammunition was collected in Iraq and the northern part of Syria (Gatash, Khair).

Also, experts found a number of special finds. The first one is manual anti-tank grenade launcher M-79 "Osa" made in Yugoslavia. It can fire 90mm rockets.

M79 "Wasp"

Experts say that it was these grenade launchers that Saudi Arabia supplied to the oppositionists of the Free Syrian Army in 2013. Thus, once again there is a connection between the ruling Saudi dynasty and the militants of the Islamic State (on official level condemned by the government Saudi Arabia). The next sample is an assault automatic rifle manufactured by Colt Defense and FN Manufacturing, which is in service with the United States Army. We are talking about the Colt M16A4 rifle (one of the latest modifications). Another kind American weapons captured from the jihadists is the XM15 E2S semi-automatic rifle - essentially the same M16, but so to speak, its "civilian version" manufactured by Bushmaster. According to researchers, both rifles were seized by Islamic State terrorists in military depots of the Iraqi army.

Bushmaster XM15-E2S

It should be noted that one of the main and mass types of militant weapons is a 7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle. Specifically, samples of 1960, 1964 and 1970 were seized.

Talking about samples precision weapons, it is worth mentioning the Croatian Elmech EM992 sniper rifle. It was created on the basis of the German magazine carbine developed in 1935 Mauser 98k, which was still in service in parts of the Third Reich. Another sniper rifle found by militants was a Chinese Type 79 7.62mm caliber. This instance is an exact copy sniper rifle SVD, which was produced in the USSR.

Elmech EM992

Based on the data obtained, the following main sources of weapons for ISIS can be identified:

  • syrian army warehouses,
  • iraq army depots,
  • weapons taken in battle
  • acquired in the process of active foreign trade.

Heavy armored vehicles, artillery.

Speaking about the presence of armored vehicles and artillery systems among ISIS militants, it is worth mentioning the words of Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Abadi about the capture during the fighting near Mosul in 2015 of 2300 armored off-road vehicles with heavy small arms HUMVEE made in the USA.

An American soldier in the machine gun section of an armored car HUMVEE

The Pentagon, in turn, provided disappointing data on the presence, until recently, of more than a hundred American main battle tanks Abrams M1A1 in militants. Although supporters of the "conspiracy theory" claim that there was only a veiled transfer of technology to the so-called. "moderate opposition" to counter the "Assad regime" in Syria.

According to various sources the army of the "caliphate" at the peak of its power had 140 Abrams tanks of the M1A1 modification. Almost all of them were captured during the ambush of the Iraqi military in Anbar province. This generation of tanks has been produced since 1984 and is equipped with a 120-mm smoothbore gun, forty rounds of ammunition, reinforced frontal armor and an integrated system for protecting the crew from weapons. mass destruction with the possibility of air conditioning. The cost of such a tank is about $4.3 million per unit.

As a result of the large-scale retreat of the Iraqi Army, the city of Ramadi with a population of 850 thousand people and hundreds of pieces of heavy equipment, including artillery, passed into the hands of the terrorists. By preliminary estimates- 52 US-made M198 Howitzer artillery towed howitzers worth $0.5 million each. Development systems of the 1970s, produced in the amount of about 1700 units, are still in service with the armies of the United States, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Bahrain, Honduras, Greece, Lebanon, India, Pakistan, Tunisia, Ecuador, Thailand.

American military personnel firing from the M198 Howitzer

Do not forget that in addition to American military equipment, ISIS was armed with a large number of such a production of the Soviet Union, namely: T-55 - medium tank of the sixties and seventies of the last century, which in fact served as the progenitor of the main battle tanks, the T-62 is also a Soviet medium tank, a continuation and modification of the T-55 vehicles, and light armored vehicles of the BMP and BRDM. The most modern model in this series was Russian tank T-90 captured from government troops more than six months ago. The machine went to the militants fully combat-ready, was resold several times and eventually “surfaced” in the battles in the province of Hama, however, its appearance will not play a special turning point, due to the presence of modern anti-tank weapons in the CAA.

T-90 tank captured by terrorists

A number of sources also indicate that the militants have reactive systems. salvo fire(MLRS) BM-21 and operational-tactical missile systems(OTRK) SCAD of the Iraqi army, built on the basis of the Soviet ballistic missiles R-17. However, an extremely difficult technique to master, requiring qualified specialists and a number of other factors invisible to the layman, led to the fact that not a single SCAD missile took off.

Scud missile from Iraqi militants

Light armored vehicles. Motorized infantry.

The tactics of warfare in the conditions of Iraq and Syria require the presence of highly mobile units, which have become combat units based on pickups. Today, armed pickups can be found wherever fighting takes place: in South American countries, where guerrillas are at war with the government, drug dealers with the law, and police with gangs - there are special forces. law enforcement use pickups for their own purposes. In Iraq, a machine gun mounted on a police car is the norm, while the larger the caliber, the better. In Afghanistan, combat pickups are called "technical" and they are used not only by terrorists, but by most of the special forces of the NATO contingent. Exactly the same situation is now developing in the territories of Syria and Iraq, where pickup trucks with installed heavy machine guns used by all parties to the conflict, including the Forces special operations RF.

Among the many models of pickup trucks, the most popular among militants today is the Toyota Hilux. The US military compares this pickup truck in terms of reliability with a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Syrian army vehicles. Photo:

The main armament of such machines on the side of the IG was the DShKM heavy machine gun (or its Chinese counterpart "Type 54"). It is a modernized machine gun Degtyarev and Shpagin. Despite the fact that this type of weapon was adopted by the Red Army as early as 1938, it is still a formidable force today due to its high efficiency of shooting at armored targets and the rate of fire.

The second most popular installation on pickup trucks is the 14.5 mm Vladimirov heavy machine gun (KPVT), which poses a serious threat to light armored vehicles and aviation. Often, machine guns are simply removed from damaged armored vehicles, handles are welded to them, and a sight is installed. In addition, a significant part of the "technical" is equipped with launchers of unguided rockets. Basically, helicopter blocks installed on home-made machines are used in this role. But there are also absolutely handicraft samples, where there are no sights and missile stabilization, which makes such weapons ineffective.

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It is worth noting that there are also pickup trucks equipped with really formidable artillery weapons - 107-mm jet system salvo fire "Type 63", made in China and quadruple launcher Egyptian-made 122mm SACR missiles. However, firing from them often poses a threat to the terrorists themselves: a car carelessly left on the rise threatens to tip over and shoot itself, and a car may ignite or detonate ammunition in the back of a car from a rocket jet. As a means of direct fire support, ISIS terrorists use American 106-mm M40 recoilless rifles.

However, faced with the realities of combat in the city, the Teknikals began to be heavily armored. They additionally began to install armor plates in the front of the car, home-made shields for the machine gunner in the back. For these purposes, hatches from infantry fighting vehicles were often used.

The logic of choosing military pickups is understandable and is explained by the presence of a number of advantages:

- capacity: a ton of cargo or up to 20 fighters with weapons, which is not available to a regular jeep.

- in the event of a sudden shelling, the vehicle can be easily abandoned;

- speed of movement and sudden strike,

- the ability to install powerful weapons directly into the body, thus compensating for the lack of armored vehicles and aviation and artillery support.


Caliphate fighters in the first year of the war in Syria and Iraq captured a number of American UH60 Black Hawk helicopters, MiG-21 and MiG-23 fighters of Soviet production. However, the complete air supremacy of the aviation of Russia and NATO countries, the establishment of Khmeimim and Tartus bases with the use of anti-aircraft missile systems () and Pantsir-S1 did not allow these "trophies" to rise into the sky. Most of them were destroyed by government forces while still on the ground.

At the same time, militants actively use unmanned aerial vehicles. aircrafts, based on commercial models of quadcopters and hexacopters. Tuning them with video cameras high definition, reinforced batteries and mortar shells, hanging them on UAVs and dropping them over the positions of regular troops in Iraq and Syria.

air defense

IS fighters often use heavy machine guns and portable anti-aircraft missile systems(MANPADS). On the defeated government bases, the terrorists were able to capture a small number of American Stinger complexes. Russian MANPADS "Strela", "Igla" and their foreign "replicas" are also in service with ISIS. With the help of these systems, they managed to shoot down several helicopters of government forces.

Militants armed with MANPADS "Stinger" (USA) in the back of a pickup truck

Anti-tank systems

RPG-7 grenade launchers became the main anti-tank weapons of the soldiers of the self-proclaimed caliphate - they are cheap and easy to operate. Among the captured weapons were a number of Konkurs, Fagot anti-tank guided systems and Chinese HJ-8 ATGMs capable of hitting targets at distances of up to three kilometers. The most modern anti-tank complex, which militants use, including against helicopters at low altitudes or hovering, is the American TOW, supplied by the United States of the so-called. "moderate opposition" in Syria. They account for the main losses of government armored vehicles and the bulk of the "media" campaign of IS militants.


Since the end of 2013, ISIS has begun mass production and use of self-made Hellfire mortars. They are self-made howitzers, the shells for which are household gas cylinders stuffed with an enhanced charge of ammonium nitrate and striking elements to increase the number of victims. As a means of ensuring explosions, a home-made fuse or a regular fuse is equipped. artillery ammunition. Such a "projectile" can be equipped with a chemical poisonous substance (proven cases of the use of mustard gas and mustard gas by militants are known). The accuracy of such weapons is quite low, but the destructive power is very high.

An ISIS terrorist loads a homemade projectile into a homemade mortar

Calculating ballistics with a tablet

Analyzing pictures from social networks and publicly available information on the Internet, it is clear that the militants use Apple iPad tablets with publicly available MBC (Mortar Ballistic Calculator) software for mortar guidance, which allows you to calculate the trajectory of mortar shells. By purchasing an application for little money and having data on wind, range to the target, etc. From the appropriate devices, easily available in online stores, IS militants can fire standard mortars with the necessary accuracy.

Summing up, it is worth saying that the weapons we described and military equipment militants are by no means limited to the above. Due to the lack of weapons supplied on a regular basis and centrally, terrorists have to replace them with a motley mass of handicraft weapons and modified, altered, restored samples (such as the T-34 tank from the time of the Great Patriotic War, firing from which is carried out as from a gun remotely using a cord).

Terrorists in Yemen use T-34s against Saudi soldiers

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Entities like ISIS do not emerge by themselves.

ISIS is a whole army, numbering, according to various estimates, from 20 to 100 thousand fighters, with a fairly professional command, with control centers, warehouses, and a certain economy.

Of course, ISIS is not a full-fledged state, despite its self-name, it is rather a virtual state, a quasi-state, but it still has an economy. It is impossible to support tens of thousands of fighters for several years without an economy and a rear. Fighters need something to feed, clothe, equip, arm. It is impossible to fight for several years, capturing a weapon once - it is lost, it fails, and thousands of tons of ammunition are needed for active hostilities.

So where does it all come from?

And how did such a structure as ISIS appear, how did they manage to get the initial weapons, how did they manage to occupy a significant part of Iraq?

The legend about the Syrian opposition is understandable - it is a part of the Syrian population dissatisfied with the power of Bashar al-Assad, which for a long time supported, and still continue to support foreign countries, including the USA. Washington is still quite openly supplying weapons to the Syrian opposition, the United States does not even hide this.

Thus, with the Syrian opposition, everything is more or less clear, with the support of the United States and partners, it is possible to support entire countries, not only opposition groups.

But where did ISIS come from?

The United States disavows - they say they did not create it.

Iraq, on whose territory ISIS arose, also did not need this at all. In the past, when Iraq was ruled by Saddam Hussein, it could be assumed that ISIS emerged as an opposition to official Baghdad, just as the Syrian opposition arose. But Saddam Hussein is long gone, the US and allied troops were in Iraq for a long time, it was under their control that the current government was brought to power in Iraq.

So where did ISIS come from?

The United States did not create, Iraq did not create, Syria and Iran - even more so.

Saudi Arabia? Let's say. But can the Saudis do anything serious against Washington's interests? Saudi Arabia is an old partner of the US in the Middle East. Disagreements between Riyadh and Washington are possible, but not to such an extent, because the United States is a supplier of weapons to the Saudis, what will happen to them in the event of a quarrel with the United States? Or did the Saudis get so bold that they decided to play their own game? But isn't it too cool for the Saudis to play against Iran and the US at the same time?

There is a legend that ISIS originated from the cells of various terrorist groups.

But this is a rather weak version. Here were some little-known terrorist organizations, or rather not even organizations, but simply groups engaged in banditry on the ground, and now - in a couple of years they suddenly merged into an entire army, and called themselves a state.

Have you seen bandits creating a new state somewhere, even if it is virtual?

For bandits, the state is an enemy, their antipode. Bandits live on lawlessness and lack of centralized authority. In Somalia and some others African countries banditry has flourished for decades, some groups grow into small armies, but nothing like ISIS has arisen there. Bandits tend to fight each other for territories and sources of income, so the unification of disparate groups into a single structure, an army, and even in a short time ... is nonsense.

And again, the question remains - if the terrorists themselves suddenly united and created ISIS - why did no one stop them? Why did they so easily receive initial weapons, start-up capital, and who continues to supply them for several years literally under the nose of the United States - on the territory of Iraq, which the United States with such difficulty liberated from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein?

Doesn't this remind you of anything?

100 thousand citizens came out to the Maidan ... themselves ... and they have been holding rallies for three months ... a scene appeared from somewhere with artists (probably also herself), grandmothers brought pies to a crowd of one hundred thousand, and grandfathers took out dry closets, lined them up in even rows and they take it out every day ... and that’s all by itself ... and McCain flew by, saw a crowd of freedom-loving citizens and decided to speak out ... and then Nuland passed by and accidentally carried pies with her ... but there were no Nazis there, nobody I didn’t see it, just the golden eagle shot at the people, angered the people, and then the golden eagle crippled himself and Yanukovych ran away by himself ...

Miracles of self-organization!

What about the Ukrainian Maidan, what about the emergence of ISIS.

However, we know very well the source of the Ukrainian miracles of self-organization - these are the Ukrainian oligarchs (in particular, Poroshenko, who received power as a result) and Washington. If you want - you can vice versa - Washington and the Ukrainian oligarchs.

The role of Washington is start-up capital (the same 5 billion invested in Ukrainian democracy) and methodological guidance, consultations, training, technology, political support.

The role of Ukrainian oligarchs is to increase start-up capital by stealing from the GTS, the budget and other sources, follow instructions from the American embassy and direct part of their capital to the common capitalist cause in accordance with the instructions received.

Now back to ISIS.

Facts first:

ISIS originally emerged in Iraq, which was controlled by the United States and allies for several years after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

ISIS found initial weapons in military depots set up by the US for the Iraqi army and police.

ISIS captured the cities where they found money (start-up capital) in banks.

The Iraqi army surrendered whole units, or went over to the side of ISIS. The same army that the United States trained and armed after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

ISIS has actually teamed up with the Syrian opposition, which the US continues to supply with weapons, quite officially.

ISIS produces oil on the territory it controls and sells it on the black market, including Turkey, and Turkey is not a destroyed Iraq, it is a state with a very strong central government, nothing happens in Turkey without the knowledge of Ankara, except perhaps the activities of the Kurds, who can't possibly be allies of ISIS. This means that the supply of smuggled oil to Turkey (a NATO member and an old US ally, for reference) from ISIS territories is approved by Ankara and indirectly by Washington.

By the way, is the smuggling of oil from ISIS one of the tools to keep low prices in the oil market? Most likely is.

The United States has been fighting ISIS from the air for more than a year, bombing some objects, but ISIS is only growing in size, which gives reason to consider the US fight against ISIS a simulation.

ISIS continues to receive equipment and weapons, often from US supplies addressed to the Syrian opposition - for example, a batch of Toyota jeeps that were at the disposal of ISIS were supplied from the US to the Syrian opposition, this has already been recognized in Washington.

The United States trains volunteers to fight ISIS - then it turns out that they are either killed, or defected to ISIS, or handed over weapons to ISIS and fled. This has also been recognized in Washington.

And now the conclusions:

The United States actually trained personnel for ISIS when it trained the Iraqi army and police, some of which later joined the ranks of ISIS.

The United States continues to train personnel for ISIS, training some volunteers to allegedly fight against ISIS, but in fact the fighters trained by American instructors then join ISIS.

The United States gave ISIS part of the territory of Iraq with military warehouses, banks and oil wells, which became for ISIS starting weapons, capital and a source of constant income.

The United States supplies ISIS with weapons, equipment and ammunition, all of which is directed to the Syrian opposition, which then transfers a significant part of the supplies to ISIS.

The US turns a blind eye to Saudi Arabia's funding of ISIS, and may even actively contribute to this funding.

The US turns a blind eye or even facilitates the supply of ISIS oil to the black market, in particular through Turkey.

Can't be! US fans will be outraged

After all, the United States is the fighters against terrorism, it is an example of freedom and democracy, it is the "axis of goodness"!

Axis of good? Fighters against terrorism? Yes, wherever the US has established its order in the past 30 years, terrorism has only grown stronger. Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan.

The US began to support the first terrorists in Afghanistan back in the early 80s to fight the USSR, then they were called the Afghan Mujahideen and subsequently created Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

In Ukraine, the United States supported an armed coup involving Bandera, neo-Nazi militants and terrorists, who later launched terror in the southeast of Ukraine, staged a real terrorist attack on May 2 in Odessa and a series of terrorist attacks in Mariupol. Yes, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine fought in the Donbass for a whole year, committing war crimes and terrorizing the local population.

And if you remember the history, the United States is also not very similar to a good wizard - Cuba, Vietnam, Hiroshima.

Until the USSR had its own atomic bomb, the United States planned to be the first to inflict nuclear strike across the territory of the USSR.

Yes, and Hitler came to power and created his war machine not without the support of the United States and Great Britain. By the way, the supply of equipment and materials (including components for poison gas used in concentration camps) was carried out by American companies, although the US government later stated that it knew nothing about this.

There is reason to believe that the American government has committed crimes even against its own people. The planned attack on Pearl Harbor was most likely known in advance. The September 11 attack on the World Trade Center towers is also not quite what the US government is trying to present.

So? Good wizard or evil genius?

But why did Washington need ISIS?

Why do we need an uncontrollable terrorist organization the size of an entire army, which does such terrible things that you have to deny them in every possible way and even imitate the fight against them?

Washington needs ISIS precisely to do terrible things that the United States cannot do with the hands of its military and even with the hands of its PMCs. ISIS is needed so as not to get dirty.

To reformat the Middle East, to demolish Bashar al-Assad, to change the borders of states, exactly such a structure as ISIS is needed.

Washington will not be able to solve this problem with its own troops, because it will never receive support in the UN, even among the allies. These tasks are in conflict with fundamental principles UN, so they must be carried out by those from whom the United States can disown.

ISIS behave like scumbags, not even because they themselves want to - this is the task assigned to them. They must look so savage that no one in the world could admit the idea that this is a creation of the United States.

It is for this that ISIS cuts off heads and demolishes ancient monuments, and they film it on video and, mind you, they shoot very high quality, from several cameras, with professional editing. Of course, real Islamists also often cut their heads and destroy something, but not so sophisticated, not with such imagination, and certainly not with such high-quality shooting.

For a lie to be believed, it must be monstrous.

It is on this principle that ISIS was created. He should look like such a monster that no one would allow the thought of linking his appearance and his actions with the United States - the peak of humanism, freedom, democracy and other universal values, the citadel of goodness.

The September 11 terrorist attack was organized on the same principle - it was so terrible that many still, despite a lot of evidence, are not ready to accept the idea that the American government and intelligence agencies could be involved in this.

But why does Washington need all this?

Near East. In order to reformat the Middle East, change the borders of states, first demolish Syria, and then possibly Iran, which the United States has not been able to put an end to by economic blockade. The USSR at one time could, but Iran could not.

The Middle East is also a source of refugees for Europe, which is very important for the United States to keep in a "black body", not to let it rise above itself, to create tension so that financial and human capital continued to flee from the Old World to the New.

The Middle East is also the way to Central Asia and the Caucasus, and there is direct access to Russia. And then close to China.

This big game.

This is such a big game that it doesn’t feel sorry for the 5,000 dead at the World Trade Center - it doesn’t feel sorry for the million dead in Iraq and Syria, it doesn’t feel sorry for the millions that will die in the Middle East wars in the future - it doesn’t feel sorry for entire countries.

This is World War III.

Did you think World War III would be nuclear?

No, the Third World War will not be the same as you imagined - it will be terrorist, it will be waged by proxy, financing and supplying weapons, equipment and ammunition to such scumbags as Bandera and ISIS.

ISIS is essentially the same Right Sector or Azov, only much greater numbers, on a larger scale.

And the essence is the same - to do dirty, very dirty work in the interests of the United States, coming out at the right time from behind the backs of the fighters for freedom and a better future for their countries. Ukrainian nationalists at one time came out from behind the backs of students and funny grannies with pots on their heads, and ISIS came out from behind the backs of the Syrian opposition.

German Nazism was once supported in order to reshape Europe and demolish the USSR.
The first one worked, the second one didn't.

ISIS is supported to reshape the Middle East and Russia. The first one is gradually being achieved. I would like it not to come to the second ...

But Russia has already entered the fight against ISIS, and this made our country a participant in this war.

This is a war already involved different countries Europe, Middle East and USA.

Which means it's already a world war anyway.

That's what ISIS was raised for - for the world war.

For World War III.

ISIS is an Anglo-Zionist project of Mossad, MI6, CIA...

On the way to "Greater Israel": the leader of ISIS is a full-time Mossad agent Shimon Elliot

The leader of ISIS, who called himself "Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi" is a specially trained Mossad operative named Elliot Shimon. The more information comes to us, the more it seems that we live in the looking glass. While in " parallel world» events are taking place under the influence of forces that the media are 'afraid to talk about'. And, even more so, to demand from the national governments of their countries to figure out how to eliminate the threat.

So, independent sources in the summer of 2014 reported that the real name of the “Caliph Al-Baghdadi” - the head of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) - Simon Elliot (Eliot Shimon), he was born from two Jewish parents and is an agent of the Mossad.

The plan: to get into the military and civilian leadership of the countries declared a "threat to Israel" in order to destroy them and, thereby, facilitate their further absorption by the Zionist state throughout the Middle East. To create a Greater Israel.

These are the boundaries of the Zionist project, "Greater Israel" or "Eretz Israel" for short...

These facts, released in August 2014, confirm that the Caliph Rolex is sent by Israel to wreak havoc in the neighboring countries of the Zionist entity.

Thus, they realize the Kabbalistic principle - "order through chaos." To build the New Mordor of "Great Israel" on blood and suffering.


Former CIA and Agency officer national security USA Edward Snowden presented documents exposing the activities of the intelligence services of Britain, America and Israel, which conducted joint work on the creation of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist organization. Worked on this issue large group specialists - intellectuals in cooperation with the British intelligence MI6, Mossad and the US NSA.
According to Snowden, US and British intelligence collaborated with Israel's Mossad to create a terrorist organization that could bring all the world's extremists to one place, using a strategy called the Wasp's Nest.
The hornet's nest strategy seeks to bring all the major threats together in order to track them down and, above all, undermine the stability of the Arab countries.
The NSA documents presented by Snowden say that the old British plan "Wasp's Nest" has been put into action, which aims to protect Israel by creating an extremist religious organization with Islamic slogans. According to the documents, the only solution to the defense of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders.

ISIS - soldiers of Israel


A lot of talk about the fact that ISIS was not only created, but also financed and controlled by Israel, or rather, by the Israeli special service Mossad, is by no means without foundation. First, both Arabs and Jews are Semitic peoples. And I can assure you that if you take them off traditional clothes, it is hardly possible to distinguish one from the other. At the same time, even some religious rites of Islam and Judaism also contribute to this. All this creates excellent conditions for the introduction of Israeli Mossad agents into the "top" of ISIS.

Secondly, the rather strange relationship between ISIS and Israel. But it would seem that Islamic fundamentalists should hate the Jews and strive to destroy the state of Israel. But it is precisely the terrorist state of ISIS that acts only in the interests of Zionism. The "Islamic caliphate" itself, the creation of which the terrorists announced, should only unite the very lands of various peoples, which, according to the plan of the Zionists, should then become part of "Great Israel". Moreover, by that time, his entire ruling "elite" will consist of implanted Israelis. Well, why not the New Khazaria, in which the entire ruling "elite" (as in today's Ukraine) is Jewish?

It would seem that it looks too fantastic. But let's try to analyze indirect data. Please tell me, has the Israeli army, which for any reason and without it bombs and fires at Syrian troops and its allies from Hezbolah, at least once attacked ISIS terrorists? And did the ISIS terrorists cause any damage to the Israeli army? Even just recently, having accidentally shelled the Dutch Heights occupied by Israel, ISIS officially apologized to Israel.

Well, not absurd? An international terrorist state, killing thousands of Christians, including those not shying away from the lives of Western journalists, apologizes to the (meaning also terrorist) state of Israel. But the "casket" opens easily. And even in the very name of ISIS there is a clue why the "military specialists" of the United States and Israel are training ISIS fighters.

Here, for example, is what the Russian scientist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences S. Sall said about this: "ISIS, as you know, was created by the intelligence services of the United States and Israel. And the very name ISIS or ISIS in Latin terminology is the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service - the original name of the organization was "Mossad". And "Mossad" was organized by MI6, in turn. So, when a lot of people in the West learned the decoding of this abbreviation, a new name for this organization appeared. By the way, Mossad officers run this organization .

So what is being done with the help of ISIS? You can see that the entire territory of ISIS, it coincides with the territory of the future "Greater Israel", i.e. the territory is being "cleared" by organizing wars between Shiites and Sunnis, and other divisions. In general, this is such a "war of all against all" ... But the goal of this war is the coming of Moshiach.

Thus, the incomprehensible "friendship" between Israel and ISIS becomes quite understandable. As well as the fact that only the same terrorists who destroy civilians in Lebanon and Syria can be friends with terrorists. Moreover, at its core, ISIS is a kind of "branch" of the Israeli Mossad. And it is time to understand this for those deceived Muslims who were lured into their ranks by ISIS recruiters by deceit and cunning. What they give their lives for is not really the Islamic caliphate, but Greater Israel. The Arabs themselves (as well as other Muslims) in it will, at best, be destined for the fate of disenfranchised slaves, who are at the very "bottom" of the social ladder. Everything, just in full accordance with the Talmudic dogmas.

The militants of the Islamic State terrorist group continue to push the Iraqi army, inflict serious damage on the Syrian troops, and at the same time are completely insensitive to airstrikes by US and NATO forces.

What makes them such formidable opponents and how the most ruthless terrorist organization fights is in the IT.TUT.BY review.

small arms

The small arms of the militants are quite colorful and diverse: some are bought by sponsors from Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, some are captured during battles with government troops. Therefore, we list a few basic samples.

The easiest-to-use samples are at the heart of the arsenal of ISIS militants small arms- Kalashnikov assault rifles, mainly produced in the USSR in 1960, 1964 and 1970. 7.62 mm caliber AKMs are most valued. There are also Chinese, Pakistani and improvised AKs of unknown origin. The choice of AK is simply explained - high reliability and simplicity, the vast majority of ISIS terrorists can’t even read, they can’t even write their name.


Often in the hands of terrorists, you can see Colt M16A4 rifles of 5.56 mm caliber. Most of these weapons came to them thanks to sponsors from Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and were also captured in the warehouses of the Iraqi army.


During the fighting, the Syrian military seized a large number of XM15 E2S 5.56 mm rifles from terrorists. It is difficult to say how these weapons fell into the hands of Muslim militants - the serial numbers were removed using gas welding. According to information from open sources, many rifles have the inscriptions "Property of the US Government" ("Property of the US Government").

As for pistols, there are strong preferences for Browning Hi-Power, chambered for 9×17 mm. Also militants love the Austrian Glock pistols G19 and their Croatian counterparts Produkt HS-9.


Light armored vehicles and pickups

A pickup truck with a machine gun in the back is a maneuverable, cheap and formidable weapon. At minimal cost on fuel and high mobility, such vehicles allow you to make deep raids, hang on the tail of the retreating enemy troops. High load capacity allows you to install a variety of weapons in the body. The preferred brand of pickup trucks is Toyota, cars of other brands cannot withstand such harsh operating conditions.


Most often you can find Chinese copies of the Soviet large-caliber 12.7 mm DShK machine gun- "Type 54". Adopted by the Red Army in 1938, this weapon is still effective on the battlefield.


No less popular is the 14.5-mm Vladimirov heavy machine gun, whose armor-piercing incendiary bullets cope well with enemy light armored vehicles. Mostly on pickup trucks you can see a tank modification of a machine gun, taken from enemy armored vehicles. However, there are anti-aircraft machine-gun installations of Soviet or Chinese production ZPU-½ installed in the body.


It is also common to find a 23 mm twin-wheel mounted in a pickup truck. anti-aircraft installation ZU-23. It's cheap and powerful weapon, which is used mainly for shooting at ground targets. High mobility and the ability to fire at high elevation angles make this weapon effective in battles not only in the desert, but also in mountainous areas.


In addition, you can find blocks of aviation NURS installed in the back of a pickup truck. Shooting is carried out according to the principle: "On whom Allah will send." The spread of unguided missiles over the area is large, the effectiveness is doubtful, but it is spectacular and raises the morale of ignorant Islamists.


Light armored vehicles are mainly represented by outdated Soviet or American models, which are easy to learn and do not require special technical knowledge. Most often you can find BMP-1, BMP-2, American M113 armored personnel carriers and Humvee armored jeeps “borrowed” from the Iraqi army.

The armor of the BMP-1 in the lateral projection does not withstand hits of 12.7 mm bullets, and the defeat anti-tank grenade RPG, as a rule, causes the vehicle to ignite, followed by the detonation of the ammunition
The American tracked armored personnel carrier does not have good protection. During the 1982 Lebanon War, the M113 showed a tendency to ignite quickly after being hit by a projectile, so the infantry preferred to be located outside the armored personnel carrier
American Humvees captured from the Iraqi army
The picture shows relatively fresh captured armored vehicles - the M1117 armored personnel carrier (adopted by the US Army in 1999) and the Badger MRAP.


The tank fleet of the Islamic State terrorists is mainly represented by the Soviet T-55s, which are loved for their simplicity and unpretentiousness. There are a number of T-62s, T-72s and even captured American M1 Abrams. True, the Islamists had certain problems with the latter - there are no competent specialists capable of operating and servicing these tanks.

Soviet T-54/55 equipped with a North Korean laser rangefinder.
Captured T-72 captured by ISIS militants
Outdated T-62s are still very popular in the East
Iraqi army's downed M1 Abrams