What heating method is the most efficient, and how to arrange it? Why is it good water heating greenhouses, and can it be combined with air heating in greenhouses? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Heating of greenhouses can be different:

  • furnace;
  • gas;
  • electric;
  • steam;
  • water.

In order to rationally make greenhouse heating with your own hands, to provide plants with comfort for their growth, especially when heating a greenhouse in winter, you need to choose a type of heating system that will fully heat both the soil and the air.

Choosing a heating method

The right choice of heating method for greenhouses will also determine your future harvest. With this choice, you need to consider:

  • greenhouse dimensions;
  • type of home heating system;
  • own financial resources.

It is important to observe the combination of the heating system with the type of greenhouse. So, it is well known that the heating of greenhouses made of film materials needs more heat than heating, since this material itself is a good heat insulator.

It is necessary to take into account the features of a particular system. For example, some of them, although highly effective, being extremely expensive, are completely unsuitable for standard small-area greenhouses. Other systems require installation and configuration by the hands of a professional. This is especially true for systems that use advanced technologies, such as heat pumps, infrared heating, etc.

When tuning in to a greenhouse heating device on your own, you first need to “feel” how the process of such heating will proceed, take into account all its pros and cons when choosing a heating system.

Water heating of the greenhouse - what are its advantages?

The use of hot water heating of the greenhouse provides both air and soil heating at the same time. In the greenhouse, an optimum microclimate is established and maintained, and the air does not dry out, as is observed with other heating methods. At the same time, it is very important to provide a greenhouse the right system ventilation, so we recommend that you also read the material in the article, which will help you.

From an economic point of view, heating with water is more profitable, since heating can run on different fuels:

  • on wood;
  • on the corner;
  • on peat;
  • on household waste;
  • industrial waste and other types of fuel.

Simply put, you can use everything that can burn for water heating in a greenhouse made by yourself.

The design of the heating of the greenhouse with water

The heating system consists of:

  • heating boiler or furnace;
  • pipes;
  • radiators;
  • expansion tank;
  • chimney;
  • circulation pump.

The choice of a heating boiler depends on the specific situation. In a gasified area, the most popular are economical gas boilers. However, options for building systems with electric heating boilers and solid fuel boilers are also possible. The simplest option is a brick or metal stove that runs on coal or wood, which you can build with your own hands.

The water heated in the boiler is supplied to the pipes by a circulation pump. It is best to form two heating circuits from them.

  • The first circuit is subsoil, consisting of plastic pipes with water at a temperature of about 30 ° C, laid in the root zone of plants.
  • The second circuit is the heating of the under-dome volume of the greenhouse with the help of radiators.

The water in the system usually circulates forcibly under pressure created by the circulation pump, less often in a natural way.

Connecting do-it-yourself thermostats to the system makes it possible to maintain a certain temperature automatically.

Radiators, as well as pipes leading to them, can be according to the preferences of the owner:

  • cast iron;
  • bimetallic;
  • aluminum.

Radiatorless systems are generally known, in which the under-dome space of greenhouses is heated from round steel pipes with a large diameter.

expansion tank or open type, or a closed type is absolutely necessary, and can be either purchased ready-made or welded from sheet metal with your own hands.

The chosen method of obtaining hot water is from a boiler or from a metal or brick stove, the type of chimney is also selected. They may be:

  • classic brick chimney;
  • asbestos-cement;
  • metal pipe.

If financial possibilities allow, then modern sandwich pipes can be used.

Is a circulation pump necessary?

The presence of a circulation pump in the water method of heating greenhouses is not unambiguous. Budget greenhouses often have water heating with natural water circulation due to the pressure difference in the system. So water heating can work both with and without a pump, everything is again determined by the financial capabilities of the owner of the greenhouse.

Sometimes, when the greenhouse is attached directly to the residential building, then in its water heating enters hot water from the internal heating system. If the greenhouse is remote from the house, then in order to insulate the pipes passing along the street, significant investments of effort and money are needed, but this will not give a guarantee. full protection pipes from impact low temperatures winter season. We recommend learning about .

Do-it-yourself water heating of a greenhouse (video)

Do-it-yourself heating system installation

The stove or heating boiler is usually located in the vestibule of the greenhouse, less often inside the greenhouse itself. In the first option, fuel (wood, coal) does not interfere with movement in the greenhouse and work with hands, as well as tools in it. But in the second option, the stove or boiler itself also radiates additional heat into the air. Therefore, choosing their location is the task of the owner of the greenhouse. For lovers of greenhouses, it will be interesting and .

  • A foundation should be built under the boiler or furnace. For brick oven it should be made of concrete, for a metal stove or a small boiler - from a steel or asbestos-cement sheet. It is only important that the heat source is stable and does not create a fire hazard.
  • A chimney (flue pipe) departs from the furnace (boiler). The joints of its parts (elements) and the junctions with the furnace (boiler) are hermetically sealed with their own hands or with the help of assistants to prevent smoke from entering the greenhouse. If the joints are sealed with mortar, then exclusively clay, since cement from the action high temperature crack.
  • The winter greenhouse should be equipped with ventilation, regardless of the heating method.
  • Only metal pipes of the same diameter must be connected to the outlet and inlet pipes of the boiler. At a distance of a meter or a half from the boiler, plastic pipes can already be installed if the main pipeline of the system is made of them.
  • Before installing the greenhouse heating system with water, an expansion tank is installed at the highest point of the building near the stove or boiler. For safety reasons, an automatic air shut-off valve and a pressure gauge are installed in front of it.
  • Now you can mount the circuits of the heating system themselves: primary and secondary with radiators. Considering that running water circulates naturally due to the pressure difference created by hot and cold water, then the outlet pipes from the furnace (boiler) should be placed in the middle between the mounted radiators.
  • If the radiators are equipped with shut-off valves, then it is necessary to put jumpers between the incoming and outgoing pipes from the radiators so that the disconnected radiator does not stop the operation of the entire system.

Will tell about the budget option of heating .

Basic rules for installing a subsoil heating circuit in a greenhouse with your own hands

  • For underground heating it is better to use pipes High Quality made of cross-linked polyethylene, placed directly in the ground, and if the soil heating circuit is equipped with an automatic control unit, then it is possible to provide temperature conditions corresponding different stages development of plants, which will significantly increase productivity.
  • The soil heating circuit in the greenhouse resembles a “warm floor” system in terms of its design. The step of laying plastic pipes is at least 0.3 m, this must be taken into account if you mount such a system with your own hands.
  • To prevent heat from escaping into the ground, a layer of thermal insulation made of a material that does not absorb moisture (for example, expanded polystyrene) is needed; for additional waterproofing, a plastic film is laid on top of the thermal insulation layer.
  • Polyethylene pipes for soil heating are laid in a pad of sand (washed and compacted) about 10 - 15 cm thick, which will contribute to uniform heating of the soil and prevent overdrying of the soil.
  • The thickness of the layer of fertile soil to be filled up should be at least 30 - 35 cm.

Our climate is cold and frosty winter, as a rule, is long, therefore, for every gardener, the question of how to heat a greenhouse is hardly an idle one. And it doesn’t matter if you are professionally engaged in gardening in order to sell the harvest, or just indulge, as they say, for the soul and your goal is fresh fruits and vegetables on the table in the frosty season.

Heated winter greenhouse has long been calling card diligent host, a sign of productivity and fertility of the economy. Indeed, in our country, many gardeners prefer to use greenhouse structures during the cold season to grow heat-loving crops. Today we’ll talk about how to properly equip a greenhouse and how to heat a greenhouse in winter.

Which design to choose

You can place an order and buy a ready-made factory version, but you can also design it on your own. What is needed for this?

Not so much. 6-8 arc-shaped steel profiles with a cross section of 3-5 cm will be enough, you will also need a rectangular lower base and one upper or side transverse section, which is designed to strengthen the structure during strong gusts of wind and protect it from the mass of snow.

Polycarbonate will become a reliable coating. This material has excellent strength characteristics and its use in the creation of such structures can be considered a reference.

If we talk about ready-made solutions, the so-called “bread box” designs have proven themselves well. This type of indoor garden has earned its popularity due to its compactness and mobility. Due to its small dimensions, it can be freely moved if necessary. It also has a very simple characteristic “open-close” mechanism, thanks to which it got its name.

A heated winter greenhouse is the dream of every gardener. And we will talk about how and with what it is better to heat a greenhouse in the next chapter of our review.

How can you heat your indoor garden in winter?

So how do you heat a greenhouse in winter? There are several ways to organize a heating system inside a greenhouse. All of them have their pros and cons, all differ from each other, both in terms of cost and reliability.

natural way

Heating the interior of the greenhouse with solar energy. The simplest and, under certain conditions, quite effective option.

The mechanism of its application is extremely simple:

  1. The sun's rays, bypassing the transparent polycarbonate roof and walls, penetrate into the greenhouse and heat the air inside it.
  2. At the same time, polycarbonate does not allow heat to leave the frame of the greenhouse, and the difference between the temperature indicators of the external environment and the soil inside the greenhouse can be 4°C and 12°C, respectively.

With the use of sunlight in clear weather, you can heat the inside, as they say, "cheap and cheerful." However, this option is best used in combination with more reliable other methods, since it is very unreliable due to the dependence on the clarity of the winter period. More great importance has the "hardness" of winter, because in severe frosts the sun's rays will not save the crop from the destructive cold.


One of the most ancient ways, which is still used everywhere. This is especially true for private non-profit farms and small enterprises. Biological fuel is used here as a source of heat generation.

In the process of decomposition, organics tend to release thermal energy. AT agriculture Since ancient times, it has been customary to use materials such as:

  • rotten straw,
  • tree bark and foliage
  • fruits of trees and bushes unsuitable for consumption,
  • bird droppings and animal manure.

Superiority among organic sources of heat generation is rightfully occupied by horse manure. This material has unsurpassed qualities of heat generation among this kind of organics. It is able to warm up within 5-7 days.

Heating temperature during decomposition horse manure can reach 70°C and it tends to persist throughout the growing season.

For reference! How to deal with biofuels? Previously, manure was brought to the site, as they say, in finished raw form. Now these are more aesthetic and less fragrant dry briquettes, but just as effective.

  1. The first step will be warming up, that is, the launch of biofuel, for which it is dropped into the ground for a week by several centimeters. The soil before this is well loosened with a pitchfork.
  2. As soon as you notice the steam emanating from the beds, it can be buried in the soil. To do this, dig trenches 50-55 cm deep. Spread manure or briquettes in a dense layer, layer thickness 40 cm.

If straw is added, the effect will be longer, but the temperature will be lower.

  1. Then sprinkle manure with earth to the top of the bed (10 cm) and after 5-7 days you can start planting.

Heating a greenhouse in winter with the use of biofuels is a centuries-old method. However, in this case, this method will be defined only as an auxiliary one. For high-quality and uninterrupted heating of a greenhouse with any external weather conditions more serious heat sources are required.

Water heating system

A heated winter greenhouse using heated water is by far the best option among all existing ones.

The principle of operation of this method is no different from the boiler method of heating residential buildings. To install a water heating system for a greenhouse, several pipes and a boiler for heating water should be purchased. Installation can be carried out both on their own and with the involvement of specialists.

Pipes can be laid not only in the interior of the room for air heating, but also in the ground under the parent soil layer.

The use of such a heating method, firstly, will provide the greenhouse with the necessary temperature indicators, and secondly, it will not hit the wallet hard. Although, of course, this is already a complete and reliable heating system, and its arrangement and maintenance in any case will cost money.

Use of electrical appliances

Another technical heating method. One of the most popular, since there is not a single one left in our country locality without power supply.

Numerous special electrical appliances are used to heat the inside of the greenhouse. These include:

  • special convectors;
  • heat guns;
  • fans;
  • infrared lamps;
  • infrared heaters UFO,

that is, all those units that are designed to heat the air inside the structure. Heating mats and electric cables for underground heating are also very often used.

This is a very reliable and effective method of heating a greenhouse in the winter. However, buildings heated by this method can afford only well-to-do enterprises.

How to make warm beds

These devices are considered the most economical compared to other electric heating options.

  1. For the arrangement, it is necessary to dig trenches 55-60 cm deep in the beds, the bottom is covered with insulating material. This is necessary so that all the heat rises up to the roots of the plants, and does not “spread” to nowhere.
  2. A 5-cm layer of sand is poured onto the insulation, it is compacted tightly, covered with a fine mesh.
  3. They lay out heating mats or an electric cable with polypropylene insulation with a diameter of 6 mm, a bending radius of at least 35 mm.

To obtain a sufficient amount of heat, it is necessary to proceed from a certain cable power. On average, this is 75-100 W / sq.m., but at the same time, the linear power should not be higher than 10 W / sq.m., so as not to overheat the roots.

  1. They make another 5 cm sand layer with obligatory tamping.
  2. The sand is covered with a mesh so that it does not mix with the soil.
  3. The soil is poured with the last layer by 35-40 cm. Planting can be started immediately.

Heating a greenhouse in winter using electricity for non-commercial purposes is very expensive and unprofitable for the average gardener.

Gas heating

Along with the water method, this method can also be called optimal. If the greenhouse is small, bottled gas can be used. If the greenhouse has an industrial scale, natural main gas should be used. To do this, you need to obtain permission, buy equipment (burner and pipes) and carry out installation work.

It is profitable to use gas, because it is cheaper than electricity. However, when using such a resource, you should definitely equip the greenhouse with a good ventilation system. This somewhat reduces the efficiency of the greenhouse in comparison with the use of water heating, while the gas heating system remains one of the most popular and financially profitable.

VIDEO: Heating the earth in a greenhouse with air. Air pipes as thermal insulation

How to save on fuel

It is clear that an economical heated winter greenhouse is of interest to everyone - both ordinary summer residents and businessmen. We offer 2 very simple, but quite effective ways to save on heating.

  1. High beds - with biofuel where a 40-cm layer of soil rises above the heat source. Convenient, inexpensive, practical. Moreover, such ridges are easier to care for.
  2. Electrical heating cable. Frankly, it is hard to imagine that a modern heated winter greenhouse could do without such a simple, but very rational way of heating.

As we could see, a heated winter greenhouse will become a true and reliable friend for every gardener who wants to keep up the pace of production of his household even in the cold winter period. Moreover, its presence is simply necessary when running an agricultural business, because a properly equipped and heated greenhouse will save the entrepreneur from the scourge of seasonality.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself heating in a greenhouse is easy: Bubafonya stove

If you decide to build a stationary greenhouse for year-round growing vegetables, then in any case, you need to solve the issue of heating it in winter and during the transition period. There are many different ways to organize greenhouse heating, and most of them can be done by hand. In the article we will consider these methods, as well as give recommendations on calculating the power of the heating system and choosing a source of thermal energy.

Types of greenhouse heating

There are really a lot of options for heating such structures, no less than for private houses. This is easy to verify if you study the heating projects of farm greenhouses. different sizes posted on various Internet resources.

According to the method of transferring heat into the building, the heating system is of the following types:

  • air;
  • water;
  • combined with direct heating of the soil.

For reference. In large farm greenhouses, infrared heating is often used with gas or electric heaters.

In the first case, one or more heat sources directly heat the air in the building, which is easier and cheaper to implement. It is more difficult to make water heating in a greenhouse with your own hands, but the effect will be greater, since it makes it possible to heat the growth zones of vegetables, and not the entire volume of the building. The optimal solution is a combined one, when the planting soil and the air in the greenhouse building are heated separately.

When choosing a heating method, the question inevitably arises, what is the best way to heat a building, what energy carrier should be used for this purpose? There are several options here:

  • natural or liquefied gas;
  • electricity;
  • various types of solid fuel (wood, coal).

The choice of energy carrier depends on the individual conditions in each case, so you will have to make it yourself. We will consider how it is possible to heat a winter greenhouse with one or another fuel and what system schemes are used for this. True, there are alternative sources of heat, for example, solar collectors or geothermal systems. But the former are ineffective in winter, and the latter are incredibly expensive, so it makes no sense to take them into account.

Natural gas heating

This energy carrier is very convenient to use, although it will not work to conduct and connect it with your own hands, this should be done by a specialized company. If this point is not taken into account, and even the cost of gas for the population of different CIS countries, then this is one of the the best options for greenhouses. Using gas heating, you can organize air, water and infrared heating methods winter greenhouse.

A common practice is to install infrared gas heaters on the roof of the room. If the structure has a small width, then the units will be placed along the axis of the building in one row. It is important that all the beds fall within the coverage area of ​​the device in width (it is indicated in the operating instructions). When this cannot be achieved, gas appliances are placed in 2 or 3 rows.

The advantage of gas infrared heating in winter is the direct heating of the soil, and only then - the air in the greenhouse. The disadvantage is the need for a ventilation device to remove combustion products.

Another option is a gas boiler plus a greenhouse water heating system. It must be understood that in greenhouse facilities the main task is to provide plants with heat, and not to warm people. To do this, wiring is carried out from smooth pipes with a diameter of not more than 40 mm over the entire area. Moreover, their laying is carried out along each bed at a height of 20-30 cm from ground level. It is allowed to use the following types of wiring:

  • the supply line is along one wall, the return line is near the other. They are interconnected by transverse pipes running between the beds;
  • supply and return are laid along one wall. Each heating pipe runs along one bed, and returns past another;
  • the pipe is laid with a snake over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, forming a single heating circuit.

Advice. Shut-off valves must be installed on each branch so that the circuit can be turned off when the plants are already harvested.

Additionally, in order to warm the air inside the building, it is recommended to place several heaters near the walls. Usually these are do-it-yourself registers made of smooth pipes. As you already understood, it will take a lot of work to install such a system, but you will only spend money on a gas boiler and its connection. You can go the other way: arrange air heating of the greenhouse by installing several gas convectors.

Electric heating

If we talk about the device of water electric heating, then it is carried out in the same way as gas. Only the source of heat we now have is different - a heating element, electrode or induction boiler. No permits are required for its installation, and therefore the work can be done independently.

It is even easier to make infrared heating with hanging appliances, they do not require ventilation for their operation. They are placed in the same way as gas ones, by fixing to the roofing part.

There is an option combined heating winter greenhouse, when an electric heating cable or a heating film is laid in the ground. At the same time, the space inside the building is heated by air heaters (fan heaters) or self-made oil radiators. Here the choice is entirely yours, as long as there is enough electrical power supplied.

It is noteworthy that electric heating winter greenhouses can be economical, despite the high tariffs. After all, the coldest time is the night, when the cost of electricity is minimal, you just need to use a multi-tariff meter. In addition, such systems are easily regulated and automated.

Use of solid fuel

Heating greenhouses with wood is the most common and cheapest way, although troublesome. It is most often implemented using homemade stoves- brick or metal, for example, such as Buleryan.

One or more stoves are installed in the center of the structure, and its chimney is first laid horizontally and only then turns and goes outside. The goal is to extract as much heat from the flue gases as possible, so that the horizontal section can reach a length of 10 m.

Advice. A horizontal pipe should be laid with a slope towards the furnace in order to facilitate the passage of combustion products and improve natural draft.

When it is planned to install a water heating system, a solid fuel boiler is installed in the greenhouse or outside it. The first option is more preferable, since all the heat will remain inside the building, while the second one is used for the heat supply of several greenhouse structures from one solid fuel boiler. It is important to take into account 2 points: to insulate the highways passing along the street, and not to install shutoff valves on pipe sections outside the greenhouse.

How to choose a boiler for a greenhouse

Regardless of whether you decide to heat the building with wood or electricity, you must first find out the amount of heat needed for it. Here you can not do without calculation, and in order to complete it, you need to know the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor and the translucent part of the greenhouse. In addition, it is necessary to find data on the lowest daily temperature for your area, and also - average speed wind during these days. This information is specified in the standard called "Construction climatology and geophysics".

On the nomogram shown above, we find the graph corresponding to the lowest temperature. Then, from the abscissa axis (wind speed), we draw a line until we meet this graph and determine the specific heat loss along the ordinate axis in relation to the fencing coefficient. It is easier to show the calculation using an example for a greenhouse with a floor area of ​​700 m2, glazing - 980 m2. Then, with a wind of 4.7 m/s and a temperature of -30 °C, according to the graph, the value of Q/k is 388 W/m2.

Now we need to find the fencing coefficient k, it is equal to the ratio of the area of ​​translucent structures to the area of ​​the floor. In our example, k = 980/700 = 1.4, then Q = 388k = 388 x 1.4 = 543 W/m2. It remains only to find out the total heat loss by multiplying the specific (543 W / m2) by the area of ​​the polycarbonate greenhouse (700 m2): 700 x 543 \u003d 380,000 W or 380 kW.

To select a boiler for a greenhouse, you need to multiply the heat loss value by the safety factor. Whatever heat source you take - solid fuel or gas, it cannot work at maximum all the time. For those greenhouses that are built of polycarbonate or using glass, the safety factor will be 1.3, and those covered with ordinary film - at least 1.5.

Advice. It is better to always select a solid fuel boiler for long burning with a one and a half power reserve and large sizes firebox. This will save you from frequent loading of firewood or coal in the middle of the night.


The organization of heating a winter greenhouse is a simpler event than a heating device for a residential building. Here, almost all the work can be done independently, if you have the appropriate skills. The main thing is to choose a suitable heat source and energy carrier. Finally - the traditional advice on energy saving: in greenhouses it is very important to insulate the floors under the beds, which will provide significant savings. For this purpose, foam plastic with a thickness of at least 100 mm is well suited.

A heated greenhouse is a great way to extend the growing season and fruiting of vegetables. There are several ways to equip a heating system, the choice depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse and its purpose, as well as the resources available to you. You can install the heating system with your own hands.

It is advisable to install heating systems in year-round greenhouses or during early spring planting of vegetables, herbs and flowers.

Effective ways to heat greenhouses include:

  • furnace heating, including with air and water circuit;
  • water heating based on a solid fuel, gas or electric boiler;
  • heating with a gas gun;
  • electric heating with convectors or infrared heaters;
  • heating the soil with a heating cable or water heating pipes.

The methods can be combined, for example, by installing stove heating as the main source of heating and a heating cable as an additional one.

When installing a boiler and installing a water heating system, soil heating is also done with water, connecting pipes with a separate circuit.

Heating with gas guns is quite effective - the room warms up quickly, and the gas consumption is small. The gun takes up little space and is quite safe to use.

When using electric heating as the main one, it is recommended to use infrared heaters - they heat the soil and the plants themselves without drying out the air. Convectors heat the air, while in the lower part of the greenhouse - in the root zone - the temperature remains low, and at the top - excessively high. For this reason, convectors are usually used only for temporary heating.

Furnace heating of the greenhouse

Furnaces for greenhouses can be metal or brick. The second option is preferable - the brick heats up longer, but at the same time it retains heat well and cools down for a long time, and the temperature in the greenhouse remains stable. When heated with a brick oven, the air does not dry out, the humidity remains at an acceptable level.

Metal stoves warm up quickly, but have a low heat capacity and heat only as long as the firewood is burning. At the same time, the walls of the devices become very hot and dry the air. For this reason, metal furnaces are often equipped with a water circuit with registers or radiators - the heated water in them cools down gradually, smoothing out temperature fluctuations.

Metal stoves for greenhouses

  • metal stoves are mobile, they can be installed for several cold months, and removed in summer;
  • they do not require the arrangement of the foundation and do not take up much space;
  • by choosing a suitable model, you can connect a water circuit;
  • the price of metal furnaces is not too high;
  • installation and installation can be done by hand, even without the skills of laying furnaces.

Disadvantages of metal furnaces:

  • the heating process cannot be automated, the furnace will have to be heated manually;
  • metal stoves dry the air, so it is necessary to install water containers in the greenhouse to humidify the air.

You can install the stove both in the greenhouse itself, and in the vestibule or utility room, bringing the air or water circuit into the greenhouse. The chimney from a metal stove can be placed in the space of the greenhouse, setting it at an angle of at least 15 degrees - this will provide additional heating. In this case, an uninsulated metal pipe is used. To pass through the roof or wall of the greenhouse, it is necessary to use special heat-insulated boxes.

Long chimney creates additional heating

Note! When installing the stove, it is important to take care of its stability! If the stove topples over, it may cause a fire or damage to the greenhouse!

An overview of popular and inexpensive models of metal furnaces is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Furnaces for heating industrial greenhouses.

Models, illustrationsShort description

Compact and inexpensive furnace with the simplest possible design. Thermal power of 4 kW allows heating a greenhouse up to 80 m3, that is, an area of ​​25-30 m2. The body of the stove is made of steel, firewood is used as fuel. The surface of the stove can be used as a stove, for example, to heat water for irrigation or humidification.

A small stove made of heat-resistant steel, equipped with side convectors that distribute warm air. Power 6 kW, designed for greenhouses up to 60 m2 in size. The firebox door has a viewing window with glass, which allows you to control the process of burning firewood. On the top surface there is a burner on which you can heat water. Fuel - firewood or incinerated garbage.

Stove with a power of 5 kW for heating greenhouses with an area of ​​up to 50 m2. Equipped with a casing with convection holes that contribute to uniform heat transfer. There is a burner on the surface. Fuel is wood. Differs in stability, the small sizes and weight.

Power 6 kW, greenhouse area - 60-80 m2. The sides of the oven are protected by casings, so that they do not heat up to temperatures that are dangerous for plants. Casings are equipped with convection openings. The door is firmly locked, which eliminates smoke. A convenient ash box allows you to collect it and use it as fertilizer.

Power 6 kW, area - up to 60 m2. The furnace is made according to the type of gas generator and has two combustion chambers. In the first one, firewood is burned, in the second, afterburning of flue gases takes place. The walls of the furnace are formed by hollow pipes. Cold air enters there from the bottom, heats up when the stove is fired and exits through the top. Due to constant air exchange, the stove does not overheat. Air ducts can be connected to the pipes, and the oven itself can be installed in an adjacent room. The furnace has a long burning mode - up to 10 hours.

A 6 kW furnace for heating a greenhouse up to 60 m2 is equipped with a water jacket located around the walls of the furnace. Connected to the water heating system. The furnace works like a gas generator, equipped with a long burning mode. It has a compact size and high efficiency. As fuel, you can use any firewood, woodworking waste, branches, cardboard. Easy to maintain and safe.

Note! The choice of furnaces for greenhouses is very large, when choosing, you need to pay attention to thermal power and functionality.

Installation of a metal furnace in a greenhouse

Step 1. Prepare a solid base of paving slabs, bricks or tightly packed earth. It is better to place the stove in the center of the greenhouse so that the heating is more even. Furnaces with an air or water circuit are placed in any convenient place, observing the fire-prevention distances indicated in the passport.

Step 2 Install the stove on the prepared surface, check whether it will be convenient to load firewood and remove ashes. If there is a main wall, the furnace is installed with the back wall to it.

Step 3 Connect the chimney of the desired diameter to the chimney using a heat-resistant sealant. The installation of the chimney must be carried out in accordance with the diagram. Narrowing of the chimney is not allowed.

Step 4 If necessary, connect a water or air circuit.

Note! Furnaces with a water heat exchanger must not be fired without a filled heating system, as this will damage it.

Brick stoves for greenhouses

Brick heating stoves are usually used in year-round greenhouses. Brick ovens can effectively heat a greenhouse even during the frosty winter months due to their increased heat capacity. Any heating stove is suitable for a greenhouse, the main thing is that the heat output matches the area. Below is the laying technology of a simple brick oven.

To build a brick oven you will need:

  • solid ceramic brick - 220 pcs.;
  • fireclay bricks - 80 pcs.;
  • clay masonry mortar - 80 l;
  • chamotte masonry mortar - 30 l;
  • concrete for the foundation - 0.25 m 3;
  • finished cast iron products - grate, furnace, blower and cleaning doors, smoke damper;
  • scraps of roofing material or glass isol.

A sectional drawing of the furnace is shown in the figure. The height of the furnace to the chimney is 215 cm, the structure can be placed in almost any greenhouse of standard sizes. The horizontal dimensions of the furnace are 51x77 cm.

Step 1. Foundation arrangement. A solid foundation is required for any brick oven. It is made of reinforced concrete with a thickness of at least 20-30 cm. Under the foundation, soil is removed from an area of ​​70x100 cm to a depth of 35-40 cm. The bottom is leveled with coarse-grained sand with a layer of 20 cm, and formwork from boards is installed around the perimeter. Reinforcement bars Ø12 mm are laid in the form of two rows of lattice with a step of 20 cm. Concrete is mixed and poured into the prepared pit. The foundation is dried for at least three weeks, moistening the surface from time to time.

Step 2 Ash pan and furnace masonry. Start laying the furnace according to the scheme. The first 4 rows are laid out of red brick on clay masonry mortar. Install the ash pan door, fixing it in the masonry with a wire.

Fastening the legs to the frame of the furnace door: 1 - door; 2 - frame; 3 - paws.
Overlapping of the furnace door: A - overlap; B - "to the castle"; B - wedge-shaped brick

Rows 5 to 12 are laid out from fireclay bricks for refractory solution. In the 5th row, a grate is laid. In 6.7 and 8 rows, a furnace door is installed. Rows 9 to 12 form the vault of the firebox.

Step 3 Rows from 13 to 15 are also laid from fireclay bricks on a refractory mortar. Rows 13 and 14 cover the vault of the firebox, and a cleaning door is installed in 15. From the 16th row, the laying is again carried out with red brick. In the 16th row, the installation of the cleaning door continues. Rows 17 to 21 form smoke channels. In the 22nd row, they put the first smoke damper.

Step 4 Rows 23 to 27 continue the smoke channels. In the 28th row, the narrowing of the channel is laid out; in the 29th, a second smoke damper is installed. Rows 30 and 31 form the roof of the furnace. Starting from the 32nd row, put chimney the desired height of 4 bricks with dressing.

The process of laying the furnace is shown in detail in the video.

Video - Laying a small heating stove

Note! For greenhouses of low height, it is possible to build a stove with horizontally located smoke channels.

Water heating in a greenhouse can be done in two ways: by connecting the greenhouse to the heating system at home or by installing a separate boiler. Connection to common system perform a separate circuit so that it can be turned off and the water drained.

In the case of installing a separate heating system, a boiler is installed in the greenhouse.

Depending on the most accessible and cheap fuel, this can be a boiler:

  • gas;
  • solid fuel;
  • electric;
  • universal.

A gas boiler is considered the most economical and convenient to use. It maintains the set mode automatically, while heating the greenhouse is inexpensive. To remove combustion products from gas boilers, a coaxial chimney is used, the surface of which practically does not heat up.

Solid fuel boilers, depending on the modification, can run on wood, coal and pellets. This fuel is also inexpensive, but the level of automation of most solid fuel boilers is low, they require constant monitoring and loading.

Electric boilers are different high level automation, can maintain the temperature in day and night mode. They are compact, silent and completely safe. They have only one drawback - the high price of electricity.

How to choose a boiler for a greenhouse

The choice of a boiler for a greenhouse depends primarily on its size and the type of crops grown. If there is gas on the site, it is more profitable and more convenient to heat a greenhouse of any area using a gas boiler. In non-gasified areas, you have to choose between other types of boilers.

In a year-round greenhouse with an area of ​​​​more than 50 m 2, with available firewood, it is better to install a solid fuel boiler. In this case, the cost of its installation and installation of the chimney will pay off in 1-3 years.

AT small greenhouse with periodic use, it is not advisable to install a solid fuel boiler. It is easier to install a low-power electric boiler - it does not require a specially designated place and installation of a chimney, and in this case the energy costs will be low.

Polycarbonate winter greenhouses have long ceased to be a rarity: modern technologies allow you to create the necessary microclimate in them and grow greens, vegetables and even berries for your table or for sale. Read more.

Calculation of the number of radiators

To ensure a favorable microclimate in the greenhouse, it is necessary to first determine the required number of radiators. The calculation for greenhouses with a height of less than 3 meters can be carried out according to a simplified scheme - by area.

The area is determined by the formula:

S = a*b

whereS - greenhouse area, m 2;a andb - length and width of the greenhouse, m.

The calculated thermal power of the greenhouse is determined by the formula:

P = S * 120,

whereP is the calculated thermal power, W;S - greenhouse area, m 2.

Calculation of the number of radiator sections:


wheren is the number of radiator sections of the selected type;p is the thermal power of one section of the radiator, indicated in the data sheet, W.

The resulting number of sections is evenly distributed throughout the greenhouse, distributing them over several radiators.

Note! For greenhouses, it is better to choose radiators of minimum height - this way the root space and soil will fully warm up.

Installation of a water heating system

Regardless of the type of boiler chosen, the greenhouse water heating system is installed according to the same scheme.

In addition to the boiler, the system includes:

  • pipes and radiators;
  • circulation pump;
  • expansion tank;
  • security group;
  • coarse filter;
  • balancing valve
  • in the case of heating several circuits - a collector unit.

For solid fuel boilers and high power greenhouses, it is also recommended to install a heat accumulator. The heating circuit connection diagram is shown in the figure.

Step 1. Boiler installation. To install a solid fuel boiler, it is better to equip a vestibule or boiler room. Gas and electric boilers are located directly in the greenhouse.

Depending on the type, the unit is installed on the floor or hung on a solid wall. For floor installation, it is necessary to prepare a solid horizontal base - concrete foundation or paving slabs laid on a sand cushion.

Step 2 Chimney connection. This step is performed for solid fuel or gas boilers. For solid fuel boilers, a stainless steel sandwich chimney is used. It is brought out through the roof or wall in accordance with the scheme.

For gas boilers use a coaxial chimney. It is taken out directly through the wall at the installation site of the boiler. Due to the complete combustion of gas in boilers, the output is water vapor and carbon dioxide with a small content of other elements, so the smoke from gas boilers is not dangerous for the walls of the greenhouse and the respiratory organs of people.

Step 3 Connecting radiators to the heating system. Radiators are mounted on the walls, evenly distributing them throughout the greenhouse. An air valve is installed on each radiator - a Mayevsky tap, as well as valves with which you can block the flow of water into the radiator. Radiators are mounted according to the selected scheme. For the heating system, pipes Ø20-Ø25 mm are used.

Step 4 Expansion tank installation. For a forced circulation system, an expansion tank of a closed membrane type is usually used. It does not have strict requirements for the installation site. The membrane expansion tank is a sealed cylinder, the interior of which is separated by a polymer membrane. One part of the tank is filled with air, the other - with a coolant. With excessive heating and expansion of the coolant, the membrane bends, and the air in the other chamber is compressed. This equalizes the pressure in the system.

The tank is mounted in the system anywhere, usually immediately after leaving the boiler or in front of the circulation pump. Connection is made from below through the valve.

Step 5 Installation of the security group. The safety group consists of a pressure gauge, safety valve and an air vent, which are placed on a steel manifold equipped with a coupling for connection to the system. Connect the security group immediately after the boiler in a place with maximum temperature and pressure.

Step 6 Installation of the circulation pump. The circulation pump is necessary to maintain a stable pressure in the system. It is installed on the return pipe before entering the boiler. A coarse filter must be placed in front of the pump.

Step 7 Pressurization with air. It is carried out to identify defects in equipment and installation. After the installation is completed, a special compressor is connected to the system, all Mayevsky valves and taps are closed, then the pressure indicated in the passport for the boiler and radiators is applied. After stabilizing the pressure, inspect all joints and nodes, check them with soap foam: apply it with a sponge to the joints and make sure that there are no bubbles.

After successful pressure testing, the boiler and the system are filled with coolant, and a trial run of the boiler is carried out. Air is bled using Mayevsky taps and the system is balanced using balancing taps on radiators.

Note! Gas and electric boilers with a high level of automation can be equipped with a circulation pump, expansion tank and safety devices. Before installing the system, carefully read the instructions for the boiler.

Electric heating of the greenhouse

Infrared heaters are usually used to heat a greenhouse: they heat the soil and create a feeling of warmth, while objectively the temperature in the greenhouse can be moderate, and electricity costs are low. In some cases, other types of heaters are also used.

Calculation required amount infrared heaters are performed according to a simplified scheme: for every 10 m 2 of a greenhouse, 1 kW of heater power is needed. For example, for a greenhouse with an area of ​​30 m 2, heaters with a total power of 3 kW are needed. This power is evenly distributed to several devices.

Infrared heaters are suspended from the frame of the greenhouse on brackets and connected to electrical network. If necessary, heating can be automated by connecting temperature sensors located at a height of 80-100 cm. Light from heaters should not fall on the sensors, otherwise measurement errors may occur.

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  • In winter? Now there are many ways to do it in a greenhouse heating with your own hands. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore, in order to choose the ideal option for greenhouse heating with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the following selection criteria:

    • greenhouse size;
    • financial opportunities;
    • climatic features of the region;
    • the need of different greenhouse plants for heating.

    Heated winter greenhouse - projects, photos:


    This is the most natural way of heating. In order for the sun to heat the greenhouse better, you need to place it in the sunniest place and choose the right covering material. The ideal coverage is glass.

    The rays of the sun pass through the coating, heat the earth and air. Heat is given back much weaker due to the density of the structure and covering material. The greenhouse is best heated in the form hemispheres or arches.


    • profitability;
    • environmental friendliness.


    • in winter, this method can only be used in the southern regions;
    • at night, the temperature can drop sharply, which will lead to the death of plants.


    How to heat a greenhouse in winter? The next way to heat a greenhouse in winter is electric. For a small and hermetic structure, this would be ideal.

    There are different ways electric heating greenhouses in winter

    • convection systems;
    • water heating;
    • heaters;
    • cable heating;
    • Heat pump.

    Heaters for greenhouses have different mechanism of action.

    The common advantage of such structures is that they respond to temperature changes and automatically create ideal microclimate. With the correct placement of electric heaters, the greenhouse will heat evenly, which will significantly improve plant growth.


    • profitability;
    • mobility (most of these devices can be configured to the parameters of any greenhouse);
    • ventilation.


    • if there is a shortage of heaters, the air will warm up unevenly;
    • soil heating is very limited.


    System air heating installed during the construction of the greenhouse. Its installation is very complicated, so a specialist should deal with this matter.

    How to do heating in a greenhouse? Special heating and ventilation devices are installed in the base of the foundation and in the frame of the building, which distribute warm air at the top of the greenhouse. Due to this, hot air does not enter the plants themselves and does not burn the tender leaves of the seedlings.

    To heat the soil, around the perimeter of the greenhouse, you can install perforated heating sleeve.

    Winter greenhouses with heating - photo: